iver Glacier. VOL. X HOOD. RIVKK. Oil KG ON, SATURDAY. OCTOIJKU 31, 1801. NO. 22. The Hood E 3fcod Iiver Slacier. rUltl.lmiKH IVKllY HATUKIUT HORN I NO lT The Glacier Publishing Company. m tint iiirnoN fitiCK. On. yiwr' , .....f or iimiiih. I 1 hrrn liioiith , St' hiii, lu iKjiiy . . , , , 4 CnU GEO. P. MORGAN, Ula Clilif Cltili t). H. Urnl Cftlr. Land :: Ijiiw :: SjccialiHt. Kihmii Nil, , lnd (Ittiem lluilillni, TIIN PALMM, lH. O. D. TAYLOR, Real Hstate Broker, Tire, Life ind Accident Inturance. Money Loaned on Real Estate Security dtlli o, Kr nch ft Po.'i Rank llullillii, TIIK HAI.I.M, OHKIION. THE GLACIER BarberShop Grant Evans, Propr. BiM uiiil St., ni'iir Oak. llixn Kler, Or. .Slaving nl llnii rutting rutly done. Sutinfu. tiuii (iuiuuiitreil. PACIFIC COAST. Wright Irrigation Law Favored for Novada. THE ALASKAN EXPEDITION. '"iiie Sacramento Board of Supervisors Aro Chargod With Bui tig Boodlors Eto. Riverside in to have a free postal tie livery. Tim municipal affairs of Victoria, B. C, arc to bo investigated.' The.t-mly female, convict in the Arizona prison has been pardoned. The plum crop at Canton !h rottiigjr on tin-1 ret;. Tim market in overstocked. Th Halo of wildllower seed at San Diego Ih becoming a profitable IhihSiwhh. Tim .Nevada Hliile Board of Equaliza tion promises to' ra.istf'.the assessments all roiuul. ' ' ' The jury in the eao fof John Ilagger ulm Lillitil hi moii last Aiiiil at Sac ty ramento, lias been uualile to agree. John R. Berry,' Collector of the Port of San Diego, has sued the Union News imi per Coiujiany for $25,000 for alleged lihel. Since- Jan liar v 1 over l,0!iO vessels have crossed Hiimliolilt bar, and the HhipmetitB of luinlier have been over 10,0K(HX) feet. ... '''- An order for 300 combination ami cat tle cars in now lieing filled at th ma chine shops. of the Southern ,1'neilie Company iil'Saeraiuouto. . .v. William Kced of Floi in charged three members of' the Sacramento loard of Supervisors with being boodler and he hut) been arrested for criminal libel. Samuel J. Brun of San ..lone,, late in structor of French atCornoll University has been appointed instructor of Frc-ncly lit the Inland Stanford (Jr.) University. An effort Is lining maile to rcHume work in Sacramento on the oil well, which Iiuh been abandoned at H20 feet in depth, owing to tho piping becoming wedged. . " . The schooner Lizzie Crosby him re turned to I'ort Towimend from the Ko diak liHhing grounds with a catch of 00, 000 codfish consigned to Anaeortes own ers, who intend to establish a, drier at that place to dispone of the catch of the Colby and other vessels, which are ex pected to arrive soon, Tho Schwatka scientific expedition has returned from Alaska. A large collec tion of Iwtanieal specimens was made, and photographs of everything of inter est 'were takon. The most successful feature of the whole trip was the break ing through the Mount St. Klias Hange, a mat never before accomplished by man. The Arrowhead Reservoir- Company, having in charge the construction of large storage reservoirs in the mountains north of San Bernardino on the head waters of the Mojave rivor and its trib-wiv-ies, has advertised for the construc tion of three iarge tunnels one 4,900 feet in length, one 3,(500 feet and one 1,()0O feet, making a total of 11,500 feet of tunnel. ; They offer a bounty for tho ears of rab bits in Idaho. The djscoyery recently of several live "bunnies" minus their ears has developed the fact that active Itounty workers aro trapping the jacks, .clipping their ears and then turning '. )..;...- lxrtuo f.i lii-oj.il a'-ftifjii-A frnn from till HI IWVJIW .'V.V. ........ V - ---' l--- which Imunties can be obtained "till the end of time. - EOUCATIONAL. University Extension Makes n Good Stmt In Kansas City Free Education In London. Salvador has a telephone school. .No fewer than 20,0,10 t-h i l 1 1 t-ti li-iirn Dutch an well a English at the Cape of I it m ii i lope in liiHils. '1'lie I ii 1 1 1 it 1 1 it j k I i h .hint nut has a motto: "The public hiIiooIn iuiihI not he plunged into politics." The Intent estimates from Harvard University are that the (rt-Nhmuii clann Mill number nlniut AW). The 1'ricklayerM' l.'nion of BohIhii in the lii'Ht trwdeit iininn in th country to i-oiiiitt'iiiiuce till' It' mi'IiooIh, It hilt agreed that apprentice hIiiiII be In Nlriictctl In trade mcIiooIn in that city. England in very gradually approach iug a HVHteiii of public elementary mcIhIoIh, The educational bill, wlilrfi has i ii ft piiHKcd the I IoUpc of Coiiiiiioiih, i a long "ti p in the direction of such a MVHtcm. Mrs. Anna I'., (iraves, recently electi-d a member of thu Battle Creek; Mich., ScIiimiI Board, is (he wife of a former Chief JiiHlice of that State She hint been l'rt-Hideiit for thirty years of the l.mlicM' l.iterarv AMHoeiiition of Battle Creek. Vale University will put Jl.Vi.iinO nr ifL'OO.lOtl of its big be.iit'Ht from the Fayerneather estate into a new build ing for the Shcllicld Mcientilic hcIkkiI. A feature will bu the mechanical tit-par!-liu-iit supplied with a 100-horse-jHiwt-r engine. l'rof. Pudley Allen Sargent, the Har vard ex crl in atlilelici-, is said to lie better known in the far West than miv other instructor at ('Hinbiidge. To his summer school in gymnastics there fume, t-tii'lcutii from Texas, l'akota, Ciilifnrnia ami also Kngland. The one hundred and thirty-sixth schsion at the University of I'etnisvl vania oHueil October 1, with an in creased attendance in all departments, the total U-iiig I.h.'.o Htudents, a gain tif L'70 over last year, and the largest num ber ever in attendance a the institu tion. At Yale, we are told, the proprietors of biui-ding-houses and the owners of lioiiseH containing rooms to let have en tered into an internal conspiracy to tax all students to such an extent that they can by no means obtain lmrd and lodg ing at less than (10 a week. Of the ten college graduates who have been I'resiilentH of the United States, live weru alumni of William and Mary College, two of Harvard, two of Prince ton, and one was an alumnus of Union. Of ii it-in I H-rn of Congress 1S: wttre gradu ates o i Vale and 1H of 1 larvard. Miss Florence Bascom wi.ll enter Johns Hopkins University -at the begin ning of the current year.. She wid en .ter the department of geology and will five special attention to petrography. Miss Bascom is a daughter of BeV. John -Bascom, late President of Wisconsin University. The honors of entrance into the Uni versity of Ignition were recently carried oil', over 1,150.) male students, by a young Scotch girl Charlotte Higgins. Her father died when she was but eight yearn old, and it is through the efforts of her mother that she has lieen able at twenty to be. in possession of her line education. The establishment of free education in ltmlon has given acoiiBiderablestiin ulus to private schools. A numlx-r of parents la-longing to the lower middle classes have withdrawn ' their children from the lxiard schools, either on the ground that they object to take educa tion free or that they think that free ed ucation will bring an inferior class of children into the schools. They have sent their children to those " gc,hools for young gentlemen " and for young ladies which alxjund in all imrts of London, and the private schoolmaster, who has recently had a hard time of it, is now reaping a considerable harvest. University extension has made a good start in Kansas City. A society has been organized there in behalf of the move ment, composed largely of college gradu ates and of members who are heartily in sympathy with tho work and who will give it their active support. The Mis souri ,'and Kansas universities, not to 'speak of other established institutions of learning in the two States, will fur nish an able corps of lecturers, and everything appears to favor a higher ed ucation in Kansas City. The system has been tested elsewhere with t he most sat isfactory results, anil that is a sufficient warrant that it will not fail. MISCELLANEOUS. The Progress Made on the Niagara Falls Tunnel Colorado's Fruit Resources. rittsbm'g hopes for a new city hall on her old postollice site. , The'rcport of a formation of a tobacco trust is denied by New York men. The Niagara Falls tunnel has now 1,175'feet of its 3,5:i0 feet excavated. K. T. Jeffrey, of Chicago, has re signed from the World's Fair directory. The cost at the' Novada State prison in Carson is !)7 cents per day, the highest in this country'. The Georgia Legislature baB passed a bill to prevent combinations among in surance companies. A perfectly organized band of thieves and counterfeiters has been broken up iu l'ulaski county, Ky. The protracted drought is drying up numerous brooks in New Hampshire and killing many fish. . Coloradoans believe that that State will Imfore long rival California even in its fruit-growing resources. EASTERN ITEMS. 4 Kiowa Wants Its Fomalo Mayor to Rosign. - t ARKANSAS COLORED PEOPLE Emigrating to Oklahoma The Case Against Detective O'Malloy at New Oi learn. Co-operative Alliance stores arc to Ixt established in every county in Kansiii. The New York Central railroad will help to enforce the illicit-contract lalxir law. The Buffalo Board of Health has de clared the Barber asphalt works a nui sance. At JaveiiMirt, la., the water in the Mississippi river in lostcr than it has been since lwil. Saratnin, N. Y., mid Hartford, Dan bury ami Norwalk, Conn., are in groat danger of a water famine. Southern citiesare running themselves into debt head over heels to get improve ment in the way of water, gas ami elec tric lights. King Bird, a negro convict in the Frankfort penitentiary. d'-lil'ratelv am putated hii arm in order that he might escape hard work. The Boston Bark Commissioners are being urged tn take steps to preserve what is left of the -earth-work loitifiea tion on Bunker Hill. A l.OM.tHKi.biiilding is to le erected in Chicago on the coutheast corner of Washington and Mate streets to the memory of Coin mini. An F.nglish syndicate, which paid (ijoo.noo tor a Baltimore lieer brewery (-(Ht.lMK) in cash i has offered to sell it back for IJ5,0Ot) ,-nsh. A l'ulhnan sleeping-car conductor has lieen arrested at ShrevejMirt, Ia., for vi olating the law by permitting a colored passenger to ride on his car. ' Several hundred Pittsburg people stood in line for hours, jostling and pushing, for the singular honor of buying the ii rat stamp sold in the new postollice. Negroes are leaving Arkansas by the carload tor. the newly-opened lands in Oklahoma, ami farmers xeet trouble getting help to handle their crops. The cotton worm is creating great de vastation in many counties' in. Missis sippi. 'One field of twenty-two acres, has been entirely stripped of its leaves. Another claimant to the estate of A. T. Stewart, the -dry goods millionaire of New York, India up in Australia.' His name is Hunter, and .he claims to bo a first cousin. Dallas, Tex., is organizing a scheme for a supply plant which will furnish the 5,00 1 meini'ers of the association with all the beef, live and dressed, that they may require. Prof. Lee of the Bowdoin College ex pedition to Labrador says that the du plicates of the valuable relics secured by the explorers will 1h sent to the World's Fair at Chicago. The Mexican government has just granted a concession for a standard gange railway alnnit . JfiO miles from the City of Mexico to a town on the Pacific ('oast at Palizada Bay. The Canadian government has notified the steamship compHnies that it will hold them responsible for the mainte nance of any destitute Russian Jews w ho may land in Canada. The examination of President Dill of the defunct Clearfield and lloutzdale (Pa.) Savings Banks is now in progress, and facts showing he is guilty of embez zling large sums are coming to light. Members of the Boston Fruit and Pro duce Exchange will leave Boston in Feb ruary for a trip to the Pacific Coast. The party will be gone a month, and will be taken charge of by Raymond '& Whit comb. During the past week about forty men have been discharged front the employ of the Wagner Palace Car Company at Kiiat Buffalo, N. Y. because they were members of an organization of An archists. At New Orleans the case against De tective O'Malley has been nolle prossed. O'Malley was indicted. on a charge of bribing the jury which acquitted the Italians accused' of assassinating Chief of Tolice llennessy. As a matter of general convenience the Secretary, of the Treasury has de cided that employes of the Treasury De partment may receive their salaries in weekly installments, instead of only semi-monthly as at present. C. A. Spreckels, Rudolph Spreckels, J. Uhler.. Charles Watson. William O. Hempstead and Louis Spreckels will make application at Philadelphia next month for a charter for a corporation to be known aa the Spreckels Steamship Company. The total school t nroHment ' for the .United States on Juiy 1, this year, was about 14,i!L'0,000. The total public-school enrollment, including about . W),00U in universities, etc., was 12,Ji),ooo: in prl- private and parochial schools not far from 750,000 each. Dr. Dorchester, the Superintendent of Indian Schools, in giving his estimate ot the progress in christianizing the In dians in the Dakotas saya from the church authorities he learns that the Roman Catholic Church Indian popula tion in those States is 4,740, while from 10,000 to 11,000 are ot other denominations. NATIONAL CAPITAL. Italian Citizen and Resident of Thi Country Take Matters Into Their Own Hands. Tim President has denied a pardon to William Ueinheimer of Indiana, sen tenced to two and one-half years in the peniientiary for counterfeiting. The Treasury Department officials arc now looking around for a first-class man to comoett a commission to m sent to Portland on the public-building sit. Before it starts West, it is announced, J, B Montgomery will be given a hearing in advocacy of his property on the east side of the river. There i a general rumor in Washing ton that Secretary Blaine has decided not to resume his duties as Secretary of State, anil that John W. Foster, now Secretary of the Treasury, will be ap pointed to that position immediately after the November elections. State De partment ollicials declined to discuss the matter. The Board, of Supervising Inspectors of Steam Vessels, specially convened for the purpose of determining the best sys tem of a line for carrying projectiles for list; in case of marine disasters, made a report to the Secretary of the Treasury, recommending the question lie referred to the ordinance bureau of the War De partment as possessing the best facilities for conducting the experiments. The loard also recoil) mentis the repeai of an amendment to Sections 4488 and 448!) of the Revised Statutes until a safe and feasible means can be invented to ac complish the object contemplated by such amendment iu the use of appa ratus. The recall of Baron Fava, the Italian Minister to this country, on account of the New Orleans affair has left the in terests of Italy in the United States in a pectiliarcondition. The present Charge d'AH'aires in Washington, not being in vested with the powers of a Minister, the Italian citizens and residents of this country, feeling the necessity for repre- aenuuion oi xneir interests, nave laaen matter into their own hands. The President of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in New York called on Secre tary Rusk, and it is expected that his visit was in connection with negotiations looking to the raising of the Italian em bargo on American ports. It is under stood that these negotiations have been in progress for some time, and that they are in such a state that the promulga tion of the raising of the embargo will lie announced shortly. PERSONAL MENTION. Lord Randolph Churchill Makes Some Sharp Remarks About His Old Colleagues. llprliert Snencer in a man nf medium stature, with pink and white cheeks and kind gray eyes. Lord Lvtton's health is said to be se riously compromised, and he thinks of resigning his post of Ambassador to r ranee. Baron de Rothschild's hobby is pho tography. He commences his pleasure each day at ( a. m., and transfixes many a family scene and view. Don Carlos, pretender to the throne of Spain, who is living at the present time in Venice, is said to be badly in need of money. He was obliged according to re ports "to pawn his jewels a short time ago. . When he visited America in 1881 BOu- langer showed nothing of the fop in his dress or the snob in his manner. He wore but one of his medals, and that pinned inconspicuously on his vest, where it was practically concealed by his coat. Judge Allen H. Morril' of Alabama is mentioned as likely to fill the vacancy on the Interstate Commerce Commission caused by the death of General Bragg. Judge Morrill was formerly a law partner of Senator Pugh, who will urge his ap pointment. John D. Rocke'eller, who has been cmlined to his home at Forest Hill for some weeks past, is a very sick man. Several physicians examined him, and declared him to be free from organic dis ease, but decided that his nervous sys tem needed absolute rest. A train fria rom-naiVifiil notro nmiiaa "from abroad that Louis Kossuth, the it ; . . ' a 11- i i ii Hungarian patriot, now uuuu unu oiu, is living in wretchedness and poverty in Turin. Forty years ago, when he vis ited America, the simple mention of tne met mat ne neeueo iunas wouia have brought forth a hundred offers of assistance. Sigeerd, son of Hendrick Ibsen, has become engaged to Bergliott Bjorson, daughter, of the Norwegian litterateur. Young Ibsen is a physician quite wen known in Munich, where his father has until lately been residing for many years ; and the bride-elect contemplated a pro fessional musical career. The wedding is not expected to occur in the near fu ture. The late Archbishop of York was sit ting next to Queen Victoria at dinner on one occasion, when her Majesty asked him how he liked his picture, which had lately come out in 1 anUy Fair. vVU, your Majesty," said Ur. Magee, "my children, think it isn't half ugly enough for me!" This reply so amused the Queen that she burst into uncontrollable laughter. Michael Munkacsy, the artist, spent the greater part of the summer at his castle in Luxembourg. A part of his time was also passed at JNeuuiy, near Paris, in superintending the construction of his new studio. Munkacsy intends to paint his great picture, "The Conquest of Hungary by the Magyars " m the new studio. He has already finished the sketches for the painting. FOREIGN LANDS. Influenza Again Rages in London. THE SHORTAGE OF WHEAT. Capt. Blunt Declares That Smokeless Powders Are Absolutely Use less for Small Arms. The influenza is again epidemic in England. The Knglish railway! have begun a revision of rates. More than one-thin! of Germany's freight traffic is by canal. Belgrade is building tanks for the stor age of Russian petroleum. The excavations at Delpi under the auspices of the French government will be begun this fall; The shortage of wheat and rye in Eu rope is estimated at 200,000,000 bushels. The Liverpol elevated railroad, mn ning along the line of docks, is rapidly nearing completion. The operatives of every bottle factory in France, with the exception of those at Blanzy, have struck. ' The collection of works of Russian art recently on exhibition at Berlin will be sent to the Chicago Fair. New Brunswick is to be officially ex amined as a possible source of supply of horses for the British army. President Fonseca of Brazil is very ill, and there are intrigues afoot regarding the succession to the Presidency. SirMicael Hicks-Beach is prominently mentioned as the leader of the Conserv atives in the British House of Commons. The entire railway mileage of Great Britain is now 20,073 miles, or less than one-eighth of that of the United States. As the cold weathni spproaches, there is a marked i nereis, in the want and misery among tr working classes in Berlin. . In a certain rtion of the Ural dis trict camels are t.ie only working cattle use, some large farms possessing 100 camels.. The new remedy for consumptive pa-i tients called chlophenol Is said to have shown remarkably good results in Italian hospitals. Mr. Spureeon seems lively, and ex presses himself as confident of his ulti mate recovery. He still needs much care, however. It is reported from St. Petersburg that 25,000,000 persons are unable to pay their taxes, and that this will cause a budget deficit of 12,000,000. The Argentine government as a meas ure of economy has abolished its lega tion at Vienna, Berlin, Lisbon and Mexico, thus saving f 100,000 a year. London advices sav that the strikes of dock laborers and other employes about the Caron and Hermitage wharves Wap- ping, is snowing signs ot collapsing. The greatest trades union, the Amal gamated Engineers, having an executive department in Great Britain, America and Australia, is about to reorganize. The Argentine Republic has sold to Baron Hirsch 1,000 square miles in the province of Chaco for a Hebrew colony. the price paid was 1,000 gold pesos per mile. The chief rabbis have ordered prayers in behalf of Russian Jews to be deliv ered in all English synagogues at the beginning of the season of fasting and prayer. The Chinese coolies imported by the land barons of Eastern Prussia to re place the emigrated peasants have re fused to do the hard work imposed on them, and have gone on a strike. A wave of hysterical religion is pass ing over some parts of France. A num ber of Protestant peasants are traveling with tents, preaching the end of the world, bareheaded and with naked feet. The eff ect of the strikes on the port of London alone is shown very clearly this year by a diminution of 501 vessels en tering inward, which is a loss of 18 per cent, and can be attributed to no other cause at all. The criticisms of the London Times on the poor financial condition of Italy have stirred up the press of that coun try, the gravamen of the oftense having apparently been found in the fact that the charges are true. The bread baked by the famishing peasants on the Volga is made up ot flour of goose feet (chenopodium rubrum) with the admixture of a small quantity of rye. The bread is black, light of weight, and looks like turf. The estimate made by the Agricultural Department of the Argentine Republic of ttie crop for the current year is as fol lows : Wheat, 800,000 tons ; maize, 1,000,000 tons; alfalfa, 3,000,000 tons; sugar, 6U,ouu tons ; wool, 130,000 tons. The result of the tests made at the reouest of the British government by Captain Blunt on the smokeless powder in Fngland, Germany, France, Belgium and the United States is extremely dis appointing. Captain Blunt declares it to be absolutely useless tor small arms. Prince George of Prussia, it is said, is on the high road to become as insane, as his mother, the late Princess Louise. whose dementia took the form of aver sion to clothing of any sort, and who created a terrible scandal by escaping from her keepers several times in a state of absolute nuditv. PORTLAND MARKET. Produce, Fruit, Ktc. Wiuat Valley, fl.50; Walla Walla, A-!i per cental. Flock Standard, $4.80; Walla Walla, $4.00 per barrel. Oats New, A'l)i0t'c per bushel. Hay tl2' .13 per ton. MiMJiTt t ks Bran, $18w 19 ; short! , $18 OtVj; ground barley, $22(422.50; chop feed, $I8W1'J per ton; feed barley, $18 per ton ; brewing barley, $1.15 per cental. Bi ttek Oregon fancy creamery, 1X1 (335c; fancy dairy, 3 tc ; fair to good, 25 27c; common. 1522,' jc; F;astern, 031 'c per pound. Ciiekhk Oregon, 12Jc; Eastern, 14rt$ 15c per pound. Eos Oregon,' 27JvV'i'.0c; Eastern, 25c per dozen. Polltky Old chickens. $4.00w4.50; young chickens, $2.(XHt 3.00 ; ducks, $3.00 (?8.00; geese, $tt.00ra 10.00 per dozen; turkeys, LV'tlGc per pound. Vkoetabi.ks Cabbage, nominal, Vx6t $1 percental cauliflower, $1.25 per dozen ; Onione, $1 per cental ; potatoes, 40wt0c per sack ; tomatoes, 40fft50c per box ; sweet potatoes, Va'Zn per pound; Cali fornia celery, Wc per dozen bunches; fancy Oregon celery, 50c per dozen bunches. , Fkcits Sicily lemons, $8.50; Califor nia, $0.50(27.00 per box; apples, 60(a 80c per box; bananas, $3.00w, 3.50 a bunch; pineapples, $4(tj per dozen; peaches, (iocft$l per box; grapes, Tokay, $1 per box; muscat and black, !0c per crate ; pears, (i583c per pound; quinces, $1 (81.25 per box; cranberries, $10(311 per barrel ; Oregon cranberries, $9.50 per barrel; Smyrna figs. 20c per pound; citrons, 27C per pound. Nits California walnuts. Il-l2(rtl2!ac; hickory, 8-aC; Brazils, lOdtllc; al monds, 16(risc; filberts, 13wl4c; pine nuts, 1718c; pecans, 1718c; cocoa nuts, 8c; hazel, 8c; peanuts, 8c per pound. Staple Grocerlen. Honey 17218c per pound. Salt Liverpool, $14.50, $15.50lo.00; stock, $U12 per ton. Kick Japan, $o(o.2o; Island, $0.1 a per cental. Beans Small white, 3'4; pink, 2?4'c; bayos, 334c; butter, 3ac; linias, 3?c per pound. Coffee Costa Rica, 20,'s(S;21e; Rio, 23c; Mocha, 30c; Java, 25'jC; Ar buckle's, 100-pound cases, 22 c per pound. Sioar Golden C,4?bc; extra C, 4,i'c; white extra C, 4?$c; granulated, 5gC; cube crushed and powdered, 6c; con fectioners' A, 5'4c per pound. Sykip Eastern, in barrels, 4755o; half-barrels, 5058c; in cases, 55 (3 80c per gallon; ,$2.25(22.50 per keg. Cali fornia, in barrels, 30c per gallon ; $1.75 per keg. Dried Fki'ITs Italian prunes, 8c; Petite and German. 7c per pound; raisins, $1.20(21.50 per box; pluramer dried pears, 89c; sun-dried and fac tory plums, 9c; evaporated peaches, 9llc; Smyrna figs, 20c; California, figs, 7c per pound. Canned Goods Table fruits. $1.65 1.80, 2,8 ; peaches, $1.802.00; Bart lett pears, $1.801.90; plums, $1.37(3) 1.50; strawberries, $2.25; cherries, $2.25 (22.40; blackberries, $1.851.90; rasp berries, $2.40; pineapples, $2.252.80 ; apricots,$1.60(21.70. Pie fruit: Assorted, $1.10(21.20; peaches, $1.25; plums, $1 1.10; blackberries, $1.25 per dozen. Veg etables: Corn, $1.251.65; tomatoes, $1.003.00; sugar peas, $1.00(21.15; string beans, 90c$1.00 per dozen. Fish : Sardines, 75c(2 l.tj5 ; lobsters, $2.30 (23.50; oysters, $1.503.25 per dozen. Salmon, standard No. 1, $1.251.50 per case; No. 2, $2.55. Condensed milk: Eagle brand, $8.10 ; Crown, $7 ; High land, $6.75; Champion, $5.'50; Monroe, $6.75 per case. Meats: Corned beef, $2.00; chipped beef, $2.15; lunch tongue, $3.10 Is, $6.00 2s; deviled ham, $1.352.75 per dozen. The Meat Market. Beef1 Live2c; dressed, 56c. Mutton Live, sheared, 3lrtC ; dressed, 78c Hogs Live, 5c; dressed, 7c Veal 57c per pound. Smoked Meats Eastern ham, IS 13jc; other varieties, 12)jc; breakfast bacon, 1315c; smoked bacon, ll'4(2j llc per pound. Lard Compound, 10c; pure, 114 13c; Oregon, 10l2ac per pound. Hide, Wool and Hopa. Hides Dry hides, selected prime. 8 9e ; c less for culls ; green, selected. over 55 pounds, 4c ; under 55 pounds, 3c ; sheep pelts, short wool, 3050c; me dium, 6080c; long, 90c$1.25; shear lings, 10(a!20c ; tallow, good to choice, 3 (gdc per pound. V ool Willamette Valley. 17(219c: Eastern Oregon, 10 17c per pound, according to conditions and shrinkage. Hops .Nominal ; 1012ac per pound. The successful issue of the efforts to remove the embargo on pork is most iikeiy to De followed by an agreement for the introduction into, the German Empire of American agricultural prod ucts, especially wheat, flour and potted and.canned meat free of duty in return tor the tree entry of German sugar. Moorish tribesmen attacked a Spanish fort at Cablerizas, near Melilla, Africa. The fort replied with cannon and mus ketry. Ihe fighting lasted for three hours, when the Moors fled. The Span ish government has made a demand upon the Sultan of Morocco for repara tion. Commissioner Carter of the general land office has received by reference from the Secretary of Agriculture a re quest from Nicholas Krukoff, the In spector of Agriculture for the Amour district in. Russia, to be furnished with information respecting the survey and disposal of the public lands of the United States. This request, the writer says, is made with a view to the free distribution of the lands adjacent to the Amour river.