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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1891)
' .-y 'cssCnl Il-lit w;i niii.le ly Mcl'arlan.l imu,, t:ikeii iin liole, ntllllo Heller than Krl !V 1'ivticlt tui.l tlu r.i;ivvs.f tlio ttiviu ! tlio.liiilv p-voi' tl.U ...uiuiy to rnnk -rn North I'm-lhV Industrie F:-p.vs. ; t!i;it iliiiriMii fiKpjvil. 1 l.i.l tliU t l.x U I""- ' !il aiuv f lliat n Ktnvjv. I'roiu ; tlin ut Port Intnl. S-Vpt.-iul.rT i7 to (M.- noon luvr.u, oh., si; it. is-i. .1 .li-.Y'.l.V Z.'. Ut 17, isiil. I'llloil lttftU' ruUn viu tin1 .NOTIt'K. puie, i! is prolmlilc tlio entire town Ik- ''"' u toe New ork HWA low tin- lilul!" wouM haw Uvii ile- S-i" 1'Vuiieix.o ru oiio ', .I..v n to ; htn.viL lk.ttlc.l in lis Httoinot to tlio-uutlliM country wkl.v, it U very s.iwli ,Ln S. .S.M.I ih.v l.l.ioi wii. .nt ex.vnt i.nial to lilul a ilull or uriwv null. I . .. i i . i. i ...i,.... m i.i ... '..i. .... .. After S'otciulier IM. IK'.ll. rati" nt tlio i iii iv ii i Mini nun u in en i Mi'ii mill i n1 h u mmi, .i i .i i i - i i i uiiii-iiii'i Niirrin : . . . ... . . , , .. , . . .... .., ,, , I .Ml. Ilootl will U tlx follow i wo witiv npi, in iniiHiiy mi ( ijH'ni ii'uw mi i wit' ni.-urniiiiviu ;;i ""i""1" " 1 "inn uinr mi mi im-1 t.tiUr Ixmriler, $." (er week; nelnli "aitaiu 11. ('. Too, wo Maiio.1 for a Wink. 'liU'h wiw oou emiMinu .l. The -.1 can linr.lly iiiiiitv.'iate.ofteii ! Uirlioo.l tmnsleiiK three nieuN foril. trii to tlio Wiiul river country, Ivut on I wind i-liilVil j-Imhtlv to the noitli.tlriv-; linaiu ial Ion to t lit' proprietor, mul j " other IrmiHieiitx, H per ilay; no of rxj.loration, fUliiuj:. I.uiitlmr ami pro- ng tlio ihmes the hlii;!', an.l ! vet in every community tlictv aiv i-oo- j in" Jl""'!'' linon. i i- ii. m it siv i luiix- i" iiiii.i i iney iiciii ni;ii earinv.-ii unu u i nniiiii , r" """'imi mion uu-, uihiiih (lo tier Week, itmiritiiii to room occll our jiroviMoiis aiul llankets, ami took nu. rciileiuvs to fnion, w lien tlie u iutl : t'onl to pay the inoilest Milerition iv- jioI. (Imi, Hkiiiikut, I'lMprletor, it afoot ouim lvc. The fteamer liaker j Uyinj; down their couino was htayetl. , i,l'"',',l "'l1 "P l,-'M"'r- 'Hiistj Mt. lloo.l Uoiim. lamUtl us at Onlway i Hume, vvheivwo - tl tiijrino was Mnt from Portlaml, ar- i pieiv of mistaken economy, A vveiv nut hy Walter Thoniis.u, who civiii; ut M oVhvk in the eveuiii.c, hut .town without its dally or weekly Is tmik us oil horschack to Mr. way's : to.i lit., to U of hitviiv. It wns in, ' like a viaifou without a toiitriie. inul Id.uv. thnv miles from the river, from ' :x ,l,.,,l:ue waste next mornimr. The every tne having the inter, sts of his !. .'"'I' "',rlf!',l Ulnir Imated iiear which place, after a most cx.vllcnt din-' magnificent shade trees hun- their ; particular section of country in view "ho ,V,v VVlesMw her, we started over the trail for Che- shriveled and hlackencl liuil, soiiiUt should do his U1 to uil the home puh-! vcyinj; 'd ine, that he Is a practical qu.tsii mountain. Ihis is u lamous ;uuj tittin;; cmhleius of desolation. , iieati..n, not only ly promptly Mih-, sin cvor ot many years exiericnct', (iin ds at 1(1 jht irnt. discount 1 lull iih'h lor 'M davH. ut place aiiioii;; the Indians, U i'.i a liittti ; Here and there anions the ashes search mountain with broad plateaus stretch- J was U-ing made for some article which i.i away from its double suuimit.s.eov- j it was vainly hoped would have st.tod . d w ith luxuriant r.tss, and w ith it I the tltv, while huddled on the beach nd producing generally an abu.i-, waited until s-uuc pla.v could . ,, , . ., , ., ; U- tound to atlord them temporary. ...nice ol hucklcU'rncs, though this (,r The Methodist, liaptist and , the cnp is a failure. Vu made : Conrciratioiml ehuiciies were .!.-, !i v imuiii ion mvoniit of ilai-kncssovcr- htr..v'd. and ill i ll seventeen blocks I ...ii. r .i.. S..fnr.l,.v iM,-,f !in,l .t'l.ilw.l i Nv'' I'Unied OV.T, till serihinfor it, but by forwardiiijj all items which assist in niakiiitf it iva.l ahle. It take- but a f.-w niiiiutcs to lot . surveyor and that work entrusted to him will be crforiuci with dispatch and inrns-t-i ness. He takes pleasiirt' In referring to i Mr. A. S. tln.cii. i ho for veiirs whs down auv little 1 1 1 . f II I- of liil. '.ounty coumiis-ioiicr in Minnesota. currinu'in vour own vicinity, and such i"n,"!",w h'"" ";; ".;rk im .... ,. ' , . ;."ounty surveyor, as to hs nb tv. .ontnbut.ons are welt aepivciatcl by j Val writing me at Hood will the w.aiy e.htors tired w ith iiuiitlii; eelvo prompt attention. I . J. 1 1 VM S. Dated II.nhI IUvit April tith, n;1. the M'uro1 and evasive loi"ils. OiKsi.l.. burned district a ,., ,.., , ,...,;..! 1H hi..,, tl... .I. lu.t 1.1 I !. . ' ""h" "" liiiU liiountaiii ridi.t' U fore breakfast !M,xvti ,7irtv i,IH.s wmth of the I'nia- "u'nN ' the home paper can all'or.l; Minday morning Ufore we found ; tilla iiouse. The l.kvs linancially w ill ( for instainv, there is (he "Fireside water. Sunday night we reached (lie- ! reach a million dollars, on which there . Flamer," only i-1 a year, each issue j Mon.lav i-.ii.ihs1 the other ! ,s "U'ut '",,,HK' inu1ra,uv: Uil'!,lr'' ' intainin-foiiro.luniiisof s,ron.bhatid ' ' ... T, . : are losses that cannot If repr.siiite.1 ti. ; , K.lcot it on a small stnam emptying ,ni)u.v values, k.vpsakes. family l'ic- Evading matter of the bl.H.d-curdling into Wind river, and prospected dow n i tures," etc. Mr. .Ios ph Fit-crald, in 1 variety, with thirty columns of adver-i j for two miles, to wherv it joined a Irving to save a piece of statuary wiik-ii t;Mmcn;s displaying the merits Why wuigh, w hen S. It. w ill stop It. OX TO roiMI.ANin And tlio 1..iXt stream. The latter was clear, an.l suggestive of innumenible his sis:cr prized hichlv, was caught in the Haines and burned so badly tUat he w ill die. What the etlivt w i'iI no on North rail lie Indiistrhil position. To those d. shiut; to visit the F.xtxtsl- of ! tiou, the Fnion l'acllic will sell tickets snide jewelry and cast-iron revolvers, "t ne and one-lllth fare for the round Til.V also tlm.w in ,.-,rl ..u,,.ll.,l 1 .Moll.tllVS, Wednesday lllld t.-.nit. We tried a fly on them, but was ! the future of the city is hard to deter- iiuiiiy executed works of art." If imalile to get a rise, from w hich we!lmllt l'1"' iii' came not to an eitlhu- these freaks of nature were peritrat. I i J'"1 that a high fall cuts them oil', as j laf1' li'H'rul o.niniunltv, but to : a jH-ople .list-ouraged and i'"t by u:i artist, he must have luen suH'cr Wind river is alive with them. Tues-! OVl.r s .nuiiin.. t.,.,v i.Vv.. r-in oned 111 tt prolonged attack of lim- i iy morning we struck out for Lewis ; w ho owned projierty, 'imping for U-tier j Jann, and the iimacd spectator's only riv. r, and bv noon reached the summit I ti'S "i doubt many of these now de-ire would lc to attend the execution it the rid.-e U'twevn that und Wind 1 1,1' ,,,;i',r l;.l,-,:,-Vr.U f',"n W, the author of these daubs of ill-as- ... , new homes, lliat 1 he Iialles w ill vet , , , ., l, vcr. at a point distant from Mount j U'come the leading city of Eastern l)n- N'r'l'tl ,(,'"r-- Whilst subscribing f.n St. Helens probably ten miles. Here i gon is certain, and thte who have the ' tl'i-1 style of outside ublicatiiii, the was a iiiagniiiccnt view, lo the north "". i'.o "'ce .o swi hi.h u n. reau r sm uiii rciiuini'cr ttiat lie will l;..ii, ier raised her w hite crown, to the ZX. .T C 'rVu'al':'- T T! ' the u-rusal of u single Fridays of each week U-tweeii SH-ntein- Ut lti and October 17, Ism. Ice for side; also a Une bmrgy liorst. FlKlAU W. IN AN 8. Tlio ('lulling Line. The Chicago. Union pad tie North Western Line oiler the Utt ac.sini ni dations to the traveling public climate to Chicago. Through trains, fast time, mugnilieent sleeping ears, t-lemiut reap a rie'i reward. lut hope deferred .i .., .. , . : dining cars, colonist sI.h'Ihts. rccliniinr h.l 1 i . .i ... lit.', un- ll.--.ll . l U t III! . IS.M1C ! 1 IIC 1 ii t . .'.III Ill.'lil.i llexrtd s'eU- nin tli .t tin' ' s i li'iir eiilM i.lnl li ... ,.. ,1... east Adams looked down upon us, toieitv will lose 50O .if h.r imii mlalioli is' ,,H'4' I'1 lv'r ' u'"rv interest than the) 1. io south liooii, and to the west, rising j pretty certain, higlit tiumlre.l people ; ruouisny conieins it a dozen cheap; Furniture f.iiu four thousand feet U-low us .. i. ... i l :u .i - .. . ....... Up i are Homeless aim w in nce.l assisialav jouri'uis piiltllshed siiel v as all udver and uwav above us until it seemed to i ,.r. , "!K . " tising medium for some Lotion house. in11 L'j. uivil lill'lt H'llUilItlv IIVitHSM?, ! ( ' . i-". .- lOW Kl.l,. louen i.te ueaveiis, ri. iie.ens rose in j fr a large majority have only the (me majestic sweep. It was the big- j flotiies they have on. A relief" coni jjest m .uiilain we ever saw, H-emiiig to ; '"'tt' bas Ueu jippoiuu-.!, and an up- till tho w hole west. It may be that it uyfo ! ! Ls not us high as Mt. Hood, but from jiur neighW in The Dalles, and iVudv j ' ' '' 'V . T 1' Wi 1 !'ut "! ; this , of view IKhhI compared to it and anxioiM to express that sorrow in ! I , MJ J' 1 '""' ut "!'l'' ! is an'infant. We spent Tuesday after-1 M n I -'w -lii .MS ai i liooii in hunting for U-ar w ith barren at Portland prices at S. K. liartmcss' furniture store. Cull and He Marvin liand's new st.K-kof stationary and sch.Mil supplies. He bas also just revived a lino stock of rending matter, novels, magazines. etc., and a splendid assortment of fishing tackle, line candies and all the fruits of the season constantly on hand. Armox." Land Locator. Mverv Unly wants land In Hood Illver S'alley. I have some veiy di Hlrahlo tracts of good laud on my list for homesteads und tlmU'icd claims, with running water on them, ran locate several stockmen a.lvuntacoimlv. Do not fail to see meat Hood Itlver Fulls or addir me ut II.nhI Hirer, Wasco County, Oregon. W. Itoss Winanh, Locator. NOTICE. I have appointed J. T. Delk, my Agent to wll my beer at Hood Itivi-r, ut wholesale. Aini sr 111 hi. t it. The Dalles, March lti, h. JOHN H. CRADLED AUCH. ATIOUNKY AT LAW. lnn't h i s In nil I .c court" of ( ir"n nml fspei lul ntli'iiiluti glvi'ii (i .mi., vryuni'lnu, OLTF.I t)KI'TCK, 1KK)D ItlVF.K OKFOON. S. L. YOUNG. KfU'KisKoll To k. rit:rK. DKALF.K IX KIN V. WATCH 1.S, DIAMONDS, JF.WKLUY AXDSILVKKWAKF, ALSO Optical Goods. Fine Watch Ropalrlng a Speci alty. Second St. Tho Dalles. Or. J. I II1K1H, hA TIIK DALLF.S OltKdON, llnvo the imlv abstract of lurid titles In the County, and are the only h'hoiis w lio can furnish reliable In formation concerning laud titles on SHOET NOTICE. " We nn- also pn pared to inako out all neivsHnry msTs for llllng on tin forfeit oil allxcad AND ON A XV OOVF.KXMI'.XT LAND. FOR SALE: 'WW"' Country Property. COIlltFSl'ONDKNCK tOLICITKD. XO TltOl ltLi; TO AXSWhll LLTTLItS. J.M.Huntington&Co. llminr IVufk . . ''it Ihtttr Or. lesuns, ana vveanesday returned to M.;Ueru Jjimtali- oequaMi, to taKe the old .McClellan j of all the liberal professions, that of uan acrow me mouniains to Wind j iournali.-m w the most arduous and .... mm. ....... i i ! .c! iuuisuajn.oruiug, wnicu jxiini: thankless vocation that any human low as the lowest. Call and see me Mi;s. It. S. How u.i.s. v. e reacneu r riuay ami riau u lew mm- : u-ing can embratv. The modern daily utes lishing, which supplied our w ants j i of such a high standard that there is in nun uirecuou. vv e nave iisucd the i,0 "royal road"' to become a successful huest trout streams of the coast, but never struck such fishing as the upper Wind river arl'ords. The trouble is there is no way to get the fish out, ami painting in all Its branches. Decoiat in', gilding, jMilishing, graining and staining. Tieatmeiit ot interior wood Work and furniture a sricei'.ltc fur. no "royal road'' to become a successful j ri.iire painting done. Ollleu ut- Mount newspaper man. Eminent fitness ex-j H.Hid hotel, hibited through yeurs of toil and drudg- j j.r Sale. ery is the only criterion of individual j A fine fruit ranch of b!0 acres, four I will sell ut public auction Saturday, August ith, ut lo o'clock a. m.. at " ! Hood Hiver, Oivgon, all the fixtures of ' u Kcniui gives noti.v that he is the ticm Hestnurant, household goods; here to stay, and is iirenared to do I horse und lnii'i'v ami lun . nv. j , , ' . , 1 nrv " JB En Hanna, Now is the time to buy your groceries, Mill The next thirty days I wil! sell FOR ( ASH ONLY With a discount of 10 por cont on all bills of $5. and ovor. HOOD RIVER. OREGON capacity lor ihe udiht walks ot lournal- lour nines ami a one can icai more man he can catch in kl; jt is the one calling in which the - V1 Jive minutes, so that the fishing after j almighty dollar prevailed! not i!t west of t lit' town Hood Liver, on the Columbia. It 10 fruit trees, mo.'t of which are nil is no good. After satisfying our selves that the main stream showed neither gold nor quartz float, we started down it through un unexplored coun try. A level plateau extends across from Wind river to Jtock creek, ten or twelve miles, and down the stream for a dozen miles we passed over it through a continuous forest of splendid yellow fir, the trees running from four to six feet 'in diameter and from 100 to .j0 feet to the first limbs. One old mon arch, w ho w as a sturdy tree when Peter denied his master, measured thirteen feet through. Sunday we found indi cations of settlement, lines of claims blazed out, etc., and we also found that the Ciiiiyon of Wind river was impassa ble and that we would have to cut a trail through on the west side. We did this, but it took three days of hard work to get to the road, a distance of three mills. Of course we had several digres-ions fishing, prospecting, etc., and' while we did not find a gold mine, w e are going back. Ml'S. JlMA lUltX. NOTICE FOIt PFHLICATIOX. Ij.miI OHIc nt, wu.ili. Auk. 21, 1SH1 Notice Ik hereby (riven Hint tln fullowlni;. mount Hettler linn lll.'il not in- i.f 0s I nii-ni l n lo mnlie tlni.l proof In iin.rl of Ills rliilin, t lint Hiilil proof will he iiiiulf bi fore the li.'irisler mill Itecelur t'. S. html nillce at Vuneouver Hi.sli. on lieiuber l.'ilh Isiil, vix: Marirari't Ann faineron. Ciisli npplii'iiiion No. t:i miller Sr. I (nvlbm umm PEED STOBE d3 2vHL,X WHOLESALE & RETAIL. I he young man starting ia life with a memory retentive enough touctjuirc a sujx-rticial knowledge of the contents of a few volumes of legal lore, and suf ficient education to misouote Latin. ill liearing, L'UU grain- vines ill bearing, i Act l eonuiesn approved siepteinlM-r ', halt acre o lilaekU-rriex ill full hearing ' will yield 4,"Mtll pounds of. U-rries this year). 1 , M u i s'rawlK'rry vines, acres of corn, '1 of clover; bet wee i Sand l acres in cultivation, timbi-r; tine irrigating facilities: 1 "I Hi feet of lor the Imh :i una i an.l n.j !, w 1-1 .See IU l'p 11 it 1 1 K W 31. Kln imtiies the following wltnesm to prove her eontlniiiiim reslilein'. uni itint enlrl vnt Ion ol, nalil lainl. vl.: M x A. lirid.lliiKK. ami .liinies II. I'm?.', of t'ortlanil Ciieifon, C. H. I ox, of II. (oil hlver Or, Jaine lliown, of White S,.ii,n wiimIi. uuir'.lwiet.i John J. (iK.nnir.oAN, lt..(lsUT. X Oil CK I 0 1 tTu 15 LI AC'lT ()N can easily obtain me privilege of tor- iigiu-covctcii innnc ; two reservoirs: turing law and mystifying clients. A ! ov,'r 1,KI f,,, t "'" wu,l'r Vh', 'arry- j short attendance on a cour of lecture. I1.11-:. Wil,,'.r. V!'". '"' . V.ri'v '-' t, ,,. . , ' 1111 "' r v. .vosteil attheranchor i.and (M!lee at The Ih.llcsOr. Aug. IT, Isiil at one of the numerous mushroom mcd- address at I food Uiver. ():. ,, ,H ,.,,.,. KlV(.n tllll, ,?. J. ical colleges enables him (by nayiii" the I wii.m . vt':ii i f""'1'"'! seiiler hi.x Uleil noihe of his intention Wo t,. n I,.-.. Iii.. o; -.i i" I . . , ""'' to miike lliml priM.f In iiiM,rt of bin clalin. tees) to aitoril his Olhee With a hiero- Sealed proposals w ijl be received nt 1 '""I tlmt Mild proof will lie nnulc before the trlvohical sheenskin faiiferrin in,,.,, the Count v Clel k's olliec. The 1 Lilies i KeKisier and llw'elvor I'. H. I 4). ut The lialleit him the magic title of M. D., with full ! r,1'"' f"!' 511 ,'"r'is " X'""1- l,"u"l,I !'-.v authority to practice the healing art, ! XfnSirL sometimes to the great detriment of the 1 court house. BRAN SHORTS MIDDLINGS ROLLED WHEAT OATS WHEAT OATS BARLEY COTTON SEED MEAL OIL CAKE normal functions of tlie internal an-! I'ronoHaU for oak. fir, awh or solid fir i continuDiw nidi?iii-e upon and ruitiviimi .1 l I . (11 l i itf ktil.l I. in, I el. I..I....M f l,'llt,.tt paratusof his unfortuiiute victims. No 1 "i co isiocrci , , i ioiio,iisi miisi oe ' 'i a i cu- ea-sy methods are open to the ! .i,,.. .miliwilh , r,.: i, . i me county cotnrnissioiiers reserve such THE DALLES FIRE, Wi-dnesday afternoon word reached here that The Dalles was burning and that the town was liable to be utterly . destroyed. Conflicting reports followed one another, it being stated at one time that the entire town below the bluf!" was gone even to the Company's shops. While it was not as bad as that, it cer tainly is bad enough. Thursday morn ing we visited The Dalles for the pur pose of getting a correct idea of the damage, and it is truly a sad sight. The fire started about 1 o'clock in the afternoon in the dwelling house of F. W. L. .Skibbce, one block south of the passenger depot, and, fanned by a strong breeze from the northeast, swept down .Second street and across Third to tiie bluff. The wind rose with tlie fire, and terrific whirlwinds swept blaze and embers in every direction, until by the time the engine arrived two whole blocks were in flames and beyond hu man control with the means at hand. When it was seen that the conflagration was to become general, citizens began moving their household effects, and as everyone was looking after his own, it w as impossible to get much help and utterly impossible to get teams to move the goods. The result was that the greater portion of the personal effects removed from the buildings were taken but a short distance and left only to be . aught by the flames and destroyed. The lire swept down Second street as far as Federal, where a gallant and sue- the rit lit to reject nnyorali bids. Jiids will be opened Thursday, Sep temlier 10, ISid. Ly order of C. X. TiioKxnt'RY, County Judge. .1. 15. t'KOfiSEN, County Clerk. young journalist; each round of the ladder of fame must be climbed w ith slow and painful effort The casual reader scarcely appreciates the qualifi cations possessed by the men whose writings they enjoy. Thorough, CuSC ui,. uauue, nerve, judgment ! :n:K FOK PUIWJCTION. and courage of a high order both phys- j hand Olliec- at Vancouver, Kept. 1, 1W)I ical and moral, are a lew of the essen-l Notice is hereby niven that the following-! tiol miniu ,. .. ... , ,i .,, : named M'ttiei'i have tiled notice of their Inlen- i tial points Ot a good newspaper Writer, i tion to make lln.,1 proof In support of their! He need not lie able to parse a Greek "' .J1'"- proof will be madH, I - m vivrt ht'lure V . it llnrihtir I', imidiuui, .,,.. l'.o...l aorist or work the differential Calculus, i HliUes-Clreult Court for District of Washington ( 'renoii, on October it Mil, viz: Ibtilerlck Me Nell. H. I. No. .".Mil for the fractional w ' ' m w i; and k e '.( h w l-l Sw, 7 Tp. 2 N. K. li V.. Al. lie names ine rollowiiiif wilnesseH lo prove of, wild hiiiil, vim: Ji.mcs M. Kill. ill, John Mder, l.ark l.anih, Ad'ilpli h. li.HlberHon, nil of Monirr Oregon, ntiU'Jisxpii John W I.kwis, Uesilnter, NOTICK FOIt PUI5LICTI0X. Land Otllce at The. I)allc Or. Auk, 13, ls!H. BARLEY SEED GRAIN SPECIALLY SELECTED. As 1 grind and make my own feed, I am prepared to sell at lowest prices. Write for quotations. W. H. LOCHHEAD. - - - - Tho Dalios Oregon .riven ttuii the followlni:. tiled notice of liln Intention but a thorough course, of diversified I , uliiendule, wiisliintm on October III, lt'jl, i-iy rii a r a t r cot-'v.i.-o reading and an intimate acquaintance j Homestead Kntry no. : a foi'-th.-e. H w l-l with men of all degrees gained by travel s',',- 2'' T'- :,N l1;2 Kilst M,'r- . . . . fc J lie names the follow in witnesses to prove ami close observation are indispensable1 his continuous i'ei(ieiieeupnn,andf.iiitivation factors of ultimate success; and when KS linally attained, how meagre are the : i,' r' ' l'vl,: v' w"Hl''n. r,.u..ltu ,.,r.,...-,.,l ...:.i. ...i . .. ! WILf.IA.M II. HI'KxCKIt. .wu.wvjiiijjuivu wilh oincr pursuits, j t nets sing the warrior's praise, grateful ; ' H "' " w riutionu un.i.t uO.t. i,.u I ".. "wl ." .. . v, i" jmiiiois, curap-! who names the following witness to Notice Is hereby mimed settler hits I) lo make IS mil proof in support of his claim, and tinil said proof will before the ltei;lsler and llceetver I'. H. f O. utTlie Dulles Or. on KeiiUimtHT 2S, ISIU, vim: Ann 1). Diiiiinick. H. I). No. :?,n). for the N. p. H of Hec. ;n Tp. 1, N. of II. 10 K. w. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous nsldcnce upon and cultivation of, said hind, viz: (iconic I'crklns, Hert Orn- luon.M. M. lliildwlti.of Mt Hood Or., una J. h. UiriKiiie, of Jl.sHl Itlver I Ir. utfl.Vwplll Joii.n VV. I.icwih, Ileglnter. Crandall & Burget, DEALERS IN Furniture, Carpets, W muow Shades. Etc ALSO CARRY Homcslead Kntry No. 7H TI for the p.'.hw 1-4 and l.ot ; s.x-. 1, Tp. 1 N. It. tured Congregations shower colrl wt)t ',r"v,! ,,ls continuous residence upon, and cul-i Bee. .t of lli forfeit urctua appr i . . b tr fe01U VUtU : ligation .d, said land, viz: fieoiw It. hyle, 1 f'"- "' "'A w H " '4 lavish hands Upon the fashionable !:"or;?" A. Snyder. Khls It. I tewct t, Marcus sec XI Tp II n r 12 e w in. I..O f.... .1 - . 1 V i.lmier, l.ll Ol I. VH: 1'. I). Waslllll.'tOll i"'"u"-'' uu" l"c poor serine, no ..t.Voctlu .Ioh I. (;kooiieoaii, Itt?ister. such incentives exist, a moderate com- nrirv ,.. wT,Tv" potency acquired by aays and nights t Of unremitting toil IS his Only reward, Notice. Is hereby ,:ivcn that tho foHowlr.. and if perchance exhausted he falls dv- i """"'ris t ilers has ii led noticcof thcirintentio'i . , -"!! uji , m;(. iiaal proof in supjiort of I heir cluinis, In, in tlwi h..H. ...I.... ... .. .. .... ....... ..... . . .. ' ."6 . mo iiaiounn wnat mailers 11. i n,,u inaLsani prooi win another stronger back takes his place, and the "Morning Trumpet" appear., on our breakfast table as bright and newsy as ever, with no sign to indicate the slipping of one human cog in its well-regulated machinery. Wrongs have been righted, dark deeds unveiled, the lost found, and sad homes brightened by tlie unsung he roes marching in the journalistic ranks. Man may not always recogni.e their unostentatious worth, but the bright pen of the recording angel has inscribed their deeds to all eternity in golden characters. America's claim to lie considered the foremost civilized nation is emphat ically demonstrated by the high order ol merit exhibited in its newspaper col ic mail.! before tin liej;istcr and Kiceiver I;. K. hand Olllce at v ancouver wusii. on October 2t), 1S91, viz: TIIEODOItK CAItSTKNH. II. I). Kntry No. HVn for the w'Jse'ncK se and sc n e Sec. 1, Tp. 1 N. It. (J K, w. Ifo names the following witnesses to prove her cont inuous residence upon, and cultiva tion of, Mil Id land, viz: Al II. .Icwctl, Theodore, '-e tesilorf. I'Vank M. hane, Kind Wllken, all or n liileHalmon Klickitat Co. Washington. viz: KKANCIS M. I.AXK. rr. I. No.r,!W l, forlhesMnc'i und n V. a Ho mones the follow! ni witnesses trf prOTS liercontituious residence urxm und cultivation of, said land, viz: Theodore iSukesdorf, Al JI. Jewett, Nathan M. Wood all of white Salmon Klickitat Co. wash. Theodore (,'arstens, of ill mer Klickitat Co. wash. viz NATHAN M. WOOD. H. I. 7710 lor the lots 1 and 2 and eV,n w V scc7Tp3 n r 11 e w in. ' lit! names tlie following witnesses to prove his corn inuous residence upon, and enltiv. lion of, said land, viz: Theodore KukeK. dorf, Al II. .lew.dt, Kni'ieU M. Iui.!, ib K. Jacohsoii, all of white .Salmon KllcklUit Co. Washington. uphill) Jons P. fiK'ioil'j , Kejislcr. NOTICE FOR I'UHLK'ATION. hand Oflleeut Vuneouver, Wash July at), 1SIII, Notice iKjiereby given that the followlng natacd settler hits tiled nollceofhls Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and I hat said proof will he tiiail.' before Ihe Register and Hccelver IT. K. Iind onico ut Vancouver Wash, on September 21, ISIU, viz: Hugo W. Kiihnliausen. Cash application to purchase no. 42 under approved Mcpt. anil w yA and n w He nanies the followlag witnesses to nrove his eorilliiiious resilience upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: John K. (,'onboy, Wfiizel Horde, I'eter (kmboy, all of Kulda wash, und ( onriicl I'etner, of Morrlsvllle Ogn. uuglsepa Jou.v D. UicooiiKUAM, Register. FOR SALE. Two lots with good Iiouse, burn nnd hennnrv, plenty of fruit. Price Vta. Also six lolg wlth grMid house and out houses, thin Inwn all kinds of fruit, garden etc. Trice JBWio. Im provements alone cost, prieu asked. This Is a giKid Investment for speculation. Owner wants money and must sell. Time will be given on a portion If desired. Address, A. H. BwiWKiis, Hood Itlver, Oregon. NOTICE I-'On PUBLICATION. J,iin(I'Omc.e at Tho Dulled, Or. Aug, 13, ISO. Notice In hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make tinal proof In support of his claim, find thai. said proof will be made before the Register und Receiver If. H. h. 0. ut The Dulleg Oregon, on Heptembur, IS, 1HU1, viz: Conrail Repp. D. S. No. 541", for n w n w i see. 4 Tp. 2 n r 111 e. w rn. He names the following witnesses lo prove his continuous residence upon nnd cultivation of. said land, viz: Wm. doorman, W. A. lloormun, II. A. Pratt, John Wilson, all of Hood Illver Oregon. A Full Line of IfBueriaiiiig Boots. Mail Orders Promptly Attended to 166 Second St. Tho ."Dalles, Or. Olinger & Bone, jivery ant Oak Street, near Postoffice, HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Wc have First-Class Stock and Outfits, Double Buggies, Ilacks and Saddle Horses. m Stables. A Fine Four-Horse Conch, suitable for fishing or excursion parties, carries nine passengers. Parties taken to any aocest-i. ble point. Keliablo drivers. , Our Dray delivers bagjrage or freight nny where m the Valley i ajS-st.pl2 . John VV. l.r.wis, Register.