The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 05, 1891, Image 1

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'llT ':
vol. a.
NO. 27.
1 ?,
3ood -iver Slacier.
r(ii.umi) btint toinT oasi r
The Glacier Publishing Compuj.
i vacHirnuN rmcs.
r .v
i tiioiiilK ,,,, , ( i r
ThtM uiunUi. , M
'Wi? ,
uu OhM n..k u I U-4 Oflaa,
Land :: Law :: (Specialist
xm X. I, Una Offloa BulMlpf,
Real Kstate Broker,
Firs, Life tad Aooldtnt Iniuraaos.
Money Loaned dd Real Estate Sccoritj
Omat, f r.nrh Co Hank FI'ilMla.
Barber Shop
brant Evans, Propr,
Beoond 81., nr Oak. . . Hood River, Or.
Hbavfng tnd Hir cutting aaetly don.
Satisfaction (iuaraiiteed.
Portland Catholics Wilt
Build a Cathedral.
The Chinese on the Empress of Japan
Roughly Handle a Customs
Collector Eto.
Tucson is to have a f 100,000 tmnita
riiini. AiiHtin, New, has just shipped 100
tons of antimony.
Ih Angeles is making a move to own
her own water works.
llorse-csir lines at Sau Picgo are being
changed into electric jwwer.
The Catholics of l'ortlaml projKise to
build a magnificent cathedral.
Sacramento Trustees have decided to
vote ay for an extra lire company,
ChuiIeB Prooks, a wife murderer, is to
be banned Ik-eentbcr 21 at Spokane.
Excursion trains from the East are
beginning to Arrive in Southern Call-
) Portland's saloons will all have toelose
nt midnight from the beginning of the
new year.
A ledge of iron over twenty feet wide
and 3,000 feet long has been found south
east of Portland.
Arthur Leonard of Carson, clerk for
Wells, Fargo A Co.'s exproBS, is charged
with embezzling 2,000.
At 4 cents a pound many of the raisin
growers of California claim a profit in
their crops of $150 an acre.
The Wellington mine strikers after a
year and a half of enforced idleness
have declared the strike oil. The mine
owners were victorious.
Portland authorities promise a sensa
tion soon in the arrest of opium smug
glers. Railroad employes are said to be
connected with the work.
The Kradstreet Mercantile Agency re
ports seventeen failures in the Pacific
Coast HtateB and Territories for the paBt
week, as compared with seventeen for
the previous week and thirteen for the
corresponding week of 1800.
Judge Zane, at Salt Lake, has ren
dered judgment escheating from the
Mormon Church for the benefit of the
school fund, under the Edmunds-Tucker
act of 1887, the Tithing Ofliee. Oardo
House, Historians' Ollice and Church
The Barber's Union of Tacoina pro
poses to see that the Sunday law in that
city, in so far as it relates to the closing
of barber shops, bo strictly enforced
hereafter. People who do liot shave
themselves will have to get Bhaved
Saturday night or wait mntil Monday
morning. ,
San FranciBco Bay is filled with ves
sels. While freights are exceedingly
low and still falling, arrivals are very
heavy. A large percentage of the arrivals
are colliers from Australia, the result
being that coal is plentiful and cheap.
At the beginning of the season the pros
pects Were for big crops and a scarcity
of tonnage, and shippera negotiated
charters at high figures. The prices
caused ship-owners to rush their ves
sels to San Francisco from all manner
of unexpected quarters, and, wheat be
ing held firmly, there is now an over
plus of tonnage and a scarcity of avail
able grain. . Ships chartered some time
ago were at 40 to 45 shillings. Freights
are now at SO shillings, and vessels are
till crowding iu.
Tho Pretldqnt of Brown Univenity
Advocates Turning the School
Houses Into Palaces.
The public schools in the United States
nave 12,rKM),(HX) pupils.
Dublin University has bestowed the
degree of I'octor of Laws upon a woman
Indiana University has opened with a
much larger attendance than ever be
Wcllesley arid Smith Colleges opened
tho scholastic year with 700 students
Now York sehwl children of foreign
birth are being taught to salnte the
American Hag.
Seven school buildings in the most
crowded district of Chicago will shortly
m thrown open Saturday for instruction
in sewing.
Kigld examination of the applicants
for certificates to teach in Willis, Tex.,
has resulted In the idleness of half the
schools of the canity.
President Andrews of Brown Univer
sity advocates turning schoolhouscs into
luxurious palaces and furnishing a free
luncii daily to the scholars.
Precocioiisness begins to make Itself
leit. j he undergraduate students in the
Michigan University are younger bv a
uu year or more on the average than
they were twenty years ago.
The self-education of tbe masses goes
Hteadily forward. Besides the army o(
university extension the entering classes
for this fall of the Chautaiupia circles
numbers 15,000 students. The course of
instruction lasts for three years.
There is at Baltimore. Ireland, a fish
ing school, where Itoys receive instruc
tion in all branches of a sea fisherman!
work and in audi allied industries as
net-making, boat-building, cooperate
and siiii-making. the school lias pro
duced excellent results.
Oerieral I-ew Wallace, whose new novel
is expected to be finished Iwfore New
Year, usuullv rises as early as II o'clock
in the morning. He takes some very
slight refreshment, gets into the saddle,
rides a couple of hours and then takes a
regular breakfast. He now devotes him
self assiduously to work until noon,
when lie has luncheon and another ride.
His second sitting at his desk lasts until
4 o'clock. The remainder of the evening
and night is spent with his family and
meim. i
The total number of scholars in schools
and colleges of all sorts in India is only
i,2W,tXK, or 1 'i. per cent, ot the entire
population. These are mainly confined
to the cities and towns; but out of 250,
000,000 in all India less than 11,000,000
an read and write. A census of illiter
ates in the various countries of the
world places the three Sclavic States of
Koumania. fcervia and Kussia at the
head of the list, with alxnit KO per cent.
of the population unable to read and
write, ui the l-atin-speaking races
Spain heads the list with W per cent.,
followed by Italy with 48 per cent.,
France and Belgium havinir about 15 per
cent. The illiterates in Hungary num
ber 43 per cent., in AuBtria ;tt) per cent,
and in Ireland 21 per cent.
Treasury Department Has Information
of the Existence of a Most Dan
gerous Counterfeit.
The United States patent ollice has is
sued a patent to Emile Borliner for a
combined telegraph and telephone.
Commissioners (irener, Lindsay and
Directors Lawrence and Peck have been
appointed a committee to call on Presi
dent Harrison and the Secretary of the
Navy to ascertain what, if any, expense
of the rendezvous at Hampton Roads
and review in New York harbor in April,
180.5, should be borne by the exposition
management. Manv are of the opinion
that the government ought to foot the
A telegram has been received at army
headquarters from General Brooke, com-
nanding the Department of Dakota, in
response to one sent by General Scho
field asking the truth about the report
that Big Foot's band had left the reser
vation and started for Pine Ridge. Gen
eral Brooke stated he had been unable
to learn anything definite about the
movement, but would find out the scope
and significance at once. There is no
apprehension felt at Washington that
the movement will be followed by any
thing like last winters outbreak. Gen
eral Schofield said : " The state of things
m the Indian country to-day is far better
than a year aifo. There is more content
among the Sioux this winter than last.
This is mainly due, I believe, to the fact
that the attairs of the government so far
as they affect the Indians are better, ad
ministered. I do not think there are anv
discernable signs of trouble this winter,
for so far as I can see the tribes are
The secret sendee division of the
Treasury Department has information
of the existence of a most dangerous $20
counterfeit gold certificate. It is a pho
tographic counterfeit, check letter A
Is. K. Bruce, Kegister: James UiiitUlan,
Treasurer ; act of July 12, 1882 ; depart
ment series A 372,946. Apart from the
counter containing the 20 on the face
and tho portrait of Garfield there is lit
tie of trie gray ot the photograph anout
it. The seal is small and scalloped, hav
ing a reddish tinge, apparently applied
with a brush. The number is very pro
nounced and heavier than in the genu
ine. The surface on the note is one-half
of an inch shorter and one-eighth of an
inch narrower than the genuine. It has
the two parallel silk threads running
through it. The tint on the back of the
note is light brown, while in the genuine
notes it is orange. This counterfeit is
determined by the character of its tints
rather than by the lines in the engraving,
as it is a photograph of genuine work.
Work on the Galveston
Jetties Resumed.
Secretary Noble Dismisses a Clerk
Pension Office for Writing
Objectionable Novel.
In South Dakota the total vote this
year does not exceed 35,000.
Fifty cents will be the price of admis
sion to the Chicago World s talr.
The reciprocity agreement with MeX'
ico will le proclaimed alxnit January 1
tongress will be asked for $800,000 to
pay for World's rair medals and pre
miums. The beginning has lteen made toward
building a great temperance temple in
Two packages of cigarettes daily have
just made George Geisel of New York
eraxy. He is 20 years old.
President Harrison has pardoned
George Welles, convicted in California
of violating the postal laws.
The Democrats in Massachusetts
gained nearly 17,000 over lat year's re
turns, the Republicans about iO.IKK).
Ijirge numbers of representative cat
tlemen are In Chicago, and a national
breeding association is being organized.
A Kansas City Appeals Court decision
acknowledges the right of a negresskept
in Ignorance ot tier Ireedom to recover
her wages.
The Chwtaw Council has prohibited
negroes from settling on their lands, and
those who were in the mines are being
sent awav.
It is proposed to erect a monument at
Memphis to General N. B. Forrest,
whom KoU-rt K. lee once called the
greatentof Confederate Generals.
The Knights of Labor ( ieneral Assem
bly has decided that all w ho do not ac-
tef-t all the principles enumerated in
the platform must leave the order.
The water in the lakes and streams of
Western Connecticut is so low that many
mills have stopped running and others
have had to return to steam power.
The Mexican revolutionists on the
Rio Grande border are gaining recruits.
They are well armed, and are said to
have many sympathisers in Mexico.
The loss to shipping bvthe September
and October hurricanes is estimated by
the marine underwriters to have been
over f2tu00,u00, and ninety souls are
known to have perished.
Parnell's estate will be inherited by
his brother, John l'arnell, who is soon
to leave Atlanta for Ireland to claim the
property. Mrs. Parnell receives only a
He interest in the estate.
The Transcontinental Association, at
meeting at St. Louis, voted against
granting a $50 rate for delegates to the
National Convention, for which San
Francisco is making a bid.
Bar Kagle's party of Indians, which
refused to remain on the Cheyenne
Agency, are at Pine Ridge. An inves
tigation will probably be had as to the
causes which produce the discontent.
Of the 500.000.000 persons who were
carried last year on steam vesssels but
sixty-five were killed. This shows that
this means of travel is the safest in the
Work has been resumed on the Gal-
eston jetties which the United States
government is constructing in the har
bor of that city for the purpose of pro
curing deep water.
The Chesapeake Islands, which are
the center of the oyster wars, are set
tled by a hardy race of fishermen, who
have as little intercourse as possible
with the mainland.
The amount of money in circulation
in the United States increased $33,810,-
25 during October, and is now $24.23
per capita. The volume of circulation
s 05.4!)4,544 greater than at this time
last year.
telix btarhenberg, a Swedish in
ventor, has undertaken to harness New
York Bay to a motor which will move
all the machinery in New York city.
His motor is set in motion by the rise
of the tide.
Secretary Noble has dismissed from
the service Lewis W. Bogy of St. Louis,
a clerk in the pension office, for having
written and published a novel ot objec
tionable character on official life in
Otto Kramer of Philadelphia has sued
the Traction Car Company of that city
for $2,000 to satisfy the damages of his
person resulting from sitting on a tack.
Mr. Kramer found the tack on the cane
seat of a car.
The City Council of Chicago, by a
vote to receive protests against the
action of the police in breaking up a
.'1 1 ' 1 A " 1 1 1
socialist meeting, pracucauy censureu
Mayor Washburne and Chief of Police
Members of the Women's Christian
Temperance Union at Kent, O., formed
themselves into parties and called at all
places where loud theatrical posters ad
vertising a burlesque opera were dis
played and tore the bills and lithographic
prints in pieces.
The Methodist General Missionary
Committee has appropriated for differ
ent classes of missions as follows: Chi
nese, $11,400; Japanese in California
and Honolulu, $7,000; Bohemian and
Hungarian, $7,350; Italian, $4,750; Por
tuguese, $800 ; Indians, $9,350,
Emperor William Says a European
War Cannot Be Postponed
Beyond Next Spring,
Munkacsy, the Hungarian artist, is at
work on a new work representing Christ
among ins jjiscipies.
A bust of Matthew Arnold was recent
ly unveiled in the baptistery of West
minster Abbey by Ird Coleridge.
The Critic says there is no truth in
the story that Grover Cleveland is writ
ing "A Constitutional History of the
United States."
Dr. Keeley, the bi-chloride promoter,
has 800 to 1,000 patients, and gets 25 a
week from each one. It pavs to work a
good, fetching fad.
Prof. Axe is one of the operating sur
geons in the Itoyal Veterinary College of
ixmuon. ue is gentler than his name
might seem to indicate, however.
The royalties from Moody and San-
key's famous " Gospel Hymns " have, it
is said, amounted to $1,200,000, every
penny of which has gone for charitable
As soon as Mr. Spurgeon began to re
cover his health, begging letters legan
to deluge him once more. He has long
suffered from the iniortunitie8 of this
class of people.
The Duke of Norfolk has taken his
deaf, dumb and blind twelve-year-old
son to the shrine at Londres.'Franee,
hoping to secure a miraculous cure for
the unfortunate child.
W. K. Vanderbilt wanted his physi
cian to accompany him on a six weeks'
tour to Europe. 'The physician said his
time was worth $1,000 a week. He was
offered $10,000, and went.
The Chilian Minister in Washington
is described as a rich, dapjwr and bandbox-like
gentleman. He is small and
delicate, and doesn't care much about
discussing international matters. i
The reigning family of Germany don't
seem to be sleepy-heads. At 7 in the
morning William, the Kmpress and the
three elder Princes, with four grooms at
tending, leave the palace for their regu
lar daily horseback ride.
The Rev. Howard Mactjueary, who
had his falling out with the bishoo of
Ohio, and so fell out of the Episcopal
Church altogether, is reported as giving
satisfaction to the Universalists of Sagi
naw, Mien, unt ine "heeev" bee is in
his bonnet, and so he Sallies forth to
lecture from time to tim:4.
In his childhood Mr. Patrick Egan.
now American minister to Chili, was an
errand boy in a flour mrd in an Irish
rural town, and in a few vears he be
came managing director of the milling
company at Dublin and a commission
merchant of some importance. This
was before he became conspicuous in
the land league.
Tb9 famous oak under which Tasso is
supposed to have spent the greater part
of the day during the last year of his
me, when he had retired to the convent
of Santa Onofrio, was blown down during
a violent gale a few weeks ago. The
London Sews says that the tree, which
all visitors to Rome used to visit, was
kept standing bv supports of mason rv
on all sides; but' at last, notwithstand
ing all the care taken to preserve it, it
has succumbed to old age. The trunk
will, however, be kept as a relic in the
convent at Santa Onofrio.
Australia Will Make a Splendid Exhibit
at Chicago Anthropologists
Are Aroused.
The Knights of Labor in session at
Toledo, O., have declared in favor of
keeping the World's Fair open Sundays.
Montana's World's Fair Commission
has set aside $5,000 of the State's appro
priation of $50,000 for the use of the
Leigh Lynch has been commissioned
by Director-General Davis to visit the
South Sea Islands in the interests of the
The supporting columns for the fores
try building are to be trunks of trees
with the bark on three from each State
of the Union.
Mr. Sell, the London advertising agent,
has applied for space to exhibit speci
mens of all of the leading newspapers of
the world which have been printed dur
ing the last two centuries.
A splendid exhibit from Australia
seems assured. Minerals, education.
forestry and especially wool are to be
represented. Wool growers and wool
brokers to the number of fifty met re
cently in Sydney, New South Wales, and
took steps to make at the exposition a
very extensive collective exhibit of
wools. New South Wales has selected
its commission to the World's Fair.
William Ordway Partridge, the great
sculptor.has asked for space in the art pal
ace for his statue of Shakespeare, which
he is now making for Lincoln park. His
statue of Alexander Hamilton, which he
is making for the city of Boston, will
also be shown. Mr. Partridge is Vice-
President of the'Anieriean Artists' Asso
ciation in Paris. He gives assurances
that the association is heartily inter
ested in the exposition.
The Chicago Paper Trade Club, which
includes the prominent manufacturers
and dealers in paper in Indiana, Illinois.
Michigan and Wisconsin, has decided to
make the best exhibit of paper manu
facturing and its machinery and appli
ances ever held under one roof. The
display will show the actual manufact
ure of paper iu all grades, from wood
pulp to the highly-hni8hed book, and
the exhibit will be conducted every dav
during the time of the exposition. The
finished product is to be run through a
perfecting press and printed and sold as
a souvenir.
Russian Peasants Prac
tice Cannibalism.
Japanese Fleet Will Not Co-operate
With China Against the
European Fleets.
Italy's finances are improving.
Emigration in Prussia increased 30.7
per cent, the last year.
Mr. Jackson, the new Irish Secretary,
is a rich Leeds tanner.
1l tl da! a im nrariDpSnnr tA mnis1 !a 4 Vt a
sale of spirits and tobacco.
The loss of vessels at Murtinimifi dur
ing the storm was $5,000,000.
I.Ueien RrinnnArtA whn Hia1 iha nthar
day, spoke eighty different languages.
The Japanese fleet will not co-operate
with China against the European fleets.
Bremen in the firnt eitv in liprmini tn
0erate all its car lines by the electric
The Frpnrh Ronati has a liilt
regulating the hours of lalmr nf wnmen
and children.
A company controls the flower virls nf
Berlin, who wear the national costume
and make money.
The imnnrtu nf nil infn India am 8f)
per cent, larger in ouantitv than thev
were five years ago.
Kmnernr William wilt asvtn hocrin a
crusade against gambling in the civic
and military services.
During the niut vent- at Mnnti Turin
the total receipts from the gaming tables
amounted to $4,200,000.
A tffPrmnn avnHiftat. ia urrtinfv tliA
. --J u "
Detrolenm SDrimro rm-ontlv Hiannvonut at
Gillano, near Bologna, Italy.
A bill will he intrmiiwoit in tha Vn
glish Parliament to abolish actions for
oreacn oi promise ot marriage.
Baron Hirsch is reported to be ar
ranging an International Jewish Con
gress, to be held in London next year.
A vegetable cartridge shell, which is
entirely consumed in bring, is now
coming into general use in the French
Gladstone has declined the tender of
a banquet at Pans by Frenchmen who
lavor me withdrawal ot British troops
from Egypt.
Dom Pedro is reported to have an
nounced that he is willing to return to
Brazil to assist in restoring order and re
uniting the people.
The difficulty in fighting the famine in
Russia ia increased by the improvi
dence, ignorance, selfishness and fatal
ism of the peasants.
Women convicts at the recent wreck
of the steamer Enterprise in the Bay of
Bengal formed a human life line and
rescued six fellow voyagers.
It is rumored at Valparaiso that the
government of Chili will amnesty all
but some twenty of those who promi
nently supported Balmaceda.
Cycling is gradually making its way
throughout the armies of Europe. In
Russia each infantry regiment is to have
four orderlies mounted on cycles.
The Dake of Portland gives all his
Profits at racing to nharitipq nrwlpr a
promise to his wife, and since his mar.
riage has given $6,000,000 in this way.
Notwithstanding the Russian fnminn
large ouantities of End tan whent nnn.
tinue to be imported to England, the
amount rather exceeding that of last
A Brazilian Government rWrt in at
isBued orders a lease of the State rail
ways for thirty-three years at a gold
rental, half of which is payable in ad
vance. A newspaper correspondent named
Eugene Wolff has been expelled from
German East Africa fo : writing biased
reports discrediting the Governor of the
The number of deaths at Altona from
trichinosis, caused by eating diseased
pork, is now reported as thirty. An in
vestigation as to the origin of the meat
is in progress.
The famine in parts of Russia is so se
vere that peasants practice cannibalism.
The death role from diseases consequent
upon the absence among the people of
the necessities of life is terrible.
The ships that were built to carry beef
from the Argentine Republic to Europe
are now employed in conveying fish be
tween the same points, the beef business
having apparently proven unremunera
tive. The Russian government is said to
contemplate a more rigorous supervision
of the sources of news sent to foreign
newspapers from Russia, which is claimed
to be in many respects false and exag
gerated. The London Spectator has recently
shown that in England the tendency of
population to the cities is irresistible;
that the youug men and women are de
eerting the agricultural regions and that
farmers are unable to get the laborers
needed for cultivating the soil. -
The St. Petersburg Novosli, which has
already commented unfavorably upon
the speech of Emperor Francis Joseph
to the Hungarian delegations, returns to
the attack in a second article, wherein
Austria is dubbed "a wolf in sheep's
clothing, always Bpeaking peace while
arming to the teeth for war."
In Oar Brrl Hhttll W Drlra Slow
FoUon From Our Hrrakfant Tabla?
A nuisance that troubled England fifty
years ago it now rapidly spreading ii
this country, that is, putting alum in the
oread we eat. 1 his question is causing
a great deal of discussion at the present
moment, as it is revealed that alum
being used as a substitute for cream of
tartar in baking powders. A story is
told that a very large percentage of the
baking powders sold on the market con-
ibiu eiuier slum or ammonia, and
many of them contain both these per
nicious drugs. Much timely alarm in
felt at the wholesale use of alum in
bread, biscuit and pastry. To younv
children, growing girls, persons of
weakly frame, alum bread eaten morn
ing, noon and evening is the most
harmful. It is the small quantities taken
at every meal that do the mischief.
Alum is cheap, costing but 2 or 3 cents a
pound, while cream of tartar costs 30
cents, and the high price of cream of tar
tar has led cheap baking powder to be
made of alum. If the reader wants to
know something of the corrosive ouali
ties of alum, let him touch a piece to his
tongue; then reflect how it acts on the
tender, delicate coats of the stomach.
The Scientific American published in a t
recent number a list of alum and am-
rnon ji baking powders, which is of eret.'
value at this time. Following is aoov' t
ueiiseu. iisi complied nora omciai re
ports, rowders marked with a star
seem to have a general sale, as they are
mentioned in at least two of the official
reports :
atlantic a pacific. roval. ;
cbown. mlvkk star,
davih' o. k. "snowpkikt.
kestos. staniiabp.
There are. in addition to the foretroimr
list from the Scientific Ama-tcas, a num
ber ot such powders so d in the Western
that were not found in the Eastern stores.
Following is a hat of the most prom-
incut; yc,
AXDRKWH PEARf, Contains Ammonia
(O. K. A ml rem & Co., Milwaukee.)
ACME oulainn Ammonia
(Thou. Wood de Co., Philadelphia.)
BOX BOS Contain Alum
(J. C. Grant Baking Powder Co., Chicago.)
CAIXMKT- Contain Alum
(Calumet Baking Powder Co., Chicago.)
CI.IMVX Contains Ammonia
(Climax Unking Powder, Co., Indianaiolla.)
FOREST CITY Contains Aintnnnla Alum
(Vouwie Bin., Cleveland.)
HOTEL Contain Ammonia AIuj
(J. .'. Grant Baking Powder IA iVL' i ;:, )
(Hercules Baking Powder Co., Kan Kmnri. )
(Taylor Mfg. Co., M. hrnii.)
RISING SL'X. Contain Ammonia
(Pbo-nix Chemical Works, Chicago.)
-.Coutaiiu .Btfir
tuyai flaking Powder Co., New
Where the I.uck Come In.
Sadleigh Did you bear of Mr. Garner'
sudden death? It was very sad. Just a ha
had finished the accumulation of a larg for
tune, and bad made up his mind to retire and
njoy himself for the remainder of hi life,
he was suddenly struck down from nervous
exhaustion. It is terrible!
McPblie Yes, but isn't it fortunate he
cant take his fortuue with him I The fellow
who get it without the nervous exhaustion
i in luck. Boston Transcript.
Speculative Heredity.
Materfamilias Imogen, I don't think I
could ever approve of your marrying George
Kocicpate. I should bate to think thai, anr
of my grandchildren would be like him. Ha
was such a bard beaded boy, and it run in
the family.
Imogen Yea, mamma, I know all th
Rockpates are awfully hard headed, but you
must remember that there is softening of the
brain in our family. Life.
Hi Mistake.
"What were you about to remark?"
'Nothing at all, I a:re you," replied
Willie Washington.
"But you looked as if you bad. something
to say." V ' v.
"Ya-as; I'm verwy deceptive that way.
I've often thought, myself, that I bad some
thing to say, and disco vahed aftah I said it
that I hadn't." Washington Post.
Heroism Rewarded.
Railway Official Is this the man that has
just saved the train from destruction?
Several Bystanders es, this is the man.
Railway Official (with emotion) My friend.
you have saved a hundred human lives and
many thousand dollars' worth of property.
j, wm see that you are rewarded. (To subor
dinate): Wilkins, take up a collection among
the passengers. Chicago Tribune.
He Had.
"You shouldn't speak so harshlv of your
fellow man," said a merchant to his clerk.
You ought to remember the admouitiou to
return good for evil. That's what I've just
done; and I did it with a vengeance."
"I gave a man change for a counterfeit 10
bill." Washington Post.
They Usually Do.
"Did you make much on your last stock
"No; lost $700"
"But I thought that MacDollars eava toh
a pointer."
"He did: but it proved to be a disannointnr
Instead." Munsey's Weekly.
After Many Day.
"Why so beaming, Briefless?"
"Concratulate me. I have cot a clinnt. it
"Yes. sir: nivself. Mr landlord la aiitno
me for rent." New York Sun.
ir You Have Hnilt You'll See the Point.
"How are you getting on with your new
"I have bad to tear it all down."
"What was the matter?"
"It wasn't built the way my friend want
d iU"-New York Sua.
f rtVi