The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 22, 1891, Image 1

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    The Hood River Glacier.
vol. ;i.
NO. 12.
3fcod Iiver Glacier.
The Claclcr Publishing Company.
Ml IIHI Itll'l ION 11(11' K,
On. ft an
S' I itli , , a Of
Tliirw ntuhlh. ( , fci
tllilllv tui , 1 ( .lib
t.'lx. f i, i m Unl (.in,-.
IjIiihI :: Law :: SprcialiHt.
HiMiiii Nil. , little, lliiililiug,
Til M bAU.KM, Oil.
Real Hslate Broker,
Firn, Lift ind Aocldrnl Iniuranca.
Money Loaned on Real Estate Security
!". r.nrb C riulldtn,
Barber Shop
Grant Evans, Propr,
ImvhuI St.. nar Oak.
IIwhJ Rir.r, Or.
Staving ami Hair rutting aeatly dun.
.Sati.fai tloii (i uaraiitrl.
Highbinders Blackmail
Chinoso Merchants.
Explorers Find a Mighty Mass of
Moving1 loe in a Deep Canyon
in California.
Stingrays arc numerous in t lit surf at
Kult'tn Iiiih not it 1 1 ic 1 1 1 i ii k i ii r fount
ain or u iililii' horse trough.
Bush tires 1 1 a vc done considerable
damage near Victoria, IS. I".
The first shad ever found in Eraser
river was nipt nri'il the other iliiy.
Tin' travel to California this (till and
winter promises to U- very heavy.
A large lied of ineerHchaiiin of superior
quality Iiiih Ueii foil ml on Oreas Island,
Tlif Portland istolliee in now in the
classified postal service anil under the
workings of the civil-service law.
Tlie Stoi kton (Cal.) brewery owneil ty
K. Schuliert was totally destroyed by lire
the other night. The Iohh in $10,00li; in
siiranee, $4,000.
There are said to lie aliout forty-live
desperate highbinderH at Ixis Angeles
who, gambling licing prohibited, black
mail Chinese merchants.
An outbreak of Indians in Alaska is
threatened, growing out of the differ
ences ls'tween the nut i von and tho man
agers of thocannet ies bb to the fishing
grounds and prices of nalnion.
It ban lieen delinitely ascertained that
the Southern Pacific In about to build a
wharf at a point hint north of Santa
Monica Canyon and aliout three and a
half miles from Sunta Monica.
The trouble between the, Oregon Pacific
Railroad Company and its employes on
account of the non-payment of the men
is assuming a serious aspect. The amount
owing the men is ulkut $75,000.
The Pacific Mail steamers from San
Francisco to Panama and Valparaiso are
hereafter to stop at San Diego according
to instructions from the Postmaster-General.
So says a Sun Diego dispatch.
The Carson (Nev.) Tribune says: Tho
magnified statements lining telegraphed
to the Count papers by t he Carson Asso
ciated Press correspondent about Pine
Nut will do the district more damage
than good.
The steamer Islander bus returned to
Victoria, B. C, from the North, and re
ports the salmon pack on Naas river and
at Alert Hay a total failure. The Skeena
shows up well, but the Northern pack
will only be half its usual size.
A proposition has been made that six
Southern California counties purchase
the patent for the application of hydro
cyanic gas to trees alleeted by scale. The
eflieacv of the remedy has been success
fully demonstrated at Riverside.
It is staled now that nearly all of the
sixty-live men who were on the Itata
when she was brought hack to San Diego
are political refugees from Chili, who
wore glad for a chance to leave Iquiqiie.
About one-third have left the ship.
A convention will be held at. Salt Lake
City on September 15 to consider the
reclamation of arid lands of the West
and to petition Congress to cede each
State and Territory arid land within its
borders. California is entitled to thirty
A Numl HeiitniMiil I. I numl lo lie (lulnr
llllnil. ninl I lli-tlri-il.
The proceeding of the court-martial
Hppoiiilcd o try Colonel Comidoii of the
Fourth Cavalry at Wiilla Walla have
been icccivcd at the War Ilepiirlmelit,
ninl will lie forwarded to the President
ax soon as they have been reviewed by
the Judge Advocate General.
Lieutenant ,1. Meigs of the liuvy, who
wax rcccuilv found to lie color liliml by
the litis y promotion bureau and ordered
before t he retiring In in ril on this account,
was found to have t his defect by the re
tiling iMianl. His case wits sent to the
President with the recommendation that
be he retired. The President basordered
him placed on the retired lint.
A statement prepared at the Treasury
Department shown thill the total circula
tion Augiint 1 was $l,,'i0il,().'U,KI2, lieing a
net decrease nince July I of $11,74.1, The
principal changes in circulation were a
decrease of f .r, 1 1'J ,011) in gold certificates
$:i,22il,ti:l in treasury notes and f.'i.'.tiM),
OMI in currency certillcnlcs. 'I'he circu
latioli of gold "coin decreased $I43,7!M.
The amount of money Hint bullion in
the treasury August I wan $i(K5.275,42l,
a net increase of $:KHI,715 since July I.
It has been decided to amend the ad
vertisements railing for hi'ln for Pacific
Coast service so an to make San Diego a
I m i r t of call going and returning on the
route from San Francisco to Panama,
touching Itcsidc at Inn , San I'las
and other points. Steamers of the Sun
Francisco and Valparaiso line will also
stop at San Diego, touching besides at I
Panama, Biiena Ventura. GuvH'iuilla. i
( iilliio ami 1 1 1 u n i in-. Kcvined coiues of
the advertisement are now being sent
out from the PoHtollice Department.
Acting Secretary ('handler ban ren
dered a decision in the case of llarninh
against Will Ihi n appeal from the find
ing of the local laud oMice at Siiciimeuto,
which will materially change the prac
tice of the department an to agricultural
entries which are suhseiiuentlv found to
lie mineral in character, 'fhe acting
Secretary holds that in order to defeat
an agricultural entry on the ground of
the mineral character of the laud it must
lie show n that mineral wan known to
exist at the time of the entry. Hereto
fore the practice has In-en to cancel agri
cultural entries w here miners! was dis
covered at anytime prior to the issuance
of a patent.
I h. Win. Ir Sniillirrii I'urt of Cliiim nlil
t II In I iirinull.
Moiiitoes have appeared in Paris.
Cholera instill spreading in Abyssinia.
Geneva is celebrating the iKHIlh iinui
venary of the Swiss confederation.
Memorials are pouring into the French
Senate against the proposed tariff on
fisid supplies.
Paruell warns Dillon ami O'I'rien that
they are following a dangerous course in
trusting Gladstone.
The French Minister at Washington
has been appointed Minister to Spain, to
lake the place of M. ('million.
The Cotumaudf r-in-c!iicf has issued
orders for the closing of all Orange
Itslgen existing in the British army.
Kiimorsof bal ties and absence of f
information from Kmin Pasha hme
nuiwiuraiiii miiinjicij iui uiBriei
Dr. Kinder, the famous Berlin spec
int on rheumatism, has irone to Sti'1".
Ixuil to relieve the Sultan of hisailnier!!, , '
'ill 1mj
It is now asserted that the British gu
end election will take place in Novu' .1..
Ikt, IS02, alsmt the time of our Prt
. 1. ....:..i ..!....:.... '
Me in-
ilt-ll Lllll cieinoii, UWIlit
The new war ships now being biiiltcbing
France for the Chilian government r the
be supplied with electric blowers
purposes of ventilation. ( .
British army authorities are serior 1... ....
alarmed bv the information that Social
ai- 1 o
istic literature is Is-ing widely distrib
uted among the enlisted men.
The Holy See has just appointed an
extraordinary commission of Cardinals
to reorganize Catholic missions. The in
quiry of this commission will, it is said,
extend over the whole apostolic world.
The great French engineer is not long
for this world. M. de Lessens is a very
sick and feeble old man, and his physi
cians are doubtful if he has the vitality
needed to enable him to pull through.
He is 87 years old.
The whole southern portion of China
is in turmoil, and armed bands of plun
derers make business almost impossible.
Foreign residents are apprehensive of
an attack on them.
There is a rumor in Kurope that the
Czar has already approved and the Min
isters have signed the draft of the treaty
brought to Russia by Admiral Gervais of
the French squadron.
The Russian government has deter
mined to build a second Russian church
in Paris. An imperial grant of $100,000
bus been made, and the work will be
commenced at the end of this year.
The Hamburg papers declare that the
German Bteamer lines have nothing to
fear from the projected American lines,
which are considered altogether too cost
ly to become dangerous competitors.
The Arbiter Xeitung, the Berlin Social
ist organ, contains an article advocating
a resort to perjury by Socialists in polit
ical trials and declaring that such a
course is praiseworthy when it tends to
serve the interests of the people.
For presents to distribute in Fngland
Emperor William carried a large iron
safe filled with snutr boxes, cigarette
cases, pins and rings; but, large as his
Btock was. he had to buy several thou
sand pounds' worth in addition in Lon
don. A dispatch from Rome says that France
and the Vatican have entered into an
agreement by which France undertakes
, to help the atican in its huaneial era
, barrassinent, and the Vatican binds it-jf-df
to support the Republic at home
and abroad.
Louisiana Has Only 110
A Cleveland Nationalist Club Makes a
Peculiar Demand on Behalf
of the Indigent,
Brooklyn Italians want an Italian in
the Hoard of Fducation
New York brewers are fined $.1 for
drinking non-union In'er.
The I'niU'd Staten census rejnirtH only
I In paupers in l,oiiimitna.
Ponton unions will tet their riiht to
hold meetings in the park.
Over $.rsl,(HiO have Is-en raised for the
(runt monument in New York.
New York Hintofliee employes have
tx'cn ordered to seize all tierman lottery
Two hundred vessels have already Iven
engaged to transport grain from Atlantic
K.ils to Kurope.
A census bulletin gives the numls-r of
inmates in almshouses in New York at a
little over lO.tXiO.
It is estimated that Philadelphia isde
Nipulated over one-half on Kiiiulaya
during the summer.
During the hint fiscal year 5.V5)4'.M! im
migrants arrived at our ports, un increase
of lt)l,'-'77 over the preceding year.
The Illinois Central has placed orders
j for twenty-two locomotivea in anticipii'
tiou of increased World's Fair traffic
The Supreme Court of Minnesota has
decided that the Salvation Army ban a
right to make all the noine it wants to.
I-Hlxiring men throughout Tennessee
will join with the miners in an effort to
secure the repeal of the convict lease
Under a new law in Georgia when a
diH'tor is convicted of drunkenness he
can no longer practice medicine in that
The great Minnesota trust, formed in
1870 lo Infill that State, ban dissolved
after selling :!5t,(HH) acres of land
and colonizing 15 1,000 people.
Mrs. President Harrison innHted that
the new carK'ts, tapestries and relittings
of the White House should I- the work
of American manufacturers.
UeMirts from all the grain country
show that there will shortly Is the most
unprecedented demand for cars that has
Is-en experienced for a long time.
The Chicago and Grand Trunk rail
way of Canada has lifted the Isjycott
against the Chicago and Alton road.
This is Is'lieved by some to Is.' the begin
ning of the end.
A bill has passed the Legislature in
(.(enririu irol4U'W.Vic.UitW.r Wt'nfny OHS
at j heartiest good will towards cverj
utlll SCCliS 10 UlltllgOlli.e 110 OIK
"J j wm endeavor to extend the right ,
" I , , .. .. . . 01
of fellowship to every law-aljiie
sportsman, and to infractors of tl
it will send u kindly request to
should this prove ineffectual,
stringent measures will be atlopte
The streams and forests of IIooln.
valley have alreadyjbeeonie eelelj
as a summer resort and sporting gri
and the club invites every persoiihe
iptomaiic eorresponnence perummg
thereto have lieen made public, the
President issuing a proclamation an
nouncing the full text of the treaty.
The Franklin Club, a Nationalist con
cern at Cleveland, demands that the city
shall assume control of all vacant lands
within its limits and cultivate cabbages
and potatoes to be given to the poor.
Oklahoma Territory has not proved to
he a land flowing with milk and honey.
The wheat crop was a failure, and the
people are hard up for cash. The corn
crop is looking well, and may help them
Archbishop Ireland, who visited Com
missioner Morgan of Indian Atfairs, re
ceived a'nple and positive assurance of
his disposition and intention to treat the
Catholic Indian schools with equity and
The Secretary of the Treasury declines
to make 11 ruling on the importation of
skilled workmen for tin-plate mills, and
refers a St. Louis querist to the fifth sec
tion of the alien contract labor law as a
rule of guidance.
Assistant Secretary Nettleton has au
thorized the Collector of Customs at As
toria, Or., to admit free of duty into
Grays Harbor the steel rails recovered
from the British ship Abercorn, which
stranded January, 1888.
Aliout !fl3,00i,000 of the 4la' per cent,
bonds have been presented to the Treas
ury Department for continuance at 2 per
cent., and about $8,000,000 have already
been examined and the proper measures
taken to issue the new bonds.
Secretary Tracy has finally decided to
award the contract for building cruiser
No. Ill to Cramp & Sons of Philadelphia,
although the Bath Iron Works of M line
were the lowest bidders. The Bath com
pany could not complete the contract in
The first account of Lawyer William
M. Smith, assignee of the Bank of Amer
ica of Philadelphia, has been filed, and
possesses the unique feature of showing
a yield of 10 per cent, to the depositors
of a concern which was believed to be a
total wreck.
Hmim Am lent HhiiIkIi Ckiiiiiiii to
Kthlliltfil at the U'lirlil'. Fair.
The oldest banker in the world is a
lady Delsruh Powers, agi-d (Hi, aenior
partner of D. Powers & Sons, Lausen-In-rg.
John Sherman in the only remaining
United States Senator who sat in that
Issly during Hannibal Hamlin's term in
its chair.
Since be wan ejected from the Jersey
Lily's heart Frederick Gehhard is said
to have ejected her cattle from his Cali
fornia ranch.
Mrs. Amelie Hives Chanter docs not
figure in 1 be w ill of her late uncle, Fran
cis K. Riven, who left an estate valued
at l.i.iHHI.llIM).
Kiiipress Frederick is fascinated by the
genius of II. Rider Haggard, and by wav
of returning the compliment he has ded
icated his last book to her.
Daniel Bu ndmann, an actor well known
in Kurope and America, in a familiar
figure 011 the streets of Sacramento, sell
ing milk from his locally famous Hol
stein dairy.
M. Cluretie, the Director of the The
atre Kraucaine, Paris, has invited Mrs.
McKee ami Mm. Russell Harrison to
visit interesting parts of the playhouse
not open to the general public.
Gladstone's best rsirtrait is the one
which Sir Everett Millais painted thirty
yearn ago. It is now owned by Sir
Charles Tennant, w ho bought it of the
Duke of Westminster for $15,000.
Since his return to Italy Signor Sal
vini bus tinned his attention to plav
writing, ami one of his productions will
given in this country next season by
his gifted son, Alexander Salvini.
The accident which lief ell Henry M.
Stanley in Switzerland was not as serious
as reported. It was bis left ankle joint
that was fractured. The pain has ceased,
and the patient is progressing favorably.
Princess Helene of Montenegro, who
may some day Is the Czarina, for she is
retried to lie the allotted bride of the
heir apparent to the Russian throne, is
said to be the prettiest royal girl in Fast
em Kuroe.
The discussion lK-tween llnxleyand
Gladstone over the miracle of the herd
of sw ine is enlivened by the grand old
man's very lst controversial efforts.
There is nothing that Gladstone won't
discuss save himself.
Secretary Foster says the story that
there is any misunderstanding between
Assistant Secretary Nettleton and Com
missioner Owen or himself is absolutely
untrue. There is talk of Mr. Nettleton
resigning for business reasons.
Rev. Phillips Brooks is said to be the
lastest speaker 111 the world, verbatim
rejiorters, who timed him, found that he
speaks on an average 21 '1 words a min
ute. Stammering in his vouth is ac
countable for his remarkable haste in
The Prince of Roumaiiia is anxious to
get married, and wants a royal wife. He
has no heart to give, for that already be
longs to Mile. Vacaresto. The Duke of
Edinburgh will not consent that his
daughter Marie, aged Hi, should wed
this princeling.
General Aycardi, Governor of Panama,
has given permission to the World's Co
lumbian Fvxposition to remove from the
old fortress at Puerto Bello on the Isth
mus of Panama some old Spanish can
non, which date back very nearly to the
time of Columbus.
Dr. Harry Crookshank, Director-General
of Egyptian prisons, will marry Miss
Emma Walraven Comfort, the only
child of Major Samuel Comfort of the
Standard Oil Company. Crookshank
brings with him a marvelous necklace as
a wedding present from the Khedive,
composed ot amethysts, cornelian and
other stones taken from the tomb of an
Egyptian Princess and made into the
imitation of a necklace worn by Queen
Aah Horep, 1700 B. C.
An Kpltome of the Hehiloniiidal DoIiikk
of the Kxeeeiltuic l Wickril.
The Collector for the Prussian State
military in the government of Marien-wei-der
has absconded with several hun
dred thousand marks belonging to the
lottery funds.
Henry E. Barlow, a Chicago letter car
rier and a G. A. R. man, has confessed
to systematically stealing money from
letters on his route. He has a wife and
five children.
The lin.elv arrival of the lmliep nrf-
vented the lynching of fourteen-year-old
George Rippstein at New York city. He
nau oeen lormeniing t'oies oy puiung
their whiskers.
C. W. Breedlove- and Charles N. Wil
son, indicted tor the murder of Sailor
Brown of the Charleston, have pleaded
not guilty. They have given bonds, and
will apply for a change of venue.
The amount taken bv Sylverter Young,
defaulting cashier of the Newport News
and Mississippi aUey railroad, is esti
mated by his bondsmen to be $125,000.
A reward of $1,000 is offered for his ar
rest. In the trial of Mrs. Gilmer at Abing
ton, Va., for thekillingof her paramour's
wife and plotting the death of her hus
band, the prisoner told in detail how the
work was done, and during the exami
nation burst into tears several times.
Isaac Sawtelle, who was convicted of
enticing his brother into New Hamp
shire by representing that his little
daughter was ill and intercepting and
murdering him on the wav to inherit his
property must hang, the Supreme Court
refusing a new trial.
Henry Guenther, a prosperous gar
dener of Dayton, O., is under arrest,
charged with murdering his third wife.
A chemical analysis of her stomach
shows Btrong traces of arsenic. Guen
ther married the woman to avoid pay
ment of $5,000, which a jury had award
ed her for seduction.
The Recall of Baron Fava
Regretted by Italy.
France Will Return Russian Flags
Captured by the French in
the Crimean Wac
Vesuvius is again in eruption.
Russia talks of running the
The reMjrts from the Iceland fishing
neei are lavorahie.
A Unit liOO destitute Jews are arriving
ai Hamburg daily.
The Italian government is said to re
gret having recalled Baron Fava.
The Sultan of Turkey is suffering seri
ously with an abscess in the thigh.
The German government is reconsid
ering the reduction of duties on grain.
Forty-five compositors were sent to
Si Ix-ria for working on a Nihilist paper.
Patti says she will not accept less than
$5,000 for each performance she appears
Forgeries on the Deutsche bank at
Berlin to a large amount have lieen dis
covered. Sarah Bernhardt has again changed
the color of her hair. She is now a pro
nounced brunette.
The Turkish authorities are throw ing
every possible difficulty in the way of
Hebrew immigration to' Palestine.
The worsted spinners of Germany
have combined in view of the dullness of
the market to reduce their output.
The final budget of the German Em
pire for the years 18W-1 shows a surplus
ot l-,l4V."il marks over the estimates
French drummers are to be excluded
from Alsaee-Iiorraine, and the French
speak of shutting German drummersont
of r ranee.
Advices from Allahabad say that 500
Russian explorers are at work'extending
Russian influence amongthe inhabitants
of the Pamir plateau.
The Queen of England and the Queen
of Italy have exchanged telegrams of
congratulation on the visit of the Prince
of Naples to England.
u is announced that the rope is
strongly in favor of the present form of
government 111 trance, and that he op
poses all schemes tending to monarch
ical ascendency.
The Paris Municipal Council has voted
in favor of the construction of under
ground railways in preference to elevated
or viaduct structures as a means of rapid
transit in that city.
The Munich court photographer, Reit
mar, famous for his likenesses of ac
tresses, has been drowned in one of the
Bavarian lakes, together with two fisher
men who were with him.
Until recently the phylloxera has
spared the Champagne country, but at
last it has appeared, and the 27,000 land
proprietors in that district are now in a
syndicate for mutual protection.
The Wesley an Conference held at Lon
don, alluding to the Dilke case, has
adopted resolutions protesting against
the introduction into public life of men
convicted of flagrant immorality.
A prize of $4,000 has been offered by
the government of the Dutch East In
dies for the best and most economical
method of packing salt in small boxes so
as to keep it dry lor at least t wo years.
There will be held in Genoa in 1892 an
Italian-American exposition, to which
the King of Italy has consented to ive
his patronage, and for which he allows
the use of his name as honorary Presi
dent. The English Parliament is about to
pass a bill authorizing any one Magis
trate to order a youth under 16 years of
age to be whipped by a policeman if he
stole an apple from a tree or played at
pitch and toss.
Official inquiry in England has re
sulted in a disclosure of systematic
frauds on the part of Jewish emigrants
from Russia to enable the Jews to evade
the payment of the 10 levied on each
permit to land.
It is reported that France as a mark of
friendship for Russia will largely reduce
the tariff on Russian products and will
impose a prohibitory duty on Indian
corn in order to encourage the importa
tion of Russian corn.
The Theosophical constitution as re
vised amalgamates the American, Eng
lish and European sections. Lady Caith
ness, in virtue of her millions as well as
her enthusiasm, succeeds lime, Blavat
sky as High Priestess.
President Carnot has intimated that
France will return the flags captured by
French troops during the Crimean war
from tbe-Russian church at Eupatoria,
which have since been deposited in the
church f Notre Damo in Paris.
The British Consul at Foo Chow tele
graphs to the British foreign office that
there is no truth in the report that riots
are imminent there. He says that Euro
peans in Foo Chow are adequately pro
tected by the Chinese officials and for
eign gunboats.
The fresh decision of Hip Russian ornv.
eminent concerning its nolicv toward tho
Jews debars the children of Hebrews
not haviiiB the riaht of soiourn in Rus
sia, or residents of any Russian district
witnout a permit, irom admission to the
middle or higher schools.
A Kraumr of tin Condition of Ita lllf-frrl-iit
A gool demand was felt in the fruit
line, and produce wan also in demand.
Watermelons are very plentiful. Re
ceipts of peaches were light. Blackber
ries are still in good demand, and are
arriving in somewhat better condition.
The market for vegetables is well sup
plied, and prices remain firm under a
good demand.
Troilum, Fruit, V.te.
Wiikat- Valley, $1.42'. ; Walla Walla,
$1.32'tf percental.
Vuti-K Standard, $4.85 ; Walla Walla,
$4.00 per barrel.
Oats Old, 50W.52J.ic; new, 42,'c per
lUv $15 ' ltj per ton.
Mu.irrrrs Bran, $22rti2o; shorts,
nominal, $2520; ground barley, f .Org
32; chop feed, $22ri2U per ton ; barley,
$1.2i)" 1 25 percental.
Bi'ttkk Oregon fanny creamery, 30r
32'j,c; fancy dairy, 30c; fair to good, 25
27ic; common, 15w22,'ic; California,
22'-., (a 24c jer pound.
CiiEKsK Oregon, 1212c; Califor
nia, 12c per pound.
Eoos Oregon, 20fa22'c per dozen.
P01 i-THV uld chickens, $I.00r6.50;
young chickens, $2.50at4.00; ducks. $4r
0 ; geese, nominal, $8 per dozen ; turkeys,
10c per pounu.
Vkoetahi.ks Cabbage, $1.00 per
cental; cauliflower, $1(1. 25 per dozen;
Onions, 1 '4c per pound ; beets, $1.25 per
sack ; turnips, $1,00 per sack ; new pota
toes, 50rab0e per cental ; tomatoes, 75c(i
$1 per box; lettuce, 12(2c per dozen;
green peas, 6i4c per jiound ; string
beans, 2w3c per pound; rhubarb, 3c per
pound ; artichokes, 40c per dozen ; cu
cumbers, 10c per dozen ; carrots, $1(41.25
per sack ; corn, 20c per dozen ; sweet pota
toes, 3,lsi4,.jC per pound.
r huts Riversideoranges,$2.;x) (5.150:
Sicily lemons, $7(8; California,
per box ; apples, 75c(($1.25 per box; ba
nanas, $3.5ori4 a bunch: pineapples, $5
(" 7 perdoz ; cherries, $1.10(1,25 per box ;
currants, tic per pound ; apricots, $1 per
oox; raspoerries, fc per pound;
peaches, Alexander, 75T9x- iter box:
California Crawfords, $1 w 1.25 ; blackber
ries, bin ic per pound ; plums, 25(iG0c per
box ; watermelons, $3.u0m: 4.00 per dozen ;
cantaloupes, $1.75(42.25 per dozen, $2.50
(43.00 per crate ; grapes, sweetwater, 5)0c
($1 per box, $1.10(4 1.25 per crate; black,
$2 50 per crate; pears, $1.25; Bartlett,
$1.75 per liox.
NiTfs California walnuts.ll'aiaJaC;
hickory, 6l.,c; Brazils, lOrtt lie . al
monds, ltitei.Sc; fillterts, 13(414c; pine
nuts, 17(4 18c; pecans, 17(4 18c; cocoa
nuts, 8c; hazel, 8c; peanuts, 8c per
Staple Groceries.
Coffee Costa Rica, 21c; Rio, 23c;
Mocha, 30c; Java, 25'j.c; Arbuckle's,
100-pound cases, 20'-4c per pound.
St OAR Golden C.4ic: extra C. 47'c:
granulated, 57gc ; cube crushed and pow
dered, oc; confectioners' A, 5J4c per
Beans Small white, 3?4'c ; pink, 3'4
(3h.c; bayos, 43'c; butter, 4'-sc; limaa,
434(45c per pound.
Honk v 18(4 20c per pound.
Salt Liverpool, $lG,$lti.50(4 17 : stock.
$11(512 per ton in carload lots.
Canned Goods Table fruits. 11.65.
2's; peaches, $2.00; Bartlett pears,
$1.85 ; plums,$1.37Hj ; strawberries,$2.25 ;
cherries, $2.50(-t 2.60 ; blackberries, $1.90 ;
raspberries, $2.40; pineapples, $2.50(43;
apricots, 75c. Vegetables : Corn, $1.35(4
1.65, according to quality; tomatoes.
$1.10(43.25; sugar peas, $1.25; string
beans, $1.10 per dozen. Pie fruit: As
sorted, $1.50: peaches. $1.65: Dluras.
$1.25; blackberries. $1.65 Der dozen.
Fish: Sardines, 85c(41.65; lobsters, $2.30
(43.50; oysters, $1.50(43.25 per dozen.
Salmon, standard No. 1. $1.25(41.50 Der
case; No. 2, $2.55. Condensed milk:
Eagle brand, $8.10; Crown, $7; High
land, $6.75; Champion. $6: Monroe.
$6.75 per case.
SvRi e Eastern, in barrels. 47(455e:
half-barrels. 50(458c: in cases. 55(480c
per gallon; $2.25(42.50 per keg. Cali
fornia, in barrels, 30c per gallon ; $1.75
per keg.
JJiued J? ruits Italian nrunea. lObO
12c; Petite and German, 10c per pound ;
raisins, $1.75(42.25 Der box: Dlummer
dried pears, 10llc; sun-dried and fac
tory plums, 11(4 12e ; evaporated peaches,
letcuoc; Mnyrna hgs, 20c; California,
figs, 9c per pound.
Kice $o.25 per cental.
The Meat Market.
Beef Live, 3c ; dressed, 56c.
Mutton I,iv ahparcul 'At&.
dressed, 7c. ' '
Hogs Live, 6c ; dressed, 89c.
Smoked IMVath Flnutom ham Hi'a
13 4c; other varieties, 10412c; breakfast
oacon, li'ottfijc; smoked bacon, 10(4!
lll4c per pound.
Lard Compound. OVfoW;?.: nnre.
12(4l2c; Oregon, 10,la'i2oC per
Hides, Wool and Hops.
Hides Drv hides. Rplncterl
(49c: 'i less for Clllls? irrenn oaloofo.f
over 55 pounds, 4c ; under 55 pounds, 3c ;
sheep pelts, short wool. snROn
dium, 6080c; long, 90c(4$l,25; shear
lings, Jioiaaoc; taiiow, good to choice, 3
(ffiSJe per pound.
Wool Willamette Valley, 1719c;
Eastern Orwrnn inifflKlZn vuuin.l
- P,1 t,V V,.MV, fV. fSUUMU,
according to conditions and shrinkage.
noes nominal; zuc per pound.
Miss Gaswell Pop, did you see th
Prince o' Wales while you was in Eu
rope, an' did ye talk with him?
Pop I saw 'iui, but the crowd
so big he didn't see me. Demarest'a.
It is stated that the muskrat is en
abled to travel under the ice of a frown
river or lake for a considerable distance
by respfring against the ice roof, where
the bubbles of gas collect, and getting
ft fresh supply of oxygen.