6AFK AND EtTKCTlV K. Bramrktu'h ru.in an tin." safo-4 ami moat elVotttvc reuuMy for liulir,!tion, Ir regularity of the How elf. Ootiliimtiou, Kil ioiisiu'ss, Heailiu'lic, Piauitiosn, Malaria, or any disease arising from an imjuro state of the llooi. Tliev liave Imimi in viho in this countrv tor over lilt v veais, anil the thou sands of uniniHarlial'le testimonials !'" those who have usiil them, and their eon utantly increasing sale, is ineontroverlilOe evidonoe that they port'orm all that is claimed for them. HmNi'KKTH's l'u. l.s are purely vegetahle. ahsolulely harmless and sale to take at any time. Sold in every drug and medu'-.ne store, either jdain urmigar-eoated. The irolilliillnll naturally miM in't Us W.v kliould he meet a lisly cnmlni: iIii-oukIi the rye.' ' "iiwm' Bmnrhuit Tf " ill rrlU'V itroucliitis, Asthma, Catarrh ami Throat diseases. Kettmiriiut an' so i-rowdi-d nowaday Ihnl nuif but the brave olilnlii the lure. Vm Kuameline Stove rollsh; no dust; uoamoll. Tby Giirmk for breakfast. SEEDS AI.I. IM'K SKK1S AKK TKsVKil. If you wmit the very best K'esW that you know will prow, iil I'.isli priri', write us. F. L. POSSON &. SON, w77hSus 2d Street Portland, Oregon. Front St. StOP tlOLZXt Chronic Cough Now:! For It you do not It may become con- .umpilie. Fit VommmptioH, Ormfulft, j J (rMrrrii iMiiy an J Hanlina J)i.ruil, I Uiero U nothlns like I SCOTT'S ULSiorj Of Pure Cod Liver Oil and HYPOPHOSPHITES Of Lime nut! BocIm. It Is almost as pnliitubln (is milk. Far better than other socnlled Ewulaloua. A wonderful flusli producer. Scott's Emulsion ( There are poor Imitations. Get Vie genuine. Faber's Golden Female Pills. For Female Irregular tties: uotbiiiK likeihem on the market Sever fail. Successfully used by prominent ladle, monthly. Guaranteed to relieve suppressed menstruation. SURE1SAFE! CERTAINI Don't be humbn?e4 gave Time, Health, ndmoney;take no oili er. 8ent to any addresa, ecu re by mail on re ceipt of price, $iOO. Address, THE APHRO MEDICINE COKPAflT. Western Branch, Box 27, eoUTUkHO, OV Bold by Wusok Dice Co.. Portland, Or. Old Gold sad SIItot Bought; send your old Guld tnd BUrer by mail tc the old unl relisble hou ot A. Coleman, 41 Third street, San Francisco; I will send bf return mail the cash, according to assay; it the amounl Is ant aatislaetorr will return gold. STEIN WAY, Gabler and Pease Planoi Meaning the Best Piaso Madk, and the tarorlu cheaper Pianos; all Musical Instruments; Bands Sui piled; large stock of 8taet Mualo. Steinwa Hali. a06aad 203 Post Street; Matthias G&aT Uo. 01 and hs our new rooms an4 nnw stock. HAY FEVER CURED TO STAY CURED. We want the name and ad- dressot every sufferer in the & ACTUM A U.S. and Canada. Address, HV I nllln P.HsroldHTst.M.D,BaIslo,ll.T. C R ACI N -VALES BICKFORD, VInWIIB) ATTORNEYS,' 91 " STKEET, WASHINGTON, I), t : SPKCIAL ATTENTION .IVKN TO LA Nli.M IN INO AND IN'UIAN DKPKEUATION CLAIM YOU WANT IT! OUR NEW CATALOGUE MAILED FREE TO ANY ADDRESS. SEND FOR ONE. WILL HIKMN FfiimO, C AL CENDROri BICYCLE SAFETY FOR LAW EH AND GKXTLEMEX. Handsomest Wheel in the market. Ktrietly Hli,'h Grade in every piirticuliir. Cushion Tires, Tan gent Spokes, from 35 to 115. bend for Illus trated Catulogue, free. KELLOCC & HALL, Pacific Coast Agts., 15 First Mt., San Francisco, Cal J. McCRAKEN & CO., DEALERS IN Roche Harbor Lime, Portland Cement, Gol den Gate and Utah Plaster, Hair, Fire Brick and Fire Clay. LAND PLASTER. 60 North Front Street, Cor. D, POKTLASD, OK. HOYT & CO. Want an agent iu every town in Oregon, Wash ington and Idaho to sell PIANOS and ORGANS On commission. No stock or cupiiitl needed. Music teachers preferred. Special rutes on ull goods. Write for particulars. PORTLAND, OR. N. P. N. U. No. 407 -R. F. N. U. No. 484 Have Been Imitated, But Never Excelled They Are Beyond Comparison ! We Make 90 per cent. Of the Wire Mats Sold in America. ', f"HARTMAN FLE XI BLE"fA VW" hp that vour mat has brasn tag attached stamped HARTMAN MFC. COMPANY, Works, BEAV Write for our TtHlimoinal Booklet and GUATEMALA'S BIRD OF LIBERTY. The Qiiril la IMi'turtnl mi l'oU SUIIlil, but Vrliltiill ll. "What do you call thos liirvlaf" askid a visitor to thi ator of a well known down town taxidermist, lvintiiitf to a couplo of feathensl civiit linn, Isiuud aojiartitoly in jvijut, with the tails and luvids protruding, and showing a gorgeom pluumpv They werv drusl and ivady for slullhig. The ImhIv of teh, ineliidiiig the head, was, rliii'M, live iiiehea long, hut. throw ing the tail into the measurement, either hird would have ro qiiirvil a four foot tno to oonnevt the (Hiint of lis lnnk wilh tiie tip of its longest tail fiiitln-r. Ihie of the Inr.ls had two long feather in its tail, and the other had two shorter onts; hut naiure, as if to compensate for this disaritv of phmuie, had given the hud, that would otherwise have Iwn clearly at a disadvantage, third and middle fenlher that was very long indeed. 1'ivsls adormsl the heads, and white cotton had Uxu stulUsl into tlie eye cavities. "This," sa.id the dealer tenderly, taking one of them up in his hand, "is the ipie.al, or bird of lilvrty of tiuatemala. It is to l found only in a small portion of the country, and is now very rarely seen at all. A genii man who was recently in Central America managed to secure this pair, and left them wilh mo to U ilnwil anil mounted, the rnvple dow n there Is'ing able only to dry and preserve them, CJiii'..'il is to tiuatemala what the eagle is to the I'mtod States of America its national bird. Its picture. rather distorted, is stamped on many of Guatemala's coins, and engraved on ail the postage. stamp of that country. Whether it took its name from the ancient capital, or the old metropolis was called after it, is a question not fully sottl.sl, but ipie.jil is t lie title of both. The quezwil has, as you must jx'itvive, great personal advantages over the eagle, even in it wild state, and we are all familiar with the ledragglod apoamnc of the eageil eagle. "Now, the quezal is never cagisl longer than a few hour It is truly a bird of liberty, and it dies almost iunmsliatelv when enpturol. Its pride in its rear feathers is evidently dearer than its love for life. When one of theu accidentally gets soiled or broken the bird goes to its not, sits down and dies. If it m caught iu a trap it is always found dead, and when the young birds are taken from the nest they die at once. Occasionally a quezzal has lieen captuitsl. and in a few seconds restored to liberty, but the eoiitami nation of the hand could not lo removed with the grasp, and it droppiit lifeless to the earth before it had tlowu many yards. They are brought down for mercantile purposes, when the opportunity presents itself, with erv small shot tired at long range. lUe quezzal builds a round roofed nest, like the home of the wren, only instead or one now there are two, directly opsite each other. Thus the bird avoids the tail breaking neces sity of turning around to make its exit. It goes iu at one side and out at the other, and the long feathers, which wave gently in the air, at resting time are slowly and cuutiously drawn after it." i An American yuack Abroad. Brighton has recently enjoyed thi proneo ' of a quick who, ui-oording to his own acV j count, has left it '7,U0 richer than when he came, and who certainly has managed to I make a very considerable um of money j from the credulous. The quack is understood to have begun life in America. He pitched his show on a piece of ground in the North Road, Brighton, which is usually let for shows. His charge for extracting a tooth (without pain) was a shilling, uud four shil ; lings for seeing a patient; for this the patient w rublsfd liehind a rug held up by two of j the lookers on, and supplied with a bottle of I medicine and a tnittle of liniment. The lat ter had a very strong smell, some say of tur pentine, others of eucalyptus. The quack j explained that the liniment was uenveu from flowers or the prairie, wnicn nan rieen dinned in a mvstcriois well in Vesica The ! practitioner has now departed, but it dots not say much for the common sen.se of Brigh ton that he should have reaped so rich a har vest there. When he was not drawing teeth or rubbing patieuts he used to drive about in a gold chariot dmwn by four horses and pro ceeded by a brass band. London Truth. COPYBIC.HT 1B90 A prompt return of your money, if you get neither benefit nor cure. Risky terms for the doctor, but safe and sure for the patient. Everything to gain, noth ing to lose. There's just one medi cine of its class that's sold on these conditions just one that could be Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery. It's a peculiar way to 6ell it but it's a peculiar medicine. It's the guaranteed remedy for all Blood, Skin and Scalp Diseases, from a common blotch or eruption to the worst Scrofula. It cleanses, purifies and enriches the blood, and cures Salt -rheum, Tetter, Eczema, Erysipelas, and all manner of blood taints, from whatever cause. It costs you nothing if it doesn't help you. The only question is, whether you want to be helped. "Golden Medical Discovery" is the cheapest blood - purifier sold, through druggists, because you only pay for the good you get. Can you ask more? The "Discovery" acts equally well all the year round. Made by the World's Dispensary Medical ! Association, at 603 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Why? Because They are Odorless, Everlasting And " BeBt." Habtman.'' ER FALLS. PA. Illustrated Calalogue Mulled Free. Si?"5 1 1 BROOM MAKING, AN INDUSTRY CAPITALIST WHERE HOLDS THE SMALL HiS OWN. The llr.iom tenter of the fouiilrjr. Orinvlli of a Iti-mim I seliu The Trade In New York t'ltj A Trlek of (he Trade, Thrtv Is olio Industry In tho country la i Hhi.-li the email capitalists have ln'cti h In to hold their own iitf.'iiiisl tho wealth iest men iu il, and thai l t ho Industry of hroom niakiiu;. It isu business in which a journeyman of skill and prudence- cau hope to 'establish himself, if he wishes, w it hilt a very few years after lie has learned his trade. The process of broom making is eiiuple, and et il is siieh tlit machinery has uexer lieeu devised for tili nitii; out a completed broom, and, be yond the sum necessary to erect such au establishment as will permit of a cer tain division of the labor, au abundance of capital is of no special advantage. The broom center of the country Is iu New York elate, the largest establish ments and the best workmen beiliij located iu the Mohawk valley. The lime was when the Mohawk valley was I ho reat broom corn raisim: center of the country, too, but the less tuH and m filmy and more succulent and prolllable cabbage has driven the wavy ureen tasseU of turnout corn from the flats which were once their favorite trowing place. It was because of the prolttlc v icld of corn there lu former years that the trade of making brooms became so well established. A liuoovi ( louY. The rowlhof a broom factory la In teresting. A youiii; man of economical habits learns the trade, and, havini? learned it well, is able to do the equiva lent of turning out from bM to 1 '.'. or lot) complete brooms a day. As a matter of fact, iu well regulated shops no mail makes complete broom, but vuty olio part of it, but. the journeyman having learned his trade well can do enough work usually at piece prices to earn from to f :l a day. Out of this ho oimht, to save .i(H before stariiiu; in trade tor himself. Willi this sum he can buy enough ma chinery lat a cost of $ loll) ami stin k to eet from three to live men at work and keep them piim; until returns come in from the sales. That is a very modest capital, but since the machinery costs to little, men have started on :Iimi, and cv u less, and made notable successes iu tho trade noes. Second hand tools can lie had sometimes for $til) cjr $s;i)t u couple of bales of corn would coet perhaps $;io, 500 handles ifli.oO more, ami other supplies f'.Vi, and then the man is ready to eet up shop and make all the brooms his neigh bors can use, at least. The trade in New York city calls for about l"iil,0tH) do.en brooms a year. The majority of them are made in Amsterdam and oilier towns alonu the Mohawk river. Manv cniiie frnin .Icrsey, however. The factories are unpretentious wooden build Ins. Steam power iu the bit ter factories Ls iiseil in' (ititchlni? the Iii'ikiiii and iu winding the wire aroiiiul the corn where it is seemed to the handle. The largest factory in the business, accordim; to a New York dealer, turns out 1,'HMi brooms a day, or twice as many as the New York city trade demands. In such a factory a man's work is equivalent to the making of from 'JiH) to '."iO brooms a day, accurd im: to the quality of the brooms. Of the trade ill tiie corn a dealer eaid: "The manufacturers buy their corn in the west. Kansas corn has Ihe best reputa tion iu this market, but Missouri, Ne braska and Illinois raise a ureal deal. The crop as very sm all in Kansas this year, ,1Mli I ( s u better t hall anv other slate. An ordinary crop is otto to -100 pounds to the acre. If a farmer gets 500 pounds he pays oil some of his morti;ai;e, and when tho crop readies l!(M) pounds he buys a new silk dress for his wife and a piano for his daughter. And yet there is not such a terrible profit in it. it britms all the way from if so to lill a ton in New York, the ordinary brooms requiring stock; that now sells for from sfHHJ to .? 10 a ton. It costs :f J5 a ton to net it here from Kansas and if 15 from Illinois, The mid dle man out there must have his commis sion, uiul so must the New York mer chant. If a farmer receives if','0 an acre for his crop he is lining well; still that is better than wheat at sixty cents it bushel. BUOOVl coiiX is IIAI.KS. "The corn comes to this market in littles averaging 00 pounds each. The corn from the prairies is lulled with lath and wire, but some Ohio corn comes here with very liberal chunks of wood to keep the bales from tumbling to pieces The wood Bells at the same price as the corn, if the buyer doesn't notice it. Sometimes the prairie farmer gets even with the Ohio man by dropping a sod or two into the bunch. "The corn on the average will make 1,000 brooms to the ton, although in some fancy brands of extra heavy brooms as much as lifty pounds Is used for a dozen brooms. In the parlor brooms sold at the groceries tw o to two and cue-quarter pounds are used. There is quite an export trade in broom corn in ordinary times and in brooms in other times. With low prices on the corn the corn is shipped, but when the broom makers have a spurt, as they sometimes do, and flood the market, no broom trust having yet been formed, brooms are sold so low as to enable merchants to send them to Cuba and South America. Very little broom corn is ordinarily sent to Kurope, the fields "til sout hern Franco and of Italy supplying the Kuropean market. "What is the trick iu tiiistrude, if there be tricks in all trades!'" was usked of a dealer in broom corn. "It is in making poor corn look like good. The best article has a healthy green color, like well cured timothy hay. That color indicates toughness, with proper flexibility. The cheap stuir, worth $80 a tou, is of a sickly yellow or lemon color Nothing is easier than to give to the yel low corn a bath in a green dj'e, so as to give it the appearance of first color corn until after it is sold. Manufacturers who use only the uncolored corn ussert that the doctored stuff bus Paris green in it, and that when Urn untidy housewife takes a broom splint to try her cake or pick her teeth, she is toying with a deadly poison. The men who make the dye suy it is a harmless vegetable compound. People who will use broom corn splints for such purposes may, perhaps, be frightened from an untidy habit by fear of poison, but no case has yet been recorded where any one was poisoned by a broom splint." Xew York Sun. How Slin Was Dressed. A.1 How was your wife dressed? Guz zler She had on an absinthe dress, with Chnnibertin colored ribbons and a cognao colored bonnet trimmed which enhanced the berry brandy eyes. as a botua ox Jouauiiiaberg. xown Topica. - - , She looked as pretty 0I Carta in Portland. Uealera, write for prleea. For further information call ou or addreas A MVHI'KltV. How the looimii loxteiii ever recover (Tom the lm.il clte t el the iiuiimhiiiii lticillclne ulleli liter it 1 1 poutvtl lute It txr Ihe iil(lvv rellel ul ,l sx itti, l er coiiiiihitut, cutiliiilliui, rlu'ii miillMn uiul nther iilliiiciitii In N iiiyntery. I lie iiilM'hlcf iloiie hy hml iiieillcliui U nciovelv lt'D thiol Unit cjtuct hy .Iiiu'hv II they who me 'nk, hlllini, ih H'tlc, eoimltmlel of rheu Hint lo Moiihl clleiicr U' Klihh'il to thccx'thiicc l tu nl lil. hii hn v iIihiviikIiIv lenleil Ibwlet ter n M.oion h Ulilein, Ihey woulil Iu every In Mioii'c iihhilu the sncillc. mil ileilviihle Irom riittoiiiil iiii'illcntloii Thl ineillcliie In il neiirch tut; Mini nt Hie moiic lime it IhoroiiKhly Mile rem cih, del iv eil (nun v eueliihle eiuce uiul mi tcusltis, til cuiihciiui'lirc ul Hit ImisIh ul pure hir tlx, 'hi nlm n it iniilli'liiiil 1liiiulmil licit he (i'IiiI'I In the Iters lucid hlllera mul lliiiiiliiul ulleil reviled lii h Ihe ilehlllliitcd, dvH'ie and Uiit:tii'l. II iv tin; "ii tin ul lime" Ik like emixtluit III will ler: lor h pleiisiue luslliik n iiiliiule you nre coin IH'lleil lo ai I k iqi a leei hill lllleeli inliiuli'o. IIKlMiMI AlltM'T lV A riiosi'itir. I l K T tllUO, I am Hot iilinliiil In eoliv lin e iiientiil htihlen, " Indeed llmt immiIiI W (ruilli'M without the nee csMiry ciilluteil lulelleel thill liuikeii IokIc Hi'1I eiilile. force, hrlllliou v mid orliiiiiiilllv even are no eiimii lo iiltnck a uliive w Ith. Kol ninny ceiiluiieit the luedlciil iirl wa luslued iilnnil hy a (iroicrlplive Inlnm w hlcli It, an et, Iiiik not mir vlved. I he hiiiinl lor inuhlerliiK (mill lo the i'iuilly of liiihei lllty h I n 1 1 1 1 x I iiiii the lueiitnl niUU rol Hie iivenike liidh lilitiil In reliill.iu lo medicine mnl iiiisllelne men, I he mill of the litiiol.vtitli ceiilui) Iiiik not vet dun lied upon hl Intelli'iiiiiil hiiri.Hi. He, I. pother till his Ideal medicine iiiiiii. Nilll lill.rriuilei. In the K""l old diiv' of the dink ai!e, w lieu It wm hud form to lie I lslliie He llll ' ttcllctcn" 111 hleisllnu. h'.l-leiiiu:. M'liillliiu. iMiivluii mid eiillliu He loves col'liiim diisiMil hnrse iiii'dlellie, lledi IlKhle III iisMilo'Uda mid I'liloiuel alld enrlaille in el. I In v me ei'iii.tilerci liiilisK iisiille; m well reiiiiuded iiuiilU . vv Ull ekinv liUcUce!" anil alsh'inluiil deieliii'inenl. coiiKldcrs llell mile w llholll Hlnse hllllllv llireK. I hee I do lint W lll to enliven; thev are Ihe l!li V mi W liiklen ttml w III 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 ne to sliiiiiher llimimh thin mid liroh nlitv Ilironiili the neM eeiitmy. I hey play no r.'le In Ihe wnrld " hlsturv. 1 hey live; Ihev die. Nn moll lltlielll llinrkx Ihelr toruotlell nepllleher. Iluiiiiitillv vvimiiol enriched hv llietr enlrnnii'; It Iiiis lost iiiilhliu; h) Hielrexll. Tlicy are drill w uml on tlie ulii'ie nt (line, and Itoutwitli tin1 eldi mnl tide id i l i 1 1 1. ' 1 1 x Ihev have llihetlliil (roin Hu ll aiilhnniiorplile aminiy. So, Il U lint In these I w Isll to adillvsn in self, hill to Ihe Hiliikiini ones, w In mi a tlnninht docn not throw lute no eplleplle pnroxy sui ; w ho Inv e know leils'e lor il ow ii snke; w lin are w Ilium to 'meHUiite the iiulli or nilsllv of nuv iuoi.istoii. iiinl.ouce ciiiiv lin ed, u 111 stiiiid hy II Hiroiik'h all the urltii ,l. i-- ul a i 'IlllltcrtllK and delnveil civ lllntlnll Inllie-e tint Ihe elinlleri rs, hill Hie thlukeni I commend the llistntenellc Svslein (or limntl ...ill. mi mi. I Villi eluel.liile ullli lileimiire all!' ,!i.--il.iii not siulieleiitly clear III liook, w hleli will he sent Iree lo any ml.lriw. lr. Jordan' olllce is at the reaidence of ex-Mavor Yesler. Third and Jamea. t'oiisiiltatiotia and prescript lonaabaolutiv v tree. feud for free book explainin the I! into irenetic svslem. ( vition.-- 1 lie Histotreiietic. .Meuicinea are sol. I in but one aceiicy in each tow n, the label around the bottle bears the fol lowing iiiscnption : "l'r. J. Kueiie Jor dan, llistoirciiciio Medicine." Kvery other device is a fraud. EEI of nil kinds mid Iu anv n nan lily w hole mile and relntl l tail mck prices. E. J. BOWEN, 65 Front Street, Portland, Or. Iff Send lof cntnlnflle. TRESES DRIED FRUIT Wi'l he pinny und cheap thin year. New A KicOTt, 1'KAOIK-i, N'K'TAMINIU, A HI KS. t-liKKKIlU, bUU-K- aKKKiKu uow utlrrmg. Weijuole Arjrlcoti, fine - 7, B. 10. 12J4 Peachet , choice - - ,0i '2 Nectarine, extra - 8,10, 12 Apples, bright 7, B, 10 Ap.ilea, al.len ilrinl 12 Or jpe, i-lm, s kh! 3,4 Kailinl, ilijo, s r lt O, 6, 7,'i Prunea, ijgn, go d 7, 8, 0 Bl ickberrh a, i-i.i, fine H. IS Cherrie, pined. ' 50,25 Fig, 16.31, tUtk CaU . 6 Other fruiisln variety. The above are for fine quality; dark, old. or inferior I.im we olfrr lower. Sinai1 uiwount 10 Hotels, Ihwrdinu House,, Dealer,, and oilier iaije buyer. Canned k j1 are lower; see ne xl paper. V oiler a general variety ol goedt for family Uia at cloe prices, and want a .hare of your trade. Aik f"r 40-page catalogue free. AdUre SMITHS' OASH STORE, 416-413 Front Sfc,Sm Zrunolsoo I5egtCoU)rh Medicine, Cures where all else fails, taste. Children take it without objection. Hy ilrttKKiHts. Before you buy aknythingAsk two questions "Do I reakll-v4?";Ca,n 1 do - -want- rt?clYkj$r these quesHorfemay rf)5,"keyou rich burrhey will neverTSfprevenl- you from buying SAPOLI O 5 Its uses are many and so are its friends; for where it is once used it is always used. Tc clean house without it is sheer folly, since it does the1 work twice as fast and twice as well. Boy Your Own Goods ii Your ADVANCE THRESHERS, THE BEST IN AMERICA. Chemical Fire Engines and ExtliiKiiIrihers, with nlnser. lne 1 Maehlnery, I'tnnpB ol all K1I1UH, limns liOOHH, ripe aim riiuuK luster of her black- Hiiu.kMiniih iirlHaand ForireH. Binririea. Hurries. Hnrlmand Kxpreas WaiouK, tiie larirent asHortmeD' , IT . IL'.nnnhnu I II h.l.l.llllw. II . f'lllir.in Uillin.1 Allfl ITlirm Ul. I: H lllll IIIIU Ullli 1(1 111 II r. IL T. WRIGHT, Foot of Morrison Street, PORTLAND, OR. I' AT A It Kit CAN'T UK I'tllKU Willi I 111' VI. A 111 II "A III N si. a Ihev Clltlllol leach Ihu enl ul Hie dlseiisii I mm ill In a blond or eoiisillntlniiiil dlsi'ime, mid In older to cum II Voll 1 1 H V u lo lake llllellilll lelni'dleu, ll.lllslil ianh Cure U Inken liileinally. mnl nela dlieelly nil Ihe hlnod and liiucoua mil Inees. Hull s i n mini u n i no iiiin s mi ' .."-.- .. I I I II... I ..I.I allllll III III I I . CUI'CII HI I'll!' Ol Ilie inni ..."l, I.,..- ... 1'ininliy lor veai", and Is a icuulm pHsciipilnii. II is I mil i isi 1 1 hi nn- nisi ii.ni. s , .., hlued wilh Ihe lnl hlond piiilllcn) ilnudt .. ...I I I....... I I... l.i.l'li.Kl l-.llll rci -l I V oil I ill' lion mis -ii i nn i in hlnniloii ol Ihe two liiKiedleiils w lint pnidiires .....l. L.ilnl s.niillk ill eiii'lii. l.iVlli Sl'llil tor lestllllnllhlU (I.e. V. J. I III.M V 'V I ' , I tiipiif mis, loii 'io, ii. Sold l illUKKlsIs,: pilee, ,.i cenls. V s.uenk mid a Npieal I he Vineilciiii pin has got llllo iiellllilllV l.el I III' I nuie aiiieiu I II.KHI I'll.K.NI I'll. KM I Ir. Wllllauu' ludlaa I'lln (Unliueiil will cum llllml. nlisnlliui and Iti'lilnn Piles when all oilier olutiiielita have lallisl. It ahsorha the liuimis, allava the llelllmi al nnee. acta lis a iiiitillli'V, Iti' llislanl relief, l'r Wllllaina' Indian I'lle tiliiliiient la prepared euljr lor I'llea and llehlim nf tho private part, and nothing rise. Kverv tail la warranted, noiu nv uriiKUisia, or inn wj wall on rueelpt of price, fM' and II per Inn. WI1.I .1.1AMS MAM'rt M'HIMI i n.. rroprMora, Clevelainl, t), Muki iivnt Horn., Ihlrd and 1 atieels, I'ortland. l''irst class iiccouiiiiodalloua. Kate,$l Ui$I..Mi per day. Jacob liana, Prop. TMK IIOI.TON HOI Sl foil I I. Wll.llll. teliliiiily located: Ainerlemi .t filh'peiiii pliiu; tlrsl class; ri'iisnunhle nitea. ('. W Kohv , prop. OXI$ RNJOYPI Both the niethihl ami ifniiltn when Syrup of Fig is taken; it in iilcawuit niid refrcdhing to tho liixto, and Ji'U pentlyyct promptly on tlm Iviilnc)', liivcr and IWelri, clcaiiwii tho eys tern cfl'ccttially, Hhh1 cold.t, licad ichca and levers ami cures lialiitu. coiiHtipation M'riiiatitMitly. For nalo in tilX and (1 lottlc ly nil (InijjgwU CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. St MAHCISC0. Cl. LOUISVILLE, Kt. At: 10HK. H.t. PIANOS ORGANS. WINTER I HARPER, 71 Morrison Street, Portland, Or. ff ' H HOOK 1.1 IIO I I I.. Illl.h Ht.ls-t Mailt Jiiliirrr 4 SUliniiie, H K : coinhielail i Isilh lh Kumiman anil Amerlcau lil Ill's Hotel U umt tiia iiianaaviimit I'liarh-n Mnotanuirry ami la lh li.l k.1,,11. siiil llimlntwa Men lintel In Han Krn Olson Iliiine niodolta, cuisine uiirturllnL ttrstv-Ual nnloe, hliiheat ataiiilanl nf riwiwruMIHy uaranUs-il Heard aiuinsiin is.r ilar. 1 to 'J 1"'. aliinw nana. 61 oeuts tu 10U pr-r iila-lit. rrtw aavch Wi and fn.ui Uh mm) QNLY! btjlieoeral and KEHV0US htLUITYi j'IWeknMof Body anil Kiad, EffneU lllof Errortor Etcesaet in 0! J or Younr, Koassl. aht aMI'MH rslif nssi.ir.fi. ii-w is.sisrw. lrslli.l HHlrUII'lHllU lle.KIl. tllllf, ir.Misi.ir .if.iiisi una a tinssrarvT-HsMau ia th iMlllrrrssi illMilHul rrl( rsulrls. Wrlu lk.. liMfrlbll fst siplsnstlna as4 rors rasll.4 'Isfli frs iZZZ (Rig jfllTDICAL CO., (BUFFALO, N. V. pnrtli.ii'l, Ore0m. A. I'. ArnistiniiK. I'rln. Ilrain Ii ss lnsil; 1 a i' 1 a 1. lies. ( 01. 1. no-, Siih in iimkhii Milne cnursea nf attlily, same rnles nt tuilliin. It 11 si 11 ss. Short hand, Tytiriftnf, Vcnmtnnif, ami t.nglixh V.t'wwj'i A'rf'lll M-mluii UiriMlttlMHU Hit iil. mil'M-m-i an Miu- lieeotiiinended by rhysitiang. l'leanant anil agreeable to the Dealer Does Not Garry Them. PARRY CARTS AND ROAD WAGONS, Best and Cheapest In the World. Carts, $15 Up. Wagons, $50 Up. Fire Hobo and Department Supplied, Steam I,nundrj h, iiiuii'Oi'K niHpiriuora, Murine nun 1 .1 mm wiii:ue FORE. Tli tlrluei or im.lll.nf reim ilr lor p l' do net coliul-i In h" 'v" ...uul for ii'ilij a mher n'llli'dli'"."'!'! Clllier mm-"" , ,, fuel that It I. t-etler H i""" iminpl ami .are, ' Ml. vil'll' llu. sni'i llle piirHi.a, It l linlailMm taiiu ... J , i. .. . I il L .ui ill at iVM III IIS! ST- JACOD8 OIL THE GREAT REMEDY FOR PAiN, IS THEIDESTa It It the beat cur for U l' I1"1! tnd It ho'.da THE TRUE PROOF. To thli ipiellln fuel Arelililaliupa, Utah. 0, nrruyiMrn. !"'' lelor. .! rnora. tirnrrala. Henatora, Mrmbera at ( iiiiKrraa anil lilaUtura. V. . t iMNiula. Army ami Ny Orllr.r. Major, and ouii lal., ii atiry and uulto In naylnm "w utlrri'd pain; OTHER REMEDIES FAILED, and HI Jai'nlia Oil nirvd iminpt'.X and J'" Baufiilly " For Ihe aanie n-awn THE POOR MAN fadi what hiiamka and Uifda. I not iUhI1 aud will liava It at an price. " DO YOU WANT Any ly r irl t'.in t l a if;, 5 S.ilfiy I lit t If. Ii.tiul snint'ly innl', itl fvny iinjirtivfitifiit, ly sfmlitij to tin1 S.in I 'r.ini isit) I'iX'l lN INCi POST tin- names nf TWENTY-FIVE SUBSCRIBERS IO Till' - WEEKLY POST For ( )iir Vt'.tr, wilh $1.50 I'nf M(ll sill rsi'lil iT. Thr WI'liKI.V POST is du llest ntvsi.ijir uftkly in America. There are two styles of the Safety Picycle one for 1ms ami one for jirls. They are the most heautiful ma chines ever I n ought lo San I'rancisco. Mvcry loy who has won one is tlelihtetl with it. LET EVERY BOY AND GIRL ON THE PACIFIC COAST BEGIN AT ONCE. The names must he sent in ;ts soon as you t:t them, together with the money. 1 )o not wait till you get th; whole numher. Address tin; KVI'NTNO POST, San I'rancisco, Cal. BEST and SAFEST OIL Manufactured. si mm. Give This Oil a Trial. -ANIl- YOU WILL USE NO OTHER. "THE SPECIFIC A NO. I." pircs. alliinnntiiral illHcliarKnanf men, no matti-r nf how Iihik Hiiinillnjt. I'rt- YOUNG vi-iiin aineuiii', it Im-Iiik uii Internal ronioily. Cnrna when everyililiiK lm liaatu li'il. Irli isl tui ?M.....r. MEN! .i . "'iwii.im. in. mm nil aiMilli'iulnii. Hnlilhy UriiKKlHlsorHi'iit nn rein-lpi or prlrai hy Tim A. Hi linuu lielt Mi'illi'lim Co., fan June, Cal. FRAZER AXLE Best in the World! Get the Genuine! GREASE AM) HKCt'HK pilKltlollH. tip- ....hi... illluiiui irdaw.r,r Aililn.uM.I (' WIi'VMiiiii, ..,w..T 1 1 "1 a 11 If. SAFETY BICYCLE? oai Oil it MaVM 1.10,5