The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 05, 1891, Image 2

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    ocd Jiver Slacier.
noon, oil, dkc. . iwi.
The little town f Itoyton, Yamhill
wuiity, l to have another iiv-WfpnjH'r,
which lotul the Polk County (Vxwmr
o remark; "The nootier it U Htarteit the
hoomr there will U' a oliniiee to.vroU li
tkiwn another obituary notice. Ity the
way, what'n the matter with Carlton,
NVeat (.'heluilem, Whehtlainl, Amity,
Wlllnmlint and lUllevue, in Yamhill?
They ought to have paper. " The am
bit km of the people of any town Is more
to blame than anything el for the
Mailing of paper in places when there
in no poilility of their ear.iinji a li v
inir (or the imlilMicr. The ivonlc agree
Axtotla pr. w to have a big ivuten-!
Ulal evlehratlon of the discovery of the
t'ohnnlita river, l ext ye.-ir. The olijivt
I.h a praiseworthy one, luit in oiUt to
make it a pucces, we MijjgrM to our
filcinhulown In the mouth that union'
a written guaranty Is furnished that all
visitor will lie protected from the
UmrtIhtghoueiruteitaiiil means taken ,
to protect the whole png of vui'tlel-
Hants U-lug shanghaied aJa Joh lot, the
attendance will U small.
The wrecking of the tirm of Field,
Dudley A Co. is pitiful in its results.
F.dward Field, through sceulatloi.,
ha not only wrecked the firm, but has
squandered all of his father's vast
wealth. As a result he Is in the Insane
asylum, his honored father, Cyrus V. mv. n und k.i.i iiiudtnu, hii'min
Field, is on his death lied, his daughter,
Gon. Grant's Monioir3.
Original $7.00 Edition, for
50 CENTS !
No limit hint rvir hint m'h it wile In lliui
t'lOll'll Nlllll' MX til'lh'llll (iiiiiiI k
owr .i,ii lime iilreulv none imollie!
Ilnlne Ol till' I'U'll, lllll 1 1 II' Mlbst'l'lpt lllll pllivi
of?" .HI litis plm-ed It Ih'.mhiiI I In- ivueii of
ll' III Ill.llU'l'ltll' 1'llVUIIlMlOUV.. Il ..'l,IWI H1te
eli' lime lvii uliitnu in .iv s'.OO fur uiiiut !
.ii'iiiuli, tin iv iiiuki lie it iMiipIo mi' million I
S1IU' III llll' I'lllv-lll SllltlH M llll Ulltll tlll'lll. i
nun n ut jump hi iiu' iiiHMiiiiiu,v iii nuy in
the Ui iinurv lieivnllrivl.
V' Will M'llil toll lieileilll lil'llll's Ml'tllllltV
piihltslit'iM oi'lvlntil iilllton,lMi. iiiih'' i liilli,
HI"'" llllll IIOM Ulllllltlll. II till lill Ml I.I IIV Milk
ru'J!" ' i'f DoiVt buy whl with tlr
? - ' put on any otharwav. Itmak
I f ih whol latt twica aa lunu,
.'.-i'l-a,Hi Thla out ihowi tm way ojr
I 1 tlr la put onto th whtnl and
crlmpaU, baldt balng boltad
ntt on thla.
Wa own tha axoluaive pat
Lowaat prload ycxxf
wagon on sarin. I or
3 aaata.
This may be true in other (dace hut
i not so with Hood IUvcr. Our little
)uer has existed two years and a half
The disutehes Thursday nnmniinv
hilt .i...i.ImI town l"l'l.'l v nvrv 'j ........i
... ... ... .iiniit ill rill, uiun'i iinr iii ii.'iiiif .i.i.i i
to furnish a sufficient jMitronnge, wiiu u ; , " nnilniraiiuit'iyuproimitionMii'iiHsiiiisnrwr
Mirreenieiit is forirx.tton when the liov-!' ,n'' r'M is In a pixrarious .t.n.litlon. ; uvu i.ui.ii' m u., ..i i-..k u.i.iw,u.k.
hgretmtni is lorjyouoii wuui iu. in K,u.,,it.,i, ""' cikiui vomuiu m t4nnu .i.hi..Iin
t-ltv wears otl'. 1 ' u n w-n . ,.i, imx ,,i nioi v wii midl
and lacK 01 lntej;nlv. ' " 1 " '-"um, imi inc ixni inr .m ivni;
, I'll' vliKt oii M-iiil iur miliM-r' lit Imi I" I he
I tiHi'i su n ir inn- viir, unit ulvi 11 i.ulwiilhiti i
, "l SUM tur (Hi' 'iu.iiiiiHillnii Mnuiiiiii', Ihr'
I liri-.! i ii ..i I .;. i u. -i ... il... 1 1 1., -i ....... I
n.k ! d . .. . ' ' .1 . ....... .111111111-11
u Mirill in.r f.i.. tl... I. .1... I ' in. .,.ii,i.. ...... i i
, , , . . , , .... km i t.i.u iii'iin ij, iiiiuiiiii ."i . t-wiiiii I.. I in- in ii fl-l' IIIIIKW
and haa the promise of a long and ust-:. . . ,., "'
lul life. The twuble nerally is with ' th' . .'. ' ' : lltVr"?2l i"":M.l: Ih'"
wviiii o in iui III lllnnl . "imi". im- ('in tin- t f m,iav
moments by punishing the empty nod-! r.mrS
dies of the Tress AH'iation news-! Ux "n i uhni.m m imii,! iiiiiii..n.n.(,u.,.
..... in , II,- iiit.l rii.l u 1. Il.. I til.... II... . : . .
gatherers who dish up this kind of : ' ,KK iinuiiiiil inmii r in li- ivmu in hiirv
" 'i II-I--iM.iuiiini i-iiij;n mi' l-in.
liiuvhiiw ill U.n.k'.i Xi'l liimlr lu llu' lil-lui y ul
thi' Uorhl.
s I J
mental pabulum. Our big dailies are
legeneratii.g into Police tiazcttcx, lack
ing only the illustrations.
Why cough, when S. H. will stoj
Death of Clarenre Clarke.
with dtHMK sorrow that
It I
? it.
the editor. What a small japcr neeils
to stand the storms of adversity is a
etniiig gixnl nut u red man for elitor
Mrong to do the work and good tiatur-
M loetay with it. A man who can
hustle a sack of spuds or a yellow
pumpkin into the wood shed for future
reference, and w ho can find hope of in
creased patronage and pro.1t in a prom
ise to subscribe next spring, lie must
be optimist enough to believe he is
linally going to skim the upper sides
of the silver lined clouds, and he must
Hot dtsire a too intimate acquaint
ance with the goddess of liberty on the
star paDglcd six-bit dollar, lie must j
be contented with his lot, If he owns i
tine, and compare his proud position na
boss of the devil hiui-clf and nion-
up.1. t nii i.i ..., ,1...
i j .... ., , ... fatally after a brief ilnes of only fortv-
uuevlindeivd ashiiiL'ton nress. to the . . . . ' "
HIIU 91C IIVI9, III VUU3 11. A IV1U ti I .1 .
. 1 . , ;. .1 ., ' "ff. which, though short
ftr instance or Jay tiould. or thei ... . .
country merchant or ai.v other nun-lv r"- ne WTV T wlth Uw givatct
linancial aggregsition. No sir,
communities are not to
arly death of the long felt want tillers.
U. hiiMWiT. uu luivo lintiit'H timks, thi'l uttiT wilt K'riiill you in lake'
illxll'llil, I
Oi'ii. Miiriimn .Mi'iiiulnt, 3 viiIh., wil.l by,
miIim'i'IjiiIiiii tur m.ii.
i it'll. Slii'i hliin'i. .Mi'iiinliN, 2 volt., wiliI l,v :
miliM'i'litl..ii mr Jii.tO. " J
(it'll. .Mt'lii'lliui .Mi iiinlr. Mil. I hv ml.
i uliM'rliiiuti fur sl.'.'"i. ' ;
it n. K. K Iv'k Mi iiiulr, nlil hv KUlwrrlnt
Imi fur si. i j
All nr ll.'.i. nn Im.hii.I lit .......... I
of his uncle, Mr. James (irahnm, of nnid. in :uni.irtit M.vif witit iini'
If.wvt l?iv.,r i.f -.'W 111 ''"''""'ll'l'l'llllin llllil WIMiily lil.M li u HIV
iiotHi jutr, at ...ill eiliK'sibiy eve, U in iN.uiti' iivhii.i. i.ut i:i,. i-nw mi tin-
Xovemlvr i, l$9l. aued "7 ve hn i !,,"'kN '" ni"; "' ' v'" ' imt
, Ih' hiniiti'.! with tn .hi: i 'ti. i, mills
Jeccasod was siiml with a severe at- i M ,UN "I ox.-is iiih; iim. Miiii.imh ,
fn,.L- f l,ll!.MM M i , M-"l'ijN ox.-I. ivmu; . i. ,,. . ni.n.i '
i """o i it .uwililiv i-vi-, niid , .MOUiiiiin, M ii 2 itiiis; lii'ii. Mi I I, -II, ill , i
! in spite of all that loving hearts and ; TZ
wiumg nanus could do, it terminated ' '"""i hy t'.n-Mit the twifiiM- m t;u mui-
I jiml nilliv ill Viimnuvi'r H'linh, i M ', I 01.
NiitlivU lirn hy cIm'ii Hint llu' fulluit Itivt
! tlllllll'll M'tlllT Imi Illnl imi I' i 'M In,
li' to iniikt' llniil m -iiiiiH-rt hi In.
i l llin anil Hint mil. nai W' II In- nin.'i- LrTi lt I
W . It. IMiiiImit, I'iiiiiiiiImi t n.-r I nihil M ill . I
, t'livull 1'iiurl ror IHflrirt or ii-nliifluii ill I
u.'l.h'iiilnir W'HKliliiiihiii, on Jiimiuit inn!
j Joint Kki'i t.
j lltiiiii".ii'iii Kinry No. sr.'l fur llu- m-1- '
, irtf .UmiJ v n i' I I iirwvtliiii ill tow iihIiIii 1
I tiuiih of miiiii' Mi'MM will iiii r. '
I Willi llllllll' lit- full. ill lliu w IlltCM-atil iHM' '
; mi. ii.iii i mi. ma n-iiiriiii' iiiNHi, unit imi I Mini I. hi
or. miI.I IiiihI lr.: Nmih Kltrr, llt-nrv l',
i hi'.l.'iiU rv, KnfiiN A. Ilyiki'tl. ht'tnii I'li nis.
I nil nf I nnit Ijikr T. O. nh.
chronicle thesud len denth of Clarence
Parker Clarke, who diod t the home
lint J. lllll Ji'lIN t. tiKlHJIIKIi.Mt, Kt'tltllT.
tjtinl nilliv ul Viiiii'iinM-r, wh. Nov I ', sii.
.N.itlri' h hin liy iflu'ti Hull llu- f.ilhiu liiu
Having purchased the business of PKKItY A JONIX I am pn-arct t
furnish the very choicest Utillty of
At tho Very Lowest Rates.
have constantly on hand a line stink of
It la the lack of fitness for the proud
position, of the editor himself.
Si'llll lit lllll.' 1 'fcl f. .r I''. ...Iiu rli.ii.. ..
I eight hours. Through all his suili-r-" '"t'-wiuoimiituu, . iui-vm- miiIumtiiuIhii
' i" ' :ii' it ii-iiiy 1 .1 ai i n,t mm .i n nti M.
were very 1 " it-iit.i--. i....' in mi m w iii. ii a.i.i imsin
severe, lie boa up with the greatest; i.n .i ,t .ti.ia..ii ,-... io.i.
iiuinun, on. I f.. 'i'i i i i i If l ull iiiv lint iii"itiiiltiti'il w ith tin- Mumi.
No sir, the ! , T , hiou-ii ne nan , rill(., ,.,, XK.tltl ,.;iril , . , w,,,.,,,,,,,,,,
i r .i 1 tCC'l in Jlood Itiver hut a short time 1 Mmll'" fiiimn-, Nrv VurU I'lty.lurlitf Mini-
bhune for the . , , .. . i iu- tutiv
ne nmi many warm iriemls, who will; u.l nil unh r i
U pained to leurn of his sudden death. ; The GLACIER Hood River Or.
A funeral service was held at the res- i -
' iiiiiniil M'lih'r tin." tlli'.l iiuthvof hi. Inl
linn to niiiHt' llniil irMi In mo. imrt ul
''ll HI Ullil Hint Mih tn-iaif Mill U-
lit liin- i , It. Iiinihiir t .iiiiiiImIiiiii'i t iiiii .I
Miili'vt loult (nllli Inr lill'lrl ul w it. It I llu I ill j
lit liiihh'iiihih', waliliiliiii On Jniuini y I
U: i
i Ni'ImHi AihIiixiii,
I'tlirhiinc Ain'li.-iili.iti No, l tui'lrr v. !l I
Kinlilluri' Ait s,'it. i, imu ,ir thi' hr ,.!
linn ... lnti..tilii iiitithui rioiKf IJ fii.i will
iiii-i-. t
1 ilf iiiuiii-. Ilif folluu iik wltnciM't l.i
III-IlillllllHoli, rl. ilm t.l mill I' lit
milil Iiiii.I, 1 1.: Cii'linril Kelly, Alh.-rl IIiiImIiI,
l' i rnuiK MlllW, il. u. llllM'll, nil III I lllll. i j. u. ;
. Wlli.llll'il'lll. I
ll'Ji-lltil JOHN V. liK.H.III.Ii AN, lil'lflMlT. I
irHamc, Bacon and HLard,
The latest development of the craze
to And out the things apparently unat
tainable is the proposed trip of a New
York gentleman to the Gaboon coun
try in equatorial Afric v, for the purpose
of striking up a speaking acquaintance
with the gorilla. The gentleman, who
is evidently somethiujr of a "masher."
( . lili .1 1 n. 1 1. si.k.Mu t..
IjiAOHt''i -l w t IUI4II1II!IU tiia 111
which he will incarcerate himself when
once in the gorilla country, and will
then by a series of howls attract the
IjiiiiI ntriii' ul The i:illi'i,nr. Nnv. II, Nil.
iiiiimt inc
idence of his uncle by the Itev. F. M.
Aunks, of HtMid P.iver, after which his
body waa sent to his old home, in Ila
cine; AYisconsin, for liurial.
To the grief-stricken parents who
have lost their only son, and to the
sorrowing relatives, we extend our
deepest sympathy, and though no
words of ours can comfort them, we
can but bid them turn to the Father of
all, who has never failed to give his
children consolation.
Jiacine papers please copy.
Niitli'i'N hfivtiy nlv.'ii Hint tin.
niiinri! M tt.t'r hni. tlii'.l until,. ,,r ,I mil :iilon
lu IlltlKi' lllllil i'iml III mi.Kirt ul hlit lillllll,
j iiiiii llllll I'll l.l .li W ill 0i' lu.lili' iM'lon- llu-I
I FOFt SALE. ItritKUT llllll lii. i lviT I'.S. l.:uiHIlkt'lU Tlir
i I 'iiui in. mi 1 ni-iiiiIht ljil.vl.: I
I I'J) mm Ihnv mi!, fnmi town. Kurlv! (itni.T II ltuwh-v
limit In tultiv.iiliiM. ihli ty iiiuri' i limvil nnil! v.. . ,i ,"
nnyorxooil .n.stuniat- with llvlntf wnti-r nil ! , " A'.- "f ,,f"r ' i nw ,,ml ' 1 I
wi ll li iitt'il. t i.iiifiiiinhh' ilwi'llltiK hulls,- or i - ,7v " T. .'! " '" !
f.iur i-ihiiiih, nml nuil hnrii. .Vo fruit lni- . , '' nit- rnllnu Iiik w Itn.'.M's to ,int (.
i mini It- uiiiili'. r..iii- v.... is. ..l.l .....i i hl.iniiliiimms ri-.lili'liri'iiMin mi, iiii'.iKiiii.ii
! Im'!.IiIi;h ai imt la full K'nriiiif. t)m-fmirtli ui 1 of' .lU1 'V"'1-'1 ' 'ivir, .1 i Krin-
an Hi rt- in iM irlt'M. l'o wuti-r hiini, gi wlih :
tin- pliiit-. IknliliK thi'to ihi'iv Ih tint' hi liiLr
whlrli will furnish wntcr lOr M'tiTiil lu-rm oi l
hiTrirs, nml i-nn U- ittattt- nvnllnhli' nt trltlltnr
inst. I'di'i' fur fiillrt lot S.VMI, mi n-awuinhli' !
tl'llllH. Till' Hl. 14) Will Ih- Mlhl lU'l'lllilli'ly I
!f ih-siri'il. rire nJ. J-'ur inrUtulitr ftmuirt-
ni i ii in iiiiti-i-.
urr. I'l't'-r .I.ui.Iim n
1 1. mil lilvir iMvuiin
tiuvlll.ihii JuttX
ml of
The undersigned U-ing liK-nted near
Hood Iliwr. u-ivlnn tn i 11 f( .flu ,., t
gorilla to him. He also has two im-; who may lie desirous of'havin.r ,:.
lie Is
Fiense phonoL'raphs which will be
worked by elect ric-ity, one receiving
and recording the ho .vis of the visiting
gorillas, and the other yelling back at
thern in their own language. The gen
tleman in the cage, who proposes to
learn the gorilla language, U a howler
from Howlersville himself and will add
his rich voice to the sylvan opera. The
metal cage is connected with a power
ful battery by which, should some
grizzly old he gorilla attempt to reach
the man in the cage, his system would
receive a shock from which he will
never recover. The scheme is an im
mense one, and shows that in these
days of research some man will rise
equal to the occasian, even should it
require that he "nionkay with the
apes" in the midst of a "howling wil
derness." The railroad commissioners are an
expensive luxury, and if of any use in
the world we fail to understand what
It is. They passed up the road Mon
day In a -special car and will know as
much about the actual condition of the
rofifwhen they get home as they did
before they started. It seems hard, in
deed. to them to think of walking over
the track, but that is about the only
way in which it could be examined.
Itotten ties, defective bridges and un
safe trestles cannot be examined from
the platform of a Pullman car, but for
tunately the salaries can be drawn
from that standpoint.
The new warship New York was
launched this week. .Site will be the
finest vessel in the American navy, if,
like her predecessor, the Philadelphia,
she does not take an insane desire to
swim bottom up. The latter vessel has
had her masts removed in order to
keep her from being top heavy, but
this does uot help her materially, and
the navy officials are at their wits' ends
in trying to devisa a plan to keep her
from turning over. She was built on a
plan furnished free of tariff by an Eng
lishman. .:
Ijtml (!li-iui Otvtfou Clty,()r. (X't. 21, mi.
Xntli'i'lK hitvliy irlvi'ii thnt tin- fulluwlni;
niimi-d Ht'ttli-r Inn Hli-il notli'i'iif hU Intention
to imiKi' ntim I'PNir in uti.iH.rt of li In rhilnt
NIIIIiMllt t'l..p(
W. U:VM. 11. 'jilxtrr
! IjiiiiI litllci' ut Vmiciiuvi'r Nov. I., KU.
NotU'eN hrri'liy clvi'ti tluil tli- fiilliiwlinr
nniiifil M'ttlt-n ItiiVf nliil nut ui- nf heir iiitrn
tlnii Ui niiikc llnnl iiriMif in Miitii-t of tiicir
i lnllni, nml liini miI.I (iiikit will in- iuihIi'Ih Iiiiv
1 U . It. Imiiliiir, I iiiiiinili.iiiT l ull. m Hiuttit
t'lrciilt Court lor lih.tni'1 ol Wii.thliiKtuu ul
j (inldi niliilr on Jmiitnry Ii, lurj, vi.:
I W'llhi liii K.Jihi'.
Hninikti'Hil Ijiiry No. mva fur Ihcw'ofn
In fact, everything In my line.
Corner Oak and Fourth Sts.,- - Hood River, Oregon.
Tlxo IDalloc 3jT-a.rsexiec,
Have on hand a full supply of Fruit, Shade and Ornamental trees; gr.i;
vines, Miiatl fruits, K iit mid Shrubbery,
lie sure to gi t our prices In-fore purchasing elsewhere.
lienieiiibiT our treasure grown sirictly without irrigation.
W..A., Ijotttl Ajrent.
mill thul Nil. I iriMif will ! tiiiuli- Ix'fon- Ut-Kln. J w ? w ', , of w M i lloii II Jow u..nli .'
I'm nn .l.Mi.i 1... 1... 1. . .. : . ' '-"' i,...!-, ., -- -. . " ,
--.'"o "'"ti t". n in.- is ii iracr leu i tcr iiiiii Kitftvcr r.M. Ijim.I tmin. m ih. -.m imiin n rmiKc ijium win mir.
surveyor of many vears exiHTienet- ! t'".v wwiii, mi Ikvi-ihIst I:, H'l, vlx: rf1'' """"' "ld foiinwiuu wiinoMn to prove i
and that work entrus'ied to him will U winimn D. Mmiih rn. Sm"J!r .V.VU?...' v'?.''VlVr' "ti'1 i
,H.rfonned with dispatch and turret- , " - t is T io'"ry 'kZmIi: I
mT se ri!.tTr".'v tn ri',trriM to '"' ."vo ",Ku"lu v-TlTT; ' '
.Mr. A. h. hlowers, (who for years was ! hls.i.ntiniious nlilrncc u.n, nml rtiltlvn. ! uU W lll,,,," J1'''- j
county commi-isioncr in Minnesota ,,f' v'" Jinmn Kitinorit-ic, 'n,hiiw No. 711 iimii-r sv. :t
H'lllMM. .' '. '1 I'i. '.!-'", i"i llll l y-i I'I 11 , , I
The irrigation question has at lust
assumed that importance in this sectiou
that it deserves, and there Is scarcely a
farmer in the valley but what has
awakened to the importance of having
water, and plenty of it. Indeed, some
of those who a ago were ridiculing
the Idea that irrigation would be of
any benefit, are now the prime movers
in organizing a company for the pur
pose of supplying water. Every week
meetings arc held at some point in the
valley, and it is safe to say that Hood
river valley will in the near future
Lave a perfect irrigation system.
.11111 r. .1 t.'i-t.ii.. 1... .;. ..... .
H,,,i i"i " mini in- ton roumv worK as
county surveyor, as to liis nbilitv.
Parties writing me at Hood will re
ceive prompt attention.
C. J. Hayes.
Dated Hood River April tith, 1801.
Land Locator.
Every body wants land In Hrtod
River Valley. I have some very de
sirable tracts of good land on mv list
for homesteads and tiniiiercd
claims, with running water on
them. I can locate several stockmen
advantageously. )o not fail to see
me at Hood River Fails or address nie
at Hood River, Wasco County, 0 reran.
W. Ross,
Practices tn all the courts of Oregon nml
Washington. HpeclHl intention given to con
John T. Mclntvre. of Snnilv li.'in.u Vi..i.,.iu riirb'ltutv Act rvm. 'Jli.lHlai. tin.
1 n;irimi'..M'niiiniT, or Miilmon;iill of ( liu-kn- ; iowiiiiip i iiortn or raiiuc li cum '
man t 11 iirciion.
J. T. Aei'Kitsox, Ili-KUtcr.
Timber l.mi'1. Act JuiiR.1, 1S7S.
r. h.
will tiicr.
He nmiics the followltiK wltatuwn to prove
, hfKcontlnuouM clulm to miIiI limil, vUti'imrli-s
j V. MiMin-, Henry K. Troll, Albert llcrtchl,
I rctcr Conboy, nil of Kuhhi I". il. wai.liiin.-i. m.
. IlllVl'lKll-a", JllllM L. ItKlHOIKilAN. UcKlKtcr.
I NoTICK Voil lflll.ICVTItiN.
j Ijinilnllli e at Vancouver wnsli. Nov. 17, Isiil.
, Notice Is hereby given that the follow ing-
niiiiicu Keuicrs nave tiled nollce or the r In
nwH.vtlveclmnis ami that tuilil imxir w ill lie
iiiaile lierore W. II. Imnhiir. ('ommlsxloncr
l.nlteil Htntiw Clri'iilt Court ror liUirlct of
waMinigion, at i lolilenilule wiiMhiuglon.
January 1SHJ, viz:
I.Ann orrirK,
oituot-x City, ohk.oos, Oct. an, Wil. lu l.i..l... .1.... 1..
with the provision?. the ..el or JrVi" r !.,',,.",".,., ".,"k,' rt,,u! ,.r""f '". 'l'lrt ol their
Junes. H7S,entitleil"Anaet for the wi In of tlm-1
bcrllanil.iln tiie stales olt'a I il'ornln, ( iregoii Ne-!
vaihiHinl Washhigton Territorv," WlHlam T. !
(Irlswolil.of Kaxl Portland, eovnity ol Multnom-1
n h, statin! (iregi in. hii.n his dav II led In'tlilsiiiliin i
hissworn statement mi.'.'iki, for thciuri'liase of John Olson,
theeiiilnwi anilwol riei;,ofH.vtion , Purchase No. umlcr see. :
townslilp.No.fimrl 1. range no. ..east Mn.,inil : Forfeiture Act Xt'it. a, HKI for the st-ii s.i
willotler pr.-u oshow thul Hie Inn, I soii t Ik nn i; township :l north of range U casl will
more valuable lor its timber or stone than for i luer. 1
aL'I'tciiUural nnriKKcs. ami to establish his I It., n.,,... i... r.n....
i-lalrn to said laml before the ltcglslcr ami He. i his .tnulni,,,,,. ,. ,., i . .... .mi,:....,, .. . ,
(n-ltcr of this oinit- at Oregon Cltv, Oregon, 1 sahl laml, viz: John !!. llenscl. Austin (illll
on I- rl.lay the l.,th day of January, -. I am. Marcus Vnnlnbhcr, Ja Z O l.y i. ul f
lie names as v. itniM's: Anthony Moore, of l,ylc P. O, Washington. i.jii.uuni
lllllSl' I lr llll'rt t.'i..iilr Alt. I n
; ,' "' 't . ii.i.n .imiii., : ..1.. ,.i. ii l, t
Jiillll It. JICIlKCI,
Plirchliuii milli.iitl.iii V.. W' Q
of ltridal - Veil, Or.
I'ortianu, nr.
W. C
Any and all per.ions claiming adversely the
aboviwlccsrlbed lands are ieiues!i'd to tile
I thelrclaims In this oltice on or l'fore said
13, day of January, Isiii
oct:ll-jan.l J. T. Al-i'KitMo.v, Kcglster.
Successors to A IJettingen
A complete line of Heating and Cook Stoves,
Pumps, Pipe I'lumbcrsiind Hk-uin Kltter'H
Supplies; also a eomplete stM-k of
Carpenter's, Hlucksinit lis' and
Karmcr'n Tmln.
I Land Olllce nt The Imlles or. Oct, 21, IS!l.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named wt Her bus II led notice of her Intention
to mnke llnnl proof In support of herelaim,
I and timl said proof will be made before the
j Hegister and lieceiver I'. S. I., o. at The Dulles
nr. on jiei einner VI, liid, viz.-
K. V. Wend ling.
D.S. No. 71.HI, for the K. eM of See. 2 To. 1
N. of It. In K. w. M. 1
She niimes the follow ing witnesses to prove
his continuous residence ummi and cultivation
of. said land, viz: If. D. Straight, J. A. Knox,
of HiSHlltiver Or.
M't;ll-dec3 John- W I.kwih, Iteglsler.
forte 1 1 tin- Vi'l isi'iil 'Si Is'.i f..i. ii... .. i. ..i'i...
n w iif n e ;, and lul':! section M township ;i
north of range It east will mer.
lie nanuit the following witnesses to prove
hlHcoiitinuouH claim to and cultivation of
vlz: '"h" ""Hi. Austin liilllam,
illiam Olson, .Marcus Vniibllihcr. all of I.yle
P. O. Washington.
nvJl-dcii John D. fiKiKiiiKOAX, Iti-gister.
(Timber Land, Act June :, H7H.
A I gritnl ami make my own focil, I am prepared to w ll at lowctit price.
Write for ijuotatloiiK.
W. H. LOCHHEAD. - - - -
The Dalles Oregon
Crandall & Burget,
'urnilure, Carpets,
WindowShados, Etc.
AU tinning, Plumbing and pipe work will
done on short notice.
r.iif.c American
Agency for
Kit J -'il '!
FL,nJ n)2n n"a ,re Hnnflbook write to
MLNN A to., ail nitoADWAr, New Yorh.
Oldest bureau for securing patents In America.
Kvery patent taken out by tm Is bronfbt befora
tlie public by a notice givea tree of charge la lUe
Jwutifw Smcnaii
wilfrt 3t K',D.'!i1n j!.B!,y dentine paper In the
I.und Office at The Dalles, Or. Nov, 4 ism.
Notice Is hereby (riven that Hip fo!l(iwlnt
nmni'd nettlcr hax (lied notice or her Intention
to make llniil point In support of herelaim,
and that wild proof will be mnde before the
KciliHtcr and lieceiver H. ,. O. at The DallcH
Oregon, on lieeembi,'!', ti, IHIil, viz.
I.ily M. I,oy.
I). H. No. 741(1, for H v see. l.S Tp. 1
r II e w m.
Sue unmet! the fnllowlna witneKWK to provn
her conthuioiiN rcHidenceupon and etilllvalion
of. wild laml, viz: (;. I,. Monte, ,. K. Morse.
John Markley, (.'harle K. HalinderK, all of
mum inter iirejfon..
iiovT-tlerU John Lkwis, IlcalHtc'r.
I'lilb-d States Land Olllee,
Oregon City Oregon, Orlober, II, ISIII.
Notice Is hereby l veil Hint In compliance
M ill! the provisions of the net or Coiiki'i'sh of
J' :i, IH7H. entitled "An ai t for the sale of
limber lands In tm; Ntnti of Calllin'iiiii, Ore
gon, Nevada ami Washington Terrllory,"
I'lieodor.lensen.ol Knst I'ortlanil Co., of Muit
nomah. state of Oregon, has this dav tiled in
this ollice his Htvorn siatcim-nt, No ilsx, for the
purchase or the H. W. 'A of Mi-cllo'ii n. '21. In
township No. 1, north rane No. I, K. W. M. and
will otter proof to show that the land sought Is
more valuable ror Its timber or stone than for
anticnlltiral purposes, and to establish his
claim to said land before the Ib'trislei' and Kc
celver ol this olllee at Orci-on Citv Oregon,
on Friday the .-,th day of January, ISIlJ.
lie names as witnesses: M. I,alurejle, and
J. ii. Hi'lirlcl, of llridnl Veil, Oregon, Alfied
Aiidersoii, and .Joseph J.eabalt, of Portland,
Any and all persons elnlmlnv iiilverselv tin.
alMive described lands are reiiiested to tile
thelrclaims In tlilsolllceon or before said 15th
I day of January, lsiri.
" I nov7-Janl'J J. T. Ai-i'nitsox, Kcglster.
hnlnp.lirl o uli. i... i v. i...n. r
man .kin j i. r.i.,.' .'.."? ' .V. . " ' "i'S'lll-T'
,J.j. 1 uc "iinuufc It.
Tear; fl..iO six mmnhi
E'0m.isiijjiui, XI Broadway. Ntw Vuili.
IVflfl- V. MIC.IIII ft
AddrOTs Mff.VN & CC
Will make the fall hchkoii of 1K!)1 at IMI.
Bultiin's farm at Hood ltiver, Oregon.
IlKWHIITION a.ndPkihoiiek:
Hoyal Klsbiir, (record 2:i4'4) which Is no
limit to his speed.) Ilay stallion Hi hands IiIl'Ii,
weight 1 100. h '
Hired by Klsbar, (record 2:2") son of Rvs.
dyk's llmnbletonlan; (sire of 41 In the 2;: list,
also sii-eof 111! whoiire the sires of 710 In the
2-:t) list. i Dam by (irasin's Pathfinder.
Here Isachiinee for tlieeopie of HimiiI River
Valley to improve their breed or horses, and
In order to encouriiKP the breeding of a better
cbiMs or horw's. Koyal Kisb ir'sKirvlce fee will
only be the small sum orsil.OO due when mare
U kuoun to be in foal. K. II lirn'on,
Hood IUver Oregon.
m nnnn nnmnT
1 riUULI I1U1I1L,
Has been thoroughly
renovated, and a large
ell added doubling its
Everything will be found neat ami clean
and tiik
Tables will be supplied with the best the
GEOUOE 11EUBERT Proprietor.
A Full Line of
Msnafciiig Goods.
Mail Orders Promptly Attended to
100 Second S fc. Tiio Dalles. Or.
Oiinger & Bone,
a i
M Stables
Oak Street, near Postqffice,
Yc have First-Class Stock and Outfits, Double Bugjrief Hacks
anu cauaie iiorses.
A Fine Four-Horse Conch, suitable for fishing or excurfW
parties, carries nine passengers. Parties taken to anv accept
ble point. KeliabJ') drivers.
Our Dray delivers bagjrage or freight anywhere in the Valley
(.Uiwses Reasonable.