The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 31, 1891, Image 3

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    3food jiver Glacier
If001 HIVKIt, OH., OCT. ill, mm.
l.'M .'.l, l A K IK
r.Ai i
V... M
W I Ml
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I't.n i', :
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I . I,.
llnl Ml
l''l IITilH
I I'uM
Tim mnll nvrlvi rimn Minlt.imr M
eliM'll A. M. k.liii HiliiMt in, .I hahii.t.t'.
(ml In 'in niin iiu-, n ,i i,.,.,n.
M, ill'.
run iii'imui'iii, ii . r . ,, k ,. M ,,i
fl I. M. HMiiirilmi..
Ivr tit
1'iir w mil' l.i.v. i, ihiilv hI H
A, M.
tiril rnl mi.' it 1 1. ii u ', M,
Kimil Willie HiiIiihmi leiiMn fur I'liMi, III!
HUT, I II. Ill Uilll' Hint lili litvianl Mi.iiiIiimi', mill
ium:F'ai, ,ii vn i:!(,s.
T. J. Wulwin wan up frnin l'oitlunil
l'li'turcM frimeil tn onler at (In
nllure Htnrt .
Will I hi), ill lil
Dimk H. It. (jet IheiV
Hiulle. H. It.
Mr. I). A. Turner mad.
cull TlitirHiluy.
iim a plra:iiiil
Colllim ami umlerlaUeiH Kii.(ili.'n nl
tht furiillure Htore.
Cllll ami wo the new m hunl hlliln fur
Iniy'x at lliiiinn h.
. .... . , ., , ,, i wc what wc can tin fur vnu. We ml-
it ii ' w ? . " ,!,'"ry U''n'"t ,,M'.vrrllHiM.II proper! v pined In our hmuN
Dalle- N... Hi,.y. , fnv 1)f H,,,;...','...,-! an. Ma nil uuteil us I..
Mr. nlnl Mix. . I. II MiiMletoii are lit ' maKo Ih" ipilcki-Mt wiles. It will cost
Hun Diego, California. '.V"il nothing unless n sale Is made.
All kinds nf country produce Imiighti Wlil!" hi 1'nrtliitnl Tuesday wo hud
ftinl hoIiI nt ll'irrlmniV ' , I'1'' plt'imnv nf visiting the "Oregon on
. ,, ,, , ,,,,,, . : Wheels" cur. It lx certainly ii credit
A line lino i.f e,'i M funilhlihifj Ph,.Im , ,,, ht!(( ,,,, , ,h(1M. w.,,-, m, v
Jiint iihh'Iv.., at lla....,i'H. ,,. ri,,n 0nw,fH
Mi. Mlnhnp, who hu-l lien vNiii,11rJ,,,;'l,'f,'!0,;'Wcrnr iKa.ily. It Ih
lN.rll:.n. f.,r u week, iviunie.l hnti,.- '''I' " '";-'1'!" ""! " t"''
Monthly. ; ii.)iei'l. ili'.l. II w ill pr ivi u llnu ml-
Mr. J. II. I f .i n n it hai pur. hunt-.
I'arkcr l.iill.llii(r nml fmii-IntH, payiu;
then-fnr the miiii nf:; j,.Mi;i.
Mr. Alf P.niinniin Is Imprnvln.j IiIh , in the inarkcK There are rail'mheH,
linlDK' l"v Ihe n.lilil loti of an I - M r. : ynim;; iniinni, leltiiee, (,'iecn com, tn
l'J, ('. Itop iH iIoIiik the work. , iii.'iin., iii fad, everything In the 'ix-
MImm Winnie (,lii. l!l , I'l' th wey n hack of ki-
The lialliti
tn-ninrrnw-or Monday tn
. .
rnter tlie HiHlerV wluinl thi n-.
A we y In prow we learn that little, a Hack of nwcct inlalncM, it Would h ii
1,1111a n Oiler, U very low and there 1:4 i iiieinninhle event, and one which we
lltt le or no Iiom' of her recovery. jU'lieve. cnuld In- hticccKrtfully curried
Till' Ml. llnnd I.ilerary will hn. Ui""'-'
Jlrnl iniTtlnu; thU fall next Wednesday ! Mnmlav nl;;ht a l-irei' wet Ion of pen
'Vt'iilu ut the Uarrel nehin. louse. " ' nine Wclifont at rayed up the Cnlunihiu
i, . i ... ... . , , , nml the v.'unli rain fell'
v l vJi l ', irV. ,"i ,"' ""a-mii-hiv nhrl.t it en,., down in lor
) i f. r"" j"?'i'-iil. im llmuH, )rve,,r,.rth had ox-
inm-l fnrthe Nnveu.U r tern, of cnuit. j ,,,,,,,, H(irp!,IM H;.k itt ,iymut-iU, or
Mr. I,. NeH'iiijd wife left. TtiiirM.lav . M' ll'niinfe had inl into his jrurivt and
venliur fnr I'einmylvania In visit M r. j feiTnt leu in enine out. . 1 1 has ih me an
NctPs lusiple. Thi'v W ill ll'iuaill tint 1 ! i ininieiiii v I.f irnnd. The fall w heat is
.Nrw Viai t.
For any one pnii'iuisiuir t"t T.-m
worth of flirnllllie of me, I will deliver
Tie name at lalid.'lii.t free of char;'".
In K. M.ttit.MKHM.
Mnn new pus's tit ,Mix. HosndV
tills Wit'k. I'liei-s ledllieil: thi'V lillisl
pi. Small (profits and ijuick nib; will
Ik' her motto.
Nearly every schm.1 hntise in the val
ley Ih crowded In its utmost. cnpMci'y.
which shows thai our piipiilitinu ia in
wasinn rapidly.
(). W. liariies, wITe and daughter,
who have Ihhmi living on the York
tihuv ihirlinr the suniiuer, went to Al
linu Thursday to remain.
M;-. W. IT. It Vi . h us s'lld !iis firm
tlll'Hiilllh hall'of the wnlllllWCHt, nil. liter
of wet ion 17, township north 01 rane
JO cast, to James W. Wallace.
Deputy Sheri IV J. H. l'hlrmhi let the
ii. .1., . ,i r, u i i I., iiiimiii,.!,.
theiinll ifvavseelioii ofwcbrnnt wei.l her I
that dril'Uii aeross the Caseadcs Tuert-1
luy. j
We understand that Mr. Kenrh U j
will msiii move hisfaniilv losoine point
In Kastem OnV,in. .... 'ihe lineof the'
I'nlon Piiellie, in whose employ he wili ,
Hon. K. L. SmUli and wife arrived
Imme from I'orlland Thursdny inorii
lnir. Mr. Smith's health is much im
proved and he Is, we hope, on the way
to complete recovery.
As an Indication of the prow Hi of
Hood River, the Increase in nt'eiid inee
from forty at this time hist year, to
eighty-nine now in the public school is,
to say the least, ciicourii";iii.
Witucomii Tiode;", K. of 1'., hits work
In the second utid third ranks to-nijht,
and perhaps nlso in the llrst. The
lodge now numbers nearly forty niem
U'rsand Isfn'owiiig stendily. .,.
J.W. AValhiee luus sold lots 0 nml 7 in
block 1 of Waiiffoiim to Mrs. Louisa
llishop.. These are the south half of the
tract purchased hy Mr..Vulliice of 1). K.
Ik'rdan. Mr. Wallace will occupy the
liouso until next spring.
Mr. Sharp, county surveyor, was
lierc Monday to view mil, a road, but,
from Boino cause the viewers failed to
allow up, so that Mr. Sharp viewed the
neenery instead until tlie train canio
along uml took him home.
When IVrry & Jones opened their
hotelier shoe Ihev sent the (!i. aim kh a
Holendid roast from the first animal j l " building now would be a sc
slaughtered, and when they nuule the j vero strain on tho district unless the
transler to. Air. Hartley tliey again re-
nieinbered us In the same manner.
Mr. Fred (lood fellow went to Astoria
last Saturday to remain a week or so.
He took with him some line apples
from Disbrow's place us an evidence of
what Hooil ltiver can do in tho fruit
growing line, and we predict will as
tonistthe good people who reside in
the ufustachc of the Columbia river.
Mrs. Kate V. Wendling and her
twelve-year-old son have a claim near
town. They have cleared two acres
and a half of ground, and hiring a man
to cut (town a pine tree lor them, they
cut four cords of stove wood. Th's is j
the k Inn of energy and Industry that
makes homes, nn-l a little of it applM
in Howl river vallev will make it bios-
soyi Jike a Uruou Bay locust tree.
( noil A. (Veil li'ivc 1ImImIh'!
tfsl.t IH't'lM lit HtntWlMMTV pllltllS
hi. P. 1 1 .h ii 'i'. ThrtM' flmulil (I vi' nl 1' IihI
hull' a iTiip iii'M. yi'iii', iiinl iiflcr I lint
Mill, l HllliiHC lIll'V Will Ul I u Imlik
ill Motet I',
M-iierints for liiillillnc n new rullrn'iil
ln'"t,-i' ni'jir lii"c iirc ,ln'in e-Jiihcivil
llel'e. I I l'4 Hi II I'll, III. 'I, I tint I III' trestle
in! III.' ..ihl I'll. I .l I O I (noil KIvit
l.r'il e in to U ii l.u'll ihii Iim lix'iitlnli
clivhllri 1 1 1 j i ; ' 1 1 .
M..,V. IIhii!'hi In iluln.'r bl walking
Willi Hie llhli(Mnee nf II I'line. Till'
imMhi' wis ii uli'e null ill ii lump) wlllell
1 I 1 V fur llllil Willi in.lllrl'iUH Intent, Mil
llji'iiich llii' miiIi" of lilt mIiui'uimI tbeii
llii'ini;'li Mr. I liinl uiii'H foul.
j Mr. .1. A. Ki'iiue unci iei In gelling
;i com I well nf vn!i I' nil bls,plnce III II
, depth of I'M fii'l, V'Hi .) ' 1 1 1 1 mi i it cnin
i!ilillr n- Weill. II WHS It diHIelllt
liYcc nf wer!;, ( 1 : liiillcriiil eiie'llllllet'eil
;l'inif lotl;;li cement emvel ami IxMli-
' lllTf.
I Vr linvi' reecjveil a copy nf (he Ox
' Wi'irn on f I'oy , II i!iirr JiimI slnrlcd
; nl that iliire. II Is neat ami clean y
: pi ij'i'.'ij 'Ideally mill lis rcii.lliig mutter lit
jWI'll pill. (i)'i'tliT. Tin' (il.AIIKH cx-
i lends ilH lii't.1, wlnhes tn the new lii'nllirr.
I Tin' ViHr:il Wnli r iiml l)lfili ''oni.
1 m 1 1 v Imx IHi'il nrl li'lr'l of Incorporation,
i W I'll II. I'". Ihivldmin, J. II. I'eri'tiwiil
ihiiIC. I'. I li'uM tin liii'iiri'iiiil'in. Tlie
'capital I'll irk In fl.'i.Ollfl. The object Is
, In i'iiiihIi'iii'I. ii lluiili' Mini ililrli nil the
;wi',t h!.l,. or the river to curry 2,ihhi
iiu lie. of witter, which will Ik; um'd for
i Irrigating purposes.
' Wnli'li our for Hnle iiiliiniiiM for wimi!
nf I lie Ik el r. nl ihIiIi" hurgiiiiis in I lie
'country. If ynll wullt to buy cull "II
iim, iiml if ymi want In hill, mine, timl
vi 1 1 iH.-nietit tin. I will oiM-n Ihe even of
Kastcru jH'i.ple tn ():i f;uiiV capuhiiiticH.
i I! tnuhi'H niie hungry tn iro to I'ort
' lain! nml ee all Ih" lrnnd thili''n to rut
' C'.n.aee !
i'iiil ;i iilliiiiini'4 unnii'.i'iii'i' If o il
men IciIiIm wnilld chili ttircthiT and i:ct
j jiihI l.neh I! mil nl Hie 'round ami the
hills have already turned as t'reen as In
ilhc viirini;. Tlie ni-i ("'ems tn have
"Nten!ed all over I'lavtern Oregon am
has placed the ground in line conUltiuii
fo,' j)iow inji-
S!ie(d mil I'illnnr Caie.
Tin sluet nml pillow case party lnt
I'Vhlny niht was well attended by as
(rhostlyaml (.'haslly a lookinjx crowd
of nniiii".'eriiis as it was ever nurjjood,
'or ill, furl u nr to kv, A 'pillow sli)
j with holes foreyes and nose, and with
.eyes uml iiom- i.iaklni; a mislit behind
jtheiii, Is just simply horrible. The
I ever-pcseiil smnll hoy not in his Usual
work by placing a board across the
; walk ami downim; several of the
i '-.'jhohts" to the detrinieiit of their
! wrappings, for the rnuinl was muddy.
After uiiiniisUiiitf, itanies were played
ll" 1 r 'ryboily smuinK
In be cnjoyiiu; the udair. Kinaiieially,
we believe it netted about MX. dollars.
A Nw Sc!:ixl llniisp.
' ' ' " '
l"'''tu.n of buildintf imothcr
whonl hous..' in this district Is one that
will have In he answered in soinu way
noon. It was thought when the addi
tion was made two years ago thut the
hujlding would be sutlicient for several
years, but tlie fallacy of this idea is now
demonstrated.. There is now nn at
tendance of cl;;hty-inue pupils, and
there Is not room for another one.
Kvery seat is occupied and every avail
able spot is wated. The big box stoves
in 'the centers of tho rooms occupy
much Whiuble space, but to dispense
with them would be impossible unless
hcu'ejy, wore put. In,, and this would
cost too much, arid that too without
giving room fnr more than sixteen or
eighteen pupils. It is quite certain
that the lux-payers havo had enough
of patchwork, it ml that the only thing
that canbe done is to get rid of the
present buildings and put up a building
that will accommodate the district for
yea in to come. More than thi.s,'the
building should be so planned that, if
necessary, an . addition can be built
wii,l)t',l(.sil.(,vi.i.r its henntv
U111,)U' (K hIio.mii, its,
To put
, W;W bonded and those who are
yet to come he made to pay ii share of
the expense. It Is something that will
have tn be dona, and we call our rend
ers' attention to the matter so that Ihey
will have time to digest it before the
annual school meeting next March.
Hood Uiver will double in population
in 1H1I2, and the little folks must have
better school facilities than we will be
able to give them under presi n condi
tions. Besides this, the building of a
good school house will prove oulte a
fiK.tor in (.iiusjn, others to locate here,
, -,, , ... ., ... ,,
so W1" m',ve '"""'oetly a profitable
iincsi.noiu. j'isuici, omnia ui run ion
years would make the payments easy.
Ncw ;oimIh Ji"! reci lvi'il nt. Hunt A
!:ih(,'m, I'i'Icch iiml K'"' l'i In HUit. nil"
ami all, hnlli mv:i( ihmI hiiiiiII. I'lcam:
i-all ami examine Iheui.
Tliitrmlnv even III:' .1. '1'. le!l, Willi
nnei1. il oil I he i'ntii.t,.ii,t, nf (jn,n,
liilnl'M I'l l H4 ijil nil it i. Hi in nil"
ejlllnil wlllinuf. huvlliff pim tlii i a II
i ceiiHC an ri'Miiireil hy law. llm exninl-
. . . ,
! Ital Inn tiMill lilaee hefni'C Just lee WH'I
i J-'rhliiy iiinriiiii'r. nml he wan
' DMT In liiVllI Hie ue! Inn of III.
'jury, hi Die win oif;m.
Imiitnl '
ei.iii I
MITK i:.
The Khiirchnlilcra of Hie Oak
( liieleiy, of ll'iml IJiver Valley, Hie
, . .... , . . . . .ill' 1 1 ,
here iv. ln i leil n uieel. n O. In e lnWh'
.' . ,,.,,
lllill. HI llnnil lUM'i, .Mn., uu ni
"o'clock p. in., fnrlhepurpnM'ni' mui -
hli U'l'l ii(-T approval of Irani'l'i r of prop-
I l ily ami other IiiihIiichvi of .M'cal, Impnr -
taliee. A full al temlaiice in reallv
I. (i. Ilii.i.,
Vuiinihi'f irr. ;
Jmle liciiiictl wim here (luring the;
week and wi wiim ihe ilny;. It wi'iiin ,
: Hoiiin one Mole the iln? ami left him at, j;,.iti,,, W;u killej iJraoit atTritlo'iieUle.
I While Hiilnmn. learned of; Die Indian who fired the fatal
: theeauineV whereahnul:-! ami proceed-' nh.,t, mi l althoti;h hia own left hand
I'd tn NTve u writ of lalilut, w hi' h j was !i:4t red, und blood was pourintf
! catches 'em nliic im well an en mini;, 1 "'idily from hU hip. ho rniid, -III get
'on Hit. !., or any one p.,-, of h' f3'':" 'liJ' "l
i,. , , , ,, , .'L.t'T ;i hoitihs bullfit TM'iK.-trated hui left
; h..owle,lKe cm.eerniii I. .... Arming , Lnwt j.,,'
at While Sahunii, lie- ih;r wiw fniiu.! . m, W(W hh fa,nt remark
to Imve liiciirreil nn inii.h(i!tii'HM of ,:r;lwi,.,i f:;r tho rear. Washington
1" f'T hoard ami Miii; which hill i'jUr.
jtho Jul;:e paid, rn fiire euvin; hnw
I'ver, he fnillid that the iiitcrei,1in .
'canine hud killed 11 ho, the owner ; of
which put In a hill of ilanuiin Inr nn
ailditlniin! $U), which wiim also paid.
The Jui li' wan al'ler hia dm.', nml he
was IkiuihI to have him, hut then, was
a look In his eye im he boarded the
train fnr home that Uided im nnd for
Ihe next mail who lw.-d up a n Uiner
h e. ;
llujiics N;ii'.r.
Mrs. Hichardin, 1ms hi-cn imite
wick hut is ix tu r i.ow.
Mr. Jolin H.''"'! f'11 while taking
IuiiiImt out of Ihe Ihime, mid hint Iim
mikle hi) badly that lie w ill lie laid Up
fnr Willie lime.
The V. 1'. II. it. (V. have np:ill stnp-
ped taking lien, which wiM probably
Is' fnr all winter, but the niiils , are niill
cutliiiK and bunkin", tlieui for hpriny
The Orej.'nn Lumber Co'h., planer
will run hlcadi'y for the next month.
Me;-. Jack uml J. ('. Neah i'h of 0f tcso otresrivo f')i4 coverings, and
th'iH place have formed a p.irineinhip, , h rhdM he olili-jdto weir them to bed.
ami have gone to keeping Iioum-. j Uo&tou Pobt. '
' The Oit;imir Lumber Company have; "
, , , " ,, . ., ,, I A Si, -pi a! are That Ehcapri Crltlrlra. a ley, .Nolln . , ,. , i
, A '.i;c.ii.)"Tit which was fiieilintuereir-
l'owiler, KakcrCity and Iiond J.ivcr, .. c2i((4 reC(..ltly boro a gignatnre
and can furnish ldu.n'it) in live days which would puzxlo ca csiK-rt to de
notiec, Hhould the ra.lrond company ,.w,iH,ri There -hs a bold start, a wild
cull for tin.. . i. 1
'l lie last cai1 of luinlU r fnr the ice
house was tdiipiK.'d from hereye'itenlny.
K. C. Mii.iin. .
Tiie Cam;;-Fire.
Saturday the had their camp-
lire us advertisi'd, with the 'IHiii
thut tlie rain made it impossible to
carry out tho programme as at llrst in-
tended, and instead of hnldin-j their
eamn-tlre outdoors it, was held in Mid-
dletuii's hall. A table w us set the lull
length of the side room, fifty 1'cct, and
this was covered with a collection of
viands that would have made a holiday
dinner for the boys in wartimes, there
j were beans, of coui'se, and tho.v were
j jiies and pickk'H, cakes and coiulits.and
' . i ... .1.! - 1
uie various aim suutirv
, , , .
and better that go tn make up a oi
nine "feed." After dinner, the
scription paper for raising funds to
build an armory was 'circulated and
iiiSOl) of slock was subscribed. About o
o'clock the crowd took posses; ion of the
big hall and Kev. Higby was introduced
us the oratorof the occasion. J iespoko
at some length and made a very good
address, which was frequently inter-. pitted thereou Jan. 10. Ten of the
nipt oil by hearty applause. Heve'il white particles did grow, though, somo
stirring old w;ir sones were bung and ef them from the size of a pin head to
the camp-fire was over. . I two inches ia diameter.
I If tTiablac:: skin should grow white ou
ISO 3C X . ' j a whits body it wonld give rise to en-
L' 1 tiroly new t'a-.-ories ia surgery. Cor.
In Hood River. Thmsday, tho 20th aaelphia Accord.
Inst., to the wife of Wm. hand, a son. ;
' .1,' W'iirs Iso. 10 Moccasin.
' ! ir.v. a . 1 . l i . .
' Proposals will be received at tho ofliee ! Ki;l-k , roolt. was ln tho ty Monday,
of the county clerk, at Dalles Citv, . 1 w.nlo ou the street attracted consid
Wasco county, Oregon, until 12 o'clock': cranio attentio.i. He stands 6 feet 0
M. of Vediiosday, November 4, LSiH. j iiic'ao.f i:i hia stocking feet, is 33 years
for the keeping and care of the indi- V.ld and wears No. 10 moccasins. His
gent and sick persons of Wasco county : f0;li3 cf (strength are renowned among
who now are nr may become a charge ! t)0 lamberrnen. He left for BrowuviUe,
on said ciiunty, fnr t)Hvearc() whove lm h..s rnU(o u ctmtract tocut
ing rsiiven.berll, IS'Jl, and ending 2so-, W0(m1 Donhxlvss hi3 8Winging pf the ax
V SaidVm'pcisals shall be for the board, I wI',lra th but few Maine chol-
lodging, care, Inedical attendanccmed-' l'ora.-Bangor lews.
icine, "clothing, nuivimr, washing ofi :
clothing, and in case of death, 1 Ik; j ,"Ci:insr in" NowPper.
burial in a decent manner, with all tlie t Thei-o escaped thenoticeof theBussian
expense thereof. j censors in Finland the other day a small
Also, tlie expense of transportation to ! paragraph ia a Swedish illustrated paper
and from the hospital by this bid to be j which, it appears, was not quite to the
provided. j liking of the officials. When the objec-
l'roposals will be received at a pro ; tiouublo piH.ajrraph was noticed an order
capita rate per week, and also for the . canie from th E offidal3 that ,UI
C,T.:: IS IfHrn-h nresid-ii 1 1 "umbevawere to. ha "called in," and the
paupers as may be committed to (ie lhee actually went from house to house
care of the contractor (at a per capita j autl demauded that the papers should be
rate tier weokl.
tSeparute bnts will also no received
from regularly licensed graduates in
medicine for medical attendance on in-
mates of the jail and such oilier persons
as the court may duvet, tor the year
bei'iniiinir NovciuIht 11, 1SU1
The court reserves the right to reject
any or all bids.
ly order of court.
J. 15: Chokwkn,
('ountv Clerk.
TLo Dafies, Or., Oct. Hi, ISJl.
I'urn Orl ! WouiiiTiUTi
Tim IikIIhiih fninjht iliiipt ratcl ttnttl
l!i -y weni ritiihilatl,hiit their hraforjr
will ii'i mop) c'liii'.pUmnnii than that
j which wiy, ,jM,t(mt,iUr,.iHlyillH;ilayed by
. . 1 . ..j . . i .
r'-i:i:iri.nnii' wim m; oi i'nrui
.Ti lly, w h'i wiii lihot ne:ir tho lmart. He
1; mov.' Hid l. mi lil nuliiro of ' hi wound,
aii'l an In: mlli-1 over nai l f Private
()ir!(icli, 'Taitf.'jiifl, nuro; roll 1110 nnraoJ
an i inalf) a liru.iHtwurk of mo." Ttutt
u-. b ( )ii.-a;;c.
iViva'j) H(.Kinzii of tront D was hit
bar I in tlm left hIiouIiI.t. Ouo of the
! MirfituM itaw Itn wua woiiiuIimI, and msfit
a iiiu r ixarer to uriux liim In. liol
n,. I;..,,; . i i ....i .... ii.. ...
' jiiifai-.; .' i li'ii, li.f. ik) iijninvuu uu
, . .. . , , , ...
' Linmtiii': away at the Htnhhurn foo. "I
' 1;I1)W J , ,;,.Ui; weak," Hii.l he. "but
- v Kol tn havu a iiouplo of hIioU yet."
j . jrn nncn or twice moro, and tbn
. ho fiiinteil from of bloil and wan
! lai'in tn the rear.
UTt. Jrille, or h troop, baa what
ifi:u.' itfoi'! c;i!l "Krit." wound
wax in hm left hand, and a inintrto or
two later Iim nt iinnther had one in th
i.i;i. Tli.'it wnul.l havo KatiKfUnl the
.vcr.i;jo warrior, hut tho Hi-recant wu
not incliii'!!i tn retire,. Jimt tllen Hi?rt.
Wrnrlii; OrrritliiMW In Drj Weather.
I hav.) noticed during tho drv walkinor
,n;,ny,):,., ,1Min nihbers," as if
i!u; ht.-ocu r.-taiticd tho mud and uliinh.
' I Ionic ii;n tho ahcrralion of those
weurerH of rubbem an a result of yield
iiu; to l!iu iiifl'.imii'es of a bad practice.
For inyw-lf, vh"iii!ver I have worn rub
hem w.-lerslnsHof woathur, I liavo been
only too j;lad to cast them off at the
f'rnt favor.-.'jla opportnnity; bat many
per ;o;;ri i:i keeping thorn on even
at p'. i:" i,f .'imau'inent, where they feel
I'ariii'iilaily ojpreiuive from the high
toiir.'eratiiiH. This tamely yielding to
tii ur!itr:iry influence of an nncomfort
::li? articli! of dress should 1k a warning
atjainiit Jtlinj: habit get the ndvautaffe
of pr iiicipln in biicIi matters.
I iiavy heard that ia some places in
J.'r".r lnl.'iiiil, where the winter's cold is
.ril:(!.'ii!ly M'vcre, "arctica''. are a feature
of iii Kir c.ayetien, and that the "Port-
land J-'arifv." "All tlie Way to Boston.'
and similar dunces are executed under
the (1iih.nlv:t'ita;;.s of these incumber
an.Ts. SacU exiieriences should be
h'-erhv.l by wearers of "rubbers" in dry
v a' uer, lent tJiey tall nr.Uer trie control
zi;a.;,iii of pen marks up and down,
tuid tiaaHvu tailzie which in iht betaken
to u;e.ui anything that suited the fancy
, of the reader. Yet nobody felt called
j upon l' criticise the penmanship, for the
! signature was at the bottom of the trust
deed by which Baron Maurice de Ilirsch
n"!-i .10fl 0.1-1 nmplinmfn fl.o nr,rt.
,ta cf UsbWwhninits to thiaconn-
t:f from nu iin;i p.onmania. The
lro-.i a forluna which some people
ray amounts to if 100,000,000. Othersput
it at 00,(K)U,oi)J, but the, difference is
immaterial. Y,'hen a niun eetsup above
i,V,U.030,003 nobody will bother about his
tuill wit'i writing toob. ' In fact some
of tho crit'cs ia the roaster's office
skillel in taich matter.? j'ave the baron's
Bi;p.:it;ira a little praise. They said it
, win pivttier than. Jay Gould's anyhow,
-New York Times.
. .
.... , . .
An H:ilcrcNll:i3 l.iprrlinf nt la Rnrgery.
: wm Uk skln cf R bl;lek nmn engraft.
; ca npon a v:hite man's bodv turn white?
; That is the qnestion Dr. John Ejjo. 'of
; Ro.idin.''. is solving. He has just graft-
ed eighteen small pieces of cuticla from
a Boston negro's arm to the spaces that
will nut heal on Joel Saul s white leg.
which ins b.'en sore for two years and
which did not readily assimilate idl of
4iw t'lirty pieses of healthy white skin
jom iuon.'iny, wuo uas oeen ai worn
in Si'.:;iuel Hodgkins' lumber camps at
i given up. Liondou JNew3.
j , . it iuert Puy.
j Out of fifty counterfeiters arrested in
j the last eighteen months only twenty-
! three of 'theia had passed $50 worth of
the 'queer," uud only live of theiu us I
made a proiit of $3 per day for the tiuto
engaged. It doesn't pay ati well as saw
ing wood ut sixty cents a cord, aud ar-rt-st
is hur io come witliia a year or two.
Optical Goods.
Fine Watch Repairing a Speci
Second St
The Dalles. Or.
Has been thoroughly
renovated, and a large
ell added doubling its
Kvcrything will IPmml neat ond rlran
Tublisi will be mippllnl with tlin mt the
x akjckt Arnuim,
UKOKOK HKUBKItT l'roprietor.
Aw we have leaned our Irtisincw to
Mr. Hartley, wediwirvto clone up our
hookit at once. To thin end wu uxk
thut tlione knowliifr theiiiHelvt to lie
Indebted to m come forward and settle
nt once, either liy caxh or note. Our
book niUHt bt'cloMtil up, and this in the
only way In which It can be done.
I'kiihv & Jo.vra,
Why cough, when H. 11. will stop It.
Have you Keen the $1.1.00 antique
muple bed room set ut the furniture
Fnim now until I)tv. lt next we
will close out our stnek at greatly re
duced prices, fnr cash. All parties in
debted to us are hereby notified to call
and settle lie lore ulxive named ikite, as
a change in the firm name will be
made at thut time.
Bl,0VKll8 & Ckowkll
I Iiave opened a line of millinery and
funcy giKxls, in the Cue, building one
door west of the Oi.AciijK office, and
invito the ladies of Hood Kiver and
surrounding country to call and see
my goods and prices, before purchasing
Muh. R S. Hou ki-ia
j. v. mmmi &.co.,
Reliable information concerning land
Choice city anil country property for
Conveyancing a Specialty.
IMScmndi Street The IktUctOr.
You know that you can buy more
groceries, provisions etc , for lesw money
ut 02 Second street than any other
place in The Dalles? .It will pay you
to call and get my prices, and examine
my stock before going elsewhere. All
goods delivered free to wharves or
The Leading Grocer 62 Sec
ond Street, The Dalles Oregon.
DUKCIt WATKISS it Meskfeb,
Attorn eys-at-Law,
Vogt's new" building. Second St.
ForCoughs and Colds w boat them all S.B.C.C.
A new stock of Ladies' and Gents'
SFEOAI: attention given to clean
ing and repairing watches,
Hood Rlvor, - - - Oregon.
Tho Dalles.
Since the first of June we Iiave added
to our
Furniture & Carpet
Inislnewi a complete Uiidertakiiiff I'm
tablishment, and us we succeeilefl In
XettiriKourstiKk from the I'4ist with
out being compelled to join the Cnder
takcr's Trust, we assure the public that
In consequence tliereof our
Prices Are Very Low.
Itemember our place of business on
Kleunt Hteamer
Will leave the foot of Court street
"every morning ut 7. a. m. ex
cept Sundays for
Connections Will be Made with the
Fast Steamer
IDallo. CIt37,
At the fKt of the Cascade IK-ks.
For Passenger or freight Rates, Apply
to Agent, or Purser on Board.
8. 1.. BItOOKH, AgenU
Hons", sign ami (V.rrlage Painter.
Paper hanging a-id c?tlcimining'
Fine Siimjiles of V.'iill Pnpor hej't Constantly
I:.:rnt'(l nut hut A;;ain;lniUui(ne!
Anil Knibaliner, has iinin started with
new anil eoniieto stiK'i oi'everyt.iing nwdeil
In the tm.litiiikiiit; iusiiiiM8. l'artieular U
trillion pniil tu i'ii.inl:iiiiii,' Hiel taking cun
of tlie iieinl. Orudis j)roui(tly uilenued l
day urnilit.
JVIci-s a low as file lowest.
I'liiee vf liiiHiiHvM, diitDiialiy across from
Ojr liliick, im corner of Third and;
; UKliliiKtim Slns't The Dalles, Orvgou.
ppnrpjirrop of
n im ins.
Successors to A Bettingen
Aeonipletp line of Honting nnd Took Btovca,
rumps, Ripo P!nmb'i'snnd Stfm Fitter'
Snviilli's: also n complete utoek of
Curiionlcr's, Biiieksmiths' Bnd
farmer's Tools.
M m HiBIIffl
AH tinning, Plnmbine nnd pipe work will b
done mi short notiee. '