7 rr In Mi go f 6e So fcod jiver Si lioonniVKK. on., oct. 24. is.u. lit: in. a m i:s st 7: r )". AIUrtn, who rollvl tho Tsiooihs hank of $10,0iXt In money ami fLiM.iVO In mmritici., is fur rovovorvil from his wouiitlsth.it ho has Urn taken to T- ooni.i. AYhilo on his wav homo ho Mopivd ill Portlninl lonj; enough to tv intorvi.iveit l.v .m (hrmi,tH relator, Mr. AIUmtimii, anton other tiling ' "I owe nip r-rmMit position to tho oxtravant demand of modem so ciety, slid the sooial orpuiism of tho d ly I perhaps as mueh to hlaino as I am. Mr, Allier..!,' idea of the 'V.vial orpnmin of tho day is as Hvlel.v ; Uo nmi , m WfU wd, W;irnu1 t.mvive.1 ns his ideas of nuvm d i comfortal,u. nu s,vniis the evnin:in t'inn. That the "s.vial orpinism of;nMjinj muuothin whieh i pvutable. the day" eausHl Mr. AlU'rtson to for- ! Nothing oan lx prettier than tho eiyiht pv all prinoiplee of horesty is a pietv ! of a lody of children, who would le in of fol-de-nd. verv well suited to so asi-1 Kro.it d:m.,-er of f.dlinjj into inueh iine a ehan.et.'r a All orison. Tl,e ! wf. Vadin th U)-' ,, . , , A, . ,, , if sk ovhI a provision were not made for Wial onanism of the day' has as, M ot:.ls;ppLw theMtemW nmeh to do with swamping those who (fflJ (! ,v i:, u ,n. t;1:m ono haudrol. withont moans try to cot in tho swim toa Commonwealth. ps the Willamette Jta fr drowning! j those who trv to get in its swim with- j rtn h ont understaii.ling that art. "Tho ! . F"f th, foiumerw aud trade of Mex-, , , . , , . .. .,i i, loo there are t.v.rtv-nht custom houses eial organisni of the dav wonhl haw . , , ... , , , in that oountrv, nine of which are on existed without any a.d from Mr. Al-; p,lf om on the GlwUim;iU frvali,.r, HrtsMi, indovl, continue! toexist ater j filtlt.n oa the padfi. anJ tllirttVn tint shining light had. w ith the assist- otl the frontier of the UuitM States, rneeof a cousin in Seattle, ma to an t Mata.uor.is was at o:i time a 1 -irjeoua-; utter ass of himsi lf. Tho jxr moth i men ial port, but A-.ieri.-aa raiiro Is to wrs t imt.xl hv tlie c lttermg ani sum-: .of''saiotv,"and,attempting!p'lh',:lu,r bnli of ittr.la...althon .... i the oountrv arri;a.l is sttih-J up ad t o thotn, s.ng.d h wines so . -s -. fuU ing lights " . i i nat r.e toil, teams inea to sio me i sky on liorrowed w ings to his cverlast-: i"g downfall, and thousands siiiiv his time have, heedless of his cxamp'e, ' trioii the same thins. Alberison is one of the latest of this class. The sooial organism of tho day and the demands of modern society will continue in luisi ros at. the old stand, hut neither Mr. AHvrtson nor any other salaried em- ployeare under contract to patronize: theni. ! " ' The Topeka Coju'tnt, the official state : paper and leading republican organ of ifliis;is, m ii ii nr if;m ii;i? u.-jiui,1) indorsed cx-nator Inpalts, r.xvntly tookahxik at him from the large end of , the telescope, being led thereto by In tralls' refusjil to stump the sta'o, and this is the resu't of its observation: "That he is not a leader t - lay is more j due to the supreme et-otiMU and cold-1 card aathorizing their sojourn if they blrxMledselfishiusofthemanthaiihis rrcr Y leahenM F;ay-a plan lack of ability. This tnpre ne wor- ff ,teJ ia Franc and Sxttier .. , . t , , ; land. hen the foreigner removes to sh.pper of h.mIf turned bio hack upon aaothef town or carJ the political friends of a quarter of a . ve a fh oEdal vLsa ac1 tw-0 century, as well as upon those who laid j nioatiw' stay in one place the card 'will aside their convictions against him and j be replaced by a n-Rtdiir permit f rcsi pare him a royal support. No man in 1 deuce. Formatrs oly passing throrgh American history was ever so groatlv ' a ma th3 decl&rauoa throagh the honored for the single talent of sarcas- i h k I"- Afu-r a short trial of this Trl . ' svstem rsrorts ma v probably disarpv'or tiboraton. He has had groat oppor-: . 't , , ' .... ' . . t , ., i ; together. London OruVmc tunitiesand has most signally failed! as a leader, politician and friend. To- ititutim iu..n? laborers, day in Kansas the x-s;nator is neither! It is reported here that the people missed nor regretted." I along the line of the Kentucky Union ; railway, above Clay City, are almost in The Portland Chamber of Commerce a destitute conditi -n. Laf t tummer has decided to adopt the report of these people were working oa the rail Bogue and will endeavor to take ', road and failed to cultivate the nsnal OHO worth ofsto?k in the Taul Monr'0"1 consequently they have no prov- j , , , . . enJer to feed their stock. The railroad mad, from ' oiumlusto a point oppo- . . i - ' . ,, , . ' 1 p has ran short of lands aad their wa.?es site The Dalles, Portland has always ; have DOl COCSvtiUe3tIy they gone at the owning of tie Columbia - moa?y. A gentleman who had with the same cheerful alacrity that a ! rea ntly beea ia tbt mooatains along boy show s on being invited to interview the line of the K?utncky Union told us the kitchen wood-pile, and in this case , few days ago that he saw tea yokes of is literally throwing hermonev to the ! 0 caJer 0:1 execution for $15, dogs. However, iti her money and ; Jf ,C,ly ' ,Led' she can Mow it in as she ploasos. It is often st.ittnl that the advertising columns of a rovpaper are a rofiex of the town wherein it is published. This may be true as a elitterinir trenemlitv. but ui the ease of the Glactkr it is not true. IU columns an.- a reflex of the thriving eitvnfT!,. HalW 4 iw.r.1 i n cr to the Glacier's columns, the town conte of a livery stable, a hotel and a mimtaL The y wa3 lanut shop- J He had jast been actidenuily shot wiib j a tiinjet rLfle ia the hands of another Sunol, the California mare, Is now newsboy known as Pat. The ball ea queen of the turf, having lowered the ; tered the front of the neclt a little to the record half a second at Stooktou Tuos- riSht of a medial hae and ranged down day. The lt record lu-retofr was r,l,kklSinS ia hii body.DalLIes.) that of Maud S., ma le at Cleve-' eWi land, Ohio, July 3o, Ism. Sunorsroe- j null in Harness. ord of 2Kii will prtikdily stand for! A pecnHar working team seen fre- ionie time as tl.e record, and until a i .u. i r.r va Lamp ShaOr. i Many of those gorseona lamp shades 1 that bewilder the eye from half a dozen ' show windows on Fifth avenue are made at home by women who have seen the i proverbial "Letter days." The work re-! qnirea nicety of taste and skill in needle- i work. Designs aad materials are far- J niched sonietiaios by the shopkeeper, j eoniethiies by the women tbat do the j work. The largett Ehades are made ever i parasol frames. The materials entering : into tho wcrk re silk, saiin, laoe and artificial flowers. Prices of th-3 more ! elaborate shades vary from f 16 t tfCO. ' fAj that lie cost of a handsome lamp j fnlly equipped may run np to f-jSO. In ; souie exit's milliners also make lamp! . i 1 i. .'--. jiiiip ehades, and the fact that Ux, are able , to ntiliae remnants cf aiis an.l cf other . , . ,i , materials gives them a pccti-ar ad- , Ti'.utaffj ia th3 business. ew loras ... . - ' jennr; 01s ep.'neucea ia coUj,t3S &ndTjr series of kc:arcs oa sjyift popular Neitfcrr the TObmerged chain system 5 topic nor the endless rope system of canal boat 1 jidoeonier had an allidin- narK-d for haulage ha proved sausfactory 0rer- . jfjif Thin-a .thev boajht his many, to that experiments are now being , p,-clnr&J wi a generons hand and paid made ia tho m cf heavy towias cars , pjy,, pncV3 for t-em jcUistaiion drawn by looomoUves similar to those j M b::.or oaIj??oic nsnl in t'.ia'-S. j Sci.slVIe VVoik for tMl.ttm. Mr. Q '.itu'v S.mw i- 'ii' of th men'. ,1. i f ir r ;i !nur,ti!. U.ivi not on f.vt a new :irr.i:i i-meul. f.,r v liieh hi:iu!n-l.Hf Ivya .vi.l irirl will Mi ss her. In College jJ.u-o aiivl nt t!u .1 y nnrsery in AKvmy i-irevt, after the kinderjr.irten ciiii.'.ren luive loft, the tiMi-a rv fleaml :..l th rooms r tr.insforttiel int.) ri-'is rxims. Fr.vtn 4 to 6 oYlx'!( little K-ys ! 1 prU may at ton 1 to gether. From 0 to 7 the room arc J clivel while tJto oliil ltvti are M haojxT au 1 thou from t until U tli ohil Iron of i "oiuooniOAm come in 10 roan. For i 1.; ..... til select. .ei of l.oi "V 1 , has Urn carefully ina.h', and tho i'.itelli- ont lady in eh-r furnishes to each Ny or K'rl the Uo wliieh i to K uso-,1 that eveiiint;. Tho teacher ia charji NviiM oaoh creninjj hy a Konor.il roa lin, which ii always hoard with interest. After lif- uut t vvay each "i'O' i..., . gh tue soil is exoepuo: ym CU1 jufr, abrtCt u.at -rew in jt3 maritimo bainess ia 1A. Frm Prvvroso the priuci;al pnviuct esyor.sxl to the Unit: J States is henaeqneu filo-r, variety of hemp. Of tho i-oits ou the PaciSo'coai-t Mazatlnn U tuo most i:a ixirtaut, havin-T a population of U,l-X ad lx-ing tho diribntitig piiut for the greater parts of the stato of Sinai.vi. The Mexican Kavrl Darean of t!.e Pa- cifie is located at this point, and also a branch of the Slexicsn dirnal ervioe. The castota house retnnis ow a coa- ftantly Ixtter devehptnent, espi'cially 0a the froutier line be twee a the United Sutes and Mexico, JJojuo Modorao. Mcvdlficallon of rpart Syitrni. Tha obnoxious passport Mtcui in Alsace- Lorraine seems likely to It? laodith-d at last, after two years' versions. Prob ably foreigners will lie required to notify the authorities of each place of their arrival and stopping place, and obtain a country is actually starving. SVincbcs- r(Ky.)Suq. The NVirnbof ' Last Quention. "Oh. mistur, am I dead:-" This was : the plaintive query of Ueonre ilonrlle, a newsboy, 1J yeirs old, as he ran into a Kdoon ou the northeast corner of Main and Houston streets. With a more . definite rvs-uonse than his hearers could j consists of a Jersey bnll harnessed inic I the shafts cf an ordinary ride draught cjt J. wjtii chort voke tn nd brespchini? jnite after the Mylo of haruek-icg a horse, with the exception of the voke. Th- boll is driven wiih a pair of Veins fastened to a ring or strap up.-a his nose. He walks alonji; much f;is:er than the orJiEary horse, and draws his sad ia a tbeerfui aad easy laanuer. Ileene (N. H.) Sentinel. : Dr. Albeit Shaw, whom Mr. Stead has appointed American editor of The li.- view of Reviews, is not yet 40, but ha has alro&ly maie au enviable name for himself ;is a socioiogit. He 13 au aa- thority oa the subject of municipal gov- ernment. T7 T, The lectern and Ltemry hel ls eeeia to n r, t .7.'".; ,v , ttna of las poulical life closes. He has. !ai.Civ f.nr K.v The louh'iv'i.'iicd being located near; llxd Kivei', w i-bes to lufoim palticsj who may tx desirous of having Mir-j veyiug 'd-iiio, tli it lie is a pi;c;iciil 1 Mincvor of many yeai. i'XTioiuv, I and tiiat wotU oiiiVusiod to him wilUx1 x ifointod utli dpatch and correct-' nc.s. He takes Ic.imiiv In lot'eiliug to ; Mr. A. f. Pdowoi-, who for yoai- wns , iMiinty iMiitmissioiier iu Minnesota,! ! and lor whom ho did county work nsj suiity Miivcyor, as to bis ability.; ' Pai tie's writing mo al IlKd will re-. x'lvc pixuupt altciilion. ; ' I'.Xlluis. I iatod ll.xvd Kiver April t.tb, I. ; NOTH'i: Fill; PI T.l.U'ATlON. j l.anl Oill.v ill Vtiotior. a!i. l. '', W'l NoluvK lii-n-ln sU'ti lluil thi l"ll in; inoiuM . I'!i i' l.; t 1 .1 lioli.t .! iimt.-Hf.m lllllkl III 111 I ttlMll'l" n'l Hu'.-l.lilll.ol it:.- , ln irsiin.il. ml ..ml is-l i !!,!. iii;i.!.' In l la.' : K.xt.r iitt.l K.-..H.I' I. . I oi.l iti.v hi Vmi,MUi-r uii. i'ii .N.ni-ii.ls r .'.in W'l, i': An.livw .im-ltor. Iie.r m ta .l t'rltt .iii. l r. l.i.t ...''1 ' II. K. V. 2 for llio ti e 1-4 iiii.l ' ' 1 I , ol mv. -Jli I V. : ii r so m. j lie liiiin.i Hi.' C'IIom tim Hiu'wl.i i n.vi' ll'.C iMIlSillU.'ll'. l-.-l l. ll.-' lP'll:llia. IlltIV :lll"ll ii :ll.l hlllii, I.. III." In ir "I l.t ViIhtI li. I'lK-kiT, -li'Mi'll I'. M.'n:..-'M:i. rtKilllil'. M.ii:Kliiin, Ait-. 11 l.liil".i'"k, nil 'l .Xi'lviii i:.!'.llli;!i'll. ; iviit-ii.i.;i John l. ii:.niiii.. , U.l-li-r. NOTICK. FOU Pl lU.H'ATlON. Iiml Ottliv ul Vmieonvrr wa.ti. I. 'v, K'l Noli.vli l..-r'lv k'v. ii Ihai t'u- f.lli Inc-riiiiiii-.l will.-:- ImM Illi.l ll.i'.'..v..f lln'ir nil. ii lion in iiuiiii' tln.il in'l In u')rl ol lii. ii I'lioniS iiiul I'uil Mi'l nl lit iu'l' I ""' i W. K. l'uiilv.r. riiiiiii.i.mrr I nii.-.l Mnli- rtn'iiU i Villi tor I'isirt.'t l Wiiliini;toii tit liol.a lulato a-.!i.n N.iMiulH-r ;i. IM, tlx: lt.-tnrlrli liliiv. ll.i;-..ti'n I Kntrv .. ! I for Itif e l-l n l:t. n w 1-4 an.r w 1-1 ol 1 mvIioii Tow umiI N.m ii ol looii- 11 tji-l will iiui'. lie iinnie the follow tin; niiinw, o re ln iMniiniiiMi r nl. n.v iiii'ii ii l. utnaiioii l. will I .ml. i: N'tiii H!i r. ll.-nry ('. K.M.'i.l.ur, Kufu- A.llMiil, !t--rti. lU in. , mi oi i ."Mm i -. r. . uu-ii. ut lli-nry l'. Ki-Uiiiti ry. lti'ini:-a.l Knirv N.v.si.11 for o 1-1 l-l KX' J.llll.1 II II l-l Ull'l I I II I I '! vl ion .w Ti" niii u l.oilti i'I minn- II iil til in. r. W'tio n:!!".- the follow linr Uii.-m- . prove hi nniiuou iviu. mi- iii n mi.t ruilixa'.ion of. Mit.l IsiihI, tii: Niwiii Ml. r. Joan r .-S;. rt, ; l;ii(u A. Ii rK.'tt. oorti IW-rr.!, all ! Iroul , ijiki.' r. i. .ii. h!i Kiir.ii. A. ltyrkett. . ! lloiiu-st.-iiil Kn'.ry N.v .l for ln- w m ',.'l4 n n ', a" l I l Mvtion IH tow nJui norlu of ritiiKv il ohi W 111 11 HT ; Wlin num.- Ihf follow trnr ilinvm loj.n.Vf hi, ixiniinuoii. niil.-a.' ium inul i-tiUti. aiion ol. s.il.1 laii.l, Jotm rj-K.'ii. N.wli h.ll.-r, ll.'iiry i Kiili nN-ns. .irii Iw-ut, all ol ( Trout Ijikc I'. o. n.-u. ( ul . Jol.ti Kk.-rt. ; liom.'M.ii.l l'.ntry .NoMJl for tho w e l-l ntwliiin ii an. I w l, f n f l-l .vti m t. n- j ship norlh ol raic.- 10 i-.il ill l.i.T. Who iniiiun the follow in ; w :tni--i l.i pnixr hin i-nntuiuoii?. n-l.ii'ii.-f mtt r:.t ctiitiwi lion of. vii.l l:i!i.l. vie .h K:ir H-iiry v'. Kii iiU ru. Ku:u A. lUrkt tt. s -rn lU-iii, nil i riuiuUtke V. i. uii. j aljm N.uli Klli-r. lt.)meienil Kn'.ry 'n. ..i hr the w 1-4 n M w 1-4 iui.I n w M r 1-4 Mviion ii limnsiiip nonh i nunr' 10t w ill in. r. Who njime Ili followlnc mini toi rove hi e nuniioii'. n-i'loiHT iii !i iiU ii;!i..iion of. ant lan.l. vie JolJi Kki-rl, l;ii!i-. A. : Uyrkolt. H-tiry r. K.-lt .ih. rs. Ni vcrti lW-ii. ; b.I of Tn, ul Ijike, r. i. wn.li. al Hciiirieti ( i t Va telires. Hi mes;. ii.t Ki.lry.N.-.. for li e t t-l 1 Mi-thin Tuwu.t.ip o tiolUi of la!'.i:t- 12 vi will hut. U'bii r.ainoi. thr f..!ow're w iim-sx--1 mif his t- in I in Ui: i-.iiirmr t:..n mill riiiunv lion of. miJ iiin.l. t it .iriif.-w W.I'i i.l'Pvli. Haliey li. i'ii. of J'iiii!;i I'.o. ii.-li, x'l.ni lvctiz. i,ufu A. Utrisrtt, of Tront I-ise l". o. WMh. in.tk-novl Jou.x I. i;t;itiiisuAN. K.i:isliT. NEW NOTICK. Lan.t I (T.re nt The l.;!!--!.! ir. Oil. li K'l. f oiiip'.iiint l.iivlni Nu n !i"..' -t :! t!;li of:rt- ly Jiiiuii. Top. a :i!nM Wiltiuin i.avvm, fur nKiiiilon iiu In-hiTii-ii-.i'l Knirv No. 2n", tialixl Nov.-mtxT. "ii. I . itfn tin- ii'3 n w 1-4 Mvltitn Tow n-'iip )mi:I!i rsnat 10 w . in. In :ii i'iu;ity i in--"."i wilhavuvr .i II.,- rmi ollntK.li of mi id iiitrv. t.'f Kit :irli'T iirt l,."Vlv Mitnmon.'d lnai'j.-Hr hi 1h." I. . laml o;riv 'at T!.' IH:l.-. :"ii h i: lmli .! of 1wuiIt. ll. nl Hi' . .''k H. i:i.. to r.i..n '. nnd fiimi-li testimony com-, rnirn; aid ali. "-i i.l.iniion!!i''nl. ixllinovTU Jons W.I.rwis, K.-sitr. FOR SALE. J JD nrre. thrw lni! fr.nn town, l orly arrrs in cilHitation. tli'.rty inorr' ci.nr.il ari l fifty of p:.-Uini.'f witli livir.s wr.-ruil w .'i! f.iu-U. inn fori i' hi.- .lwilti.' li..ii rf four n in iv mid miimII h.im. -M fruit In-.. mostly iippl.-. four yinrn old nl Nunnir. iN-.iiit'ji Ji irw in full l-.i ri us. iiw fourth of nn aore in l.rr!fs. Turn w : r h:iro. c w ith the plwv. m-Mdw the there i a fm-spriTii: which will furni-h a!.r for ithI urn- of hcrrH-s, and mil ma.te avalUMr a! trirtinir cost, Price for I'liTtri' tot !vVO, on n-:wn:i!'ir t.-nn. ThP 'i-t will fv wil.l M-jmraK ly if d. sirv-d. price tNU. Kor iirticular inijuire it this oltice. Land locator. Every Imly wants bind in Hool River Valley. I have soni very do- sirabio traits of itixh! hind on my li.-t ! for homesteads and timbered; claims, with runimiir water on ! them. loan locate several stoekuien ' advantatrtinily. 1V not fail to see; mo at H(xl 1 fiver Kalis r address me i at Hood Iliver, V:i:ii Count v, (Jregon. I W. l'.o.ss Win an s, ; Ix-ator. i NOTICE. J I have appointed J. T. IV.dk, my , i Agent to sell my U-er at II.hkI liiver, at wholesale. AlfifST lH'CHi.KK. i The Dalles, Mareh Hi, 11. JOHN H. CRADLEBAUGH. ; ATTOKNICY AT LAW. . Prar1ijs in all the eourls of On-znn and : Wiisiiinetnn. Sjxt-lal aiuir.icm given to cu:- ! veyanrina. j CLATTER OFFICE, j 1IOUD KIVEH OREGON. TITLE ABSTRACTS. j REAL ESTATE AND; LOAN AGENTS. I ! ; Reliable information concerning land j ! titles. j ! I Choice city and country property fori SALE j Conveyancing a Specialty, i lSZ.Stx.lSti.t Thi DuIksOrA CtTr'.lTn Don't buy a whtiel wltli tlra YHi . put on any other wav. Itmakoa L 11 1 tha whMl lat twioa aa long. IniVIPl urn out ihuwi tha way our i I . . .,.. nnin cr i in pod, boiilaa bolnn boltitU on. Wa own thaaxoluaiva pat ent on thla. Write for Prices. NOTICK l oi; PI HI.ICATION. I jui, I HitUv nl 'i'i.MU,t, V!i. IH'I. ti N'l. Nollivi lu-l.l.y i;h.n (lint til' f.llowlhK nniii.'.l M It!. I li:i I11. .1 not l.i' nl li! uili'iillon o m.iki' Itiiul o'f in ii'Tt ol !li. -:lltll. l.Ilit tlalt .1:1 'r.tal , Ul N' ttltl.ll' N in-.' I Ii.' i I. ; k ol Iti.' fn m i lor ourl of skrt- lll.tli'.'l. 'olllll lo.ll!li!otl. lit liW.T I'll- eii.ii', Wiu.li., on Noxi-iiiIm i tli, lol, vix; Iv'.llTl I 'HIT. li..'iu''i -lit No. m4 for Hi.' lot I , X! ami Un .', ii, 7, N ami n l-l i- I I Ti. 1 n r e w in Ho n..nn- tin- follow iiit w 1 1 mwii ,i mr !:!. .-..ntliuioii. ri'MiLilrf iijuiu nn.1 I'll It I x Ht ton . r. ;o. Inn. I. Mi: Aniliviv .1. l.n. liiorsr M il'.-r. Ilp.w n Hurltui;JOiii. rtrnny Ktu'tMii.l. n.ii. nil ot W In.l Ulu r rnvltui -kiiiimnn Hi. w:i. Illusion. IK'II -!. I Joll ll. (i.Nlll'.lj AN. KililMl-r. NOTICK. KOK PI Itl.lCATloN. jiii...m.-rl Tlu 'Imllt-s Dr. IVU , Not:.-.-1 h.-r, hy i-lMii Unit llio follow Inr-IUOII.-.I m til.T li ll'.i'.l noli.-.' of hi Inli-ntloii to iiinko f1ii.il j rimf In ii'rl of til rliilm, nn. I tt nl .:o.l .n f M ill l- niu.li' U-lort" 11k li. -.-i-t. r ninl ll.ivin rl'.s. I nml Mtuv lit Thf lmilin or. on NormU-r 3'. l"'l, wi: rlnirli' Li'irvi' r.oN'rli. II. 1. No. r.fiT, f.-r II:.- li .' I I w I I e l- II w 1-4 :i!lil loli .' inul v ti T I II r !i' w in. 11.' nnin. tin' f. llnw hii! w inn-ww l. nvi l;l coniiiiui.ni ri-tt n.-' iimi inul . iiltH ..un uf. Mi'.i Iui.I. ir: Joi n I n-klik, M. O. W l.ivnr. U 11. Mi.r.', W. Ii." W lliaii, nil of llo-l llmriin-.'"". ..Ilonoili JOHN W. l.KWIs, li'V1,1''' mumi: mil Pt nucATioN. I Jin I i nl Tl.e I'ail.T or .Oii. i, Notiw i la ny kU.-ii tlml III.1 follow niit nmiM.l m til. r im-ri.-l i.oii.f of i,i liiti-mion ! nmke nnsl l'Hi'1 h iip)'rt of lil i-'mliii. Nil. I tt. ll ll l 1T f Will i' IIIHil." Ix f'TI till' ll.-jjl-trr wii.l U.-.viv r f. N. Uli. t Ttif lN,ll"i i ir. mi Niivi uitr Jutli Is'l, it; 1l; I'rrkin. II. I. No. :t.' .r ll.i' w l-l n e 1-4, n w 1-4 1-4. n v l-l w I I ami nr 1-4 n w l-l nt. $ Tp I r in wr in. He niiini' thf follow Inii w ltninMm to .riv to .Miniiiuimi- r-!ui'rii' iim n.l rulllvailon I. .i l lninl, ti; W lliiiim H.l'nlnl'r, H.'isrv T!:.mj'"n, Jan- Plmnilek, lutlil l i" r. nil ol Ml. Il.l ontoii. .H ile not 11 John w. N'w in, Itnclxli-r. NOTICK KOU PI HI.ICATION. I -avl o;icv.-ii iiin-.mcr, Wli s. pl. K H1. .; ;f l ln r, .v civi'n llmt lh- follow ing- P;iuimI . I' h hlcl Ilolm-of hi Inlclltloll to mul;.' hi mI pr'f in iipi'M of hi. niin, i.ud 1 ;ml '!ii ii"."'f will ..' lun-ii l-'for' IIh-i:.-i.vr mid l: -' ii. r I . S. Ijmd nrlii-.' at an-ouT Wi. on N'.ii. tvU-r :, K'l, iv Kr.nU I'iOi lku. Trv. Ii. . f..r lh. - ' , ..f w i, s w and w of i' i, n.-e. Si n r W e w in. H nnnii-the fot'.iw-i'itf witnr n pn.e hiriRiiinu.ii. n-i Um-r iio'l and riillivatlon of. Ntil land. H AUiiU.I Wa.-nitT, John Vi-.,n. IV'.-r r!iil!ir, nil of Tnnil l.iK Ki c!!:it ... Wan.. I'.-l.T .toil.-r, Jr.. of Van ix.::!.! Uir' i o. Wn.li. i i l-!l.i; J..HN 1. ifciN.llFCiA, Hcsiv.vr. NoriCK KOU ITHI.ICATioN" Umd I isT"..-- al Vaiion. -r Wa-.il. S pl. 9, ld. N'oliff I-hi i- hy irivi-n t tint the follow iij'.--nam.M i-iti. r tuo. Tii-1 n..ti.- of li. r intention to in tike liiiil i-ominit'ai ion pii'f In t j m t of h'-r ctitim. an I that wi'.l proof w iil tw ei.v.'..' t.-lorx' Ui. K.-i'if. r and linviifr 1'. s. I-arid i .itiii al ai:.uu. r Wali. iu Oilolu r i tli. K'l, vit Mary K. Kenny. H. I). N.. TI3f lor the t. I Tp. .1 n r 1 1 e r hi. she narn.. Ihc f.'ltowinif .i : !.. to jirivp h r .. i;iii i"U. n-ldwnc iii.m and cn!tl niton of. sai l Linil. M,;:ii Kan.-, ll- nry lUirn liam. Kdwurd I".. M1 '.j'iu I, John h'j.'n, ail of Whit.- s;iliii"i. War.. spt!:-iirt;t Joim 1. K..llK:An, It.-sNtcr. NOTICK KOIt PUBLICATION. Ijanii f tTirrM VanootiviT wah. Sj.t. . Hd. N .ti.1' i t.n hv tiv. n that the follow tint nniii. d wttlt-r !m. Jiiod notice of her Inieniion ti tnakc tinal coinnnoation proof in upjirl of her claim, am' that said pnmf k- if made 1m for,-Uh-l:-.:!. r ah'i It.si iver I', f. Itnd ort'ev ill Vaiiiiitnrr iiil-Ii. nn October Jj, IvJ, it Miuraie K-'irw. H. D. No. TllSf.r these', of w. iTp S n r Hew in. She names the f.iH iwinsr witneo lo provi h r critirii'.i'ii chOtn to. and enitivallon of. s.iid land, vie Marv F. Kenny. Ilcnry Hurn- ham. Kdward IL Meltonii'l John h4an, all of W filt ?,,!,! ,.n, WiSil. sptlltsic'.l'l JolIS !. '.Kotr.IIAGAS. fUlfisUT. XOTICK Yvil J t llLK ATIoX. Jndiiffli-eat Vancouver wash. Si'pt. 12.IV1. N.itif is hereliv eivi-n Hint tlie folliminir mi!ii."l - itt. rs liavcfii.-il rn'tice of lhir In t'ri!!iin M iniike finni 'nmf In sni'lii if their iv-iis'jivc..l:iiins nl that kiiI.I prnuf will be m:nl- Iwf'.rp W. H. Iiunfeir, ('"Hiinifsiimi-r t niHii s-u,!. C:rM)it I ourt f.r liislrirt of wasliinrtn. r.t 1 t!l.Ti(la!. washinstoii, on Monday November X 1 "". vie H'-niiiin Ih-rtM-hl. H.iiii.--ii1 Fnlrv No. 1B for the nS'ofif , w 1 . of ? 4 nil n e 4 of k w -tion 2 T.iwnsliiji.i north of ranee li eaM will iiw-r. Who naint-H the fi.llowitv wilneww to prove his n.rit!nn ii n-sKl.-ii.t' upon, and ml livatiorii'f. said land, vtjc June Myi-rs. Hnl ey iM'oje, 1ii'in.tM K. rhiipiuHn, John N. Cole, all of Kul.la 1'. . wliinxton. I.neinda F. Chiipmiin. Hnmli(l Kntry No. 791 for the n e Ree tionl!Tonsiiip j north of ranse II easl will. I1HT. Who nnme she f'.l!.i? iri!r vi itnesw- to prove hisnntitnioii r.-il nn nion, nl cultlva ti.'R of. sj4nll.-ir.il. vie ll.'iix-y I'l. Cole, June My.s. of Filial I'. . wasiiinirlnn, lt'lifrt S:. iir1. Ku.iuij.ii Ht-yiir.(f, cf iiiinitT, 1. O. wa-shingion. .Trine Myers. IIiaes;ej4 Kn:ry No. 7!s0 fir the w eo tion :.i Township . north of range UJcmsI will, iiicr. Whonfimes the folio-vine wltnes to Prove Iht cominiiou r"sii!( m upon andeullivation of. srtid !an l. viz: Hulsey I. 1'ole, WiiliHin Kraner. 5t. rn.nn Ilertsrl.l.'l.neiinla F. .'lmp inan, ail of 1- ul'lu 1". 1 1. Wellington. Jane '.'yirs. Pnn-liase Applii-siTii-n no. IT under fVtion S Forfeiture Acl Sept. 2.': Hv fir Hie if1, of n w"4an'l lot 1 ami i Sw-tion Si Township i north of range lie;isi will mer. Who naiitsi the followir-r witness to prov.- her ei.nlii:i!onsrluiin So sii.l ln1. vie HiilseV I. f'ole. William t r-.it-i-r. ll. riimn lleri'Seh!, I.'.ieinila F. ChiiJ'iiuin, all if FulJa 1". O. washinrtnn. si.U'.Ki J.-hx I. i,E'.(:hFfAn, Ilegister ron sale. Two lots with po. , jKnjse. Kirn an-l hennery, pi.nty of fniit. I'rice Al ix l"l wi:h e"1 hoiine an l out hoiws fine lwn all Vin.ls of fruit, paro. n ru: lViee 2".0. Iiu prven,ent alone o: price nl;e,1. This is a investnirnt for f.jrnlnlion. Owner w.ints money r.n.l m;:l tuiL Time will be given on a inion if desin-d. A Jilrvss A. s. RiiirriB, Hood liiver, virion. PAIIRY MFG. CO., 01 1st Bt., SAN ilia wliital ami ' Has beon thoroughly j renovated, and a largo ell added doubling its CAPACITY. K.M-r tlilnic will Im' found nml mul rli'un AMU tiik Tulilif lll Ix mipplK'it IHl Hi" t"! Hi tt AKKKT .WUHU. (iK.OK(!i: HKHHKIVr Pn-prUtor. ii i 1 PARRY Ko. 70?--JL-- Tiio 3Dallcc 3iT-o.rccxicc7 RAWSON & WEBER ritoPKIKToliK 0 Have oti liiind n full Hiiply of Fruit, Shinto mid Oriiaiin ntiil trvo; grap vinoH, Miiall fruitM, 11 nt mid SliruMM-ry. llo nuro to ifi-t ur jirlixti tK-fon- iiiri luiliii;i l' lion'. IU-inoinU r our tn in are ijriiu n ntrlotly w ithout Irritation. THE DALLES. OREGON V. A. Sl.lM.l lil.ANI, IMtd Aii nt. WHOLESALE & BETAIL. BRAN SHORTS MIDDLINGS ROLLED WHEAT OATS BARLEY SEED GRAIN SPECIALLY SELECTED. As I grind and make my own f od, I am iroi..reil (o wit at lowoat jirlct. Write for quotations. W. H. LOCHHEAD. ----- Tha Dallas Oregon Crandall & Burget, DKALFJ-S 1M ALSO CARRY Fiirmuire, Carpets, YindowSlmdessEtp. A Full Line of UnderMing Goods. Mail Orders Pronplly Attended to 1 GG Second St. The "Dalles. Or. Olinger 1. T j nn.' r llllll 1UUII Oak Stmt, near rslffut, 1IQ0D 1UVK1!, ORUQON. Wc have First-Clivss Sttx-k ami ftllU tMUltllO i lom!8. A Fine Four-Ilor$o Conch, puitublo for fi.shmg or excarfion p?rtiei, carries "nine pasMMigcrB. Purlieu taken to any accefph bla point. Keliabh drivern. Our Dray ddivere bajrpago or frvight nnywliero ia the Valley Charges Kcaonublo, FRANCISCO, CAU Lowoat prload iiooil wnijona on aorth. I or 2 seats. S. L. YOUNG. Ht'lVI'iHMOlt TO I'.. IIW'K, I,KAU.KIN ,,, N ,, w Alvl , IIAMO.MS, JHWKI.nV t ANDSIIA'KUWAIIK, AIXO Optical Goods. Fino Watch Ropalrlng a Specl nlty. Second St. Th Dallos. Or. ymbi WHEAT OATS BARLEY COTTON SEED MEAL OIL CAKE & Bone, mm Outfits, Doublo Uucgiea. Hacki' Stales, ,1. i