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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1891)
mi tt vol. HOOD RIVKH. OREGON, SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 19, 18SII. NO. 16. 2Kood Ivjver (alacier. rcai.iiusn ivmr iutubiat horhiko ir The Glacier Publishing Company. I HMCItlPTlUN PHIl'K. An. ymt m n luotilhl , Of Tht. nmiillit. . , , K Injil. cop t Cm OKO. . MORGAN, Ul. Ohltf Clot II Un.l Offlr Jmutl :: ,tiv :: MpciMfiliHt. Room No. t, Offlr. Hulltllng, Tim PAI.I.M, OR. O. D. TAYLOR, Real Hstalc Broker, Firr, Life and Accident Iniuranci. Money Loaned on Real Estate Security OSV, Kf'iii h 4 Co ' Hullillnf , TIIK HAI.I.M. OIIIUJON. THE GLACIER Barber Shop Grant Evans, Propr, lrouJ Si., itrtr Unk. Hood River, Or. Sliaving ami II. ir rutting aratly dun. S.ln(. linn PACIFIC COAST. Nevada is to Have a Gold Boom. DROUGHT IN NEW MEXICO. San Clemento Island Reported to Be the Soeno of a Land-Claim Excitement. Sand for making glass lutH lcn found near SjKikiiiu'. Vancouver, 15. C, ha h population of 13,085, and Victoria, It. C, 10,010. The drought in the southern portion of New Mexico iH causing Iom to stock. Tli" biggest run of Halinon know n for yt'iirM ha appeared in the Skiijfit river. Tin1 mackerel along the out hern coast of (California are said to lie fat, plentiful ami biting freely. Many witnesses in the Davis will con test at Butte, Mont., ure now testifying to the genuineness of the document. Nevada 1h to be boomed with gold taken from the Zirn mine at Tine Nut. Marvelous Btories are told of the rich nee of the quartz in that camp. The glut of potatoes in Southern Cali fornia continues. In one Hection they are Using ottered at 5 cents a Hack in the ground, the buyer to dig them. The schooner Hamilton LewiH, Captain Alexander Mclx-an, has I wen captured liv a Russian gunltoat w hile pouching off Copper Island in Kubhuui waters in the Behrtng Sea. Oliver Roberts, Charles Colburn and A. S. Harney have incorporated at Car Hon, Nev., the Mountain View, Valley View and Mascot mines under one beau, with a capital stock of $1,000,000. At Visalia. Cal., an attempt was made by some unknown party to poison a nnmler of boarders of Mrs. McDermitt by introducing into the material with which the lady made ice cream croton oil. Eleven persons wore made sertoiiB ly UL Bert Fessler of Washington, D. C, lias been appointed master of the young men's dormitory at the Leland Stanford (Jr.) University, and C. II. Johnson of San Francisco has been appointed chief engineer at the Stanford University, vice A. II. Fisko resigned. Within the last few days every foot of the San Joaquin river from Hampton ville to a point above Millerton has been covered with mining claims. It is le lieved the bed of the river is tilled with gold, and a survey has been made with a view of turning the river from its Rich iron ore has been struck in the San Ysidro mine, a few miles below En senada, Lower California. A letter re ceived at San Diego, Cal., says that a vein was just uncovered, 1,000 feet long and 00 feet deep, which seems practically to have no end to it. San Dieguns are going to inspect it. It has been decided by a City Justice i-t Stockton, Cal., that a man can work Vnd yet be a vagrant under the new va grancy law. The court convicted a young man, although it appeared from the evi dence that the defendant bad worked during all the time he was alleged to be a dissolute person. The " California Colored Colonization Society " proposes to bring 5,000 negroes into California this year. The Secretary of the society at Fresno says: "We have seven sections of land in Fresno county and Borne in Shasta, and these two counties will receive the bulk of our people for the present." THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. Meinour Niinlrn H. II. Would Nut II. v. the ClllllPatl It is estimated at theTreiiHiiry Depart ment i hat there Ii'im been an increase of over $0,(MHI,(HIO in cash holding since August I , representing a decrease In the public debt to that amount according to the old form of debt statement. Immigrant Commissioner Owen has directed that the four laborers who re cently arrived in the I'embina from Can ada be returned to that country, having union into the United Htate in violntion of 1 1 m alien liilmr law. The men are employed by David Meyers of I'ltlHburg, N. P. The Comptroller of the Currency ban authorized the establishment of the First National Hank of ItoHclmrg, Or. ; capital stock, $.'iil,lKNi. President, Thomas It. Shejidan; cashier, John I. Sheridan. Also the Columbia National Hank of Ta coma, Wash. ; capital, $200,000. Presi dent, Henry Oliver; cashier, N. H. lhl sen. Another decision was made in the tide water laud cHse of Washington, in which Assistant Secretary Chandler sustained the former decisions, that the lauds be tween high anil low water were not sub ject to location by scrip. The applica tions of Jacob C. Maun and Alls-it E. Jack in this case is denied. Five appli cations for entry tion the l'liyallup In dian reservation are also denied by the Secretary. Hecietarv Noble sent the following tel egram to liovernor Steele of Oklahoma; " The ('resident has ordered that no ex ception shall Ite made of Cherokee lo cating or placing herds on the Strip after the order or in evasion of it. (ieneral Miles will Ih so instructed by the War Department. The President has further ordered cavalry troops to aid the agent in exclliug trespassers from the Sac and Fox reserves in accordance with in structions written by the President in his orders. H. ('. Shunnon, the newly-appointed Minister to Nicaragua, Costa Kica ami Salvador, called at the State iK-partmcut and received instruction. He will re lieve Minister Pacheco of part of his enormous duties as the sole representa tive of the United States diplomatic service in Central America. Minister Pacheco was instructed to protest against the violent action by the Salvadorian of ficials against the Pacilic Mail steamship City of Panama, but nothing has U-cu heard from him in resismse. To reach Salvador he must travel 700 mile with out railroad facilities, and delay is attril u ted to this fact. " Here is asiiiuoleof what I have had to cjidure of late." said Senator Squire of Washington, showing a telegram he had just received. It was from Seattle, and read as follow : " I hope the rumor that you are seriouslv considering the Chinese mission is false. It would be unjust to your friends." This was signed "Hunt." "Mr. Hunt," continued the Senator, " is the owner and editor of the Seattle 1'mt-lnltlhijtHcrr. He has evi dently given credence to the absurd ru mor that I was going to China as United States Minister. It puzzle me to know how that story could have been evolved. There is absolutely nothing in it. No suggestion or intimation ever came to me that the place would lie tendered to me. Hut to put a quietus on the whole matter I do not hesitate to say that I would not have the ollice under any con sideration. America is good enough for me. 1 have traveled in foreign lands, and have seen a bit of most parts of the habitable glolie. and I say in all sincer ity that the man who would swap Seattle for Pekiu as a place of residence is mm rumpo." CABLEGRAMS. A Neheiiio to Overthrow the lira II I an Ooveriiiiient Discovered. Turf losses have lately obliged many English noblemen to go into bankruptcy. Sir John (iorst ia likely to be appointed PostmaHter-t ieneral in the English Cab inet. Bismarck's evesight and hearing are fast failing, ami he falls into a sudden and sleep-like torpor. The Austrian Empress has symptom! of insanity, and medical experts pro nounce the case a grave one. A cyclone, which has just passed over San Mauro, Castiglione and bassino dis tricts, has caused great distress. Queen Victoria is to reside at Balmoral until the third week in November, when the court will remove to Windsor Castle. Mrs. Annie Besant in her farewell ad dress in London stated that she bad re ceived letters from the other world from Mine. Blavatsky. President Diaz has appointed Joseph Ives Limantour Minister Plenipotentiary to arrange a commercial reciprocity treaty with the United States. It is now the intention of European engineers to store the waters of the Nile to such an extent as to enable a greater extension of the cotton and sugar-cane crops in that region. Admiral Elliott expresses the opinion since the recent British maneuvers that " numerical superiority in torpedo-gun vessels is of equal, if not greater, im portance than in battle ships. The attempt to create a rush of land seekers to the Island of San Clemente, sixty miles southwest of San Pedro, has not been successful. The island is said to be bare of vegetation and not capable of cultivation with any success. . The Journal of the Chamber of Com mt rce at Paris states that the Belgian government will declare Antwerp and other Belgian ports free ports, aiming to make Belgium the warehouse of Europe. The Minister of Education in con junction with the Minister of the Inte rior has issued a circular prohibiting Jewish children whose parents live in Russia on foreign passports to be admit ted into any of the middle or higher in stitutions of learning for the ensuing scholastic term. EASTERN ITEMS. Kansas Farmers Paying Off Mortgages. PATRIOTIC SONS OF VETERANS Have Refused to Expunge the Word "White" In Their Consti tutionEtc. The flat ha gone forth that live-cent shaves in New York must go. Chicago is alsnit to erect an apartment house which w ill contain 707 room. The Texas Trunk railroad ha been turned over to the Southern Pacilic. The Wilmington (Del.) $250,0.) xst olllce w ill probably Is- built of cut gran ite. Baltimore Is to have a tin-plate factory in oM-ration in the course of three month. Spreckel say ho is paddling hi own canoe, and ha not. nor will be join the sugar trust. The ollicials of the Auburn (N. Y.) prison have set the convict at work making pearl buttons. The Nimitary inspectors in Brooklyn say that leprosy doe not exist among the Chinese resident there. An effort to combine the various com mercial organizations of the Kansas Farmers' Alliance ha failed. Eight hundred thousand acres of laud in Kastern Oklahoma recently ceded by Indians will soon he open to settlement. The relief fund for the families of those w ho jK'rished in the Park place disaster at New York ha reached $0,200. It i said that there are more salmon in the Merrimac river now than there has been at any time during the last forty years. During the months of May, June and July of this year $1,450,000 Kansas farm mortgage have been paid off. This i a very good sign. The annual report of the St. Paul road show s that after paying a 7 per cent, div idend on preferred stock there is a stir phi of $ti"il,lliK. Petroleum, which actually flows up unaided through the rocks, has U-en dis covered at Crow's Nest in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. A special from Washington to the New York Kiriiimj W says it i U'lieved t hat ex-Governor Cheney will be Secre tary Proctor's successor. During the past few weeks the exports of w heat have averaged 5,000,000 bush els weekly, un increase of nearly three quarters over this time last yean In the (1,000,000 letters that reached the dead-letter office last year there was money amounting to $28,012 and checks ami notes of the value of $1,471,871. Andrew Senscal, Superintendentof the Canadian Dominion printing bureau, has beun dismissed. He was implicated in the scandal which is being investi gated. Work on the government jetties for the deeening of (ia I vest on harbor un der the $0,200,000 appropriation by the last Congress is now beginning apparent ly in earnest. Two-thirds of the applicants for ad mission to West Point and Annapolis according to Dr. Cheeseman of Chicago are rejected beeauseof the cigarette habit and its results. The emigration from Germany to America during the first five months of the present year amounted to 55,567, or nearly 10,000 more than the largest total during any five months of the last five years. The bureau of American Republics is informed that the Brazilian Minister of Finance has ordered the collection of all import duties in gold and has for bidden the sale of gold at the custom houses. It is a great pleasure to learn that there are to be no expensive side shows at the World's Fair. The directory has decided that the entrance fee shall en title the visitor to see everything within the incloBure. Villiam E. Bear, the English statisti cian, writes to Hraht reel's that later in formation leads him to mark up the European deficiency of wheat from 281, 000,000 bushels (his first figures) to 320, 000,000 bushels. The Patriotic Sons of Veterans in ses sion at Philadelphia refused to expunge the word " white " in their constitution where it refers to those entitled to mem bership. Iebanon, Pa., has been chosen as the next place of meeting. Ex-Assistant Cashier Lawrence of the defunct Keystone Bank at Philadelphia has made a cantesBion ot the manner in which the books of the concern were doctored. It shows a system of duplic ity and thievery almost unparalleled. Miss Frances Willard announces that she has already received $2,000 for the world's union fund. The money is to be used in various departments of women's work at the Columbian Exposition. General Joe Shelby is a thoroughly re constructed ex-Confederate. No soldier fought more bravely than he. lie knows he was wrong, and does not believe in keeping up the memories of the war. General Miles has put himself to un necessary trouble in denying that he was cruel to Jelterson Davis wtien ne had that gentleman shut up in Fortress Mon roe. The (ieneral is not built on the petty tyrant plan. PERSONAL MENTION. A Clilnr. Co in p mil or A I'liltml HtHjtr. Ilpiitjr Mitr.liiil fur Amor. Mis Mary Anderon will shortly pub lisli her memoir. Fx-Senator Ingall i said to receive t500 for each of hi lecture. Zola write a novel every nine months, Mis Braddon ha published fifty since I WIS. The Edinon of France i named Ader. He think that he ha solved the proli lem of aerial navigation. Senator Harris of Tenneee Is said V) li the olilest living CongresHinan. He wii first elected in at the age of 111. Ju lea Verne ha a son, Michel, who i developing a talent for writing storie very much in hi father's highly imagi native style. Senator Vest ha been wearing thin summer a plain suit of homespun hemp linen, a gill to turn irom N-mitor Ulack bum of Kentucky. Colonel Indian's history of the old Santa Fe trail is 'to be publishi! in 18',C, and i to lie a graphic tale of the pioneer time in the great desert. Maurice Bernhardt, the athletic son of the " divine " Sarah, and hi bride are in New York. They will spend their honeymoon in thi country. A tmrtrait of Oucen Victoria rreented by her Majesty to Mr. Pheli.a i the chief feature in the drawing room of ex- Minister Phelps' house in Burlington. Chief-Justice Luca of the Virginia Supreme Court is but four feet high, but he i so dignified that no facetious law yer ha ever dared to dub him a brief. It ha lieen settled that (irand Duke George Alexandrovitch of Russia, whose health is still very precarious, shall re turn to Algeria at the end of autumn. The chair occupied by Garibaldi in the Italian legislative chamber i bunu with a laurel wreath. Since the patriot's death no one ha lieen allowed to use it. The w ife of Lieutenant H. D. Borupof the United States legation in Paris is one of the very few ladies who can claim to have made the a-cent of Mount Blanc. Terence V. Powderly, General Master Workman of the Knights of Lalxjr, has accepted the Republican nomination as delegate to the Pennsylvania Constitu tional Convention. Sir Charles Dilke is a broad-shouldered, BHuare-bu:It man, w ith clear gray eyes and full grizzled beard. His man ner is serious and dignified and direct almost to abruptness. The choice of Charles Eliot Norton as the literary executor of Mr. Ixwell is a singularly happy one. The duties will be performed by one who has all the re quisites of an accomplished critic and conscientious editor. A recent visitor to the former home of John Howard Payne says that it is low, with big root, and is all of gray Mangles, with a garden in which grow hollyhocks. There is an old well, too, and the house stands with ttie end toward the road. S. A. Douglas, Prosecuting Attorney for the city of Chicago and son of the famous Democrat of that name, never visits Springfield, 111., without going to the tomb of his father's old political op ponent and friend, Abraham Lincoln. A Chinese comprador named Chin Gong has been appointed United States Deputy Marshal for Amoy. The Marshal is Dr. Edward Bedloe, said to be a de scendant of the family after whom Bed- loe's island was named in New lork harbor. James E. Lvon has brought suit against Senator Willi'am M. Stewart of Nevada for $1 ,000,000 damages. The suit grows out of complications over mining deals, among the properties concerned being the liiunia mine of Utah. 1 he Senator charges Lyon with blackmail. A business building 550 feet high is proposed for Broadway, New York. The EitFel tower and Washington monument only will top it. It is to be constructed of steel, with twenty-six stories, more than 1,000 ollices, and to have a summer roof garden 300 feet in the air, with ex press elevators to the tenth floor and a change of cars at the twentieth for the tower. This beats the world. CRIME AND CRIMINALS. Trumps Torture and Murder a Man and Ills Wife in Michigan. Thomas McCreevy, a Montreal official who tied to this country to escape arrest for "boodling," has been located at Portland, Me. Thomas J. Riley, assistant postmaster at Marysville, Cal., convicted of embez zling $824, was sentenced to one year's imprisonment in the State prison and fined $824. Chris McNamara, a gambler, shot and killed Reese Fowler, proprietor of a gambling house at Chattanooga, Tenn., during a quarrel over a woman. The murderer escaped. A double murder was discovered in Bloomtield,Conn., where the bodies of a German and his wife were found in a well. It is supposed they were killed by Italian laborers employed in the vicin ity. Two negro prisoners convicted of at tempting to overpower the jail guard at Raleigh, N. C, were sentenced to be whipped, and with their consent a charge ot 25 cents to witness the execu tion of the sentence was exacted, the victims receiving the benefit of the gate money. A dispatch from Monroe, Mich., says that at a farm house near there John Williamson and wife were tortured and murdered by tramps, who tried to get the money which they supposed the couple owned. Some of the farmers gave warning, and the neighbors organ ized and went to the rescue, but found the couple dead when they reached the house. The tramps were sighted near Maybe station, ana both were shot down by the infuriated citizens. FOREIGN NEWS. Germans Will Explore African Lakes. THE BARMAIDS OF BERLIN. Detonation of a Heavy Gun Smashes the Windows in a Passing Railway Train. Bavaria's mad King is growing worse. The population of Russia is estimated at llo,ooo,ooo. Police statistics are said to show that there are FJO.OOO paupers in Naples. French newspapers are inclined to poke fun at Ixindon's proposed Eiffel tower. Mr. Stead's defense of the Prince of Wales is said to have made converts of many. They are talking of introducing the American trolley car on Edinburgh's streets. (ieneral Latino Caelho, the celebrated Republican leader and poet of Portugal, is dead. There are 18,000,000 farmers in France, the total population of the country be ing 3H,MX,000. A bill i to be introduced into Parlia ment to limit the personal caricatures of the royal family in comic papers. A dispatch from Zanzibar says the Sul tan has declared his dominions within the zone of the Brussels spirit act. Two thousand Frenchmen claim re wards for bravery displayed on the occa sion of the St. Ma ride railway disaster. Prof. Koch is still experimenting with his lymph regardless of the sneers of the French medical men, who are " not in it." It is again denied that the King of Italy manifests any coolness to the American ladies in waiting upon his royal wite. Advices from Buenos Avres are to the effect that the Argentine Republic is op posed to the wholesale immigration of Kuxsiau Jews. Unless new outlets for Russian cotton manufactures are created, there will be a wholesale dismissal of workmen from Russian mills. The formation of an Irish club has been begun in London, the Irish popula tion there about 300,000 having no place of rendezvous. A German expedition has been organ ized to explore the African lakes. Lake Victoria will be sounded and its banks thoroughly explored. Italy's deficit for the last fiscal year was $18,000,000, and in spite of alfthe talk as to economic reforms the standing army is being increased. The French Foreign Minister Ribot has advised Servia to adopt a pacific at titude and refrain from offensive demon stration against Bulgaria. Renewed efforts are being made to se cure the pardon of Mrs. Maybrick, who is confined in an English prison for the murder of her husband by poison. By order of the German Emperor the Prussian Minister of the Interior has is sued a decree forbidding the use of bap tismal names of a political character . Sally, the famous chimpanzee in the London zoological gardens, is dead. She was the most popular figure in the gar dens since Barnuui took Jumbo to America. The detonation of a new heavy caliber gun at Ingolstadt recently smashed all the windows of a railway train that was passing the artillery range at the time. Fortunately none of the passengers were injured. The grand prix de Paris will in future be worth over 10,000, as the French Jockey Club has added a bum of 150,000 francs to it, while 50,000 francs more are contributed by the principal railway companies. The Paris waiters, who have formed a trade union, are now discussing their ul timatum with the restaurant keepers. They not only insist upon their right to wear beards and no uniforms, but also to smoke when not actually serving. A Russian press censor permitted the following item to appear in a Moscow paper: "It is our opinion that Russia needs new railroads, and she will have them." For this the censor was sus pended for three months and the editor fined $300. The barmaids of Berlin have started an organ, the Herzblall. It offers oppor tunities for literary work and for the dis closure of cases of ill treatment. The subscribers form a material aid societv A ! J 1 . , J io ueip ueeuy memoers, 10 secure places and to appeal to the courts if necessary. In November next there will be held at the Crystal Palace in London an in ternational exposition of electricity. w hich will last several months. It was projected in consequence of the success ful one held at Vienna, and will be sub ject to the same conditions. The EtichseBH Blatl publishes an or der to the effect that the prohibition of the importation of swine, pork and sau sages of American origin shall no longer be enforced when such live hogs or hog products are furnished with official cer tificates stating that they have been ex amined in accordance with American regulations and found free from qualities dangerous to health. The Chancellor has sent instructions to the proper offi cials that an order be given immediately PORTLAND MARKET. ftn.uuift of III" Coiiilllifiii of It IMf lervnt l)ftrtiiint.. Business ha l-en very active in the tob sale line. Receipts of vegetables id fruit were heavy. Peaches are a rug in the market, and are very cheap, .utter and i liei-hc are plentiful, and have ood demand. Kg are still scarce, nd the price will probably go higher, dillt-lufl' are scarce, and are quoted at i imii al pice. Oat are plentiful, and ave a downward tendency. White su ir have advanced Jjjc in Eastern Ore 'ii , but no change have been noted on rice here. Chicken are plentiful. de bacon, bam and lard are firm and higher. Canned meat are cheaper, ilops are quoted at nominal prices. WHKAT. The market is quieter and generally easier. Ottering are moderate, but ask ing prices are alwve a parity with mar ket value. Wheat i coming down quite freely, and local stocks are accu mulating. I'rodure, t'rult. Ete. Wiikat Valley, $1.5'.; Walla Walla. $1.45 1.47'if percental. F1.0L K Standard. $5.00: Walla Walla. $4.00 ner barrel. Oats Old, 4550c: new. 4042Wc per bushel. Hay $12 14 per ton. MiM.8Ti.-rrs Bran, $22(?23j shorts, fintiinol i'rrirft. rrfM1nrl k.ntAw . 32; chop feed, $22'2 per ton; barley, $1.2iK? l 25 per cental. BitthUi Oregon fancy creamery. 30(3 32lfcc; fancy dairy, 27Jc; fair to good, 2oc; common, 15(g20c; California, 22 (tZ4c per ponna. Chekse Oregon, lzffll26c; Califor nia, 12c per pound. Eoas Oregon, 20(322c per dozen. Poultry Old chickens. $5.50: young chickens, $2.504.00 ; ducks, $4.00 (40.00; geese, nominal, $7.008.00 per dozen ; turkeys, 15c per pound. koktables Cabbage, 75c$1.00 per cental; cauliflower, $lrc 1.25 per dozen; Unions, 80c(rfl percental; beets, $1.2) per sack ; turnips, $1.00 per sack ; new pota toes, 45(30c per cental ; tomatoes, 503 75c per box; lettuce, 12c per dozen; green peas, 34c per pound; string beans, 23c per pound; rhubarb, 3c per pound ; cucumbers, 10c per dozen ; car rots, 75c per sack ; corn, 78c per dozen ; sweet potatoes, 2(520 per pound. Faurrs Sicily lemons, $78; Califor nia, $56 per box; apples, 6085c per box; bananas, $3.504 a bunch; pineap ples, $o7 per dozen; apricots, 85c$l per box ; peaches, 4085c per box ; black berries, 6(27c per pound; plums, 2560c per box; watermelons, $1.503.00 per dozen ; cantaloupes, $1.50(il. 75 per dozen, $2 per crate; grapes, Tokay, $1.30 per box, $1.001.10 per crate; muscat and black, $1.25 percrate,box$l; pears, $1.25; Bartlett, $11.25 per box; nectarines, 60(2 75c per crate; crab apples, 3c per pound; pumpkins, $1.50 per dozen. N'cts California walnuta.lljffi.c: hickory, 8c; Brazils, 10llc; al monds, 1618c; filberts, 1314c; pine nuts, 1718c; pecans, 1718c; cocoa nuts, 8c; hazel, 8c; peanuts, 8c per pound. Staple Groceri... Coffee Costa Rica, 21c ; Rio, 23c ; Mocha, 30c; Java, 25c; Arbuckle's. 100-pound cases, 25c per pound. Sugar Golden C,4c; extra 0, 4c; granulated, bc ; cube crushed and pow dered, 64C; confectioners' A, 6c per pound. Beans Small white, 3c ; pink, Zi 3c; bayos, 4&c; butter, 4e; limaa, 45c per pound. Honey 1820c per pound. Salt Liverpool, $16,$16.5017 ; stock, $1112 per ton in carload lots. Canned Goods Table fruits, $1.65, 2s ; peaches, $2.00; Bartlett pears, $1.85: plums, $1. 37 ; straw berries,$2.25 ; cherries, $2.502.60 ; blackberries, $1.90; raspberries, $2.40 ; pineapples, $2.603 ; apricots, $1.75. Vegetables : Corn, $1.35 1.65, according to quality; tomatoes, $1.10(23.25; sugar peas, $1.25; string beans, $1.10 per dozen. Pie fruit: As sorted, $1.50; peaches, $1.65; plums, $1.25; blackberries, $1.65 per dozen. Fish: Sardines, 85c1.65; lobsters, $2.30 3.50; oysters, $1.503.25 per dozen. Salmon, standard No. 1, $1.251.50 per case; No. 2, $2.55. Condensed milk: Eagle brand, $8.10; Crown, $7; High land, $6.75; Champion, $6; Monroe, $6.75 per case. Meats: Corned beef, $2.152.25; chipped beef, $2.40; lunch tongue, $3.30 Is, $6.00 2s ; deviled ham, $1.752.75 per dozen. Syrup Eastern, in barrels, 4755c; half-barrels, 5058c; in cases, 5580c per gallon; $2.252.50 per keg. Cali fornia, in barrels, 30c per gallon ; $1.75 per keg. Rice $5.25 per cental. Dried Fruits Italian prunes, 10llc; Petite and German, 910c per pound; raisins, $1.752.25 per box; plummer dried pears, 10llc; sun-dried and fac tory plums, ll12c ; evaporated peaches, 1820c; Smyrna figs, 20c; California, figs, 9c per pound. The Meat Market. Bees- Live, 23c ; dressed, 56c. Mutton Live, sheared, 33li'c; dressed, 7c. Hogs Live, 6c ; dressed, 6c. Veal 57c per pound. Smoked Meats Eastern ham, 13c; other varieties, 1012c; breakfast bacon, 12213c; smoked bacon, 11 llc per pound. Lard Compound, 9ll?4'c; pure, 12(3 l.'c; Oregon, 10;8'12sC per pound. Hides, Wool and Hop. Hidfs Dry hides, selected prime, 8 9e ; less for culls ; reen, selected, over 55 pounds, 4c ; under 55 pounds, 3c ; sheep pelts, short wool, 3050c; me dium, 60S0c; long, 90c$1.25; shear lings, 1020c; tallow, good to choice, 3 3ic per pound. Wool Willamette Valley, 1719c; Eastern Oregon, 1016)?c per pound, according to conditions and shrinkage. Hops Nominal ; 15c per pound.