The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 21, 1891, Image 4

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The machinery of the law has not been put to work
too speedily against the fraudulent use of ammonia and
alum in Baking Powders. Both health and the pocket of
the people are demanding protection. . The legislatures of
New York, Illinois- and Minnesota have taken this matter
of adulteration up, and especially that of hiking Powders.
It .will be in the interest of public health when their sale
is made a misdemeanor in every State in the UNION, and
the penalties of the law are rigidly enforced. There is no
article of human food more wickedly adulterated than that
of Baking Powder.
Dr. Price's -Cream Baking' Powder is the only -pure
cream of tartar powder having a general sale that is free
from ammonia, alum or taint of any kind of impurity. It
makes the sweetest and lightest bread, biscuit and' cake
that are perfectly digestible whether hot or cold. It costs
more to manufacture Dr. Price's than any other baking
powder. It is superior to every other known and the
standard for forty years.
Dr. Price's ' Cream Baking Powder is re
ported by all authorities as free from Ammonia,
.Alum, or any other adulterant. In fact, the
purity of this ideal powder has never been ques
Lady or gentleman wanted to represent asso
ciation of portrait painters. Permanent posi
tion. For particulars address Ionardo Associa
tion, 101 West 21st, Sew York City.
Vie Inamollne Stove Polish: no dost, no imelL
Tbt Qteussa for breakfast.
ALWS takes
. i - -
Packed in patent canvas
pouches, which retain the natu
ral moisture of the tobacco and
insures a cool, sweet smoke to
the end. More solid comfort in
one package of " Mastiff" than
you can get out of a dozen
J. B. Pace Tobacco Co., Richmond, Virginia.
We have selected two or
three lines from letters
freshly received from pa
&u Bv Ti
rents who have given German Syrup
to their children in the emergencies
.of Croup. You will credit these,
f" because they come from good, sub
stantial people, happy in finding
what so many families lack a med
' icine containing no evil drug, which
mother can administer, with con
fidence to the little ones in their
most critical hours, safe and sure
that it will carry them through.
Ed. L. Wiluts. of Mra. US.W. Kirk,
Alma, Neb. I give it Daughters' College;
to my children when
troubled with Croup
and never saw any
rparation act like
It is simply mi
raculous. Harrodsburg, Ky. I
have depended upon
it in attacks of Croup
with my little daugh
ter, and find it an in
valuable remedy.
of our customers
Fully one-half
are mothers who use Boschee's Ger
man Syrup among their children.
A medicine to be successful with the
little folks must be a treatment for
the sudden and terrible foes of child-
hood, whooping cough, croup, diph
.theria and the dangerous inflamma
tions of delicate throats and lungs.
$20. Cdsll Typewriter. $20.
Equal to any $1 Machine,
Speed; clean impression; mani
folding; perfect alignment; hard
metal tvpe: simple; durable. Il
lustrated circular free. A great
Holiday gift.
t. 1AVIS,421 Montgomery St.,
Ban Francisco. Agents Wanted.
10 cents per double roll. 8end2-cent stamp for
samples. 6CHOFIELD & MORGAN,
102 Third street, Portland, Or.
. VI. 11 l.4h...V.M.ItttMt
leading remedy fur all tht
unnatural discharges aaC
certain cure for the deblU
' lating weakness pecuiiai
to women.
IlirdoDiTfcr iprefriieiiani
TMtEH8UHEMm!flfl. In recommeudtng It tCi,
. ..ii l a wummiM a.11 mifferers.
'zijuix 8T8NER, M D.,0ECToi.!a
Bow B Exercised III Talent om Chl-
cago Cable Car.
"Do you know 1 believe 1 saw the meanest
man alive lust night on a south street grip,1
said a friend of miua "You can bet your
winter's coal that the man who croaked some
thing about honesty being the best policy
don't live in the same block with him. 1
was coming in from aw ay out south when a
man got on at Thirty-seventh street and
took a seat near the front part of the grip
After he'd goue a block or two he seemed to
get nervosa and said to the gripman:
" 'You'd better call out your conductor. I
fet off at Thirty -'Mrd street'
"The gripman said, 'All right,' and jerked
his rope. Well, Thirty-third street came,
but no conductor, and the honest man got
very much put out atiout not being able to
put up his little nickeL Right here U where
the prize mean man got in his work. When
be caught sight of that nickel he held out his
hand. The man with a conscience recog
nized the act, thanked him courteously,
dropped the nimble nick in his paw"and got
off. The mean man rode on till he heard the
conductor coming for the nickel, when he
" 'Well, sorry I can't stay with you always,
but this is my street. By-by.'
"Then with a graceful wave of his hand be
slid off the car. The force of what the grip
man said would be lost in the necessary trans
lation. But 1 think if the grip coming from
the opposite direction had scattered that man
all along 'the block, everybody on the car
would have been pleased. It wasn't that be
bad robbed the company that made every
one mad. It was the small, low down way
he took of doing it" Chicago Mail
Curing at Hiccough.
Mr. Smithkin had heard that a sure cure
for s hiccough was a severe fright One
evening, smoking at his fireside after supper,
he was taken with a hiccough, which contin
ued in spite of all his efforts to check it
Presently he got up suddenly from his
chair, and called out in alarm to Mrs. Smith
kin: "I've lost my watch 1 I've lost my watch F
Mrs. Smithkin hastened into the room.
"John Smithkin I" said she, "What do you
mean? Why, you han't done any such
thing. Here's your watch all right, in your
vest pocket"
"Don't you think I know that V said Mr.
Smithkin. "I was jest giving myself a sever
fright, you know,, to stop the hiccoughs!"
Chicago Times.
A little 6-year-old girl came home yester
day from school, which she has only been at
tending a few days, and her ' mother asked
her what she had been doing.
"Writin' M's and shake awful," was the
child's reply, which meant fhat a long course
of M's in a copy book had tried her nerves.
"Well, how do you make an MP' her moth
er asked.
"Oh, you go up a bill and down a bill, up
a hill and down a bill, and stay there."
Pittsburg Journal.
Trying to Catch Bp. .
"How much is my bill?' asked a traveling
man of the hotel clerk.
"Four dollars."
"But I merely spent the night here, I
haven't had a meal."
"Yes, that's right."
"Well, give me my key again."
"Your keyr
"Yes, I'm going back to see if I can't sleep
about two dollars worth more." Merchant
Traveler. .
Tea, They Have.
"How things have gone on and improve
since I was a boy I" exclaimed the old gent,
as be laid down bis pen and blotted his letter.
"For instance, it wasn't thirty years ago
that no one had any particular way of spell
ing 'shugar.' Now everybody spells it just
as I always said it ought to be spelt." De
trojtFreePress. mm in r
tiny liver pills
have all the virtues of the larger ones i
equally effective; purely vegetable.
Exact size shown In this border.
71 Morrison Street, Portland, Or.
If realtor She Iim-ii'i Waul to li'K Tltvm
Don n with tier,
liurgauiA in kiliii's! I'littic Htm-k iiuift
b cloml out nl n fwcrillivl r'or terms
tldrvsH Mrs. luwellu Ostium, OHIO of
lor I'oinuiioMont'r Mui'tin.
"TIu'ic'h h woman over ut our liouso
wlio lias four oliililivn tilm wauls t din
h:o of through you," ven ttu wont
tluM'lerk ut tlio Plankintoit brought to
tho poor ollti'tf yi'Klcrday.
I went willi Superintendent Martin
norivsst to (tie Plunkinton, wher wo
found in ti small I 'tick room a yotuijj
woman Hint, swunning uIhhiI tier, three
babies, who appeared on lirst sight to be
triplets. On the bed, asleep, lay a fourth.
One's first impression wa that sho must
have bought up a foundling asylum some
whore w ith a view to spvuhilion. Mio
sat three, children in u row on the cdg
of the lod, and they cowered under her
glance, nml raised linger as sho com
manded them not to budge. In a few
minutes, though, there was mutiny. The
throe youngsters keelinl over in a jor
pfexing heap on the IhhI, giggling and
squirming, and none but a mother could
have extricated one from the other.
Order again established by scattering
them in separate corners, the young
woman in her strangely quiet way went
on to tell her story.
The sleeping baby is 0 months old, and
one of a pair of twins' that wore born but
throe weeks before her huslutid died iu
Little Rock, Ark., last July. One twin
only lived to be a week old. Her hus
band had Uvn working on a salary as
piano tuner, and left her destitute. Her
own health was in a condition that did
not permit her remaining in Arkansas,
whore tho climate disagreed with her.
On the 1st of August she camo to Mus
kegon to join a couple of sisters living
there. Those sisters, however, are not in
a position to afford permanent relief.
"Further on" were the words that ap
peared to tho poor woman on every hori
lon. The day before Christmas she pack
ed up her few belongings and mapy chil
dren and started out to find relatives of
her husband, little of whom she knew,
saved that they lived in Siuicoe, Canada.
Still further onl These people could not.
or would not, provide for her or her wee
ones, and, every door shut in her face,
there was nothing loft to her but the
world. The world is a hopelessly large
field for one incapable woman ajid four
babies to look fora home in, and Friday
she arrived at the Plunkinton with just
f 10 between her and starvation. The two
oldest children are a boy and girl Faust
and Fay she calls theiu 5 years of age.
The nest is a bull of a boy, 3 years old.
The 6-uiontlis-old baby is a girl.
"Do you want to give them all away?"
asked Mr. Martin.
"I don't know what else I can do," she
replied, her voice growing more and more
quiet, till it sent chills creeping over nie.
"There is no work I am lit ted t or. Can
vassing is the only thing I hope to do,
and if somebody else can provide a good
home for my children it is my duty to
lot them go. I would be glad if the twins
could be taken together."
"But you wouldn't part with the baby,
would you?"
"If I must give up one I can give op
all." At last the emotion that she had
suppressed broke through the ice of her
demeanor and she burst into tears. The
baby faces about grew solemn aa they
watched her, and finally the little girl,
with a choked "me too," sprang into her
mother's arm, her brother endeavoring
to make a place there too, and there the
three clung, wailing- none the less pite
ously because they did not know the rea-.
son why they cried.
The woman appears to be one of the
ivy sort, that, however blown about by
the winds of adversity, looks only for
means of support outside of herself. Such
women, by their inability to stand alone,
make satisfactory wives, but wretched
failures as widowed mothers. Her mind
seems fully made up to parting with her
babies.and on the advice of Commissioner
Martin she is waiting two or three days
before consigning them to an asylum,
hoping that she may give them first hand
into the keeping of some child hungry
hearts. Detroit News.
The Emperor's Objection.
It is reported from Japan that it Is in
contemplation to erect a bronze statue
on an open space immediately outside of
the imperial palace in Tokio, and artists
were invited to send in designs. One of
the latter represented the emperor seated
on his favorite charger, the horse being
go placed that its feet should rest on
either side of the entrance bridge. This
is said to have been much admired by
the .officials of the imperial household,
but when it was submitted to the em
peror it was immediately vetoed, on the
ground that it was not in accordance
with the principles of hospitality and
politeness that foreign princes and per
sonages of distinction who came to visit
him should have to pass under the feet
of a horse bestridden by him. Ex
change. Too Many Diamond Cutters.
There are 7,000 diamond cutters out of
work in Ansterdam alone. At a meet
ing of more than a thousand of them re
cently held there M. Van Praag attribut
ed the want of work chiefly to the high
price of raw diamonds, and next to the
tendency of the jewelers to trade in raw
diamonds instead of devoting themselves
to their preparation for the market
The speaker counseled either the estab
lishment of a workingmen's company,
with 500 grinding stones and a capital of
500,000 florins, or the transfer of tbe
trade to London, where the dealers in
raw diamonds and the owners of the dia
mond fields were living. New York Sun.
Bruin's Perilous Voyage.
An immense' cottonwood tree went
down the Sacramento river, past Colusa,
last Saturday morning. Its only occu
pant was a brown bear that seemed par
alyzed with fright. As the tree swept
under the bridges the bear saw its
chance, and by a rapid swing be caught
the lower bent, pulled himself up on the
railway, and trotted into Butte county.
Virginia City Enterprise.
Hi KM I'll),
Willi every advance ol einlu.rntlmi Into tho fin
Vil n m' ili'imiuit In -oiVHh'it for MoMoUi'r'n
sinmnch Hitters. Newlv v'WhI region tire ln
mieiilly tew wilulirloiu IIimii older H'ttletl loi ult
u.m'ii ueeouut o( the tnliiHiim willed rli-i (mm
neently eleiuvil Imiil, uutlf titurly nlonu th
tuitil.ii of rhent tlmt iiiv Hilijeet to freshets. The
iiiiileiiltiiiiil or niliiliiK einl:i nut soon leiirns,
when lieiloeanot hIith.Iv know, Unit the Ktltere
ullonl the only suit (irotevltoti injMlnnt hihIiiiU
iiiiiI those illMirtlera of the stoimieh, liver sml
hortels, ton Men ellnmlie elntnues.exiHisiiro "nil
imiieenstonii'il or iiiihenlthy wsterorillet sul jeet
him, l oiieiiently he pliiees oil estlimile. upon
tht uri'tt househohl sjieeirio mid i'venltv
eoiiiiiieiiHiintte with Its IntrltiMo niei tls, Hud Is
eitrelul to keep on timid a restorative mtd pro
moter of heitlili to liiiplh'ltlx to Ihi rolled upon
In time of need.
Ahoy's iiili'lsesl, surest memt of beeomltig
mi niikoI Is nilonled by the elgmrtto.
l?H0NeiitTiN. For Hoarseness and Hore
Throat "'ro'ti' 'ruiii'A'i( ZVoeW are a
Holier second thoughts rc gvnemtly ptweded
hy hemldOlies,
In Art, ltelUlon r Selene Mine tlm
XVorltl HeKu
Have at some time been called bigots, fa
natics, renegades. And a people have
stoned a prophet to whose memory the
next generation has ruined a monument lor
the greatness of his deeds,
Snohomish. Wash., Aug. 1!), W.
Ik. J. Mobile .iii-iii ii, NritifV, iVnul. 1ka
Poctor: Will have to write you that I am
surprised to It nd myself bo greatly Improved
in so tittle time, and am pleased tostty that
I could not give vour medicines too great
praise. My health was gone. I felt that
medicines could do inn no good. I was
hopeless of ever recovering. 1 thought too
late to try your medicines, but with death
stating me in the face I determined to do
so. 1 am pleased that I did it, for at this
date I have received tenfold the price of
the medicines. If 1 should say one hun
dred fold, it would not be overvaluing tho
difference iu my health. I feel like auothqr
man. Yours respectfully,
J ax its 11. 1Iyom.
( ,
East Pot' Mlt, Wash,, Aug. 1.1, IMH.
. J. Kiiiirnr J,mt,tn, Sntftlt, M n, - Iikah rtm;
It tins been some time slm o I Iihvo written to
you, tint I have beeu itettliiK hIoiikno well Itut I
did not think It turesssry. 1 huve slopped Ukliid
the treiitmeiit now, und 1 liellevo 1 tin entirely
well. Vour medicines hsve done what you told
us they would do - ihi-y have made a uow woman
of me. 1 now feel like myself attain, after suf
ferliiK for elulit years with catarrh of the head
and bronchi, and that very painful thing- neu
ralgia of the stomach. 1 took three months'
mcdtclue. Holli my husband and myself feel aa
tlioiiKh we cannot bo thankful enough to you for
what you have done fur me. I hoi that every
one who Is siitVcrtux as 1 was will hear of I'r.
Jordan and his most valuable mntlctne. Vonrs
moat respectfully, Mas. C. AansTRONU.
Dr. Jordan's office is at the resldwioe ol
ex-Mayor Yesler, Third and James streets,
Seattle, Wash. ,
Consultations and prescriptions absolute
ly r.
Send for free book explaining the Hlsto
genetic system.
t'ACTioN.t-The Histogenetio Medicines
are sold in but one agency iu each town.
The lahel around the bottle bears the fol
lowing inscription; " lr. J. Kiigtne Jor
dan, flistoirenetio Medicine." Kvery other
device is a fraud.
Fro hi California,, t'tah, Montana, Idaho,
Washington and Orvgon to l'ortlaad.
We will furnish free round-trip transportation
to any iersou rvsldltiK In any of the above
named States who desires to purchase Portland
real estate. This offer w ill hold rimmI for sixty
dava, commencliw November I, lsyh
Vrlto us at once and get Identification papers.
Remember WJ will be the boom year for Port
bind. Huy now while cheap, and sell at a big
protlt when the boom cornea. For particulars ad
ilreKH Conskkvativis Kkal Kstatic di Trcst Co.,
So. 44 Stark street, I'ortland, or.
t.siiiMiilMiiiMii)... i i .m . .,) m
Newton, 111.
fpROM 1863 to 1885
ij about 22 years
I suffered with
rheumatism of the
hip. I was cured by
the use of
DID IT." J4'
Of Pure Cod Liver Oil with
Of Lime and Soda.
Tcr art emuMont and emulsion,
and titer is ttlll mush tkimmed milk
which masquerade as cream. Try as
tltey will many manufacturers cannot
sodisgaUe their cod liver oil as to make
it palatable to sensitive stomachs. Scott's
LI I EH OlL.comMm d with Uupophos
phites is almost as palatable as milk.
Vor this reason as well as for the fact
of the stimulattna qualities of Hie Hypo
phosphites, rhyslclans freuuently pre
scribe it in eases of
All Druggist sett it, but be sure you get
the genuine, a there are poor imitation.
Of all kinds and In any quantity whole
Bale and retail at bedrock prlceB.
65 Front Street, Portland, Or.
guy Send for catalogue.
IMITATOItn AKll imimintohn.
The tiiieitmled aiioeesa of Ai.i.i'iii k'h To
Itot'N I' I N lis tin cxtcNiiil remedy hits
Htimuhitcd uiim'niptiltitiH piirtles to put
forth Imitations, which they endeavor to
aell on the reputation of At l.t Mien's, ll la
nil ubsurditv fo Hlicnk of tliein in the Milne
ciitenory ita the genuine and onulnnl porous
planter. 1 lietr pretensions 11 re uiiiotimicti,
their vaunted merit unsupported by fuels,
their alleged superiority (o oveijiialily wllli
Al.t i oi k's 11 false prclense.
The ablest medical liriu'l itimiei-H and
chemists H in b thoUMiinls of Kl'alcl'ul pa
tients unite In ileillarillK .M.I.I'UU H roKofa
I'i.astkhs the best external remedy known.
Warily to wed and advertise makes a man
wealthy, envied and wise.
The Hunk of Kuxlaud receives mid pay a
out K"ll hy welnlit'iind aa every plug of
8tar tobacco is carefully weighed to ace
that It Is a full slxlocii-oiince pound before
being packed ill the box, it would seem
that the mumifaclurersof Star I'lug tire de
termined to give consumers 11 si x teen-ounce
211 First HI., Portland, Or., have auiiii"d the con
trol and niaiiaai'iiii'iil ol the NtHnway I'laiioa. All
tlieitUVcrc ill sivlea from I'oiici'rt (Iruiiil itnnn will
Ih kept In stiH-k and fat erutile terms alveii In any
me wanting the areul king of all liislninieiila.
Both the method and restilU wlien
Syrup of Figa ia taken; it in nleiwaut
and refreshing to U10 Utnte, oud icik
gently yet promptly on tho Kidney,
Lirer and liowela, eleatiHes tho sys
tem efleetuaUy, dispel cold, bead
tches and lever and ouivb habitual
constipation permttnently. For sal
ia SOoand fl bottle by all druggist.
LOUISVILLE, nr. ftf row. H.t.
Have Been Imitated, Bat Never Excelled They Are beyond Coaiparlsuo
We Make
90 per cent.
Of the
Wire Mat
Sold In
' ..Vrflte
r ( :i " . I, 1,1 1
f --.J " M A H T M A N
r" r s"r'rf
mm Hts Oisi vour nisi has hrs.s
wrl'i' for our IVMitn
nitl ttiki'l
Chichcster'S Enqu&h,
Ldlc, uk DrufKi! tor Vkiekmtrm
baaiM MMtnl with blue flbtmn. Th
All pill to puMbtwd boiM, y tut riprc. trc Amumtfroum wMiiUtrft At iDruirgtH. m w4 m
4. la aiAjnpa Kf pttriiouiarta, iiiiaablt, u1 "KrlTrf fur l.atlfr," tn lHr, hf rrtmrm MkJL
1 0, (HMI f nKl nwt.UH, lpr.
maa r mil lmki umvt4av
IScatCouKh Medicine.
Cure where all else fails,
taite. Childrrn take it without objection, ily drtiKKiHta.
By Jamkb DoiiaN. M0 pp.
Illuminated I'uper Covrra, 19 ( rnta,
Thla work 'allow reniurkalilo RCiiiua of rou
atructloii, force of tilouueneei xiwer of ileacrlp
tlou, together with wit anil humor, lla theme
la emotional. It alma at the reconciliation of
claaaea through the limtrtimentallty of li.w. Iih
riagt arc full of literary beauty, not aurMtaavd
by any writer of flctlon In modern tlnica.
For sale by all booknellerH. Hent by mull, pout
paid, 011 receipt of price, by tho publlaliera.
" Market Street, Han Franelaen Cal.
Want an acent In every town In Oregon, Waah
tngton and Idaho to aell
On comniiaalou. No stock or capital needed.
Mualc teachera preferred. Hpeclal rule ou ail
goods. Write for particulars.
Roche Harbor Lime, Portland Cemant, Sol
dan Oate and Utah Plaster, Hair, Fire Brick
nd Fire Clay. LAND PLASTER.
00 North Front Htreet, Cor. D,
e . .. 1 1
nAI It I Lll We want the name and ad-
& ACTUM A U.S. and Canada. Address,
HO I II III H t-Hirold HW M.D., Bnffalo, H.T.
Will be plenty and cheap this yeart New Apricots,
Pkachks, Nkctarinbs, Arri.Es, Chikrios, IIlack
bukkibs now offering. We quote
Apricots, fine 7,8, 10, 2
Peaches, choice fl, 10, 12
Nectarines, extra 6, 10, 12
Apples, bright 7, 8, 10
Apples, alden dried 10,12
Qr.ipei, 1800, good 3, 4
Raisins, 1890, per lb 6, 6, 7
Prunes, 1800, good 7, 6, 9
BUckberrl -s, 1891, fine , 12,16
Cherries, pitted. 1801 20, 25
Fig'., 1891, black Caia 4, 6
Other fruits in variety. The above are for fine quality,
dark, old. or Inferior-frits we offer lower. Small discount
to Hotels, Boarding Houus, Dralern, and other large
buyers. Canned goods are lower; see next paper. We
offer a general variety of goidi for family use
tt close prices, and want a share of your trade. Ask
for 40-page catalogue free. Address
416-418 Front St., San Franolsoo
a n f Tniadc71 in four damson mj; Kloctrlc Corset
QUEII Itndnpeclaltlas. inn per cent prnrkaud cash
prices, ample fine. Jsr.Brllgmat,iiroailway,M. Y.
A Pure Cream of Tartar l'owilcr.
Superior to every other known.
Used iu Millions of Homes
t 40 Years tho Standard.
Delicious Cake and Pttstry; I.iejit Flaky
Uitcuit, Ciriddlc t'ukrt, l'uUtubla
and Wliolcioinc.
No Other bakiti)' powilcr dora suth woik.
'I'hc most popular lu'.uul of
smoking tobacco in ih Unitttl
St.ttfs. It is' from to
liacco at least three years okl.
Its rich mellow smoke has
never leen equaled
Nenl ol !orlh nrolluit Is now iacks4
In Patent Cloth I'oueliea.-as well aa Iu foil.
:W -
1 r : '
1 F L f ; X 1 1 L t ' ' M
I tl z i'i
ins aitie-n. d "Innoict
nit't i tiu-lri('ii 1 tirttiirtia- Nl itiii-ii f rH.
Rid Cross 1 Diamoho Brand
Th al IV Imnl. sxA tttti h ..1.
MmMh lHmol firomi m UA 4 tlold dmiUIIM
ibcr kim4. MtitM ftMutun mnA lmttuiA.
Itecommendwl by rhynicinn.
I'leasant and agrccahle to tha
mi y,,! iL, - ' ' .laa
llti Sal .J
llooka frca.
Pacific Medicine Co.. fiafrTlay Ht, Kan Franclaed
The Spoolflc A No. I;
ftircs, without full, all cwe-a uf Oonorr.
lio-u mid JIm-i, no iniuti'r i.l Imw linia
aliiinlliiir. I'reventa Htrietiire, It hi-lnit mi In.
ti rniil .remejly. t'liwawlieiieverylhliiu (iliie
lllia failed. Hold hv nil llni(fiHlH.
Mmiiifitctiirerai'l'tii! A.n,hcnhii,.ii wn,.i,.
i Prtff.tja.00.- t'.,Han
a O- Tf. tr. a i-i ii- u 'r
a UPttaj VhlpUft, f.ion iviri....
Ak your dealer for It, or send for Frue Circular tr
Tctaluma Incubator Co., Pctaluma, Cal
Fishing Tackle, FA", Hrent Variety. I,ow frlee.
W. hlllthtK, 62 Kearuy Bt. , au J.'raifclHco.
& pnwr.FR on
If you want I'OWDEI for Mining,
Railroad Work, Btiimp Blastini? or Tree
Planting, Bend for Trico Liat.
orcnnimlBBlon, to handle the New Patent rimn,tr.
Ink Kraaing Pencil. Agwnta making m per wk
Monroe Eraser M'fg t;o., IrraV. wla.!o"
' They are
' Udtirlesa,
4 I'.vt'rinstiiiK
ItX-xt And " Heat,"
VIA M LikulaW
N. P. H. U. No. 414 -8. F. H, U. .So. 481.
ox sot.