I 1 : I A Perfect Baking Powder. Trice's demand for Dr. Cream Baking Towder, the standard cream tartar powder for forty years, is due to two causes. FIRST: The extreme care exercised by the manu facturers to make it perfectly pure, uniform in quality, and of highest raising power. SECOND: The recent investigations exposing the fact that certain other brands of baking powder contain ammonia and still others that were found to contain alum. These unscrupulous manufacturers are being found out, and the consumers are giving them a wide birth. Nothing is left to chance in the manufacture of Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder. Chemists are employed to , , .1. TT., .-. ingredient as to purity ana strengui. iic.., and uniformity, bacti can is ukv never dissapoints. BEST is ALWAYS KINSHIP. A tllj rw In tho tangles In it tliuuo ivl garment (lrfo4, And many a mliy Aiwuiglo IteaprinkhM nor tawny hreewt And tln Kilkon moth sailed by hr With swift and snow hit at); Not a gilt g'U '" " nigh hr, Nor a fly In his gs.v grep n ttialL And tin hrtww hiwn wlnga and the golden. O'er Iho Itillowlnii meadows flown, Mill us ly magic holdcn Kevin the Illy llit limned alona; Till over I he fragrant liuigln A wanderer Inglng wont. Anil with nmny a ruble wngl Wore his tnwny vans liesprent, And be horcred one niomonl stilly O'er llu tlileket, lior ituuy bower. Then he mink to the heart of the Illy. And ttioy seemed hut ft single flowcM1. -Helen Gray LVna. A Wonderful lloraa. Uv. V. S. lireeii, lu hl went work on tho "Selkirk. lilueioiV lia an nccount oi a horn, mountain 'llmiKi wuo was worthy to lx follow with tint eiiKlmi horse In ltiwhm. Ho wim t no inn-iecnon oi imtloniK. iilmln thirty nix hour' lep riviitlon of fooil without eomnlttint., cIlnihltiK inonniiiln after nionuttilii wttu liiovhiiuotililn rilurk, taking1 iimuy fear ful fall na if I hero wna pleasure In rapidity of motion. Our he rrf used t o o on In rroaa- lii)HwiftKtitimof n unknown depth, hut it. wiw only to see. Iih master swim on forohim to th othor slilo, when h nn awrred the frtoiully mil iw If all the Intel ligent follow wanted wim to no how the buttle wa to he won.- Huston Transcript. TIIK WKSTKHN JtHCTTI.Kir rilar.n Bl'Kl'Ir'It'. With everv advance ot emigration Into tho fur W.wt n new dcnism! Is oroitlod (or Hosteller Uliii. Nowlv iieon oil region nro fro iiuoiitlv less salubrious tlu olilor m'tiusi loomi i,... mi mix'iiiiiii nl ilio iiitMHiim hli'li rlnoD from rooontiy pli'Hnsj mno, (wriioiuiiriy hioiik luiiik ot rlvorn tlmt nro Mihioot to fituhotn. The u..ri.nltiirl nr mlnlni! oiiiluraut "ooll Ininin nr, . .. ----- - lion ho diwii not mroiiiiy know, into hip 01110 Htlurd tho only din' protoollou HHiilimt iimlnrtN id thow dtitonlorn ot tho hIoiiiiioIi, llvor Mini iv.w.. iiivk i'h iiiiimiii,niiiiiliii.i'xioioin' mm unHOOimtonuit orunhoHlthy wntor orlol mihlivl him r.itmomiiinl v lu nUiH1 mi iinniu uixui Has' (trout hoiiwhold oolllo mid r'voiulvi inninionMimlc with Itn lutriiiBlo uiorltH, nml itt onniful to kwii oil hmid 11 rontorHtlvo mul pro motor of honltli no liiipuouiy io no ronoo ui'ii in tlmo 01 iiotil. word hukii - i n wy IUk -WtfU, Ira von. I ll ulvo VOII HIV nithor you would koop your word ALL KKrOUMKItN test every its marvelous purity every other. It the CHEAPEST. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is re ported by all authorities as free from Ammonia, Alum, or any other adulterant. In fact, the purity of this ideal powder has never been questioned. Jap tut rih Kalfrn. Did you ovor visit tho Fulum ttnh mar ket in "tho early mornitiK? U is crowded by a throng tuirh us vim ik) found no where else stewards, chefs nnd hotel keeiHr. lKardinir house proprietor mid n-sl:uir:int twMtile. econottucul houso- w ives and Chinese inerehnuts. One day, this week. 1 lmpiH-ued to bo in there, and encountered tho oddest person of them all. It was J. Yatsiuoto, a Jap nese, who is the successful proprietor of two boarding houses for his own coun try men. lie bought so many tish as to excite attention, ana wnen spoKen 10 about it said: "Our people from time immemorial have preferred tish to all other forms of animal fowl. It is more than a raro event to uso beef for food, and almost unknown to uso veal, lamb toned a prophet to whose memory the or mutton. Pork is used more fre- non generation has raised a monument lor oueutlv. lint tho great standby is ilslu . . , . Our iisltermen lorm a largo eiemeiu 01 .,, v.,b.. Atnr. 1!). W. tho population ana are very shuum. T jilmr is verv chean at home, so that in 1 everv village, town auu 11 buv fish of everv kind ana in any amount from a quarter of a cent to three In Art. ltollnloit or Hotflire Hlnce ine World He Ml HKM.ill IN Ol.ll A(H' l'Mward t'olliiiNon, tiueetiH, N. Y.iHityn: " I OOOIIIII'llOl'll IINillU UllVMHIl i ii'h I'ii.i.h .... .. 1 .1 ..i 1.. ..... 1. 1 over niiv-uvn yeiirri ugn. i msi "uuiu Ihem in London, nnd have continued using them Mnce 1 euiiie o this eounlry in 1NM. I am now ovel'7.i vein's old, hale and lieiirly, ami utliiluile my woiiili'iliil I1111MI1 to me persistent use ol II11 muih i 11 s ni l s. 1 in- easiouallv I have a had cold or nover nt- dioli ill' rhoiiiiuillslil. IIH U'l'slioll or lillious- news, hut lour or live dosos ol Hiumoiki 11 s , I'll iH always euro me. v nenever my cini- (lien have been sick with nenrlel lover. measles, mumps, mud Mounted, illsurdered dlgestiim or eoNtivenoss, a lew dosos 01 HiiAMiKKi'll s Til ts restore ineir iioiuui ni. omie." ' A liiok iHiluih lioiivoiiwiud mIioii II iiu iius Hie most nilsoliU't. H Iihs iimuy tuiiiiiin linitiilniB, The niuiiiil'ai'tureis of Slur Plug ehewlng tohaeeo have made Ht. I.ouis the uroiilosl tohaeeo murket in the world hy I'urnisliing the eotiHiimer a belter lodiuieo limn is pro dueod hy other lUHUiilaetunu's and always making the plugs ol'rUar lull sixteeli-oiiiiee pounds. It pavs to study the Interests ol the eousumer, as he is " the Judge and the Jury." WH.KV It. Al.l.tCN A '., Ill Klrsl Ht I'ortlniiit. Or . Iihvo sssiimoit ll" run Irnl ami nisnnKoiiifiit l Iho Mimiiwiiy I'lmion. Al the illlliTi'iil miN Inmi Conrert lU iiml down "l ho ki'i'l In stiM't nml (iivnillo tonus Klvon In sn)' OIIO WKIIIIllH UlO SIOHl klim Hi' ll IIISIIIIIIO'IIU. v y3 Baking Powder A Pure Cream of Tartar i'owtkr. Superior to rvcry other known, Used in Million of Homes' ! 40 Years the itanl;uil. Urlielou Cake and Pastry, Light l''lk llincuit, tlriddle Cnke, Palatalilo and Wholrsome. Ko other Ukiiif powder doci tuch woik. Have at some time natie.s, renegattes. In-en called And a bigots, fa- people nave FKEE EXCURSION From California. Vth, Montana. Idaho, WaihinftoD and Oro to Portland. We will furnish free round-trip transportation to anv person residing In n" of the atwve winied states who desires to iniiehsse Portland resl estate. This ofter will hold good for sixty davs, commenelng November 1. lst'l. Writ us st once and get identification papers. Remember Wi will be the boom year for Port land. Buy now while cheap, and sell at a big profit when the boom comes. For particulars ad dress Conservative Real Estats & Trust Co., No. 4 Stark street, Portland, Or. Is a pretty fair rate, said the minister as he pocketed th "Two knots sn hour he minister bridal couple, he fee of the second For bronchial, asthmatic and pulmonary complaints "Broun'g Bronehinl Troche manifest remarkable curative properties. 25 cents a box. Went down with colors flying the painter who stum Died on his way to wort. Use Xnam ellne Stove Polish; so dust; no smell, Try Qbbmka for breakfast. "August Flower Advantages of Seasoned Yellow Pine, Wnrk In ornamental wood now assert that vellow piue, bard finished in oils, is the rival in beauty of any wood that grows, not excepting the costliest of the hard species, it being susceptible of receiving and maintaining as high a decree of polish as any known wood. while, when impregnated with oil, it is almost indestructible. In such a con dition it is impervious to even hot grease and other substances that leave an ineffaceable stain upon white pine, maple and various other woods. Tho vellow nine referred to is the cents a pound, tven wnen we gu iu foreign lands wo carry our tastes with us, and try as far as possible to have the same fish diet as in our native country New York Star. Waiting ltovin IMilluuthropy. It must be that the discomforts of traveling awaken a responsive feeling or svmnathy for a fellow being in distress, fori have noticed mat an unioriunaie on his way to somewhere and wit sou 1 sufficient money to get tl-re never ap peals to tho crowd in the waiting room for assistance mat it is not lonucuiuiug, if, after investigation, a police officer announces that the case is one of gen uine distress. Let some poor woman with children be found m the room need ing a few dollars to make up the fare to If. 1!. 1 Itr J. A'mii'Hf.imfilil. Sralllf, IV1I.1A. PKAR Doctor: Will have to write you that I ain ty you can surprised to lind myself sogreatly Improved ,,.1 in nn in so little time, and am pleased to say that I could not give voiir mediuines too great praise. My health was gone. I felt that medicines could do me no good. 1 wits hopeless of ever recovering. I thought too late to try your medicines, hut with death staring me in the face I determined to do so. 1 am pleased that I did it, for at this date I have received tenfold the price ol the medicines. If I should say one hundred fold, it would not he overvaluing the dif ference In my health. 1 feel like another man. Yours respectfully. Jvmks 11 Hysom. destination, or a little money to ivi6 v ... .1 ... botanists owing so abundantly tn ouy 99 For two years I suffered terribly with stomach trouble, and was for all that time under treatment by a physician. He finally, after trying everything, said stomach was about worn out, and that I would have to cease eating solid food for a time at least. I was so weak that I could tint ork. Finallv on the recom mendation of a friend who had used your preparations with benencial re sults, I procured a bottle of August Flower, and com menced using it It seemed to do trnnA at once. I eained in strength and flesh rapidly; my ap- A worn-out Stomach. East Texas. Trees can be found in this species with a curled grain a little on the plan of "curly maple." No other wood can be made into more beautiful cabinet work. There are a few small mills in the long leaf pine reeions further east that cut tins char acter of pine exclusively, shipping the product to northern cities. iNew lorK Telegram. Gifted. "What does vour husband doT asked a traveler of a slatternly woman whom ho fminrl livinor in a little old cabin in the backwoods. "Well," was the reply, "he s one o' these handy, gifted sort o persons, my man is. He Kin jest turn ins uauu ia anything. 'He's a blacksmith by periession, but he cooked 111 a rest'rant in town most o' last winter, and he done kyar penterin' and paintin' all spring, and then he lectured on temp'rance awhile until he got a chance to run an ingine for a month or two, and then he dug wells and hung wall paper until he got a chance to lay brick at three dollars a day." "And what is he doing nowr asKea the amused guest. Toaehin' sinsin' school, but he al- their food or shelter, some one has only to announce the story and get an officer to pass around ins liat, and the pennies, nickels, dimes and quar ters commence to chip right in, and it is all the more surprising, for the class of people who are found in a waiting room genetio sy8tem urn not. as a rule, overourueueu im cash. Policeman in St. Louis Olobe- Democrat. East Sot'Nii, Wshh.. Aug. l:, Wl. tr. J. Fuarnr Junius, ViiMlr. " - I'Kksms. ItUms lieon some time since l have written u von, but 1 have loeii getting slung o well that I did not tktuk it noeeswiry. I hsveaioppeu ishw k Hie treatment now, aim I neiieve 1 am mmn well. Your medicines have done hat you told u they would do - they have made s new woman III 11IO. 1 now IOOI like lll)IH-il KKniii, ..... . ferlng lor eight veurswith eatarrh ol tho homl 1 1. I. i .11, tlmt vorv imlllllll II1IIIK - lien- ,.,' .... , 1 --,-. . ..f tia titititiMi'ti 1 uina uirve uomuhs medicine. W"h mv husband and mysell leel as though we cannot be thankful enough to you tor w hat vou have uone lor me. 1 noi- - 1 ....0 ..v.. iw unii.Ttm- h I was w 111 hoar i'r. i..f.u,i mul bin mom valuable medicines. Yours most resiectiiilly, u,"u1 Yir Jordan's otBce is at the residence of ex-Mayor Yesler, Third and James streets, Seattle, Wash. Consultations and prescriptions aosoiui- ly frfi. w.i-:irf tKa Histiw oenu iuri uw ci'ii""" L 4 ' .'W Bith tho mctliod ami results wfirn Syrup of Figs ia taken; it is ploiwaut mul refreshinff to llio taste, nnti aci gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and lSowcls, cleanses mo y tern elToctnally, displa col.ls, houd iclies and fovm nnd cures lialiitu;' .Mitmtiimtiiin rwrmitnentlv. For sale in 50o ami $1 bottles by all druggist CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO san rnAicisco. ci. EST and SAFEST OIL Manufactured. i i -i i" r - 3 -mm t Si ' Give This Oil a Trial, -AN-I- YOU WILL USE NO OTHER. strength and flesh rapidly ; my ap- lowg to . jt np prettv S(Xjn an3 g0 10 petite became good, and I sunered ticin. medicine. He kin do any no bad effects from what I ate. I be,g a mind t0 tum his haH(j t0." feel now like a new man, ana con sider that August Flower has en tirely cured me of Dyspepsia in its wont form, iames usdskk, Saufcerties, New York thing he's a mi: Youth's Companion. True Xm His Colors. It is told that one day during the war a sauad of Confederates, wearing cap- W. B. Utsey, St. George's, S. C, tared blue overcoats, rode up to a house c t Tiave iiseo vour Aueusi in Tnnessp.e ana areerea me owner - . X A W . - J - 1 ' "flower for Dyspepsia and nnd it an with: "well, old man, what are you, excellent remedy. FREE. SEND YOUR NAME AND address and receive oy return mail our handsomely illus- txatpd Fall and Winter Cata logue. Drv (ioods, Clothing, nont and Shoes. Groceries, etc. You will save money by dealing wim us. Largest stock and lowest prices ou me uji. Adrre8B MEIER & FRANK, Portland, Or. ir rriirn cured to stay cured. HBI rriLn We want the name and ad- dressol every sufferer in the n lATHMR O.S.nd Canada. Address, fl AO I niHA P.HldE.WM.D.BuWo.B.T. reb or Yank?" Fuzzled by tne oiue coats and gray pauta, and not knowing to which army his visitors belongea, Old Caution answered: "Well, gentle men I'm nothin'. and verv little of that" New Orleans New Delta. Professor Thomson finds in his ex periments on the physiological effects of alternate currents tht the danger of the current diminishes as the num ber of alterations per second is in creased. Wonien'n Taste In M"n Neckwear. The girls say they never know what to L'ive the fellows, and the fellows are sure thev don't know what to give the cirls. Well, a man will take anything, (dinners or cloves or handkerchiefs or mistletoe fruit, with delight. But, sin gular as it may seem, not one women in ten can nick out for a man a necktie that he will dare to wear in a place where ne is known. The neckties that a woman nicks out are enough to make a man shudder, unless blie counnes nerseit 10 plain colors without pattern; and the man who has the bravery to picit out wearing apparel for his lady friends may be sure that in nine cases out or ten it will never see the light of day after it is nrpsented. Of course, if it is a camel's i--------- , . . hair shawl or a seal sacque, mat s uuicr- ent. You can present any gin witn one of those and if it isn't right it can be changed. Buffalo Courier. The Dog Man. One of the features of this town is a sad eyed man who wanders along tne bier thoroughfares with two dogs on a string, it is supposed that he is desirous of selling the brutes, but he never raises his voice, and when he stands for a min ute or two on the curb the dogs get as near him as possible, and, crouching down, blink demurely at the public. They are both small dogs, but one is a little bigger than the other, and he m more noticeable because several inches of his tail have been cut off. lie is i solemn looking canine, with a coat the color of brown sugar. The other dog has a woollv coat and a little stub of a tail that is always twitching in a nervous manner. There is nothing about the brutes to indicate any special breed, and no one would suppose that they are any thing more than just dogs. They're not. New York Sun. Caution. The msioneueua moiiuira are sold in but one agency in each town. The label around the bottle bears the fol lowing inscription: " vr. j. jvuneiw Jor dan, Histogenctic Medicine." ft very otuer device is a fraud. Humane, Strong, Visible, Ornamental iv I Ii"Iit Tliaii rlt H ll'fl- Udynr BentU'tnmi wanted to repri-wnl hhwh'I- Hllon of xirtmil piitntiTK. ivmiani-iu pomnm. Fur iiartli'tilHrx atirMi Mtumniu ......., 101 Went 21ht, Sew York City. IH A DAY. I Lawrence, Kans., Aug. 9, '88. George Patterson fell from a second-story window, strik ing a fence. I found him using 8T. JACOBS OIL. He used it freely all over his bruises. I saw him next morning at work. All the spots rapidly disappeared, leaving neither pain, scar nor swelling. C. K. NEUMANN, M. D. "ALL RIGHT I ST. JACOBS OIL DID IT." "T INDIAN DEPREDATION I ptMSlON I PATENTS CANO I HOMESTEAD I POSTAL CLAI (VIS Portland, Oregon. A. P. Arrontrong, Prln. Branch School Capita! . Bus ; College, J, Oregon. oame couitwb ui bwu;iwvii- - Business. Shorthand, Trttwriting, Penmanship, and English Departments ''Z:'"J?J .hmh.! th vMir. Students admit- ..irf. i:iim. f'atalomie from either school, free. 1 -- ....Li. U....I iBetter DT. or A Mill 10111 MlCn S HUlttl lionaire of To-morrow Now on sale at the principal dook stores. Hei n.iw.uu f.hurcrpn nrenald. on receint of P note for tl. Usual discount to dealers. Address "Better Days" Pub.Co.,room 74,C'hronlcle hldg.S.F. lruTmade7llnfourdayBon myElectnc Corsew nOkn I and specialties. 100 per cent prom ana casp firiiii. Bampla fr. Dr.Brldfan iJroaoway.w. r PIANOSORGANS. WINTER I HARPER, 9i Mnrrison Street. Portland, Or. I jpey- box 80s. -n "wall paper 10 ti per doubla roll. Jtend 2-ent rtamp for The Cod That Helps to Cure The Cold. The disagreeable taste of the COD LIVER OIL is dissipated in flfPPlp! ol 11 LS ! H iJ Of Pure Cod Liver Oil with HYPOPHOSPHITES ( OF LIMB AND SODA., j The patient suffering from CONSUMPTION, i imociiiTi. roi'cii, cold, on ( WASTING DIKEANKN, may take tha ( remedy with as much satisfaction a8 ho j would take milk. Physicians are prem-rlb-j iiig It everywhere. It is a perfect emulsion, j aitda wonderful flesh produrer. Take no other England's Water Supply. Taking England all over, it may be es timated that the average supply of water Der head afforded by the various water works is between thirty and thirty-three crallons. Probably about one-fifth of that quantity is used for trade purposes, leaving from twenty-four to twenty-six gallons per head daily for domestic use. This seems a large amount, and there ia no doubt that at least half of it is abso lutely wasted. Considering that the price of water comes to something like 25 per million gallons, it will be seen that a saving of 3,500 gallons or bo per head every year would represent a con siderable amount of money. The total sum thrown away on account of this waste must amount to nearly a million and a quarter sterling annually. New York Telegram. Talleyrand's Brevity. Two autograph letters of Talleyrand have just been sold in Paris. They were written to a lady, the nrst on tne aeatn of her husband: "Dear Madam AiasI Your devoted Talleyrand;" and the sec ond on her remarriage: "Dear Madam- Bra vol Your devoted Talleyrand. an Francisco Arjonaut. The"KXAMINBR" BUREAU oin.aii.i UN lKK THE DIBKCTION Of San Francisco Examiner. If you have a claim of any description whatsoever . . ..... it-.i i tj. ....... i..r(nmanl. utiri HKuinsi Hie uuiwy onw-n v..... ........... wish It speedily adjudicated, address JOHN WEDDKIUIURN Manager, sis F street, N. W. Washington, v. . oeooooooooo Tnfc SWiALLta i rii.1.1 inci m tt nn nn ? G w TINY LIVER PILLS haveallthevlrtuesof the larger oiimij a equally eftV-ctivej purely vegetable. V DOOOGOOOQOO FRAZER AXLE GREASE Best in the World! Get the Genuine! Sold Everywhere! Old Gold and Silver Bought; send your old Gold Mid hilver by mail to the old and reliable bouae of A Coleman, 41 Third street, Han Franoisoo; I will send by return mall the ctwh. according to asaay; if the amount not nakiiifantorr win return gom. AGENTS WANTED ON SALARY or commmiilon, to handle tbeNow PatentChemlcal Ink KraHtnK Penrjl. A-nM making W per week. Usui rar MTa o., J,ait. Wis. Ksa Ul, 1&: HuiDTMAun Afinr damfl fence. DoubU' the Hlirnmh of hu ulht-r f-n t-; Hi nul nXrvWh, hhk or ..itt ol uliiij' ci..l . u t-Vn.o !'! iiuiuUiitut I'lmiiirn to uniiiiiiiiii a mm". IU 3IUIK i i sams f . - - - .,...... s " ii.iunshitU'ii ri iii Ihc m tui imi I inmi in ih . h ho i niiuoKiir tn iiuhuimm In'' tllHl IMOWer'fllMnif, rirxillli- "lir . m n.s a A I I O DA Hnker A llumiuo.., Suti V rT., li . r Alu-y. fn.-nil.i.i this t....f. Hurmletl I'li krt Ijiw ll 1 l ine, P ISO'S KKMKDY FOU CATAUIMr.-il.-st. Knsl est tn iiae. Clu'iipinl. Kclii'f is iiiini'lit". A Fur ('old in tho Ht iul ll lum no eiM. cure is iTriuin. X. y V '1 L V 1 m i i 11 I 1 to the I' J mail. 1AU is an Ointment, of which aumnll mrlii li- ih nj)plij-l the nostrils. Trice .'.Oc Holil hy ilriiKKinu or seni iy Addrcea: K.T. lU7.ri.TiNK, arr-n, i a. Li Buy Your Own Goods if Your Dealer Does Not Garry Them. ADVANCE THRESHERS, THE BEST IN AMERICA. Dill I HIUIIIH HI PARRY CARTS AHD ROAD WAGOHS, Best and Cheapest in the World. Carts, $15 Up. Wagons, $50 Up. IV Cbemlflal Fire EhkIuch n'J ExtliwtilHliein, nre flnse hihi Dcminmeiit Htippinn, weijni ijiui ar; liSOf all klllllH, HniHS IKlOilS, rilW anil riulllK", nniiKii a ini.M..n.iin, miu.uo "' Illlll'U, CH'nooi nun rill 111 Iirnn. r.llKiln.Rnii'J iii'i.tua. Maehlnery, riimiso( all kinds, Hmss (IimmIs. rip Dnllluir mill Hum. Wnnii'hi.H. Ijiliricii tllllf Oils. C! Blacksuilth Drills and Fomes, BiikkIus, Hurries, MprliiK suit Kxnrtus Whki ol Carts 111 Portland. Healers, write lor prices. For further Information ...t I.... ........ Uru......u null r..im v. mi)i.ii. ..nn. can ou or Hounws Z. T. WRIGHT. Foot of Morrison Street. PORTLAND. OR Sportsman, Attention! If vou want to shoot iiccnrnU'ly. dnn'l full to night your khh with the celebrated Leading medical authorities state that new and improperly cured tobacco when heated in the pipe produces a rank vege table poison. Tobacco like liquor can only be improved by age. This is the reason why "Seal of North Carolina" is the most popular brand of smoking to bacco in the United States. It is made from tobacco, at least three years old. Its rich mel low smoke has never been equaled. final nf Nor Cloth Pouches, us well as in (ol Seal of North Carolina Is now packed In Patent 11. 1 1 IBi-f,IJWl4W4iMB-.ll MAN o LY SIGHTS. Mucin to lit niiy rllle. lVcii WkIU, Vi: Ivory Ili-ml Front BlKlit, II i Ivory IIuiiLIiik l'mnl. hi(jht, r0 cents. Went by iiihII on rccwiiit of price. H.T. HUDSON, 93 First Street, Portland, Or. Bend for new Illustrated CntuloKiie. iocs ....afip.aoow HUidhlKh cuts 1.0Ml.f.r. iocs, ull styles lUit', 10c, ftOe, liOn We have a bite stock of Rubber floods bouirlit o( a leuiliiig house retiring limn liiiHinchs on this Coast. Child's rubber shoes, 5 to 10 'Jflo Misses' loothoiiis, luto a 1.1c Misses oversnoes.. Misses' arctics i l.llilli"R ll vfu niiimn, ull inn. .... , iui , .nji-,. in Ijidies' sretlcs ami snow excluders $1 .00, 1.: Ijidies' hi(?h cut alters ll.fiO, ?1.7." Ladies' boots, special bargains .11. flu, f ,7S Child's boots 1.00, 11.25 Misses' Imots $l.2i, jl.M Hoys' boots fl.fiO to f!.00 Men's short hoots, extra i'J.M) to $;i..r) Men's hip boots jii.fH) to lfi.0O Men's overshoes, eight styles Ific, fiOc, 0e, Urn Men's luetics anil snow excluders ll.'Jfi, $1.'H) Kubber Clothing of all kinds at a big discount from regular prices. Ask for our full list of Rubber Goods. Address SMITH'S CASH STORE, 416-418 Front Kircet, Sun Fraiic.iseo, Cal. 43 . 1. P. N. U. No. 41i -8. T. N. U. No. m 'i v ft mpi. j ir4 ttraat, Portlaad, Or.