The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 21, 1891, Image 2

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. . . . . . .
Captain II. C. t'oi1 and the writer
hereof having for two summer phi
jocteil th1 country drained hy Wind
river, ami the Cascade range contig
uous thereto, hccauif impressed with
the advlKahility of having a portion of
that country set aside for the ue of the
Indians, for several rvasiins. Situate
almost directly north of the mouth of
Wind river, mid distant aUmt fifteen
miles, are large berry patches which
furnish food tor a large mimlvr not
only of the t'oluinhia river Indians hut
the Yakhnas and ot licit w ho congre
gate there in large iiumlvrs during the
berry season.
Near theM1 Wrvy natehes ,
. - ,;
are line mountain meadows of several
thousand acres In extent, which furnish
ttbuudaui pasturage for the Indians'
onies. Without the pasturage the
Wrry patches would le of little use to
the Ini'lans, and It would W very easy
for one stockman with his herds to ruin
the pasturage in ayear or so at the
most. In view of these facts. Captain
Coe wrote to Senator Sitiire of Wash
ington, laying the matter before him,
and was requested by that gentleman
to write the secretary of the Interior
concerning it. This was in August.
In the latter part of ScptciiUTone
Chapman gathered the Indians know n
as tue lascunc muo at tne tuscancs
and obtaineil from them the agreement
ppendel. Kach Indian was given a
copy of the agreement and cautioned to
keep the matter secret. The agreement
tpeaks for itself, and it suggests some
very ugly things. If these Indians are
entitled to anything from the govern
ment they are entitled to it without
cost, and certainly without giving up
one-third of the value of the tract to
Oscar Foote or any one else. That the
whole matter is a gigantic fraud is self
evident, The tract asked by Captain
Cue to be set aside w ould be not to ex
ceed ten miles square, and would eon
tain all the Iudiaus need. The tract
proposed to be captured by Oscar Foote
is an unknown country to the Indians, I
except for a short distance up the
streams. They have no trails through
it, audit is impossible to reach the bal
ance of it from Clequash mountain,
where the berry patches and pastures
are situated. Iksides, it includes the
finest body of timber on the coast east
of the Cascades, and this is what Oscar
Foote wauls uud will not get. It will
be seen also that Finite proposes to have
the value of the fi sheries ut the Cas
cades tlxed, and the Indians paid for
them. We do not know that Senator
Squire is interested in this matter, but,
to say the least, it is jiet-uliar that Oscar
Foote of Washington, 1). C, three
thousand miles distant from these
lands, should have information con
cerning theui as soon as Captain Coe's
letter reached Washington. We have
been all over the proposed reservation i
and know what we are talking about,
and we unhesitatingly pronouuee the
scheme of Mr. Oscar Foote a deliberaie
attempt to rob both the government
and the Indians. We append the
"This agreement, made and enter d
into this 22d day of October, in the
year of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and ninety-one, between John
Slowetea here follows the names of
seventy other Indians, adult members
constituting the Cascade tribe or band
of Indians, laborers and fishermen by
occupation, of Skamania county, State
of Washington, parties ot the first part,
and Oscar Footi.f tlic-ifv of U ih-
ington, District of Columbia, party of!"1"''
the second part wituesseth, that the
parties of the first part in consideration
that the party of the second part shall
secure to them, for their sole use and
benefit, the lands and fisheries em
braced within the following described
bounds, viz.:
"Beginning at a point in the channel
of the Columbia river opposite Wind
mountain, thence down the channel of
earn river to a point opposite Castle
Bock, known to the Indians as Che-che-ap-tau;
thence north twenty-five
miles; thmice east to the top of the
ridge dividing the waters of the Little
White Salmon find Wind rivers; thence
along said ridge to the channel of the
Columbia river opposite Wind moun
tain, the place of beginning; all in
Skamania county, Washington, and
that in case they are permanently de-
privedof said fishing rights and lauds
of which they are now dispossessed by
the encroachments of settlers and oth
ers, then to secure to them a certain in
demnity iu money from the general
government in lieu thereof, they the
parties of the first part are to pay to the
party of the second part a fee of one
third (J) of all money received from the
general government as an indemnity,
or compensation equal to one-third (j)
the value of the lands secured to them
at the same rate per acre as government
land within the railroad limits, and
one-third (i) the value of the aforesaid
fisheries at a fair valuation.
"It is expressly understood between
the parties to this agreement that the
party of the second part is to have three
years in which lo secure the rights and
indemnities hereinbefore mentioned."
tHere follows the signatures of John
Slowetea and seventy other Indians.
"'Rhte of Washington, V
County of Jfkamania, .
K.i..r curt of skuuirinlu tvunty ami
Staio f Washington, thosanio Mng a
; font if, l lu-irl.y u itlfy that
I tin1 ulwivo wntractiitji wn.s cxoi'iili'il on
! I HI1 -ll UilV 'I tU'ltMIT, I .v." I, U III
cai'.os, State of Wnshlimtoii, ami tliat it
a oxivuti'il lit my luvwinv, nml tlio
parties wliiwi1 skiiatuivs niv hereto nt
taehel are the ones Interested In the
same as stated to me at the saM time
aiul !.kv, ami the said agreement was
hIl'MiiI Iiv hiiIiI norths hi lwrsnli.
'"In witness heivof I have
set my hand this 2-M iUy of OotoU r,
N. W. 1I.(HIM K. I' l P."
A TAXSKl? 1 1 VI -V 77.7).
. ,1 i- . II.! e .1 I
Among the future industries of this
jdaee, that of making leather promis,s
to U' of givit IniiMirtumv. Oregon .sIiIjih
a larue tuimU'r of hides Knsl everv alul s,p, ,u, , leather haek
- '
Hir.iiii. i lie nruv ot tan oarK in iiioniwiiicit,.v.iv,imcsiiii'iiiriiiiiye'ctisoiii
eastern states is imieh givater than
here, ranging from eight dollars jht
eord In lYiiiisylynniu to twelve dollars
in Massachusetts. Hero we have un
limited quantities of hoinloelf, the titu
lar lieing now held as useless, yet of
immense value w hen once a market Is
onemtl for it. There is no reason w hv
all the hides now shipjH-d Kast kIiouM
not lie tanned here, and there is every
reason why they should, llosides tan
iiing all the hides available, our forests
w ould furnish enough tannin to supply
the markets of the East for years to
come. hen we consider tne amount
paid in freights, it is easily seen that
there is a fortune aw aiting some prac
tical tanner w ho will take hold of the
That Brazil is having, or is about to
have a revolution, cannot 13 longer
doubted. Thr telegrams, or cablegrams,
are decidedly mixed, and the govern
ment has assumed control of all tele
graph and cable lines, only allowing
such dispatches to lie sent as suits It.
It is known though that both the army
and navy are yet on the fence, not
knowing which party to stay with. It
it one of the peculiarities of our south
ern neighbors. that the army is nearly
always the first in starting the revolu
tions, and it would seem the part of
wisdom for each new government in
turn, to disband the army and go it
The governments of Europe are all
noisily procluiming that they desire
peace and are determined to maintain
it. Circumstances herein give t lie lie
to these protestations, nnd it looks as
though war was inevitable. It is prob-
........ . .. .
auie, lnneeu, mat war oeiweeu tiussia
and England would be iu progress now
were it not for the famine in the former.
With the harvesting of a bountiful
crop the Iiussian bear and British-lion
are going to come together in Central
Asia, each fighting for what does not
belong to her. The fur will fly and the
price of American breadstuff will be
At Tittsburg, Pennsylvania, Wed
nesday, the thermometer dropped down
to twenty degrees below zero, and over
the middle-western states the storm
king held high carnival. A terrific
gale swept over the lakes, doing andtn
mense amount of damage, and the cold
wave was general. AVhat a contrast to
the pleasant days here, the green fields,
the flower-bedecked yards and the
breath of spring!
Practices in all the courts of Oregon and
Washington. Special attention given to con-
rir tiipn Arcrir
The undersigned being located near
Hood River, wishes to inform parties
who ltiay be desirous of having sur
veying done, that he is a practical
surveyor of many years experience,
and that work entrusted to him will be
performed with dispatch and correct
ness. He takes pleasure in referring to
Sir. A. fS. Blowers, (who for years was
county commissioner in Minnesota,)
and for whoni( he did county work as
county surveyor, as to his ability.
Parties writing me at Hood will re
ceive prompt attention.
C. J. Hayes.
Dated Hood River April 6th, 1891.
Land Locator.
Every body wants land in Hood
River Valley. I have some very de
sirable tracts of good laaid on my list
for homesteads and timbered
claims, with running water on
them. I can locate several stockmen
advantageously. Do not fail to see
me at Hood River I'V-ls or address me
at Hood River, Wusco County, Oregon.
" W. Ross Winans,
Will make the fall wiiHon of lffll at F. II.
IJutton's fari at Hood Kiver, Oregon.
ImsciiiiTioN axdPkdighkk:
Royal KiKhar, (record 2:44) which is no
limit to his speed.) Bay tulliou Itj hands high,
weight IKK).
Mired hy Klstmr, (record 2:2(1) son of Ryu
dyk'sllsimbletoiilan; (sire of 41 In the 2:) list,
also sire of US wlioare tlm sires of 710 In the
2::) list.) Dam by (irasln's Pathfinder.
Here is a chance, for the people, ofllood River
Valley to Improve their breed of horses and
in order to encourage the breeding of a better
class of horses, lio vil Klsbar's service fee will
only be the small sum of Si".00 due when mare
isknown to be in foal. F. II Rcrron,
1 food River Oregon.
I have appointed J. T. Delk, my
Agent to sell my beer at Hood River,
at wholesale. ACfil'BT liuciiLER.
The Dalles, March 10, 1SU1.
Gon. Grant's Memoirs.
Original $7.00 Edition, for
Nit limit Ims over hud such ii miin In the
I'uiie.t sinlt. ii iii'iii'iiii ti.iuit' Moutttit.
III... .uiiil.n iiii.. Iiit... nil..). I . i Int. ill.. i
, hiiiiii'MH tin' rii h, bill i iu Mili.t iiHlim I'l'irc
l in (M nil-. it:uv,l II ln'.i iillil I no I'i'iirll Kl ,'-
! I'll' ill IlKli l l.UI' l'lll UIIIliiliri'i. Il ikI.iUI l lh
I'll" him' Ihi ii w 1 1 1 1 1 1 lo ( iiy s ,'.( fiir limn!'
I Mi'iitniix i Hero muni In' i, omiU' in' m. ill. in
i 1 i,'ii' ill I In-I iri'l Siiilcx Him IV. lilt lllrlll,
i ...i.i w ill .lump ni i no nci'iH timil.v in hliy Hi
I tin' low iimuv iii'i-i'tiili i'i' l.
! U III M'll.l Mill Ul'lll'lill tll' llll'K Ml'lUllllVi,
' uiisa.-M in mlinu ,..uu..u. ).m k-x i.nn.
1 1' 1 1 mill LiHtl inn lluu, lilllii'iio .viul hy Mil)
M l llliill in t Ml,
j kou .lo.viitst Aiisoi.t Ti:t.v only .vi cent, t
! ,lH'.t ,ii,,i,ii,.iv ,, iin,i.isiii.,iiiuo n i never
h;iym,.ie iiithe hismry ... hook imi.i.M.nm.
1 III' III,! sltlflltllll Million's 111 ,il';lll ft .Ml'IIUUIs,
nut ii i'ih iiii cull ion, lull tlit lii'M lor i4l v. ni
l'l!l I PI'. I' OU M'llll J" Olir MlllMTIllnll lo Ul,i
lil.K tor uiu .M'ur, unit ulvi n miIim'i'IHIiiii
nlM.iKlhir I in- l'nMiiiiuililmi .Mil;iiilii', I In'
ll'l)tllU'!i IIIIO l'l'l'.H M ll Ull' KK'lll lllllM.Ulll'.l
lllOllllllU .S, ll.M'U ,'llllll III till' IK Ml Sl. Ml IIIKXU
Kl II,"
The l'osnioMlltiiii In eniihli'il to nuiko tllli
OlU'i' liH,, 1 1 III l, Ii' Hlli'illlM Ol HH.lUI Mil
llllH'Mllll lil ll't' , llll'll ,'M II I'lllli lll.'l n U'lllllll
Z"""U'; "u,l " '!" .,,iU; '!"'"
11014 in iik i lu iiiniiini In unit. i million, unit'.
Iiy iiiiiliiu l . Hi, tin- roi.iiiOiolluiii, tilt' iil.A
riKn l, iinl.U-a to oiler In lt. reautrs 11 Ml. lie
hi I lie low l lee., ol'inllli'il (iiiiiiiii III,' laixexl
uii Ihim' n hiHikn ex, i' lumie in iiit- hlsloiy ol'
me Moral.
If, however, yon luivo ilium's iMioks, the
C.siiioHilUaii oil. r "111 Ki mil you lo Inue
l.en. Sheniiiiu'H Meinoli-s, 3 vols., mihl hy
KUliM-rlptiou lor 5...00.
ilea. Mneiluiiiih Memoirs, 2 vols., mill hy
Mib.-erli'liuii lor n,ii. ,
lien. .Mil lelhin Memoirs, twihl hy mil)
iih.H'iliiioii lor M..V
lu ll. U. 1 1a'' .Melimlll, nohl by MlliKfrlpU
lon lor.i.. j
All ol tliese lire ImiiiiuI In elotli, enrn mill
gulil. In iniilui in Kiyie , Itn (ii'iiik'n .Memimx.
I'lie ('ofmiHihliiii ninl ue.iii.v Ml. ikii inv
wilt HH,u,e piviiinl, Init ino Kil;n;e on the
IhHiUN, m lue riue oi 't eenl T on nee, mimi
be ivmateil wuii tne oniei; lien, liriuil
.ilemoii', l on. 4s cemn; Hen. rltt'riumi'
.MeinoliN, 'i on. -in ei ni; in n, Miernian
.ileinon, HI oi fc! iviiik; lien. Mel'lehan h
Memoirs, 4S ox 4 eelits: I, en. KoImti H.
Ut Memoirs, i ,ii.,n i-enls, or booK eall
be M'nt hy t'iiivn nt l no e.ieiiM! ol lue mili
wnlK'i", Semi at on? ?.!.) for year' nhserlillon to
the I osino)Hi:iiaii, 10 lor ear k mi(im''iU1oii
lo tne urvniy ItI.a, iKit ami .Vi eeiiLi lor a wit
ol Memoirs j.".,iii in ml lo iit.-ti mill MntiiKi'
on tin- iai tleuiar wt ol .Meiiionn scut-lnl.
If you inv not iieiiuatnleil with the Mau
fine, m-iiiI 11 pontal eaiM to the I ,Kiinoxitiiaii,
Ma.ll.son Hiimn Ne,v Vork I Iiy, lor live miiu
pie itipy
reini ail orders to
The GLACIER Hood River Or.
Land Offlee at The IulleOr. (let. 12, ISM.
Complaint tinvlmi been entered nt thin
otlloe hy James Koss, uualnst William liarren,
ror Hhamlonlnir his homestead Kntry No. liKW,
dated Nvm.'iiImt. 1, lsst, noon the n'i n w 1-4
swtlon s Township 1 winth rnni;e 10 a w. in. In
Wium-o County irevron 4 1th h v lew to the ean-
eellatlon of said entry, the mild purlieu are
hereby summoned to umx'iir nt Ihe I'. S. land
otllee at Toe I lilies, I .i-iri m on the Kith dav of
lKi'i'tnlMT, lstrl. at liiovliK'k a. ri-sisind
t ami furnish testimony eoneei'iiins said iilleijed
John W. I.kwis, ltculster.
1 30 acres, threo miles from town. Forty
acres In cultivation, thirty more cleared and
nlty ofeiHitl pasturai: with llvlnir water all
well fenced. Comftirlahle dwellimt house of
four rooms, nnd small burn. :ti fruit trees,
mostly apples, four years old and Is'iirlnwr,
licsldes Jl tpvs in full ln'arini;. One fourth of
an acre iu hemes. 1 wo water shares, no with
tiie place. Ix-i.iiles these there l.s it line surlm;
which will furnish water for several acres of
berries, nnd can lie made available at trifling
cost, l'rii i-for entire lot fi.-'KO, on reasonable
terms. The west 40 will ! sold separately
If desired, price jssuo. For particular enquire
at thisolllce.
Land Offlee jU Oregon City.Or. Oct. 21, Wl.
Notice is hereby flven that the follow tne
na:ned,Mitller has filed notleeof his Intention
to make final proof in support of his claim,
and that said proof will be made before Kiiis
terand Keceiver I;. S. I.nn5 Ottlee ut Oregon
City, Oregon, on December 17, hail, viz;
William 1). Mnddcrn.
Pro-1). M. N'o. 71 tr.fur the n e of sec. 18 Tp
2 h r 7 e w m,
He names the following witnesses to prove
Ills continuous, resilience upon, and cultiva
tion of, said land, vl: .lames Kitjiatrlck,
JohnT. .Mclntyie, of Sandy; liennls Nichols,
Charles K. Scheall'er, of .Salmon; all of Clacka
mas Co, Oregon.
DCwl-deci J. T. Al'PKtwoy, Register.
Timber I.und, Act June 3, 878.
IT. H. I.Ano Office.
ORKTit-N City, Oukoon, Oct. 20, isni.
Notice is hereby given that In compliance,
with the provisions of the net of Congress of
June 3, 1S7H, entitled "An act for the sale of tlm
ber.lands in tliesUitesofCalifornla, Oregon Nh
vikIii and Washington Territory," Willliim T.
Oriswold.of Fast Portland, county of M ullnom
nh,Ktateol'Oregoii,linsthisday Hied inithlxottice
his sworn statement no. for tliepiiri'hase of
thce of nw and wof uej of section no.2iln
township no. I north, range no. tl east, w.m.and
will offer proof'toshow Unit the land sougl'tls
more valuable for its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, nnd to establish his
claim to said fund before Uie Register nnd Re
ceiver of this office nt Oregon City, Oregon,
on Friday the 15th day of January, 1S(I2.
He names as witnesses: Anthony Moore, of
Haisey, Or., Albert Moore and Frank Atkins,
of Hridal Veil, Or., W. C. Orlswold of Kast
1'ortland, Or.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
nbove-decsribed lands are requested tf file
tlielr cliiims In this offlee on or before suld
15, day of January, Wri
oct.'!l-jan3 J. T. Appkiihok, Register.
Land Office at The Dalles Or. Oct, 2, 189.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has ft It'll notice of her intention
to make final proof in support of herclulm,
and tnat said proof will he made before the
Register and Receiver II. H. L. O. at The Dulles
Or. on December 12, 1801, viz:
K. V. Wendllng.
D.H. No. 7130, for the s. cM of Hec. 2 Tp. 1
X. of 11.10 K. w. M.
Klie names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of. said land, vl,: H. I). Straight. J. A. Knox,
ofstralghtsburgi r. John Kelley, Charles Chan
dler of HcMjdRiver or.
ocl-'U-dccj John W I.kwis, Register.
Land Ofllce at The Dalles, Or. Nov, 4 181U.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of her Intention
to make fliuil proof in support of her claim,
and that said proof will be made before the
Register arid Receiver t. K. I,. O. at The Dalles
Oregon, on Decern bur, 22, 1801, vlzj
Lily M. I.oy.
D. H.No. 741(f, for no see. 18 Tp. 1 "n
r (l e w m. ,
Hue names the following witnesses to prove
her continuous residerrceupon and cultivation
of. said land, .viz: C. L. Morse, D. K. Morse,
John Mark ley, Charles K. Maunders, all or
Hood River Oregon.
iiov7-decl2 John W. Lewis, Register.
A meeting will be held at Mt. Hood
school house on the i!8th at 10 o'clock
a. m., for the "purpose of having the
stock of the East Fork Ditch Co., sub-acribed.
Don't buy
putonnny other way, Itmnkoa
tha whool Inst twio as look.
This cut shows the way our
tlr Is put onto th whenl and
criinpod, basldes bln boltud
on. Ws own the exoluivi pat
ents on this.
Write roR
Umd Cttlee nl Vancouver, Wash, ilel, li, ISHI.
Notice Is hereby ulvcn Unit Ihe follow linr
nameil settler has tiled notleeof his Intenllon
to imike tlnal PiiHif In Jlii'ixirl
of his claim, and Unit said proof will be made
liel'ore the Clerk of I lie Siix'rlur I'omi of ska
mania. Comity VVaslilmrtoii, nt Jjumt Can
cade, wiish., oil November -stli, sii, vl:
Itohert Carr,
Homestead No. Ss r.i'r tin' lot I see, :U nnd
lots .", ti, 7, S, and a w l-l I-1 Tp. .'I a i ll e w in
He names the followlnit witness, Jo prove
his continuous residence nmn ami ciitllvallon
of, said land, vlx: Andrew .1. I.mik', I lisirue
Miller, lliiiwn lltii'lliiKinne, I'lrnuy Mhepard
sou, all of Wind lilvi r I'll',-1 m t .-kiiiniuiiii Co.
wiislilmttoti. ,
iH'tl.-ntivil John li. (iKiSotiKii.iN, Iteulsler.
Land Otllco at Vancouver, wash, Oct. 9, tswl
Notice Is !.ri'hv !vea that the followlni;.
named wilier has tiled notice of Ills Intenllon lo
mnk tlnal proof liiMlpHirl of tlierliilln.i.t the
heirs mull lutl Mild proof Wl ll.he made bed net lie
lteuNur and Ilieelver t'. H. land oiltce nl
Vaiusiiiver wash, on NovymlHT 'Jilli Isld, vlx:
Andrew Zureher, heir utdaw of Krtt Zun-her,
, tdei'ciwwd.)
11. K. .V. ! for the w ', n v 1-4 and V ' j p 1-4
of sec. 'Jii'l'p. :l n r s e w in.
He names Ihe followltiK w ltn,"e to prove
the ,'onliniioin reslileniv iihiii anileulllvatlon
of, mill land, by tile lielli at law vl.: Albert
H, Tucker, Joseph K. Monauhan, Thomas
MimiiL'Imn, Albei'l S, Kslabnsik, uil of .Nelson
oi'tlT-uoCJI Joitx I). (iKoiiiiKo.iN, Uiulster.
kstimy Nyrui:.
Came lo my place, Sept. ll!th, It,
a red and white two-year-old bull,
branded 11 on lift hip. Owner will
call, pay charges and take him away.
W.M. 1 limit MAN.
I jind Office at Vancouver, wash. Nov 1;, 1mI.
Notice I hereby given Hint the following-
named wilier has filed not lit" of bin Inten
tion to make final prisif lu HiipMirt of hU
claim unit Unit said pnsifs will lie made
before W. R. Dunbar rommlskloner t'ulted
States-Circuit Court lor District of Washington
at liokli'iiilalf, Washington on January !.,!?..'.!,
Nelson Anderson.
Purchase Application No. .to under we. :!
Forfeiture Act hvpl. 20, Imi lor the ne sec
tion .'CI lou nshlp ii not ill ol 1'iiugc 12 cast tlll
no r.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his com unions ( In I in to and , nl I Im, t ion of
suld laiuhvl.: Rtclu.rd Kelly, Albert I'.i i tschl,
Frank Mhaw, 11. H. II.isi ii, ail of Kulilu I'. o.
iiv21-dc John D. (IkiMiiikman, Register.
, Ijindoince at The Dalles, Or. Nov. I I, Kit.
Notice Is hereby kIvcii !iat tin; followlmt
miineil settler lias tiled notice of his Intention
lo make final proof In supHirl of Ills claim,'
and tliat said prisif will Is' maile 4iclore tiie
Register and Receiver t'.S. Ijillil Ofllce ill 'J lie
1 iiuien ur. on Deciuls'i' is, ImiI, vU:
(iwirne H. Rowley.
II. D. No. 827ifor the e i n w and y, s w
H Hec. Sl 'I'p 2 n r 10 cast u in.
lie names the lollou im; witnesses to prove
his corn unions residence upon iindculllvuliMii
of, said la ml, viz: John I nvcrs, Jolin K iih
Kcr, 1'eter Jacobncn, ,'siiiipson Copple, all of
Hood Kiver Oregon.
liovHL'l-deii JOHN V I.KWIS. Ri'ijlster
Land Ofllce at Vancouver wash. Nov. 17, 1H3H.
Notice Is hereby ulvcn flint the followlni
named settlers have tiled notice of their Inten
tion 141 malie final proof In supsirt of tlielr
claims and that said prool will lie made belore
W. R. ilunhar, Coiiimissiouer Cniled Stales
Circuit Court lor District of Washington at
(iolUendale wasli.on January I), lnt.' vi.:
Wllhelm F. Jebe.
Homestead Kntry NuiBB for thewofn
w and w l of w ):t section H Townsuipo
nortn of ranue 12 east will incr.
"iie mimes Hi,, Ibllowiiiif wilnessi-s to prove
Tils continuous residence, ilium, and cultiva
tion of said land vi.: Charles W. .Misiri',
Henry F. Troh, Albert llerlsciil, 1'elei'Conboy,
ull of Fuldu 1'. O. waslilni;ton.
also Wllhelm F. Jibe.
I'tirchaso application No. 7(1 under Sec. S
Forfeiture Act Sept. 2!,,1KJ, for the e t of 11 c
Stsrtlon lit Townsliip 5 north of riiiiKe 12 east
will nier.
He nitines the following witnesses to prove
his continuous claim to said hunt, viz: Charles
W. Misire, Henry F. Troll. Albert llertsehl,
Peter Con boy, all of Fulda 1. O. wusliintfhm.
nov21-di-2.) J111IN D. Okimihkoan. Ri.'Kisler.
Land ofllce utVnncouver wiodi. Nov. 17, 1H0I.
Notice Is hereby irlven that the followlnu;-
named settlers have filed notice of their In
tenllon to make final proof in support of their
resH'ctive claims and that, said proof will be
made before W. H. Dunbar, Commissioner
United suites Circuit, Court, for District of
Washington, at Ooldendalo wushinuton. on
January 12, 1SD2, viz:
John Olson.
Purchase Application No. 201 under sec. 3
Forfeiture Act f'pt. 2H, 18!W for the se. (4 seo
tlon 27 township a north of range 12 cast will
He names the following wltmses to prove
his continuous claim to and cultivation of
said land, viz: John H. Hensel, Austin Oilli
um, Marcus Vanbibber, Juines O. Lylu, ull of
lyie t. o. waslilnston.
also John 11. Hensel.
Purchase Application No. 2s2 tinder sec. 3
Forfeiture Act .Sept. 211. 1SIHI. for the e li of 11 e li
n w yt ut n e and lot 3 section SI township 3
north of rani'e 12 wist will mer.
He names the following witnesses U prove
his continuous claim to and cultivation of
said land vi.: John Olson, Austin Oilllam,
William Olson, Marcus Vanbibber, nil of I.yle
P. O. W'ushiniiton.
nv21-dc2o John D. UrcoonKUAX, HcRister.
Timber Lund, Act J une ;l, 1878.
United States Land Ofllce,
Oregon Clly Oregon, October, I) , 1891.
Notice Is hereby irlven that in comiliancc
with the provisions of the turt of Congress ol
.nine a, wm. hiii it 1111 "An act ror me sate 01
timber lands in the HtuU;s of California, Ore
gon, Nevada ami W icdihigton Territory,"
'l'l...n.. r.. ii .1 -... .
xiiuiiioi .junnuii, 01 oriiauii vo., 01 .viun-
iionnih, State of Oregon, has this dav filed in
this olHcehis sworn statement. No 21SS. for the
purchase of tho S. W. Vt of Section No. 21. In
township No. 1, north i nline No. K. W. M.and
will oiler proof to show Hint the land sought is
more valuable for ItsHlinbcr or stone than for
agricultural purposes, ami to establish his
claim to said land before the Register and lte
ceiver ol this ofllce at Oregon Citv Oregon,
on Friday the 15th day of January, 1NIB.
He names as wit nesses: M. LnUmrelle, and
J. (i. Ilenricl, of Itrimil Vtiil, Oregon, Alfifid
Anderson, and Joseph lx-almk, of Portland,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands ure reiiiested Ut tile
their claims in tliisodlceon or hefora said lath
j day of January, lsi2.
nov7-Janl() J. T. Aiteii.'jo.v, Kctster.
n whool with tlr
V - parry No. 70?----
fill Siii
Having purchased the bitslnem of PF.RUV A JON EN. I nut prepared tf
furnish the wry cholii'st iiiallty of
At tho Very Lowost Rates.
I have constantly on hand a tine stock of
IHIci:m.c7 Bacon and Lard.
In fact, everything lu my line.
Cornor Oak and Fourth Sts., Hood River, Oregon
. I'ltlifltlKTOIlM
Have on hand a full supply f Fruit, Shado and Ornamental trevi; grip
vines, Hiuall frulU, Hoses an 1 Shrubbery.
IW sun1 to get our prices before purchasing clwhen
lSemenibcr our trees tire grown strictly without Irrigation. ,
. A. M.INOi:HI.AXI, 1,oc AJII'lll.
Columbia '
As I grind and make my own feed, I am prepared to wll at lowest prlrtw.
Write for quotations.
W. H. LQCHHEAD Tho Dallo3 Oroon
Crandall & Burget,
Fornitarc, Carpets,
Window-Shades. Etc.
A Full Line of
Unioriating Goods.
Mail Orders Pronplly Attended to
16G Second St. Tho Dalles, Or.
jivery and hi
Oak Street, near Postqffice,,
Wc Have First-Cltvsa Stock and Outfits, Double Buggies Hack
and Saddle Horses.. '
A Fine Four-Horse Conch, suitable for fishing ot excuwior,
jifrties, carries nine passengers. Parties taken to any accespi.
ble point. Iteliabh drivers.
Our Dray delivers bagpage or freight anywhere in the Vftlley
Charges Reasonable.
Lowest prlosd good
wn.ona on sarin. I or
'J seats.
- - - - OREGON.
& Bone,