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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1891)
mi, n 3(ood Tiver (Slacicr. llO'MHtlVKIt, Oil., JMV. n, (Mil, mox imcihc uuiavay I.OCAI. ( AIM). KANT llOI NI) l ltOM IIOOll . r'xmiwi Iwivei t 1 1 01 A, M, No. 'i, Mull 1(1.11 I'. M. WKHT IKM NII KltoM HOOK IIIVKIt. No. No. IlllVl'k III 7:10 I'. :H A. Mull Till: MAIL. I'll mull krilvrn (Yum MlrulUlinrir Hi II n'. rliM'h A. M. Wi'itm wIiivk mill Hiiltililuyn; ill ll'U Mllll a Ml H lit. Knr Clii'imMi'tli. Ifnvim i M A. M. arrive nt 1 . M. rMiliirilaVM. For WlilliiMiilitmi. Iitivit dully kI n A M. rrivptniiiiiuo i'iiM'k P, M, Krniii Wlill Kiiliiimi Inivi-K fur Kulilii. nil Mar. Tumi i4iki mill lilenwiMxl MiuiiIii), mill Frlita,. Mill? LOCAL . UTKltS. Mr. John WiiImoii land. In tip front Port I'lctiiri'N fr.iiiicil llllUll' Ulllll . to order lit tlu fnr- Mr. 8. IIumIjhikIh of MimliT wiut livrv I'ui'Niliiy, .. , . I In- C.i.Ai'tKH wiih thirty niontlm olil ; liMt wii'k. IJiniiH. II. Ki ttlii ri'? mile. H. II. Wi ll I hIioiiM (oHIiin uml iiii.lcrlnkfm hiii.hIIi-h ! i furiilturu nloiv. t all mil nci, tin. i.w m-Iumi1 miIIm for 1miv n ut luiiimV l V II I I . ' U. .Mr.Nally Ih the new n HIoii ! rorimmi h. ri'. All kltulM of it hi 1 1 1 ry jriMluce liiuirlit i ' im ohi in jiiirriHiurh. A flue lit f neut'M rurnlMhlll khhU nit received nt llumiiiV ... , ... , I I. J. utHon nunc I'mt- j land yi-Mlenlay inoniliiK'. Mih. K. V. Wi'iidllnr iiihUh proof on her hiuiii hii iul the IrJi h. filial Mr. 1 ::11m4.ii'k hill.. L'lll. w ho Iiml lnr eiliiok ii m.uie weekn iil-o, Ih ahout Veil. I lit Vi. you welt the JII.IHI mililie inaple iH .i room M-t ut thu furniture "l",v ' lluvinj-: Ih'i-ii appointed .,,tury I'uli lle we mv pivpuied to do all w ork In thut line. Mr. Mini Mm, .Mutlilu expect to .turt Sunday for 'KiiKlaiul to remain ! nil II Minlnif lllltll KplllIK from The until the , K. li, l.ytle wiih down D.iIIch Sunday, nuialuin ii;.U pinwner. J. W. Wallaei' Iiiih Kfaded IiIh lotn In VViiueoiua, will niovit IiIh ham mid in ike u dwelling limine of . Im you want u line wnteli or elegant Jewelery at the very lowcnt jirlivH'.' If Mio lo Sidney Voiiiik'm ut the DuIIch. W. Ii. Allen, formerly lilnekHinllh with Ihe Oregon I.uuiU r ('oinpany, Ih now ut wmk with the pile-i hi vinir out lit. Mr. I.nke, of the CiiHcade IM-kn, who Wiih Ik-iv hint Wii'k, Ih HerloMwIy coiihIiI-i-rlnjit oH iihig u gi'iieral inerchaiidlHO fttoiv here. Sidney You njr at The Dallen Iiiih iiii elegant UKsortinent of Jewelry, Jut the tiling for a ChrlNtiuuM pitm-nt for yoiir-M-lf or frlenilH. , Mi-Hun. IllowerH A Cmwell have fin IhIkiI (akin; html, mid the traiiHter from Mr1 HIowitm to Mr, ('ruwvll has Ihi ii conipU'ted. With the completion of a ditch throiiKliIhe went bide, rarkhuixl and rieiiKiiiit View projH-rty Ih goinn to take it hoom. A liiip1 amount of piling Im Ih'Iii irathereil here pi'paratory to overhaul Ingthe tiVHlle ut the went end of the Jlood river tirldp'. Ciiptuln A. S. 15lowern lum sold two IoIh, lylmr U'tween Mix. A. R. Middle Ioii'h ixuldenir nml tho V. U. church, to Huv. ('. W. Wells. Mr. ('. H. Hone wtw down from Ornnt'n Suturdiiv. returnlnu; Tuenday. He will he hack )n u few weeks to re main during thu winter. The milt U-twecn the riparian own ern of 1'atton. cit-ek mid the Oregon Lunilier Coinpuny will In., tried at thu next term of court In The Dulles. l''ornnynne purclumlng ten dollai's worth of furniture of ine, I will deliver tlie Hnnie ut landing free of charge. H. K. J$AKt.Mi;ss. Mr. lVtcrMolir left im it tvimp'e of carrotH rained on his place without Irri gation. Thu largest will nieamire live Inches In diameter and a foot in length. We have received a stock of deeds, mortgages, etc., which we will sell to those in need of thut kind of material nt considerably less than 101) per cent, profit, A short local In the (J r.AciKU Inva riably finds nn owner for stock taken up, and almost always leads to tho re covery of lost articles. Try It the next time you lose anything. Ten dollars Is a high price for hair cutting, hut that Is what Judge Hrad nliaw charged our friend James Hong, hut, when he saw what an artistic job It was, he remitted the fine. Mr. . T. Burgct, of the firm of I'ran liill & llurget, of The Dalles, was here Friday afternoon for the purpose of preparing the body of Clarke for ship ment to his relatives 1 the Hast. Tho wit of the State against Mary Jane At well, to condemn u pleee of land at the (Wade Locks for the use of the wortagt road, was tiied at this teigt of court at The Dalles, tho value beiSg fixed atfMM). Mr. Ellison Informs us that there k no probability of the day passenger trains being discontinued for some time 4it least The travel U good, ami so long as the road Is not blockaded the trains will be kept on. The Union Pacific lias given notice that it will curry freight between Port land and The Dulles at one-half the rates charged hv tho Regulator, but whether this applies to the railroad or only to the steamer line we know not. The railroad coiiiiiiImhIiiiicih (in u (our of Inflection pilHM'd lip (III I'li'lil III it I hkt1uI Monday, in ehuitfo of Hupcrln J tendcM 11. W. JJ.ixli r mill W A. Ilnr- Vl'.V, ItctlllH Htl I H-ll I . t ' IH It'll t of lill Ik H ami IiiiIIiIiiih department. An will Im wen I v a notice In thin Ihhiic. r. K. J. TImhiiiim lum sold IiIh ilniK nIiu'ii mill IiuhIihmm In Dr. 1', ('. JIiiihIiih. 'I'lic Dr. iiml Mrs. Thulium will leave In time to MM'inl Christinas ut their old home In IVniiMylvnnln. Ant'xtm bridge (rang l" Iwii or iranlcil in charge of II. W. Ilrhv, ami U now located ut Vlento. TIiIh mldl lliin wiih rn ml in'ccMHiiry on account of the. cxtt'iiMlvo Improvements mid re pair K"1"K " all aloiijf lli! mini. Thcw will he it iiiii IIii of all citizens Interested ut tlm Oili'll whool hoicc, I'rliluy. Deo. Dili, for the urMH ( Hrfi'i'lliiK arrangements fur Kettlnjr water for lirlK'ill'iK ami other purpimcH. Every HTMon Interested U nipa'sicd to lUti'iiil. Circuit court Im rapidly drawing to it clone, Hint Judc ItrmlHliuw lum demon- slruted tlutt In Im tlio ihiiimt inthoii for I... in.... i ....!.i...: .1. lov inmiuuii iiu in-:ufii'F. i hit will n lias Ih.'1'Ii pushed, llii! docket c Icnrc'l uml tlm court run ut the very lowest I'XIH'IIM). I I Tli m IkmiI U-ll for tliU district nrrl-l ved Thursday. It lum the mimes of! (lie committee thut rnlni'il tli fit ikIh ' for IIh purcliiwc 1'HMt In It. It wn miicli I needed and I u iMTiN'tiuil n'lnliulcr of ii... ..f it... i ..i.ii i i... IIIIT I IIIIBI in liiVB limii VIIIHlll'll Willi ,1IHHIU, tni. u-ll. urocun-il It. i i I Momliiv wiih Hit' ImiiniT nilnv ilnv i,t 1 inn ymr, ine cny iti iiiiiih mi iniiin to , f - . - fairly imur out ltd coiitcntH, uml !- . " . . I I I. ... .1. twi-i-n cIoikU uml ruin It wum at IIiiicm i liK im twlllirlit. 1 Ui'ndiiy WHM tin- vtty pwiil for ruin, ti otiml Ih llioiMiinlily wmk too, mid K,ii,l Ih llioroulily Houki d. n J 'IM... L!l...lll t ..I. I.... I I .. 1 I lit I 1 1 II 1 1 1" Ml I J liwni, IMIII'.I lllin llll-ll dlwoiillnucd, mul Icttcin ud.lriwd to Unit ollhv will Ih' found In tin- Hood Kiwi otllci'. The ri'iiMon (hi! olllcii wiih ! illrwoutliiui'd wiih that Mr. Slrulnlit ex-1 k'cIh to K' r.UHt mooii, tit IcumI wi; have ici'ii IiiI'iii'iiiimI that Hiicli Ih the i-mhc. I J. T. Delk, chai,'i'd with Helling j,.1(r without it llceime, had IiIh trlaln, (.n. .K two Indictiiients ' I'lU'i 'aMl week, lielliif i lenred of one jchaixeuud convicted on one. He will I ri'i'i'i . i I iU m'li Inn i' M iiiuIm v. lint li'iiut ti.. i... i.... .mi I . . ....... i i. li u i ' , , I ' Ihe llrHt Miow of the m'iihoii fell here : 1 Tlmi-Hilny. 'I'lii' liltf, lav HakiH came ! Ilimtln Hlowly down In IiohIi 'MS oppn-1 ! Ntloii lo the more niinhle ruluili'.i.H, land lifter an hour or ho i;ae up tin? I cniiteHt, leavlnn the lleld to the gentle wilifiNit rain that rained uml rt Igncd. i The armory ulto lum not yet Imh-u dc-! elded upon, hut It will U either mi the "'"Hiwl ""ht 'f A. H. Joiii-h' M.K-k or on the corner went of It. We under- Ktaud It Iiiih W-fii decided to build a two-story building, which Ih eminently correct. A one-ntorv bulldlni' of (lie jnie promised would look like the ex (mi-j neiil or tllstrcKM. Wutch our for sale columns for some of the Uwl ivul estate bargahiH In the .country. If you want to buy cull on us, and If you want to sell, iiuue and Me u hat uc can do for you. We ad vertise till proR'rty placed in our hands free of charge, iiiiti lire HOhitUuteil as to make the ijuiekest miles. It will coxt you nothing unless u sale Is made. Head I. C. Nickelsen's ml. in this Issue. Althoiigii tiiirued out in the big II iv at The italics, .Mr. Nlckelseu has ugain oH'ued a upleudld slock of goods. An exumliiallon of IiIh stock will amply rewind those intending to procure ChristuiuH giKuls, us presents suitable for thatiK'Caslon, pianos, jewelry, luniks, fund fancy articles. Cult on hint when iu The Dulles. At the regular meeting of Wuueoniu Lodge, No. Jill, K. of P., the following officers were elected for the term com mencing with the first meeting In Jan uary next: J. H. Cradlebaugh, C. C; tJcorge T. Prat her, V. C; A. Jiershey, Pivlale: J. It. NlckcUeii, M. of A.; li. J. riioinas, M. of K.; 11. V. Coe, M. or r . liistaiiatlon, oaturuay even ing, December oth. The all-absorbing question as to whether or not It Is under given cir cumstances U'tter to hold on to a tiger's tall than to let go, still remains to lie demonstrated. The Samsonian debate (Samsonlan is no doubt correct, since a I jawbone wus Sunison'M lieuvy weapon) i !., . . . i ... I I . ....1 1 I mil noi niKe iiiace, inn wo uuncreuiiin will lie urgued und submitted next j Wednesday night, If the weather is not too bad. Wo fall to see any particular ! argument In the premises, but likej tioiusniiiirB peiiugogue, an can -argue still." "iToux. Sunday, NovciiiImt 2!)th, to the wife of C. P. iicuid, a duughter. Having disposed of my drug busi ness and practice to Dr. F. C. P.rosius, I will sell my household goods, horse, j harness, saddle, buggy, feed cutter etc., ut private sale. All goods not so sold j will lie oll'cred at public auction on Saturday Deccmlicr 12th at noon, and j sold to the highest bidder. l)r Brosius is located ut my oflice ' and will attend promptly all who may I favor him with a cull. He is a gradu- ate of Hush Medical college of several years practice. Thanking you for past patronage and wishing for him a continuance of the i same, 1 remain very respectfully with a farewell to all K. J. Thomas. All persons having money on de posit with the late firm of Blowers & dwell are hereby notified to call im mediately and withdraw same or trans fer it to the iew firm.- All parties indebted to above firm are also notified to call at once and settle. Those whoso accounts are past due, will save costs by attending to this matter promptly, a all such accounts will be placed in an olllcers hands for collection on Dec. 10th 1801. A. S. Blowkkh. ( J. P. CltOWKLU Sons of Veterans. The annual election of officers will be held on the evening of the 2d Thurs day of December. A full attendance la desired. H. L. Uowk, CapU Commanding." TI1K NIHILIST, floni'i tliim before the tragic death of thu late c,itr oim of the mo . t iiniortitfit men hi tlm empire was Prince Michel, but reasons of statu will not permit tho (li'Mlgniition of liiri illustrious family . tiiitui). During a sojourn la Paris, jimt after, the war, h met at oiui of the receptions of tlm PrinccHs Lls.t General de Cotilre-' luoiit's charming daughter, whom tlm Parisian world, Just arising from it:;' omIicm, knew under tlm nuimt of "the; beautiful Mii'liieinc." Khe was ulto u jMMir us hn was lieiiutifnl. j Michel wim smitten, in ppitH of his forty jeiim and his long fonued resold-; tiou of celibucy. For fifteen years im had wittiHtiwMl Hie biaiiilishiueiits of du signing young ladies an 1 tho liianeuvern of their arlhtoeratii! uiamuias, who had i thrown tliemselves, so to Hpeitk, at his! head as iMiiupietM of roses and lilies nru thrown over the footlights ut a favorite , diva. j One evening Miuleleim said to the widow of the hero of (iruvcloltc, "Mother, would you bo satitsficd by my becoming a jirinccMs" "No, indeed, my daughter, for yon ' were born beautiful enough to Im-coihc a ipui'ii.'' I In fact. In the moHt reli ct ai-Hcinbly; such a jH-rfect type of womanlKJod wus reldoin sei'tt. I saw this suiHTb creature ut the opera one evening shortly after her marriage, und I will wager that them were fifty young men in the orchestra who were more or less in love with her through the whole gamut of love, front resiectful admiration to the grand passion. Von can imugino how they listened, to the music; it might ns well have lieen from the scorn of "Mireille" us from the "Huguenots," and they would have lieen none the wiser. This wan probably the most memora ble evening in the young life of Mad eline, f ir slie felt herself avenged in the eyes of thu ni'-u who would now ghu'Jy impoverish themselves for one hour of her favor, but who l;:id formerly consid ered her too poor Xi) be the object of their. From her proud elevation, though warci ly seeming to nmile, in the d-pths of her being she vibrated front head to foot with the exultation i.f tri umph, and her cold brilliance radiated their ii.lmiration as diamonds radiate light. She raw in the elegant audience many beautiful women, but she felt her self to be the most beautiful woman ther?-. On this particular evening un Ameri can lady in one of tlm boxes, many times a millionaire, but not pretty, said: "I do not hope to resemble tin.' Princess Michel, for that would be to expect too much, but only to have her teeth I would ive my hotel in the Champs FJysees and all it contains, including theconteuts of my jewel hot; for witli such teeth one need not be pretty out! has but to yawn or Hinilc and the world is at one's feet." "Yes," replied u diplomat, "but I fear the priiKvss will have occasion to yawn oft .-ner than to smile, for bis excellency, her husband, has the air of being neither agreeable nor amusing. I imagine the princess will regret Paris many times." Indeed the prince, even at the time of his marriage, was not an ugreeable man, anil some year. later he w.ia still less so, , to the sorrow of the princess lie it said. He owed it to the cixpieiry of his wife to be us jealof.s as a tiger, and to the favor . of the czar to become minister of thu jsilice, and the result of his position did not serve to render him more amiable. However, he had found the opportunity to utilize his public functions in aid of his private jealousy. Ho used his wife's j coachman and th servant who oiiened the door to further his euds, and his emissaries among tho police soon placed in his hands all sorts of amorous declara tions addressed to, his wife, in every strain of ardent and passionate avowal. 1 H )vcver, the flood of correspondence soon slackened, not because the princess was less seductive, but Ijccanse she was indifferent or mirfeited, and those who had confided to the post or telegraph their hoH's und fears soon found them selves the victims of the most unexpect-! ed and various ill fortune, and began to conjecture that either the princess had tho evil eye, or that the eyesof the priiuw were too good. The correspondence only revealed to his excellency thut his wife was a harmless coquet te, und this dis covery brought a relative satisfaction. But the exactions of the czar in regard to the nihilists now left hun littlo time to protect the virtue of his wife, and judge of his ineffable surprise wlcn one day the following letter reached his hand.-i, of which also ho recognized but too well the handwriting, though it was signed by only u single initial: "It appears the emperor will set ont sooner than was expected lor Varsovie; hold yourself then in readiness to start ut the earliest warning, fcr who knows when we will find again so favorable an opportunity? "1 do not wish to conceal from you the difficulties of the undertaking. Ar range your plans then for success with out delay. You will present yourself to me as a friend of my family, traveling in Russia for your pleasure. Call upon my mother before you set out; she will give yon some commission for ine which will serve as un introduction in case of need." The unhappy prince was beside hni self wheu he had.' finished reuding this horrible letter. Tlieu this conspiracy, which he fought,1 night and day with sword, with prison and with exile; this pitiless war of armed monsters against the life of a single man, had its origin at his fireside! It was his own wife, his beauti&il Madeleine, who said to the as sassin, "Behold the hour; be ready to striker What fatality had armed his foreign wife against his sovereign? This woman had everything youth, beauty, wealth, admiration. Yet she wan & Nihilist. ,' What mora did she want? What stu pendous hatred urged her to this criitw at tho risk of imprisonment, exile 1 1 death? Did tho snows of SiU-ria tempt her erring feet? Was there infatuation In tliocord that Imight strangle her ivory throat? What could he do? IIu thought (,t killing hi wife, tliiiii himself, und leaving tli'i public to conjecture a casu of coiijugid infamy im the least of evils. Then he thought of throwing hiuiHclf ut tlei fei't of the czar, and, after divulging everything, flying with the guilty worn un. lint the ciitimcnt of duty made him pauw. He held the clew to a con spiracy; it was luresiry to unruvel the whole plot, und for this reason tlie letter must be allowed tori-ach its destination. The uKi'iiKsin could be thus mudtt to le tray himself. Already tho name of this man wan known to the minister Nicholson nome Englishman or American, is-rhaps, an expert in dynamite, or simply it Rus sian studi-nt who hail assumed a fube inline. Tho letter wan sent, and the name evening the prince accompanied his wife to the ojicni, where, pule, trem bling und feverish, lie appeared fifteen years older. She wan more charming and udmiri'd than ever. "Are you ill, Michel?" Inquired Made leine, us seated iu their carriage they drove homeward. "Why do you ark that question?" re plied her husband, with a strangely fcomls-r uir. "Why? Bmins yon finvo not ap peurcd jealous thin evening," sho said, smiling. At the end of a week tho minister re marked to his wife, without seeming to! utl'ich any imjiortunec to the statement, I "it is on Tuesday that the czur sets ont j from St. Petershnrg." "Ah," said Mad eleine, seeming scarcely to have hearJ her husband. And then she murmured, "lint the pas-rs gave another date." De siring to deceive tlie accomplice of Nich olson, for he hud lib plan, the miiiister replied. "Yes, it is necessary to thwart those who iimy have- desigu aguinst the i life of the eniiKTor." Then he spoke of I casual things, covertly ndmiring the' strength of soul of this unworthy woman. I The very same day convinced the minis-1 terlhat bis ruso'had uceded, when! t'. e fi '.lowing dispatch was handed to him iid.'reM-id by the princess, to whom! it is easilv divined: ! It h tor Tm !a . l!c jinr.i uml. Tucsl.iy lasjji-d. and it may trH b believed that neither the czur nor his mimster left the capital. Madeleine su ld,uly beca.rn, very uneasy ut the an - noiiiieeuieiii 01 ins oruienueu cn ane.l On the ufternoou of the following day ' Uruiiger. richly dressed and decorated with ;i i noruious rosette, presented him se!f at the palace of tho prince. "Whom do you to see'" inquired the obsequious flunkey, who had received his orders from his master. "iladame the Princess de Contre monr. Present my compliment and in form her that I uiu the b-aier of a m -s-rag" from her mother. I um Dr. Nichol son." "You ure esiected. sir," rej.lied the servant, "but uailame is at thi.iiioinent visiting a friend, and has left orders to huVe you conducted to her. The car riage will be ready in a moment," The carriage drew up nnd the man en tered with Nicholson, taking his eat be side him wit lion t ns much as asking per mission. Nicholson's wonder iu the fel low's presumption was of short duration, for after a rapid drive of a quarter of an hour the self styled doctor found him self in one of the strongest prisons of St. Petersburg, and if he was cxjiected it certainly was not by the princess. In a slovenly sort of reception room, filled with armed police, a personage whom he did not know, and who wus the prince himself, interrogated him with a want of resiK'ct to which poor Nicholson was not accustomed. "It is iufi'inous!" he cried, struggling j in his liewildennent to defend himself. ' "I reached Paris only this morning, and have not spoken three words to any one, and when I present myself to the prin cess I am arrested and carried off to prison like a common thief." , "You know the princess, then?" the minister inquired coldly. "Know her! I have known her since she was an infant. Here is a letter from her mother, tho widow of a great gen eral. Besides, I am an American citizen and protest" i "Examine this man carefully!" inter rupted the high functionary, without seeming to hear the doctor. Nothing to excite suspicion was found on Nicholson, except a little box care fully wrapped up in many envelopes of line paper. Could it be an infernal ma chine? Au expert " from the torpedo school, who Usually accompanies the minister on such occat.ions, untied ihe package with scientific precaution. The roomful of assistants were very nervous and stood around with pallid faces, evi dently awaiting a terrible explosion. Nothing abnormal was revealed, only ; the expert, with a singular smile, handed : the open box to tlie prince, who, after a ' hasty glance at the contents, hniriedly . thrust it in his pocket. Then turning to Nicholson he demand-, ed, "You are" "An American dentist, sir; very much pressed for time, as my client is this mo ment waiting for me." i Five minutes later Nicholson was in the carriage again, having this time for a companion the prince himself, who loaded him with apologies. But." said the husband of the beauti- ful Madeleine, "how did it happen that ' naberea, IOI W6 KUOW I never discovered anything myself:" that realllierit Will Will. "Your excellency," proudly replied " , the American, "if you had been able to j All WO &Sk, IS ail hOIlCSt discover auvthing, micii a dentist asii..T k,oi Nicholson would not merit his great ' reputation. "Then the teeth of the princess'' "Are false, my prince. When Mine, de Contremont was young she was thrown . from her horse and sustaiued au injury I which ruined her teeth, and it was niy i self who constructed tor her the most J perfect Bet of teeth that ever left my lianas, but tiieso Decerning worn 1 was summoned to Paris to adjust a new set in your absence." The public never heard of the ad venture, but it was duly observed that I the prince uppeared to be less iu love ! with his wile than formerly. From the I French of Leon de 'iiuseau, by Francit 1 M. Livingston, for New Orleans Timet-Democrat. Tho Dalles Oregon Iff STORE. Iff GOODS. NEff PRICES. Cauli buyein will save ntoiie by examining my ulnck In-fort? purelianlng elsewhere, KndletM variety of holiday presents. JVsiks In rH'tfi ami single lit attlactlve binding. Fine Watche, Jewelry, gold pvtin, and Ktatlonery. Agent for tlie Doinentie Hewing machine. TImj Katey organ, Htelnway plaiuw, and Krauich & Dach'i piuno In all kinds of wood. S. L. YOUNG. HUlX'KHMOJt TO K. llWTf. DKALKK IN OT3K WATCHKH) WAMOXDH, JKWKUlV AND HILVKllWAKK, AL80 Optical Goods. Fine Watch Repairing a Speci alty. Second St. The Dalies. Or. LOST. A black slieppurd pup, fan legu, white spot hi breast, wngs his tail to the name of Ix-wis. lleturn to this office und receive proper reward. NOTICK. . , . " I ' , I have appointed J. T. Ielk, my Agent to sell my Is-er at IIihhI Itivcr, at wholesale. AvuvnT l5r in,fcn. The Dalles, larch 10, 18U1. JIJIX'IXF.RV '. j 1 have opened a line of mllfinery and ' I fancy gisids, iu tlnr (;e, boilding one' I door west of the Oi.aciku office, and! ,nvite, ,a(li ((f jihrj ftivt.r BIIj ;HUrrmln(. , m ((, mU a,fl surrounding country to call and - .... i my gisjds und prhvs, before purchasing elsewhere. Mus. It. S. HOWKI.IA, j. m. mmmi IK TITLE ABSTRACTS. ! REAL ESTATE AND! LOAN AGENTS. Reliable information concerning land j titles. j Choice city and country property for SALE Conveyancing a Speciafty. IM Second Street TheDukOr. DO You know that you can buy moro groceries, provisions etc , for lcssiuoncy ut G2 Second street than any other place in The Dalles? It will pay you to call and get my prices, nnd examine my stock before going elsewhere. AH goods delivered free to wharves or depot. JOHN BOOTH, The Leading Crocer 62 Sec ond Street, The Dalles Oregon. JX'KCR 'Watkins A Mkseff.f, Attorn ey s-at- Law, Vogt's new building, Second St. THK DAI.I.KS OUKliOX. W. H. WILSON. A TTORXEY-A T-LA IF. UOOMS M, AXD 35, XEW V(HT IMjOCK, THE DALLES, OUEGON. REAL MERIT PEOrLE Say the S. B. Cough Cure is the best thing they fiver sn.Ttr. Wo are not . , - bllctX. For snle ly nil Drugls'is. Med. M'F' (i. Co.. Dufur, s. p., Ore. JUST RECEIVED. A new stock of Ladies' and Gents' WATCHES. FILLED AND SILVER CASKS, CHAINS, CHAltMS, ETC. SPECIAL attention given to clean ing and repairing waU h s. J. H. FERGUSON, Hood River, - - - - Oregon. 1 5 NJSaarfl ? 0? In French's Block. MMfinttEslaliljsliiiSul, MS IE. : The Dalles. Klneethc first of June we hav dJ4 . to our i i Furniture & Carpot 4 JJnini a complete Undertaking -tablishment, and as we unotwoVrJ lit ! getting onr tock fnm the East trlth-i., otrt UHng compellcl to Join the lfndr- taker's Trust, we twOre the poWIe that ' In oorine(Knc thereof our ) . Prices Are Very Low. llemember oar place of bfHfneM ou ; moiu sr., kt.xt soody s baxk. THE DALLES PORTLAND & ASTORIA NAVIGATION COMPANY'S. Klr-Kiinl Ktcumor REGLUflXOR Will leave the foot of Court street" every morning at 7. a. m. ex cept Sundays for Connections Will le Made with thw Fust Steamer 3Da.lles Cit3T, At the fHt of the Cascade Itcks. For Passenger or freight Rates, Applr to Agent, or Purser on Hoard. K i..uuook.s JAgmt. J.W.KEHNA. j I Ihmse, sign nnd Carriage Painter. j Paper hanging and calcimlnlngr NEATLY .DONE Fine KumolHi ut Wull Paper kept r instantly ); OS 1IAXD. HOOI UIVKli, OBKOOK. Burned out bat Again to. ttuslutsa Wm. Michell, UNDERTAKER,'' And Kntbnlmer, hiu ukiUu titarteil with new uml uomplele sUivk ( every! liiug in the uuderlukiiiK bustne.'iK. t'uitlcular ai- tent Ion 1 ui ul 10 einnuiiiuiig una taHlUK ai ul' the lU'iul. Orders promptly attended ly tiny or nielli. l'riees us low us the riee of liiistiie.SK, (llaguniiUy aorriM ttuv l)Hrii KliH'k, on I lie eornrr of Third awl v uHliiuKton Street The liutlea, Urcgon. B.R. TUCKER, VF il'IUKTOB. OF ROOD Ri?ER HILLS. l u me r OF ALL KINDS. MANUFACTURER OP FRUIT BOXES HOOD R1VER0R. -Y it y 8t lit b ed i tot me )ha tn- lia- i r