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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1891)
le Hood River Glacier. J vol. :;. HOOD KI VICK. OUKCiON, SATURDAY. A Hi 1ST lii). I8.H. NO. I.). 3(cod Iivcr Glacier. MIII.UIIKIl KVKHV NATI'IIIV MIlHNINd III The Glacier Tubllslilng Company. Ml II M Itll'I IOM I'ltll K. On nr , 1 m Ki niiiiilh. 1 t Thorn niiihlh. , ........ 6 Unit I. i-ojiy 4 Cant OKO. I'. MOItOAN, Ut. I.'ln.f 'I. U II M I on. I I Mil,'. TjMikI :: Law :: Spi-iMaliHt. IIihiiii Nil, V, (lltli n Hull, III, g, Tim n.M.i i:h, oh. O. D. TAYLOR, Real listalc Broker, Firs, Life and Accident lnurRn.Tii. Ortlrr, Kn iM h ft Co hiink lliiil.lln, TIIK ItAI.I.M, oniony THE GLACIER .nrnnr 'CI Grant Evans, Pf opr. 8ciiinl St., ni'ur llitli. - llixxl KiviT, Oi Shaving mi, lluir rutting Hi'iitly ilium. SullsfliellDII .Mil Kilt !. PACIFIC COAST. Tho Utah Legislature is Democratic. ALASKA AND PROHIBITION. The Wild Man of Arizona Delivers an Address to His Follow Pris oners at Tombstone. Barber Shop IH Angeles is to I'UVO U $60,000 ice JlllUlt. Fine native straw U'rrics have ajiir-l in the Juneau (Alaska) markets. Tim Bitliiinii pack in Nurtlii'ru 1 1 r i t i nl i Columbia in failure. It will reach alnjut a thrccquaiter pack. Tim next Territorial Legislature of I Huh will lie composed of 2." Democrats, 12 Liberals and I Republican. King county, WiihIi., must pay the ex penses of tlie militia that wan ordered to the mined to suppress riotous strikers Home weeks ago. Tho saloonmen of SMikane liave or ganized a society to protect and uphold all personal, civil mid religions liberties of its meiiiherH ami to lie known an the lxague of Freedom. A cowboy killed tin Indian in a dis- imte at the Navajo reservation in Now ilcxlco, and the Indians are in hot pur Hiiitof the miirderer and hiH compan ions. A tleudly encounter miiy result. After working for some months and expending several thousand dollars the World'B Fair Commission from the State of Washington discovered that its mem bers were irregularly appointed. They will reorganize at once. At Silver Bow Busin, three miles from Juneau, Alaska, the old uhundoncd placer mines have again proved their richness. Hydraulic machinery has been placed in the old diggings put to work, and the lirst clean-up realized $30, OIK). The steam sealer Kli.a Edwards has returnetl to Vancouver, B.C., from Behr ing Hea. The captain says that steam sealers are no longer an expeiiment in tlie Bohring Sea, and predicts that next season will see a great many more of them. The International Company denies that Mrs. Burton's suit has iieen decided In her favor by the Mexican Supremo Court. The court has decided her ap peal was taken in time, and that is all. The valuable estate in dispute is still in litigation. Alaska has rebelled against the liquor prohibition adopted by the United States lor that Territory. The press and the citizens urge that prohibition cannot lie enforced with thousands of mikM of Bea coast. A stringent license law is advo cated with a severe penalty for selling liquor to Indians or minors. The bill to be introduced in Congress at the instance of the War Department providing for San Diego's fort ideations will cover the expense of live military establishments at Coronado Heights, North Island, Point Loina and Ballast, w Point. The lifth, which is not located, I will be the military post proper. News has been received from Oinineca district, B. C, of the death of two vet eran miners of California and British Columbia John Robinson, a native of Harbor Grace, N. F., and Gideon 1'. Hathaway of Taunton, Mass. Both went from San Francisco in 18f8, and were well-known characters in Cariboo and assiar. THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. III., ICll.tlKII .).. Will lll AII.IMfll I" Iti-iinilii III llii. I ..Ileal Mini.. j II bus heen decided to allow the Rus , sum Jew n detained at Boston under the 1 1 1 1 1 ii i i . in I ion law to remain in the United : Si ill m upon the tiling of Intuitu in the i sum of $ 2,500 for each person that Hilrh prison shall not become a public charge. Navy Department ollleialN say the "luli iiHTit piililiHhed that the Mohicmi has Iieen orilereil from the Itehrilig Sea to ( 'hinit l incorrect. The Mohiraii will ii'initiii in the mch until the h.'Uhoii closes, after which she, w ill return to Han Fran cisco. 'I lie I'reNideiit upon the recommenda tion of the Civil Service Commission has iiiii.I.' important cIiiiiikcs ill the rules i."iei iiing the classified service. Under these llliii'lidilieiitH all promotions heie alter made in the rliihsilled Hervice will lie ii pun strictly coin pel it ive exam iiiation conducted under the direct authority of I he ( 'ivil Service Commission. Promo tions, like appointment", will In made iimiii merit only. In examination for promotion much weight will he given iitii i" records of clerks as to punctuality, diligei and cllicicncy. ( 'iiiiiiiiiinioner 1C i il ii I of the Pension Bureau in an interview with a United I'icss reporter emphuticHlly denied the published HtatemeiitN that no original pension certilic'ites had Im'i-ii issued dur ing the month of July and the eleven woi king iIiivn of the present month. He Kiilmiitted figures show ing w hat the pen sion office was accomplishing. The work fur the (Ihi'iiI year just ended shows that then- were 1 14 IV. 1 7 wore. certificates is hih i l linn for the lineal year ended June !;io, l.-iHM. During ilic past month "J.sftJ "i initial cerlilicates were issued under ; I he laws, while 5, l',U original certilicHtes I weie ifsued under (he act of June 27, ! IV.MJ. The inHiie of original cerlilicates i in July, Ihhh, was ;i,). The (?ommis Mjiuier said: " There is no understand ing nor iigrH'inent Is-tween Secretary , Foster and mvself that no more ecrtili- elites shall he presented for payment un til after September I. ( )n the contrary, all the agents are provided with funds to make daily pavments of all pension ceitiiieates entitled to payment during the mouth of August. The work of aud iting the pension claims w ill go steadily forward. It is mv ex lactation that the olliee will issue llM.iHH) certificates from August I to December 1, or UK.iHKI for the lirut live mouths of the present finan cial vear. CABLEGRAMS. An Altxmpt to ( llnili tli Illiinln;s. I AKiiln Tnlkixl Of. Smallpox is epidemic in Lima and Cal lao. Socialist are plotting to overthrow the Chinese dynasty. The settlement of Jews on unoccupied land in Italy is proposed. Sir John F.Oorst w ill make an ollicial tour of Ireland and report on the condi tion of the lalmring classes ther. The present financial crisis in Loudon has forced the suspension of work on the ship-railway canal at Halifax. The edict has gone forth from head quarters in London that the women of the Sulvutioii Army must no longer wear jewelry. The Duchy of (iothuis so prosperous that a bill has liecti introduced suspend ing all taxiiti.m for u period of three mouths. The fourth centennial of the discovery of America is to be celebrated at Genoa, the birth place of Columbus, with many festivities. A Chinese imperial decree calls for the arrest and iulliction of capital punish ment tijKin the leudets of the recent mis sionary riots. Tlie modest sum of 150,000 marks is asked for the recently discovered corre spondence between the poet Goethe and I' ran von Stein. It is announced that the French fleet will visit Fngland, and that no ell'ort will be spared to make the occasion a memorable one. President Carnot's chateau at Presles has been ransacked by burglars, who got away with everything valuable that the house contained, including plate. William Fnllerton, a young American graduate of Harvard, replaces M. de Blowitz in the head Paris olliee of the Ixmdon Time. Blowitz will continue special contributions. It is said that Mine. Boulanger and her daughter have abandoned their re cently cherished purpose of entering a convent " in order to lighten the burden of exile borne by the General." At the Hygiene Congress in London the subject 'of tuberculosis will be widely discussed, and papers will be read on the means of conferring immunity from bac teriological affections. The subject of rallies will receive close attention. Turkish brigands have captured a Frenchman named Raymond, and have demanded a ransom of $'i!),000 from the French Ambassador at Constantinople, who in turn has demanded of the Sultan protection and release for Raymond. Dr. Alice McLaren of London Univtr sity has been appointed to Leith Hos pital, Edinhurgh, this being the first time that a woman has been elected to the stall" of a general hospital in Great Britain, and the first time in Scotland to any hospital. There is talk of a fresh attempt to climb the Himalayas, and the plans for the great project are now being laid by Mr. Conway, the author of "The Zer matt Pocket-book," and Harold Topham, who has climbed several of the mount ains in Alaska. The statement is made on what ap pears to be good authority that, owing to the critical condition of affairs in the East, England will add ten war ships to her Mediterranean fleet and hold the Channel squadron in readiness to rein force the Mediterranean fleet at a mo ment's notice. EASTERN ITEMS. American Exports to Venezuela. THE CHESS TOURNAMENT. The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Unstrained From dunning' Dining Cars. A five-Ion metisir w ill be exhibited at the World's lair. Trains will run through the Hudson- river tunnel in three months. The remains of a munition have Iieen discovered near Oaklield, N. V. The new poll-tax law in Mississippi assures the whites a clear majority. A disease among the cow s threatens u milk famine in three Western States. Colored people will erect an emanci pation monument at the World's Fair. The constitutionality of the alien landlord law of Illinois is to be tested in the courts. The only country in the world which will have wheat to sell this year is the United Stat.-s. An I'.nglish syndicate has bought up nearly all the leather-lKiard factories in the Eastern States. iol, I has stopped movingoutward, and the indications are that the return cur rent w .11 hi ion set in. In spite of previous statements the Florida orange crop has turned out to be tlie largest on record. A New York lawyer, who three years ago tied to Spaiti'with $li).l,iKHI stolen money, now inherits L'(KI,(KK). Brisiklvn is to have a fine new theater, to Ih operated by Charles Frohmau, Al 1 layman and Manager Knowles. Boston Aldermen promise to raise the atrical licenses to fl.tMKt and deprive themselves of dead-head passes. There is considerable suffering in the Rio Grande Valley among the Mexican population, owing t) the drought. Of nearly fifty papers of all shades of opinion, in Pennsylvania but eleven have declared in favorof a constitutional convention. American exports to Venezuela are said to be now ahead of all others, their aggregate in the last fiscal vear having been $10,OW,000. Aluminum in ton lots has Iieen reduced 50 cents a pound, making it as cheap as copper, considering the difference in bulk of the two metals. James R. Keene, the California spec ulator, is making his presence felt in Wall street. He is said to be rapidly retrieving his losses. The investigation at Ottawa into the hriliery cases between the officials and contractors continues to show a very cor rupt condition of affairB. Colonel Olcott, the New York theoso nhist, will go to Japan in October, where lie will lecture before a meeting of the high priests of theosophy. There has been an exodus of tramps from Mount Holly, N.J. .since the Board of Freeholders has had t hem sent to the almshouse and made to work. Diphtheria in its most malignant form has broken out in the South Dakota asy lum for the insane at Yankton. There are 300 people in the institution. A tremendous movement in favor of early retiring has been inaugurated in Chicago. The jiolice have decided that all saloons must close at midnight. An excursion of 5,000 persons went from Cincinnati to Niagara Falls one day last week, it is claimed as the largest excursion ever carried on a railroad. Several largo loans have been made in New York recently, in which the lend ers insisted upon a gold clause, accepting lower interest in consideration thereof. The Cat holic Total Abstinence Union has adopted resolutions favoring the passage of Sunday laws and the prohibi tion of liquor-selling at the World's Fair. The organized marble dealers of Ohio are asking for legislation permitting them to remove from the cemetery any already erected monument that is un paid for. According to the census reports the total value of the church property in the United States, including edifices, ground on which they stand, furniture, etc., is $118,381,510. Underground conduits for electric wires for various purposes have been a perfect success in Philadelphia. The first experiment with them was under taken six years ago. It is announced that the company or ganized to build a bridge across the Hud son river to New York city has completed its organization and will commence work actively in October. A silver vein of marvelous richness is reported to have been discovered on Potneroy Mountain, Colorado, near Car ibou. This is in the midst of the rich silver districts of Colorado. In the chess tournament at Lexington, Ky., Showalter defeated Pollock in play ing off the tie, thus winning the cham pionship of the United States Chess Association for the third time in succes sion. The President has commuted the sen tence of Charles F. Amerman of San Francisco, who was convicted of tamper ing with the mails. A pardon was de nied, but a $150 fine was commuted to 100. PERSONAL MENTION. 1 hi. itf ft.mth Inn 1-2 .IhImu Wliy llr I rn.r.. iovernor Tillman of South Carolina, w ho has been taken to task for using railroad passes, ex plains that he saved money for the State by their use. Philip D. Armour is siiid to Is; the largest individual commercial operator in the world. His transactions last year reached the enormous aggregate of $'i3, 000,000. The Shah of Persia is developing into a kxhik fiend, und his courtiers all say that Ins pictures are wonderful successes. It wouldn't Ik- healthy for them to say anything else. John A. Riley, brother of James Whit comb Riley, has Is-en ltpoiiited Super intendent of the Bradstrect Company for the Pacific Coast, with headquarters at lis Angeles. The Czar is one of the few living ban queters, it is said, who can "drink a toat " according to tho old stvle, swal lowing toasted apple, liquor and all from the brimming cup. Mr. and Mrs. Rols-rt Packard, who re side on a farm near New Hartford, In., are the parents of twenty-nine living children. The eldest is 4!, and the youngest h pi years of age. Mile. Dariiova. a wealthy and refined Russian lady and a relative of the Czar's Minister of ihe Interior, has commenced her big task of walking from Kiel!' to Moscow and thence to Paris. Rols-rt T. Barker of New Bedford, Mass., read the Bible through for the first time in 1X08. Since that date he has read it ninety-nine times. It usually takes him two months to read it from U'U'intiiiig to end. President Diaz is again well enough to attend to executive business, but he Is'srs traces of recent suffering. His wife wishes him to go to Enrom for a rest, but his ambition keeps him at home and will for some time yet. General Booth now has a large num-la-r of the Ixindmi poor at work on his "home farm" at Hodk-igh, Essex, and as soon as accommodations are ready the iiuiiiIht will lie increased. The scheme is watched w ith a good deal of interest. The Pope does not speak English " bet ter than many Englishmen," as is stated in a paragraph now going the rounds. He does not speak the language at all, and holds converse with English-speaking jxHiple through an interpreter in Latin. Lady Aylesbury is one of the most ex traordinary figures in Ixmdon society. She is nearly 80, ami wears a w ig of corkscrew curls. She is noted as the possessor of a sharp tongue, and her language is at all times picturesque and vigorous. Bismarck since he has retired from his ollicial duties in Berlin has devoted him self largely to developing his business enterprises. In Friedrichsruhe, espe cially during the last vear, his factories have la-en enlarged and run to their full capacity. His potteries have had more orders than they could fill. John C. Calhoun, grandson of the South Carolina statesman of that name, declares that alternate generations in his family smoked and eschewed smoking. He never touches a cigar himself, and he says the great apostle of nullification never did, either; but his father and great grandfather were inveterate smok ers. Ex-Speaker Reed has apparently been getting gay during his trip abroad. A New York paper records that on his re turn " his suit of clothes was distinct ively American in cut, wherever it was made, but his silk bat, with a narrow brim, was plainly built on a British block. He wore it on the back of bis head." Secretary Foster's fondness for base ball is said to be developing into a mania, lie goes out to the Washington ball grounds whenever there is a game on, and when the Cincinnati team was play ing at t he capital promptly on the stroke of 4 every afternoon the Secretary would make a bee line for his hat and coat. A moment later he could be seen chasing a car with the agility of a schoolboy. CRIME AND CRIMINALS. A Iisierte (ianjc of Ci liiilnalu Arrested Tor Abduction. The Atlanta Journal printed a story to the effect that J. O. Wynne, business agent of the Georgia State Alliance Ex change, was over $20,000 short in his accounts. The bodv of Cora Farthing of Lewis ton, N. Y, an unusually handsome young woman, was found in tlie Niagara river at Levviston under such circum stances as to give rise to the theory of murder. Francois and Rosalie Schneider, living in the suburbs of Vienna, have been ac cused of decoying servants to their boiiRe by advertisements and murdering them. Seven bodies were found buried beneath the house. Princess Milena, wife of the reigning Prince of Montenegro, has subjected herself to a severe surgical operation in the clinic of Heidelberg. The Princess is now 45 years old, but she has been married thirty-one years. As Milena Petrowna Bukotitisch in 1847 she was called the loveliest and most beautiful woman in Europe. The most desperate gang of criminals in Detroit lias been arrested, charged with the abduction last March of Joseph Perrien, one of the wealthiest millers of the Northwest and a ljighly respected citizen of Detroit. The gang includes Johnny Considine, Billy Considine, Thomas Kennedy, Frank Griffiths, James McDowell and Edward Kent. They have long been the terror of De troit, and the Considines, at least, have criminal records in Cleveland, O., Mar quette, Mich., and other places besides their native heath. Perrien, it will be remembered, was released by the gang utter twenty-four hours' captivity. FOREIGN LANDS. Phylloxera Destroys the Tokay Vineyards. A GOVERNOR TO BE BOILED. Lord Salisbury on the Continent Emperor William to Visit the World's Fair. The projects to draw Switzerland into the drei bund have failed. Dillon and O'I'.rien are meeting with good receptions by the Irish people. The German budget for the fiscal year shows :!,0lN.i,i)4n over the estimate. The famous Tokay vineyards in Hun gary have Is-en almost destroyed by phylloxera. France will paint all her gunlioats a dull sulphurous gray to render them in distinguishable. Prince Bismarck thinks the reduction of the corn duty in Germany a disaster for that country. Italy has concluded a loan of $1(i,0iO, 000 with a Berlin syndicate. Triple alli ances come high. Chili threatens to declare war against Bolivia, U-cause the latter has recognized the Congressionalists. The government has prohibited gam bling in the casinos at the watering places in the north of Spain. Sir William iordoii-Cuniming's rela tives and friends are being socially ostra cized for their loyalty to him. The Dominican government has made no offer V the United States in regard to the leasing or cession of Sainana Bay. The Governor of the Bank of England says there is no basis for the report that financial disaster is impending in Eng land. Lord Salisbury has departed for tlie continent, where be will spend part of his vacation in interviews with conti nental statesmen. If Eiimp" is at peace at the time of the Columbian exhibit, it is believed at Berlin that Emperor William will come over and see America. The adulteration in coffee in France has reached such alarming proportions that it has become a subject for investi gation in the Chamber. Cuba's total production of sugar anil molasses for 1S00 was 7'1S..V)i) tuna, of the exjMirts from the island over Hi) per cent, came to the United States. It is reported that General Prophete has sailed from Kingston with a body of men to inaugurate a revolution against President llyppoliteof Hayti. Several British vessels which harbored refugees during the Congressional attack on Pisagua have demanded compensa- mm Hum twe viiumil nuwiuruies. It is suggested that the whole of Eng land's 100 first-class torpedo lioats, which have been replaced by larger boats, lie turned over to local volunteer crews. M. de Freycinet, French Minister of War, has decided to cashier all officers of the French army who act as agents for firms manufacturing war materials. The British government is said to be taking active steps toward learning from the inhabitants of Wales where they would like to have their national capital". The Indian government has notified its intention erecting a memorial at the public expense to mark the spot where the victims of the Manipur massacre are buried. A charge of drunkenness and disorder ly conduct against Lady de la Zouche, a society lady in London, was dismissed by the Court amid great applause by the visitors. Moltke's diary will appear serially in a Ixmdon illustrated weekly. The priv ilege of making extracts from the diary was first offered to the London Times for 1,000. A letter from Teheran says that the Shah, having become enraged against Abdullah Khan, Governor of Mazander lan, has condemned that ruler to be boiled alive. Queen Victoria has caused some sur prise by the emphatic demand that the greatest honors shall be shown to the French naval visitors when they arrive at Portsmouth. This year the population of London has increased in a somewhat lower ratio than that of England and Wales as a whole, the first time that such a circum stance has occurred. The European residents in the dis tricts in China that are threatened by mobs have organized for defense, anil propose to make it warm for the rioters if they make an attack on them. The German Emperor's palace has hitherto depended on candles for its il lumination, no gas having been admit ted. Now, however, the whole of it has been fitted with an electric-light plant. Prince Borghese and family have dis appeared from Italy since bis failure be came known. His liabilities amount to 27,000,000 lire. The crash is causing failures among other aristocratic families. A report from Paris says much concern is felt in Berlin at the bad health of the Kaiser. It is stated the abscess in the Emperor's case is continually growing worse and is gradually developing in the brain. The London Xeu s says it is not many years since Europe was practically inde pendent of American supplies. This season it is clear that without, America's help Europe would be on the verge of tarvation before next harvest. nnuM0 MARKET- , A r.eoiitiir i,T tlif .iii.lltlmi i,t II. if. Tri-i-iit lli'imrtiiirnt., 1 Aii unusually heavy amount of trud ingwHS don.t in the wholesale line. Bui i nerH in every line was very good. I Receipts of fruits were heavier than at any previous time this season. Water- melons, cantaloupes, grapes and peaches are plentiful. Produce is coining in 1 freely, and the market is in much better condition than it has been. Eggs are in ; sufficient supply to satisfy the demand. Butter lias declined 5 cents all around. I The drop is occasioned by large receipts oi r.asiern stocK. r rom now on h.aatern butter, owing to the superior way in which it is packed, will U carried in heavy supp y, and the Oregon product will be forced into the background. If farmers would use more care in putting i u uieir oiiuer, it couKl easily control . the market instead of inviting Eastern ; competition and thus lowering prices. j WIIKAT. ! The local market has a firm tone in i sympathy with foreign advices, but i trading as yet is very quiet. Public ca ; hies report cargoes firm, but.not quotably j higher. Liverpool spot wheat is firmer and options fractionally higher, with the i exception of October. ! 1'roilure, Fruit. Ktr. Whkat-Valley, $1.45; Walla Walla, $1.35 per cental. Flock Standard, $4.85; Walla Walla, $1.00 per barrel. Ovrs Old, 45, 50c; new, 42l..'c per bushel. Hv $12 14 per ton. Miu.sti Kis Bran, $22323; shorts, nominal, $25"i 20; ground barlev, $ ;0u 32; chop feed, $22 t2tj per ton ;' barley, $1.2,if 25 per cental. Brri KK Oregon fancv creamery . i:Cab ''7 c: fancy dairy. 25c: fair to trood () M22'2c; common, 15(20c; California, ' " 24c per pound. Oregon, 12ai2c; Califor nia, Ilc per pound. Finis Oregon, 20c per dozen. l'ot i,riiv uld chickens, $ii.00r5 6.50 ; young chickens, $2.50(24.00; ducks, $4(4 ti ; geese, nominal, $8 per dozen ; turkeys, 15c per jiound. Vkoktablks Cabbage, $1.00 per cental; cauliflower, $lftl 25 per dozen;, l'c per pound ; beets, $1.25 per sack; turnips, $1.00 per sack; new pota toes, 50',ii0c per cental : tomatoes, 75c(, SH.ic per box; lettuce, 12'sjC per dozen; green peas, 3;4c per pound; string beans, 2c3c per pound; rhubarb, 3c per pound; artichokes, 40c per dozen; cu cumbers, 10c per d zen ; carrots, $l(a 1.25 per sack ; corn, 15fii 20c per dozen ; sweet ! potatoes, 3," 4c per pound, j Finns Riverside oranges, $3.50; 'Sicily lemons, $70' 8; California, $50fU : per box ; apples, 7.ctfi $l.i'5 per box; ba nana", $3..jO0i4.O0 a bunch; pineapples, $5.0Ui 7.00 per dozen ; cherries, $1.10ii 1.25 per box; apricots, 85c(a$l per box; peaches. Alexander, 75c per box; California Crawfords, OOew $1 ; blackber ries, GO' 7c per pound ; plums, 25(4 t0c per box ; w atermelons, $2,000' 3.00 per dozen ; cantaloupes, $1.50o.U.75 per dozen, $2.00 per crate; grapes, Sweetwater, 75c$l ler box, $1.00iSl 10 per crate; muscat and black, $1.25 per crate; pears, $1. 25; Bartlett, $1.50 per box; nectarines, $1.25 per crate. N utb California walnuts.ll .i (S Xc ; hickory, rj.c; Brazils, lOOrllc; "al monds, lOoilSc; filberts, 13ofl4c; pine nuts, 17otl8c; pecans, 17(2 lSe; cocoa nuts, 8c; hazel, 8c; peanuts, 8c per pound. Staple Groceries. Coffee Costa Rica, 21,12'c; Rio, 23c; Mocha, 30c; Java, 25'ocf Arbuckle's, 100-pound eases, 20 '4c per pound. Sugar Golden C, 40; extra C, 4jgC; granulated, 578e ; cube crushed and pow dered, U''c; confectioners' A, 534c per pound. Beans Small white, 334'c; pink, Sli iff.i'oc; bayos, 43:e; butter, 4ac; limas, 434 0i5c per pound. Ho.nev 180J20c per pound. Salt Liverpool, $10,$10.5017 ; stock, $ll(rtl2 per ton in carload lots. Canned Goods Table fruits, $1.65, 21!,s; peaches, $2.00; Bartlett pears, $1.85 ; plums,$1.37l2 ; strawberries,$2.25 ; cherries, $2.500?2.60 ; blackberries, $1.90 ; raspberries, $2.40 ; pineapples, $2.50(3'3 ; apricots, 75c. Vegetables: Corn, $1,350 1.05, according to quality; tomatoes, $1.103.25; sugar peas, $1.25; string beans, $1.10 per dozen. Pie fruit: As sorted, $1.50; peaches, $1.05; plums, $1.25; blackberries, $1.65 per dozen. Fish: Sardines, 85c0' 1.65; lobsters, $2.30 (f 3.50 ; oysters, $1. 5003.25 per dozen. Salmon, standard No. 1, $1.25(31.50 per case; No. 2, $2.55. Condensed milk: Eagle brand, $8.10; Crown, $7; High land, $6.75; Champion, $6; Monroe, $6.75 per case. Syrup Eastern, in barrels, 4755c; half-barrels, 50(S58c; in cases, 5580c per gallon; $2.25oi2.50 per keg. Cali fornia, in barrels, 30c per gallon ; $1.75 per keg. Dried Fruits Italian prunes, 10llc ; Petite and German, 9 10c per pound; raisins, $1.75(f2.25 per box; plummer dried pears, lOOfllc; sun-dried and fac tory plums, 11 (a 12c ; evaporated peaches, 180i20c; Smyrna figs, 20c; California, figs, 9c per pound. Rice $5.60 per cental. The Meat Market. Beef Live, 3c; dressed, 56c. Mutton Live, sheared, SO'c; dressed, 7c. Hogs Live, 6c; dressed, 89c. Smoked Meats Eastern ham, 13, 1334c; other varieties, 1012e; breakfast bacon, I2l.j13c; smoked bacon, 10 11 !4c per pound. Lard Compound, OOlllc; pure, 1212l-4c; Oregon, lOtgiac per pound. Darius Norris, who mysteriously dis appeared from Astoria, and whose "prop erty was subsequently claimed by other parties, writes from Dunkirk. France, that he had been shanghied, and there is possibly an interesting story yet to be told about the man and the reasons for his sudden and unlooked-for departure.