SEEDS iiHhIW wll'1 K c E. J. DOWEN, 05 Front Street, Portland, Or g(f S'n.I f..r ot1.t-.MV -V1 "August Flower 5 r t Ci ;,. ,., Mr Lorenzo t. Sleeper is co well known to the citizens of Apple- ton, Me., and neigliKnliood. He says: " Ei;;ht years ago I was taken " sick, and snii'ered as no one but a " dyspeptic can. I then began tak- "ing- August Flower. At that time "I Was a Treat sufferer, liven- " thing I ate distressed me so that I "had to throw ilttp. Then in a " (w mnmetit-; that horrnl distress " would come on and I would have " to eat and suffer For that Horrid Stomach Feeling. "again. I took a "little of your rued " icine, and felt much "better, and after " taking a little more " August Flower my Dyspepsia disap- ' "peared, and since that time I would W very ornamental in the center " have never had the first sign of it. of a round bed eded with bright colored "lean eat anything without the . phlox or candytuft. With r long spout " least fear of distress. I wish all ' ed waterim; kM the vines could have a ' tlvif ire nft1i.-te.-1 witb tbn terrible I "disease or the troubles caused by "it would try August Flower, as I " am satisfied there is no medicine "equal to it." 8 STANDS i 't MERIT rPMASTirrcin-wG SMOKING! TofiACCO A tiurf VIrcrini;i iiiii"" cut 1 e, i smoking tobacco that docs not bite the tongue, anil is free from anv foreign mixture. More solid comfort in one package ol Mastiff than you can get out of a dozen others. Packed in canvas pouches. f. B. Pace Tobacco Co., Richmond, Virginia. AMERICAN PLAN, Ourplim fif doiuc 1Uflut-fS is to every body on the umif l-nis:" if mie i'rsnn bu curluinU unci uHntiitT siiidle H'ms, of cniirM', lla- Inrec bnver savet ill the diet of lnmiiliiif, but we make the mime imt cent, of broiit on tlie one who sin-lull! ii riiiu'Ie l,llnr with us. 14. tii Hie our friemis itnd couiili v weli'imie. Whv i-hoiihl small buyers be chami'il more than nr-'niiiiratioii!., u.-hnci:itions, eninbinatioiis Hint iiirirretratioi'S of capital except as to quan tity? FAVOR YOUR FRIENDS Ami tlh'se who look out for your interests in (mail or (.-reat matters, and you w ill profit by it. Ask for our list of 10.000 articles at wholesale prices (free). SMITH'S CASH STORE, 416-418 Front Street, San Francisco, Cal. Fakers Golden Female Pills. For Female Irrerniar ities: uothinslikethem on the market. A'eret ait Successfully used by prominent ladiee monthly. Guaranteed to relieve guppreescd menstruation. SURE! SAFE! CERTAIN) Don't be humbugcred Save Time, Health and money ; take uo oth er. Sent to anr address secure by mail ou re ceipt of price, iiOO. Aaares", THE APHP.O RIEDICISiE COMPANY, Western Branch, ox 27, 1"0BTLANI, OR Sold by Wisdom Drdo Oo., Portland. Or. Best in the World! Get ths Genuine! Sold Everywhere! Old Gold and Silver Bought; send your old Gold 'and Silver by mail tc the olrt anil reliable bourn of A Coiemau, 41 Third street, Hun Franci3co; I will send by return mail tiie earth, accnrding to aanay; if the amount in not satuf.ictory. will return gold. HUNTER S EQUIPMENTS Si Fiflhln)? Tackle, Kt". Great Variety. Low Prices. Old G'oisiBkeri in trade fiend for t'ataloKue. lihO. V. SHREVK, 845 Rearny HI., Saj Frauciseo JOHNSTON & LAWRENCE, WIIOl.KSAI.K AMJ KKTAIL Plumbers' and Engineers' Supplies. Hand -and Steam Pumps. Iron Pipe. Rams, Pipe Covering. Lubricators, Water Motors, Fans .and Ventilators, Cash Registers, Etc. Write for prices. 232 FIRST ST., PORTLAND, OR. Contractors on heating and ventilating buildings. Estimates furnished. T3W?:?or LOSrorfAIllHO aaiiuoui JWekcnBof Body and Mind, EffscU Kttt N,.i,l w iMIOOb fn'iy !.'e1oie.l. How to n!trf kid Blr.i;!bfoHKiK,ltVEJOPut'V''J GREASE m HEN ONLY Mini ERIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO, N. V, A Vi'i y iicity piiriMf ot luniftital R:r-il.-imii;. not ii.) .ItiuVuli f.-r hiifiimi'r cnu In- tli'iio with :m iM uuilitvlU or .i'.i, 'I itii'l s.mih' ilaiit.of i itvv viui!, liiiun.itulu, swtvl v.'H r any t hmsr tliiil i not of t .-isjiii-iii!; 11 nature. Stn U I'litulvrs tln iiiiTiiiiiit glory, ciui.'iry vim1 iiinl otln-r twrttty footer, tiro K-tii'f l t; for mii;hlly friiivs anil luiiM inirs. Plants ;uv Inner th.-in with U f,iui" nioiv iv i t.iin. ini.i they ilo not take no loiii; to i-ati li lln' knaek of twiniiii; inul siivaiinii;. I'niliivlla vilis arc not ive, iit to seo sueli an ol'jivt Mainline there week afirr week, waiting for its I'lotlu'i. does not pvt jhviiIo A pleasant uiijuvvion of ;t puileti. l!ut tirt titiil your utnluvlla: ami this may not ln o, for ' ri'tiroil' um brellas that are no louder tit for in1 tiro ' nel.lmu s.vil. S'liio lili'lillvr of tho fain- ., lluv w abK , ,lh,, jini, thn u M ,H imilWia., v ,tri , nf , tVw mWn i,,,t t0 it. Th(1 lt,xt itol, l0 JMiut ,h(,, im,i UWit. t,rowii. ami when quit- lry j.lant tiU' end of the handle firmly in the ground, with the frame fully elicited. If the handle is rather short it will be mi improvement to add a jm of wood to it It is now readv for the vines, which should have made some progress in growing; and when they onee lHj;in to do their best the old umbrella frame makes sueh a lovely irrwn bower stud ded with Mivssoms of red or mir-ile or white tr nil together if the vines lire mixed that every one exclaims over its beauty. A parasol with the saute treatment is eonallv nrettv on i smaller scale, and it daily drenchim; in warm weather. when the sun is not shining on them, from their roots to their highest green tips, and this would keep them fresh. Aar per's Young People.'t llorr HI in. Mis Thumpit (lmusiiiir for lucath) I fe:U I weai v von. Mr. ilc:uyvi'ialit N'ot a Mt of it; lay on, I can't toll niie note of iniisii' IiummiolUer. Buidette in Hi'iKiklyn Kalo. 0-r:ir rrcleix to Vlt. "Osi'ar Wiilo ex;i'ts to lv luiricl in IVi-sfr minster Aliln y," kivs u iKuitin item. W'v'.L we nre willing. Is tiieiv liny iimviii for t!iil niaiMoniii ili liiy SioiniTvilk' Journal. If., ( o-llv III I be Loni; Kiln. 'ITow ilo ymi inaiiae to kis-p your watoi pijvs from fi'.-ezing this woallwr, Dobson." "Easy I have a yearly couttacl witu h iluinl r." Hartfui'il l'ur. look Ha il mill You'll It. Tliero is a youii lady iii a pirU' school ic Ceoivia w!)o v"' s liy the nickname of "I'oofr gvript." Her real name is Aduliuo lloolo, Bui'lingtoli I'reo I'lesi In the Hieiitrp. "But why do ymi weep; Thonrtins is oer tainly not so toui'liiu";." "Exouso mu, 1 ma bewailing too money I paid to comu in." Fliegeiule lilatter. A licl'mit Ion. Counsel Wliat is the plaintiffs nttitude ai to tins question Witness IlecumU'lit Liesaln ut it constantly. Tid Bits. One lUnt Never lie! Tired. The person who is always tiilkin to him- self is sure to have mi interested Lowell Citizen. listener. A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. Superior to every other known. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. Delicious Cake and Pastry, Light Flaky Biscuit, Griddle Cakes, Palatable and Wholesome. No other baking powder does such work. BKOOKI.W HOT!.).. Bunh Bt.,bet. Mont goniery i Haiiaonie, 8. F.; conducted o both th Kuioian and American plaH. This Hotel la undei the iruuiagnmeut of C'barlen Montgomery and la th. Yjttfi Family and BufihieKs Men'a Hotel in Han Fran cieco Home comforts, cniaine uneicelled, linitrclasi service, highes sundard of retiectability guaranteed Heard and room per ay, ?l. to WiW, sii.gie room, v cents bo ("I i per night. Free coch to and from thi Hotel. . Bie O !"thearlcnowl(ip;J leading remedy for all the unnatural discharge and private diseanen6f men. A certain for the deblll tatlng weakness peculiar to women. , . 'oifM in if OaftratitMil ot w ' iuh Siruuu'. il The Evans Chewj Ul'donlv Viy I prescribe It ann iMisar in recommending II to boin rty iinnm I'EJCE 91.00. Xridi GKEATKSC . ry . . .-If... Ak your dealer for It, or send for Free Circular t l'etaluma Incubator Co., Petalum OREGON STATE FAIR COMMENCES SEPTEMBER 14. 1891. Near Siiiem. More mid li.ri;er pre initmiK olfered this year for exhibit!! of stock, iiKrieultunil prod ucts, fruits, (lowers, itiincpilh, meehiiuies, works 01 art nun inney work, splcniiiil nieini; eaeh dnj-. The Tiivilion, lighted by electricity, u ill be oien four nights and a blind, concert ench night. Kediued rtes on all triiiisiMirtxtiuii lines. wwi 10 j. 1 . i.Khdi., .secretary, 1'ortlHiiil, lor a premium list. HAY FEVER CURED TO STAY CURED. We want the name and ad' dressof everv sufferer in the &AQTUM A US. and Canada. Address. MO I fllllli P.BaroldEa7t,II.D , Buffalo.H.T. Bailing Powder fig or 1 1 1 n Aar CIIINKSK U KHAN IT Y. CIRCUMLOCUTION THIY DISPLAY IN LETTER WHITING. I'll KilucaUil '1iliimii !! th American Point ml I'olltrn.. ml U nnrmrAla In lh Ciin.liK't r KiUloUrj l'iiriTaiimilrnr, It has luotialily fallen to the lot of most of us to have met (vonle who, without the exeuso of an uueotiseioiiH habit, have the kuai'k of iis.-ortiiiK mi- leasant truths, and who value iraeions imietiee ii.s a niiiii of tho un- a mii d iinni'siy. I'hi'iv arc others, siu-h as tho tuakiTS of liypmo days, who ri'-..inl vwvy oxpros ion wliii-li limy not Ihi in utiict invord muv with alwoliito truth as sin against their ooiiscii'iu-os. To siu-h H'Hiln tho lilt'it of suliM-nliiiij; thi'iusi'lvcs "Vours truly," or of ln'iiiiiini; it lot tor to a rasltal aoiiuaiiitain'o, "Hoar So anil So," is nhhorront. Hut jiuhlio oiinion has biH-n ttHi strolls for thoiii, ami wo ron tinuo, inul nhnll rontinuo so lonir an ko cioty holds top'thor, to address 0110 mi other in terms of endearment ami ronnvt whieh urv not required to rornvjionil with our sentiments. Orientals have surpassed us in this rt panl as mueh as tho brilliant sunshine to whieh they are lurustomed exeels tht murky atmosphere of KnroH. Tlie do scriiitions of ourselves and of our eorro siHiinlents wlo heforo the flowing -x-pressions of objeetivo admiration Htnl mhjivtive self abasement which adorn eastern epistles. We are content to con fine our wishes and compliments to tho present life; but such a limit is far too narrow for an Asiatic, who delights in wishiug that his friends may live for ever and ever, and that the ancestors of his enemies may bo condemned to ever hinting disgrace. We are satisfied to upeak of "P and "You," but au oriental loves to heap ad jectives of contempt uimii himself und of glorification upon his correspondents. ELF.VaTINU AND tiKMKANINU KIM1IJCS. In all cases ho avoids tho uso of the personal pronouns. Hy a system of cir cnmlocution necessitated by this omis sion, he describes himself as "lour yonnger brother," the character repre senting his expression being written small, and partly at the side of the col umns of words, and ho designates him self and others conjointly as "We ants." But the person he is addressing figures as "Your excellency," "My benevolent elder brother." or "Your honor." liter ally, "You who are at the steps of the council chamlier." His own house is "a mean dwelling," or, as the parts of the character signify, "a stricken and broken dwelling;" but he is unable to think of his correspondent's habitation as any thing but "an honorable," literally "basket-of-pearls palace." In the same spirit of self abasement ho feels obliged to wind up his epistle with the phrase, "Your stupid younger brother, So-und-So, bows his head to the ground." The character for "stupid" is drawn for us by two hieroglyphics, meaning "mon key hearted." To bow to his friends is 'also pictorially expressed by a colloca tion of "a head" and "turf," suggesting the act of bowing the head to the earth. If his correspondent proposes to call upon him he hastens to assure him that at the appointed hour, with bowing hands, he will await the time when his excellency shall abase himself by driving his chariot to his office. His friend a letter is "the revelation of his hand," aud he takes pains to make him aware that holding it "with washed hands he had chanted" its contents. On expressions of thanks particular emphasis is laid by the Chinese, and with true Oriental instinct, in their effort after hyperbole, they are accustomed to give a physical interpretation to their mental feelings. PO W EK FT l II Yl'KKBOLK. For instance, a correspondent who wishes to say that he is profoundly grate ful, writes, "Your kindness is very deeply engraved and enveined in my heart." If he hears of the illness of a friend "he cannot help being hung up in suspense," and the symbol ho uses shows to the eyes the heart of the writer tied up, while at the same time he urges him "to take care of his person as a pearl." And on the receipt of better news he breaks out, "How shall I bear the joy and pleasure!" Having finished expressing the object of his letter, he winds up by "availing him self of the opportunity to wish his corre spondent all the blessings of the season, and," if he is on the road to honor, "all tha promotion he deserves." But, if not ferocious, a sufficient lati tude still remains to a Chinaman for the development of much plain speaking. It is as possible to "slit the thin spun life" with a stiletto as with a broadsword, and in tho most finished periods a Chinaman finds himself (mite able to express either withering comempt or remorseless hate. But he has other ways also of giving vent to his ill humors. Tho very punc tilious rules of letter writing enable him to convey his dislike by omission as well as by commission. Chinese is, it may be explained, writ ten in vertical columns, beginning on the top right hand corner of the page. In ordinary circumstances each column is completed to the bottom of the page; but-long usage has established the cus tom that, if the name or attributes of the person addressed occurs, tho column is cut short, and the characters representing these subjects of honor begin the next column at an elevation of the space of one or two characters, as the case may be, above the general level of tho text. It will now be seen what a ready weapon lies to the hand of a Chinese letter writer. To write "Your Excellency" or the name of the correspondent's country or sover eign in the body of the column is to in flict a dire insult upon him, and is equiva lent to the expression of the bitterest contempt in European epistolary style. London Saturday Keview. He In Dead. Mrs. Scriblets I see that the Aristotle manuscript has been published. Mr. Scriblets I fear that the payment for it will be too late to do Mr. Aristotle any good, Puck. Ull l IX OI It OI IMON Sili'l.hl Ml V mic ,1-In ViMII i'I'UIU'II 111" III I the Hi iliieiu lie system 01' ini'dicinc, Jill aiiswei linlillv that it is un 'nnd. Mmilld he ask ynil I lie reason h v il is im untnl, tell liini iust luv.iuse. Il this nnsiM f din s mil 1 milium. I him by tls uii'iiiulily and lie still persists, tell liini dial il is a new Ian uled idea. This will piul'ilhlv plne ellei t ive, us it bankiupleil the liisl iinu plow ft tal'lisliuieiit. Slu'iiM ymi luil 111 that, tun, don't mve up, but insist with the powerful albumen! that your n 1 a n I nn1 1 n-r never heard nl' it ; that lull can't see how luer i'UI'V , ai'seiiie, stiM'hiiine, ele . ean he 1 n 1 lunMil iMnHi. and lliat the old schools nl medicine iniisl ueci ssanlv have evhausled all t he st.H'k nl w isdnin, and thai I here ean - no. pus it all i i.issildv lieauMhiiik' lelt to leiirn. And our iuwellul Hi!Uiucnls have laded In convince Inul nl the reasonableness nl yniii ' posit imi ymi have still one I'urlliiiiii shot tell him that you are simply aston ished ; that yon thought him an intelligent uian ! And still thrieaie men and women, too upon w hoiii such uiiiunicnls have no ef fect, hut they are lliinkini; people who are w illim: to investigate heiiue they toi'in an opinion. Mot vv I, Kern t', unity, I'al. V... ..rifiiii, .Viiff.V, II'iiWi. KK Shi: 1 am glad to tell you that tuvwiie still continues to improve. Looks like a dilteient person. Skin eleaiin up; eyes look brighter, and is leeling better gener 11 1 1 v ; no pain in stomach, and has good ap petite. Ve le. l glad that we have found some one w hn can do her irood. and ynu will have other patients from this section, Very respect fully , .lo-uui 15. iw vn. Pr. Jordan's oltlee is at the residence of ex- Mayor Vesler, Third and .lame. Consultations and prescript ions absolute ly Off. Send for free hook expluiniiiK the llisto genetie svstem. t'U rioN. - I'he lllslngi neliu MedieineB are solil in hut one agency in each town, i'he lalicl around the buttle Ikmhs the fol lowing inscription' " lr. .1. Lugeue Jor dan. Hist. igeuetio Medicine." Kvery other device is a tniiid. Alter M iiimi Hisses forty the itrentest hero III the world In him Is the mall who Ueeiiiue huiioim niter tiltv II Wll lO TIIUOWKIt. James Mitchell, champion hammer thrower of America and holder of the world's record at throwing hammer and lil'ty-six-pouiiil weight, says: " I have used Al.1.1 m k's Pokiii h l't v-rms and found them without an eiiial. In the earlv spring, w hen starting in to train for the tiel.l events, I have always lnuud that stillness in the joints and hack set in. As soon, however, as t applied one of All. ro. k's Pimm s I't. vsTKK.s, jiains and silliness departed like magic. When I am alleelcd with pains, etc., the result of a cold con tracted while in training, I always use Al I. cot k's 'oi;oi h I'l. si Klis w ith good re sults. 1 can safely recommend them to any one who is affected with pains or still ness, the result of any kind of exercise.'1 The world Is (ull o( men w In iromise (hut Is mttdc to them. never fiirgi'ti Kl'PTt'KK AM ril.KS UTIKD, Wo iMisitlvely cure ruidiiro and all rectal dli laseH without ialu ir detention (mm lumliieM. oroire, no v; and 110 y until cunsl. Ad lrewi (or pauiphlut Urn. Hortortield A Umiy, Market street. San Francbii'd. Mnnv 11 iromlnenl mini his tnltoo murks 011 his builds. Thus show tug Hie nisscssoii of ill. II it v to overcome youthful lolly. for alluving hoarseness and irritation of the throat it is daily proved that " llrmrn't Hrttiicltiiil Irurhm' are a luiltl remeity, yet verv etlic.acious. lie thai reicnts every diiy (or the sins nf every lny w ill have only the 'shin ol one day to reiciit wlieu Ii lues lo die. HI It K (I l!K. KOK I'll.KH. rinre core (or blind, bleea.uic and itehliiK Ftloa. Jne boi has cured th worst cam of ten yr' .tandluK. Nooneneefl Kufm. ten minute ftf atiiug Klrk't (terman Fil Ointment. It abnorlMi rumors, allay the Itching, ant a a poultice. lve relief. lr. Kirk'n (ierman Hie Ointment i prepared ouly (or Fil'i and Itching of tho private part, aud untiling elo. Kvery boi 1 warranted Sold by Druggl" n'l ent by mall on receipt of price, 11.00 (Mir boi. J. J. Mack A Co., Wholo ale Agent, rtu Fruclco. CopyrlghL, 1890. Which will you have, sickness, suffering and despair, or health, strength, and spirit ? You can take your choice. All chronic diseases and de rangements peculiar to women are permanently cured by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It restores the female func tions to healthy action. It removes the obstructions and suppressions which cause trouble and misery. For pe riodical pains, internal inflam mation, ulceration and kindred ailments, it is a positive rem edy. The system is invig orated, the blood enriched, di gestion improved, melancholy and nervousness dispelled. It's a legitimate medicine, the only one that's guaranteed to give satisfaction in the cure of all "female complaints." SEEDS Tocted KoodK and chhIi price. Our eiitiilogue UjIIh the reHt. F. L. POSSON & SON, Portland, Oregon. N. P. N. U. No. 4028. F. N. U. No. 479 1 1: I' Nf HH t'A N'T UK ( I llr ll IU local nl'l'll.-iiu.'li", 111. Ihej1 eiinnol iciieh the illM'iled pel Hull ol the I'll I I IH'M' Is olll one will to l ine tlciilnci., Hint Ihiil In b eohstltu llollill ,'llll'itlel I .'ll Ili-sN 1 filllM'd li nil III Humid eeniltlliin ol I lie mucous liiilut: ol the I' Uvlilf hlllll I ul.e hell Ull" lube Keli. Illlhlhieil Von Inn i' 11 ru m 1,1 1 mm sound 01 lniicilcrt hem lutl, HIkI whi'll II Is colli. W cloned, lciltlll' Is the ivmiII, inul unless Hie Inlliimiiuilloii emi be tilkell out It 1 1 . 1 Illll. Illhe lesloled lo Its lioluilll folnllllon. heiilllill Will be ilestloeil lolelct; nine eilses out oi ten me eiiilscil iy ciilttiih, w Mi ll l nullum) bill 1111 tnlhimeil eouillllou id I he miieous Mil tiiccs U e w III nil e 1 me II 11 ml led liolhns to. mil cum' ol lieiilueos (e.iuscd hi CMtmihllhiil we . ittinol cine bv til 1. 1 1114 Hull's fiiiiiith line Send lot i lieuliirs, liee . K. .1 I IIIAI.N A i ll, Toledo, il, Sdd b) .linguist: ?.i cent". selllsh iiiii t. heiiil Is mi hi o'er thmi hit ei Just roiim I'liouch tm hliUhcH. Mil I IOs OK MllM V, Hit There Is mtltioiiH ol moiiei tu mid mound New oik l lt Keeking lioeslimiil II von lime h fiiriii, flinch, mini', w e ciiu 11, iln 1,1 sell ll (01 vou II von hull' 11 iiieieiinllle business (ol siile, or l( 01iw1111t 11 iiiiiiici Ith cniltiil lor iiuv IcKllllllille business, we cull llrlli oll Addless ,1. A. I'l. Mill. A '., J ilt llioii.lwnv, New oil Mum nvNr lloTKi., ihird mid l streets, I'ni'tland, Or. I'iisl class aiTiimiiiodalioiis. Iiates, fl to$l..i'perilay, Jacob llass, plop. Cm' Knaiiu'lltitf Stove Polish ; no diit, un mnell. Try Iikkmkv for breakfast. Both the nifthoil ami u-sulla when Syrup of Fig1! is takon; it in jiloiuomt and refreshing to tho tnnto, inul icU gently yet promptly on tho Kitlm-yu, Liver ami llowj'l, clentiwi tho sys tem cflectuatly, dinpels i'o11m, heiul u'hes ami fevers ami ctireu lial)itu.,l eoiiMtipation pertniuiently. For Pitlo in SOcaiul $1 Inittli'd hy all lni(jgwU. CALIFORNIA FIO SYRUP CO. SAN rrVAACVSCO. CL. HW 10HK, H.t. ll UTiir cnrnirin i im I " in: orctiriu a nu. i. t 'itr h nil im ii nt unit illirtmrt;riif tiH'ii TllliNll vi'Mi Mrirliii.-, Il Im Imk h t itH'-rnul Im-K'.l. rlr,(l.HI. llrriirnr on 111 i. II i ,,i, its t.i uf priiv ty Tin' A. K hi'lt Mr.lti'tm- ,Hlill J . 4 'ul. I SAFETYDlljlllLt I nm i.aiiii:m ani i.i:sh.i;mi;n. fHoilsoll'.est Wl I In themiirkel. Mrlrtlv HIl'Ii iirriile In elerv iiirtlenliir. I nslilon llres, Inn Kent ,,)Hikes, (mm m.t.t to S-ml (or lllim trilled riltilliiKlli'.rer. KELLOCC fc HALL, I'm lti!' Vmui At., ! Firt M., Sun rruitrUro, 15 THE COST THE HARTMAN PATENT Costs mi miiri. lliuii mi i.rcllimrv eliimsv uihhI tileket lll.l I III II slllilt lime. I I Ilal llllllll " l em e Is I'l.iilli.u 1 1 i inul Is nr.ietlnilh kvkri.wI'Inu. 1 TI'.Hl IMOMAI.H M Ml. I'll KltKK. HARTMAN MFC. CO., (Always ineiitlmi ft J n n a w ii h ii in wood !.-..' iniwi ' -l. ' AFTrH OVAHS.'flC" W-M n P ISO'S KKMKDY FOK CATAKUH. Uent. Kiwi et to use. ('Iienpi-Ht. Kelief in iinmi'diiite. A cure id ei'rtnin. p orl olil a .u-WaAM,) u It ill an Ointment, of whieh ubiiibII part to the nostrils. Price f)()e. mail. Address: E. l wepl-whenlwds c V'7',PaiEL uf of scouring socvp usedf-ora,!! m -m cleaning purposes & "Ah! Ah!" Cried the house dfe, "Tho Secret I know, no DIPuT can resist SAPOLIO." Boy Your Own Coeds if Your ADVANCE THRESHERS, THE BEST IN AMERICA. Chemical Fire Engine and Extinguishers, Fire Hose and Department Supplies, Steam Lanndrr Machinery, Pumps of all kinds, Brass Goods. Pipe and Klttinirs, Hancock Inspirators, Marine Wort Belting and Hone, Wrenches, Lubricating Oils, Church, School and farm Belln. EuKlnesand Boilers. Blacksmith brills and Foi Forges, Buggies, urrles, U Carta In Portland. majors, writ im lor prices. 1 1 mm, Fsst cf Morrison Strest. P0BTL1M0. CI BASE BALL, Pains and Aches AMI THE DEST REMEDY AUK INsKI'AltAIH.K. FOR THE PROMPT, SURE CURE OF Sprains, Bruises, Hurts, Cuts, Wounds, Backnch, RHEUMATISM, ST. JACOBS OIL HAS NO EQUAL. THEOSOPHY. I'l'rmMin 1 1 l l'i ! I, l iltioi" I'T lull Mini II. e III TIn'osopMul Socli'ty, It 11 I., No I t Miirs. l meet, Hun I riiiiel.i o, 1 nl. CI0H J. McCRAKEN & CO., -liKAI.KIW IS Rach( Hirbor llmt. Porllsixl Ctntnt. tlob dtn Uatt nd Utah Pll, Hair If, Brick nd Hft Clay. LANU PL'ili.H III! North Kriiiil lirrl. l or. I, I'tlUTI.ANII, Ull. . STEIN WAY, Gabler tod Pease Plenoi .,, h, ik Iist I'ovi Maui. iut Hi' lii'iK chralHil ' UM, ll Mualeal ln.liiih .ins nllni. laran met nf Hlwl Miialo em' llOf I ikJKMI, ll l.i.l..l.'.iw. I.n'i""'.ir ILsl. Irn !.' ill HIim'I Miialo ems.l II. 1. 1, lua and hlre'l; M.lTiins UHO UKl hni ihii ! nsilui Kiel liv ll.wk .a ST. HELEN'S HALL, Portlnnd, Oroon. Il.iar.llnit nil. I liar (or lllrla;'.l IHtll); IIik iil.lil lte. II. llr lol ll., II. I ., lie. lor. I liiiriuiuli li.l l il Moll, n Inme und no'-fiilll l.-eti'tl eiii.s nl l.'.ii-tii'rs, she!, nls ii .il .t lo Icttr; iti-n met .'Ii'sioit liulliUiiri in 1 1 . iiuiikUii' inul In'UIUIIhI iol "t tie .'III I..KH.S u.l.lress Ihe Missis It IHM'.S II lost I-U1I4 rnttll.TI'l lt'U"H V AnilllitHtf t'llll ilMIU It M IliNil t A I'l 1 l lit n. I I !. . Stili lll iKrjfull. wtiiir r-MiiKt- "f tinly, rnitur rutt" if in l lit. Ihisiiicss, Short liainl, tt'lh MMlull llliniijfhuut fill . Hlmli'lit ft.tthtt' Inl nl any tlin. -Ulu tinu ptlltrr lnil, fit. BISHOP SCOTT ACADEMY. I'imiiiiIhI i m ; i. A i mlf nil , rr t'tniir ith.l I'M mm y 1 ii'piu t iiimi l h. Hf r h-iitur t'liui , hi ('hhlihit till lotllltii-rt Itil 111 thr Ai'u'ti'llili' h'uir(MHlit. 1 Htrljilliu IMt tiiiiili, Irtil l rfi't .Nit Inul n u I in 1 1 1 i'i Ut'fir W ttli ritnltiliMH'i (o iiitiiMtt inul (itijilU tliti'iiuli oiit Hit Nnrlhwi-il I 111111. 1 Iinu Ii r4, i iiilftn, IT tfuiiliiHU-H tuit vriu, hutirtt't'iith yt'rtt uti'd r jiri'tnit tiiHiuii'iiiriil will Iw i(lti Ht pi. I i, t'or I'titiiliiuni' (tint uttiiT -ItifornutlitMi .I'Im-hm J. VV. Htl.1,, M It , 1'r Itu ll'til, I. . ItnWi-r IT, I'.-n IiumI, Or, IS THE SAME.: 8TEEL PICKET FENCE iillnlr 1 1ml otislruils the view it I I III ml or full iirtlslle III ileslKM. (inil 1, 1,1' s I'll All; I i I ' A I'A I ts tin- Krollll'ts without emi- I'rAl.uill K WITH flltrns ASH Beavor Folia, Pa. lliis miei m writliiic. n in tho lleai I it Iihh no equal. mi iiM lam i idwri 16l , rtiele is applied 1 Kists or sent by I 1 k, Warn-n, Pa. J Sohl by druHKuM T. IIazki.tink born.o.nd every dy who didhtuse "Oh! Oh!" Cried the DIRT, " At length I must go, I oannot withstand SAPOLIG." Dealer Docs Not Carry Tfiem. PARRY CARTS AND ROAD WAGONS, Best and Cheapest In the World. Carts, $15 Up. Wagons, $50 Up. Spring and Exprons Wagons, the lament . " Tt For further liilormaUou coll on or oddraa on or addrvaa A A a a Ii ". ' n 7.T1T II A A A fl J