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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1891)
The Hood River Glacier. VOL. .5. HOOD KIVICK. OKKtiON. SATURDAY. SKITKMKEU 12. 181)1. NO. 15. Sfccd Iiver (Slacier. rum.lallKIl IVRRT MTItKliAT MOHNIIUi T The Glacier Publishing Company. I IIH( IIIPTION I'HICK. On. tr , (ii miinth. , Tin... iiiiititti. , kiil. coy . . , , , ...... ... I Of ... C.U OKO. I MOHOAN, Ut. Chi. I ) II N Unt nmr Iiiuul :: Law :: SpccialiHt.. hiHin No. a, i .ihI (im.' iiiiiMini, Til K I'AI.I.K.H, OH O. D. TAYLOR, Real listate Broker, f irf, Liro and Accident Iniurancs. Money Loaned on Real Estate Security t'fTW, Krii-h k i'n '. Sink lliiilillng, TMK DAM.M. lUIKliON. THE GLACIER Grant Evans, Pr opr. ..mud Si., Ouk. IIihhI Hirer, Or. Shaving km) lluii flitting neatly Sulikfw'tiiiii oikiunttT.I. itun. PACIFIC COAST. Fruit-Growiner in Ari- zona Territory. POPULATION OF MINIVOK. Two Hundred Minors Arrive In One Day at the New Mining Camp in Utah. Barber Shoo i Strawtierries grow in Alaska, and now Ih mill season (or thiMii. Arizona lii)H'H Miion tt) lie n rival to California in the fruit-growing line. It in again rcjMirtftl thiit the I tniHiiiiiirti have sold tin Wellington collieries to a syndicate. Tti government steamer Albatross, which has been in the service of the Fish Commission Hinci July Hi, in lit As toria, ami will await orders there. Tlio Commissioners llllVC gillie I'.HHt. A party of land swindlers, have liecn arrested ut Portland. They have been locating parties on laud on tint payment o( $5;), and claimed that a syndicate tliey represented would buy the latul at an advance. The sheep industry in Oregon in a growing one. Orcein in now fn rniHhiiir sheep for the Black Hills country. The other day 115 carloads left l'endlettui for Maudlin, N. 1)., where they will lie put on the range. 1'ort Townsend according to olllcial re turns cleared 117 more vessels din ing the fl rut three months of this year than New York did. The tonnage of the whips cleared wiih a third more than that of those from New York. The run of salmon has begun in dead earnest and large catches are reported all over the Sound. The Myers cannery at Mukilteo is receiving between 5,000 and (1,11(10 fish per day, and is now can ning them as fast an received. Beventeen cases in which the United States brought suit against the l'uget Sound Mill Company have been decided by the act ing Secretary and the rulings of the Commissioner in the same re versed. This is a victory for the com pany. The crew of the bark Pisagua, which vessel has just reached Victoria, B.C., complain of having I wen fed with rotten meat, which they could not eat, and they bad subsisted on bread lor weeks. The captain had the mate and two men in irons, and charged them with mutiny. At the new mining camp of La Plata, near Ogden, U. T., 200 prospectors ar rived recently. At a meeting held to lo cate town streets a row arose, and the meeting adjourned to avoid trouble. The center of the camp has a sign, "China men and Dugos, take a sneak," attached to a pole, from whh it hangs a rope with a noose at the end. At San Francisco Colonel C. F.Crocker was quite seriously hurt the other day by falling from a street car. lie was sit (, Jing on the railing of a car, and when it , ' started suddenly he fell oil', and his head truck the paving, lie was at once taken to his home, and a surgeon was called in. The opening of the terminal road to Long Beach and San Pedro, which will take place within six weeks, will be at tended with considerable improvements at those places. A new hotel will be erected either Bt Long Beach or on the Rat tlesnake Island terminus of the line, which will be renamed and made a sum mer resort. The Southern Pacific will also probably erect a new hotel on the site of the structure recently burned at Long Beach. THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. Ill Aac..l VhIiihIIxii .if Hi I'lt.'llli' C.iMal Ml 1. 1 anil I lull. special from Washington says it is hclictcd that cx-Oovurnor Cheney will be Secretary Proctor' siicci'mhoc in the Cabinet. Information Iuih been received that Charles W. Hint of New York has lccii appointed CoiiHul-liciicra! of Chili by President ISnlmaeeihl. The llepiirtment of State has been of ficially notified that the city of Trieste. Austria, lias ceased to lie a free port and is now on the same fooling with regard to customs duties as the other ports of the A ust riii-Hungary Empire.- The Secretary of the Treasury has de cided that Song Chong Hop ami Hop, the two Chinese hoys, 17 and 15 vears of age, who allege they were horn In Texas and MiilM.iiiently visited Can- ion, t, tuna, are not dciiarn-ii from re turning to the United Slates if they pro duct! mitisfitclorv evidence that thev were horn in this country. Assistant Secretary Craunse has issued a circular to customs officers aa follows: "In all case of seizure of spirituous liquors unide on account of violations of eiiNtoiiiN laws in States wherein locsl laws forbid the public sale of spirituous lienors Collectors will hereafter hold the articles sci.ed and reMrt each case to this department for such action as will not contravene local statutes." Secretary Noble has sent the following telegram to Coventor Steele of Okla homa in reply to a dispatch inquiring as to the time and conditions for owning to settlement the Indian land" in Okla homa Territory : "There ii nodavset for opening tin Indian lands. The Pres ident has not been consulted, and he will have to determine. I have rciiucHtcd sufficient force to protect Indian lauds until opened. I am sure the sople will understand that thev cannot go noon these limits until all conditions with the Indians are complied with and the proc lamation ihsiiihI. lhe law-aliKling citi zens will Is protected so far as my au thority goes, and those lisolcyiiig the law and committing trespasses shall gain nothing thereby, but rather incur loss. Please keep me advised." The census bureau has Issued a bulle tin on the assessed valuation of the real and personal property of the several Mutes and Territories. The bulletin shows that the assessed value of all prop er! v has increased in the hint decade $7,:ill.5!7.2iil. er.t decrease of Illinois allows an appar- $.V.i,2tH,(KK), Is-cause the State Board of Equalization declares the asHCKHcd value to be at AO ht cent., ami in IM'.H) only 25 per cent, of the true value. Among the States showing in crease are the following: California, $IS0,524,mHI; Idaho, $10,140,000; Mon tana. $H7,87:i,00t; Nevada, $4,628,000; I'tali, 7!i,li:i:l,(XM; Washington, $100, IS.".,IHH; Oregon, $1 ;$,504,(HH. The as sessed valuation mt capita, exclusive of Oklahoma, in IM'.HI was $3,870.20, an in crease of about $50 over 18S0. William II. Williams, who went to Seal Island three months ago as a spe cial at nt of the government, has just returned to Washington. He said that tlespite the presence of nearly a dozen American and English men-of war in and around Bchriug Sea illicit sealing was being carried on extensively. Pre vailing fogs in the sea made it easy for fast-sailing schooners to elude pursuit, and Williams is of the opinion that the illegal catch for the present season will number 20,000 seals. Of the 7,500 skins allowed privilege holders this year 0,300 caught by natives for food have already passed into the hands ut t he North Amer ican Commercial Company. This leaves only 1,200 seals to lie captured Is-tween now and May 1 of next year; and, as that niimls-r will not supply the Aleuts on the Islands of St. Paul and St. George with food, the Commercial Company will have to keep the natives from starving. Williams is of the opinion that a couple of years' protection to seals is necessary in onier to keep them from iKMng exter minated. CABLEGRAMS. I'roremi of rtiotixriapliliiK In Color I'ltlenleil In l.omloii. Over 10,000 miners in South Wales have struck. Denmark will bo heard from at the World's Fair. Russia has authorized a temporary loan of 25,000,000 credit roubles. Severe earthquakes are reported in various portions of Italy. A Berlin court baa decided that a butcher can make and sell dog sausages it lie labels ttiem as such. A process for photographing in colors has lieen patented in Jjondon, and a company is aboot to begin business. Women in Sweden have now obtained official permission from the government to be received as pupilB of apothecaries. The Kaiser has sent to the Queen a fine picture of his yacht, the Uohenzol lern. representing himself standing on the bridge in full naval uniform. The inhabitants of Pivoli, incensed at a Bishop because be tried to prevent services in Roumania, seized him, pulled his lieard out and dragged him through the streets. From Hamburg conies a report that the Empress Frederick refuses to take any notice of the Princess Bismarck, and even declines to recognize her when they happen to meet in the course of their drives. Liverpool intends spending $30,000 more in attempting to do away with that nuisance, the Liverpool bar. They have already spent $50,000 buying two power ful dredgers and carrying away 420,000 tons of Band. The British surveying ship Rambler has returned home alter triangulating the whole coast between Shanghai and Hongkong. Many points, including lighthouses, were found to be out of po sition on the chart, the Breakwater Point lighthouse fully a mile. EASTERN ITEMS. Cannol Coal Struck Bath, Maine. at WYOMING TAXES BACHELORS Ontario Confiscates Short-Weight Bread and Gives It to Chari table Institutions. Opliiin-Hinokinif is increasim; in Phial dclphia. Only one Indian left In Illinois the census. savs A vein of caiinel coal has Is en struck at Bath, Me. The People's party in Kansas invnes penny coiiirinuiious. Mr. Blame thinks of improving his proerty at Bar Harltor. The Mayor of Philadelphia cannot lie elected to a second term. i lie ow ners oi apartment houses in Boston projMiMe to organize. rvparaie cars lor tnacKs ami whites in Texas have proven a failure. I lie assesHeil valuation of real estate in Pennsylvania is 7.'2,.'i(N),H72, 1 he Wyoming legislature has passed a law taxing ttacheiors f2 a year. tienerai i.nuer is Having some grim enjoyment in reading his obituaries. the AlliamiA siKakers who are to stump Ohio will " live on the farmers." In Ontario short-weight lreai is con tlscatcd ami given U) charitable institu tions. Boodle charges are now made in con nection with the harlsir works at To ronto. Mr. W'at.amaker is thinking of intro ducing a pneumatic ostal service in St. IIIIIS. The Upper Mississippi is rapidly get ting into an unsatisfactory low-water condition. Guatemala will probably reproduce at the Chicago Fair one of the old palaces in antique. The Francklyn eott ige, w here Presi dent Garfield (lied, has ls-en bought bv inn i rustees. The farmers near Terrp U nite. Ind.. want the $105,000 stallion Axtell assessed at that figure instead of $5,00,1. Connecticut is overrun with skunks; they even peregrinate into the cities and cause many unpleasant incidents. A cotton trust is forming in the South, the object Iteing to save the present large crop from being sacrificed to low prices. Canadian authorities have prohibited the circulation through the mails of that country of sixteen papers printed in this country. A leading hotel at Asbury Park, N. J., has been lined $100 for serving oleomar garine to its guest?, w ho did not detect the imposition. Following the suggestion of General Booth in Eiiiland, the Salvation Army in this country is proposing to go about the streets on bicycles. The Prohibitionists of Nebraska have placed Mrs. Ida M. Bittenbender. a fe male lawyer of Lincoln, in the field for Supreme Judge of the State. A new dry dock is proposed for the Brooklyn navy yard, to lie 000 feel long and 14G feet wide, to lie of wood and concrete and to cost $000,000. The New York Press announces that the old John Roach ship yard has re ceived the contract for an 8, 000-ton mail steamer from the Pacific Mail Company. Premier Abliott says the scandals un earthal by the investigations at Ottawa are very serious, but he adds the govern ment proposes to punish the guilty par ties. The citizens of Stevens county, Kan,, in which the county-seat question has canned some bloodshed, want an investi gation of the finances by State author ities. Boston has good evidence of the large ness of the peach crop. The Transcript says that already the Hub has received more of the fruit than it sometimes gets in an entire season. A glut in the New York lemon market has been brought on by immense impor tations. A week ago there were in port three steamers with 50.000 boxes on board, with no sale for any of them. It is said Claus Spreckela is to be pros ecuted for engaging Austrians to come to this country under contract to work in his refineries. Two of the men reached New York last week, and are to be re turned to their country. A New Orleans dispatch says: The Texas Farmers' Alliance is responsible for the injury to the trade of Galveston.. The Texas Railroad Commission, which has fixed cotton rates, and the Texas alien land are both the work of the Alli ance, and both are showing their hurtful effects. Indian lands in the Indian Territory nurchased during the uast vear bv the government will he opened to settlement by proclamation by the President Sep tember 10. The knowledge of this fact has attracted many boomers already. The Keeley cure for drunkenness made famous by the publicity given it by Ed itor Medi'll of Chicago is not an unmixed blessing. It is claimed that bichloride of gold, which is the remedy, not only removes tne taste tor nquor, nut during the period of active treatment paralyzes the memory. Patients, they say, forget the names of their friends and theirown nam us and the names of places. LOUISIANA VETERANS. I'ruii4l Sole, of ll-KHt. to Urn I'iiu veiillou. At 7:''M this evening the delegates of the various camps of I hi ted Confederate Veterans will asM-inble at Meu.orial Hall t'i elect p. Maj ir-General Ut command the Ixmisiana Hivision for the ensuing year. The rumored candidates are the inciim be .t (w ho Iiiih served but the third of a full term;, W.J. Behan of the Army of Northern Virginia; Gen eral John Glynn, Jr., Army of TenneH see; Colonel J. P. Richardson, Wach ingtoii Artillery, and Colonel George Moorman of the civulry. There may la, however, come " dark horses " from' the country. HKKTCUKN OF COMKAIIKS. Below will Isi found such personal note's concerning delegates as The Item reporters have U-en ab.e to pick up, a iiuiulx-r who promised memoranda not having sent it in and others not being found. Colonel It. F. Fshleman, the present chief of the veteran corps, Washington Artillery l amp, went out with the fa mous battalion in lstil as Captain of the fourth company. He was the first ollicer wounded at the battle of Bull Run. After serving gallantly in several en gagements he was promoted to Major ship of the battalion, and was in com mand at the surrender at Appumattox. Paul Conrad. A true representative of" lieiu lemps" is found in Paul Conrad, a delegate from Camp Heary, St. Paul. He in a purely typical liouisi anian. With an ancestry as old as the country, he combines in himself every essential feature of the old-time Creole, with the progressive characteristics of the present age. Born in this city on December 31,1840, of native parentage, be, with many whose names will ever live in the his tory of the State, attended the public school of this city. At an early age the death of his father left him to bullet the world with but lit tle help, save the encouraging and wise counsel n of a brave mother, and deter mined his early embarkation in the va rying and stern actualities of life. lie began a commercial career when barely 15 years of age in the wholesale grocery business, and aftewards engaged in the cotton business i ne war nreaKing out when he was about 20 years of age, he joined the Chasseurs a Pied, one of the lirst com mands to leave this city for the then seat of war, Pensacola, in April, lWd. His career as a soldier was conspicuous for his personal daring and bravery, not unmixed with a fair share of romance, and paying trie pi nalty of his venture some spirit, he was three times badly wounded, once in front of Richmond, at the battle of Crazier rami, June ;t0, j bo i, where ne was appointed color- bearer of his battalion on the field by the i olonei commanding. J he Mag tluu entrusted to him, which he carried to the end of the war, is the same battle flag which was presented to St. Paul's Battalion by General Longstreet to com memorate their desperate charge at Seven Pines, and which was after the surrender at Apimmattox taken to a place of safety in Richmond. Alxmt l.HiOa meeting of the veterans of the old command delegated Mr. Con rad to go to Richmond and secure the battered war emblem, which he did. and after reporting to his old comrades in arms he delivered the nag into the cus tody of the Association of the Army of northern irgtma. whicti lias unfurled it in Memorial Hall, where it now hangs. a silent and eloquent reminder of those troublous times which brought it intoex- istence. At Sharpsburg (or Antietam) Septem ber 10, 1801, he was a second time wounded, and fell into the hands of the Federals. After being exchanged and before thoroughly recuperated from his disabling wounds, we find him again in the field of active duty with his com mand in and about the historical Black water, Southampton county, Va., and at the battle of Belletield be was again wounded. Surrendering with the last forlorn hope, after four years and several months of actual active service, he resumed his duties of citizenship to his native State, relapsing into those peaceful pursuits in winch he could serve his people most beneficially. In 1807 he was elected As sistant Secretary of the Finance Com mittee of the City Council, where his intelligent administration of the office soon promoted him tothe Secretaryship. With varying successes to himself financially he thereafter engaged in va rious commercial enterprises, until ot lute years he acquired a home in the town of Waveland, adjoining Bay St. Louis, Miss., where his progressive spirit and enlightened enterprise were soon recognized, and he was elected and is still serving as a Councilman of that cor poration. His suggestions of progress were soon adopted bv his new constitu- ents.and some time ago he was called up on to serve as President of the Gulf Coast Ice and Manufacturing Company, which is now affording such material comforts to the denizens of that lively little town. Many years ago he accepted a a ibal tem poeition with the Louisiana Stat Company, where his worth was Boon recognized," and his promotion to the internal direction of his office affairs gradually followed, and which upon the death of their late President, Dr. M. A. Dauphin, culminated in his being chosen President of that vast institution which office he now holds with credit to himself and advantage to the company. He is also a Director in the Cherokee Iron Manufacturing Company of Rusk, Tex., which has sought the benefit of his advice and experience, and altogether he finds his time well taken up with the administration of the affairs of others. Yet with his multifarious duties he re mains what he ever was, a true and loyal friend and safe adviser, one upon whom none who know him ever hesitate to en truiit their most secret confidences. His peculiar attributes are his un swerving devotion to duty, his undeviat ing punctuality and his lovalty to any cause he may espouse. Xew Orhan (La.) Cily Item, May 30, FOREIGN LANDS. Gold and Silver Scarce in Portugal. GERMAN CARPET-WEAVERS. Mr. Gladstone Denies That He Knew of Mr. Parnell's Secret Whereabouts. Prince George of Wales is to be made a commander in the royal navy. Nordica will make a concert tour of the United States on her ow n account. Gold and silver have almost entirely disappeared from circulation in Portu gal. Russia has not prohibited the expor tation of rye liefore since the Crimean war. Austria expects to reap a golden har vest out of the Russian rye prohibition with her abundant harvests. The Princess of Wales fund for the benefit of Mrs. Grimwood, the heroine of Manipur, amounts to $7,500. The famous Sevres porcelain manufac tory is likely to be closed, the demand for its wares having fallen off. The Portuguese are shamefully abus ing the natives in Southeastern Africa, especially in Mozambique, and seize the women as slaves. The English colonial office has just consented to the appointment of a Chi nese Consul at Hongkong for one year as an experiment. An Odessa Jew named Kaplan has ee cured the punishment of a police agent for assault, having paid the Chief of Po lice for protitction. Everything is quiet at Nankin, where the Viceroy is settling claims. His an swer to the foreign Ministers' demands is eminently evasive. The Manipur Regent in power at the time of the recent massacre in India and Prince Angao Sena have leen exiled for life, the death sentence having been commuted. A mine of mercury, said to be exceed ingly rich, has been recently discovered in liiazil. Tin's is the only Brazilian mine of that kind of which we have any knowledge. The Catholic papers at Treves urge the pilgrims not to buy relics from the Prot estants, as they ridicule the holv coat now on exhibition there, although glad to profit by the exhibition. Despite official denial it is still as serted that a government order has been dispatched to all Russian and Polish railways forbidding them to ex port any more wheat, rye or flour. Loud complaints continue to be made of the management of the Bayreuth mu sical festival. It is alleged that the Di rectors reduced everything to a commer cial basis, and a very sordid one at that. The English government will call the attention of the United States govern ment to the improper packing of cotton cargoes for Fmgland, which endangers the loss of the vessel while the cargo is in transit. Snain has given Great Britain formal notice of its intention to terminate July 1 iievt Ilia truatv Kv U-1.I..K tha nwn.l.mfa of Canada are admitted into the Spanish West Indies under the "favored-nation" treatment. No prima donna of English birth, it is said, has appeared this season at Covent Garden in London. Albani was born in Canada, Melba in Melbourne, Nordica, luimia Raines ana Sybil Sanderson in the United States. Tn Brenlfln dintrinta in llarmanir cotton-weavera are in a condition bor dering on starvation. Eight of the largest mills have been closed, and some of the former employes have lieen glad to accept work breaking stone at 10 pence a uay. A npn&nHnn ha.a hpAn ranawt K.r fKa disnniiparnnce of the Rporisitrar-Iunorol of Berlin, Germany, Herr Kanneyses sera. He had been gambling heavily of inic, oiiu in uun inauiuce won z-i,uuu marks in a lottery. It is believed that his losses on the turf eirppp.t hia n-in. nings elsewhere, and that, finding him- seu unaoie io pay nis aeota, ne nas com mitted suicide. An old woman died in the smith nt France, aged 83, and in "grateful recog nition of the intelligent n nit dnvntH cava of Dr. X., which had enabled her to reach a ripe old age," she left him every thing in her cabinet. After her death the executor unlocked t.h found in it, unopened, unsealed and un corked, all the pills and potions pre scribed for the deceased by Dr. X. dur ing the past ten yeara. Is the will a forgery ? The ukase nrnhihitinw the Drnnrlolinn of rye from Russia has gone into effect. The government is tkimr n nnmlw nf other measures intended to protect the peop'e irom distress on account of bad harvests. Inland t.rnnsnnrtati ----- v. fV vuwvu lilting on grain have been reduced, and free suDDlies of fuel will lw of necessity. To carry out this intention ine ueiurai government nas ordered a necessary number of trees to be felled in cient for the destitute during the entire mi. m . i wimer. vjovernors oi tne twenty nmvinnpa litralv ,a anf mnct Kana instructed to set to work at the construc tion of new roads and the inmrovpmont of old ones in order to furnish employ ment ior ine peasantry. A sum of 15, 000,000 roubles baa been appropriated ior me purpose. PORTLAND MARKET. A ut lli Condition of It Dif ferent lrartinnt. Biifliness has been very active this wek, especially in the vegetable and fruit line. The amount of trading waa in excess of any previous week this year, in other lines trade has been very good. The local demand for flour ia steady. and the export demand for China and San Francisco is larger than the supply. Re ceipts from the Valley and Eastern Ore on were very light. Prices have ad vanced, and dealers look for higher quo tations. Oats are more steady, owing to light receipts and a large demand. Millstuffs are scarce. The demand for IMitatoes is fair and the supply very large. Vegetables and fruits are in large sup ply. The butter and cheese markets are 'inn. Eggs are steady and in fair de uHiid, receipts being light. Chickens ire very plentiful, but find a fair sale. Verv little is doing in dried fruits. The local demand for wool is fair, holders are linn, and buvers are not very willing to purchase. Tdie hide market is weak. WHEAT. Telegraphic advices report all marketa lull and easier. English cargo market i neglei ted and tsl per quarter cheaper. MaiK IJine spot market lsdull and tend :n lower; Liverpool spot is weaker, and futures at the close showed a decline oi I 4 fC l?4i percental. Produce, Prnlt, Et. WiiEvr Valley, 1.52'1.5i; Walla Walla, $I.47'..Vrt 1 50 per cental. Flock Standard, 5.00; Walla Walla, ier barrel. Oats Old, 4550c; new, 4042c per bushel. II w $1214 per ton. Miu-sri ffs Bran, $22(323; short, nominal, $25(526; ground barley, $ 0$ 32; chop feed, $22'26 per ton; barley, $1.2 Ho 1 25 per cental. Bi ti kr Oregon fancy creamery, 30 32 ,c; fancy dairy, 27!sc; fair to good, 25c; common, LVt20c; California, 22 (a 24c per jiound. Cheksk Oregon, 1212Kc; Califor nia, Ijc per pound. Fogs Oregon, i;0c per dozen. Poiltky Old chickens, $5.50; young chickens, $2.50(34.00; ducks, $4(g 0 ; geese, nominal, $8 per dozen ; turkeys, 1 10c per pouna. I Vegetables Cabbage, $1.50 per 'cental; cauliflower, $11 25 per dozen; .Onions, lc per pound; beets, $1.25 per ' sack ; turnips, $1.00 per sack ; new pota toes, ooiaooc per cental : tomatoes, 00(3 57c per box; lettuce, 12'c per dozen; green peas, 3i4c per pound; string beans. 2(S3c per pound ; rhubarb, 3c per pound; cucumliers, 10c per dozen; car rots, $10 1.2 per sack; corn, 10c per idozen; sweet potatoes, 2(A3c per pound. Fki its Sicily lemons, $78; Califor nia, $5C per box ; apples, 75c(a $1.25 per box ; banana, $3.50(i 4 a bunch ; pineap ples, $5((i7 per dozen; apricots, 85c$l per box ; peaches, 60(a85c per box ; black berries, iS 7c per pound; plums, 25(J00c per box; watermelons, $1.502.50 per dozen ; cantaloupes, $1.50(21.75 per dozen, $2 per crate; grapes, Tokay, $1.30 per box, $1.00(21 10 per crate; muscat and black, $1.25 per crate; pears, $1.25; Bartlett. $1(21.25 per box; nectarines, $1.25 per .rate; crab apples, 3c per pound ; $1.50 per dozen. Ncts Calitomia wainuts.ll Vj(212fj.C hickory, BLe'c; Brazils, 10(2 lie; al monds, lti(nISe; fillierts, 13(214c; pina nuts, 1718c; pecans, 17(218c; cocoa nuts, 8c; hazel, 8c; peanuts, 8c pe pound. Staple Groceries. Coffee Costa Rica. 210; Rio, 23c ) Micha, 30c; Java, 258c; Arbuckle'8, 100-pound cases, 25?4c per pound. Sugar Golden C,4?gc; extra C, 47jc; granulated, 5JgC ; cube crushed and pow dered, tic; confectioners' A, 6c per pound. Beans Small white, 3tc; pink, Vi .)'c; bayos, 4?jc; butter, 4gc; limaa, 445c per pound. Honey 18(2 20c per pound. Salt Liverpool, $lt,$lt.5017 ; stock, $11(212 per ton in carload lots. Canned Goods Table fruits, $1.65, 2kjs; peaches, $2.00; Bartlett pears, $1.85 ;plums,$l. 374 ; straw berries,$2.25; cherries, $2.502.60 ; blackberries, $1.90 ; raspberries, $2.40; pineapples. $2.50(23; apricots, $1.75. Vegetables : Corn, $1.35 l.i5, according to quality; tomatoes, $1.10(23.25; sugar peas, $1.25; string beans, $1.10 per dozen. Pie fruit: As sorted, $1.50; peaches, $1.65; plums, $1.25; blackberries, $1.65 per dozen. Fish: Sardines, 85c(21. 65; lobsters, $2.30 (23.50; oysters, $1.50(23.25 per dozen. Salmon, standard No. 1, $1.251.50 per case; No. 2, $2.55. Condensed milk: Eagle brand, $8.10; Crown, $7; High land, $6.75; Champion, $6; Monroe, $6.75 per case. Syrup Eastern, in barrels, 4755c; half-barrels, 5058c; in cases, 55880c per gallon; $2.25(22.50 per keg. Cali fornia, in barrels, 30c per gallon ; $1.75 per keg. Rick $5.25 per cental. Dried Fruits Italian prunes, 10llc ; Petite and German, 9(2 10c per pound; raisins, $1.75(22.25 per box; plummer dried peara, 10llc; sun-dried and fac tory pluma, ll12c ; evaporated peaches, 1820c; Smyrna figs, 20c; California, figs, 9c per pound. Hides, Wool and nop. Hides Dry hides, selected prime, 8l (29c; less for culls; green, selected, over 55 pounds, 4c; under 55 pounds, 3c; eheep pelts, short wool, 3050c; me dium, 6080c; long,,. 90c $1.25; shear lings, 1020c; tallow, good to choice, 3 3Kic per pound. Wool Willamette Valley, 1719c; Eastern Oregon, 1016c per pound, according to conditions and shrinkage. Hoes Nominal ; 20(225c per pound. The new city directory of Cleveland contains 99,825 names, showing a popu lation of 299,47a, using three as a multi ple. The city has gained about 20,000 people within the laat year, and it ia confidently expected that it will pasa taa 3UO,ouu mart oy isyz.