The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 19, 1891, Image 4

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,4 U
V 4
Hot Griddle Cakes.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Fowiler possesses a peculiar
merit not approached by that of any other baking: powder.
It produces the hot buckwheat, Indian or wheat cakes, hot
v . uio.uik, o vi iiiuiuita, 't. tui;v; itiailltll
. ' things may be eaten when hot with impunity by persons of
the most delicate digestive organs. Dr. Trice's Cream Bak
ing Towdcr leavens without firmentation or decomposition.
In its preparation none but the purest of cream of tartar, so
da, etc. is used, and in suc'i exact equivalents as to always
guarantee a perfectly neutv.i! result, thereby giving the natu
ral and sweet flavor peculiar to buckwheat and other flour
rthat may be used, the natural flavor so much desired and ap
preciated by all. The oldest patrons of Dr. Prices powder tell
the story, that 1 hey can never
other leavening agent, that
jj are never so iignt ana never taste so sweet or so gooa as
, ,1 when raised with Dr. Prices Cream Baking Powder.
-' Yimt frio uls may not know much, but they
know hat ihev nuuM do if they were in your
J liKV.
Tr. V llliams' Indian Pile Ointment will row
Blin i. BlediiiR and ltetahnt riles when a'.l otliei
ointment have failed. It absorb; the tumors,
aliavn the itching at once, act as a poultice.
Siren instant relief. rr W illiams' Indian Pi'.u
intmcut i prepared only for Piles anil ltehicj
of the private parts, and nothing eUe, livery
box lswaantod. Sold by druuitista, or sent by
mail on receipt tif pric. "iy ami II wr bos.
Proprietor, Cleveland, 0.
Tst Girhea for breakfast.
Leadincr medical authorities
state that new and improperly
cured tobacco when heated in
the pipe produces a rank vege
table poison. '
fV ....... ltl.A 1 .- Wa .... ...,7 u .....
. , , , .
. I hlS IS the reason Why beal
of North Carolina" is the most i
populaar brand of smoking to
co in the United States. It
tiacKHge ,
tJamplin was im tojtar, at least
f that day. What tJecauie r CU rnel-
Ao not pretend to say.
Las asserted that myself ant
to Portland with Mrs. Cham
tie the business w ith the Iu-:ed in Patoul
"jiat Ir. C. loaned the mo
"" ut.. They &"
.Mt. .i i ni
fcmplin's writing. They injifm
lady nude oath before1.1 iU
tor that he had placed lh'o
es iu the mail sacks herself, and
like innumerable other assert J
neof which are true. Neither
adlebaugh nor nivself were evt' !
rtland with Mrs. Champlin, ne-.,
us ever loaned her a cent. The 3
pt for the packages is not , in ;
ndwritiug, and she made no oath
y kind before the Inspector. In fa
all the assertions which w e I
lard cuiceriiing the matter, ot
truey,''R. O. Evans is repeating
Us not know to be true, and.
relies on his imagination,.!
him we can find so m excuse, j.
ieves what he tias heard. As to
!mt interest Mrf. C. Stanley Stowell,
th hiiliinous documents aud
s in the matter we are
He seems to im
I Hs's counsel, or some-
Balifornian Illustrations
Academy of Science buildiuirA,,,,,,...., f,.
Cal. Devoted to the interests of V'tccssaiy to
from Alnska to M-xico. A Library Aleuce With
World. Beautifully Il'mtmUd, ai.S. . '
gooa things by tne tie'-t writers, lusoimiein
subscription at ?.!. Snd 'Lr cents for), .u.wt.r
Number. The California hns thif al1- lt;auy
dilution of any Illustrated JloutliiVarties iu-
WHlt nF "pw VntL- 1
i we nave
the street
Thia couion will be receiv
EUSSlOll .
WRKiHT, The Iowa Jeweler, i
treet, oiinofiite Fostolhce. iK a. ner cent.
1uyuitMi on any purcnane at nis store.
Watch und jewelry repairing a speciulty,
Pacific Medicine Co., 529 Clay St.. Kan Francisco.
Portland. Oreann. A P. Airitrnnff Prin
Branch School: Capital Bus. Coxkgk, Salem, Orfgon
Dame ijurses 01 siuay, saioe rales 01 luiuou.
Business. Shorthand,
Typewriting; Penmanship, and EngXsh Drfiartmenti
tfIn session throughout the yfar. KludenUia'imlt
ted at any time. Catalogue from either school, free
H O Y T & CO.
Want an apect In every towa In Oregon, Wash
ington and Idaho to sell
Music teachers preferred. Special ratos on al
quwd. n jur pariicuiare.
mil6 $7! in four days on ray Electric Corself
?wpeciaiueB. MOpereentprofHandcaab
free. iJr.ariagman.BroaAlway.iM. y .
Qn Pan n
au i ui y
get the same results from any
their griddle cakes, biscuits, etc.
The ,Hiu u( lite I'hii.
"Talk about the early martyrs," said a
lady, as she mine out of a crowded con
cert room t lie ot lier evening. " l hev are
absolutely nothitit; to ine. Hero I am
just np from au attack of influenza, and
I I'll warrant myself to have another at-
i tack, and all for the selfish stupidity of
; one old woman with a fan. I wish peo-
I pie had more consideration or sense or
j something," and the speaker stopped to
I sneeze and pull her wraps closer about
her throat.
"And she sat there by your side and
waved one of those great, strong, gusty
fans, creating a breezo like a young
whirlwind, until yon are all of a chill, I
suppose," said her friend.
"Indeed, yes, and the more I pulled up
my scarf the harder she fanned. There
wasn't a vacant seat in the house or 1
would have taken it. 1 didn't like to
ask her to stop, tor she hadn't a specially
inviting com;teuance. And I have taken
a severe l, fur every brjrie in my body
aches. I 'hink there should be a rule
against f.-asin crowds, just as there is
against c.iues and umbrellas in art gal
leries. Yon can mend statues or build
more, but there isn't any remedy that 1
know of, when once we are dead from
jonsebm'y's carelessness or indifference."
But it is ea.-y enough to use a fan so
as to disturb no one: wave it gently
forward and back, never from side to
"V 110 rToa w,,y ,K'?l',e on.u
mate taeir reiguoors nncomiortaiue uy
such acts when a lit tle sense and con
sideration would make every one com
fortable. 1 think there are very few
delicate persons who have not at some
time iu their lives suffered from the too
vigorous waving of a fan in the vicinity.
Indeed anyone, however well, is serious
ly exposed to colds if on coming into an
assembly often quite heated from hur
ried walking, a current of uir from a fan
is .directed across the neck and shoul
ders. 1 have made up my mind that
one who is careless or inconsiderate
enough to use a fan to my discomfort is
a suitable subject for a reprimand,' and
that, then and there, she will get it."
New York Ledger.
Keligion Depends on Physiology.
Before and since my fasts of forty
days, in Minneapolis in 1377 and New
York in 1880, 1 have given much time to
the investigation of the physiological
and psychological effects of food, and as
a result of my study and experiments I
unqualifiedly assert that the prevailing
skepticism as to the superior claims of a
vegetarian diet for the best development
of man in his entirety is only compatible
with the most incorrigible indifference
and mournful destitution of knowledge,
scriptural and otherwise, on a subject of
vital importance.
It is not often that the claim is set up
bat the ju stion of food just as properly
j-gs tof.he domain of theology as to
Und 64p' ) et 1 champion the claim,
?o iwicerinS how much the happi-eon-cni.
'.velfare of human ky depends
No-e is fondness and precision of its
named sei I It , , ,
tentioiWonif elisions' views, and not for
eininv iinrl t-ver increasing control which
fore H .' 1!.
suites Orcu 'oof exerts over the masses of
tn, tit .(iiMl endeavor to prove, to the
iota miil,j at least that the ad.
p-irchase tna a')soIte or perfect re
3 of the BtJauglrt and lived by the Man of
Kw-Which Wii3 ion of prac-
She nt I10t of tue"rJ" depends upon a
liercorr understanding of physiology,
old' Yuay Physiology of the digestive
l. o'.iatus. Dr. Tanner in Kansas City
defnAa 1
Kepriuiandine His Own Sou.
A story is told of Dr, Clark Kendrick.
On one occasion, iu a high pew in the
gallery of one of the old fashioned
churches, some boys, during the time of
worship, got to cracking and eating
nuts. His keen eye perceived it, and
that one of his own sons was with them.
He stopped, and with a countenance
both grieved and vexed said, "D ,
come and sit on the pulpit stairs and eat
your nuts." St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
Tom Fitch's Hoval !,rVi?',"-iAV,i,:
Sow on ':e at the principal book Mores Hi-nt to
any aildresH, charEi prepaid, on leceipt of postal
note for 1. Vfital disc unt to flealers. Aiklrcs
Better Days'' Pub t.'o.,rooni 74,L'hrr'.c!e blilif,S.F.
If you want POWDKR for Mining.
Railroad Work, b'tunip Blasting or Tie
I'lantini?. send for Price Lint,
Posijfiv ly Cured wtth Vegetable Remedial
Have cured thousands of cases. Cure cases pro
aouufced hopeless by best physicians. From Krstdosc
jymrftoms disappear: in ten day-a'.lesst two-thlrdt
til tfmptomf removed. Send for free book testimo
nial of miraculous curea. Ten .lays' treatment
free by mall. If you order trtal, send 10c. In stamps
or eav postage. DH. H.H.Green & Sons. Atlnntji
(US-ou order trial return tbl advertisement to us.
II KipUlns Ilia IVeullnr Hallucination,
Heiian Dliialnit Over Immortality His
Fail Was to (Set Klrh by liaising Ita.l
Uiics All 11 cn Seem Iu lt Ilia Knemlva.
1 Wits one insane, and 1 often tnuse
over my experience. Then.' are of course
many kinds of insanity Som mental
disorders takt place so gradually that
rveu the closest companions of the vic
tim are at a loss to remember when th
trouble began, it must hav been this
way in my citse. One evening, after an
oppressively warns day, a day when I
experienctnl more fatiguo from the heat
than ever Ivfora or since, I sat on my
Hivh fanning myself. "This arm that
is now in motion," 1 incised, "must one
of these days bo dttst. 1 wonder how
long will the time be."
Then I mused upon the evidence I had
of immortality I could do things that
other people could not accomplish. 1
had gone through battle after battle,
and though bullets sang and struck
around me as thick as hail, yet I remained
uninjured. I had passed through epi
demics of yellow fever. My idea gained
strength as 1 mused, and I was convinced
that I should live forever. No, this can
not bo, for death follows all men alike.
Yes, 1 am to die like other men. aud I
believe that it is my duty to make the
most of life; to make money and enjoy
myself, and to educate my children. I
wanted to be rich, and 1 began to study
over an imaginary list of enterprise
At last 1 hit upon radishes. People
must have radishes. They should be in
every shop. They could bo dried and
sold in winter. I would plant fifty
acres with radish seed, and people all
over the country woidd refer to me as
the "radish king." t would form a
radish syndicate, and buy up all the
radishes and travel and be admired. 1
hastened to the hono to tell my wife
that she was soon to be a radish queen.
At the breakfast table I said, "Julia,
how would yon like to bo a radish queen?"
"A what!" she exclaimed.
I explained my plan of acquiring great
wealth, aud during the recital she be
haved so curiously that I was alarmed.
I feared that she was losing her mimL
Finally she seemed to understand. She
agreed with me. but told me not to say
anything more about ,it. After brenk I saw her talking earnestly with her
father, and 1 know that she was ex
plaining to the old gentleman how she
intended to pay his debts when I be
came known as the radish king. The
old man approached me with much con
cern, and told me that I needed rest and
that I must not think of business.
He was old and sadly worried, and I
promised him that 1 would not think of
business. Pretty soon I went out to in
spect my radish kingdom. Looking
round I saw the old man following ma
From the field 1 went to the village. I
approached a friend and 1 told him how
I intended to become rich. He seemed
grieved, and 1 saw at once that he was
contemplating the same enterprise. It
seemed mean that he should take advan
tage of uie and 1 told him so. He tried
to explain, but he made me so angry
that I would have struck him if my
father-in-law had not come up and sepa
rated us. 1
I tried to calm myself, but could not.
Those who had been my friends proved
to be my enemies, and 1 was determined
to be avenged; but before 1 could exe
cute my will 1 was seized by several
men. My father-in-law did not attempt
to rescue me, . and 1 hated him. 1 was
taken to prison. My wife came to see
me, but she did not try to have me re
leased. , 1 demanded a trial, but no law
yer would defend mo.
Then 1 realized that the entire com
munity was against me. I became so
wroth that my anger seemed to hang
over me like a dark cloud. It pressed
me to the floor, and held me there. Men
came after a long time and took me
away, 1 thought, to another prison. One
day a cat came into my cell, and I tried
to bite her. She made the hair fly, but
I killed her.
I don't know how long I remained
here, but one morning the sun rose and
shone in at me through the window. It
seemed to be the first time that I had
seen the great luminary for months. A
mist cleared from before my eyes. My
brain began to work, and suddenly 1 re
alized that I had been insane I called
the keeper, and when he saw me he ex
claimed, "Thank heaven!" and grasped
my hand.
1 was not .long in putting on another
suit of clothes and turning my face to
ward home. A physician said that 1 was
cured, and everybody seemed bright and
happy at my recovery. 1 went home.
My wife fainted when she saw me and
learned that I had recovered my mind.
I asked for my little children, and two
big boys and a young lady came forward
and greeted me. 1 had been in the asy
lum twelve years. Pearson's Weekly.
African Wit.
Stanley told a friend a story which
illustrates the African's qnickness of re
tort. "1 was talking with one of the
Ugangas," said Stanley, "while a monkey
the native had tamed was jumping from
limb to limb of a tree near by. In a
spirit of fun I said: 'You are not so very
much unlike monkeys. You Ugangas
speak to each other after a fashion, and
the monkeys make signs to each other
They understand each other, and that's
all you can do when you talk. Neither
you nor the monkeys know anything
that is going on outside of these great
"The Uganga man thought for a mo
ment, and then ran up to the monkey,
that had perched on a low limb near us.
Ben ling over the monkey, the man blew
on the monkey's back, separating the fur
as a furrier does in exhibiting askin to a
purchaser. Then he turned to me aud
pointed with a triumphant gesture to
the monkey, saying. 'Moiikdy skin white;
Uganga man's piack.' "New York Sun.
The wnrM nmowntM success of lliwletter'a
Stomach Hitlers, atut their continue! pu Its rlt y
for over a thlrtt ot a century aa a klomaehle, Is
scarcely more wonderful than th welcome that
Ktveta the animal Hmx'uriiticn of Hosteller's Al
manac, 'I bis valuably medical treatise is pub
lished liyTho lloslt'ttcrComrmny, I'lttslmrH, I'a.,
miller tlielr own iinmcillale siivrvlnloii, cm
ploytiiK sivty haiuls in thai ilcarlmeii, They
are ruiiiiliiK about eleven months iu the year on
Ibis work, ami the italic of same for st will be
more than Ki.tWouO, jiriuteil in the Kiiullali, tier
man, French. Welsh. Norwegian, Hwetilsh, Hol
land, rtohciulan anil Spanish Iiiiim iiiimch. liefer
In a copy of It for valuable ami lutcrcsltuit read
Inn ooiieeruliiK health, ami numerous ti allinit
nlals as lo the ettli ucy of Hosteller's Stomach
Hitters, amusement, varicil Information, astro
mimical ciilculii'.loua ami chnniotoKical items,
etc., which can be lccoilcil on fcr correctness,
the Almanac for Ivrjcsu hcohtalucit free of cost
from ilriiKKista ami lioncml country dealers In all
)ai'ta of the country.
The IteooMliiK Anitol never strides a balance
on bis bonks by what Is said of a man ou his
niK ruodUKxs ok thk iknti hv
Leans titiity from HUperstitiuii ninl blind
idolatry of isina and lea - idiopathic in
cluded. It leans to run universal, all-ileter-luining
law; towards facts, not lunclca. It
Iciitis towards Imiiuitithto principles and In
vulnerable trutli, and away from superan
nuated authorit v, orKunued iiriioriinco and
dyed-in-the-wool prejudice, lllind empir
icism in medicine I ma, with other fossilised
bivalves, bad its tiny. Yea, there are plenty
of " belated cniba," but beiun born of dark
ness und fear-twin aistcrs of intcllccttiiti
infancy tiny cannot much longer with
stand inlliicueu ot advancing
science. Thev tire slow ly hut surely "dr
ill K i'K.vpt, ilyiiist," before the "'acareli
liK'ht" of invest iKiit ion. The advancing
thinker wonders how it was possible, for
that monstrosity the medical science (?)
extant now-to nave survived to thia'latu
day I Hut where was the reform to come
I'roint It ia not onlv passe to attempt re
form, it is outright daiik'erous. It rcijuircs
a boldness tikin to recklessness. Lckioii la
the mime who have tried; they have left
(heir blcaehiiin lames as a warning. An at
tempt at refonniiiK theology hriimla von n
" heretic;'1 In politics you are charged w ith
every intaiiiy under the sun, and in medi
cine every din k intellect "itinokH " ut you
u til you are accused of having no diploma
w hen your diploma is on lile in the court
house under the very eyes of the slander
ers. All this is caused' by besotted ignor
ance, and since books are sent fire of charge
to every applicant and we pay the postage,
there is no excuse lor ignorance w hen it
costs nothing to be informed. People who
berate the Mistogenetie system of medicine
are either iiitcllcctuul pariahs iiicupahle of
counting five m amveesion or understand
ing any'.'xl problem, or they are mental
sluggards and cannot screw themselves up
to the point of information by reading up
and forming a cimclti.-ion. In either case
their opinions are us valuable as thut of
l'uget bound oysters,
Ir. Jordan's otllce Is at the residence o(
ex-Mayor Yealur, Third and James streets,
Seattle, Wash.
Consultations aud prescription absolute
ly frtt.
bend for free book explaining the 11 is to
genetic system.
Caption. The Histogenetio Medicines
are sold in but one agency in each town.
The label around the bottle Ix'urs the fol
lowing inscription: "lr. J. Ktigene Jor
dan, Histogenetio Medicine." Kvery other
device is a fraud.
When a man has lust bis opisirtunlty he doci
not know n here to look for it iikuIii.
Peter Magerus, 2.U Johnson avenue,
T.rooklyn, X. Y., says:
"During the last eighteen . years I have
been using over fifty Ai.lcock's Plahtkrv a
year iu my family. I have found them a
most perfect external remedy. They have
repeatedly cured me of rlieutuutisni, to
which I am subject every winter. They
have cured me of pains, in the sides and
back three times. My wife, children and
mother-in-law tell me Ai.i.cock's Plastkks
are the best remedy ever made, so agree
able, so certain. I know they have cured
my wife of pains in the hack and of a se
vere cough. My mother-in-law lias been
cured of a most severe cold, w hich threat
ened to turn into pneumonia, by Ai.lcoi k's
Those who have not
used Boschee's Ger
man Syrup for some
severe and chronic
trouble of the Throat
and Lungs can hard
A Throat
and Lung
ly appreciate what a truly wonder
ful medicine it is. The delicious
sensations of healing, easing, clear
ing, strength-gathering and recover
ing are unknown joys. For Ger
man Syrup we do not ask easy cases.
Sugar and water may smooth a
throat or stop a tickling for a while.
This is as far as the ordinary cough
medicine goes. Boschee's German
Syrup is a discovery, a great Throat
and Lung Specialty. Where for
years there have been sensitiveness,
pain, coughing, spitting, hemorr
hage, voice failure, weakness, slip
ping down hill, where doctors and
medicine and advice have been swal
lowed and followed to the gulf of
despair, where there is the sickening
conviction that all is over and the
end is inevitable, fliere we place
German Syrup. It cures. You are
a live man yet if you take it. 0
Otiny liver pills
equiilly elTectlvoj purely TeKctaUlo. J
Kxaetaizo ahown In thia border.
The Specific A No. I.
(;nre, wlthouf full, all caws ot 0wvr'
hea and WQoet, no mailer of him 'on
Htitntihig. INi'VettK Htrii:lure, It lolnv . In
termil remeily. Cures n lien everythln;.' ole
hus fulled. Hold hv nil DniKSists.
itluiiufactiirvra: Tbe A.deliMenhelt Mat Ionic
Prler. S3.1K). v " " J08t'' ul-
Biff O lathaaeknowledeaa
leading remedy for all th
unnatural dlncharRa aod
private dl8aa of men. Al
certain cere for the debili
tating weakneaa peculiar
to women.
r.i-M. In
I ...ini VR.
UrDtl art ta I
XldnirPT ipnw!r:iitftnaiTCiiv
THEEvtMSOHEMiraitTO. in reeommendiDa It W
CMlciaaii,.-M - rc JBn.. .... h.
Ua -CVS a. . oiuncn, m u,,ueupiun,ii,
BOW dt uranitun
N. P, N. V, No, 418 -S, F. 25. Ui No. 485
IIOW'H Til 18 1
We oftcr One llitmlreit Oollara Kvwant for any
ease of Catarrh that can no, be ouied by taklnn
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J.CIIKNK.Y A CO., Propa., Toledo. O,
We, the uuilerslMiied, have known K.J. Cheney
for the last lllbsui veins, and be 1 1 eve hint sr
feetly honorable in all busiiici triiiisactbnis,
ami huani'iall,v able to carry out any obllHiillo'ia
made by tlielr ll rut.
West .V i'ruiu, V holesiilo Priusnlsts, Toledo, O.
WalilniK, K I ii i inn ,V Marvin, Wholesale I'riig
Klsts, Toledo, 11,
Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken Internally, not Inn
illreclly iiiou the blood und mucous surfaces
of (be system, Price, ;,a' mt Isitllo, Hold by all
"What killed your goat; circus Hia(cra""
"Oh, no; he (aliened ou elreiia uiters. It Mas
a package of eliiaivtte paH'is killed Marina
duke," For coughs, aoru throat, iisthnm. catarrh
and other diseases of the bronchial tuhea
no more iinoIiiI article can be found than
"A'lOM Il' l'l (Il III ''llU'AM,"
ttallatlii has a man so mean that he stole an
overcoat IicIoiikIiik lo a preacher, In the next
world he Mill wear no overcoat.
Formerly tobacco chewera in Oregon pur
chased their tobacco by the plug without
considering its weight, but emigrants from
the Kaat, where Star tobacco ia universally
used, refused to take these aliort-weight
plugs and doiiiauiled Slur Hug, which is
not only the best tobacco, but euch plug Is
a full sivtecii-ouiic.c pound, and now moat
chewera iu Oregon use Mar.
Taa If namellneStoTa Polish: no (Inst, nn tm.Ol
Both tlio method and results when
3rup of Fig$ is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to tlio tasto, and ict
gently yrt promptly on tlio Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cloansrg tho ays
tern eflcctually, disjH'lg cold, head
iclies ami i'uvrrs and cures ImhituM
lonstipatioii permanently. For Balu
ia 50c and $ 1 bottles by all druggists.
lovisviac, nr. $tiw iork, n.r.
The success of this Great Couch Cure U
without a parallel in the history of medicine.
All druggists are authorired to sell it on a pos
itive guarantee, a test that no other cure can sue
cessltilly stand. That it may become known,
the Proprietors, at an enormous expense, are
placing a Sample Bottle Free into every home
in the United States and Caifda. If you have
a Cough, Sore Throat, or Uronchitis, use it, fot
it will cure you. If your child has the Croup,
or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and rebel
is sure. If you dread that insidious disease
Consumption, use it. Ask your Druggist for
SHILOII'S CURE, Trice locts., jo cts. and
$i.oo. If your l.ungs are sore or liack lame,
use Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Price 2$ cts,
thThImIIutuTl fire Insurance do.
OK 'A IA KiiKMA. orunizH H, A win. fMtff,.
M'ZAit UiftHfH pah I Hi lire oriotiil.Hlinn, M I'tVil,
Out of th mo! mim'NNt'nl lit InrtitmmtfM'ompi.tiU'fi
nf tin- bk'. -nll' itu i((kmI htmlfH'K upon it rriutn
tton lor Anlfiltt.v, hoiHirHtil tlftillitK, iMiiltHhh iut
JiiMtriHMit ami prompt puytucnl nl itrt 1ohhn
AufiilH al tttl prinrlpnl point. Hllt'c-Concord
hiilMliiflC, I'ortliiiHl, or. 1. It. Huh, MuiiHtfT North
w't4Tri iM'purtment ; Arthur WUkom, Hw'y; Jiw
F. It. Wfliiinr, I'hhIiU t. I. M. WmImmi, Npoelnl At.
71 Morrison Street, Portland, Or.
- fVHOX ROil.-fatl
Rocha Harbor Lima. Portland Cemant, Got
don Gate and Utah Plastar, Hair, Flrt Brick
and Fir Clay. LAND PLASTER.
60 North Front 8 trout. Cor. 1,
1 t'i I'na-ca, iiOO Fine Knurnvlntta, llnnilnnme
InroniitttliiM. One of tho iiiiint relliilile entnlomiim
(ardeo, flower mill Field Heeda, Kruii unit Ornitiiieiiliii Treen, Himill I rulin, ( liolre
It odea, KlnwerliiK I'lanla ninl lliilha. Thorouulilii ed I. und mid IVamr I'iiwIh, Keaixlerod
I'iu.t, (Jeruinii llurex, iVe. Henl free, on aiiliii.illnii. AiI.Iiiikh, iiii'Iii.IiiiiIiik IIiIk immir.
Heat Cou?h Medicine.
CurcB where al! eke fails.
taste. Children take it without objection. J5y drtiggtats.
&j fear Own Seeds if ta
i- ..f'.'t '. (. .;.i ,
CtMotlcaJ Fir Knjrtnea and Rxtlncntahera, I
aeblnary. Pumpa ot all ktnda. Brua Oiaxla. Ptp
penong ana nose, wrttncoaa, Liincaaai mta, can
hariMnf iJi Drill and HVwyea, BuirKta, wirrlea,
vawsi an rwta naajaxaa, nw tar prMm,
L t f im. to if
rnr narsB and Cattle Diseases.
CD It l'l
Cuts, coi:inj,
Bpmlm, C:ll,
Stlltl'CH, 1
Clacked llmli,
rioth Waundi,
Slrlnnh :t.
I Roralhraat,
i y Diiiampor.iiuuc,
Whltlow.Poll Cvil. FIlul,Tumori,Jpllnt,
Rlnghancs, and Bpatln In their 4tlf
Stogti, piraclloni ilh tich bo'.tlo.
-i;i:si it i. iiiiti"CTioNw,-i't
fri'i'lv In lhn lii'K ntvlll If tln7 Mill
n triii, ilniiii'h III milk Into v illi h
nmnull niiiinlliy of tlio nil H u(.
C.rNKHAl. niUF.rTIONH.iitlinili)
a ill t f ilniiK'h. or 1'ivii'l, Willi i i
,1 ah. in 0 i. ami furt'D 11 lwu th
fnwl a tlirniit.
Vt tm v a IiIk utiii k of Itnlilicr (IimhIh I H
nl a Ii'ikIIiik liniiau rt'tlrlnx Itmii lmlii
llila i'iiiikI,
t'liliil'a riilitM-rnhni'M, ttn 10
Mlpmn' (iHillnililii, III tn 2 ,
Minm'n' iivtHhiHa ,
MlnftiV an Urn ami IiIkIi I'lita
Ijtilliii' nvtTnhiH'M, all plyUn.. .. 'A
lailliV i.rrllm hihI hiiiiw t'Xi'lllili'l
I it. I Ii'k' IiIkIi I'Ul inillria
lailli'a' liiiula, ax'rlul burualna. .
t'liliil'a IhhiO
fcn. ;ii
II tm, .'
ii .;.
. ! '-).
. . II W. I
MImhi'II Immi(,,
II 'A'.. HI 1
Mny'a txxita II MHut.'l
Mi'ii'a ahort Uinta, ratra t: U k. J
Mimi'h hli IhhiIm , fi : in i
Mt'ira ivi'ratiiMa, I'lulit lyli . V M x ;
Mi'ii'a an'tlra ami allow I'lrlmlrra l .'Jfi, II i
Kntilii r ( luthliiK nf all Ktn.U at a I.Ik iIImmii,
f nun rt unlitr rl-. Aak fur nnr full Hal
HnkU'r inMiila. Aililrvaa
4 1 (1-4 I It Front Mreit, Hail rritiila
i Vpi" .... -r .-jrrlwft yy '
t: r v., -
mwm ,ik
Cive This Oil a TrlTT
Best in the World!
Get the Genuine!
Sold Everywhere!
fttSltir, jiABT PEAR ilk WHOLE
i ii m m m mmm Frvlt TrM" k'r1, Airr.
tmntrnnyn Aov.l, U4rUL, loth PlBl. arumi JmtU
t'tinurr: Ably written; jiIvm troitjr INFORMATION t.'ni.
fruit tlnttrrr: Knrprlln LOW Apr-la, Nr.0h.r
rr.Plttm.pRUNE rvach. Ap' nt.Or Tnwi. Oral'.i,
Qtlrrrrtithi,r). h.i lm-r llo. k In II I Ho BETTER.
Ho.:!ir.rr MWIlK llKOS.,H7ia t , LimiUIhiiii,
No. fguoil.d lHOi 0L0EBT. ItKK) Aor., LARULHTi
Tho Greatest Temperance Book
Immi!tie Sales
L.lIgC I
Aiita w.iiito.l every
lo in. iN'nirt Iiiii.hcx.
rii'iifciiupui.iiry. for
'rniamiil territory ail
'lrea. J. HTIURT & (Jo.,
1170 Mnrkvt Htreet, Biui
riu.nlai'o, Cal.
tin I I L) Lll We want the name and a.l-
dreaaof every tulfcrer in ihe
Kl AQTIIlUIA U. S. and Canada. Address,
ut riw i iiiiin p. t
Colored Pluten.
It'll 1 I IIMuflll .! I.......1.I1..A
niihllMhiiil. neaerllil
Ihlnir nil kiiulNofuiinriiiilroil
Jteconimonilu.l by I'hvsicianB.
Plcanant and acrcenulo to the
Sealer Bscs Not Carry Ikffi.
nm carts m road wagoss,
Beot unit Cra petit in tht Wort.
Carts, SiS dp. Wagons. M r
i,TtAfjJVl..I. J
Pit Him and .MimrVoeut rtiinnllm. ftuua lavi
mhI PSiaik,
Mrlf.k I k. . ... . .1
rrh, .'h;ail nnd Kann Bella, Kai,'lnnaiHl Hallnj.
rSnrtni! and Kxpra Wnpooa, th lau
lannwl naMitnamfl
ri rurUatr lAfumutOua eaJt i 4)ma
ttat iw,
.I'M" '':.
if, . Papa