The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 19, 1891, Image 2

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j 5
Jiver Glacier.
tti'oii!e of thoxo who atv NvulciMiitU-iiMv
jHT-fci'iitihsi the woman w hon piinep;tl
fnult t that she t ctrii'ii.: a x;d.iry ut'
II0OI) II IV Kit, OK., DKC.10, IS1I. ' lHr '" P"'n ' d. ,
... ... J lit condition, v will iviterttc tit I
.11 'J UJJAU
' wo stand ivady l too e every
wo liave made itn I to nuAvr in tin
ItfiYnf n pleasant thhiR fr a news.- courts for every act of our In tlil con-
pniHT to'tako up personal matter for noctlon, when called upon t do no;
diwtiSHlon in its columns, but there arc
,rwftsioi In which. It hccomca aliso
iuleh ritHiwary. Such a case has
rl.ten nVrd caused by the action of
II. 0. Evans, V. Stanley Stowell and
ithcn circulating what they claim to
beaeopof a letter written by us, an!
also ni .king dozens of assertions con
cerning Sis that have neither founda
tion Intfact nor reason. We have not
een I hi letter circulated bv them,
ami moiv, wc chV.'ctuo the parties In
terested to take the mat er Into the
courts, whore, if what the assert is
true, it belong.
Yi Gurry item Aw,:
Gen. Grant's Momoirs.
Original $7.00 Edition, for .
50 CENTS !
rii-,n' Kuu a whasl with tlra
put on ny other way. Itmakit PARIIY MFG. CO..
tl uiIim last twin aa lunu. A wj
tha wheel last twloa aa lonu
Thla out ahsa tha way ojr
tire Is put onto tha wheel and
entt on this.
orlmped. beUlea blnw bOlteU ,r1rjnitiri
nn. We own the exclusive put- (v(v -
Lowest prloed good
wagons on earth. I or
2 seats.
Chili still continue to i;d; "sissy''
and there wnn la be an .n.-iva-Mi;' be-
W of that
r n.i
ritten Ivy us or not: but In or-
It rouble, if they w ill
eopy we w ill pub-
icannot answer
Ide by these pcr
know not how
have made, but
Incut which will
have been brought
ni thelSKh day of June
packages sent from
White NTmoi wore received In the
Hood Kivcr post tiuice and receipted
for. They were never seen afterward.
Whether they were lost, stolen or mis
H'tit is not for us to say; we state the
facts, that they were never seen after
ward. In the latter part of Octolvr
the Postal Iiisjiector, having thorough
ly examined Into the matter, decided
that this olllco was responsible and in
Hinted that It should make good the
loss. i nere w as no charge maue ty the
Insector, other than that this oflloe
..i - :.....! i i
viug iwiiru uu nil.' j.;n.'t;if, :witi
t having a receipt from the mail
essenpers, must make the loss good.
he. packages contained f 100 in cur
acy and f'-O in a check, or note, on
hich navment was skinned. The
. . t .
jflOU was paid by Mrs. Champlin. An
fxaniinatlon into the matter srnbs-o-ijuently
fliowwl that theolliceon the
i.lllV tllO 1 lllflflliriHi U'fnv lii-il. V)1 til
I c? -. . .
charge of Mrs. Carrie Mathias. Acting
aa attorney in the matter, we explained
the situation to Mrs. Mathias and took
the position that us the packages had
betu lost w hile she was in charge of
the iffice' the shouM make the loss
good. On this showing It. O. Evans,
V. Stanley Stowcll, and perhaps one or
two others, have accused us of attempt
ing to levy blackmail. We reiterate
now that Mrs. Mathias w as hi charge
eftbe nost office when the aforesaid
packages were lost, and that Mrs.
y:TJutuplin w as in The Dalles the w hole
wi iuuiuu . uui uecame oi lueiu we
do not pretend to say. R. O. Evans
has asserted that myself and w ife went
to Portland w ith Mrs. Champlin to Vet
tie the business with the Inspector.und
'Chat Mix C. loaned the monev t make
ut.. They fisert that the
f ite'be packages to the post
rat White Salmon t'was in Mrs.
plin's w riting. They assert that
lady made oath before the In
r that she had placed v the. paek-
es in the mail s;icks herself, and they
ike innumerable other assertions,
ineof which are true. Neither Mrs.
adlebaugh nor myself were ever in
rtland with Mrs. Champlin, neither
us ever loaned her a cent. The re
pt for the packages is not; in her
ndwriting, and she made no oath of
y kind before- the Inspector. In fact,
all the assertions which we have
ird c.mcerning the matter, ot one
rue. It. O. Evans is repeating what
dts not know to be true, and what
relies on his imagination .for, yet
him we can find soma excuse, S he j
Sieves what he has heard. As Vj !
lat interest C. Stanley Stowell,
liuous documents aud
s in the matter we are
. He seems to im
en's counsel, or some-
J, and we understand
rs made out, labeled
that are necessary to
on and sentence, w ith-
gy, to imprisonment
add that vv? are ready
oof to the parties in-
assertiou we have
N.i t mi lias oi'i' luul Mleli a mi!i III
I'llH.'il Mltlti'i iih . . in i I . it. 1 1 - Mi m . i n. i
i.i' i c.i.t' Mine .iI'a l u IU' nii.iile
Ili.ll.O- Hi I ..' . ,1'.., lull llil Mil...-. H'l lull (.I'm"
. I .iM tlil ) lit. im 1 1 In' . lul ( . ir is ii.-u tiiv.
pic III in. .... vine on iiiiiM.tiie.'.. li .l,(MI ,.-' !
l-.c i.i..i' Ihvii h.liu l n ;-7 .IH I'm' i.ii.ut h )
. ., . . . , .in'in.'ii li.i ic iihi-i tv a c.. hi. it- i. liinll.iii
hot at Washington that we are to have .hsc.i,. m iuc i hu.m m,(i,s i.:. ni iiicm,
war with our little neighbor. This ..a i iii juuii. ,.! iu.iii.v m m
givat big homisphoiv is one tody and c at m h i .Mniiicnciii ii:-uii' Mcuh.Iin,
n-ni'l ,..ii ni i ,n..
.1. - ...... I . f t't I V ..v-t ' .......
, .... . I ... i.' I.I . IW-. "1,1 I I .It t .'.Mil im ii-iu.
comes Irntatim: it will have to be cut i
,, . I i . . i ', f ,",' ii'.,s"liiii'!y a im..ik! tl. hi such n tins iicxcr
nv. ii.n., i."..i. .-(... Ikyu limn,, iii me lu-loi-i oi I..H.K lllllllll.
wars and rumor of wars, pursues the ' M V s,'')'lJll,1,t v,,iaiues niiiirt it v .mcuikii s
' 1 Hi rt lilcii - .i,Wi c.. lc Im . i" iy m cii im.IiI- i
oven tenor of her way all undismayed, imi n cucni. cuiuii, inn i!ic ih.i .m ccius; i
,. . ! 11 1 , 1 .-'li 1, i'UUS H 'IM' , III! Willi ,V IMll M.ll..Ci".ll i.ltl In I III
i uv )i.ii.iiii. .n.ij.M ii.iiin.'iii,i I.-on.. ... veil-1; iiiic vcur, iiii.i iiimi ii huiiM'
ehaivi' of the works at the C.isi iidc "! SUK'll'r 1110 '"siii"iH.iiiini Muiiaic, im
tiiargi oi uit woihs hi uu a. ( llll(-,lU.M ,,,, ..i.,..,,, nhl. vlv: ,iIii.m ,i.iic.
ElK'ks. ! limiillilU'n, ll-c.l c.ll;il to l.ic IkkI $I.iHI Iiiuk"-
i iii . ii I... iftt .i..i.ui-i i. iviiuui c.iii',1.11, itci I'll, i i, i-n.i.t,
should U at H'.uv with ltsv-lt, tin. if the 11V , ,,,,,,1!,,.. uiuiciu.'suKi y uii-
henoeennot mv whether it Is a lVv i w"i oh ine un.o i.v, so ikmk, ik- . ...
I' j j
L parry N3. 704.
IjiiuI uitlc,. nt Viinciiiivi r hiiIi, tHv I, Si .
Ni.lli'c Is licri.l.v i: Hint I he fiillnn Iiiij.
ini'iicil Ni'tiler linn II led in. lie- ni hi In.
I I.. .ill. ill I.. .....l.-.l 1.. .11.1 .IIHI...I.I .. l..U
It is yet several days to Vhristmas, !! V." Vl-'"!. !,",,i'im' FM f"-' .''
"... ... . . ihi ii .i m hi i hi iiiii it. iii i 'I i n i,i 1. 1 i.. , , u, ininimr, ruiiiiiiUsinncr I nlicl siiiics
but as this is the last issue before Unit . aaicMii price wi.ic i om-h .nil.t nivnii i'uit u- ihmcici m W hmhiiuIuh i.i
-l.v III., i',i,,n, 1V,L ii- l. t ; 'l'.'''-" "1J, 'SlU 't.",!111' I'm.'" '"l1"-i, nil Jilinmiy -Mil
day, tllO t.l.Al IK It l.XteildS Its OCst : viuii il.":seliviiilmii In hull :l ; yij,. ' '
..i i. .,ii i. .. ., I .. .... ii. .i I IU iHiiiiiiict Willi Hie ('iiMn.iHilnui, llie i.l.A-1 ' ......
wishes to alt its naders on that oeca- , ,,1111,11, nei-n.ii.. r.-micis u mmv J"'" t keri.
sioll. Mav 1 1 e di V brill ' hannilicss to ' 1,1 "w l': "v l.t. iin'il liiruujli the lnru.'sl llninesiivul Kniry No. Mil fur I lie w 1-4
" " i i I'liiclm-c iii l.m.useM r liimle ill iiUIoij il "(mv V iin.l v n e - i.fccllnn l n nlili
each and all of them, aud may every iiu wonii. ; u n.uiii oi mniji. u cnm ill im r.
little one till ! his O. I or stui kill'' tilled I 1 :, lunvevcr. v.e.i linvo lirmU S tx.oKs, Hie I . imiii." Ilii'fi.lliiwIlH!
to its top wiih ;he things most desired
I'.iMiioiMliIaii'.ili'. l- Mill whiiii'm.u to'tiiUo i !-"Hilliiu..iihlel.lciieeiiiHii,iiil.lciilllviill..ll
, i.f. Mil.) Iii n.i i.: .N.iaii I.i I .-i . Henry i'
nd neiv he-.lth and leinnlness be ! ieii.Vlu.rm.iirs Mcmoli-s. vu!, huI.I l.y ! K,,'',i;,l.,."'ri-'; l.l"1f""1,A- '' t'l' i' i,,,''r"
.vim iii.i IU..IIU aim ii-n j.iiiii ss m , ,,.s.,i'.i nil ol I rniil IjiUc I'. o. tt.isii.
John I. iif..iniii.ii.n, HcKlxicr.
NOTICE l'(U ri ltl.lCATlOX.
t heirs through the e.irs Vet tv. come, j i.cii. i,mn . .Menmlrs, 2 vols., milil l.y ' divIJ-Jiinlil
nni;lll,..J...III,il',.r,, llll tl... Mlt.Mll.MI.MI lor S,i.,M. I
....ill n.i; i-ii.ii. iii .in ii i... iiiii. ..... lull, .Ml Icl.llll s .MClllOII't, HOIll l.y Nil If- I
.U.ii' ut.b.L-l.i.iv i.. ii. . iiil l.t'.i ..f tl... ! kiiliM'iliUKii. nr ii. .V I
' t' ' ! iii n. li. H. l,to'ii Mciiuiirs, suM liy st-,tisiTli- j Ijiii.I uillee tit Vancouver, 'ash. Nov t., Isi'l
twentieth e. lUU; V. Mini ..r .Vi. , yWt. u heiet.v i:lv. li Unit 1I,. folliiwlnu-
i i - ! A I ..I llii-eiiivbounil In elotli. urivn ami ,,.,, M. ,.r hll ,,. of hN ,,,..
n ,, . ,, .... i 'I1. "isiyie wiln ...null!. !,,,.,, ,,,.,,,. MI,,.M,il or tits
The Hallos or rather .North,, I l ..Mno.lilnii nn.l wcj.iy mv . ,.linil ,,,, h'ltM .s ,H, ,,,
istoh-ivo -i e..'v,t fn'Sirv Mr I It ' ,''m, ,'"'i'. l",'i'-"'.'.'K" I"'1"-''' 1111 "' SV. It. I'linl.ur t finie.1
ISlOllJVt .1 to.Ml I.lnol, .MT. J. j li.H'ks, ul lue r;i:c . 'a cent )ir i.iinee, must i stiiievrhvult for IMM.1,1 of n-Sililoii
Judkins and l.-.milv having arrived at I 'l' "-" "' ",,',1,'l;:., M, :ui-iisil. ii inKimi ..n Jminiuy I ,U J,
0 , Nleiiioirs, '.'I ox. .i i-ciil-; I ion.'iiiiiil s 1 j.
that phuv Monday for Iho IIImiso of; M.'inolis, '-J o.-l. eenis; lien, sii,n-niiitiH i
. ..' . . ' . 1 Mcnoiis, M oji-IJ iv:i;s, lien. .Mcl Icluin s j .Nelson Ainlerson.
starting up the i.ieu.ry. 1 no luctory ' m. ,,,iis, is ,-;i eem.s; ;cn. tioi..ii k. ; lMrdmso .ViM.iic.iti.m N'-. :wi inuler r, n
bllildilllf is li'Ci.tcd in the shadow of tlio ' .'"--"' n-ls. or lUs enu ; I'oilclliue Act J!'. s;vlnr I lie n e mhs
uuiiuint, ,s n 1..1111 hi uu naiiow oi uu w ,n ,,y cx ,,. lU ,,. ,..,,,,1,. ,,f (1,e mi!. ' I Inn i.m n-lil. i, nmlli of uiiiku 12 eii.-l will
big shoe factory, but is not in the light ; ( hut.
nr new. ! Mi. Tn. Il.i.i ,,,1.1 Seiul a! iitien ,!.tl for leur's siilin'ili.tlini to! He niinies Hie follow In:' wltnesset to iiiiivi
I ,j. . ... ui. .1.... , tl:,.i',,Miiiiiol,tiiii,sii)ruryeiiri. ' his cm .tinoiis cliilni to unit enll Ixnt inn of ,
family, like the country newspaper, 1 1.. tin. wrei.iy iii,.i i:.n mui ."iri-ni.i i..r n ! aiii inn.i.iiz: tt einiiii lieii. , .iii -it ii. iiM'iii, i
, . , ,, " I of .Memoirs Vi..'ii) in nil - to iiliii iei M.stni I I- rimii Munv, II. It. Hum n, nil of ! Illilu 1', O.
have tome to Siay. j on tin- jnu llcuitirv't m Mcnmli-s M-nrlctl. w nli imion.
Having purchased the hus!nes4 of I'KKItY A JONI'.S. I nm prewired t
furnish the very chnlct ijiiality of
At tlio Very Lowest Itatc3.
I have constantly on hand a line stock of
-iaitncLC, IBcicozzl and Hiaxd..)
In fact, everything in my line.
Corner Oak and Fourth Sts.,
Hood Rlvot, OroKi
! n:i-iic.
you rnii.K'.vnoN.
, , . ii uu t'.ir in'i in iiintiiiini hiui uir .uii'sii
If in ir it.i. in .vi- In in. Jijiu.ti. iiw i .i.. . i 1 . . . i i . . . ! . ....
that so imuh p.sltion to Jwpli tuar. Xi-w York city, ion. ......,
Simon h:is I ecu shown that the presi-! fen l ir.i orders to
UCIll lias conciu.lcd not In iiliiliit. inuuurtoii.n nuiu ruvoi yi., n,.,,,,.,! Mui,,.,,, ,., ihc.1 nonce f i,ls mil iiii.m
to miilic J.iiiil iihii in ii..iiii n iit ci.iiin,
iin.l Ii.iiL siiiil firtif will he lieioiv the
Ijiii.I iiir.i e nt 'J'lie ii:ies,Or. Nov. ft,
Notice Is Inn liy tlveii tlmt the ..IowIhk.
either that genth man or V. Lair Hill.
It it probable that Ihissell Ilarr'nvin,
the president's sen, w ill have Hiram
Have on hand a full supply of Fruit, Shade and Ornamental tree; grup
131 iieri-s, three miles from town. Fortv !
Kiiiiwlsj ,,t' Aroiit'.'i-. iiiiiiii:ii.'..I tll iieie.i l:i eu.tiva:ioii, thirty more eleme.l nn.l
iYiiowi-s, o. .uon.a.ia, lo 1lt ,.,, .,, iu,,. ullh llvjll!( tll,
the place.
In nisler ami K.ei lvrr I ,S. Ijiii.I Ullice in The ' viliCM, small fruits, J wrs all I S'inlilil'i-V.
1'iali.s lr. on Ins-ciiilHi Js, N,I.: '
i.e sure i . ei imr (.run's iH'lori' pilteiuisiiie; cisew lien',
A communication from Mt. Hood
received two wtvks ago was mislaid
and only bobbed up'y this week
weillcnceil. t'..mi..i u.hie ilwellini; hoiise of
lour rooms, iimt miuiiI h.irn. .M U nit In-cs,
mo.-iiy ai'i'ics, four years old mill tiearim;.
Ih'suIi A) mi's In full licai Im;. (hie fmirtii of
ieoivc M. Uow ley.
II. I. No. "JT.'i I'm' the e 'a n w 'ainl i ),
4 Ms1. U I'p 2 a r In east in.
lie mi. lies uu lollotwm; wltnes.'S to nvt"
Ills colli i n n. ills leshience U oil ami enlii.ali.sll
ul, Mil. I l..:iu, ii.: ,loi,n I 'ic s, .loon linns
it IS Ot COUe stale II.IW. WlllCll We IV-'co-it. I'riee Ion ntire U1 S-!..o, on reasoiiahli'
grct exoeclingty, a it was newsy and j Ir'.;;."
well written. ill the correspondent ul """'
please accept our most liu in bio a p(o lo
gics, and write us again.
an acre I.i Lerries. Two u-,,t,.r sl.i,r.-s K with 1 1 V Vr ""'ii's',ii i o,.i.e, .in
t.,eili.ce. lU'.-iiiestln'tliciel.sii tine sprim; I Liver tiivoii. ....... ,, , , ,
w :iicn will Juriii..ii water lor several nci. s ' tmvll.l-uei. JOHN . l.l.W IM, Itcjlstcr
ben it s, unit can he inane avuilahlc at triillin;
Iteiiieiiiln r our trees are riou u strietly w ithout Irrigation,
------ ORE
YV. A. M.IM Klil.AMi, Local Agent.
Tha Scientific Amcrimu roaches us
Ijiii.I Olliee at Oregon Clty.Hr. Oct. 'ii, ISM.
Notice Ih heretiy alven that the followlnc I
i i . i..,-1 ... in, ..i ....i! r i.w i,,i..,oi.. I
weekly, unci we are free to say is the j to make imai proof in .siippoit of u.n claim.!
,.i u;i,i , , . ,, ..... i, .... , anil linn san; piimi win ne imiiii. neioie ueijis.
most highly rued oi our exchanges. li.s-eiver r.s. i.nmi on:.-.- at oivKi.h
li shoul i be in every household, and
especially ;n those w'.ieie there are
lion of, 'salit lan.l. viz:
.in. T. st'lntyre, of Sim.
look Before y Lva;.
Tt n'ill ri!iv vnn t.i .'.ill utiiI ui.i. tl.
'. ' , . . , i :hurles 11
uisiiiay oi innsimas "ooiis at me tiir-,inii t.i, nirmm
niturt store.
t'ity, lireiin, on iM-emher IT, lsul, viz:
William D. .Miulilern.
Pre- P. H. No. 7it!;fi)r the n e '4 of hoc. IS Tp
2 s r 7 e w n.
He mimes, the fnllowlnif w itnessi s to prove
hlM'oiilimi.iis resilience himui, an. I ciililvn-
Jallles t ilpnlriek.
lH-nnls N'iellols,
bnml I tillisy ni Vancouver wash. Nov. 1 ', lsM.
Nollee Is lien hy ulven that the follow Inir
liinncil settlers have ille.l in. I .re of tiieir Inleii
tl. m to make tt nut proof lu support of (ndr
claims, an.l that said pris.i svlli lie mime iH'iore
N . It. Imiihar, ( ommis-ioncr I'nlieil Mnies
iicnlt i oui't lor iMiiiiei ot Wiisniiiloii ut
Uoli.i ni'.ale wash. on Jniinary U, Iv-, u:
Wlllielm K.Jeh,..
Ilnmesteiiil I'.ntry No. tit'.'i for Ihi. W'Jjofn
W alid w of '4 .section II Tow .'i
nm in of rain."' l-ciisl w ill im r.
"lile niinies mo loilim inn wiinesses to prove
his com unions ri-slilc i,ct. Uhiii, iimt cuiiimi
tinn of said Inn. I vl.: Onirics W'. .Mm. re,
Henry K. 'I ndi, Alhert lU'rlscnl.l'eturroiihoy,
nil of I'll Ida 1'. O. uasliliiKloii.
uImi Wlllielm F. Jehe.
I'urehiiso iippll iitinii No, 7il under Hce, !1
l-nrtciniic Acl .sept. Si.l.S'KI, lor tnef jol I. ("4
th hi
Lanil Oiliee i't Ynneonver, Wash., Dei-.!), IS1
Notice is hereby elvtn that t!ie foilowln.;.
named settler has tued notice of his intention
to make final proof in support
of hiselaim. and that said proof wl'.I he iinuie
hePire tlie Ilenister and Kceeiver of the 1'. N,
Land Dtlice a! Y'ancouvcri Wusli. on February
12.ii, ISis.', viz:
Robert Carr.
Ciiarles 11 Sclicatlcr, of Saliiio:i;nll oil'lackiv. j 'i,tin 1" To.uisiilp .i noi ili of raiiKe 12 ea.- l
mas ( u, fl.rcgon.
ocWl-(liv.1 J. T. Ad'EIMoN-, Kealst
liClackiv. j Ssi'tion I.i lo.vnsii
w ill mer.
elstcr. i He miines tile fo
Tnnher I.:ili l, Act JunoS, 1S7.S.
1". S. Laiio Office,
Ounce f't rv, Oiii:iiox, Oct. 20, lsJU.
Notice Is hereby kIvimi thai In isimpllnm-o
with the provisions of the act of ('oni'es.s of
June:!, 1H7S. entitled "An act for (lie sale of lim
ber lands in thcslntesofCilifnrnia, ireitnii Ne-
vadannd W nsliiiiu'tun Territory," William T.
i illlllHll,l.'llilllUI"IIJlCIIII1. , ). llllillll i
l(omeseadpn!rv no. Sis) for the lot 1 of see. : 1 1,'iswold.of KiisiI'iii'liiimi.eoiintvol'.Miilliioiii
and lots 5, tj, 7, S, and n w 1-1 se 1-1 of sec. ;il Tp. j ah.staleoi i ireo,i,liast'iisda.v lllisl iii'thlHiilIlee
8 n r9e win. 1 hissworu statement No. 2isf, for thepureliase of
...... ; t lie oi of n tt' I ii rn I ul ni'i ol seel will no .1 , 1 tl
. .... .... ....... .. ,, ...
.1 e nil 1I1..4. t Tin fiilloii-i nrr t.'I rnnu.-nu n ..rv.'A
,' j i i " i i 1 . ; tow ns iip so. i niirt i. inline mi. Least, W'. ill. and
.t" ''::1 " "?1',-'n-' nrsinand cultivation ! .,,.,.; )) that tiieland nou1 t Ik
viiK nS'iil M,,A "i-i'' i.o.1 Oeoi-e : valuable for its timher or some than for
- 1 oul rTu-u. i 1 ' ? ll'.",y ht""l"l,d-!ai:rl'ulliiral, ami lo .'stahlish his
ai. ' !nfr ' U'V er',V?''""J'n , . ' -li t said Ian 1 before the K.-isler and ile-decU-jani
John 1). f.KooiiKuA.v, Regrister. ,.(,ivr f oin,.e ut m.Bn Cltv. OriX.,n,
Land O sicent Vancouver wasli., Dec., 7,1.S!'I
on Friday the l.'ith day of Janiinry, 1.SH2.
He names as witnesses: Anthony Moore, of
Iliilsev, Or., Albert .Moore and Frank Atkins,
1...I.1..1 V..II l' I' ll...,.l.l ..P 1.'...
n.T Iii. ti i ,, , .' li hi . .co, i., li v. ul i.nuiu ut A.iini.
.o Is-iJne B. Shipiiey, and all v.imm it may i-ortimni, (ir.
. . , , . ., . ,, , Aiivand nil persons clalnilntt iidversely the
fee is hereby given that, tlio following ! )(,vu-de. snbed lands are requested to tile
n 'seltler has fl ed no ce ot her in. ..1..1 i.i . i,..!-. ...i.i
tentiori to make final proof in support of her '1V 'ry '
?.lmu-",n?. 'J'.'i !'r,.",f '" ,ni'.lct,e: ' oVt:si-jan;l ' J.T.', ReKister.
btntes Circuit Court for District of Washing
I.iiiKl Olllee nt The Dalles Or. Oct' 2), lsfll.
ton, at (iiildendale, Wusliinirton, on February
lath lsisi', viz:
"J Raeiiel E. Shippoy.
it Z , ' , - ' " "-85' "n(,Pr "n" j Notice is hereby (riven tlmt the following
ri2fl ftTJf!1 lTlire "'-'"I'l'i-oved Sept., ,,, ,, notice of iier intention
o r e'fI,rC ;0fiir',,,n27t,,wn"ititliikKim,l proof in support of her. 'lain.,
ship 4 north of ran-e 12 east, will mer. j , trll) p)0f wM, ,,V , ,,,,. t,,
She mimes the follou-ins! witnesses to prove KcKlster ami Receiver T. H. ,. O. at The Dulles
her continuous claim to and cultivation of : Or. on December 12, Hil, vU:
said land, viz: Josei.h Mih a. Frank Kevn-1 m...
much more whenever j iA' J"" ls"n' a" f L'le ! X. nm, foV the . c.A ,f see. 2 TP. 1
Vi.wiw.- t. t,.,. 1 def'12- nltt John Ih GKonuvrn ??Pitr. - n-iw h. m
lumnsof a newspaper
for the discussion of
ickmail; that belongs
which, we refer Mr,
I Slie names the lollowimt witne.sseR to prove
i hisconlinuims r isi'lence upon and cultivation
of.saldland, vl:'.: H. D. s,niilil. .1. A. Knox
Notice is herebvijlven to all whom it mav ' m' 'trailitsbur,'! ir. John Kellcy.Chiii'leu Chan
concern, that the t-artnersliip herctoforo ex- ! ,"',r, IbfHlRfvi'r Or. .
istiiiK bctwwn us the undersigned, dolic wHil-deci) Jon .v W I.icw is, Register.
ii isiiHtss in noun mver ire:ron, nnoer the i .
,.., f .,ti,, ..r flrm name and style of IMnwcis & Crowell Is I
Orge ilathUU. We this (lay oisolved bv rimtiiil consent. A. S.
Jjiiir at ailVtime to lUowera will collect all hills. All personn
mif, ui, uuy unit, vo hoidini;elaimK.iKainstuid lirm are iiotilled
hey can make, and
hem that when the
it will not be the
races the interior of
Ex parte alildavits,
departure for a for-
isumenis or as ngui
arts, us the intelli
d their being made.
nr readers that this
tgain alluded to if it
-t) make this state-
lie ground. There
uestioa that needs
d that is that since
re has beeu com-
100 on account of
ss, that other's
that malice aud
have her removed
stice, fair play, de
li and all are out
i, but justice, fair
mhood are not at-
to present them at once.
A. W. I5i,ovi:us,
fir:o. I'. CuowKJ.i..
Dated December 1st lfWl.
r.nnd Ofli'-e ul The Dalles, Or. Nov, 4 lfifil.
Notice Is bereliy Kiven that the followlnsr
i named settler has filed notice of her lnlenliim
I tomaketlmil proof in support of her claim,
and that said proof will be niade before the
I Register and Receiver I". S. f,. O. at The Dalles
. i. I Oregon, on December, 22, ISid.viz:
Why cough, when 8. B. will stop it. ! !'"' M. l.oy.
D. S. No. 741, for ne see. 18 Tp. 1 n
r 0 e w in.
' j Mne names the following witnesses to prove
i Iiit continuoiiK residence uiion and cultivation
I of. said land, viz: (.'. D. .Morse, L. K. Morse,
I John Murk ley, Charles K. Saunders, all of
I Hood River Oregon.
novi-uecia jonn w . i.kwis. uegiKter.
rsA&cHi., Cceniliic Arr.crictn
m r-" "4T 1
R..,"i s, ikhui; ni'ftJ.
For Information and free nandboolc write to
JtUNN & CO., an Broadway, New Vonir.
Oldest bureau for secmine piitentu In America.
Every patent taken out, by us la brought before
the public by a notice given free of eluirge In the
Lareest circulation of any scientific paper In tha
world. Splendidly IMmtratcl. No intelllvent
man should be without it. Weekly, 3.00 a
year; 1 1.50 ail months. Address MCS.N & C0 .
fcuuouilu;, 3ui liroaaway, Kkt Vorlu i
Will miiK-e the fall season of 1801 at F. II.
Rutton'K farm at Hood Hiver, Oregon.
Diwciuitiov and I'i:i)I(jhi:k:
Hoynl, (record 2:14) which is no
limit to his Kpeed.) Day stallion hi hands hlali,
weight-1 100.
Kln-d by Kisbar. (record 2:2l) son of Hys
dyk's Humble! oninn; (sire of U in the 2 :(0 list,
also sire of I Pi who are the sires of 710 in the
'2:" list.) Dam by Oiasin's 1'athfinder.
Here is a chance for the people of Hood River
Valley to Improve their breed of horses, and
In order to enconraire the breediii of n bettT
class of horses, f loyal Ivisleir'sservice fee will
only be tiie small sum of Ji'i.dO dee when mure
Is known to be in foul, V. II Hrr-ron,
. . llovd Hiver Oregon.
'olliiwlli witnesses to proe
his continuous clium to Kiihl land, viz: t'iiiirles
W . .Moore, Henry K. I roll, Alliert l!erlschl,
Teler ( oiiboy, nil oi Kuldn 1'. I . ushiimton.
nov'lHlci, John D. llKoiiiiKilAN. HeKlster.
I.iinil oilici' at Vancouver wash. Nov. 17,11)1.
Not he is hereby itiven tlmt the fol o.vlnx
nnmed settlers liave tiled notice of tier In
tention to make linai proof in siipsin of ilicir
respective chums and that said will be
I ii in lo before Y. li. Dunbar, f oinmlsnioiier
I'lilted Htiites Circuit Court for District of
Washington, at I toliicmliilii Washington, on
January 12, IK)2, vn:
Jolin Olson.
I'lirchiiKO Application No. 2P1 nailer see. H
Foifcitiuv Act .-w'pt. sSi, WH for the sefi si-e-llon
2i townsnip :i noitu of rutiKe ideas', will
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous claim to and cultivation of
said bind, vi.: John It. iiensel, Audio tiilll
iim, .Marcus Vnnbihher, James O. Lyle, nil of
Dyle 1'. O. wushiiiKtoii.
also John It. Iiensel,
I'lirchnse Applleiition No. "22 under sec. 3
Forfeiture Act .Sept. 211, I Still, lor the e '..J of n e 1
n w )4 of n e and lot a sect ion ;ti township 3
north ol rane 12 east will mer.
He mimes the following witnesses to prove
his continuous claim to and culllvntlon of
snld land viz: John Olson, Austin Oiliinm,
William Olson, Marcus Vunhibber, all of I.ylo
1'. O. WasbliiKton.
nv21-dc2." John 1). Okooiikijak, Heglster.
tTlniber Land, Act June 3, 1S78.
United Ktntes hniul Ofllce,
Oregon City Oreyon, October, l , 181)1.
Notice is hereby given that. In compliance
with the provisions of tlio act of Congress of
June :l, 1878. enl it led "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the Slates of California, Ore
gon, Ncviuhv and Washington Territory,"
Theodor Jensen, of Ivtst l'ot tland Co., of Mult
nomah, Slate of Oregon, has this day tiled in
this ollict? his sworn siatenient, o. 2188, for tlio
purchase of the K. W. of Miction No. 21, In
township No. 1, hoi Ih range No. il K. W. M.iuiil
will oiler proof to show I hat tin: hind sought Is
more valuable for lis timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, (Tml to establish -his
claim to said land before the Heglster and Re
ceiver ot this iilliee at Oicgon City Oregon,
on Friday the l.'iili day of January, 18!2.
He names as witnesses: M. Dalourelle, mid
.1. O. llcnricl, of Hiidal Veil, Oregon, Alfied
Anderson, and Joseph Deahak, of 1'iii'tliuiil,
Any anil ull persons elaitnliig adversely the
above described lands are requested to tile
their claims in tlilsolliceon or before said 10th
day of January, 1KII2.
nov7-janrj J. T. Art'tcttsoN, Hegister.
Has been thoroughly
renovated, and a large
ell added doubling its
Everything will be found neat and clean
Tables will be supplied with the best the
r A rrin
As I grlud anil make my own feed, I am prepared to Hill at lowest prices.
Write for tjuotatlons.
W. H. LOCHHEAD. Tho Dallo3 Oregon
! i ii-i i. ..-.-w-..-r . i . , ii i, m . .. ,i m.m.,mmm i I , I n in i WW
Crandall & Burnet,
Furniture, Carpets,
Window Shades, Etc.
A Full Line of
Morlating Goods.
Mail Orders Tronptly Attended to ;
1 60 Secoiul St. Tho Dalles, Or.
dinger & Bone,
ii wet
Oak Street, near Postojfice,
Tc have First-Class Stock and Outfits, Double Buggies, ilncte
and Saddle Horses. ;
A Fine Four-Tlorse Concb, suitable for fishing or exenrsior.
parlies, carries nine passengers. Payties taken to any acceefi
ble point. KeliabJo drivers. (
Our Dray delivers bagprage or freight anywhere in. the Valley
Charges Reasonable.
9 I