The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 05, 1891, Image 3

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    3food Iiver (Slacicr.
HOOUHIVKIt, Olt.; HKI'T. ft, iHltl.
I OTA I. Wtl.
Ni. n, Kimeui li-iivm nt I Mil A. M.
No. ?, Mull ' 10:11 M.
vrmv norsii khom iimi mivuh.
"Nil. 7, vi
Nn. I. Mull
No. 7, Fiiiitm teuvcs At
7:10 I', M.
A ll A. M.
Tl mull arrives frnin Mlriiltnlninr n! II '
cWk A. M. NSVdmiulnv Mild Hntiirdiiya; iliw
arta uniiiK day .1' iimiti,
Kor ChiMiiiwHIi, li-itvrl A. M. mrlvrsiit
4 I. M. Kniiinlavn.
Kor Whlt Hiilni'M, linvr dully nl H A. M.
rrlvrwat unit o'clock I'. M,
Knnn Willi" HkIiiioii Icitvca fur fuldii, (ill.
liter, Trout lki ami (ili'iiwixid Moinluyn, mill
Oil cloth at tlic furniture Mlmv.
HiilMlng litN r tit furniture More
Jlmimnto rent by K W. Wliuum.
John Tin ker killed a Muck U ur hint
Picture fr.iuicd to order at.lhe fur
niture Ktort'.
I Km H. It. Ri't there? Wi ll I Hhoul.l
mnllc. K It.
While Mwliif iimchliie for wile at
8. K. Hiirtmo'.
Cnflliw ntxl undertaker hui1Im ut
the furniture Nlori'.
('arNt ut tint furniture More 10 cent
below Porlluiid prlceH.
Mlcwllde lodge, I. (). O. V., incctHat
JoiuV lutll every ThurMtlity vcnliif(.
('. 0. ItolierU Ih Iii Callfiiriilu on 11
liimlniKM trip, und will remain until
lie fore purcluiHlnjf railroad ami Memn
fthlp ticket, commit llenlM I.' II lull IV
el llo hvhIi'Iii.
School will In-kIii ill DlMtrlet No. i!
m xt Mom lay, HcjiteniU-r 7lh. 1C. H.
Andrew, teacher.
MU Nellie niul Miinter Willie Iwn-U-rjf
uent to Kent, Wunhlngtuii, hint
Friday, to attend whool.
Ladli-Marv Invited to call ut Hunt &
ltuMl'n inlllnery nullum to mi the Intent
ntyle from Han FrunelMco.
MImh Annie and Marshal iHenltcrit
will utart from Kuiimhh fur tliU place to
morrow, and ure expected lien' Friday.
Mr. nml Mrs. Fall fowl, of Portland.
arrived lieiv TluirHilav to visit Mm. (.,'.
(J. ltolrt'rtH, Mm. Full fowl'8 stater.
A pnrty (hhihIhIIhk of I.. K. Morse, 8.
I'.. lliutine, Ir. Frame, and J. V.
Kcnmtwcrc at Lost lake during the
The raevM commence nt Fort Until to
day, nnd the meeting nromlscM lo lie a
viry Interesting one. They w ill lust all
next week.
Three hentsof the llinnc In Un high
eel point wiih knocked down lust Mon
day night, it taking Mix men nil entire
day to repair it.
llert Ntrunuhuii, Clarence Kngllsh
mid Will lluync were at Wind river
liiHt week fishing, and report having
liud a line time.
Mlt Magule and Lntta, daugliterH of
!. (J. UolK-i tH, left Saturday foi I'endle
tnn to uttend the neadeiny'there. They
w ill rciiinin n year.
('. J. Ifiiyen, the surveyor, ha moved
Mh oHlce into the Ferry A Jonin hulld
ing, to the rmmi formerly (MTUpled hy
drant Kvuns' harlMTHhop.
iKin't lUten to w hat the neighbors
wiy, huteoine nnd nee for yourself. A
U-autiful antliiue maple bedroom et
for $i'J ut the furniture nlore.
For uny one iurehunlng ten dollain
worth of furniture of me, 1 w III deliver
the 8anio ut landing free of eharge.
8. K. ItAKtMKSH.
Dr. 8. T. Howe left Thuixday for 11
trip to New Mexico. He went by way
of California and will Mop for a few
tlayti with frleiulM ut Woodland.
Holier t McLean Inw mild lot 1 and 2
in block 11, wound addition went to
Hood Jtlver, to J. T. Delk, who In
building a neat reHldence on them.
Hehool will comnienee In thU district
Monday, and It is desired that every
pupil Ub on hand promptly, that there
may he no delay In iretiiiiir in workinir
Jlert Lungillo passed the examina
tions ut Portland Hueivssfull.y and
leaves for Californlu about the ilrat of
Oetolier to attend the (Stanford uni
veinity. U. IJ. church services: Preachlnir
inoriiiug and evening. Hunday school
ut 10 a. in. Young People's Society
meets at 7 p. m. (Subject, "The Gospel
Gen. J. A. Varnev, of The Dalles,
was hem Tuesday. lie leaves his old
home, The Dulles, the Hrst of October,
to take charge of 11 large fruit farm In
Houthern Oregon.
Union Pacific System oirera un
ciiuulled facilities to tourists en route to
all points east. Vestilmled Sleepers,
Diners, Free Chair Curs through to
Missouri river and Chicago without
On Mondays, Wednesdajs and Fridays
Of euch week Ix'tween Septemlier 13
and October 17, the Union Pucillc will
aell excursion tickets to Portland and
return at one und one-lifth fare for the
A box of magnificent Iturtlett pears
wus left ut this oHIeo by Dr. .Barrett
Thuruduy, and some Biiecimens of
"Flemlsii Iteuuty," a splendid pear.
We would like very much to send them
with "Oregon on Wheels," but the lat
ter la nowhere to be found.
J. L. Zelgler la quite sick, being con
fined to Ilia bed, we understand, from
a bad case of malaria, with which lie
has wrestled ever since ho arrived at
Kugene. We hope to chronicle his re
covery ere long. J le will come buck to
Hood River, where his family will re
inuin, while he will go to Eastern Ore
gon in the employ of M. V. Harrison.
M, V, Harrison will prepare and for
ward mi exhibit of fruit to the Mechan
ics' fair, commencing on the 17th of
tills month, TIiIm will form 11 splendid
advertisement fur iih, and It Is proer
that every one having line Heclmcim
of fruit contribute to tlie good cause.
Professor Snyder has taken It uimhi
himself to give the school grounds H
thoroiixh cleaning, and tliey are as neat
im pofMlble. With clean grounds, a
neat new fence and handsome furni
ture, our youngsters should take pride
In their school grounds and see thut
they are kept neat and clean.
Wallace MeCiimant, F. 1). Ovlntt
und A. J tunics, young Portland gentle
men, walked from here to ( loud Cup
Saturday, and the two former made the
nsivnt of the iiumtaiii Sunday, leav
ing at H o'clock In the morning and
getting buck at U that evening. They
walked In Monday.
Cantaln C. M. Noyes of the Ameri
can bariitie Column, Col. John Mo
Craken and Mr. J. V. Crclghtnn of
rortlaiul, honored this olllce with a
cull Kunilav evening. We regret ex
ceedingly Is'lug uwuy, nnd Hint we
only have their curd lis a reminder of
theW visit.
Idlewllde Lodge, No. 107, I. O. O F.,
was organ I cd ut this plain with ix
charter and ten Initiate inemls rs Inst
Saturday evening. Theollleers elected
mid lustnlled were: II. J. Jlll.lmrd, N.
).; M. P. Watson, V. G ; A. It. Jones,
secretary; L. Nell', treasurer. No n
pointed otlleers were Installed. Quite
a number of iiicinhem of the linlges ut
The Dalles, Cascade Locks anil Ln-
I tourelle Falls were present! About
miiiuiKiii a nit'iipiei wns given ai me
Mt. HimhI hotel by Mr. Oeorgff Herls-rt.
Dr. O. D. Don no was the Instituting
At the rectory In The Dallen, by Itev.
F. D. Sulci life, August mith, Miss
Fdith Minna Prathcr to Mr. George
At the residence of Hev. F.M.Aunks,
Saturday, August LlMli, Mr. Lawrence
Dlowem to Miss Iterthu Millin, daugh
ter of Mrs. Charles Chundler, Itev.F.M.
Aiinkx olllclatlng.
D company, of w hich Mr. Itlowew Is
second lleiitenunt, turned out to give
their olllcer nnd bm bride a propter send
otl. The young eoujde went to Han
Francisco on the steamer, and are ex
M'Cted home next week.
At the n-sldenet! of her brother, A. P.
Hall, ut the Cascade Is ks. Sunday,
August 31st, Mrs. J. II. Graliam, aged
4:1 years, 11 months and l.'t days.
Mrs. Graham came to the coast about
a year ago from Newago county, Mich
igan, hoping to regain her health, but
while U'lng temporarily benefited, dis
ease had too llrm a hold to lie shaken
oil'. The funeral took place- here Tues
day afternoon.
"lake this lllnC
Among the Improvement being
made on the school grounds of Hood
Uiver, the school Isiard have not neg
lected details. About a week nr ten
days ago their attention was called to
the obscene, lewd pictures und w riting
to ts found covering the walls of the
water closets. The board took cogniz
ance of the matter by sending painters
with Instructions to obliterate every
mark, which was done.
The paint had hardly dried when
one miserable, depraved human being,
whom God made in the likeness of
man lui what a libel 011 the word
man!), made it his particular business
to enter the closet used by the giils.and
lcivc again his untograph iu some of
his choicest quotation and original
matter. This same scclmcii of moral
cussed ness has left his name und the
creutions of his accursed, debased, brute
intellect on the walls of every water
closet to w hich he hos had access In
town, until he has righteously earned
the cognomen of "water-closet poet.'!
What God Inn created such morally in
finitesimal creatures for la more than
we can divine, for, in the language of
Hob lturdette, "he wasted u lot of mud
when he made them."
Hut hero la just one straight tip to
you, young man (or what ought to be a
young man): the writer of this can pat
you on the buck If necessary, for your
writing reveals your Identity as plainly
as though you hud left your photogrnph
beside your immoral scribbling. Nei
ther can you conceal your hand, for the
author cf this hits more than once hud
occasion to Identity your writing. The
law of this State is severe on tho wuter
closet poet, und tho school board hua
naked tho writer to identify you. This
once ho will shield you, but when this
ofl'enso la repeated, saltpeter will not
save you. It is bud enough to be a
morul stench in the nostrils of decent
people, nnd making night hideous with
your blat, but when you attempt to
display your depraved nature in the
closets of the public school, you are go
ing to run against a circumstance for
which you are not looking. We nre
not sure whether you have sense enough
to take a hint without a kick, or not; if
you have, take it. The school board
haa something to say in another place.
How We Killed the Bear.
Editor Glacier; On the morning
of August 28, 1891, 1 uiude tho startling
discovery that some bears had been iu
my peach orchard the night before and
had eaten up us much as several boxes
of peaches and a good many grapes.
This was too much. I could stand it
to have bears drink out of or bathe in
my spring, but when it came to dlspos
.ngof my peaches and grapes In such a
wholesale m-iiiner, I felt it was time to
draw the line. So during the day, Mr.
It. S. Andrews having come down to
sen me, wc two resolved to lay for Mr.
Itear, mid If he came, Ut muke It hot for
When night eume we took our seats
011 the ground In the sach orchard
and had waited for jxtIiujis an hour,
when we heard the benra coming.
There npiicnreil to lie two of them. Ah
they came nearer und ncurcr, the low
click-click of our cocking guns sou ruled
almost together, and our pulsi h Is gun
t'ibeut quicker ihut la, Mr. Andrews'
did; mine of course were cool.
First, a
black Hsit apH ared not much bigger number of utoriea told in the old Ixmt
than your hand, mid rupldly grew hmw, "l can relate one that at least ut
larger lis t he bear mine nearer, until It h ti,m "l idling enough, i had
was within about ten step of us. Then vehng IU-ound the world afu-r
. , , , .... , th fashion of Liighshiiicn, and hud
two guns blazed Hlmul aneously iU)ppw, SjtII)(jan iMaI,(,H
nnd the licur rolled over mid began his way trnm Anatralin to run thern over
death "trugglm. The other Isuir ran and gain aome Information regarding
oiras wo run toward the dead one, and the natives, their way and customs, arid
Mr. Andrews got mt excited that he result I became enamored with the
threw nwuy his Is-st Hunduy hat and P1"0- climate and jsjople. and remained
did not find It until next day. We got tb,'r uTly ? ettr:
bruin homo and proceeded to dress him ' 'Em ".T , it 'T'
' . , , , , ' familiar with nearly all the Island of
when we found where a whole load of the an,, orm jn ,arUcul.4r ha(, a
bueksliot had gone through him. AI- mngnlar fasrrination to me. Once on the
though Mr. Andrews courteously tried hill topi 1 looked down npon a long
to jH-rsuade mo thut my Winchester bench, upon which lient the finest surf 1
bullet hud puaacd through the small have ever seen. The waves were simply
hole made by one of his buckshot, can- K"t roller, which came in a low.
dor conqiels me to admit, though much lKni faHhion ,lhtttlwa "'!
, in .i .r.ii 11 . ,V8 r'ie "" who hail all been there
ugalnst my will that I think he must u.forei ran dov.n the rimn wh(.re ,
have liecn mistaken. After mature de- thf.m haaiin(, me pankll from the
liberation on the subject, I am forced to bush, which 1 learned they had con
the conclusion that my bull must have caled on a former occasion In short,
struck Homo extremely hard part of hi the waves were used by tbem to enjoy
Isidy, probably hi check, and rebound- one of the ""st exciting sporta imagin
ed back without breaking the skin. .!. nd I wa. very quickly initiated
v ,, . 1 Into it.
J "The men threw off what little cloth
Resolution of Respect. ; ing they wore. Then each seized a phutk
WilKKKAH, In view of the loss we und attempted to launch it. This wa
have sustained by the decease of our
friend und sister of Excelsior Alliance,
Mis Etta McKay, and of the still
heavier loss sustained by those who
were nearest and dearest to her; there
fore lie It
Jlijuilrrrl, That It I but a Just tribute
to the memory of the departed to say nity. steered them so that they held
that In regretting her removal from our their position on the crest of the roller
midit we mourn for one who wa In anJ cnme .wjlh, il- Once under way
, .1 the nativess nl fu y raised themselves to
every way worthy of our respect and ... , , , f ,. l,JC," ',rn w
' . ' ' 1 , their feet, and so RUnding npnght came
n'Jfun1, ' rushing in. Some were tossed off. others
AWi', That wc sinwrely condole Were caught in the breaking wave,
w ith the family of the deceased on the while the most skillful and intrepid re
disensation w ith which It has pleased taineo their standing position until they
Divine Providence to afflict them, und wer literally flnng upon the beach,
commend them for consolation to Him I "l W!W Ywr ih days than I
w ho onler all thing for the U-st and ,
whose chastisement are meant in
ltvmlvril, That this henrtfelt testl-
monlal of our sympathy and sorrow lie
forwarded to the parenta of our de
parted sister by the secretary of this
Jly order of the committee.
Bkunaki) Waukkx,
11. A. 1'HATT,
T. E. Whkkxs.
Kport That It Bathor Crvel.
The scorpion is a bad bclfellow, and
he Had a mean tncn or hiding in your
IkxiU and stinging you when you put
them on. Dut you can have fun with
him after a fashion. If you want to
bring out tho best qualities of a scorpion
build a little corral of dry leaves or
jier . .. iu ..u w, ur u. a
1 .l 1 - l c . .
in diameter, so that the flames will not
touch your prisoner. When he sees tho
nngoi i re vne scorpion wm try w es-
capo, first at .one place and then at an-
other, but the flames will drive him
back wery time, and when he realizes
that he is completely surrounded he will
retreat to tho center of the ring and de-
hberately commit suicide by enrhng his
tail over and stinging himself in the
buck, bo yon see that natare sanctions
snicide under some circumstances in
spite of what tho preachers say about it.
- . , ..,
i no scorpion icacnes a lesson mat a man
had better remember if he finds himself ,
in the center of a gang of Apaches. San
Francisco Examiner.
Two SlncuUr Bhowers.
On Saturday, Nov. 11, 1882, there was d;m becanie awttre thttt something was
a shower of pocu har shaped Heeds over me j a siJe lance and tbe
an area of several square miles in the ; most mada me lose my foothold
vianityofStateburg.S.C. The shower' the rnshiui; lauk What j paw
began about 11:30 a. m., and was noted ; wa8 tho gharp tlorsal fia of a nian eating
for twelve miles in one direction and ihlirk cntting nl throtJgh the water
about seven and a half in the other. In ,ike a kniie The lnouster was thirteen
the center of the district over which they : or more fw.t long and wag tl tnrned
fell tho ground was almost covered, the uptoward mit Rhowing the white, gleam
noise made by them as they fell on the : jn undT gnrf.o
h-aves much resembling that m:ule by j ..What d "through my mind in
fine sleet. When examined under the ; thow tew Btx.oml8 can hanlly te imag.
microscope these seed, like granules, ap- ined t m lf for lost t l)e.
jieared wholly different from any seeds h(.ved tl)(, shark wouW 8001) rush at the
known to botanisU of that part of South Illank when . ...
In the
1882, Huntington, Ind., and vicinity was ;
treU-d to a shower of strange worms. ,
They were only about the fourth of an j
inch in length and about the diameter of j
a small sewing needle. In some places
they fell in such abundance as to cover
the snow and ice to the depth of nearly
half an inch. St Louis Republic
New Moon.
In former yars the night watchmen
of European towns, as they went their
rounds, called out the hour and the state
of the weather.
These watchmen were generally old
men, whose infirmities, rather than their
fitness, made them guardians of the
night. Of one of them, a watchman of
Canterbury, Cooper, tho English artist,
tells a story amusingly illustrative of the
mental dullness of the class.
Ono night it had been raining between
the hours of the old man's rounds, a fact
of which he was ignorant, having snoozed,
as usual, in his watch box. When he
started on his next round the rain had
ceased, and tho light of the moon was
reflected in many pools of water. As
the old man went along he was heard to
call ont:
"Part 11 o'clock, a wet night and more
moons u.m usual I"
j . ,ITT. . lf . v v .
KAIL VV 1 1 11 A MAIS JjA 1 l'A
WhIU Rnjfrlng flank (tilling on lh
Wm Nr th Hlinr an P.iitliu(aiit In
Vliltor Narrowly lurapnl a ttnvnga
Mliark fjnutir Knrt Amlil llraakara.
'Spfsklng of nd vimture, " wild my
compnnion. who had lccn listening to a
easier said thun done, and many were
the upsets that ensued as the big roller
came in. but finally all of them got be
yond the shore and beyond the point
w here the waves broke, und then 1 aaw
where the Kport came in Turning in
shore the men threw themselves unoa
the plank, and, watching their opportu
am now, ana soon convinced mvself that
I should enjoy this sport as well as the
native, and. securing a nlank. I. too.
1 pushed out from the shore. The first
wave that struck me nearly drowned
me. but i dived into the next and my
plank beat me in about two minute.
Dnnng that visit I did not attain
Buflicient skill to enable tne to take the
ride standing, bnt on subsequent occa
sions I became fairly proficient, and
then the sport for a time became a veri
table craze with me I interested a
number of englishmen and Americana
in it. and we really fell into the habit of
getting up wave riding parties. 1 had
Hll . ,,,,. , . mv w ' nilt ...
Io,..m-,q u ot-;uf.,i i ; i .. und Come riding in with perfect
eqnipoise. I became so daring that 1
often swam out U-yond the rest that I
might obtain the full force und exhilara
tion of the ride, and one day when the
sea was particularly high and rolling
very heHviy , ,net ,ny ailveritnre.
'There were sis of ns enjoying the
pl;lub specially made for the purpose,
unJ stotlt enon V myen.
tire wei;ht um, bv , , u
forciKl , wav OT th ina)llling rolier3
an( &miUm1 in the conipar!lrivev smooth
; waUr V0I1(L Here , turne d my plank
8Uorewar,i anJ Waitel for a good roller,
, Every third ono wa9 M a ra, ,
anJ a big green jj one eaiue
J wmrinj ia, shutting out the horizon,
lt c;ltne , CHUi;ht it atl)1 t felt the
'.'' . ........ ..M.ITV.. Ul U
transferred motion lightly sprang to my
feet and sts-adied myself on the monster
that extended up und down the shore
and was rushing to its own destruction.
"On 1 went., slinnriiv' n.ivlv tn mv
,-..:. tim ,.ou,.i, Thon , ,,
If " o "
victim. 1 do not know that I have more
throngh my lnilld that powibly the shark
waswaiting f()r me to fall, and wonW
not lnake an attack uuless i did and in
UIlaccounUbie way 1 was enabled
retain mv gelf nosse8Si0n. Everv sec-
oud 1 was gaining; every second brought
tho big wave nearer the beach. Now it
wan on the verge of breaking. Still the
shark maintained its position. Then 1
beard the welcome roar above me, and
down it came like an avalanche, scintil
lating and gleaming, until with one
mighty burst the aquatic monster broke.
For a single second 1 stood in the gleam
ing mass, and then was dashed upon the
beach safe and sound.
"The shark did not come in, which
was evidence to me that it had not been
overcome by the rush of the water, but
was simply following me with due re
gard to its cuisine. 1 need hardly say
that this was my last experience Biding
breakers there. Upon inquiry -1 learned
that natives had beeu attacked by sharks
during the sport on several occasions.
When 1 look back upon it and recall the
sensation of rushing onward high on tha
crest of a big wave 1 almost wish 1 could
indulge in the sport again, though with
out the shark accompanimeut." Phila
delphia Tunes
FokkhNkai.Ckkkk, Aug. 30, '01.
Enrroii (Jf.Ai'lKR: The following
party, consisting of Miss; Luellu Tur
ner und I-noru Henrlchs, A. M. Tur
ner und the writer, nnd two tin pnils
filled with the "bill of fure," arrived
here ut the fork of Neul creek to sis-nd
the sultry hour of a hot summer duy.
We, the gents, Indulged In fishing, nnd
hud Just finished frying a down of the
speckled Untitle on the flut side of a
hot rock, when the ludli-s announced
thut dinner wn ready. We then nut
down to the finest assortment, wc ever
saw outside of Huight'a restuurunt.
There was bread und butter mid chick
en, blackberry pie and chicken, cream
cake and chicken, lemon pie, three
onions mid a bottle of pickle.
After dinner we moused ourselves
trying tocupture an otter, but did not
At 4 o'clock we started on our jour
ney homeward. We met with nothing
worthy of mention until we got to M.
11. Corum'a, where we related to him
the essence of our trip. He then in
vited u to his orchard, where we sam
pled of such fruit a we had never seen
U-fore. The apple were without equal ;
the plum were so sweet and ho Juicy
they were really angelic, and that
quality can only l raised on "Corum'a
Forest Home." He ha some fruit that
would muke a fine display with "Ore
gon on Wheels." When we departed
we forgot to thank him for hla kind
ness, but will call again when peachea
get rijKj and then thank him twice.
Thus ended u day long to be remem-U-red.
$To KErt'AltD."
The almve reward will be paid for the
arrest and conviction of any isjrson
guilty of making olsviie pictures or
writing on the school house or out
buildings of this district.
The Hoard of Director.
Have you seen the 1.".(X antique i
maple bed room set ut
the furniture
Vogt's new building, Second St.
A new stock of Ladies' and Gents'
SPECIAL attention given to clean
ing and repairing watches.
Hood River, - - - - Oregon.
Has been thoroughly
renovated, and a large
ell added doubling its
Everything will be found neat and clean
asb thk
Tables will bo supplied with the best the
By virt ue of an execution and order of sale
Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Wasco county, on theSsth dav of
Aucust, ISM, lu the suit wherein I. K. Tttvson
is pUljUiir. and George T: Prathcr and L. H.
Prather are defendants, to me directed, com
manding me to make sale of t he lands In sold
execution and order of sale, described to-wit:
The south half of lots seven (7) nnd eight (8) in
block D of West Addition to the townsite of
Hnnd Hiver, in Whhco county. Oregon, I have
this day levied upon said lands, and on
Saturday, the 10th day of October, 1S01.
At the hour of 2 o'clock P. SI., at the- court
house door In Wasco county, Htate of Oregon.
I will sell said land and nil the right, title nnd
interest which snid defendants had therein on
the 13th day of .Tnnnarv, 1890 (thedat of the
mortgage, riescrltii-d in tho complaint In said
suitl or have since acquired, at public auction,
to the highest bidder thei-efor, to sntis'V the
Judgment. Interest, costs and disbursements
tn said suit, to-witr 1 .250.88-100 nnd int"rest
thereon from June 6, 1891, at the rale often per
cent, per annum, and th" further sum of $33.24,
costs and disbursement with acci-uin cost
Dated August 29, 1891. .
P. r,. CATIX.
Sheriff of Wasco County. Oregon.
For Coughs and Colds we beat them all S.B.C.C.
Tho Dalles.
Since the first of June wo have added
to our
Furniture & Carpet
ItuslneK a complete Undertaking Es
tablishment, and as we succeeded hi
getting our stock from the East with
out U'lng compelled to Join the Under
taker's Trust, we assure the public that
In consequence thereof our
Prices Are Very Low.
Kcmemljer our place of business on
Hood Iliipr Martet.
lecp n.attailtr at bans' a faO
u.( lv of
ChoiceMeats of all kinds.
Sausages a Specialty.
8mti' attention paid Is
Furnishing Miilmen
and Supplying Meat
iu Large Quantiti.
! Don't Forgfl the PUux,
Oak atrect
next door to Glacikk
Removal Notice!
WUhes to inform his many friends and th pubUt
geiierail.. that he has rsinared bit
undertaking room to
Comer Third and Wuhington,
When he carriea a fu'.l ttoek ot arerthinf Meded
in that business.
Ordt-re by dispatch, express, mall or In perae)
JToniptl.. attended to and satisfaction guaranteed
Can be seen anv hour of the day or night at bis raV
ienc, corner Fourth and Washington, of pUe o
cers have moved to the
cor. of Third and Union
St. where they carry a
complete line of staple
and fancy
And also do a general commission
business. Thankful for past favors, we
solicit a cnntinuRiu.-e of the same ut
our new store in the old Post Olflr
Building Cor. 3rd, and Union Sta.
The Dalles, Oregon.
-V -