The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 07, 1891, Image 2

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    Xocd jivcr Slacier.
iioonmvKU, int., xov.
tin: Ki.Evrioxs.
Thi eUrtioiiM are over mul both old
jwotii- uri' iiutwiliiiK tluiiiMlvoti hs lst
thoy ran ovr Ioxhoh 1 1 ivy liuve huh-
till i I. At 111 if writing n'iiurwilny)
tli p'lu rul rvsiilts hix' know n ns far tut
the Ktivornoi-sliips t.rv cniievruoil, lull
the Mains of t lie ii-gMaturt in New
York mul Jowu is not yet ilitonniiii'il.
The returns an.' not all in, but the
Intent from New York pives l'lower,
loin., 4i,4(MI lu.rorlty fur governor, niul
the entile dent H-ratie Mate ticket elect-
vil, and the legislature so elox on joint
UtUot that the Iosm or gain of one mem
ber inny ehangv its complexion. Me
KinleyV majority. In Ohio is ISi.uOOuiul
the legislature is reported safely rvpult-
licait. Kusscll, dent., is elected gov
ernor of Massitchiinetts by 7,000. lkU,
dent., is elected governor of Iowa ly
K,tWO majority and the Uthinev of the
(leutoeratic state ticket is elected by
miihII majorities. Westfall, farmers'
nllianee candidate forgo-ernor, received
1",000 votes. In Kansas only JudgtV
Were elected, and of ten of them one
v.m farmers' alliance, two democrats
und seven republicans. New Jersey
eiected a democratic legislature, that
Ualy now standing on joint UtUot,
(iciiiocrats 5S, n'publiouis 23. It will
lie stvn from the above results that
lucre are sore shins in both parties, and
ei.clt are welcome to all the joy they
can pluck from the situation.
Hank robbing seems to have become
quite fashionable in this state. The
evening of NovcniU-r 3d two men
rubbed the Sununerville, Union couti
tv, bunk. The mail arrives at that
jilace in the evening, and the cashier
Iims licen in the habit of attending to
liis correspondence in the evening. As
lie was leaving the lunik, about 9
o'clock that evening, he was met by
two men, who presented pistols at his
Lead and ordered hint back into the
liank. lie was forced to open the safe,
and the robbers gathered up all the
money in fight, They were
perfectly cool, examining the papers in
the safe, and when ready to go, boldly
walked out and left without any alarm
Laving been given.
The Irish political situation is un
changed, each faction using such con
vincing arguments as clubs, brickbats,
stones, etc., and the last case of prom
inence a Tarnellite chastised Tim Healy
with a whip. The situation reminds
one irresistably of the description of the
dance where "Tat Murphy asked Tim
Doolan's wife to dunce a quadruped,"
and Mrs. Doolan excusing herself on
the ground that the usquebaugh had
made Ler top heavy, offending Don
Patricio de !pud, they proceeded to il
lustrate the ethics of politeness by kick
ing up a "divil of a row that night,
they put the ladies in a fright," and
proved to their own satisfaction the
truth of the closing assertion, "bold
Irishmen are we."
While the, government is talking
"sassy" to Chili, and Chili is respond
ing in kind, it Is well enough to re
member that Han Francisco is prac
tically at the mercy of our peppery
southern neighbors should they fit
to lionibard it. It is true that what
ever damage Chili did she would event
ually have to pay for, but this does not
alter the facts. The Oreyonian sug
gests that the best thing that could
happen to this big government would
be a brief but sound threshing by our
diminutive neighbor. An unaccounta
ble position for a big newspaper that
does not believe in that kind of pun
ishment in the public schools.
San Francisco, is making an effort to
Lave both the republican and demo
cratic national conventions held there
in 1892, and to accomplish this is will
ing to pay the expenses of the mem
bers estimated at $100,000 for each
convention. It is not probable that
either can be t-ecured, but to the close
observer it looks as if the instructions to
M. H. l)e Young, the member of the
natio'nal central committee, to secure
the republican convention at any price,
meant that California was going to
push Leland Stanford's candidacy.
The wrecking of the ship Strath
blane on North Beach a short distance
above the mouth of the Columbia, will
furnish the Pugct Sound papers a sub
ject for lengthy editorials on the dan
gers of the Columbia river bar. It
matters not that the ship was not
w ithin a dozen miles of it, the bar will
get the blame. The truth is that the
teeth have been extracted from the
, mouth of the Columbia, and its never
really very bad bar is now us harmless
as well that Tacoma Ledger for in
s'auce. Yesterday's dispatches state that in
ICew York the republicans have elect
ed the senate and the democrats the
house, and the democrats have a ma
jority of one ou joint ballot. In Iowa
the democrats have the senate and the
republicans the house, with a majority
on joint ballot for the latter. The
Massachusetts legislature is republican
by 67 votes. In Ohio McKinley's plu
rality will beabout 20,000 and the legis
lature is republican by about 45 majority.
The H t'sh sli p Strathblune, t'apt.
C'nthell, vm wiocked on North ltcnc
near the mouth of the t'oUimbia, Tins-
' day inoruiiu aU'tit .1 o'clock. The cause
! of tlu wreck was a faulty chronometer,
the vessel Ulnir in hhore while, ucenn!-
lug to the reckoning, she was lil'ty
mile away. The weather was very
hick and the slilii was In the brcaki i-s
hu Kami the snip Mas in iiu inxaRi rs
In-fore they were discovered. T he ve -
scl went to pieces in a short time, and j
I'apt. Cuthell, a passenger named Win. J
I ...'.. I... ...... I
l.ew.s and four othcixM ere dixncd.
Khiland isholdimr up its hands in
' ,. , ,
horromt the idea of the I uitcd States
goini; to war with Chili, Nvaiise the
littti.r la Kit viiitill tinil ui'Hk. Tin 1,1-.
t- r.- of the past eighty vean, shows that
hnglaud s wai-s have Ui-n wll li conn-'
tries unable to defend themselves. To!
bombard a iicgn town and slnot down
nakiHl Ravages has Uvn her delight :
and her shame. In India and Africa,
In fact everywhere, her supremacy has
been maintained by brute force, applied
t Hiiple unable to defend themselves.
I'ngland Issfruply an overgrown bully.
n a pry r no ii tars.
For a week or more the rain has de
scended, kissing to life the tender
blades of grass and covering the earth
with verdure. The sproiitinir wLeat
has covered the bare lrmund with tints i
of iid green, and the tiny roots are
reaching far into the mellow, moist
. .. ..
eann preparing ior a cointortatile nap
under the fleecy blankets of sn nv with
which it Will soon lie civered T,ut a
week or so ago the hills were dusty,
barren, bleak, brown and dead; to-day
they are green ns at the vernal equinox.
Why? liecauso the rains have come
and the thirsty sod lias drank and is
refnshed. This result should sc!ik
louder than words as to what the soil
would do the long summer through
warmed by the sun if the water which
is going to waste should lie utilized
upon it. We need no Drvenfurths, no
Melhoiirnn'ii ti r.niiiii iL-i.rv
' ' 1 I
but we do need energy and intelligence
applieil to those resources which Na-
ture has given us.
We need not look
to the sky, but to the river.
The moon is a dead planet and unin
habited, so sty the scientists, liecause
it contains no water. And yet who
knows but that some race of dessicated
anti-irrigationis's may not find there a
home and climtte suited to their
tastes. Tlio vprv nntnru uf tliitnru r.
... , ,
iuura III. n cuiiii; llinnvi, tsilltc Illtlf, OC I
... - ... ' !
set as!de for a future habitation of the
aridity crank. The moon, forsooth,
may lie just suited to this claw. Moist
ure and beat are the two things neces
sary, besides soil, to plant growth; and
yet there are those so "sot" in their
ways that they think the only way
that moisture can be suppiied is by
sprinkling. They abhor irrigation and i
irrigationists and refuse moisture
e , ,
any form except guttation.
When the ark landed on the summit
of Mount Ararat, sacred history records j
the fact that the face of the earth was
covered with water, nnd that the dove
seeking vainly a resting' place for her
foot (or either of them), came back to
the ark. There was no Jiving thing,
animal or vegetable, upon the whole
world except in the ark of refuge. And
after seven days Noah again sent forth
the dove, and in the evening she re
turned unto him with an "olive leaf
plucked off." Thus in one week it is
shown that as a result of irrigation, the
olive leaf had grown; and more, that
the first product of the soil after the
flood was the result of irrigation. It
shows, also, that it is hard to overdue
the irrigation business.
The elections are over. The song of
the siren is now serene. The Camp
bells are not coming, and the tin-tin-abulatious
of the McKinley bill, or
bell, are silenced in victory. New York
has furnished, the democracy, at least,
a national Flower, pud the pitcher is
broken at the
fountain and the F'aSSCt i
is busted in the barrel! Iowa has
elected one of the Boies governor and
Massachusetts has Itusselled up an
other! The sound of the stramdoodle
is heard no more, and tite bazoo of the
ward striker is wrapped in red flannel
and is out of a job.
Tli notitiful fn.Jiu I
lUe political iroSIS
of the first Tuesday al ter the first Mon
day in November did it with its little
hatchet, and the crop of small-fry pol
iticians await the coming of the presi
dential year, when they can again, at
some one else's expense irrigate.
The elections are over and now the
time for the Thanksgiving proclama
tion is at hand. The feathered limbs
of the old Hlianghai are turning to a
golden hue, and the campaign' rooster
yet has time to fatten up. The egotis
tical old gobbler has worn the ends of
ins wing feathers off in making his
geometrical figures in the dust and has
enjoyed the spread of his tail feathers
to his own complete satisfaction, and
he is ready to furnish another "spread,"
just as a matter of thanksgiving. The
omniverous ho is ripe and hangs in
pendant links, stuffed inside of his own
internal 'works, and is, as it were, a
case of ground-hog. 1 1 is high time for
the presidential proclamation explain
ing to us what we are expected to give
thanks for. The feasters are ready and
the feast likewise, hence we say turn
on the water.
IVnetlev In nil Hie coniis of hiu
WuMilinilnn. h.cttl ntleutlou ulven to eon
vcjaiiclinj. m "iKIiOKl-HT.,
noon luvr.u OHIXION.
! l he umlcixlgncd U-ltig located near
,.iv,.r xvN,( (0 lllf(,rm ,mr,
1 i... i. ,,.,.i,Mi,. of havlmr sur-
i i " i !... i... i.. .... ...i i.... i
.t.,lliH iron', nv i jM.
Mirvevor of many veaw cxiicriemv,
.1... i .....i .. i.i... .. hi i...
' " mill i'i t. em iicvin i nun i i it
j H,,.,. ,rnu,, wlth .imteh ttlll ,mr,.
n,., io imkcs pieasuiv in ivtcrnng to ,
' Ml- S" TXV
j count v commissioner in Minnesota,) I
,i Tor whom he did count v work h
Mirvevor, as to
his ability.
i 1'aitics writ iiiir me at Hood will
writing me at Hood
,viv0 ,vmlt
Dated llood Klver April tith, IStU.
Land Locator.
Kvery Uwly wants laud
Uiver S'allcv. I have some
In Hood
Very do-
sirablo tracts of good laud on my list
for homesteads and tiniU'rcd
claims, with running water on
them. I can locate several stockmen
advautai;eon.slv. .. IKi not fail v
meat Homl Klver Kalis or address me
a. Hooil Uiver, Wasco County, Oregon.
Uiiiil Ortlit nt Tin PiiU.nOr. (Vt. li lal.
Coliinhilllt linvlliif Imvii rlil.'.lsl ill thlx h.,m,t.n.i Kniry Nm
i'i't Nhvi'iuImt, iss, imhh iiu u m
' sivllun s Tiiihli l wuili riuiin-IUi . in. In
; mmi Cimniv on-cmi wild n viiw in tin- run.
ivliiitlon sjiUI fiilrv. tin Milil tuirtlfs Hn
i ln'n'iy suiiiiiioiifil In uiir nt I hi' t'. K limit
oltttf nt Tin' IiiiIUk, onttmi on tin loili iliiyor
i Heivintx r. ISI'I. nt liluVliH'k h. in., to riimii.l
hikI turnlsli li'Kthnuiiy itiiiivrnliiK MiiJ nlli-xttl
ii liiinUiinnii'tit.
mil lmxl
JollX V. I.KWIS, ltiKlllT.
I JO iionn. tlinx inllin front town. Knrty
urn In rnltiviii Ion, thirty inure i linrvit ami
tirty nfKiiiHt istiiiiii:i wllh living wiiicrnll
wt il IViut. Ciiiiilurtatili1 tlui'IMiiK Iuiiim' of
four mollis, unit kiiihII tutrn. :i.'iO fruit tnt-n,
mitly iiiilin, four veiim nlil iincl tsarliii:,
liotiU's a) Infs In llill iH'iirlntf. Om funrtli of
mi nor' In Is-rrlin. Two v iitiT kIihiv, gn with
tin pliirt'. Mi-siilin thine I terv Inn fluo sirlin
w lildi will furnlsli wiitrr fur M-vrnil Hi-rv of
tirrrles. niut run tx' luiuli' H ullittlt nt trifllnK
cost. lrlt' fur i-ntln lot J;l.jiO, on n-u-sunulili'
Itiii. Tin winl l will ho wilil w ininiU I v
i (l ifulnl ...!.... I...- I
' t thUoit'uv.
! IjiihI (iftlit nt onKn flty.Or. (k-t. it, IKU.
I Nntlit Is hrn'by glvrn that the follow ing
I iiioiutl M'ttliThiw t) lis! nutliviif his Intrntloii
to inukr tlnal pnsif insnppttrt of h i rhilm,
; ami nun saiit prtsit win ih' niuiii ix'tun ltttcit-
li'ruiiit Itixt'ivtT I . M. 1 jiikI dillif nt Ori'diin
fity, Onucoii, nn lKtt'iiiU'r 17, Ml, vli;
William I . Mmltlt rn.
Pre- P. . Xu, 7cr,ftr the n t of v. IS Tp
2 s r 7 e w en,
Hi ininirs the fnlluwlng u-ltnitwn lt prove
his (tintiniiims rvslili'iirc upon, unit rultlvn
tlun of, snlil limit, vt: Jiiini-s Kltr.pntrtt'k,
Julin T. Mi'lntyif, nffSanilv; Is nnls Nlt-liuls,
l.'hitrlrs K. SihitiirtT, uf Halinon;HU ofCliu'kii-
llllis III liriTfOll.
..l'-l .1. " IT, ..,..w t
p. l-'-.l-. a. i .in mviii, ihi'fiit,
Tim ber Lantl, Act June S, S78.J
I. K. I.AHD Okkick,
OrkO' n Ctrv, Okkisox, (k'f. a, WH.
Not lee U hereby rP en that In itnnpllanee
with the provisions m n e ni'tnf ('onrrss of
.lime 3. IstA. e ititli'ifAnnel f ir themil.'if lint-be-Ill
n Is n I he m i. t -soft allfornht, t invnn Nt-
la ia ami a-inntrion territory, ' Williinn T.
rUwiiiVf jis!iJ'rtittni, ntyurMiiitimm-
till,'-!!!".! ,rn-j;iii,iii-fc'ii i'. Illl-ll lIliltllMlllltw
his sworn stnti inent s. 2tti, f r theimri-hne of
thec' of nw.'. Hi,uw",ur tie 4 or wet Ion nn.2. in
toi n.'hip sn. f north, runge Mi. ii east, w.m.antl
ivliloiri-r prisii toRltiiw tint t tlit' limit tu.uiil t U
more valuable for Its timber or stone than fur
ttirrieultiinil purposed, nnil to establish his
elnliii tomtit) lam! before the Kegiater nml lio
eelverof this tiffin nt linniin fily, Oregon,
on Ki'liiay the I.Vh tlay of January, i-ari.
He nunies tut witiiesNes: Anthony Moore, of
Hnlsey dr., A Hurt Moore ami Kriink Atkins,
uf In itial Veil, Or., W. ,". (iriswold of Ku.
I'lii tlantl, Or.
A115 iiinliiH persons i-lnliiilni? adversely the
nbovtMleesrllieil lands are reiiiestei to tile
their t'laliiis in this otliiu on or before said
15, day of January, W'i
ix l.'il-jitn.l J.T. Ai'i'Kitsojj, Register.
LandOfflee at The Dulles Or. Oet.Zl, 1HM.
Xotlee is hereby Riven that Ihe followlnK
nnineil settler litis tiled notice or her Intention
to make tlnal prtsif in tuipport of liereluim,
und ttmt said prtsif will be made before the
Hexltttor und Keeelver V. H. I o. utTlie Dulles
Or. on ixttrinber 12, lU, viz:
K. V. Wenullng.
D.H Xo. 71.U), for tho s. eM of Hec. 2 Tp. 1
X. nrlClOK. w. M.
Hhe iiatnes the followlnK witnesses to prove
his eontiniinus r.tsitleiiee usin und rnlll vutlon
01. wild land, viz: li. O. Hlralirht. J. A. Knox.
uf-traig 11 tsburu ur. John Kelley, Charles t'hnn-
aiei- 01 jioouuiver 1 tr.
i.cldl-det5 JoiIJf W I.KWIS, lU-Klnter,
Timber Ijuid, Act June 3, 1878.
United Unites Ijtnd Oftlee,
Oregon City Oregon, October, it , law.
Xotiee Is hereby ulven that In coin nl lance
Willi the provisions of the act of Congress of
.nine .i, inm, einiiiea "An net, ior me sale of
timber lands in tne States of Callfornln, Ore
iron. Nevada und Washington Territorv "
ThetKlur Jensen, of Kiist Portland Co., of.Mult-
110111:111, -siuie oi urcgun, lias this oay men in
this otliee his sworn statement, No. 2-IXH, for the
piirchahe of the H. W. 4 of Heel Ion No. 21, in
township No. 1, north range No. ttK. W. M.und
will otter proof to show that tlie land sought Is
more vuluable for its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, und to establish his
claim to said land before tlieltcgiKter und Ite
ceiver ot this office ut Oregon City Oregon,
on Friday the 15th day of January, 1MW2.
uenaiiieH as witnesses: si. lJiloiirclle, and
j ,. lll;nrl.., ,,, ilri,mi vMll. (rem. AlftMl
Anderson, und Joseph ijeabuk, 01 i'ortland,
Any and all personii claiming adversely the
above described Ininls are reiiieKteit to tlie
their claims in tliisolllceim or before suld 10th
day of January, Mt2.
nov7-janlU J. T. Al't'EUSON, Register.
Idind Oflice ut The Dalles, Or. Nov, 4 1891.
Notice Is hereby given that the foliowlng
numed settler has filed notice of her Intention
to make dual prtsif in support of hercluim,
mid Unit said prtsif will be inude before tlie
Kcgister and Receiver LT. H. U O. ut The Dulles
Oregon, on Decern bar, 22, 1MUI, viz:
Lily M. Ixy.
D. S. No. 7410, for s e hoc, 18 Tp. 1 n
r 11 e w in.
hne names the following witnesses to prove
lit r continuous residence upon und cultivation
of. said hind, viz: C. U Morse, I.. K. Morse,
John Murk ley, Cliurlen K. Huundcrs, nil of
Hood Hiver Oregon.
ntVi-decl2 John W. Lkwis, Register.
Will make the full season of 1801 at F. II.
ISutton's furm at Hiaid River, Oregon.
Dkscuiition andI'edioukk:
Royal Klsbar, (record 2:U4) which in no
limit to his speed.) Hay stallion 1(1 hunds high,
weight lloO. s '
Sired by Klsbar, (record 2:2fl) son of Rv
dyk's HarnhleUiniun; (sli of u In the 2:30 list,
ulso sire of 118 whonre the sires of 710 in the
SfcilU list.) Dai: by Orusiit H rathllntkr.
Here Is a chance for the people of Hood River
Valley U improve llicir breed of horses, und
In oriier to eneonntge the breeding of a better
eluss of horhes, Royal Kibar's service fee will
only be the small sum of ftii.OO due when mare
is known to be in loal. F. H Hciron,
llood lti ver Oregon.
Don't buy a wheel with tlr
put on any other way. It makes
the wheel lnt twice as lonn.
Ttile out ihowi the way our
tire la put onto the wheul anil
crimped, beeldea belntt bolted
on. We own the exolumve pat-
nt on tnla.
Write row
IjiihI Oltlit'iil YiuuiHivrr, Wiisli. Ort. li, IN).
Nul Iiv In lirrvliy kIm'ii Hint tlit rullnw lint
tlllllll'il m'ltlir I nix llli'tl in il li-e or Ills I n t.i t It H I
to iiiiiku Itiiul pii s if In siipiaiii
of Ills I'lithn. mill Unit Mtlil 'ns. will ln nunlr
U'furr tin-Clii k "I 'tin MiiiH't'lur (unit of Mku
llllllllll, O HI 11 IV WiihIiIiikIoii, lit l.urr ('
null', WimIi., tin NnvrmlHT lli, IM'1. vl:
Itiilu rt Chit.
Ilomrsti'iiil No. slst Iiu' lot :y nml
lots A, ii, ;, h, nml n w I-1 s i- l-l 1 i. :i n r u t u m
III lllllllt' till' flillou IllK WltllrsMi'S to 'llil
Ills e. n 1 1 ii iiiiiik rvsltlt'iiri' nimn nml eiililx utlim
I of, siiUl liinil, vU: A ml it J. I. unit, (iisiiuo
i Miller, Itrown lliirlintooni'. I'lriinv sIii')mii il
miii, nil uf Wlliil Klter I'livlnrt .-kniiiuiiiii t o.
I Wimlilnirlii'l.
I iH'ii,-nnii John . tiK.oiiiiKiiAN, Iti'ttisirr.
; . Ijiii.I mn.f lit ThelMllin, or. tvl. ii, snt.
Nntlit' Is lii n liy kIvi'ii Unit llu MIum Iuk
iiiiinttl wttler Inw lllisl n.idif uf liU lull nil. in
lo iniiki nnnl imuf In Mii'sirl uf Ills i l.ilin,
nml Hint shIiI nnsif w ill Is' linulf U fuir lln
UtKlstiT Slut Uisvlver I'.H. I.iuul l nilif ut Tlif
lullm Or. un Nuvi'iiiImt i, N'l, l:
Cliurlm I J.tirue HuIhtIs.
It. t. No. :UH7, fur the n i II suit up 1-1 a
w l-l mill lulu il nml S mt u Ti I n r liic w in.
He ilium's tin- fiillnwlin w IIikhsi-h to imvt'
Ills isintlnuniis rUli mi' iism iiiiili'iiltlvnil.n
uf, wilil Intnl. u .luhn hii'khk, M. o.
W liivirr, u l- Murse, W . liusit Wllinns, nil of
IIihmI KIvit Oi'itcini.
IM'tlO lu U JOHN W. I.KWIM, Hivlster
0Tit'K run rriu.tcATioN.
IjindOftli-eat Tin lMtllin i ir., Oel. :l, '.sail.
Xnllee Is hereby Klvt-n thill the folluu lin
named settler has tiled liutleeuf his liilentluii
to make II mil pnsifln snpair( uf bis rlalni,
and Unit wild pnsif will Ih- iniide In fore llu'
Hettlster and lleevtvrr !".. I.o. utTltu Dulles
Or. on Nnieiiiberaith Iwl, vU;
Ueurau IVrklns.
II. D. No. , for the it w l-l n e I I. 11 w l-
c H, n e Ms w l-l and ne l-l 11 w 1-1 nee. i
Tp I r 10 e w 111.
He name the following wltnesmn lo prove
Ills eoullniioiis nuttlenev upon and t'lillivatlon
of, said laud, vli: William Kotli'iihf Isit,
Henry Thompson, Jatiien Itltnmli'k, Dai Id
Cisiiht, all of .llu llooi! tinniiii.
oetlO-novll John w. N'wls, Itt'tilster.
(.nnd Otllif at Vaneouver, Wash St pi. IH,
Notice Is hereby irlven that lite followliik
named itettlrr has filed notice of his Intention
to make tlnal prtsif in stipsirt of Ills eialm,
and Unit witil lil-oof will is- liiuile kefott- tile
Kexlsti-r and Kii i-lvcr 1'. S. Until t ill nt
Vancouver Wush. on November i, ist'l, via:
Kriink ravt lka.
Ire. I. H. for the w ' of w s e i4' s w
and w 14 of e ' , r. 1 1 Tp I n r in 111.
He names the fulltiwIiiK witnesM-s to prove
tils i-onl Iniioiis rcsldt'iiif iiHiii ami eulllviitloii
of, Haiti land, viz: Atiitust WiiKiilt., Jotiu
I'etersoii, 1'eter Ktoller, all of Trout Ijike
Klii'kllat Co. W'itHn.t Peter Hloller, Jr., of Van
couver I'lurke t'o. Wash.
oeU-no7 Jolt.t II. OictHillKtiAN, Kcxlster.
Land Offlee ut Vancouver, wash. Oet.!l, H'l
Notice I hereby (ilvcn that the fuUowliK
nametl settler has filed nntlt'f ufhis liiniiiliui 10
lilnke tlliltl proof In kIiih n t of tlie elnllii.ol llie
belrs until hat said prtsif wll l,be ininle liefole the
ltcxlBlcr nnil Htrelver I'. M. lantl o'hee til
Vanoiuver wash, oa November iilth Iwl, vl.:
Andrew Zurelter, heir at law of Fritz tireher,
II. K. .V, 2 for the w ntl-i and w 0 l-l
of see. 'JO Tp. ii n r it e w 111.
He names the follow Inn witnesses to prove
the continuous residence U)sin ami cull Ivutii 111
of, said hind, by the heir at law vl.: Allie. t
t. Tucker, Joseph K. MoiuiKlian, Tinnitus
MoniiKhan, Albeit rl, Kstubnsik, all of .Nelson
ectl7-nov2l Joitx I). Okoiiiif.uan, Heitister.
Lund Office at Vuncouver wash. Oct. H, lull-
Xotiee Is hereby given that the following,
nained settlers havellletl notlceof their inten
tion to make tlnal prtsif In support of their
claims, and that said prtsifwill Is- made before
W. R. iiunbar, Comuilssioner I'nlted stutcs
Circuit Court for District ot Washington at
(ioldendale wash. on NovemlHr21. iMtl, viz:
Helnrleh Fclne.
Homcstcud F.ntry Xo. M -1 for the s e M n w
1:4, njairH and s w 1-4 of s w 1-4 section :12
Township 0 North of ltiingc II Kiist will mer.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon anil cultivation
of, said land, viz: Noah Klter, Henry t;,
Kedenburg, Rufus A.Kyrkett, Severn, lien.,
nil of Trout Ijike I. O. wash,
ulso Henry C. KetlenlMTg.
Homestead Entry No. SI20 for 11 e 1-4 11 w 1-4
sec at and 11 n w 1-4 ami s w 1-4 n w 1-4 of
section i!2 Township U north of range 11 east
will mer.
Who names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz: Noah Klter, John Kekert,
Rufus A. Hyrkett, Severn llerry, ull of Trout
Lake 1'. O. wash,
ulso Rufus A. IiyrUett.
Homestead Kntry No. Ii8 for the nw!(ne
J.4', s e i4 n w l4 n e h w 'A und 11 w i s e 1-4
section 1U township 0 north of range II eust
will mer
WI10 names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous resilience uism antl t'ultivatlon
of, said land, viz: John lvckc rt, Noah Ktter,
Henry C. Kedenberg, Severn lien., ull of
Trout Lake 1', O.Wuslt.
also John Kkert.
HnmestcalEntry No S121 for the w 8 e 1-4
of section iW und w of n e 1-4 section ill town
ship north of range 10 east will liter.
Who names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz: Noah Ktter Henry
C. Kedenberg. Rufus A. Hyrkett, Severn Itenz,
ull of Trout I.ake I. O. wash,
ulso Noah Ktter.
Homestead Entry No. Titer for the w h w
1-4 n e 1-4 8 w 1-4 and 11 w 1-4 s e 1-4 section 2-1
Township north of range 10 eust will mer.
Who names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence iimim anil cultivation
of, said land, viz: John Kkert, Rufus A.
Hyrkett, Henry C. Kedenberg,, Severn Uenz,
all of Trout Luke, P. O. wush.
ulso Helnrleh Carl Von Ludlges.
Homestead KntryjNo. WtfO for the n 8 e 1-4
section 36 Township U north of range 12 east
will mer.
Who names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon nnd cultiva
tion of, said land, viz: Andrew Wcllciibrock,
Halsey D. Cole, of Fulda 1. o. wash, Severn
llenz, Rufus A. Byrkctt, of Trout ljike 1. O.
oetlO-novll John I). OKontiKfiA:t. Register.
1011 SALE.
Two lots with good house, hum nnd hennery,
plenty of fruit. I'rice tfl.Tix). Also six lots
with good house and out houses, line lawn all
kinds of fruit, garden etc. I'rice STi). Im
provements alone cost price asked. This Is a
good Investment for speculation. Owner
wants money and must sell. Time will be
given ou a jiortion If desired.
Addretx, A. S. Klowkiii,
Hood River, Oregon.
Titles Space
Tixo IDnlloc 3iT-u.xcoricc,
rimi'iti Kit ntis
Ilaveon hand n full supply of Fruit, Slim lo and Ornamental Ircen; pinp
vines, siniill fruits. It isci un I S'utiMicry.
lie stin to get our prices Itcforo purchasing clct here.
ltcinemU-r our lift s arc grown strictly Hlthout Ii rlgittlnn.
V. A. Si.N(ii:itt,..Mi, laical Atfciit.
As I griutl ami make my own fccil, I am preparetl to sell nt lowest prices.
Write for quotations.
W. H. LOCHHEAD. Tno Dx'Aos Oragon
Crandall & Burnet,
Furoilorc, Carpets,
A Full Line of
' Mail Orders Pror
j GO fiocond S fc.
i ciy and
Oak Street, near . Posloffice,
Wc have First-Class Stock and Outfits, Double Buggies, Hacfca
and Saddle Horses.
A Fine Four-Florse. Conch, suitable for fishing or excursion
pr-rtien, carries nine p.wengcrs. Parties taken to any accem.
ble point. KeliubJo drivers.
Our Dray delivers baggage or freight anywhere m the Valley
Charges Reasonable.
Lowest priced kk1
wnirona on earth. I or
a teats.
Bcccrvcd for
v 1
iptly Attended to
TiiojOalIes, Or.
& Bone, '