The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 12, 1891, Image 1

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    ill i ,A . w
ood River Glacier
NO. 28.
3(ood liver (a lacier.
. Tbe Glacier Publishing Compuj.
ifiKtHirnon rnici.
On. rr
(u fniHitat , .
TtirM mniilht,
' WV....
I.I. Chid r, t O B. !.n, umtm.
Lnml :: Lmv :: BMMiaIi8t.
m Ho. t. Unit nflw Riill4ln,
Till t'AM.KS, OK
Real Kstatc Broker,
Fire, Life tad Aooldest Inisrsaos.
Eoney Loaned on Heal Estate Security
Offln., rr.nrh Co ' IUnk fltilMIni,
TH It fiAI.I.M, omuOH.
Barber Shop
Grant Evans, Propr.
flwond Hi., near Oak. . . Hood River, Or.
8blng and IUI- cutting atetly dan.
SMitkcUon liiiuiutwl. .
TheSalton'Lake Rapidly
Going- Down.
Miss Fanny Davenport Purohases 300
Aores of Land in Orange
County, California.
Portland wants a $500,000 dry dock.
There was ice at Tucson, A. T., last
Water-front thieves af Seattle am do
ing a good business.
An English syndicate in buying up all
t ho breweries in British Columbia.
An effort ia being made to revoke the
extension of the lloopa reservation.
Ion Angeles' business thia year is a
decided Improvement on that of lsoo.
Tho National California Hunk at San
D'ego, it is thought, will hooii resume
Wells, Fargo & Co.'s express has pac
t'calv Klilif!u'd the Denver and Kio
Grande express department.
J. G. Ford, one of the sheep and wool
barons of Elko county, Nov., a few days
auo sold sixty yearling bucks at rju a
At ltlaekfoot, Idaho, a lire destroyed
the United States land office, Union Pa
cific depot, Pacific express office and the
Commercial Hotel.
There is a rumor that the Southern
Paeilic Company is going to prohibit
liquor aelling in houses located on its
right of way through Nevada.
The Railroad Commission has decided
that the Southern Pacific railroad did
not discriminate in favor of Tucson, as
was charged by outside towns.
Deposits of meerschaum have been
found on the 8a polio creek, twenty-five
miles north of Silver City, N. M., and
near the alum deposits of the Gila river.
It bus lieen doclded after survey to at
tempt to raise the steamship Han Pedro
near Victoria. It is rumored that tho
Captain will be held responsible for her
W. A. Daggett, tho mail clerk who was
injured in the railroad accident at Port
Costa some months ago, has filed a suit
at Stockton in which he asks for $50,000
South Sea Island guano is being intro
duced in Riverside this season. This
fertilizer contains, 30 per cent, of phos
phoric acid, and is especially adapted
for orange groves.
The case of S. W. Sullivan, who was
charged with smuggling arms into San
Quentin prison, has been dismissed by
the court at Han Rafael, the prosecution
claiming there was no evidence to con
vict. Portland, having discovered that she
sold her bonds to a pool and but for tbe
combination much less than they were
worth, has rescinded its acceptance of
the bid, and there is a chance for a law
suit. The recently formed Southern Cali
fornia Fruit Growers' Union is receiving
much eneouragoment from horticultur
ists. The main object is to make orange
growers as far as possible independent
of the middlemen.
The Yuma Sentinel says : The great
faking exploration and surveying expe
dition has arrived from the mud volca
noes. The number of volcanoes has
been increased to 7,000. We await fur
ther particulars with eagerness.
The Kino; of Slam Will Send Six
Youths to Pennsylvania to be
Boston has a class in Vnliipuk.
Two hundred and four of the .'1115 col
lege In the United Htalcs are coeduca-
The one hundred and forty-fifth cata
logue of Princeton College, Just Issued,
shows OHO students enrolled.
The University of Michigan will erect
a Grecian temple as her contribution to
the World's Fair at Chicago.
The twelfth annual report of the In
dian Training Hehool in Carlisle, Pa.,
shows an attendance of UK I hoys ami
Tho Hoard of Trustees of the new
Chicago University is composed of "four
teen Baptists, one Israelite and six
Olcrlln (O.) CoIWa recently received
the inrircMt single endowment it has ever
rece.ved lt, (II H,li;i -given it by the
will of William It. Hpooucr of Boston
The University of Kansas receives a like
A college item 1 to the effect that in
the three Connecticut colleges Yale.
Trinity and Weslcyan attendance at
morning prayers is made obligatory upon
tlie students.
NMltiantol Holland, win) la in) years
old, voted at tin recent election in Itarro,
Max. His vol- was cast for James Mou
roe in 1H10, and he has never missed in
election since that year.
Kaiser Wilhelm is eighteen times
Duke, twice a Grand Duke, ten times
(kmnt, fifteen times a Seigneur and three
times a Margrave, liesides being King of
Prussia and Emperor of Germany.
Daniel C. French, the New York
sculptor, has just arrived in Paris to till
an order for the Chicago exhibition. It
will U a colossal statue of the Republic
a female figure, sixty to eighty feet hiiih
Colorado CollcLfo has the largest enter
ing class in Us history, numbering over
lorty. 1 Ins is especially encouraging U
its friends, as the standard of admission
has I -en raided to the same as that of
Faster n institutions.
The University at Chicago has bought
tlie library ol h. Simon ol Merlin, whir
contains 2H0.OOO volumes and 120,000
dissertations in all languages. Among
them there are 200 manuscripts from the
eighth to the nineteenth century.
J he Ktnirol Niam will soon send six
youths from his kingdom to Pennsylvania
,'o be educated. They are all to lieeome
physicians. The young men aie chosen
from the jioorer classes, and the expense
of their tuition, alsut ffi.OOi) a year each,
is to be borne by the Siamese govern
The New York Fye and Earlnfirmaiy,
which is the oldest institution of the
kind in the United States, proposes to
open a regular school of instruction, in
which every branch of knowledge ter
taining to tlie eye, ear and throat will be
as thoroughly taught as in lterlln, i-
enna or Paris.
The twelfth annual rejiort of the Har
vard annex for women has been issued,
There are now over 200 students at the
annex, and the report says that they are
"women with a purpose." They are
from twenty States of the Union, but
the great majority of them are from Mas
sachusetts. The class of 't5 generally seems ti be
an unusually large one in the Eattern
colleges. Williams has 105 freshmen,
Amherst 82, Harvard JOO.'Yale more
than B00, Wesieyan 70, Princeton 325,
Hrown lb1, Smith 240, Colgate 51, Ham
ilton Rochester 51) and Union 80.
Yale opened with 1,800 students, Prince
ton with 1,000.
The Chief of the Bureau of Equipment
Makes His Annual Report to the
Secretary of the Navy.
In his annual report to the Secretary
of the Navy Commodore Dewey, chief
of the bureau of equipment, summarizes
tho work of his bureau during the year
as follows : During the past fiscal year
fifty-three vessels have been either
wholly or partially equipped under this
bureau at an expenditure of labor and
material of 004,230.
Secretary Tracy in an interview is
quoted as saving : " We have set out to
build two snips that will comply with
the requirements of the future. Cruisers
Nos. 12 and 13 will be ideal types of
commerce destroyers. The Pirate of
7,000 tons burden will be able to steam
to San Francisco on the coal in her bunk
ers with which she leaves New York.
Not another war ship to-day afloat can
do thia. I am responsible for these two
vessels. I have sacrificed their offensive
and defensive powers to speed and coal
endurance. No Captain worthy to com
mand either of them would think of en
gaging a war ship on the high teas, but
they will be strong enough to attack any
steam vessel built for trading purposes
that might be armed in time of war.
The Pirate, for example, could be sent
into the English Channel and stay there
four weeks without recoaling. She could
keen away from the -ironclad vessels
sent in search of hor, and could destroy
every Bhip that put to sea or returned to
that" friendly haven. I designed her
with the single purpose to have a ship
that could do what no other vessel can
lo. She will he rapid enough to over
haul any merchantman. I do not mean
by this that she will always be able to
run down and capture a vessel like the
City of Paris, because in a rough sea it
is auite possible tlie steamer would out
sail her, but in the average sea the Pi
rate can spurt for eix or eight hours
faster than the fleetest transatlantic
La Grippo in tho Now
England States.
The Amount of Silver Held on Storage
by the Government Pugil
istic Women.
Omaha Is to have a system of parks
and iKjuit-vards.
Rainmaker Kllis is writing his report
W Mecretary Wink.
The grin is making great headway In
M'V England, especially In Connecticut
Colored men are excluded from the
Choctaw nation by legislativeenactment.
The Economic Gas Company has been
enjoined from piping gus into Chicago.
A solid vestibule train will shortly lie
put on between Cincinnati and Jackson
ville, Fla,
The initiation fee of the New York
Musical Progressive Union hat been
rai sed to $20.
The Vanderbilt lines are arranging for
through excursions from New York to
Han Francisco.
A Florida pajier says that the State is
filling up with winter visitors at the rate
of 2,0O0a week.
John D. Rickefeller has virtually re
tired from the Presidency of the Stand
ard Oil Company.
Chicago is going to try the experiment
of hauling some of its street cars with
steam locomotives.
The estimated valuo of church prop
erty in Philadelphia exemptod from tax
ation is $20,000,1)00.
The Supreme Court of the District of
Columbia has decided that the civil
aerviee act is constitutional.
Washington negroes are no even safe
in their graves. Ghouls tried to steal
Julia Scott's remains for a college.
The cord.ige trust hopes to secure a
complete monoMly by buying the pat
ents upon all rope-making' machinery.
Tlie membership of the Farmers' Alli
ance in Kansas is said to have declined
from 140,000 last year to OJ.OOO this year.
Wolves are rapidly increasing in the
niinincij-ri-tiiru niriioiin ui iunsas, BIIU
threaten tlie lives of the isolated (arnv
A remnant of Rig Foot's band f In
dians under Red Cloud is in revolt
against the authority of the agent at
m lieu Mates treasurer iNeiocker re
ports that the total debt of the District
of Columbia on September 30 last was
The Dubuque Street Railway Company
declares after a test of the storage bat
tery electric-car equipment that the
scheme is a failure.
Secretary Tracy is expected to advo
cate a change in our treaty with Great
Hntiiin, so that naval vessels may be
built at yards on the lakes.
They are agitating the question of re
moving the capital of Minnesota from
St. Paul. The weatern part of the State
is ambitious for the honor.
ine amount, ot silver now held on
storage bv the government would make
a column one foot in diameter and six
and one-half miles in height.
The drop-letter service on the electric
road between St. Paul and Minneapolis
is very popular, l be boxes are placed
within easy reach on the side of the car.
Great opposition is manifested by ad
mirers of the late Oliver P. Morton of
Indiana to the proposed removal of his
statue in Indianapolis from Circle park
to the State House grounds.
The government proposes to build an
other timber dock in the navy yard at
Brooklyn, the accommodations of the
other two docks being insufficient. It is
to bo about 600 feet in length. .
It is proposed by a number of citizens
of Maine to establish an asylum in North
Conway, N. II., at which drunkards and
opium fiends will be treated with the
Keeley bichloride of gold system.
The foar churches at Chatham. N. J..
the Parochial School connected with the
Catholic Church and the one public
school in the town are ciosed indifinitely
because ot tne prevalence ot diphtheria..
Hattie Leslie, " the champion female
pugilist of the world," and Gasaie Free
man fought four rounds in a theater at
Williamsburg, N. Y. The fight was se
vere. Miss treeman was frightfully bat
In Arkansas it has been shown during
an investigation that penitentiary pris
oners were frequently branded with a
rod-hot iron. All the Federal prisoners
have been ordered to the Columbus (O.)
penitentiary because of this treatment of
convicts. 1 .
Heavy losses were occasioned on the
the Chicago Board of Trade by an al
leged dispatch from United States Min
ister Smith in Russia, eavinsr that a
ukase had been signed referring to the
prohibition of wheat exports. The losses
were made in the rush to cover.
Ernest Fielding, a stianger in Council
Bluffs, became an attendant at the Sal
vation Army recently, and the other
night in telling of his experiences in
crime confessed to committing burglaries
at Sioux City and other placeB. This
was reported to the police, and Fielding
was arrested. The prisoner confessed to
numerous crimes in different citiss.
Charles Emory Smith Hat the Happy
Faculty of Being a Charming
After-Dinner Speaker.
The King
of Greece apoakd a do.en
Whitney is a fearless
Mrs. General Hancock is in Europe for
the winter.
Private HiTretarv Hal ford has recov
ered his health siilhcicntly to juxtify
him in resuming his duties at the White
Thev seem to thick down at Washing
ton that Paroii Fava will mine wk
again as Italy's diplomatic representa
tive ere long.
The wife of Frederick Jouglas, the
ex-Minister to Jlayt), recently delivered
an address liefore a colored high school
In Washington.
Dr. P.rown-Sequard has apparently
abandoned Ins Unions "elixir of hie,
and now thinks that he has a cure for
coughs and sneezing.
Carter Harrison will discard the edi
torial "we" in bis Chicago paper and
use the first-Person pronoun. He regards
tins as a capital I-dea.
Prof. Alcee Fort'er of New Orleans
says the Creoles are the Knickerlxx'kers
of liOiiisiana. He takes Author Cable
to tusk for his characteriiations of Cre
ole life.
Robert Plilson, a banker of Berlin,
Pa., is a dwarf, and so diminutive a one
that the dime-museum managers have
offered him large sums to exhibit him
self to the curious public under their
Bishop Merrill of the Methodist Church
has lieen taken to the Wesley Hospital
in Chicago for surgical treatment. For
a fortnight be has lieen disabled by an
ailment which is thought to te an' ab
dominal alscesn.
Charles Emory Smith, United States
Minister to Russia, is a charming after
dinner speaker. Under the influences of
a fetching menu hit almost habitual re
serve disappears, and he becomes un-
wontedly sociable.
Henri Rocbefort, the French Anarch
ist, who was sent to a penal colon v, from
which he escais-d, is now living in Ixn-
don. He is tall, slight ami gray. Al
though he has been in England six years,
he does not speak English.
I he canoe in which Poultnev 15igelow
navigated the Danube from the Black
I'oreet to the Black Sea bus been ac
cepted by Emperor William. They knew
each other year, ago, when the Ameri
can and the Kaiser were schoolmates.
A note written recently to a Chicago
author by Oliver endell Holmes Bhows
that the aged poet's pen is still entirely
under his control literally as well as met
aphorically, tor, though Dr. Holmes is
now 83, he writes as neat and unvarying
a hand as a bank clerk o: 2U.
Joseph renneii, whom the cable re
ports to have leen expelled from Russia,
was probably mistaken for a spy. His
sketching as an artist once before led to
his an est under a like misapprehension.
Mr. Pennell, who is both a writer and
an artist, formerly lived in Germantown,
and hs wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Robins Pen
nell, is a daughter of Edward Robins of
Al' ert Moore has been painting beau
tiful pictures for a generation, but has
always failed of recognition by the Brit
ish Royal Academy. He is the subject
of an appreciative article by Harold
Frederic in the Christmas Scribner, il
lustrated with seven engravings from
the aitist's paintings.
Artists and Manufacturers in Denmark
Making Great Preparations for
an Exhibit at Chicago.
A big whale-back steamer for use on
the lakes during the World's Fair will
be built.
The furniture manufacturers of Chi
cago have taken steps to make a collect
ive exhibit in their line, and promise
that t will open the the eyes of visitors.
Mrs. Lucas, lady manager for Penn
sylvania, has appointed Miss Florence
Lewis, a young colored girl, upon her
auxiliary committee. Miss Lewis is one
of the press representatives of the Board
of Lady Managers of Philadelphia.
It is announced in the Berlin newspa
pers that the entire organization of the
Imperial Opera Company of Berlin,
Germany, will come to Chicago in 1893
to give operatic performances in the mu
sic hall to be erected on the exposition
The government ot Russia has de
cided to haul exhibits for the fair at half
rates on all government railroads, and at
the same time it has suggested to pri
vate companies that they make a like
reduction. A similar arrangement has
been effected in Germanv.
Artists and manufacturers in Denmark
are making great preparations for the
fair. United states Minister Thayer.
who has just returned from Copenhagen,
toid Direetor-ueneral JJavis that Danish
exhibitors would eclipse their efforts at
any previous exposition. "And that
means a great deal,"' he added, " for the
aitists of Denmark have made a number
of fine exhibits."
John McAdams & Co. of Brooklyn
have applied for space to exhibit a de
vice that cannot le shown in any of t he
buildings. They will have to go out in
Lake Michigan to make their exhibit,
and that is what they want to do. They
have an invention to prevent boats com
ing in collision. It ia a marine brake,
powerful enough, they claim, to stop
boats running at a high rate of speed.
The company wants to operate a steam
boat or t team yacht in the lake, carry
ing passengers, and to give practical
demonstrations of the efficiency of their
Spain Will Disband Par
of Her Army.
Question of Ameliorating the Condi
tion of the Farmer Ripens
in Great Britain.
Russia proposes a tobacco and spirits
Austria's favorable action on the Amer
ican hog is exacted soon.
Enormous numbers of horses are be
ing imported into India from Australia,
It is reported that Russia contemplates
me removal oi me land tax in the fam
ine districts.
u is estimated mat the damage in
Somerset county, FIngland, by flood will
aggregate saw.uoo.
The Salvation Army has made an at
tempt to enter Russia, and has been
promptly expelled.
Mexican officials are beginning to be
stir themselves to catch the many cattle
mieves on tne border.
A crusade against tea has taken place
among the undergraduates of Cambridge
t-niversiiy in r.ngiand.
American quail are being introduced
into China for the benefit of American
and English sportsmen.
It appears that goiter is increasing in
France, no fewer than 42f,000 persons
being affected in thirty of the depart
the scarcity of "stiffs" has caused
the London hospitals to form an anatom
ical league for the apportionment of
A manifeto has leen issued to the
farm laborers of the lower Welsh conn
ties advocating combined effort for wage
The government of Japan gets a large
proportion ot its revenue from the rail
road and telegraph com names that it
owns and operates.
Princess Stephanie, widow of Crown
Prince Rudolph, awaits the consent of
Emperor Francis Joseph to wed Prince
terdinand of Bulgaria. -
ueorge Kutier, who was secretary to
Anson Burlingame while the latter'was
American Minister at Peking, has died
m a Hongkong hospital.
Jules Simon in the debate in the
French Senate opposed tariff measures.
He did not think the home market of
trance was broad enough.
The English Liberal leaders have de
cided to incorporate in the platform ap
proved at the Newcastle conference an
English tenants' rights bill.
Tbe question of ameliorating the con-
union oi me i.nusn iarmer is now ne ng
recognized as ripening toward liberal
legislation in Great Britain.
A man who found a meteorite a few
weeks ago in the rotten roots of a willow
tree at Lysabild, Denmark, claims to
have seen it fall into the tree in 1843.
The Anarchists of France b.mst of a
force of about 40,000. Their leading or
gan, Le I'ere Pcinard, has a circulation
of nearly 20,003. The Socialists number
about 1,000,000.
Queen Victoria will go to Flore ce in
March. From there she will visit ex
Empress Frederick at Kronburg. After
ward she will be the guest of Emperor
William at Coblentz.
The toy-doll manufacturers of Thur-
ingia and Sonnenberg 'iave resolved to
exhibit largely and -.ollectively at the
World's Fair. A great display of Binall
fancy ironware will also be shown.
With a view of economizing the Span
ish government i about to take steps
for the disbanding of a portion of the
Btam ing army, suspending the plan of
increasing the navy and withdrawing
subsidies to railways.
The British government still believes
in potency of arms, and has decided to
erect powerful fortifications on Thursday
Island and make it t he Gibraltar of Aus
tralia. It is situated on the moBt north
erly point of the coast.
Seventeen mummies in the Imperial
Museum of Berlin were found by a com
mittee of archaeologists to be recent fab
rications of Alexandrian dealers in an
tiquities. The museum had paid 800.-
000 marks for these forgeries.
The Chilian government has granted
concessions to Sir John Pender, a tele
graph man, to construct a line from Val
paraiso and Santiago to the Chilian fron
tier, there to connect with the projected
new transandean wires from Buenos
Reports from East Africa say that
Emin Pasha has reached Usaraneo. at
the head of Lake Albert Edward Nyan
za, and has been joined bv the troops
he formerly commanded at Wadelai, and
had fought several successful engage
ments. A visitor to Monte Carlo reports that
there are no less than than fifteen new
graves, unmarked, in the cemetery, of
persons made desperate by their losses
who committed suicide. Of most of
these cases no record has been given or
is kept.
The Dublin Irish Catholic asserts that
a scheme is in operation in manv parts
of Ireland to dray the young men into
the membership of secret societies. This
scheme, adds the paper, aims at prevent
ing the attainment of home rule for Ire
land in a constitutional manner, and
must inevitably result in murder and
Il-n..lon firnr the American C h. ra
it 1 fl.Hdrtr,
('himii'i lnltunr.
To ih I'aUuit of The T'ibune: I have
just seen the report in your issue of Sep
tember 3, of the discussion at the Wash
ington meeting of the American Chem
ical s-ociety, Angtist 18, relative to the
use of carbonate of ammonia in bakin(
powders. . ...
This report is incomplete and ineor- iUl
rect in many particulars, and as the pa
per which precipitated the discussion
was read by me and was based upon my
own experiments, I desire to make cer
tain corrections in the interest of the
truth and for the benefit of the large'
number of your readers to whom thV
qnestion is one of great moment.
The paper as read before the society ;
relaied that ammonia in baking powder
is re' lined in the bread by reason of it
affinity to the gluten. The concensus of
opinion as expressed during the discrjfr
eion was against tne nse oi carbonate or,
ammonia in baking powder with the.-)
only exception of Dr. McMurtrie. wlwy
is now an employe of a baking powder
company which usee carbonate of am-
noma in its baking powder.
Of the other parties mentioned as hav
ing taken part in the discussion were
Professor Dr. Barker, of the University
of Pennsylvania, who is the President
of the society and one of the highest
authorities. In answer to a pleading bv
Professor McMurtrie that only small
quantities of ammonia were used in bak
ing powders, he stated: "No matter
bow email the Quantity. I must decJina
to be dosed medically without my con
sent when taking my meals."
Dr. E. 11. Bartley. formerly chemist of
the Brooklyn Board of Health and Pro
fessor of Chemistry at the Lonn Island
College, likewise named, did not, I be
lieve, take active i-art in the discussion,
but is already on record as strongly op
posed to the use of ammonium carbon
ate in baking powders.
Dr. Kichardson volunteered only the
question whether the flour used in the
experiments was of good quality, of
which 1 assured him by Rtitin that it
was the best and the tiuiir used in my
Professor Mallet was not present
Your article is misleading in so far as
it gives the impreesiou that ammonia
disappears on baking. My actual tests- --
agree with those made by others, show
ing that ammonia remains in the bread.
My investigations simply assign a new
cause for its retention.
II. Enpemamx. Ph. D.
New York Tribune, September 11, 189 1.
Notk. Dr. Endemann. the wr'er of
this communication, is well kiir in
scientific circles, and was for.-r.5lve
years chemisf of the New York boar;'. of
tieaiin. -.".-(-
The baking powder company above '
referred to is the Royal Bakinir Powder
Company of New York, and the em
ploye Dr. Uliam McMurtrie. who de
fends that company's nse of ammonia,
tneir much-advertised government
aubiivlit; . line IB llO BUUII OUJCe KUOWU
under our government as that of gov
ernment or United States government
A Good Habit.
I heard the other day of a habit peculiar to
certain merchant here iu Boston which
strikes nie us being particularly wise aud
profitable. Every night oh bis return home.
either just lf ore dinner or immediately after
ward, be sits down aud speuds from ten min
utes to half an hour in thinking over the
vents of the day. Considering in tbe soli
tude and silence of bis library tbe varioua
transactions in which be has taken part, be
concludes in wbut respect be has done wisely,
hi what respect foolishly v and draws au-Sr,)-""
propriate lesson for the future. All the hasty
acts which be has committed during tbe pre
ceding hours are passed in impartial review.
Taverner in Boston Post.
Japanese Lacquer.
Japanese lacquer is highly spoken of. It
gives a surface to wood much harder than
the best copal varnish, without brittle!
It takes a polish not to be excelfed, whu
lasts for centuries, as we may see in the old
treasures of Japan. It is proof against boil-,
ing water, alcohol and apparently every
agent known. It is the best possible applica
tion for laboratory tables. A photographer
states that be has a set of developing trayi
that nave been iu use tor more than a year.
and they remain in perfect condition. In
Japan the varnish is used for many house-
bold articles. New York Commercial Ad
Several National Debts Compared.
The rapidity with which the country has
been paying its public debt during the last
ten years has excited the admiration of tbe
world. Today we are paying as interest
upon our debt $35,000,000. In contrast with
this France pays annually in interest $258 -000,000;
Great Britain, $130,800,000; Austro
Hungary, $126,000,000; Italy, $100,000,000;
Russia, $220,000,000, aud Spaiu $56,000,000.
Prussia alone of tbe German states pays $44 -000,000,
and Canada, with but one-twelfth of
the population of this country, pays nearly
one-third as much annually in interest or
$10,000,000. Boston Advertiser.
Wants a New Dictionary.
Fogg says that the dictionary is the most
unsatisfactory thing he knows of. It is built
on wrong principles. He never goes to the
dictionary to lookup a word but he is led
astray by getting interested in other defini
tions, until finally he forgets what word he
started out to look up. 'Vhat is needed ia a
dictionary operated ou the nickel-in-the-slot
principle, and which will show but the oue
word . demanded and keep all others ia the
backgrouud and out of sight. Boston Tran
script. '
Josh Billings' Philosophy.
Indolence may not be a crime, but it la lia
ble tew be at euny time.
I am satisfied thare is more imaginary
trouble iu this world than real.
Avarice eats up everything, even ekonemy
Hope is a blind guide, but whare did yeli
Bud a better ouei New York Weekly.
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