The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 12, 1891, Image 3

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    5 """" ' 1 '
. .1
food Tivcr Si
irooi i!ivi:u, nii,, i.i'c. in, urn,
Nil. ,
Nii. i,
ihh'Nm I hum ihiiii
1 1 01 A,
' '
Ilnnli If I V I II.
Iriivm n
T'I'l I',
fi:l.'i A.
Tin: n.s.
Tli mull Hi'rlvrK rniin MrnlMiiirir Hi II n'.
link A. M. Vtnliii 'lnvi mi. I Hnliii iliis n; Ii. I
iu muni' (Iiivk .ii i u , .ii . I
.f'T'1' Ifii '.'' nt h A, M. iirrlvfMnl !
r. M. HMltiriliivit,
Kur Willi Kiiliimi, li.iivi' Onily nl H A. M.
rrlvr ut mil' m ini k )', M,
Klillll Wllllii Hi, III, nil linvia r,ir Fill, la, nil-'
mr, 'I nun I ,ii lir iiml lili iiMuinl .Mini, In) ii, an, I !
TrliUv. I
A linn llni' of Ximiim Komi nl Hun.
Iliinirton hurt it iifiit i'iilla(,'i to
rV 0 " K '"""I
l'l.l. .
coiiiiH mm week from
I'lfliiri'rt fr imi .l to nl H,i, fur. !
iiltiirf ntui't-
lltH'H 8. It.
VH I here? Well I hhotil.l
mn I It. H. II.
I'rettelllrt fur iill hut Ii lieiit iiml Hlllall
lit JlnntiiiV.
Mr. V. U. Itntloii wiih In I'ort IuikI
Oiirlmr the wti k.
('ollliiH ami iiiiileituKciH (4iiiillert a(
(liu fiirnllui'i Ml mi'.
Mr. Henry l. W'ilwm wiw In finm
Kt)'al;litrtliiii Muniliiy.
All Itlinlrt of itiiintrv j;rtiihiee hmi'.'ht
mul xoltl nt Hiiiilnon'M.
A liirjp xtoek nf ivindv nnd nuin nt
Irtitloin prlii'rt at I Imiiiiii'h.
J. H. I.tirweii of The Ihillert wiim here
l'Vliluy mul Saliinliiy lutt.
M. V. Hiirrlniii mul family have
lliovetl Into their new ii nldenee.
Mm, I), It. Hartley iiecmuit'inli'il her
liiixhaiiil to N'aneoiiver ThniHiIny.
Con l!f!) him liiken ii (In uM l'cr-1
Imiil iliiii-, wixtnf LiiekeV ilaee. j
Htiit't fiiri't t Hie mile nf Ir. Thnnmrt' I
liolirtchold i ti'rctrt thlrt aflei iioon.
Have you M'eii the $1."i.imi nnMiiie'
inanle hetl room wt at the furniture;
Mr. Markley wnmtt The DnHc Sat-1
lirday to in, ike lu'oof mi his nurchase '
cliilin. !
Mr. nnd Mi. Cenrce Matliliit left hy
1he early iimniin train Mmidny fiir
Ih we an
that line.
Irt-i-n iiptmhited Niitafy I'uh
prcp.iit d to tlo all work In
T. .1. ami John Watson w ho wen
'iere hirtt week reluinctl to l'orlland
Mr-, lhition, innther of I'MI. Ihilton
left fur her home in Southern Caiifor
ti lit Tuc-thiy.
Mr. J. 1'. lIUMrom who haft been at
win k at the hockrt all Hummer arrivetl i
lioine Monday
A fresh (dock of candy and nun at
Haiinn'rt, . Spei ial priced to Sunday
Hchool conniiitli '.'K,
Mr. Ih'own, ii:ie'n' of ClMrcnce Clark
who died t vo w ick4 iiji wan in from
Mt. Hood hint Friday.
Hon. 1',. I,. Smith walked down
town last Sat unlay for t liu Hint time
fdiuv rcturuiiiK home.
Mr. W J.ihhop hart the contract
for bul!tllii!' Ucv. C. W. WcIlrt'coltaKc
near the V. 11. chtircli.
8. 1'. DurtinccH and J. K, Hannit
were at I'mllund during tiie week,
looking after 1'hristiiuiM fjooiU.
Mrrt. Join, liu rovlvallHt, who has
Irti'ii hhhImI intf in tin work ut the U. It.
church lell 'I hurmlay for l'orilnntl.
Mr. Win. Satinderrt came, down from
8:iinly Hot torn WediiCMday. Ho re
portH kIx inclii'Hof rtiiow at that point.
Do you want it line watch or elegant
jewelery at the very lowest price'.' If
o jm lo Sidney Young'tl at the Dalle.
Sidney Young ist, The Dalit has an
elegant HHwirtnient of jewelry, JiiMt the
thing for a Christmas present lor your
self or friends.
Mr. Hartley lum leiiKed a umall tract
of land near the J I ood river bridge, of
Mrs. Oiler, ami will erect u wlaughter
lioiirte thereon.
Captain Frank Cue, came up from
I'ortland Wedncrtiiay to remain for a
short time, lliu condition (iocs not
neeni to be improved.
C. A. Bell went to Baker City, Wed
ncMilny night taking with him n car
loud of work ealtle for tlio Oregon
Lumber C'unipuny.
Tho U. B. church Ih to have u new
bell, the money having been Hiihseri
bed and the bell ordered. It will be
here Homeliuie in January.
Mrs. O. L. Stranahiin, Wednesday
received the mid news of tho death of
her brother F. C. Berdan at West
Concord Minnesotit, last week.
When you go to The Dalles for
ChrlHtmas gootln do not forget to look
nt the atlvertlHemeniH in thin paper and
patronise Uiomo advertissng therein.
For any one purchasing ten dollars
worth of furniture, of nry 1 will deliver
the same at laiulilig free of charge.
S. 10. JUntMiiss.
New gootls at Mrs. HowelK , Orna
ments, zephyr and material for fancy
work. Corsets, featlierbone, pins, hair
pins, hoodai ami fascinators as cheap as
you can buy tliein any where.
Mr. nnd Mrs. L, Nell", who are visit
in. Mr. Melfs relatives in Virginia,
will be home the last of this month,
when he will resume his old position
in charge of the bridge carpenters.
Miliary D.ill.
I) Company will gjve a ball at their
armory Wednesday evening December
Mm. S, (', Hinllli jtrt'Mcittdil Mil (,llco
Willi Mllllll lllll' lijll' HilllWllCrilcM yt-Hi !
ilit.V, Hint were jnckt'il Ironi vine In
her yunl. J low IH Hull fur CiiHt'll'lc
T"pt, '.V'4i 1'tlU, Mini IcmkN at I f it t k -iiu'm,
mi'l lin y will In' niiIiI iih I'lii'iip
UN llll' l'lll'llH Ml. Kvcryllilu;; lluil, will
plrnw it liny til' lil will lit! I ni ltd
annuitf my w'lt'i'l Inn of Xiiihh K""1'
Mr. 8, M. Italilwlu liiniinlit In wmtmI
I it'll' I til' rail It' Wt'illii'Hilay, which lie
wiiii in (J. ji. 1 1 nit It . IImio vim out
j liltf Ii'IIoW Hint Wtilhtl iIiikm iilitillt IHMI
- piilllllln, mill llll III' 1 It4'lll Wt'lt! II IH!
j lll'I'Vl'M,
Wi' have acirptt'il I lie n'ciii'y fur (III!
(it'l'lililll AliHTir.ill I liMiUiini'i' I 'ii., mil!
nl' Hit' tililt l anil imml li'llnlili! In Hit'
wtulil, anil mi' irt'iiiifi to Ivi' lult'H,
t'lf. (live iih a call II' ytui want to In
hint' your properly.
h't lintil iIIhH'Ii'I No. 2 now hit u hnml-
milllc ling n' Hit' M'linnl linllsi', 'IIiIhIh
ik very pnlly i unit nut! Hint Ik
Kitiw Iiik hi popularity no rupMly Hint
noun Hit' Ni'lliinl linllhi! wltlmllt II llilg
Will III! tilt' 'Xtt')l lull.
The iHntility ill, Snipe A KIikthIv'h
lit 'Hit' 1 1. 1 1 lr hint H.itiil'ilay Wan one til'
Ihi'liitml jilfiiMiu iiHaiix 'of 1 1 to kind
wt fVfi' hiw, i'lielr linini'iiMc ihuj;
Mime looked like a lulry u lat'f w heriii
fvi'y iirHiit! wum mint! lieniinmi tiiaii
iii iii''.
A fl"'w,l l'',i'jit:on wum Klvi'ti to
Dni tor mitl :Iih. 'limiiiiirt t ildiiy i-vcii-
"'tf t llm Ii. nl 1'. hull l-y tho Jtcllt f
i Ctii'm, of wiinli MiM. 'I'hminirt wiim a
It filllll' nil', it Wlirt llllliosnllill! to L'lvt) It
. ii . , ,
lllllhir llli'llliiill.
V. .1. Mariner county Jud)" nf (III
liani eoiiiity, wan here Jiiuini '. Jlu
lri lit re lor tint iii'iiim of urraiiK , lor
IiiuiIh'I' Mini w nod fur a coiiii,'iuy at
Iilaloelirt which ii'uiiiNCrt to hrliia1 a
lai ne tlaet nf hind tneiv, hy iniii)iii(;
W an T tlinu tin; coluililiiii.
Making ii newfiaier at Hooil Iilver
J iiMt now in ti diiiWiiii tiifk, for Hie rea
mm Hint tin iv lit tail little doing. Jf
Mumi'itf our rt'itdeirt would kV(! ih it
IVCIJIC for lU.lklll t'llnt.ll'll W itllllllt CJ.'Krt
or milk, il inU'lit hiiiehl it jiolntcr ny
w hieii nur lucul iiiki' could U imm'ovcd.
S in. Saiiudi'irt and fmir or live oili
er! arc ciiiiinir llvi'-huiitlitil cmtl-t of
j wood al i-Miitly liotlinii, w hich lliey
icxjicctto tin vi down Jlood river m
jllic hniin. We uiitlciKtaiid two-
HiiiUkiiiiI imi'iIh w ill he cut oil I lit! cant
Im k w Incli w nl alHii tic m ul down hi
j the cjiilui;.
Mr. liiiuklurt, who hat hecu in the
Wiil.iiiicue vuiley lor hiiiih. tunc, caiiu
hack ll"lv la-l Week. J le Iiiih it roW'tli
al Hit! corner nl one eye whu-li Jr,
.ioncr of i'tirilaud luirt ii'oiiouiiccd it
C.tliccr. He lil'oliurrt'rt to I i 1 1 ( It hv
tlnnUlii); lea inane Ironi clowr bloclnn;
M K"uU uwythl.ll
Dr. H. J. Tlionuirt wum tcle;;raiilicd
lor lar-i ,s.iiu:i:.iy inun yctir to itt
teinl a clnld ol .dr. I',. ('. Aiomiy'M nul
icriii liMiii fjiaMiiix. liu; train being
tlelaycd tlie.ln'. tlid no( tfo down ut an
dantrwart pal tici'oie liie train arri
ved. .Mi, O. Ii. Mraiiuliaii Wunl
ilow n in. a nlj.ul.
J. T. IK'IU, convicted of Helling hpirit
nus li,;Unrs in ks tii.iiititiert Inaii one
gnii'iii wilhiiiit in. liavin pivicuied
a iicciim tlicivior, w.h limM .suiuduy
in Ine uiii of tunc iiuudrcd ilollais
and coslrt. I urn imtlld lie KUlliciclll to
put a i-ltip lo Hie liusiue.Hrt lime, bill
wlicther ii Wi.i or not remain to be
The literary in (lie school house hist
' Friday login wan well atieudctl, bill
j Us icmiIi.h were noi ul iill, halisluciory,
esiiccially Hie newspaper portion, wun
wnicli latin wiih li'uim on account ot
! its personaillilrt. 1 la- editor's Jon is a
thankless one, even HioUgll bill rcspou-
Mlile lor a liiiio i'uool paper wilh one
Wednesday at noon the few remain
ing snow tlnius fui'insiicd material for a
siuiw ball tint He between the school
chiith'cn and lici t . Mr.uiahau, Will
llayncs and Henry York. .The battle
was hm ciiu:itit.'ring liie iiiiiuiiition and
Hie give ami take plan was the only
one in force. '1 he school boys made it
tropical lor the outsider nut it was
linally about a draw bailie.
0. 11. Hartley ami Will Band went
to Vancouver lhursday, taking about
it dozen horses there lo winter. The
price charged by the lCegulaUtr is, 'we
uniieistaiiti, $.S per head, ami as
horses can be w inti retl at Vancouver
for per month, il is the cheapest and
best pin, (iiougn ll seems odd tu send
a horse ironi llie country into town to
have him wintered cheaply.
If the storm which irevailetl here
during the week extends over .Eastern
Oregon there is promise of another
abundant harvest next year. The
ground is thoroughly soaked and with
an average ncasou next year, the Inland
Kmpiro should produce Uio largest
crop of wheat in its history. Ol course
there are many contingencies that
might arise lo blight the prospect, but
up to date llie season is most hivorable.
The question us to whether it wan
heller lo hold on or Jet go oueo having
hold of a t igers tail, was debated at the
Barrett school house Wednesday night,
and decided in the negative. Tlio sub
ject for debate next week is: "Kesolved:
Unit hope of reward is a greater incen
tive to action, tiiaii love of right'
Wo wish to say that it was impossible
for us to get hoid of Uio tigers' tail let
iilono lioid on, us wo were unable to
at lend.
A patent medicine Faker, or rather
a representative, of the Keeley Institute
for ihe cure of the liquor habit, kit
some of his advertising matter wuh us
last week, wilh a request that we put
il where it would uo the most good.
We have complied with his request
the circulars proving useful in kind
ling the olllce lire. For unadulterated
gall pick a traveling agent for an open
iuceii fraud and yuu tiro sure to have
the correct ariicle.
The members of C geography class of
our school have had a coniesi in map
drawing, which ended Friday. C. L.
Gilbert, J. W. Morton, and J 11. Cra
dlebaugli were chosen judges to de
cide upon the merits of the maps, and
met for the purpose Friday evening.
It was found then that most of the
work was excellent, and that a close
examination would he required to de
cide, so ilie nutter was postponed until
tins morning. The successiul compel-
itor will have his or her map lrameU
free of charge, uad hung ou the school
room wail.
I'Voiii MiM. IHhIihi) mc Ii iiiii tlintlicrj
hi'nllii'i' lliiny Si'lialiakcrlrt In J n kot a
n n I U i'niiloyci in umLoi'I!.
('. K. Iltinn wim tint' of (ho Inrl'.y I
nnt'H iillowt'ii to Hjit'iiil thf nlirlil mi Mm j
tli'lnynl train at Mnilt r 'I'lit wlny nilit. i
Tin frame of Mr. Imiliei'j,', fioiiveln'
ili hilt Hie . u! h'f hurt Im'I'Ii miii'Ii dill'-1
lii(( inn wti K iittio pii veiii iniieii jh'o
Kivwi hflnx uiinlc,
Mr. H. I.ovill 1'iiini' ii from tho
('iihcihIi! I.ot'krt Salill'iluv to net il col'-
I'l'cl ili'M'i'litoti of Hoini- hurl In the1
valley, for tin- niirjion! of I'tinceHii ii ,
The Imliaiirt were calchlni; fun 1
Hll'iliKrt nf Irollt lip to Hit) cmniiiji: nl',
IIii'kiiuw Monthly, Hini'i! which time
the river hup Urn too IiIkIi iiml mindly 1
lor IIhIiIii. j
Mm, 1 1. II. Iliteklirt W ho hart heen i
hmne I'nr t w ii wt 'Km, reinrneil to Al
lilmi Tiii'Hiluy, Jler il;iii)rlili'i' liiieirt
Mtoi)iiij; w ith a liirir nl' MiM. ileiii' j
near l'uyulliii. j
The iiiiMnenirer train tine here Tuen-!
tlav evening at
Uliliil not univeuntil
4 o'eloek Wi'ilnt'Hilay iih'I'IiIiik: 'I'Iid 1
tlelay wart eaiiKt'li hy two lamt cliili'M
iilioni a milt! thin hIiU of Mimler. j
Admit IwolnehrHiif "heiniiiful etiow"
fell lieit! Moiiilay IliurnlliK. Jl wart i
lollowt'it hy u Meinly iln.lin rain !
wliieli full vcrtcil il, Into heatltiiull
hIiimIi iiml then Into iiiagnilleeiit hlnjt.
l!ev. .'. W. AVi'IIh linn the jilmirt for;
a lieiit collaKi to In' ci'et'tt'ii mi the lnN ,
HfltlilllilH? fill I' It 1'lltM-fll Ulllfll
i imii in, nm t nn u i'iiin"iiiit'
Il liillrioliae
di rulaiid the
ul once.
lillililinU Will he
put up
The Hchool lndl iiirchaHctl throiili
Ihcclliirtrt tif the children of Hum ili.i
Irlt't wart ilaccil in the helIVy H.iuirday.
Jl linn it clear Hwcet tone nnd nt u great
luiiirovciiif nt mi tin: old nerve tls-
I t 111 I MT, i iC(li'cesMir.
Min. K. J. Thonuirt will leave for
l'orlland Monday, 'wht re woe will In
clined hy the Jir. nliiiiit Hid hilh.
I'hey will Htart tthortly iifier that for
Iheir old Inilue in JVliliMhuma, fij
inj; over the SnUthcru 1'aeille.
A Hood liivcri'.e visiting Tht; Unlit
would Imagine w hen at Hie ('uuililla
house that In wart at home. '1 he, well
know n lai'i-rt of J. J,. liUiigilic, John
I'tirkcr, Mr. IVintcr, I'. 11. Siianah.iii
and iitlici.rt uic to iio nt.'cu theru every
The Slate Teacher' iiirtlitute limy
iMishilily U' held here next year. Jt
may reMuir. a i.cie .Holt our part , r, v , ;r ?, I
logel ll, bill will, an inclination l!iat , V"1 " ?. . .c? in !urli a
way mi the part of those wl.o ! lJ-"-l M HpenJ Uw lewure Uine.--have
the si lecting ol llie place it would j Ves1, ' "'
not be a ihlhciiii Usli to secure u
A class to study (iellil.'i'i has been
organized here, euni-l.-l ing of Mr. and
Mrs. OilU'it,; Mr. ami Mi," Bishop;
Mr. uml Mrs. Cradlcbaiigh; Mrs. ('Iiam
iilin; and .Mr. Snyder. I'ctcr ilin-
riehrt is teacher, ami a good one
and takes interest enough in it
tin. i,
Ihe rain slush and snow have iml y el
caused him to miss a lesson though hu
hiiiih. iii iiiiiii ins iii.ii.-e .'ninu.ij uiki
'1 huisdays.
The Arnmrj.
The armory question still maintains
its importance, and it depends largely
on the push and energy of our citizens
to decide if we are to have it. Some
thing more than half the stock has
been subscribed, and in order to make
it an assured success tlio other should
be taken before work is befMin on the
building. The bond for a deed is we
believe, perfected, but it is not policy
to begin work for some time. Under
the terms of the bond, the company
has until about Ihe middle of June to !
complete the building, and this is am
ple time. The building is to be two'
stories t lie lower one having a twelve!
foot ceiling, the tipper, eleven foot sides
aud a helghth of eighteen ftvt in the;
center. A stage can be put in after-1
wards, it found neccfsury. We need
just such a buildin; and we need it!
badly. This being the ease wo should
all stand In together to raise the bal
ance of the stock nnd have the build
ing paid for when it is completed. As
it is at
present more is no place for
gatherings, but' with the
armory completed we can have some
snow ot getting llie leueiieiv insti-
tute, the annual meeting of the Oregon Cilbert making a neat presentation
l'ress association, and other such meet-1 f,,)m;lii i,xvl,iell1 Vh .,,,e "'I'xpected
i ... hi ! i ... 1 ,U,S' i 'he who e auair successfully
lugs that would be ot immense bencht j s.)ike(i (lu m.ipk.llts gulls. It hvlg
to us, but from whica we are now cut 'he evening of election, Captain II. L.
oil for lack of a suitable room for Hnwo. was re-elected; Ii. "N. Blowers
them to meet in.
Unappreciated Music.
,, . . , , I
v-usn ijueivey us a stTiimiei is noi a
flrstclass success. Tuesday he per-1
formed the Orpheus act under the j
window of Lawrence Blowers at about I
11 o'clock. Ianvrence listened to thej
music for some time but was unable to
divine whether it was intended as the i
overture of somethim? in the musical i
line, or au incipient evidence of intent
to commit burglary. Luwreuce saw
by the dim light of the beclouded
moon, the outlines of a human form), All occonnts due Perry & Jones must
crouching under the window, and j l,e 'ttled by the 20th of this month,
called out: "Who's there?" Beeeiv-1 ?AtJlU n.U l'!'stled accounts
, ... ...
mg no answer he called again three or
four times with tho same result; and
then he raised the window and took a
shot at a rapidly retreating liguro for
tunately missing it, Cush will wait
for better weather and brighter moon
light before he goes seramiding again,
and it is safe to say will answer when
The (.'hulstoiiians.
Gladstonian literary Society meets
first and third Fridays of each month.
Question for debate Friday evening the
ISth inst. Itesolved: that the Jvogroes
have suttered more cruelty at the hands
of the whites than the Indians. Prin
cipal on the affirmative: J. W. Mor
ton, negative P. A. Snyder.
F. E. .Ton'ks,
WllV ri.'-l
Win ii llior rnii In on l!,c iiiurWi t ntiil tho ( finb
U In )uur Mck,
Ami ytui Ii r iliu ell nls mill JIiikIo of llio kcjr
tiiriii'ii in tlm tin k,
Ami ll.ti rllnklii in (In- imlm" mul tin
clunk Itiii! ht I l.i' "ti'iiH,"
Aii'l lliu crin i ry until U'l up and no mom
hln 1,111 In- wn'ii;
O, It'. I Ii' ji'm bin tlinu a fullur l -fixillu' nt til
WliL'ii Im rlw from IiIkiiiikt, tlicn downward
iilU lib viv.1;
Aiid Im ftinokt'rt lilt plpo In comfort mul then
coi n iiml wIihIk lliu cliM'k.
Win n llni i roji Uou tlio n,iw kct and the canb
l: ill liln km k.
Tln ri!'! wiiiiKlilin kind o' t'ljirtTful like about
lliu furmi.r' i-yi'H
When Im known tlic Kiiminvr' over and lie
dm "iii'l liiivo to rmij
Alxjul tlm limn tlio dnylllit'i a-M('(lu'
lliroiili (In- kIooiii,
And wm k imiil Dm niinin'i up 'wld llie (fraln
lliiit'H all in;
lint iiiKtt'4'1 lm Korti r i uU'iiluti he'll hook hli
t, 1. 1 Unck" (iiul "Ji wi"
To hU ntt r In lliu vveniu', and put on hln
hmidiiy dh'wi.
Then no a-i'iiiri in" Mz r, with hi r apron end
now fnx k.
"'"'' V'u,,,'r"" 0,1 ""'"
If 111 III.) MM. 14.,
Oh, tin li'jhkln' mul tho ttpvlUo' hcoa- tba win.
n r'n hiirinli hn fun;
Tho niiila' of thu llihllu when the dunclii' U
The Jingle of the uli.lli lii lln, your hunt Kal lb
llm 1 i d ;
Thu kl..Hin' an I the hiitfin' when the old folki
iiri! la Ij-iI;
The rmuttin of thu i httitniitit, the Dclhboni
(lroi,l!i' in;
Tho i ul in' of tlm Hiiili. drlukln' clilnr from a
Oh, it m la rny hi tirt a pruiirln', like a ntrultln'
turki y vjx k,
Whuii lliu t r',;i In on the mnrkct and the raib
In i:i tho mx-Ic.
l!oslou Tranacrlpl,
Ilium from Two KlHniliiilnt.
Tin drc-iiu of most nicn-rt liven in to
have u wil'i) and a home, hut how many
of tht'in ma!;i) pcrnoual Horrifici for the
linpl in-. of tlmw wives, and how many
of tlielil )i' l to make ut tlloM) hollies
unytliing higher or lcUr than j.laces in
which to eat uml tilf-cp? I hard a ma-i
my Hid other day 1 1 tho wotiiitu who
lovel him when slio remonstrated with
him fur hein;; oway from home: "That
is us it h'iouI 1 hi, my dear. MauV place
is out in tin? world; it fa where hi; be
longs. And whin I couit! home, be it
,1 v", V .' , T ' r i' ,"T,1
day or m;;.it, I want to find my little
wifo iMTt liew where hhu U-lonKs."
WheretiiHiii the little wife, not being
one of this too crydaloiis ones, laughed
irreverently. "Homo is the place for a
u-ir.j tl u.,i'.1 .i.wi.i;.... . ...i... i i
I In a (ion, I ( iik.
j T':e l v.sini-ss tact of the gentle sex is
; ahly iilustraU'd by a young women'
I cl.isn in one of the foremiat Protestant
! churched of the city. Foreseeing a greut
i hini') anions uie leading caiKUuates us
1 the sword contest should near tho nnish.
i tin y carefully hi iiirded all tho coupons
j which they had cut ironi the papers and
p-jiii if'tl tlieir tnends to do the Kime,
w ith view of selling the lot at last to
the candidate w ho wt mid pny the highest
!;,rure. As the proceeds of this canny
piety were to go to works i;f benevolence
none t an complain. Springfield Ilonie
.....d. Ptory ut Gnltleii Lorhn.
A pathetic incident was called to my
attention by one of my clerks the other
morning. He had received in the mail
a glove box, which when opend re
vealed a lot of llulfy golden hair iu two
pieces, It was really beautiful hair, and
lay in pretty rinys. A letter came with
tne box oiTei iu to exchange the hair for
a year's subscription to my magazine
The writer is n Kansas girl, net very
well educated, but very ambitious. She
wrote that s'.ie had uo money, and be
lieving h'T hair to bo of some value, of
fered it for tho magazine. It struck mo
as being one of the most pathetic things
I ever heard of. What oi l I do? Why,
I sent the hair hack and put her name
on my subscription books for a Linger
period than a year. Interview in St.
Lonia Globe-Democrat
Crant Camp S. of V.. had a verv In
terest ing meeting nt. tlieir hall Thurs
day evening, one of Its features beiiiir a
"(,ni memners ot the u. A. J
We hardly know how to broach the
subject, so say that Past Captain, J. H
Cradlebimgh was presented a hand-
some bad ire suited to bis uml;. T.tint
was elected 1st Lieut, and C. W. Wal
lace Uml Lieut. We will print the full
list of ol'.icers next week, being unable
to obtain all of them fortius issue.
In Hood River Tli u rsday Pec, 10th,
to the wife of Captain A. S. Blowers, a
The genial Captain only touches the spots oi me eartli, as lie moves i
around, but then the arrival
of a
twelve poumi ooy justilles the
ste miug.
"111 uti "vvil 111 llie IlillKIS Ot llll
attorney for collection.
Ptkky & Jones.
Look Before you Leap.
It will pay you to call and see the
display of Christmas goods ut the fur
niture store.
I. D.
Oirers his profe&sional services to
citizens of Hood Itiver and vicinity.
Notice is hereby given to all whom It mny
o'looi'n, Uml lue nuinui'ilup iicieK:ioie ex
esli.itf liotwciMi us the unuei dinned, tloiiiif
ihisiiu'sci at Ilnoit River Oi'estm, uiii er tie
linn iiioue I nd stylo i Illnvitib Clvneli .a
llus tli.y uis( hy liuiti iii otmsiut. A. S.
Mowers wilt collivt nil lulls. All persons
hnltiiiiK rln ins i..nnisi su.d loin tire nolllieJ
lo piese.U im .11 tit ul.oe.
A. S. Blowers,
(ilto. 1. CltDWKl.1..
Tho Dallos Oregon
CuhIi buyers will wive money hy examining my Htoek U-fon
)ur(:h.iMliiglrtt'wlierc, Kiidletut vnriely of holiilny piewiitrt.
luniks In wt8 and dingle in nttiactlve hinding. Fine
wntchcrt, Jewelry, goM xiib, anil Htatioricry. Agent for the
Doinentlc wwing miichine. The llU-y organ, Htelnwny
Iilmioit, uml Kruiiich A linen' pianoH in all kind of wood.
Optical Goods.
Fine Watch Repairing a Speci
Second St.
The Dalles. Or.
A black Hhepnard pup, tan legs,
white Hpot in hreant.w.tgrt bin tail to the
name of Lewix. IJeturn to thin office
ami receive proper reward.
I have appointed J. T. Delk, my
Agent to Hell my at IIimmI Hiver,
at wliokale. ArorsT iSrcirt.KK.
The Dalit, March 1G, 1S91.
)l I LLI NE It .
1 have opened a line of millinery and
j fancy gootlrt, in the C.k, building
, . J ! .
do"r wtt of tho " Mo,
Invite the ladies of Jlood Biver and
surrounding country to call and see
my goods and prices, before purchasing
Mus. It. S. HowEr.hs.
Ueliablo Information concerning
I titles.
Choice city and country property for
Conveyancing a Specialty.
m Second Street - - - - The Dalles Or
You know that you can buy more
groceries, provisions etc , for less money
ut 62 Second street than any other
place in The Dalles? It will pay you
to call and get my prices, and examine
my stock before going elsewhere. All
goods delivered free to wharves or
The Leading Grocer 62 Sec
ond Street, The Dalles Oregon.
Vogt's new building, Second St.
Say the S. B. Cough Cur8
is the best thing they
ever saw. We are not
flattered, for we know
that re al merit will win.
All we ask is an honest
For sitlff by all Druggists.
S. B. Med. M 'F' U. Co.. tiiifur, Ore.
A new stock of Ladies' and Gents'
SPLCIAL attention given to clean
ing and repairing watt h ?s.
In French's Block.
0 1 fc JjZiii' 1 1 Ntl i n muimmm
ML k fflffillll,
The Dalles.
Since the first of June we have add4 a
to our - ,
Furniture & Carpet
liusiness a complete Undertaking Es
tablishment, and as we mieeeetletl in
getting; our stock from the pjiHt with
out being compelled to join the Under-v
taker's Trust, we nssure the public that
in consequence thereof our
Prices Are Very Low.
JJemember our place of business on
Kleyant Hleamer
Will leave the foot of Court street
every morning at 7. n. 'm. ex- - '
cept Sundays for
Connections Will be Made with tho
Fast Steamer f
XDa,iles Citr
At the foot of the Cascade Lock.
For Tassenger or freight Hates, App'y
to Agent, or Purser on B iard.
J.W. KEfJf'A. '
House, siira nnd Carriage Tainter.
Paper hanging and calcimlnln-j
Fine Samples of Wall Paper kep- l instantly
HOOD niVEIl, ........ OREGOS.
Bnrae j out but Again In Bus:no
And Embalmer, has aiiain stm tpd with
new mul fiiin',iU'!e slock iifevei-yliiing needd i
in ine undertaking business, i'urtn ulur p
tentiim paid to embalming and lutein an'
of tile uead. Orders promptly Ktten.i?d lo
day ornighl,
l'riees us iow as the lowest.
Vlace til" business, uiagunally aeross from
Opera Block, tin tne eiu-ner of Third nj
Washington Street Tne Dalles, Oiegon.
mm ii Fay Faints,
HOOD fflEB iffi.