The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 07, 1891, Image 3

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    3food Tivcr Slacicr
I M AI, ( A Itl.
Vn, H, lnlc leave III II HI , M,
"Nil, 'J, Mull " llllll I', M.
V IKI' lilll'Ml IIIOM IIOoli III V Mil.
'No. 7, Knv i',ivi' ill 7 IH I'. M.
Nit. I, Mall " Mi A, M.
Till: MAILS.
Til mH Hi-ilve Chiiii Htriillkltiirit nt II n'.
cliH'lt A. M, W'lilinmliivii iiihI Hiiliiidny; iii
n r t h ' ' iu mii 1 1 1 1 ii ', . i mi ii.
Kor riiiMiiiwi lli, li'iiM' til H A. M. nriivranl
6 I', M. huliii'iluvit.
for While Hiilimii. liiivi'K ilully Ml H A. M.
Ml rlvm ill niiK ui'liH'k P.M.
I'roni WIiIIk Hiilimin li iivm fi.r I'liMu, (ill-Hii-r,
I nuil l.nltc Hint lilcuwiHiil .Moinlii) n, nud
J. ll.ticrdcs In mi I he nick lint .
('. It. Hi du was down from (Iraiit
Cupl ilu )!.'. Cue wi iil to Portland
ricliiri H fr.uiKil to order nttheftir-
IlltUrt st .
Dm H. H. k-1 there? VII I should
NUlllf. K It.
'i'lit Mint residence, near town, wits
finished jtMcrdiiy.
Collins mill undertakers supplies ut
the furniture store.
Cull mikI see I lie new school still for
UiyV lit Illllllllt'H.
County court was In session ut Tin1
JhilleN this we"k.
The W. C. T. IT. will MKH-t nt SjIU)
tills liflcriltMill.
All klndH of country produce bought
nud wild ut Jlurrlson's.
A fine line of gent's furnishing gtsMls
JiiHt received at IIuiiiiii'm.
Mix. Kliot I Mrs. llurrellof l'ort-
luiid were here Tliiimdny.
T. K. Coon Iiiih planted several acres
with hlriiwU-iTii'Miit M osier.
Stock linHi'tir Ulce hits resigned IiIm
tlfltCOOII lll't'llllllt Ol' III llCttltll.
Mr. Floyd Fields l. fl Mondny night
for liU old home, Dunning, Nebraska.
Mrs. John Wilson him Ist-ii tiltt'
hick for smite time, but Is Improving.
8. J. I. ii Friii ut', nflcr u short vlsll
Lome, left for Jleppucr Wednesday
Kicilntciident rdiclley wiih visiting
mhiic of the schools of thu Vullcy lust
Copley llhirlclm nud Claude Topple
went to'l'ortlniKl Monday to attend llic
t iimIiicwi college.
Tin K. of 1'. have work In the sec
ond and third huiKh tonight, mid it full
lit tendance 1m desired.
Hupcrltitoii'lc'it SlM-Ilt-y will move
likt rmnlly tit The lulie next we't to
n fnulii during the w inter.
Mr. Kenrh k and family hnve gone
to Knsti in Oregon, lie Is still !u the
t-mploy of the Colon i'lu illc"
The regular ni:irt-rly teachers' ex
iiniliiiilion for IciichcrK'certlllciite w ill
licgiti next Wednesday at The Dalles.
The Itcgulntor Is to enrry nn excur
sion party down lli hroiid Uiwnu of
the ('oliiiiil)ln tin the evening ot the
James W. Wnlluee, yesterday wild
the eighty acre tract recently jHirclum Uishop, to T. It.
Murvin Hand him niiln returned to
Hood Klver, not. ineeilni; tluit eneour
iiirenient in hiiHlniM ho expected In
For any one purclmnliif; ten dollurn
worth of furniture of me, I w ill deliver
the Millie ut landing fife of charp'.
8. K. JlAlttMKSH.
More new khm1m ut Mm. HowcIIh'
thin wtt'k. I'lleei reduced: tht'V liniHt
l'o. Small JprotltH and quick tutio w ill
Le her motto.
We uuderHtiMid we nre to lmvo n
"deestrlct Hchool" exhihiliou soon, the
pupilH" being engaged la rcheainlng
for the mime.
Mr. Cluirlett Koers and family, who
have been in l'ortlatid Hinee winter,
have returned to thm place and tire
living on their farm.
Mr. KHIsoii'h little phi, who had her
leg broken three vveeKH niro, Ih getting
tilong nicely mid will lie iiblo to he. out
of IhhI in a few weeks more.
If our conteniporaricH In The Dalles
will ease up JiiHt a little on the Jtegu
lator bUHiucHM they will do a wise thing.
Too much sweetness In time eloys.
Kcv. Ell I). Huteliire, rector of St.
Paul's Episcopal ehurch of The Dalles,
conducted services In the parlor of the
Mt. Hood hotel Wednesday evening.
Mr. Ilast has purchased property at
Eugene, and in consequence lioth ho
and Mrs. Jlast will Icuvw us In a week
or so to make their home at that place.
We have received a stock of deeds,
mortgages, etc., which we w ill sell to
those in need of that kind of material
at considerably less than 1(K) per cent,
Chrysanthemums now hold sway
mid liood ltivcr boasts some beautiful
collections of them. Wilder l'ease,
could hero 11 nd satisfaction and con
tent. Mrs. H. C. Smith, has strawberries In
her garden that will measure four
Inches in clrctimierance, but they are
not ripening w ell on account of the
Tne second quarterly meeting of the
U. 1$. church of this place will bo held
on Saturday and Sunday of next week,
ltev. G. Slckafoose will conduct the
Uncle Sammy Clark, of Moscow,
Idaho, who htw been visiting friends in
the Willamette valley for two months,
stopped oil' here for a day on his way
Lome. He left Wednesday morning.
Mr. C. (I. Koberls nud family caino
In from their place (lining the week for
a short visit. Mr. KoIn'iIh slilpMd a
pair of hoiHt N to The Dallcx to Ut win
tered Tuesday,
District court meets at The Dalles
Monday. The docket Is a large one,
but Judge Jtl ihIhIiiiw will polish It oil'
as neatly mid speedily us a cub hear
would a roiislluif-enr.
Afler nearly two weeks of steady and
copious ruin, Hie huh inudi-lis appear
ance lor the (Irs! lime Thursday. The
ground Is pit tly well Miaked and lull
grain never looked better.
Mr. and Mrs. S. It. Husbands of
Mosler were ut l'oi timid during the
week. Mrs. Husbands' health has
been poor for some time, but we are
glad to stale Is improving.
Col. Houghton has resigned the Col
iineley of (lie Third regiment, to take
elleet'nlMiut the 1st of December. The
( 'olouel's change of residence (run i The
Dalles to I'orilaud miidu the resigna
tion necessary,
llevlval meetings will Is- held at the
'. II. church, cuintiif uclug Friday
eve., the Mill Inst. I(cv. (i, Siekaloone
nud Mrs. Kiln Jones will Is present to
iismImI In the scrvlivs. The public are
cordially Invited.
V. H. Church: Preaching at II a. in.
Sunday seliool at 10 o'clock In the
morning, luting People's meeting at
7 hi the evening. A gosM'l song-service
will take the place of the regular service
In the evening. A welcome to all.
Mr. J. T. Delk was arrested Friday
evening charged w ith threatening to do
Injury to the mtmoii of another, and
was placed under bonds to keep the
sace In the sum of fcl.tMHl. He pro
cured Isindsiiieu ut The Dalles Sulur-
Mrs. Champlln took her daughter
Winnie to The Dulles last Sunday and
placed her III the Sister's scImmiI ut that
place. It Is one of the Is-st schools in
(he stute, uinl Miss Winnie will have
the best of opportunities to acquire a
good education.
The school-house (lag has been sup
planted during the wet and storm v
weather by a handsome s'lilialit. All
(he building lacks now is a mast and
sail to make one Islleve that Hood
ltivcr was a deep-sea isirt and that the
admiral himself was here.
The ileiiiand for Orijonian'H Wed
nesday morning was so great that the
train ' pulled out Is fmxi the newsboy
could supply it. All of w hlch show s I lint
the gnat American citizen is Inter
ested in the elections in the East, mi
interest that the meagre P'jsirts of the
Wednesday's dispatches was unable to
Mr. Stella Gray desires us to state
that her stilt against E It. Gray, for u
divorce, has been withdrawn. The
leason well, slit didn't give us any,
and us we can'l kivp a secret , we give
our readers the full benefit of our in
formation. The fact Is true, however,
that the case has Urn dismissed.
Wutch our for sale columns for some
of the Is-st ival estate bargains In tint
country. Ifyoiiwuiit to buy call on
us, uml if you want to sell, come and
mt? what we can do for you. We ad
vertise nil property placed in our hands
free of charge, and are so situated us to
make the quickest sales. It will cost
you nothing unless a sale Is made.
Mr. Itust showed us bis patent square
one day (his week. We are not up In
matter of that kind, but this seems to
Is) a vejy convenient instrument. It
shows at u glance (he length of rafter
and Jack rafters wqulred for any sic.ed
House at uny pitch, and at the same
time furnishes a pattern for cutting
t lit in.
Mr. Fred GiMMllellow, w ho has lieen
visiting friends In Astoria, arrived
home Wednesday morning. He took
some Hood ltivcr apples with him,
which uttnifU'd considerable attention
and caused extended inquiry concern
ing this place. This is the right kind
of advertising nnd is an example that
other of our citizens should follow w hen
going away from home.
The time of holding services In the
Congregational churches, to liegin Nov.
Hth, Is changed as follows: Services in
the Riverside church will hereafter
take place at 11 :.'!0 a. m., instead of 7
p. m., as heretofore. Sabbath school
at I0:;t0. Services in the Valley ehurch
will take place at .'I p. in., instead of 11
a. m., as Heretofore. All are eorunuiy
invited. F. M. Aunks.
SujH'rintcndent Farley's report for
the lirst mouth's operating expenses of
the iMirlane roatl at the Ciiseado Locks
shows that the earnings will not yet
pay the oK'ratlng exKnses. He sug
gests, however, that with the present
earnings the oKrating exM'iises can be
cut down Htifllclently to make the road
self-sustaining. We understand from
the tenor of his remarks that he will
resign before January 1st, and will rec
ommend that the services of a superin
tendent be dispensed with.
Hollowo'en was evidently a week
late In arriving here, us the boys did
their celebrating Wednesday night in
the usual humorous manner by placing
boxes, barrels and other impediments
on the liorehes and sidewalks. At the
post office a dry-goods box as big as a
small barn held possession of thenorch,
and at Harrison's the hind wheels of a
big lumber truck loomed up in the
gray light of the morning. Other ex
tremely ludicrous boxes and trash prop
erly disposed no doubt caused the eele
branta of the occasion Intense amuse
ment. The proposed Irrigating ditch seems
to bo hanging tiro temporarily between
several parties who had Intended con
struction of it. So far only one com
pany has been Incorporated, the Cen
tral, and the route proposed by this
company, we understand, will not go
as high as desired. If this is true, an
other company will be incorporated to
supply water to lands not reached by
the Central. The Gl.At'lKll has called
attention to the matter until the value
of the ditch as an investment Is under
stood, and no fears need be entertained
that it will not be built.
The shareholders of the Oak Grove
Cemetery, of Hood Itiver Valley, are
hereby notified to meet in Odd Fellows'
Hall, at Hood lttver, Nov., 7th 1891, at
1! o'clock p. ni., for the purpose of con
sidering approval of transfer of prop-
erty and
id otber business of great Impor-
tance. A full
(he! red.
uttendanee Is greatlv
D. G. Hiia..
, President.
I it Ki'iiifiiihf rnurii of Lillian Oiler.
"Klii fiilliTi'il dy tlm wiiy uliln, uml limine
Ki'ln took ln'l' lioiue."
N"tv nnr lillle (IiiiIIiik Ih ilvliiif,
M'iiiii oliu'll rliiM! her (Kill lilili' I'J'i'n,
Aiihi'I "'ill' lo I"-"'' tier Kmii I v
'In her 1 1 1 , 1 1 lieyuml I In' hIiIi'h;
KIkh Iiit hiIi' 1 1 i m Nweelly iiiiiei,
Mima wi-'ll we her never nunc,
AlilC'l Vnli'i'H en 1 1 Ml I ilinllliK,
'I n llllll iIImIiiiiI tfiililiia hIiuii-.
HIic wn nil I hnl iiiN'Ih hmiii' happy,
Willi her III I MHIilHilf love,
Now hi' K'e lujiitii her 1'iii'U
In Ihn I'iiIIh I s hi'ine iihuve,
lliiW Wl' ll lllIlK lll'l' llllll' fiMilhll'lw,
Ami her voice wn luvi'il wiih iirl
Hnl In In iivi ii hIii nwiiIlN t In iniilhi r
l.i'fl hi i mill iiiel lonely hrie,
'1'ln n I'hlih' mil the n n il li r llml xhii wii ii,
lllll 1'iilllf'il I lll'l' lllHli'ml,
In In ieni u- i'lniiii'iil uml mveel,
'I IH' iui'l, Irue aim "iil'l -"Vmi
saw not Hie iiiiiji'Ih who mi l ln'rllivr"
'l lii! iiiili' of Hie ell y .vmi i iiiiIiI mil . !
Hnl uM'i' I lie river, tin' I, run lilili i Im r,
I hy ilui 1 1 ii u Is iiiiltlnu In wli'iinii' liii'C."
t.M I -.
I,iiue Star MhTiirv.
The question clinm-n for debate next
Wednesday evening Is, "Id-solved, have ever seen In Oregon. It is ore
Dial Inteiiiperuiiee has caused more (hat wnuM ciiuwmi stampede down In
misery than War." The leading dls-j Nevada r Arizona, and we nre lu
nilaiits art; Will Shoemaker and I'.ich-1 formed that the supply is practically
aid Gibbons. Mr. Shoemaker will im 1 Inexhaustible. We congratulate Mr.
assisled by K. C. Miller, C. I,. Gilliert, I Wilson on his brilliant prosjs-cts, and
I'' reil Sins-maker, James Siranalian, W. sincerely hope (hut the mine may
Foley, Jiinies Ing'dls, Charles Wallace, 1 prove Is tler even than the very good it
John Gibbons, Charles Stramilian and promises,
ltev. F. M. Aunks. Mr. Gibbons will . ( )miij Kuti hi Deliver.
Isi backed by J. II. Slioeniaker, M. J 'Phiw desiring to visit Denver will
Willis, Is. K. Shoemaker, C. I '.. Mark- soon have a splendid opixirtmiity. The
ham, II. K. Jlaleh, John Mckelseu uinl Mining Congress will lie held in the
Ucvr Itlgby. TIicm me. ti., nre well ' ('"'7 ( '"-v'" ,V' 1H, ',' ""i'1.1'1'- "",
. , , , . ,, ... a im-at iiiniiy will want to visit Denver
attended, uml the public generally Is ul1 vicinity itU.tit this time. To uc
inviled lo be present and to assist. commodate these s-oph the Union
... Pacific has made a rate -of one fare for
To M ivc the Di'lint. l,u? r"UIMl ,ril'- Hi'veral diys' limit
,, . i , . . i ..
1 here in a rumor, that seems to have
general ciciieiiee, I Hat tlie depot Is to
be moved In the near future to s mie tickets, limits, etc., apply to
point near the section house, and It is j . ... ,M- V.
. i ii ii i.ii . in i . i . in Agent L iilou Paeitic Svstem,
probable that this will be done. I he j Hood ltivcr; On gon.
sills and under works of the building j
mi- rotten ami a new foundation is ub-: -;w g"lsjust reeeivetl ut Hunt &
, . , ISi.hi's. Priees and gisnls to suit one
sous for making this change iirethat (he tul umj t-xamine them,
present locution ill the middle of the ; 7vrirv
only sand patch in this iieighlsirhood
conveys a bad Impression to new-1 I luivc appointed J. T. Delk, my
cornel's, ami the other that the level : Agent to sell my beer at Hood ltivcr,
ground near the proposed new site at wholesale. Anit'sr in in,i:ii.
gives ample room for side tracks, uml The Dalles, March Pi, lSiil.
will allbrd ample iiecominodation for LSTitAY NOTICE.
loading uml unloading cars. The new
location w ill also make the dep .t more i (',im(( io, "' .place, Sept, 12th, lS!il,
, ., , .i.i... , a red ami white two-year-old bull,
convenient to the town us It grows lriM ( f 0wM.r wj,j
through Waucoiiia and to the proposed c.u, jmy charges and take him away,
new hotel. Taken altogether, It will j Wm. P.iiokmax.
I.rolmMy ,1 re good than harm to A"iri7h."...
make the change. It will uf-1 Qirri of tM Bhish 8hip Wliy.
feet pros-rty values for a ' farer wliicj urfiV(,a in Oakland, Cal., a
short time, but this will even its If up foW days ago, l.4 (lays from Antwerp,
U-foie IS!):! Is'coiucs a back iiuiiiIkt. reportd a wciiii piieuoiueiion on tiitinignt
- of Nov. 13. The Wayfarer w.-w tlicn m
MAItUIM). laritudo G2 deg. 150 iniu. liouth, loagi-
tnde Cj deg. 20 iniu. west. It had
At the residence of the bride's parents beca IWinj several days, but with
in Hood river valley, Wednesday even-; nightfall t'.u uir becaiue iH-rfect!y calm
Ing, Nov. 4th, Janu s M. Hong to Miss oud the sc.i as smooth as ghiss. Over
Ettu Udell, Dev. Itlgbv performing the! ,iu;aJ u, siywM black as ini from
ecrcinon v. Mendelsohn's welding ; m;vsEf ' cl? ls- and
,.. , i . with barometer at 38.50 a r.tin storm
inarch was played as a prelude to thei wfl8 fof Thfj exp(JcU;d
tvremony, and after that was p-r-! p,.nr did not ocx-ur, but iasteaJ the sea
formed a splendid wedding supicr was glowed with a phosplioieswmce beyond
served. Those present wee: Mr. and , anything tho olJett maimer had ever
Mrs. E. W. Udell, Mrs. C. H. Ells-! sot n.
worth, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Yates, Mr. Tlw chip's surronndings were lit up so
.ml Mrs. Ii. N. Plowers, Mis Minnie ; thst it was l.ssiblo to read on djeb.
. ,,, ... ... T ! Nobodv cared much for reading, how-
and Eva 1 lowers, Alice I dell ( J. , t,j(j
Hayes, and Henry ami W illard I dell. from t,)C, ,.(,a .3ll tho iuky cloml(J WM m
Mr. and Mrs. Hoag have gone to house-: g,.ews0rae that all handd could not help
keeping In Mi's. A. H. Middleton's res-, . f-lina that somo unnatural catastrophe
idenee on Oak strtrt. It is unneccs-' was about to occur. Tho crow were
sury, perhaps, to add that the Gi.Acikk ' much relieved when a breeza dissipated
has extended to them its paternal , the clouds, and the phorphorcEcence dis
blcssingand has bespoken for them ' narod at .the same time-San Fran-
.ii.. . . .i , Cisco Esaunner.
the kindest treatment from the chief;
clerk of Kismet.
At Hoiid ltivcr, Saturday morning,
m' .1 ' ' 1' rU"hWT V, , 'f -
Eiliian was the only chihU of M,.
Oiler, who is indeed bereft, her hus-
band dying about a year ago. Idllian
was a bright little child of happy tlis -
position and sunny temperament. In
such cases words of consolation are but
mockery, idle, hollow, useless. The
' '
tendeix'st sympathies of the entire coin-!
munity are with the bereaved mother
In her doubly sad bereavement.
A Wharf-limit.
The Dalles, Portland and Astoria
nt i ..! ' . I I
irausporiauoii vohiihuij-, in ouiei -, jjj QazettO.
words, the company owning the I leg-j " !
lllator, Ill-O Calking and repairing a Tln-ro Art Clunt Oysters In Tliese Dnyn.
wharf-boat, which will be placed at the j The Smith Brothers, of Oyster Point,
landing here. It will be 45 by 20 feet ! haJ wllllt soino people concluded was
andw Ul have a convenient waiting- j t,le largest oyster in tho state. It was
... , , , .. canctht a few da3's ago a short distance
room, with stove, etc., for passengers. 1 . " " ,. , ,. r, ,
' . , , . . 1 from tho new lighthouse. It measured
It will be covered over so as to give . ,u incbo3 loug ttaJ 3inches acroS3 ftt itjJ
ample protection to freight, and, it la j widest part.
scarcely necessary to add, will prove a j Ellery Camp, proprietor of tho storo
great convenience. This company j Ml Orange street, I as an oyster shell
seems to be going on the principle (if i that beats the Smith monster. It is 12
deserving success whether it gets it 0r!incllMln len-th ami 4 inches across its
PoiiT TowNsiiiXD, Nov., 3, 1S91.
Editou Glacier:
Permit me through the columns o
your worthy paper to write a word of
J J 1 . , , . . I
e-ieourugenient to my school-mates in j
district No. 4, hoping that they may
profit by it in their present winter's
i i ... u ..ii i., r ......
school work. As you all know 1 went
, , . -1 t i-M l r i
to school to Prof C. Ii. Gilbert, for
two years, and although ho does the !
work of two teachers, stiil through his j
untiring efforts and good teaching, 1 1
am able to take the lead In nearly all
of my classes, In tho (11) eleventh or
highest grade in . the schools of this
city. I advise you all to make good
use of Professor Gilbert while you have
him. Sujccjss to the efforts of you nil.
Tom My A. McKay
Ilrlirlit Prospci'ls.
Mr. Joseph A, Wilson r 'turned from
Ashland, In Southern Oregon, last Fri
day night. He, with several other
gent Icmeii, bonded a mine some three
miles from that place, and Mr, Wilson
has been superintending the sinking of
a pri'Ss'ct shaft on tin; ledge. The
shaft wa muk 111 feet, theqiialily and
quantity of the ore Improving steadily
lion i (be top down, until the last aswiy
ran us high lis t"i'i to tin; Ion. Ten
tons of ore, an average of the lot taken
from points at till depths of the shaft,
have been sent to Tucoma to lie smelt
ed. Should (he ore not prove refractory
and should It work up to (10 per cent, of
the iissays, Mr. Wilson nud his con
freres will go into liie ranksof Oregon's
millionaires. He brought several sam
ples of the ore wilh him, mid we uu-
' hesitatingly pronounce it the licst we
' win is; given on tne tickets, ami t ie
n.llmi w , fijp H, .
Vt-r privileges. For dabs of sale of
An Infnilixtoil Cow Among Clillilren.
An infuriated cow broke away from a
herd of cattle which was being driven
through Hospital street, Nantwieh, to
tbo c.we nbatto.;r aaj r;m iato tbe
; Wrelcyan scIhkiI yard. The children
T i the -iung for the opening
j dlS .SSTtS
chilJre.,t whom it attacked ferociously,
; number of tbeui were can-lit oa its
: horus a!id tossed, vliile many others
' were trampled upon. The drovers and
' men who had. pursued the cow
! beat U out (!f t:,; prtantl it was event-
: ....11.. .lnnn-l.Krt.iiil l.1.-...!-Ttn-a 1ll,ll,n
UU11V PIHUi;iJlViu. luiii-iiig uu'ii v w
were more or ler-s injured and had to lie
j can.ietl (o Lomeg Kfteon we..e
s,-riously bruised and cut, and their
! clothes torn to shreds. One little girl
had her faca h'.ceratcd, and was picked
up in an unconscious conditiou. Pall
Iurouui - bb '.ILL. J.1.U nan iiai it, uci vaia.
Flo picked it u: in an oyster shop in
1 Stony Creek. It was caught by the Stony
Creek Oyster company off Flying Point
It tapers in width from 4 inches to about
. tt,. t.i i.ii J., r.
""w u"'"ia T"LIi 'V
Camp could not state. New Ilaveu Reg-
Colorado's Pretty rtoaJin, ciork.
Anna M. Kelly, of Denver, may be
.. , . , , , ... J,
tound today nud hereafter until the clo.-e
of th(J t)ccupyiu;, the d33k of rea(1.
in!? duv i i the Colorado seaato, to which
offico sha has been chosen. The contest
over tha election of this official was sharp
and interesting while m progress. It
ended in a victory for a woman. The
rights of women are at lfvwt pirtially
vindicated in the result which places a
member of tho gentler ssx ia an office
never before he'd by any oth'-r than a
strong voiced man iu the history of
Colorado senate!. Denver .Republican.
A N D S 1 1 V F. K W A 1 1 E, ALSO
Optical Goods.
Fine Watch Repairing a Speci
Second St.
Tho Dallos. Or.
Ha3 been thoroughly
renovated, and a largo
ell added doubling its
Kvi-rytlilti;c will ! found ru-at und cletin
Tulilin will Im- supplied with ttio lirst the
As we have leased our business to
Mr. Hartley, we desire to close up our
luniks at once. To this end we ask
that those knowing themselves to Is;
indebted to us come forw ard and settle
at once, either by cash or note. Our
books niui-t lie closed up, and this Is the
only way in which it can lie done.
Pkuky & Jonkh.
Why cough, when S. J5. will stop it.
Have you seen the l."i.00 nnM'Ue
maple lied room set at the furniture
From now until Dee. lt next we
will close tint our stock at jrvatly re
duced prices, fur cash. All parties in
dcbled to us are hereiiy notified ' t(i cull
and settle betoie "above named date, as
a change in the linn n.une will Let
made at that time..
Dlowkks & Chowlll,
1 have opened a line of millinery and
fancy goods, in the (.'. building one
door west of the Gi. vf iKit office, and
invite the ladies of Hood Itiver nnd
surrounding country to call and sec
my goods and prices, before purchasing
Mus. Tw. S.
Reliable information concerning land
Choice city and country property for
Conveyancing a Specialty.
1.3'J Scroll d Street The Dalles Or.
You know that you can buy more
groceries, provisions etc , for less money
at 62 Second street than nny other
place in The Dalles? It will pay you
to call and get my prices, and examine
my stock before going elsewhere. All
goods delivered free to wharves or
The Leading Grocer 62 Sec
ond Street, The Dalles Oregon.
Vogt's new building, Second St.
rorCouahsand Co'i'" "' liat them allS.H.O.C.
A new stock of Ladies' and Gents'
SPECIAL attention given to clean
ing and repairing watches.
Hood River, ----- Oregon.
The Dalles. '
Since the first of June we have added
to our
Furniture & Carpet
Puslness a complete Undertaking Va
tabliMhmenf, and us we succeeded In
getting our stock from the East with
out Ih-Iiik coms:lled to Join the Under
taker's Trust, we assure the public that
In consequence thereof our
Prices Are Very Low.
Remember our place of business on
Elegant Hteaincr
Will leave the foot of Court street
every morning at 7. a. in. ex
cept Sundays for
Connections Will e Made with the
Fast Steamer
ZDo.llos Cit3T,
At the foot ;f the Cascade Locks.
For Passenger or freight Rates, Apply
to Agent, or Turser on Hoard.
s. I..J1HUSJKS, ApenL
Utilise, fd'ii and Carriage Painter.
Paper hanging and calciminlng
Fine Samples of Wall Taper kept Constantly
HOOD f'.IVER, ......... ORF.OOH.
Uurncd ou: butjAi; Uuninesa.
fLM.I.f ll m'WH
And Embalmor, has again Ktnrted with
now iimi fumploto stuck of everything need oil
in tilt- undertaking business, l'urtiuuliir at
tention paid to t'liilialiain and tutting care
of tlie dead. Order promptly attended to
day or nit: lit.
Prices a. low as the lowest.
Place t.f business, diagonally Across from
Opera Block, on tne corner of Third nd
ushinstoa Street The Dalles, Oregon.
Successors to A Bettingen
A complete line of Heating nnd Cook Stovtw,
l'uinps. Pipe I'luinnersnnd team ntteril
supplies; ills ) n eoinplete stock of
CaiTcnterV, lltncksnilths' and
t'iinner's Tools.
All tinning, Plumbing nnd pipe work will tie
done on short notice.