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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1891)
! L "n " Jivcr Slacicr.!""" HOW SIR RICHARD DTD, Stately m tirMt'trixiut I a f -.; t Sir !ii !mri tr.vl (V .ii.! I 1 1 vir, A:.l, li.iweej (n ttio crew .1, tnl i. d Tho lovo looks from! Ii Ii:llrj Tivik o'T his w rttoh. "liivo I'm to .Nnd: J'xoilono wilii time," ho pri;i II)' isu.l. Tww hitter oold It mvlc him IiuKv Said oni', "Ant wo I lu villiln's lmM" fir liu liuril, with iuriiliil f r. n, tried, I, not fvNir, my NhI bliook!" tilMllil u cll piivo t.ith" sl, U' l.tinrho.!, "Now J'imimi uu mifetor TVy pointed, with sms-Hiii; -:lln. Into hUofc l x, loin: nul Tut n- Into nhror.d n,.r l;l.r of "tenth ll:it power M draw i t,"ir from bint. "It needs n,) lurk," ho hjvi t in jetd, "This hamlxr wtioro (-tit:lit I rt." Then orj inc out, "t'exl t!i.i Vti.;P' li iito ot In ntid sli.eil u 1 frown; IK1 stripto,l hU i.ul t, dropped lii.i oloiik, A nil i:iivo tho he.ul t.iiia'a lean n croii ti; Then "tin fur lio.non"' Iu proudly i-rictl. Ami UiivcU tiin lu .nl u; l mi 1i diod. Waller TUorubury. A Culttriirt In luluadnr. tin. t.-Meliers iiml otln-rs for ovi'iiinir fit- I T interior if L:ilni.ler utulonMoilly tertaiimier.t, which have bwii oneof i" th? 1;ir"' un.I.iv.l area on this the Fi.u-iivul foutiiiY of the work. cont'm'nl- l p iM.n.l nv,r w iW, ,,,.,. , . , empties into the Atl.itithMvati at I I.tiu Marly nil of the Hist grade toaehers of , Uton illl(t ,n , , rallJ Uy vliK,,) the county liavc had mi interesting ; if 0v.rvtliin- is true alwut them that n HoonmvKH, on., Ai t; ii. Morniul Institute rrwrrdlnirs. Tur l)Ai.t.r, Aujr. 17, IS!1. I'.mtok (ii.Arn:K: We have boon j having mieli u I'leasititt ttiul jrolltalle , time this week that, n our mind turn. j to your beatilil'iil village, we fir I that you niton M ut hast h:iiv sonic knowl-; cilge of it through the columns of your j worthy paper, j You have uhvady had our day pro- j gramme, and spaet- will not jhtiuiI its to enter into detail. J First Htid last, let it In; id to thei enniit of Snierintendeiit Troy Shelley, ! that he has Urn untiring in his elVorts to fcctiiv the lest instruetoni for the! day work, and to enlist the services of 1iht on some live topic. The Alba club, consisting of nine young ladies, and the Glee eluh, eoiti H.sel of live members, have ivndetvil wune lieautiful si'littions in singing each evening. Mrs. Wetzell, well known as one of Tortland's Ust sing ers rt'iKirted, art' the inoj-t Kttipetidous falls in the world. They are only about 1 ('0 miles up the river, but only t wo win to nti'n have ever sten them. Mr. H. F. Holme three years ai;i went from Hug land to visit the linir.d falls. He organised a little nartv to aceoin- nanv hnu liiland. and arnwd witiiin has favori'd the institute w ith some j ubout tiftv miles of the Calls, when ho wngs ana w ill sing nt tnelongivga- w:is ivuipelled to return on uecount of tional church, where the evening exer- j the failure of his provisions. The Labra ciscs arc held. i dor Indians say these fallj are haunted, Col. Nevius will talk this evening on ! a,ni1 t,1''-v carefully avoid tin m. believin- "Figs and Thistles," and ML. I-ongtj,at thx Aw V 7 'f T" , , , .... . them. Ihe two white men who hav the noted elocutionist from Portland, thm ;m, Mr. M.vlean. who. as ho will read Thursday ami Friday even-1 was nsi.rniling the river in ISoD. was illir. I etOPWd bv the falls, and Mr. Ivi tmeilv. Prof. V. A. Wet.ell, county supi-rin-1 who over thirty years ngo had charge of ; nbmt to get .....!.. ..t r,,i.....i. ........... ...,. I ITmlaiin H.iv lvwf in I .nlir:i.lnr Mr Sai l: Prof. J. H. Ackernian, assistant" super-1 lMm tho hoi-ht (f t,w iU inteidentoftheK.hoobofwn8oliJatli"rta,!J-r. 111 r,sI"rts ,, , . there is little doubt thev are the greatest Portland, are our instructors. 1 hey in tl, worM m. u ,hl. just lift us out of our Units, as it were, tili Magazine. and we k'tow we will return to the ; . FREE LANS C0ML3 H!;H. Tnwn l.t ;iv'ii ,u,v, luit Ttirro t l'eriirH Attiirhril li I'lu ni, I l:e:!j.l i.bont !ln tti.ia who wa ;',n away town lots friv, and one day 1 left llie train at a Mtuill , uu and hinvl a man to drive i:n over to the site of die future gretit ufy. I found a MXty nere farm nt iked out into lots foot front by ."i0 iliN'p, hui only one house iiii.1 one lerson were in hii;ht. The hotiso was a farm cabin, nud tlie peisoti was the owner of it and the one I wanted to see, "tVnio for a loi?" he ashed aa wo drove up. "Yes, it ease tuy Information is cor rect. Oo von give them awav free?" -Id..."' j T had heard so." "tio right cut and select any one yen I!e. Those ..elected are marked with red stakes, those not yet taken by lilac!; I olios." i I tool; a walk around and made a se ' lection, and he found the uumlrr and said: "You want an abstract of title, of course. Here it is, and the fe is $.1." When 1 ha.l received it he hunted out ' a ltod already signed, and tilled my nam, in, called in the teamster and his wife for witnesses, an.l said: "Here is your deed. 1 11 have to charge $1 for I hat." I paid the unm named, Hnd ho then i got down a big book and said: "Yon wan; it recorded, of course. 1 j am the county clerk. Tho fis for re ; corditvj is ! I had it duly nvorded. an 1 just then dinner was ready, II invited me to sit down, bet when we were through he said: "My charge for dinner is seventy-five cents. The taxes on your let will be due next week, and you had better leave the ; money. The amount is f I 7), and my commission for reoipting will le twin I ty-tive cent.." I paid him the sum named and w.h i iato the wa-'on, when hi ' Iti'ltcr I haii llierl ! The .North I'mllle liidustilal llxposl tion i,t foilhiiiil, .--epH'iuln.f i; to Octo b.'f 1 1 lsi, KctituTil tales via l he I nioo Piio.ile, ! ori(i:. Alter September 1st, isnl, rales at (he Mt. Ilooii house will be us tollows: Kcgiilur huarilcrs, f.i per week; itelfjh Loiiiood transients, three meals forfl. All olhcr transients, per day; ue of sample room, ,ui cents extra, 'summer boaideis will ho clmrgcil from f lti,.'n to $t iht week, according to roonr occn ptcif. tiro. Hi i;in u r, 1'iopiieior, Mt. Uood House. mini (oods ut bl per cent. 1 lamia's for ,".0 ilavs. di.icouut tit school room and do Utter work. The former has presented the shbjects of reading, writing, spelling and history w ith such energy ns to really make us see new life in them. His "Use of Vonls" surpasses anything we have ever heard. The latter has those solid subjects, arithmetic, grammar, geog raphy and physiology, and with his ilcep knowledge of them and magnetic influence in presenting them, lie inctil-: cates in us the very living principles so ! necessary to successful work. I Mr. and Mrs. Smith French brought i several nice Uxes of peaches to the teachers while in session yesterday. They were taken from their own trees, and we were justified in returning a vote of thanks, for they w ere the nicest we ever saw. The weather has been hot, and how- attention lias ocen so uiuliviueu in class work is the comment of all. Up to the present there are fifty teachers enrolled, and many visitors have been in at tendance every day. C. L. (Jilhkkt, Teacher. ftatinKcau the T.iuilr;kp Painter. As we stand beforo a great landscape by Rous-seau like tho -Ravines of Apre immt," lately in the collection of M. Marnioritel, or of the "Hoar Frost." in that of Mr. Walters ;it Lalthuore, one must call up a powerfully built man of middle sizo with a full brown beard: a ( wide, high forehe;vd, which his friends I declared Olympian: a shapely, straight : nose; hair worn rather Ion;, after the I fashion of forty years aaro; direct limpid gaze from eyes of unusual largeness and ' grayish blue mcolor, and a Mouth whoso lines indicate the absorbed man and the ! reticent. He was tin extremely thought ful man. not by any means smih less and the furthest remove from ttupid: ho 1 was one of thos? who are hard to win for a friend, but once a friend, eminent-, ly the person with whom to pass weeks in the pursuit of ti worthy study. Then i I is tha sympathetic man who talks, and I the sympathetic man who is silent, j Rousseau was the latter. Yet he could j talk, and t;ilk well, on nature, art and 1 music, and he wrote a charming letcer. Charles De Kay in Century. "The charge for bringing yon over and taking you back i.i :J'. Half belongs to nic, ;us I own tho wagon. One iloliar, please." "Can yon think of anything further?" . I asked, as I handed him the dollar. "Well, you'll have to stop at the junc tion about four hours before the eastern ' train comes along. I own the restaurant ! there. I'lea.-e eat all you can." j "1 have." I ty.i l, r.ft. r a little figuring, ' "paid yon :?i:!.T- for a lot you advert iu ' to give away free. I low :nueh do you ; call this laud worth an acre?" : "All i f hix dollars, sir. I've been offered ive and wouldn't take it." i "Then I've pai I you moro than the ! value of tvo acres to get a lot large j enough to bury a couple of cows on!" i "Eiactly, st exactly, and I congrat ulate yon on your bargain." "Then you don't call tt a swindle?" "No, sir! No, sir! A rum who will : kick on buying a chnnk of the glorious ' west for less than $1-1 isn't straight, and. Sir. Tompkins. I'd advise you to keep an pyeonliini going back and see that he ! doesn't jump out of too wagon and bilk you out of your dollar. "Wilmington ' News. i The undersigned l iii,v hu nted near ; llooil hiviT, wishes to inform parties w ho may he desirous of having sur- vcyiug d ine, that be Is a practical sttivevor of many years experience, ami that work ciii'iusioil to him will he 'i formed with dispatch and correct ness. He lakes pleasure In referring to Mr. A. S. 1 .lowers, i w' ho tor years was county eommissioiior in Minnesota,) and lor w horn he did coiinlv work as county surveyor, as to liis ability. Panics writing me tit Hood will re ceive prompt attention. C. .1. H w i s. Haled Hood River April l.tli, IS'"!. Why, when S. It. will stop it. ON TO POUTLIMM And (he North Pncillc Industrial Fx position. To thos,- desiring to vbit the Kxnosl- tlon, the I'nion Pm itle w ill sell tickets1 at one and one-tilth fare lor I he round trip, on Mondays, Wednesdays and1 Fridays of each week U'twecu Scptcm-1 U-r hi ami October IT, KM. i Iiv for sale; ubo a line butrgy horse. ! FimMi W. W l. s. The Coining l.lue. , The Chiengo, I'tiion Pncitlc A North i Western Line oilers the Im'sI ueeomm-! dations to the traveling public eiirotile to Chicago. Through trains, fast time,' magnitlet'iit slteping ears, elegiuil j iliniiig cars, eolonit shrpers, reclining, chair car and handsome day coaches.! In tho Prathor DulldlnK. Cornor of Second and Oak Slroota. :tit l,ll M 'ii t'KN I'M. Meiileoi.lo'it tiiei'.ler ill nil liiiiirs nf (lie iliiy. Mits. Ji i.iv IIakn Proprlet ivks. IIauuy Ci.iu'iiii. 3. A. DETWILEn CO. Civil Engineers and Surveyors. Allkludiof Niineilng pnuiiilly hU (culled In. S j mm- i it I nltelilhill gUlll (o phitllng nere prnjii'ilj, PrlecN reason ultle. .itlitrrx lftMn i, S, ,'. (inur Sirnnt, ami llVmtimZon, Sin, I'urthnut (h Pacific HTcinLCO Worlic. Cornor of Second and LaiiRhlin Strootsi Tho Dalloa, Or. fticte of (Mill Fences, The BestStock.Chicken and Rabbit Fence hade; ALSO MAN FFACTFRFItS OF Strong; and Durable Wiro Mattrcssos. CLOUGH & LARSEN, Proprietors. Furniture . I in i t no s- at I'oill.uid price ' furniture store. s at S. Call nit-d si- Marvin Land's new , stock of stationary and srlnm! supplies. ' He has also just rts-eived a tine stuck of, reading mailer, novels, liiagn.iuos. etc., ' iiii.I a splendid n-suriineiit of tUliinv ' tackle, line candies tnxl all the fruits' of the season constant I v on hand. Now is the time to buy your groceries, u! The next thirty days I will sell aSS?v 3Pv 2&. rrssa n AF(TH). I will sell at public tiuet ion Saturday, August L1th, nt 10 o'clock tt. in., ill Hood River, Oregon, all the II x in res of theticin Lesiatiraut, household goods; horse and buggy und two cows. Mrs. .It i.i 1Li;n. FOR CASH ONLY With a discount of 10 por conl on all bills of $.". and over HOOD RIVER, - - - . OREGON NOTICK FOIt Pl'LLK IiihI Oillee nt Vutir.mvi Nut lee Im lieirl.y bIvcii Hint the mom il si't'li-r has I !- I iinllre ..I hi. to tanlte limit er.M.f In siipixn t ., H. Todd Binghaoi, a well-known lawyer of Portland, was white fishing washed off the rocks on Long Beach, last Friday, and drowned. Mr. John Burnett is again editor and proprietor of the Sunday Welcome, he having purchased the plant of that journal Wednesday. The Knights of Pythias in Oregon Kustain a heavy loss in the death of "Ward Stevens, grand keeper of records and seals of the order, who died in Portland Saturday last. Mr. Stevens was also a prominent member in the Ancient Order of Workmen, and closely identified with other societies. T. A. Hudson of The Dalles has been .imoinpd general agent of the Anchor Steamship line for Oregon and Washington. Small t-'iirm. One of the mistakes of the times is tho popular U-lief that everything in a busi ness way must be big. The idea has grown out of our hasto to grow weilthy and from superficial calculation, such as, if one acre pays $100. 10U acres would pay $10,000. Men seldom make such money out of vary large orchards, ami while a source of envy to small holders they are often, in fact, just holding on or are running ahead on borrowed capi tal. The men who make money and are i Lady an. I Lriip.inliC lli-nil-l. A passenger in a Drooklyn stivet car i the other day w as surprised, not to say ! startled, t.ii glancing up from the now j paper he was reading, at seeing opposite ! him in the car and just over the top of his pr.per the yellow and black head of a:i enormous leopard. The animal's ears were laid back and it.s lips drawn apart in an ugly snarl that showed its white ' teeth, nud its blazing yellow eyes glared , fiercely at the astonished passenger, j The man dropped his newspaper ratiier i suddenly, and was confronted by another pair of staring yellow eyes and more ; gleaming teeth. His surprise was very evident, for ho had been completely ah tiorhed in his new spaper, but he quickly ' 1 1 . . ; l - i . ioth-r-'i nun sijiut'U wnt-n lie saw a ll'I'l IIIMlwll'l jil'iMi! I.,.,. 1 1( -In 'k-r KruWer me I Itui lxer 1'. S. Iionl oilier itt Viineiucr nii-ii. on t lulj.-r .".tn t.-M'J, vl- , I .Marjtnri'l Ann ion. run. , ! ! r.-isli il)iliriillnii No. i:t nieli T :!n i't.i I j Act of .lll,L'IV:.S lll.-.IM-. l ,t'.ml..' 21, IS 1, I lor the I...I-. ) nml I ami ne ! , s w l-IHee lu'l'ii II il 1 1 K l . i ! siie inline the Mlou'lrn; n itii.v.s. to prove hrf eo.'itinii.iii.- o-ni.'.i n. 1 1 1 1 1 iiml cliltlviitloii of, naIiI liiii.l, lz: M .. A. I'. o iildlnifn, uixl I .hones II. I'll;:.', of I'm t huel (hijuii, ('. Hi Cox, ot IIo.mI l;lcr ii,-, .lain.J liroM-ii, of' While S.llhl.iU wn-ll. . UtlUJiMirt l JnllN 1 1, (inoollIKi AN, Keljlstrr. PC HLI ACTION, i IT, is;.. j f.illewlinj- VTIO.V. ! fotllOl'llll mmm mm- IlllenlllH his i'!h1 i$t! oi ' urn WHOLESALE & RETALI BRAN SHORTS MIDDLINGS ROLLED WHEAT OATS WHEAT OATS BARLEY COTTON SEED MEAL OIL CAKE NOTICE FOK BARLEY SEED GRAIN SPECIALLY SELECTED. now be making an independent livin California Fruit Grower. When A five storj' building in Xew York city collapsed last Saturday and 70 persons met their death In the ruins. The ruins took fire and burr,ed to death all who were not instantly killed. The building had been condemned thirteen years ago but had not been taken down. getting rich out of horticultural pursuits are those who do not attempt more than ! very pretty pink and white human face mey can loou alter personally, t rom bet ween the leopards' heads, ten to eighty acres are the sized tracts ; The heads formed part of tho attire, which pay the highest percent, of profit, and not a small part of the adornment! if they are properly conducted. The of a urettv voumr lad v. 'I'hev wr.. r,.:,i idea that a living cannot be made out of i leopards' heads, the fur a bright vellow, small place has retarded many from go-; dotted over with big black rings, and ing into a business in which they might : they had belonged to two full grown an- ; imals. One whs made into a cup. which j fitted closely over the lady's head. The j upper row of sharp teeth, two of which liu-U Wan Slang. Were jibont. ;in ineli n,l 1,,.1C This word affords an instance of the . neuriv touched her forehead, while the way in which slang words in the course ,,Teat vellow eves glared liurc-!y down of time became adopted mtocurrent Eng- f ,-om tue crowll of hfcr h(.a(L he other hsh We now meet with pluck and ;ilt,i, whkdi was a little larger and of plucky as the recognized equivalents of even more ferocious aspect, was made in I'courage" and ''courageous." An entry t0 a muff. Both were exceedingly life m birA alter Scott a "Jonrnar shows like.inj,i theeflect was qtuto novel and at that m 182, the word had not yet lost its Ury,t glance rather startling. The same ow character, xle says (vol. II. p. SO). ;Ia,y WJls seen lhe 110xt (5av woarin Want of that article blackguardly j wrap made of leopard skin, ,"md the man called pluck. Its origin is obvious. J who had seen the heads found himself From early times the heart has been : wondering if there was not perhaps an popularly regarded as the seat of cour-, interesting K,;ory of the lady's prowess as iww, .,u uunun u a lUllliess connected wit i tl.M tw.t.T.i.J The editor of this paper ami Cap tain (Vie left last Saturday for the mountains on a prospecting expedition. They are expected home some time next week. William A. Munly, private secretary to his excellency, Governor Pennoyer, and Miss Elizabeth Buckenmeyer, one of Portland's most popular young la. dies and until recently a teacher in the public schools, wexa married Tuesday at St. Mary's cathedral, by Rev. J. 1-'. Kierens, V. 8., and hi the evening left in their bridal tour. Five Fossil sehoolma'ms have been married within the last six mon'hs, tmd one other will soon be. As a hint 1o those interested we will say that the Fossil primary department is still open. ladies, one at a time, please. J'ohhU Journal. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays Of each week between September )f- und October 17, the Union Pacific will wdj excursion tickets to Portland and return at one and one-fifth fare for the Tonnd trip. Visit the Exposition. carcass he divides the great vessels of the heart, cuts through the windpipe and then plucks out together the united heart and lungs lights he calls them and ha terms the united mass "the pluck." Notes and Queries. Anecdote of Michael Angt'lo. Michael Angelo, at a time when Italy paid so much attention to ancient art that modern had no chance of being judged fairly, had, it is said, resort to a stratagem to teach the critics the fallacy of shaping their judgments by fashion or reputation, fie sculptured a statue representing a sleeping beauty , and break ing off an arm buried it in a place where excavations were being made. It was soon found and lauded by critics and tho public as a valuable relic of antiqui ty, far superior to anything done for centuries. When Augelo thought it had gone far enough ho produced the broken arm, and, to the great mortifica tion of tbo critics, revealed himself aa the sculptor. New York Ledger. ills wore. New York Sun. For Sale. A line fruit ranch of 1W) acres, four lillt ,il!m u.wl (i liol? ..e .1 a. an., r.... ii .....i in, it..- (tint ti imii wir-l. Ill lllf IOWI1 : 1"', l"l III.: .t II IV ', II of Hood River, on dm ( 'nlimil.i,, it I w '4 see : Ti) u n r M w has 400 fruit trees, moat of which are in bearing, :!00 crane vines in bonrimr. half uere of blackberries in full bearing (will yield 4,000 pounds of berries tlo year), 10,000 strawberry vines. 3 a res of corn, 2 of clover ; between 8 ami 9 acres in cultivation, balance tirnhe; FOIt SALE, line Irrigating facilities: 1.200 feet on tight-covered Hume ; two reservoirs: and fiver 400 feet of water pipe, carry-' ing water into house. Price ?2,2fio. j Cell on F. H. A list en at the ranch or j address at Ifood River. Or. ! i.ioiil oitlce at The liiill.-si ir. Am ! N.itle. Is lietvliv uiventliat tli. I Ilioneil s.ill. r Iiiih tlleii untie., nf Iiih ml. 'Ill I.. Ii ! to iiuike r !' In Miii.)rt el' liis elnim, ! unit Unit wilil pr.Mii' will he miule ln-t'r- the , liiKisler anil K.-eelvcr I . S. I,. . nt Tin; IihII. h j hi'i!.!!!, oil I lelotit'i'i) Is'., v I.: IJoilci lek Me .Neil. i H. D. N". ."7t. for the inn txitiol w ' anil s v s w - s,.,.. 7 -'p, , ;, (.;. 1 lie names (lie mil. iuiiik wiinesM-s t.i prove : his i-oiiliniioiis reslih iiri-iiMin Mini i nliivilon nl.hiiid Iionl, viz: Jnine.'i M. 1-11 lint t. .lolei i .M.ler. I.nrk l.innli, dolpli Ii. ( loilheison, nil of Mo-lrr ( trefoil, I miKsiip-Ji Jotix V 1.KWIH, Ui'Ki:tiT. j NOTICK FOR I'l.'15MC.TION. Land (illlee ut The Italics dr. Amr, .!, Il, I Notice Is heieliy given thai the frillowlnif. ! nume.l settler lllis lilcit nut ire of Un llilentlon to iiinke llniil pioof In support ol' hi.y elnim, nn.l tnal sal. I iirouf u t. mailw hefnrn the Ki-ciht.-r ami Receiver I". S. .. O. utTiie ImlleH (r. on .Septeiiihi.r 2S, ls'.il, vizi Ann 1). Diitiiniek. If. 1). No. XHCi, fur the N. e. 1-1 of Hoc. :;') Tn. 1, N. of H, 10 K. w. M. Hi; mimes tln following; witnesses to prove his eoiitlriiioiiK iMshienee npoii ami cult 1 v;i t tot) 01, said Inml, vl,: ficoiv I'eiklns, ileil (ini hnm, S. M. Ilnlilwin, of .Mt lloo.l Or., and J. I,. I.iinuille. of Hisid River Or. nxLVsi pJ'l Jons V. I.kwis, llelsler. NOTICE FOR I'URLICATION. Lund Ollleent ViiMcouver, Wiisli July '20, Is'il. Notlr'i. Ih lierehy ulveii tluit the followlnir nnmed seltler lins tiled notice of Ills intention to imike llnnl proof In Kiipport of Ills claim, und Unit sold proof will he imide hefore lhe Kcjjister nnd Kc-elver 1 . H. I.nnd Olllee Vitneouver Wiisli. on September ai, islll, viz Iln'o V. Knhnlinusen. Cash iijiplientlon to piirchnse no. 1 under see. 11 ot the loi feltlirenet niunoveil Sent. 2ith 11 w ; ; n e ... 11 w . , nun n w j in. He mimes t ill! folliAvIm' witnesses to nrovp his eontlnuoun resilience upon and cultivation m, wild hind, vi John K. l loiihov, Wtiiwl Horde, ivter Conboy, nil of I' Vasli. und Conrad I'elner, of Morrisvllle 1 Ian. lilH;lse JotlN i. 'Ikooiikoan, Ili'Klster. As I grind and make my own feed, I inn prepared to m il Write for ipiotutious. W. H. LOCH HEAD. - - nt lowest prices. - - Tho Dallos OrojDn .-..jCrandall & IBursret, DHAhKI'-S IN I J 1 1 n II if 1 1 tl A I n 11 A 1 ill v1''.) X wmiim, liii'peis. UO asJltW V, ALSO CAUI17 III Two lots with uood bouse, burn and hennery, plenty of fruit. Price VI'lOO. Also six lots I with U'ood house arid nut houses, line l.nvri nil ! kinds of fruit, unnleu etc. Price tZm. I111 j proven 1 en ts atone cost prh'e asked. This is a j feooil Invi'sl meiil lor Hpei ulal Ion. Owner I wants money mid must sell. Time will be 1 given on u ri.M'liuii If desired. I Address, A. S. ISi.owichs, I Hood Jiiver, Oregon. He Uuslit to Have Known. Cochran I suppose your nuio on thb umbrella indicates that it belongs to yon? Gilroy Which, the name or the um brella? Cochran Ths name, of coarse.Puck. W00! WANTED. Sealed proposals will he received at the County Clerk's office, The Dalles, l..,. ....... r.... M 1.. . e 1 1 1 wii.-jjoii, nil tr cuius 01 good, SOII1. I, ory wood, to be delivered, corded, in the alley nt the rear of the Wasco county court, house. 1 Proposals for oak, fir, nsh or solid fir j slab-wood will be considered. Proposals must be sealed and en dorsed "Proposals to furnish wood." The county commissioners reserve the right to reject nnv or all bids. Bids will be opened Thursday, Sep tember 10, isni. Kv Virrlor of P. TC. THnnviirnv J r-;...V,. l.,An noorman, H. A. Pratt J. B. County ' I rk. j ag :r-12 John W A Full Line of MerMiiii Hoods. Mail Orders Promptly Allcndcd to 166 Second St. The Dalles, Or. Olinger & Bone, Li lvery am Oak KOT1CJ-: FOIt Pl'IiLICATIOX. l,iinii;oIli:e at The Dalles, ir. Anjf, I'!, KH. Notice Is hereby Klveu that the followln! named settler has died notice of Ids' Intention to make llnnl proof In support of his claim, nnd that said proof will be made before lh" lleaisler and H'H-eiverl'. S. I,, o. at The Dulles Oregon, on KepteniliBr, is, ism, viz: Conrad Kepp. T. S. "o. 0143, for n w 11 w wx. Tp. 2 n r in i) w m. He name the following wlnsss to nrove tils continuous reshlenee upon and euitlvtitton of. sabl land, viz: Wm. Doorman, W. A. John Wilson, oil of i:., Iirgistrr. Street, near Poslofflcc. HOOD HIVER, - OREGON. Wc have FirsUClasa Stock rind Outfits, Double Buggies, Hacks and Saddle Horses. A Fine Four-Horse Coach, suitable for fishing or excursion rtien, carries nine pasenccrs. Parties tnkr.n tn ble point, liehablrj drivers. j 0,,r Dra' delivers bange or freight anywhere ic the Valley t'.'li urges Reasonable.