The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 15, 1891, Image 3

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    3(ood Iiver Glacier.
MON I'HIIir UAII.VUY c.iiti.
llooii in VI it
l' Hi
i'. M,
noi'Nh I iiom ihhiii it i v I :ic
I''imi Wmimhi lit
7:11) V. M.
VI A. M,
tiii: maiIiS.
TJi. limit uri-IVM rnini HlriilMmnr Hi II '
rliM k A. M. Wi'.l;n mint h mnl Nnliinlii,y; !
mrln ' muiiii iln;, h ,ii in m.
Pur I'liiMinwi'tli, li'M')i nl H A. ,M. iiri l v-m ill
)'. M. MultlrilllVll.
Knr Wlilli'Hiiltniii. Ii-iivi itnlly M K A. M.
tit rl Yin nl inn' ii 'cluck I'. M.
Krnlii White Hithniiii liiivm fur KtiMn, (ilt
tiii'r, Trout I .like mnl UIhiiwihmI Mutiiluyn, mnl
It It 1 1: ,l',ll, M ATT F. KS.
Oil clot Ii at tin- fin-tilt mi store.
I !ul Id hi); paper nt furniture store.
Houses to rent liy E. W. Wlniuis.
Why coiih, when H. It. will slop It.
' fur Hule; iiImu h line liiitrmy horse.
I'ii'tureH fr .lined
to order at the fur-
id tu re hIoiv.
hH-n H. It. w-l tlierc
W l II I Hhotlld i
Millie. H. II.
Wliite Hewlii!; iniiehlliOH
H. II. Hurt 1 1 uW.
for Hllle at
Mr. T. J. WutKoii
land TiicHiluy.
returned to Port
Colli iih mid iindertaUeiN HtipplleM at
the fiiiniture More.
Mix I). I.. CutcH h at the Mt. liood
for few iluyH.
('urn tat Hie furniture btoiv ID cent
lielow J'ortlaml priecH.
Kev. T. I-. KII..1 iirriveil la iv fnun
1'nrtliinil Wednesday.
Hev. J. II. l eak w ill preach at the
Jteliiiont ( linn h tomorrow .
Mr. ami Mm. Sehi iiek of The IialleM,
went to Clouileap Salurdiiy.
Dr. Thoniiianil J. V, lvcnmi vlnitcd
Mount Hood (hiring the week.
Mr. ami Mrs. William Hewiirt ar
rived here from Olyiiipla Monday.
Mr. W. ri. Cram the cnenretie young
Ilallex merchant, wan lu-ro W'edncxilay.
lU-fore jiut'eluiHiiig railroad ami Hteatu
olilp Ih kctn, coiinuU agent I'liiou l'a
clllc hIciii.
I'mfcxtor Ackeriuan came up from
rortlitnd l-'rldity' and Is vlt-lting friend
in the valley.
Sheriir CatcM, Judgf Thorn tin ry and
ii large party of IiallcH jM-opIf went to
TroUt lake ychterdiiv.
( nl. Wood piihH-d tin the ,nad on the
Tile lay night Iraiu lieing iuiiied here ',
liy IiIh noli w ho linn U-( n out to Mi tint j
I iV till
Mr. I). D. lloyrers brought the first
prune ot tliewason to low 11 U ednis-
liiv. This I at least two week ahead
of the season.
i-oiii nsien 10 wnai mc neiniiors ,
wiy, mil come ami nv ,.r youi-s.-ii. .iL,ivv , ,1(ls,. ull( thillk ,- K..Mjllf;
beautiful anti.iie maple bedroom set ,h(.ir diil.livn away to m-IiooI. This
for J.J at tlie lurnlture store. ! academy situated at The Dalles, is a
Mr. Walter Sullivan, nnd Mr. Ford I thoroughly ptod institution, ami lias
of lli New York Tvihuttf sjK-ut Sun-' 11 splendid corps of teachers. ltisj;rosv
diiv with Mr. and Mr. Jiyrkctt, of ins steadily in popularity, and deserves
White Salmon, WasliiiiK'ton. j "U Hie patronage it K ts, and more.
Lincoln Kvaim ha arranL'ed for civ-1
in;; lessons on tlie violin, and a lie is a
Hue musician those who desire to learn
w ill do well to call on him. i
Mr. Uiirne ami family. Mr. Charles '
Chandler and family, ami Lawrence
Jtloweis, went the fork of the river
Thursday to camp for several days.
Mr. Henry C. liatcham lias pur
chased thirty acre in section 1', town
shin mm 1 1 ofraue 10 cast, of K. 11.
and W. Husbands; consideration, $"")().
For any one purcliasiiiK ten dollar
worth of furniture of me, 1 will deliver
tlie Millie, at landing live ot charge.
S. E. ItA lit mess.
. ,;
Mrs. Bishop and Ml Hello liusli j
were among those visiting Trout lake !
tlurhig tlie week, but there were so ;
many they got lost from tho original j
Item. i
iron. M. A. and nnrtv en.nned I
at Mr. Corum's place Thursday even
ing on tlieir way home from Mount
Hood. They eamo here Friday even
ing ami lett this morning for Trout
Tlie State Treasurer lias apportioned
tlie state school money for the year.
Tho amount Ih $1.4i" per capita or a
total for Wasco county of .'JUt.VO.
The money wa received by our county
treasure 'i'hursdny.
Taxpayer seems to lmve stirred up ti
number of 1 lie boys, und we hope is
thoroughly convinced that the sciiool
liouse fence was well and cheaply built.
Jf not, we suppose tho war will lie con
tinued though there 1 nothing in it.
Wo have heard that tho Regulator is ;
deficient in power, but we can hardly I
Itelieve that our Dalles mends would
imt tlidlrinonev into a bo-it, and then
? .V. L.!l. " V "h. L "'oi ... ; I
economie in such a manner as to make
it useless. We fancy the new boat will
be able to go.
Miss Meredith of Salem, who has
been visiting iier uncle Dr. Charles 1
Adams at Camillas prairie, came in by
Htago from that point Tuesday, and
left for homo Wednesday morning,
jlr. C. J. Crandall of The Dalles came
in on tlie same stage.
Call and see Marvin Rand's new
tockof stationary and school supplies.
He baa also just received a tine stock of
readimr mutter, novels, inaKiizines, etc.,
und a splendid assortment of lishing i
tackle, hue candies anu an mo nuns ;
OI uie season coiisutiiwy on lunm.
Services at the U. 11. church as fol
lows: Sunday school at ID a. m.
Treadling at 11 a. m. and 8 p. in., by
Rev. (ieorge Siekafoose, of i'oriland.
(Jommunion service at the close of the
morning sermon. Tlie Young People's
Christian Union will meet ut 7:10 in
the evening.
Dr. o. C. IlitlllHtiT, of Tin- I miles,
nlic of llic lirlj.;llcs, physician III llir
stale whm hern on it jii'hI'i mhIihiii I visit
Mr. '. L. (iillicrl has hccii rc-iiil nt
eil it inclnlicl' ol' I lie county I ion I'd of ex.
iiiiiIiicim, iiihI Wednesday went to Tho
linlli'M In iiumM In llii' ii'i'iilnr rxiiiiiln
iillmi til' leitcliei'H w i I i 1 i hriult there
Hint iliiv.
Mr. Mild M in, Hchenck, I lev. Kll 1 1.
Hill il lilt mid fitliillv. Misses liowni
i i i i ..i i.'...... ...I... i i ....... I
lino mil ii, iiii'i uiiii ii imi inii- i rii
here fur xcvcrul ilnyn left, for holiie, The
I)ulleM, WeduiMdiiy,
I'nliiii I 'iifMli Kv-mIi'Iii iiII'iiI'm iiii
I ulli'il ruellltleH lo'ti.lll intH ell route to
all piiintM ciihI. Virl ilillled hleeiiein,
IilneiM, Jiei' hull' i ii I'm iiiroiin imitiHii Male het that Tax J'nvir don't
river mnl ChiiMKo without,
Vl.ilethe...-Ml llim ket l")H heel, reiin -
iiliiililv well Mlllililied W illi imlalncH and
ealilMi't'e, other viv.Hi.LIch IMve .,.
Very hi'lll ee, Slleli cum IIH W iiH oU'el ed
wim loo otii, mnl eiieinniM ih iiiei loiim -
toi'H were ciiinileunilHly ahwiit.
We iindi'1'nluud thai in the near fu
ture Mr. Iteyiinldx will pint ami oller
fiir nale that part of IiIm liuid on W liieh
the orehard Ih .M'iiwiiiu:. 'Ill Ih I aline
piece of properly, lylne; iih It di k h mid
way on the mini lietweell I he town Ulld
the Nleauier and li l'iy 1 : 1 1 1 I i 1 1
'I'hi l'e llMM heell a general ( ha njc of
eoilduelolH oil IhU (livlHiull I'l the I'.
I'., 'low ne, (;ilU rl, Sicley, ami McMil
lan let ill 111, thi'lr plaei'H Ih Inn t i 1 1 -1 1
dv pl'oluol lull of freight eoliililelorH.
Ve are Korry Indeed to nee them (ii, mid
thU reret'the Iruvlliii? puhlic will
MIh Anna Martin and Leonard C.
Join n, are expected up from t'orllaml
'hin afleriiooll oil the lioiil, Mlh Mullie
II irliciiiitcycr. came up form l'lirt laml
lat Mglil, ami .Mix Dollli! .Martin ar
rived here la-t week. All are the
guehtrtof Mix. T. J. WiiIhiii In Idle
Wilde. Till' CiiHCiule I.oi-k will illhtituteal
K. of I. lodge tonight. Twenty or i
. i ... . . i....... . ,i 1 1 ... . .... i. I. '-i-i...
Dall.-n w ill attend, ami Waueoma h-drr,.
if thin place w ill Heiid iiearly a many I .V'nr lmK-r, I wimi to make a few
more. The order I grow ing rapidly, i Hlateineiit In reply to the base
hut yet not more ho than it merit ! M)1 written and ul.lhed over the
w arrant. i , . , .
anon viiiouh Hlgnatuie of lax raver ill
Jaiiie Ci...p.-r and MHter, Mr. Die!;-
huii mm lamii.v, .mix. ,annorii, Mi:
'I'liniliiiHiiii und t'amitv. Annie mnl
Kale Lent, Frank I tied. Will Kdick, j
Mary and linn JoacliiuiHcn, ( )rval;
Kin.x. union i ..ninH-riy, ainiHev.rai!..,.,,,,,,!. .... .i.:,.,. ... .... Would
learn, started for 1-ost lake Thursdav !
morning, to stay ten days, or perhaps
Mr. r.riuliani the head and front of 1
IheS. 15. Mi-iiii-ine company of Iinl'ur,
pa-M-d down Tuesday evening, stop
ping only long enough to distribute
some uniipie ad vert isi-meiils in the
shaieofa "popper." The S. It. medi
cines have grow u steadily in popularity
oil 'heir merits, w liieh makes the inl
vcrliseineiit peculiarly appropriate.
! ,. ones now .,ppn-c,aies uiai oui ,
ti .i . ii
uotiir 1 I i in 1 1 1 1 1 1 iv 1 1 f tit ri Vi-r t iii I 1
,.,.i,i-i ,...i ,...i,,k-" t,,i- ii. t i- i,..t
w hat liapM'iu d 'o him Tuesday niuiit. I over tlie hydrant w as completed and
lie win IhuiiiiI lor Trout lake, and had ! in place two week before tlie fence
his mouth IInciI for l';''ull..ckralt,Lvuit.t)111)11.llm, it t ,(J T
but. he dldn I ;;et It. lie trot Iclt in- ' ,
stead, lor the w Ind blew so hard tliat i 1 ".vt'r K,H' u" to M' 1,0 msv tha'
t haioii w ould not at tempt to make the panel and no pickets on tlie fence now
crossinif. j that remark alone should lie enough to
Wc have reeei veil several copies of satisfy any one that he knows notli
tlie Wasco Independent Academy cat-i iter about a fence. Tlie idea of nickcts
, w hh-ii we will be i.leasedtoj
widen we will he pleased to!
lucsday hold the inedal us belnji
the wannest day of the season, but it
Is simply not in it wiu n couiiiared i
with the eastern weather of the name
idav. All throiiuili the east the tlicriu-
onicler r.iim'ed above 10il In Coiinect'-
cut. it marked lul, and in New Jersey
Deleware and New York, the heat was
so intense that all out door labor was
suspended. In New York city there
were in eases of sunstroke, 1:1 of which
were fatal, so it w ill be sepn that we
have no show in a hot weather compe
tition. Dr. Walker wife and son and Mr.
Herbert T. Collin, came up from 1'ort
i land Safirday morning mid witli tlie
! : e i .... ii . 1 1 1... l..
e Ail I ii iiii oi .his I) iiim i mi in visit in
in the valley, went to Lost lake. Mr.
John Divers took them from hi place,
The party goes prepared to build a boat
taking a sail with them. The great
drawback to fishing on tlie lake here-
V",,re " 118 V,w ''"cuny in gciung oui
Ironi the shore, rails bcinur tho only
mean for the purpose. That the party
will have a good time goes without say
ing, and that they will catch lots'of
fish is a dead certainty.
Monday afternoon Hood Iliver made
a vigorous elioi t to desert herself and
move over to i rout lake. 1 he proces
sion consisting of four big wagons con
tained Captain Cue ami family; O. L.
Stranalian and wife, S. E. llartniess
and fairily, M. V. Harrison and family,
F. H. Jlu'tton and family, J. E. Hani'ia
and family, Mrs. A. Ii. Jones, Miss
Ann Smith, Frank Jones and Ceorge j
Cnntain Mowers intended to !
take his family, but the teams were all I
engaged, Olingcr & .5o-io having HI
V v'
passenger uookciI lor i lomtcap J ties-
'I Im i-imir i nl.iMi ixl l.i ....iiiii nl
tlie White Salmon bridjjc Monday
.lll'lfllll, IIIILIIIIKI 111 I lllllll 111
'"K"1'' 'cacinu me lane-ao noon lues-
day. Cat.tain C'oe and Mr. Straimhau
i ...I. .... . I... ... Ill I.
! i:?.!r:Lf" " i!:L,..t(!.5!t-",."Hl !
cum niinii1 ui till; irmly
home F'ridny or Saturday, and may ar
rive in time to give an account of tliem-
selves in this issue.
For un Armory.
Tho Hood River Armory Company
was incorporated during the week. !
The incorporators tiro A. S. Rlowers, !
L. N. Rlowers, J. II. Dukes, and Aud.
and Eph. AYinans. The object of the
company is to build a public hall,
which will also bo rented by
D com-
j,ully us un nnnory
Eplscopal Services.
Rev. Eli I). Sutclilie, Rector of St.
Paul's Episcopal church at The Dalles,
w ill conduct services at. the United
Rrethren church here Tuesday evening !
ut K ik'eloek. A eorili'it invitntirm w 1
! extended to uU.
IIoimI Rhcr School IIihinc mnl f JroimtlM.
Kiiitor (i,a( ii ic:
In, yniir Imhiih nftlii' hlh I noticed an
tin signed " I hx Payer " con tu n ntr j
P, . . , . ... . .
II iri.lii.l'ul h litlr lilimxl i.l II. i. I r.l i.r.
school (Hivclm-M, carpenters, and lastly
nun whhii iiuusc mi nil? kioiiihih
If I In circulation of the (il.Ai'IKU
was confined to Hi in district Dili url !-
Ill ipicstlnli Would not III) woi-lll l.nllc
Intf as It, wiih evidently written by some
mhiv-Ih'iuI Jink-knife carjii'iitrr out ofa
Joli, wlio Is willing to iitliick tin? iic-
1 1",IM " ",I" K w '"'
Known. hut Ih
I lllVnld to Hi'U Ills own eiiliilillllileiitliin.
,f ... , . ...
, '",T ii.iiiliin iiiiii u in: it, in ll
1 L'lve him a Vote on other iieniileH
; , A , i)f , , , . ,
j .V rM In IhU dltriet I wlnli to Kiiy
J fully llldor-ie t lie act loll of t III! (lireet-
: f.-nt-i uk t li Wound ami in hav
ing It done hy ilayn work in it jrood
Miilixlaiitial maiiner, rallier than hy 11
, Hllj;hted contract joh at perlmpH it few
; ilollai'H IiH cunt. It Ih hIho u Hafe 1 n-t
that Tax I'ayer vote(l for tin; twelve
' liuinlreil dollar ahorllon that now
1 ili-fiai'iH o;ir hi'IiooI griiumlH that can
not poH-ihly accoiiiinoilate our growing
h IiooI more than another year, or a
total of three yearn tine at four-huudreil
I dollars a year. How I that for
.economy Tax I'ayer? How iianh
; the work on the fence ill (JIK-Mtioil COht
j I don't know, hut IhU I do know that
i MeKHi'M I.aiigilte and Htrauaiian the
; huilderH of the fence an: too well known
in thin commuiiity to he helitlleil liy
any hlursTax I'ayer can throw-out.
1I.C. Coi:.
lliii i'oi
llouu llivcit Aug. V
(li,.( ii h:
,f '," wl ki,,,11.V Kraut HJ.ace
1,.,-t week paiK-r. In the Hist
jilace '
;. ,
right to
t't f-ignatuiv, for any man who lia
m-iihc enough to accumulate property
I,uvt' 1M ,"m'1' """ rUhh
print with a lot of outr.tgeous la s,
simpiy to stir up a feeling against the
directors of this district. He says;
'Tlirce men have Ik-cu at work for two
, , , ,,
week and their bill will lie li.00 or
more," when the fact arc the job was
completed in mx and one third day
and the bill is ..-,7.t;i' a considerable less
Iba. i half the amount he claim it is.
Tin! liill is on tile at the clerk's
Tlix .uV..rur nv ,. else
" it if they wish. Tlie little
i i c., 'Ci,..i l ... il...
imi a n ki'ui (uivi null;. A ii ii v ii ii.i nil
style lift v vcurs am in tlie backwoods of
,' ' i . , , . i i
Missouri and Arkansas where they had ,
. .. . , ... ., ,. , ... i. ..,..!
to teiti-e :.-.anst hie razor back hogs to
kiH.jithem from running tlie seliool, i
bill lax I'ayer must bear in mind tlie
world move and the people of Hood
Iliver or a majority of them are out of :
the wood and a few
II kilTii vill'
have no inlluenee upon
tliein. Tlie
directors who ordered,"! hese liniprove
nicnt made discovered. a resolution
voted by I lie whole district two years
since, ordering tlie yard fenced, and
we had the funds on hand and be
lieved it to be necessary. We put up
what every one who knows anything
at all about a fence will pronounce the
very best. A to tlie little house il
speak for itself. We never had a drop ! year), 111,000 strawberry vines, 3 acres
of water at the school house before, and I f t-orn, li of clover . between S and 9
, . , , .i lacies in cultivation, balance timber;
we now have a nice place where thetlmi i,.,.,,,,, laeilities; l.HOD feet of
pupils can iniencli their thirst, inul nt , tight-covered Hume ; two reservoirs:
the same time leave any surplus soil i and over 400 feet of water pipe, enrry
...i,;..i i ... ii ,i,, -.,.. ! imr water into house. I'rice S-,1'00.
MUICII lllil) lllUIIll" II' w iimii mi. I. .
. J , , , .
hands, by a resort to the tine basin
attached to tlie fountain. If Tax
Payer had subscribed himself kicker I
would have paid no attention to his
article but fearing some might be in
clined to believe him, I make above
i explannt ion.
A. S. R t.o wees.
Director, also a tax payer.
At the Valley Congregational church
Sunday tlie Hth inst., Mr. Oliver O.
Howell, of Marion county, to Julia,
daughter of Dr. und Mrs 1'. O. Barrett
ti'iij nlaee.
Jtwasa surprise to most ofthecon-
gregation, when upon mo ciose oimc ,
niormug scimccs xvev a-, iu. .vinmo
,,mvn ,vom u10 ltUloit. and Dr.
I...- ! "!.... "1. Aiiiil.o
Rarrett will, his daughter on his arm,
and Mrs. Rarrett on tho arm of Mr.
Howell came before him. Almost be
fore tlie affair was understood, the brief
services of tlie church, which made
them one were over. The groom Is a
stranger to us, but tlie bride is known
to all, having lived here for years, as.
an exceed in
young lady.
ly bright and winsome j
The lines of Tom Hood 3
on a similar occasion are peculiarly fit
ting: Were there no beauteous dames at home
Or no true lovers here,
That he should come so far to win
The dearest of the dear?
Tho young couple left for Chlcaro
Monday, and if the good wishes of a .
host of friends availetli aught, their d
lives will be as full of happiness as those , K-
of Ferantorz and Lallali Rooke
Skniiniiila (diiiiljf I"iuli.
!amcaii;h, Wash. Aii. H, lMJ.
KiHTnit (i,A( n:u:
'Ii,.. I .,,,, I ..( ... LU,
, ... , ..
"f hkiimuiilii county have recently
of $.',01 HI Of till!
Tin: IximlH are
V, .,,,,, ,,.
I in deiioiiiiiiatioim of IMM each, with
coiipoim for twenty yearn at nix r
i cent Inti-rent, payahle annually,
Miwrn. I'ai'Hoii Leach k Co. ofClilcago
are the purchtihcrH. TIichc huU an;
; ImhuciI to juiy oil' outhtanding county
warranlH, which hy our Iuwh In ar ten
per cent iiitcri-Ht. r.y InMiIng thcHe
hondH at hlx percent the county huvcm
I'M in intercut (luring the term the
ImhuIh iropow; to run. The county re
Hcrven the rlglit to ri-decui them! hondu
at any time after ten yearn, Hhouid it
lie dcHinihle to do no. The connniHH
loiiern, at their recent hCHHion, levied u
tax of oik! and thrcc-fotirtliM mill to
meet the Intercut on tin; IioihIh prompt
ly. TIid homlx Mere jirinted at the
Mute printing ollice at Olympla, and
arc got up in elegant Mylc, Hon. Anion
I'nderwood, ciiairinan of the county
hoard, Ih here today, and Iiuh put IiIh
rignaliire to tin.' IhukIs five in numU-r,
ami Iih) cniipoiis. 1 liuvejii.-t linihhcd
nigning tlieiu an clerk, and attaced to
each bond the K-al of the county on a
golden notarial
John Okvis Watmiman,
Auditor and Clerk Skamania county,
At tin; home of her parent, four!
mile Houthwcj-t of tow n, Thurday J
morning, Aug. Kith, Jic, daughter!
of Mr, and Mr. Thomas McKay, 'aged !
! year. The funeral took place "i-'riday i
iiiorning. H was rumored that the
ileal Ii was caused by diphtheria, Imt this !
iIih-s not seem to Ir- wi j authenticated, i
it being also stated that she died of j
lung (ever, w hich latter seems more j
pl-oliatile, us the child had Hot been ex-'
posed to the disease. ;
School w ill liegin in this district (No. I
L'l aliotit the L'lth of August. Mr. It. S. )
Andrew lias lieen secured us teacher i
for liie term of four months. Mr. An-j
(hew spent his vacation ill the niouii-;
tains, hunting and fishing, and reports
a very enjoyable time. Among the !
' game he bagged was a young bear.
( apt. Dukes is building a house on
hi new purchase at Ueimont, which !
he expects to have linisheil in lime to '
",uvu '"lo n,.,H. UiiL 1 ,.,Jn,,u !
noon tlie captain was hit and badly
t,riiie(l on tho siilo by a lulling scant- 1
bug. The accident iiiay lay him up fori
11 lew days.
Italian prime are now ripening, and
t.. ! Ill .. I I....:.. -
"". og" oryiug
hi.s crop. rruncs m this vicinity
dropped from the trees just leforeriK-ii-in.v:
more than usual mU season. iJut
the I'm it lioiding on will be larger and
liner therefor.
Mr. II. Abten is making hi im blackberry crop into w ine, lie
llml.i that it pays better to make lliem
into wine lo sell them at S cents a
Tin.' black woodpeckers have been
very destructive on apple orchard this
season. OrchardisU are retaliating by
killiii'' tlie birds. If we kill oh' the
biack woodpecker will some other pest
la Ke his place that Would have been
ilesiroyeu ny the birds'.'
, . ,' , , ,.
Mr. W.J. (ainpliell
'oitllitukll 1 I 11 LI Uflt 111k Ml SI
m,w W.1)(H) ksks vUk.h 1;lld v al?riml
froin the East for our 'school house,
They are beauties,
Mr. 'Jesse Keeno and family, from
Albina, are camped Ion the Watson 40,
ft ,..1 ... Ml I I, .. I I, ...... I 1 ... I ....... 1. ..
i in pviunu uuui, h iific uu
lias purchased live n.cres. He will soon
begin the erection of his house, for
w liieh the lumber is on the ground.
For Sale.
A tine fruit ranch of 1(10 acres, four
four miles and a half west of the town
of Hood Iliver, on the Columbia. It
lias -100 fruit trees, most of which are
in hearing, HOD grape vines in hearing,
half acre of blackberries in full liearing
(will yield 4,000 pound of berries this
ii ii 4 1 . . i .1 .......1.
t all on 1'. It. Alisten tit the ranch or
address at Hood River, Or.
Have you seen tlie 1.".00 antique
maple bed room set at tlie furniture
store ?
J. W. Kcnna gives notice that he is
here to stay, and is prepared to do
j painting in all its branches. Decorat
i ing, gilding, polishing, graining and
j staining. Treatment of interior wood
worii ami turnmire a specialty. .ar
riage painting done. Ollice at Mount
Hood hotel.
I have appointed J. T. Delk, my
Agent to sell my beer at Hood River,
ut wholesale. Ardi'ST Ri'CHi.EH.
The Dalles, March Hi, 1S01.
rraotioes In nil the courts of Oregon and
Washington. Special attention given to con
veyancing. UL-ilER OFFICE,
For Coughs nnd Colds we boat them nil S.B.C.C.
-.T a a B ll 1 II I , L.
J Mm
A TTOlL'j:r-A Tf,A IP.
t)i:tUH Watkimh A. Mknkkkk,
Vogt's now building, Second St.
Till-: liAIXEH UUKiiU.N.
A new Mtoek of Ladiew' and OenU'
M'FCIAL attention given to clean
ing und repairing watche.
Hood River, - - - - Oregon.
.. ... .
Land Locator.
Kvery lxdy wants land in Hood)
I liver Vallev. I have Home verv de-I
j nimble tract of good land on my list!
j for preeiiiition, liomeHtead and tirn-
J?'"1'1 dl!i,"H' . 'iUi ru"'nS ut'r ,"'
I t he i 1 i'liri InMi tit uiviipul utKL'tniiM
j advantageoiiHly. Do not fail to see
I UK! at Hood Kiver l all or addresn me
; at Jlood Iliver, Wasco County, Oregon
Has been thoroughly
renovated, and a large
ell added doubling its
F.vcrythliij will lie found nnil nnd oloan
Tubli-H will he Mi'inllpil with the bxt tho
srectxson to e. heck.
-m:alek in
fine watches,
diamonds, jewklky
Optical Goods,
Fine Watch Repairing a Speci
alty. Second St. The Dalles. Or.
TON, &,C0
Have the only abstract of hind
titles in tlie County, and
are the only persons who
can furnish reliable in
formation concerning
land titles on
We are also prepared to make out
all necessary papers for filing on the
FOR SALE: cincu.v!Iins
Country Property.
Opera Howe Block - - The Dalles Or.
The Eastern Oregon
Max Vogt Block,
S N Chandler, Mgr.!
pri k mm,
Tho Dalles.
Since the flrntof June wo have added
to our
Furniture fc Carpet
I!iiHlneH a complete Undertaking Km
tahlihhuieiit, and u we ituceeedeil In
getting our ntoek from tho J-jmt with
out lieing comiKilled to join the Under-
takerV TruHt, we a.-wure tho public that
in consequence thereof our
Prices Are Very Low.
Itemenibec our place of buHinewi on
raopi'.iETORj or thi
: hi Iliver Market.
Keep iv asUii V? i hand a (all
tuivb cl
GhoiG8 Meats of all kinds.
Sausages a Specialty.
S p 1 1' attention paid to
FurnMiing Miilmen
:u t Iing Meat
in Large Quantiti
Don't Funjet the Place,
Oak street
next door to Glacier
i Removal Noticel
Wishes to inform his manr friend and th publl
guiierallv that he has removed Lit
uiidcrtakini; roouia to
Corner Third and Wellington,
Where he carrien a full to-k of erer; thing needed
in that business.
Orders liy dispatch, express, mall of In person
roiuj-l. attended to and satisfaction (uaraateed.
Can he skkhi anv hour of thettiy or niuht at hie rut
Jeiii'e, corner t'ounb and W ashingtoo, or place
cers have nioved to the
cor. of Third and Union
St. where they carry a
complete line of staple
and fancy
And also do u general commission
business. Thankful for past favors, we
solicit a continuance of the same nt
our new store in tlie old l'ost Ollice
Building Cor. lird, and Union Sts.
Tlie Dalies, Oregon.
te."' -----
HI V -N tJi V f 9
10B Will ILLS