The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 05, 1891, Image 4

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rUMITION. Every inditation ioiiitt to a tremen
dous muvess of t lie lVrtUnd Induslm!
KxpoMtion, which ojMMii this year Sep
tember 17. The minio by the tftvat
Z.apailoreg lUntl of Mexico,' 1 ho paint
ings Iron) abroad, the living chess tour
nament, the wonderful electrical dis
plays, the unpreeedentedly larpe mini
tar ol exhibits in agriculture and horti
culture, in industry and science, show a
that the coming reposition, in attract
iveness, will exceed anv ever held upon
the Pacific Coast.
There has Won an entire rearrange
ment of the Exposition, and a large
number of novelties from every part of
the world have boon secured.
The railroads have granted a round
trip rate of one fare and a fifth; half
rates on all exhibits, except fruits and
vegetables, which have boon placed upon
the free list. This certifies to the excel
lent management of the Exposition of
ISS'l , and the same energy displayed in
the other departments loaves no doubt
as to its great success.
Pretty strong
reasons for trying Dr. Sage's
Catarrh Remedy. In the first
place, it cures your catarrh
no matter how bad your case,
or of how long standing. It
doesn't simply palliate it
cures. If you believe it, so
much the better. There's
nothing more to be said.
You get it for 50 cents, from
all druggists.
But perhaps you won't be
lieve it. Then there's another
reason for trying it. Show
that you can't be cured, and
you'll get $500. It's a plain
business offer. The makers
of Dr. Sage's Remedy will
pay you that amount if they
can't cure you. They know
that they can you think
that they can't. If they're
wrong, you get the cash. If
you're wrong, you're rid of
Flue farm land in Xehrakiilti exchange for
timber or other lands in lu-hiiiirton or tre
foil. H. h. Xoblk, Concord Bldg., Portland
want the very best Kois that yon know
will grow, at cash prices, write us.
c9e- F. L. POSSON A SON, w,l7h0MM
2d Street Portland, Oregon. Front St.
Portland, Oregon. A. P. Armstrong, Prin.
Branch School : Capital Bis. Collkue, Salem. Oregon.
Same courses of study, same ratea of tuition.
Business. Shorthand,
Typewriting, Penmanship, and English Departments
In session throughout the year. Student admit
ted at any time. Catalogue from either school, free.
We have the reul Ceylon, new, direct import,
in original cases. Pronounced by tea drinkers
superior to any in this market. Price HO Cents
per tt. Any quantity not over 1 It) by mail post
paid atfl per tt. Cheaper than cheap tea. Trv it.
416-418 Front Street,
Handsomest Wheel in the market. Strictly High
Grade in every particular. Cushion Tire's, Tan
gent Spokvs, from 35 to SI 15. Send for Illus
trated Catalogue, free.
Pacific Coast Agts., 15 First St., San Francisco, ( al.
iCurea all unnatural discharges of mm,
no matter or how long standing. Pre
vents stricture, it being an interna
remedy. Cures when everything els
ban failed. Prire.tf3.00. Circular oi
application, hold by Druggists or sen'
on rec ipt of price by I ne A. Bcnoeu
neii Medicine J0 , Ban Jose, tai.
Portland, Oregon.
A Boarding and Day School for ft Iris;
Founded 1 SOU; the Right hev. B.
Uistar Morris, JJ. !., Kector.
Thorough instruction; a large and carefully se
lected corps of teachers; students prepared for col
lege; new and elegant building In the most com
manding and beautiful part of the city. For cata
logue address the MIBHKS KODXK V.
Plumbers' and Engineers' Supplies, Hand
and Steam Pumps, Iron Pipe. Rams, Pipe
Covering, Lubricators, Water Motors, Fans
and Ventilators, Cash Registers, Etc.
Write for prices.
Contractors on heating and ventilating
buildings. Estimates furnished.
(General and NERVOUS EILITYj
IWeakneaaof BodyandHind. Effeotfl
it. ftobiaHAMIOODfallT Ktored. How to Dlinr sn4
Itr itnwTTff l i tnupiBtvr&uvnuinDNranisur ddvi
AbMlBtslj ufkllltr HOB It TRBiTflKNT Benefits la a da
1m Uatirj from (0 8tl and kTgm Countries. Write theau
VrfDtt Book, tipIaaatUn tad proofi milled (eetled) free
Not till we meet with Un In all his beauty
lu all hit nolouin mivleMy ami worth.
Can we transitu the niennitm of litVt dot jr.
Which Hod oft write In cipher at our birth.
Not tilt Uv cornea lu all hi tretigth and
Can read other' hearts, uot till theu
A wide companion for all human error,
l)r tuind the iiuiYrrtiig depth of mortal
Not till w all with him o'er th storm j
Have we wen tempest; hidden In hi baud
He holds the key lo nil the ureal emotion;
Till he unlocks I hem, none, can understand.
Not tilt we walk with him on lofty mountain
Can we unite tueiur heitiht. And, oh, sad
When once drink from hi Immortal foun
tait.a, We bid farewell to the light heart of youth.
Thereafter our nuwt erfoct day w ill borrow
A dimming shadow from some dreaded
So trreal grow Joy it merges Into sorrow.
And evermore pain tincture our delight
-Kiln Wheeler Wlleo in New York World
She Said It.
Tlie modern xyxtoiu tf advertising
makes tin- public familiar with the
tmmcs, ami in some cn.sos with the
countenance of inventors and inaini
faetiirens and m strong is the power
of association that on meeting one of
these itineh advertix'd Hrsnns aa a
private individual it is dittlcult for
some persons to refrain front asking
him instantly about the artiele to
which his features seem to bo only a
sort of trademark
A lady who was making an evening
call met a man ol the name of Brown,
who had invented an improved button
hole making attachment for u sewing
machine, and whose name, preceded
by a hideous caricature of his face, had
boon omnipresent in the advertisements
for some time, lie had two charming
daughters whom the lady hud seen not
long In-fore, and with whom she had
been greatly pleased
During the entire call she had suc
ceeded in addressing Mr Hrown by his
rightful name only by great mental ex
ertions, as another word was constantly
trembling on her lis.
At last he rose to go, and with a sigh
of relief she heard his "good evening,"
to which she rescinded with her sweet
est smile, and added. 'Please remem
ber me kindly to the Misses Button
hole!" Youth's Companion.
One of A T. Stewart's Trick.
An old employe of the late A. T.
8tewart. the millionaire dry goods tuer
chant of New York, tells an instance
which shows the means sometimes em
ployed by that gentleman for enforc
ing the rules of his store There was a
rule to the effect that no person em
ployed in the building should carry
matches under the penalty of dismissal.
One evening as Mr Stewart was
pasing through the store on his way
home he suddenly turned to a number
of clerks who were standing near the
door and asked
"Can any one oblige me with a
No one answered for a moment, till
one of the men. prompted by courtesy
and thinking his employer would not
take advantage of him. replied, "Cer
tainly, sir; here is tine."
"Y'ou are discharged." was the un
gracious response, "(io to the desk
and get what is due you."
And with a "Good evening," Mr.
Stewart passed on to his carriage.
Washington Post.
The people who would have done so and so if
they had been there never get there.
Centrally located; American & Kiimpean plan;
first-class; reasonable rates. (.'. W. Koliy, prop.
Merchant Hotel, Third and D streets,
Portland. First-class accommodations.
Rates, 1 to $1.50 per day. Jacob Haas, I'rop,
Use Enamellne Stove Polish; no dust; no smell.
Tby Gebmea for breakfast.
Here is something from Mr. Frank
A. Hale, proprietor of the De Witt
House, Lewiston, and the Tontine
Hotel, Brunswick, Me. Hotel men
meet the world as it comes and goes,
and are not slow in sizing people
and things up for what they are
worth. He says that he has lost a
father and several brothers and sis
ters from Pulmonary Consumption,
and is himself frequently troubled
with colds, and he
Hereditary often coughs enough
to make him sick at
Consumption's stomach. When
ever he has taken a
cold of this kind he uses Boschee's
German Syrup, and it cures him
every time. Here is a man who
knows the full danger of lung trou
bles, and would therefore be most
particular as to the medicine he used.
What is his opinion ? Listen ! "I
use nothing but Boschee's German
Syrup, and have advised, I presume,
more than a hundred different per
sons to take it. They agree with
me that it is the best cough syrup
In the market." (9
BROOKLYN IIOTCL, Bush St., bet. Mont
gomery k Sansome, 8. F.; conducted on both the
European and American plan. This Hotel is under
the management of Charles Montgomery, and is the
best Family and Business Men's Hotel in Ban Fran
cisco. Home comforts, cuisine unexcelled, tirat-cUsf
serrioe, blgnest standard or respectahiuty guaranteed..
Board and room per day, $1.29 to ?2.00; single room, SO
oents to $1.00 per night. Free coach to and from the
STEINWAY, 6abIerTnd7eas8Planoi
Meaning the Bkst Piano Madi, and the favorite
cheaper Pianos; all Musical Instrument; Bands Sup
plied; large stock of Sheet Music Bteinwat Hall,
206 and 208 Post Street; Matthias Qkat Co. 011
ud Ht our new rooms ami nsw stock.
rUyhif tli WIM Steer .lose A tauoa
In Yelling Transferring Mock frotu On
I'm In Another-llospltnl for Injured
Tlioiv's lots of (tut n nrll its limine txMit
-tm lt yitrxl. Tho oM Imiiils, the Imj rs ittul
coiiimi-4.1011 moil, mill also th sUvkiiieu who
tvtiii ofton iMumnh to liiirn tlt rni, ttJoy
nothing better tlmn n jokoon (jiivu visitor,
0110 ntth kill glovo mill IxH.ts with jmtont
loiitlicr shin iHvfcrrvil, but tlivinltit, with
H.iimol shirt ami collar Hint his miituloon in
bis Isx't tow, if he 1 tluMHilv oljkVt t liiuul.
Tho jokoti tHke various forms, often ller mt
now out's, but thuns is a staiulurU Joke, th
usi of liwli is always itnlorxsL Th Tictim
is walking dowu one of the trtijje tmsNit
whys through which the CHttle uredrivvu
from )S'ti to 111, or to tho house, Ux)k-
ItiK fiMiu siiU to siilv to see illicit wsy he
will turn or tlitMUKli w hich ttstcy be w ill
imss to tMtne out w here be wauts to, Sud
denly there is loud cry i
"t'leur the wayl Here comes wild steerl"
Funny I Yes, very, for I be stMs-trttorn. The
cry litis lieou nivou by soti.e one who is "ou,"
nway at the other end of the juiwine, and It
taken up by the crowd scnttei-ed alonu the
alloy. They all know wlutt it is, and though
the greonio may I affioud or customer, they
as readily join iu the cry and ssrL The
HXr victtm does not know what it is. He
has pruliably vn, or limy lie exriein,ed(
what it is to le tiMss by a w ild steer, and aa
soon us be hours the divad cry be begun to
make way, Mid ttiiikoa it very rapidly. He
luugc ahead by aa loii sti idoa as osNible,
and lie is lucky if be does uot go head tlrst
into the mud.
The most interesting thing alxnit a stock
yard is the yelL The rich buyer or i-otnmi
sion miiu, as well aa the salnt icd apnt or
8svulator, knows it or rather thorn, for the
yell is as numerous almost as the eoile iu
the yards. The farmer and small stock
grower knows the 'whooiee" or"whona
oaHVter" and "sukie'' ums on the range or
farm yard, but w hen it comes to the combi
nations of letters and sounds used hora they
are as much at a as one of the geiitiemeu
using them would be iu attempting to con
vey au intelligent blea of them ou paper.
The most familiar sound to the couutrymau
is a long one something like this:
"Wha-whoap-ott-oa-oap-wonp'erer and re
peated as rapidly as poKMhlu, w ith occasional
variations as they suggest themselves.
This is uot an exact reproduction, but it ia
something near it, and if the student pa'
tiently twists his vocal organs uutil he finds
the right contortion he may produce the
sound. If be anticipates going into the busi
ness, the "may'' will be changed to "must,"
for this driving sound seems to te the begin
ning Hiut of all the one taught iu the pri
mary dcjiart merit. A yell following it seems.
easier, but it is not. It runs:
"lli-i-i-yi-kieyioa-yea-eo-ea-hi-yi-yi-yi-yi f
and carried out without limit, until its ob
ject is accomplished.
This yell may be made very musical, and
theu it becomes something more thun a yelU
Those who are MTfect iu it run the scale, up
and down, centerwise and every other wise,
and a professor of music could better thou
express it iu notes than any one else could
represent it in letters.
There's another sound which sounds like
au auctioneer repeating "going goingong" so
rapidly that it soou becomes a sound with
something like a "g'' as the tlrst letter and he
winds up with an abrupt "gone to John
Smith," who has almost forgotten that he
bad bid.
Another musical spur to the live stork's
movements is built on the plan of Joe Era
niett'a warble, which everybody who thiuks
be s an hmmett tries to imitate. This is be
coming slightly Mipular. but its commercial
value in its effect on the cattle has not yet
been definitely determined. These, with
many more yells, are all told in the sales pens
and scale yards. Iu the unloading and ship
ping yanla another style prevails, something
not so sharp. Variety is the rule there, too,
but as in the first case there is a common
approved yell which may be attempted after
a few lessons. To produce it the lips must
be fixed just so. Theu comes:
In producing the last part of this sound tke
student will profit stwd progress more rapidly
in this work if be carefully studies the pecu
liarities of the heavy villain's stage laugh in
a second class variety show. He wilt soon
discover the ieculinrities which he may use,
and will then have little difficulty iu sand
wiching it projierly between some other
sounds. The last lessons must be tuken with
the aid of an eight foot pole, weighing about
twenty pounds, with which the student will
prodt bag of sand, if nothing more con
venient answers, giving more emphasis with
each prod. After a couple of dozen prods the
voice will have toned down until the last
sound is like the ending of the despairing cry
of an emotional actress.
So far as the Stock Yarda company is con
cerned, it takes a few risks in its responsibili
ties. It stands good for the stock from the
time they leave the car until they are loaded
in again or are driven away by the buyer,
speculator or butcher. As soon as the stock
is loaded into the pen the gate is closed and
locked and the pen watched. The market Is
oien from 8 to - o'clock, during which time
the gates opening into the passageways are
unlocked. Promptly at 2 o'clock the gates
are all again locked, and to get anything out
of a pen it would be necessary to lift it over,
a rather dilllcult matter. Under this ar
rangement such a thing as transferring stock
from one pen to another, taking out a choice
animal and substituting an inferior one, is
impossible. The stock is counted into the
pen, then into the scale house, and then out
again, and that reshipped counted again into
the cai. Every car aud every bunch is kept
But few cattle or other animals are injured
in the yards, but for the benefit of those fall
ing victims to overcrowding or rough trav
eling, hospitals are provided in each division.
To these all injured animals ire taken,
though first sold to speculators. In the hos
pitals the animals are given dry, sheltered
places to sleep, aud good food to eat, and
water to drink. They become the care of
the Hixiculators then, and the profits of the
latter depend upon their skill as veterinari
ans. An animal with a broken leg is sever
taken to the hospital; there must be some
show for its getting on its feet, and if it don't
do this in a week or ten days the job is given
up as a bad one and the animal shot. A
broken rib is the ordinary injury, if the ani
mal is uot so bruised and cramped that it can
stand v 1 its feet. If it can't rest with its
forefeet tidcr it and hold up its head, in
rl, J V 4 ntHn w i. j M 1
t. ,tion cattle rest better, it is re-,
: 11 - i 1 1 i a- .1
garded as in a bad fix, and its head is tied
from either side so that it can't fall down.
In exceptional cases a pillow of hay is pro-
oucu, c duio Biu bua huo uuiuuii iuu uwa '
purchased for a song, and, if saved, will pay
a big prottt. liiobe-jjemocrat.
Marion Harland says that th comlnx
woman will have her own bank account N
Should any one usk your opinion uboiit
the Mitogenetic system of ttifdicine, Just
answer boldly that it Is no Kood. Should
be ask you the teasoti w by it is 110 good,
tell liim - just because. If this answer does
not confound him by its profundity mid lie
still persists, toll him that It Is u new tan
gled idea. This will probably prove ollivt
ive, us it bankrupted the first Iron plow vs
liiblistiiiiout. Should you fail in that, loo,
don't give tip, bill Insist with the powerful
argument that your grandmother never
heard of it ; that you can't see how mer
cury, arsenic, strychnine, etc., can be Im
proved upon, and that the old schools of
medicine must necessarily have exhausted
all the stock of wisdom, and that there can
not possibly be anything loll to learn. And
if all your powerful arguments have failed
lo convince him of the reasonableness of
your position - you have still one I'artliian
shot toll linn that you are simply aston
ished ; that you thought him tin intelligent
And still there are men and women, loo
upon w hom such arguments have 110 el
feci, but they are thinking people who Hie
willing to invesligate U'lore they form an
Pii.i-Mx, A. T., July IM.
iV7. Viiijftte .Ionian, Srnttlr, H'ini. 1K
Sib: Having used your remedies in my
fauiilv lor more than' two years with won
derful success, 1 iWd that no other remedies
can give sittislactiou, mid I inclose symp
toms of my nephew's case for your consid
eration. ' I'mncks ',. lit KTIS,
lr. Jordan's ollice is at the residence of
ex-Mayor Yesler, Third and James.
t'oiistiltations and prescriptions absolute
ly free.
Send for free book explaining the llislo
genetic system.
Caitio'n. The Histogttietio Medicines
are sold in but one agency iu each town.
The laU'l around the Isittle hears the fol
lowing inscription: " lr. J. Kugene Jor
dan, llistogenetic Medicine." Kvery other
device is a fraud.
It's a mUtake to iiiihm that the social Hon Is
the kltlt: ol In -al.
That dyspepsia comes from torpid liver
and costiveness.
That you cannot digest your food well
unless your loeI aud liver act properly.
That your bowels require thorough cleans
ing when they do not do their duty by your
That your torpid liver needs stimulating
in order that it may act as nature intended
it should.
That Hkamuiktii's 1'ii.i.s taken iu doses
of one or two at night for, say, ten days
will regulate tho bowels, stimulate the liver,
improve the digestion and drive away dys
peliMa. That liittMiHKrn's I'ti.t.s are purely voge
tal'lo, absolutely harmless ami sale to take
at any time.
That they can be obtained in every drug
and medicine store, either plain or sugar
coated. The air of eoinlesitiiilou never yet veui listed
a poor t iieineut hoime.
A slight cold, if neglected, often attacks
the lungs. "lirmiii'n lirmnliiiil Trnrhft''
give immediate relief.
It takes Mti umiMially gol swimmer nowadays
to Boat a loan.
We positively cure rutiture aud all rectal dls-
aea without talu or
teteution from bin! own
) cure, uo pay
v; a
and no pay until cured. A 4
Iruaa for pamphlet lira. Porterflold A
Ijetrj asm
Vlurket street, oau Francisco.
Womeu are not alwavi deep thinkers, but they
are generally cloth. 1 observers.
Dr. Williams' Imllau Pile Olutmeut will rare
Blind, Bleeding and Itrblug files wheu all other
ointments have failed. It absorb, the tumors,
allay, the Itching at once, acta aa a poultice,
lives instant relief. Ir Williams' Imllau I'lle
Ointment is prepared oaly for Hllea and Itching
of the private parts, am! nothing else. Every
box is warranteu. noiu ty aruKgtsts, or sent y
mall on receipt of price, Me ami II tier box.
Hroprlwora. C'lovoland. O.
A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.
Superior to every other known.
Used in Millions of Homes
40 Years the Standard.
Delicious Cake and Pastry, Liht Flaky
Biscuit, Griddle Cakes, Palatable
and Wholesome,
No other baking powder does such work.
Packed in patent canvas
pouches, which retain the natu
ral moisture of the tobacco and
men fic rrr LMirtmfr cmr.' r
I11.TU1 VD cX WUI, r VV VK. t Dl I IKJIW. IU
the did. More solid Comfort in
one package of " Mastiff" than
you Can gt
out of a dozen
J. U. Paoe Tobacco Co., Rtohmond, Virginia.
P. N. U. No. 403-8. F. N. U. No. 480
ALwaYS takes
HTtlK o OHIO. t'lTV or Toi.kiio,)
I l l AS I'Ol'Nt'V. I '
Iiunk.I t KksKY iiisken oath Hist he l Ihe
m-iiIoi paiinst ol the Itnu ol r I I'nksn.VCo
doluu business III theoliy ol Vol, do, i oniitj 'and
stiitv alorevshl, anil tlist mild Htm will pat Hie
mil ot UN h m'NI'UI l 1K) I KH" fol l" rli slid
evt 1 v eaxe ol t' rt hhh thai oaiiiiol lie en ted l
the lite of II il l l' us 11 11 t 110
l it VNK .1 t'UKNKV
Kwoin to hi'luro ine and iiletlhed III m prot
eliee this ait I dav of Heoeinher. IssU
l-KAl A W il I' A Si iN ,
A-iIili it 'hMii',
lUII'al'aliinli I nto Is laken inlet nal v . and
acta directly oil the blood and mucoim aurlai v
of the ) Mnt send for to'timoiiiuls Hoe
V. .1 t II KM V t o., Toledo, it.
IW dd hy iiiiKiii; '''
A good man or a good woman wlthoiii tael ho
rumen a terror
Ni'itK cl itic roit run.
Hum cum for hi nd. bleeding and Itching
t'lloa. One hoi has mi nil the worst case ol ten
yeara' standing No one need aultVr ten mm
11 tea after Using Kirk Herman I'iio Ointment
It alwortM tumors, allnva the tlchhitf, acta as
a poultice, Klvea relief. Ir. Kli k'slieiiiian I'llo
Ointment la prepared only for I 'lies ami IIiIiIuk
of the private parts, and nothing else. Kvnrj
hot la warranted
Hold hy Ot'iiKglataand aent by mall on receipt
of price, Hir 00 . J. J. Mack & Co.,
Wholesale Aguiita, Han Kranonoo,
A I'artalaii wll iinoe defined ennerleni o as a
comb that on tas-aine pomhcnrciI of alter having
loat one'a hair.
'loth tlio nictlioil and rosnltH wficii
tyrut) of Figs is taki'ii; it in juViirmnt
mil rvfreslitiij to tho tunic, ami act
wiitly jet promptly ou the Kidneys,
fjivor and Howeln, clonnscs tho nys
tm fllcctnally, ilinpi'la colds, head
'dies and foven mid riirts linhitu.
'oiiMtipntion pcriimnently. Fr suit
11 50oand I Unties ly all ilriigg'iHU
s fHAnoisco. en.
tntiisviut. k f ro r
Of all LI ml- slid In inn 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 v u hole
hIohii'I roliill lit U-.l rock rlei-p.
65 Front Street, Portland, Or.
"end for CHtnloKiie.
Have Been Imitated. But Never Excelled They Are Beyond Comparison !
We Make
! per rent.
Of the
Wire Mali
Sold in
- ct.t li
H " sm thu( vutir nntt hit- hniH
rut' iiiruur i t'tunimmti tioomn
Firearms, Bicycles and Sporting Goods,
ItlH HitoiiiI Street, Near Morrlnnii. 1'ortlnnil, Or.
Hest Cou?li Medicine.
Cures where all pIhc fails.
taste. Children take it without objection. Jiy druniHtB.
B- -v- J
A.nut-K -nam
d,dded bo bhirigs cleexned4jgr
IKJs rtoliH cake of,cniipint5 riTtw
Even the little pig in the picture Is a more
agreeable companion than a man with a dirty
collar or a woman who presides over a tawdry
house. But nobody wants the reputation of being
a pia: under any circumstances.
Buy Your Own Goods if Your
Chemieal Kire EtiRines and Extiiiuiilshcrs. Fire Hoso mid Department HupiilleB, Hteiim Ijnimln
Machinery, I'limps of all kinds, BniHB (Inods. Fljio and KittlnH, lluacoek IimiilnitorH Mnrlil wWll
BeltiiiK and Hrwe, Wrciichen, Liibrlcntiiip Oil, Church, School and Kiinn Belli, EiikIii'b, i , Brill..ry
Blackmnith Urilln and Korees, BintRleHi Hurried, HnrhiK and Kxprctm Whitoiih, the hirireHt nnri,, .,,7
ol CartH in Portland. Dealers, write lor prices. For iiirther iulommtlon c(l on or SildroBii
Z. T. WRIGHT, Foot of Morrison Street, PORTLAND, OR.
Curos Alaol
D u r n 0 f
Frost "bltos,
All Aches.
1' ' junmmn'itE.lh'THir,
It tl 1 n
ntl"l!ni!ifi! Iif
I iiiiiimm!i;iiii;i
Chiw. A. VogolorCo.,
llaltluiora, Miii
Season Opens for Trout April 1st
M -w- Ul
M rir.l Htrevt, Portland, Or.,
8auil lor n.w llluitrated cautioiaa.
Best in the World!
Get the Genuine!
Sold Everywhere!
Neiir Nllem. Mine innl IiiIkiT prellllillna olleri'd
tills Venr lor elhlMlK nl rtm 1, UK I leu Itll ril I plod-
uet, fruits, thoern, uiltieriiU. ineehiinleK, uoika
of art innl fiinev mk. fi li-mlld ruelint eaeli
1l.1v. Tho I'm llii.ll. Ik'lite.l In eleelriell . III
Is- oH'tl four lliijhlf. lllid ft lullel eimeert em ll
llllttlt. ItedlieiMl rilti'H oil 111! tnitlilnMlltlntl Hues.
Mend lo .1 T I1KK1.U, s.'i-teliir , I'lirlhind, for a
premium lll.
II IV rrirncuREo to stay cured.
nHI rCV CM Wc4nllhrii.mrM.I.l-
ilrcwol rvrry sulTrrrr 111 th.
Q MOTUtVlft l' S an.K ii4.l.i. A.tilrr,
& AO I nllln P. Bfcrold B17M.M.D , BufftJ,! T
to i
tju itdiit-hril ttiiniiMit
1 1 H T M . N 1
iiihi m i uni rutfti uihmikhi' laut'n - it
Kccomniended by i'livHiciiins.
I'leamuit and acrecalile to the
Dealer Ooes Not Carry Them.
parry carts and road wagons,
Bestarirj Cheapest in the World.
Carts, $15 Up. Wagons, S50 Up.
iljipai iiiiwiil'ifti
n Why?
I I'.vei iiiK