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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1891)
(t t ( a X UnUCKT no train of diseases that follow a tor pid liver and impure blood, nothing can take the place of Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery. Nothing will, after you have seen what it does. It prevents and cures by removing the cause. It invigorates "the liver, purities and enriches the blood, sharp ens the appetite, improves di gestion, and builds up both strength and tlesh, when re duced below the standard of health. For Dyspepsia, " Liver Complaint," Scrofula, or any blood-taint it's a posi tive remedy. It acts as no other medicine does. For that reason, it's sold as no other medicine is. It's guaranteed to benefit or cure, or the money is refunded. SEEDS All Dl'K J-KKI'S AKK TKMKD. If you want the very bost uihkIs that you kiinv will Krmv, nt canh priivs, write us. "Sift- F. L. POSSON & SON, Wl77h5u,e 2d Street Portland, Oregon. Front st "August Flower" The Hon. J. W. Fennimore is the Sheriff of Kent Co., Del., and lives at Dover, the Countv Seat and Cap ital of the State, the sheriff is a gentleman fifty-nine years of age, and this is what he says : "I have " used your August Flower for sev " eral years in my family and for my "own use, and found it does me " more good than any other remedy. " I have been troubled with what I " call Sick Headache. A pain comes " in the back part of my head first, " and then soon a general headache "until I become sick and vomit. " At times, too, I have a fullness " after eating, a pressure after eating "at the pit of the stomach, and " sourness, when food seemed to rise " up in my throat and mouth. When "I feel this coming on if I take a "little August Flower it relieves " rue, and is the best remedy I have " ever taken for it. For this reason "I take it and recommend it to " others as a great remedy for Dys "pepsia, &c." G. G. GREEN, Sole Manufacturer, Woodbury, New Jersey, U. S. Jl HUNTER'S EQUIPMENTS W Fishing Tackle. Et Great Variety. Low Prices. Old Quia taken in trade. Send for Catalogue. ;KO. W. SHIMS VE, S25 Kearny Si. , Baa Francisco. mmm mbhsmJ mm mSbm I DO YOU ENJOY COOD TEA? We have the real Ceylon, new, direct import, in original cam. Proiuiuiieed by tea drinkers superior to any in this market, l'rice 90 Cents per tt). Any quantity not over 1 it) by mail pout paid at $1 per tt. Cheaper than cheap tea. Try it. SMITH'S GASH STORE 416-418 Front Street, KSS SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. Portland, Oregon. A. P. Armstrong, Prin. Branch School: Capita l Bus. Coij,k;r, Halem. Oregon. Same courses of study, same rates ofk tuition. Business. Shorthand, Typewriting, Penmanship, ami English Department H-In session throughout the year. Students admit ted at any time. Catalogue from either school, free YoinrariTi OUR NEW CATALOGUE MAILED FREE TO ANY ADDRESS. SEND FOR ONE. WILL l FINK, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL Old Gold and Silver Bought; send your old Got and Silver by mail to the old and reliable house of A Coleman. 41 Third street, San Francisco; I will send bj return maU the cash, according to assay; if the araoun is nh satisfactory will return gold. JOHNSTON & LAWRENCE, WHOLK8AI.K AND RETA1 1 Plumbers' and Engineers' Supplies. Hand and Steam Pumps. Iron Pipe. Rams, Pipe Covering. Lubricators, Water Motors, Fans and Ventilators, Cash Registers, Etc. Write for prices. 232 FIRST ST., PORTLAND, OR. Contractors on heating and ventilating buildings. Estimates furnished. C RAG I N -VALEX BICKFORD, VailMIII; ATTORNEYS, 914 F STREET, ff A'H'MiTO , 1). SPKCIALATTKNTIO.NfilVEN TOLAS D,M IX 1K AND INDIAN DKPKEIJAJ'ION CLAIM. IN " THIS WOU! D I DO. If 1 IVM, Tin Mu!i l .!: I would be nu the Into ii V, of It.T I Iwu, And let my lilc gn out tiiiitti' inipiintj CI ln'1 luittlh. If I weiv a Tin would 1 iK: I would lvli ilivp do ii in her o r, lu tlie cw 1 loe, and loam t licit' How to Milne, If I -iv a t nit Ii tiNiit; die i'lei ual Ona, This would t do: I would 1im in lier licuit, In the heart I know o ncll, and lie at lioina. If 1 weiv a sin. This would I do: 1 would lly far away. ud l!ioiu:!i her soft hand lu piiy wi-ro MivliTiiil out, 1 would uot ulAJT, but Af And leave lier pure. Constant Iiiir.cie in liostou lilol. A lire ml sv hulling I'tan. "Can Hiiylxuly cliainro a f" pM iotf" As it Tunil uvoimo oouduetor tiiailotliia Inquiry tho other iin;lit a luawny jinsst'ngiT stood Uvsido liim waiting the ivply. Jiolxuly could clianoi tlio juiiv, and the vust'ii-r said: "All riht; sivo it to mo; I'll i;ot out ami pot it oliuuisl and take tlio next i-iir." "I'nu't p't otT," siiid a red iutita-hod vomitf man in glasses; "lot mo lend you tivo ivnts," "Hut you don't know inc. No, I'll got oil; I haven't t far t. -.o." "Noiwn-i.'," s-iiil t'to rod r,ni-it:ii-hed young mn i. "Sit dow n; thorv, I've paid your fare." "Well, I'm ever s. li ohlil to you." "lbui't -h'ii of it; I've Uvn in that tlx myself." "lVlioatesituatiour "Yes; Imt hktOy ti happen to any otia. This is luiil weatlier for p-liiii;; off and on, car." Then tlio two conversed nmiealily till he who had lieen utilised rov and left t ho cur with an adieu ami renewed thanks. "I'll Ix t that leilow has moil- 111111(4 111111 nickels in his kh ket than 1 have,'1 said tha reJ miistaehoil j otin man to tlio conductor. "What f No!" Kiid the hitler. "Yos. that's an old fal.o. His $. Usv i counterfeit, ami ho wanted to work it ou you or some of the SM-t!ors." Sew York Telegram. Whrn I'.li l;o;ie Mip, Few jH-oplo know the danger of stamling near taut lines or h:iuers. 1 havo seen haw sers snap with pis; I like report under a tro inendous strain ami kn k men twenty or thirty feet, frejtietitly breaking uniLS and legs. The ln-st hawvi-s aiv made of sea, grass, ami w ,U U-;;r an cnorinous strain. They will streti'h until their diameter is diminished ly more than half. In the recent gore disaster I ih:iisl a lvmai kaldo illus tration of tins iiii.t. The sectional Jix'ks were held to the slii.iv hy an enormous line, four inches in iliaisu-ier ai:il fully 100 yards long. 1 alteiwiiiil leiiimil that it was 0 years old and o st tiMd. Well, the flt be gan to liear down on the dis ks. Tho old hawser Uhaviil like u Tioj'in and liegan in stretch und creak. The men ;;ot out of ita way, hut the old line held to.-eiher, growing smaller ami snmiler as tlio thousands of pounds were added to the s: rain, lu a little while the lino was in.t larger than a girl's wrist, ami it ivmaim-.l in tluit perilous state for several hours, when the goro finally broke and allowed the ire to float down stream. Afterward the hawser returned to its normal size, not weakened a bit. Stfh cables must ulways le made to order, and they cost lots of money. The line of which I sjieuk is the lar.-ist on the Mississippi. Steamboat Captiii.i in ('lolie-DeiiiiK'iat. A r!eiit "eiHc'iie Miniiimc. The volume we mnv have l'firo us for lfsSti etubraci-s thirty -em' distiuet almunaca. Eleven of thosx- are 1:1 I:n;;lisli, calculated for various countries where Knglish issiioken: live in Smnish, for dilTTt-nt countries where Saiiish is sMi!en; thn-e Portugiicsr. also for ditferent countries; two Fivm-li, four Ger man, two Dutch ami one each in Swedish, Norwegian-Danish, Uoliciuiaii and Welsh. Each of thesealmanai s contains from twenty four to thill y-six pages li'iiei-ally thirty-six), so that the luind voiunie of the series for makes a book of nearly 1,(100 pages. Much of the muti rial is, of course, the same iu all of the editions, but. the recorded events in the calenders uiv hx al to the countries where the almanac is to lie circulated, and the miscellaneous information furnished, for example in the Indian r.lmunac, diUcrs from that prepared for the Australian almanac Philadelphia Lcl,,er. GEORGE AfGl'STt'S SALA. George Augustus Sala, the well-known English writer, on his Australian trip w rote us follows to The London Daily Telegraph: " I especially have a pleasant remem brance of the ship's doctor a very experi enced maritime medico indeed, who tended me most kindly during a horrible spell of bronchitis and "spasmodicasthma, provoked by the sea fog which had swooped down on us just after we left ban Francisco. l!ut the doctor's prescriptions and the increas ing warmth of the temperature as we neared the tropics, and, in particular, a couple of Allcock'h Porois Pi.astkrs clapped on one on the chest and another between the shoulder blades soon set rue right." She Well, how do you feel this morning? He Thank you, like another man. Klie I congrat ulate you. Cot.'OHfl. " Brown' Bronchial Troches" are not new and untried; but, having been tested by long and constant use, they have attained well-merited rank among the few staple cough remedies. 2." cents a box. Bright Hoy. Teacher asks a bright boy: "How many ounces are there to a pound?" liright Boy That depends upon the grocer. Of Pure Cod Liver Oil and KYPOPHOSPHITES of Lime aird Soda Is endorsed and pnvwaibed by loading physicians because both the Cod Lifer Oil and HyiiophonphiteM are the recognized agents la the cure of Consumption. It Is as palatable as milk. Scoffs Pulsion to a umiuiertui r lean rromieer. it it Vie Best Hetnedy for CONSUMPTION, I Scrofula, Bronchitis, waiting' Dis eases, Chronic Coughs and Colds. Ask for Scott's Emulsion and take no other.,' N. P. N. U. No. 404-S. F. N. U. No. 481 piiof. sriTZkw ox li.viurs. ftH OF HYDKOPHOBIA KILLS MOHE PERSONS THAN THE DISEASE. A ynftlloii Our Which Hoiton Have long IH.nuircd A t Mlliiciiiu Mvtliml of Itciiiuiialrntlnu lUldri Itt'lftll vf mi KiTlni"nl Tli Umtilln. In the Kprlntc of issil Mivt MoiMsiul, a daughter of Jay llould'. hvmh'ihIo, was bitten by a t do(j, which was promptly killed. All aulopsv w ax made by lr. A. K. Liaulard, a veterinary imr;eou of this city, who found "one larm bird feather" in the toiuaeh, '1'hu presence of inelille MiU-lamtw iu the do'a tomaeh wni formally Hi'ptisl as almost indisputable pi-oof that the animal wan mad, but ProlWsor SpiUka n.vs he hio. cvannneil of ilox, and he jjiven th followuiK as the result of such examination: "Not one of tlu aiiimaU showed any si'iis of rabiin. Theivwas scarcely one, and ivr tainly not one youth- do, in wIiom stomtieh 1 did not tli id more or less foreign material. 1 rvuionitier that kite strings and top pnn were frequent ; that evil, ashm, straw-, feath ers and cotton sjkioIs were occasional Und ines. ShiH' leather, pnv's of cloth and, if I romemlior rightly, a H-ket knife, but itr tainly some unusual article of metal, iu a x-t dofi." Yet this dog was piMiioiiiiiiyl mad, and the cas was doeim-d by her family physician utlk'iently grave to warrant the sending of the young lady to Paris for treatment by Pasteur. Meanwhile the brum of the butch ered dog was pr served and a healthy dog was iuivaluted on the brain with a particle of it. At the end of sixteen .days tins dog was pi-oiiouiuvd mad, it having "showed the first symptoms of dumb rabies -that is, pa ralysis of tho lower jaw. Tie mouth was was slightly open, the jaw hung dow u, and abundant saliva flowed from tho mouth. Mill the dog was very affectionate. This is uot a ipiotatiou from Professor Spit.ka, but from the chronicler of tho ease. This was, of course, aooe;ted as contiruiatory evidence, that the dog which bit Miss .Morosinl was mad. Fortunately, however, for that young lady, she had sutlleient strength of mind, or enough coutldeuce iu Pasteur's treatment, to render her pits if against ail attack of hy drophobia. Couceriiiug this case Professor Spitka says: "The method of demonstrating rabies by direct inoculatiou of the brain is fallacious. The conclusion drawn by LiauUird, from an experiment thus crformcd, that the Kiver dale dog was mad was obtained by mislead ing methods. With regard to the dumb rabies w hich Dr. Liautard thought he had produced in the second dog, every physician familiar with the researches of tk-hiir, Floureus, lliuig, Kritsch and tioltz will rec ognize iu it the ordinary results of experi mental and intlammatory disturbance of the brain functions iu the dog. According as the irritating injection effects one certical field or the other the Mira lysis will vary, but paraplegia is quite characteristic of menin gitis and encephalitis in the dog." Iu plain language, the inflammation of the brain set up by the placing of a foreign sub stance under the skull and iu contact with the brain matter is sutlleient to account for all the symptoms displayed by dogs exiri n.rfited ou and commonly pronounced those of genuine rabies. This was eventually proved quite satisfactorily by Professor SpiUka and his associates. They obtained a number of healthy dogs and inoculated their brains with various substances, such as a particle of the spinal curd of a healthy calf, an emulsion of calf's cord, an emulsion from the brain of a man who was upxsed to have died of hydrophobia, a pieee jf common yellow soap and stale uremic liiuid. The effects of the inoculations with these various substances were substantially the same aa that of the virus from the supKied mad dog which bit Miss Morosini. lu fact Professor Spitzka says there were no symptoms of hydropuobia related of Dr. Liautard's ani mal which were not present in these dogs. He was inclined to pronounce the mental dis turbances resembling dumb rabies, so called, much greater than the animals he experi mented on. These dogs were confined in the veterinary intirtimry of Ateheson & Hamill, on Four teenth street, near Avenue A, and gome of them may still be seen there. A mongrel bulldog, inoculated with healthy calf's cord, manifested on the third day a slight droop of the left upper eye lid, the eyes apieared dull, there was manifest paralysis of the hind legs, the tail sometimes fell between them, the dis position was exceedingly friendly, he wagged his tail feebly, craw led forward ami fawned as soon as the door was oened. On the seventh day he manifested a desire to devour foreign substances. On the eighth day, al though his disposition toward the experi mentalists was unchanged, he quarreled with another dog over food. On the eleventh day the paraplegic gait was very marked. The dog seemed to lie acting impulsively at times; attempted to swallow a dry drum stick of a fow l, and would have eaten other foreign substances if not prevented. A mon grel Spitz, which had been noted as rather an aggressive animal before the ojieration, became, in three days, entirely changed fawned, wagged its tail, and clung to any one who would give it a friendly word. On the eleventh day the paraplegia was more marked, the animal was unable to jump down a distance of two feet, but let itself down on its fore feet and then slid down the rest of its body. At the same time it had be come shy, avoided visitors, crouched and concealed itself. Here is the seventh day's record of a large cur inoculated with twenty drojis of an emul sion of calfs cord: "The animal is very stupid, runs against objects, does not avoid obstacles and exhibits decided manege movements, running in cir cles to the right. On being roused, when lying down, which is the animal's usual position, it rolls over and frequently slips with its hind legs, which tremble a great deal. At night this dog howls a great deal and growls at people entering the court at all times. There is a question as to whether it is able to see well; but owing to its stupid ity, it is difficult to settle this point satisfac torily." A large dog inoculated with a piece of common yellow soap showed on the seventh day the drooping jaw, and its tongue often protruded between the teeth. It ran around aimlessl -, and arriving at a running hydrant stood still as if pensive, but did not drink. The animal inoculated with uremic liquid died on the seventh day of blood poisoning. Parts of the brain and spinal eord were found reduced to pus. The rest of the dogs recov ered, and some were subsequently exhibited by Professor Hpit.ka before the Society of Medical Jurisprudence and State Medicine. A Ifap Vear l'rohlcni. "Suppose that during leap -year a young woman proposes to a young man and mar ries him. After a year or two he finds that wedlock, so far as he is concerned, is a delu sion ami a snare. He applies for a divorce and gets it." "Yes; what of that?' "This is what I want to know. Ts he en titled to alimony or uot if Merchant Traveler. rtntti, m iMtrmitiAi. k- I'lIM I ION. I very indication points to a licnien dons success n( the I 'oil land lndusttiul I'A position, which opens this year Sep leiiils'r IT. Tlio miiHic by ilu great itpiuloiva Hand of Mexico, tlio paiiu ings front abroad, the livinif chess tour nament, the wonderful electrical dis plays, the u n precede n todly largo iitiui Iht o( exhibits in agriculture and luntl ciiltiirc, in industry and science, shows that ,tbt Imposition, in Ktlract ivciicsH, will exceed anv ever hold upon tho I'acillc fount. There has been mi entire rearrange ment of tlio KxHisition, and a largo iiuuiIh-i' of novelties from every part of tho world havo lnon secured. Tlio railroads lutvo granted a rxmntl trip rato of one faro and a fifth; half rates on all exhibits, except fruits and vegetables, which lutvo boon placed U on tho froo list. Thin oortillos to tho oxoel lout management of tho Kxsition of IN'.U, and tlio sumo energy displayed in tho oihor departments loaves nodou hi us to its groat success. Tho Hoard of SuK'rvisors of Sun Fran cisco havo piirchastHl 10,'HHI foot of tho " F.urckii " Cotton Knldior l.inod Kiro lloso. Last month thoy also purchased o.tltKI fool, it nl thoy will prohahly liiitko another purchase of 5,1)00 foot in a short time. This hoso is of tho same con struction and manufacture as tho well known " Paragon " Cotton Fire lloso, but is heavier and calculated for tire service in tho business and manufactur ing districts of large cities. V. T. Y. Schonck of San Francisco is the agent for tho I'acillc Coast. IIKUUK.U Aimrr it v a ritosr iti I' ll K T AllOO. 1 am not iiluilnc to cum luce incutiil buhlo, n in.livd that Mould he (ruilU without I lie nee CHMirv cultured Intellect that uiakeii loule tlppll cable. Force, brilliancy sad orlcluallty een are li" weapons to altack a slave with, for mail)' centimes Hie medical art mis Indued slsmt by a proseriptix e tatsm hicti It, as et, has Uot iur vived. The brand lor iniinlerlni! truth is the IH'iialty of liuU'etliu ttaiii'd upon the mental culllierof theiiNcraite iudhldiial In relation to medicine and medicine men. The sail ( the nineteenth century has not yet dawned upon Ids intellectual llorlon He, together n itll Ills ideal medicine mall, still IiIIhtiiiiIi s hi the i;ood old days of the dark axes, u hen II uiis had form to he iinpilsltlve He still " Is lleies " III Id Him, lilisteriui;, voinllim;, pur'InK and nucatlnu. He loes copious of horse medicine. He de lluhls lu Hssafo llds and calomel and carliollc iieul. Thev an nxldcrisl iudlsis'imalile: no well-nxiiluted lauiiU . " Itll plum) Intellects and alidoniidal ilcxclopmc ul, considers itself safe without those family lures, these I do not wish to coiimti: they are the Kip Van Winkles that ill continue to'sliiinla r through this and prole ahly throned the next centiirv. I hey pla) no role In I he world's hlstorv. They live; they die. No monument marks ttielr forgotten sepuictier. iiiimaiiily was not enriched hy their entrance; It has lost uothiin; by their exit. They are drift wood on the shores of time, and lloatwlth the el. I. and tide of opinions they hae inherited from their aiithroHimorphlc ancestry. In not to these 1 w Ish to address msell. but to the thinkiiik' ones, w Iioiii a thought iIih s not throw lulo an epileptic paroXNsm ; w ho love know ledue for lis own sake; w ho an-w lllluit to Investlsule the trulli or falslt of any proHsltlon, mot, once com lin ed, w 111 stand In It through all the urine aces of a cluitlerlint and delayed cl IHalloii. To these- not Hie chatterer, hut the think rs I commend the lllstoyonctie System for lincstlijii tlon, and will elucidate llh pleiKure any epics lion not siillieieiilly clear In hook, w lllell w 111 lie sent free to any address. Dr. Jordan's otllee is at the residence of ex- Mayor Veslur, Third and James. Consultations and prescriptions absolute ly free. Semi for free book explaining the Hiato genetic system. ('action. The Histogi actio Medicines are sold m but one agency in each town. The laliel around the IhiUIc Is-ars tiie fol lowing inscription; " Dr. J. Ktigrne Jor dan, llistogenetic Medicine." Kvery other device is a fraud. Don't despise little tlilllk'S. I he hands of the small Isi) w I lis Inidneer Kven the pin In 1 turn ami torment Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts fently yet promptly on the Kidneys, iver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation permanently. For sale ia 50c and $1 bottles by all druggiats. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 8 AN WMNCISCO. CAL, LOUISVILLE, Kt. HEW YORK, H.I. CUT Orl mat's mmMw umnvmvum inni hi ini If you are willing to pay a few cents more for a strictly Pure Tobacco, try 'Mastiff Cut Plug. It is worth all the difference. Packed in patent canvas pouches. i. Ii. l'we Tobacco Co., Richmond. Virginia. in I: MASS illlfU STUK !' llllio. t'llV Of Tin mai, 1,1 1 as t ol h i v. I'MMr .1 ITifcNKY uiaki'a oaih thai he In thw teiiior psiTiiet ot Hie nun id K J i iiimi iV t'.i., del nil lMlllies lu I ho cllv of lolt'lo, coiiuly Hud Hlste afoioald. an I I ho I sld lliai nlll nsr Hit- sum of (INK Ul'MHiHi Hul l Alts forcseii audevei ease of I 1 1 lilt it Ihst chiiiioI hv Clued Ii the line of Hill's i u vlillll I I III III NK J I THAI Y Swoin to Is fore me Slid uli.eilhed In my lucn vnee I li is dill day of lieevmlur. IHXi nl ll. , H . tll.l' sillN, .Velnri; I'tibm: lis I'm s'ai ill I'lirv U taken Inteiiislly, slid ft directly on the hlood siel iiiucnus suifaeio of the stem Hrnd for Irsi liuoillsls, lice. r . .1 I ' 1 1 1' N K V ,V I'll .Toledo, t. Sold hy I irllMH I sts ; 7. a' Hod will furtive your sins, lull he e I Is ou to pay your dolus HtU'rilKHJ AMI fll.KH CI'HKIK Wu iswltlveljf euro rnptiirti and all rvctal ills .mummi wllhout pslll or dcleutlon from hiislmwH. No mm, no pnv: md no pay until eunxl. Ail dnwi for psmplilet lir. l'orierlleld A IxiMiy, KHM Mrkt stretit, Han Krsselseo, The peach uuiikel Is fickle. Kulnies are iineer lulu, and the spot s"iielies me ulu a had. l'HK Mill. I UN HOI MK, l lllt I I. AMI.OIt. I'entrally localed; AmeileaiiiV Kuropean plan; first class; rcasonahle lales, I', W. Itolo , plop. M ichi'M A NT 1 1 oi'Kl., Third ami 1 streets, I'ortland, dr. Kirst class iiiTomuiodatioiis, luites, f 1 tofl.'itlperday. Jncoh Mass, prop. Use Kiismellno Stove I'ol Ish ; no ituat, uo mull. Thy ( 1 k r m k for hreakl'ast. A Ture Cream of Tartar Powder. Superior to every oilier known. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. Delicious Cuke and l'.istry, l.iht f laky Biscuit, Griddle C.ikrs, I' and Wholesome. No other baking isiwilrr docs such work EEI Of Mil kinds and in anv ipmtilllv hole ale and retail at aslns-k prices. E. J. BOWEN, 69 Front Street, Portland, Or. S-nd (or cataloKiie. "VI 33SS3aH THE COST IS Baking Powder. THE HARTMAN PATENT STEEL PICKET FENCE I 'osts no mori than an ordtuarv clumsy wimmI pieket nltulr lliat nhslrucu I lie view ami will roi or full apart lu a short lime. The " llarttuau " Kenee Is urtlstle In ileslitu, proteels the itotuixls it Ii houl e.ut eenlluK Iheui and Is iv k v ri an. I I.I.I s, ITt.V IT:iM A I A l.i lull-; Willi I'ltli T.h A mi IKSIT.MOMAI.S .MAU. Kit KHKH. HARTMAN MFC. CO., Beaver Fulls, Pa. ( Alwii) h iiii-iitloii IIiIh uiht in w rillutc. J n TjISO'S HkMKDY I'OK est to uso. Clit-ltpest. cure is certain. For Cold in It is an Ointment, of which a small particle is applied to the nostrils. Price iOc. mail. Address: K. T. ( CHICHE8TEH'8 ENGLISH, THE OHIQINtL AMD fir Mill MV Iadlw, Mk DriicitUt Air Vkiektatwr t boiei MtftlM Ufa biuti rlhhon. Tak mo All pi Hi o pAaubnvtl Ikixm, ink mtwt, mrt dancirou countrfVlta. At I'nutiUit, at wnit 4. In alma for iariloutfer, tallmuutklt, Hid Ulrt fur I.Mdlr, in lur, hf return MalL JO.OOO TrwilmotiUli. Sum lpir. CHICHEtTCII ChkMICAL CO,, Mdlan Kiurl HtiJd by all Local lrglati, rilllaVOKIal'lUA?! MbmeybelTue whsome men say, moiun beueSv-hekbeCmen say" p.nd'slMil S fvn o i n - m Ih jjs asolid cake oBcouring soap For many years SAPOLIO has stood as the finest and best article of this kind in the world. It knows no equal, and, although It costs a trifle more its durability makes it outlast two cakes of cheap makes. It is therefore the cheapest in the end. Any grocer will supply it at z reasonable price. Buy Your Own Goods if Your ADVANCE THRESHERS, THE BEST IN AMERICA. Chemical Ftre Engines and Extinguishers, Fire Hose and Department 8npplie, steam Lanndrr Mihlnerr, Pumpa of all kinds, Brass Goods. Pipe and Fittings, Hancock Inspirators, Murine Worfc ilttnc and Hose, Wrenches, Lubricating Oils, Church, School and Farm Bells. Engines and Bollem eksmjth Drill and Forges, Buggies, Surriee, Spring and Express Wagons, the largest amortaa3 Carta In Portlaad. Dealars, vrlM lor prioea. For further Information call on or aJdraii L I VHi&lT, Fd if y&rrissa Strut, POBTUXB, a fffaeobs (2in)i REMEDY FOR PKIN rintKH t,e. STIFFNESS' ooreIhroat Vf0llNDS.CUTS.SWELLING3 THI CHARLES . VOOtLES CO.. BihTntf. Ml STEIN WAY, Gabler and Pease Plaooi Misuiliig - III" llT Tiahii Mn, it lh forll oliel I'lUiM. ll Minlo.l liialiuim liM, Iwiula Hnt i'llsl, lam iM-a of Hli.s.l Mu.lo hiis IUn. IWI aiul I'ual Mrrot; MtlTiilta llstt Isi. t all Ulil ami our "pa i.NMua ami naa al'N'k UAV CCUCDCURtD '2 STAr CURt0, (Inl rLlLil V r waul llir n.our and .l ihrssof I'Vrl y aillfi Irr III III 0 ROTUMA I'.S aa.1. .OU.U. AdiUrss, & l0 I nlllA P.B.rvUll.r..." D.Kuffai... I CUT THIS OUT And send to us f . I' lllllol'liiph and lull ol i iillloinlii I mil I and lu MAYWOOD COLONY rotttor, Donchloy A Woodnon, l.ll Malket atn-et, San I rum -leo, I al r 1 1 1-: i.'i- M. aT' f S. Illft- Ak your ihh-r lor It, nr arn.l fur I- r. o ireiiur I lHiltim.T Inruliatnr Co., rr!:tlttm;i. C:'X BISHOP SCOTT ACADEMY. Koiimlfil Ih;u. Actt'lfinlr, rrt'i'iimli'r v ami riitiry hMirliiitiitt. Hw r nnlHr rinrM, hi 'lut i tic 1 1 I'ohitnt'ti ltl hi Id' i it'iiito I )' t mi'itt. iMirlplliM' in( Ii tit ill, Imt Ntrlrt N ii huil iN.t mlmllti'.l Itcfi-r Uli riinHilciii't' lt imtiiiiii Mini Mipll t Ii t tin h Ii imt llii' Nurilmi'l t 'MitH. 1 I mm li f, rnili!', 17 KrHihinti'n lutl ) tt I-mirtifiilh 'Hr UlI'liT iti'iili MlUMltK'IIM-lll Will (if- Kin Hipt, It, I"1'I. fur rtth0ttut' nnl other Infuriiiitlhiii H.f.lrt4 J. W II I I I., M l . 'riii lrtl, r. ti. Iiruwi r IT. rpii)Miul. or. i niffllithiftfknnwl(Nic4 ltihiiff rtiii v fr ftll ih muitturftl ili harg' na rlvtiittrsirNirtf utrn. A rirrtMlttritri for ttir drtillt Utllitf klirM HKrUlltf lt ttntnrn. I rTt r.lrfltnd fMl Mf tmCMlf In rirnnutiutllu( U fc . chcmii,o L"jm ' I A. 4 oiuntn, p u .uintiwiiu, THE SAME, o mmms m wrm m a i i mm JF I'lirral" IToll)A YH.J I iu...i-a ""a 1 SWood ..picstT UUU4 iclui S I "saaaV II:. . I'tm i Yr'tjl.'s.'-l ("ATA KKII. Itcst. Knsi. ICclief is inimeiliale. A I tho Mend it has no equal. I Sold hy dru'isls or sent hy Ha.u.tink, Warren, Pa. RED CROSS Diamond Brand A Mure, niflraM.-)!! for Vtf Tha aaaal MaafV Ma.awa aVtw(.4 IHttmond timnd lu Urd .ml Hold mriikiil bind. Htfuis fhibtituUtms, mtt lw.n,.tt,M Dealer Does Not Carry Them. Best and Cheapest !n the World. Carts, 515 Up. Wagons, 550 Up. If