The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 08, 1891, Image 1

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The Hood
NO. 10.
3(ccd Iivcr (Glacier.
) rutii.i.iiKii tvinr m ti'hoa r nomisij t
Tlie Glacier Publfslilng Company.
riiw itiiMioN ruiCK.
ii. r or
tin iiumtli. , m
1 him iiKinlh. . fc'
uf tCHi'
Ul. Clil.f I". Ii II N Un.l Oftlr.
IiMinl :: (iiv :: HpcHiiliHt.
H'miih Nil, , l.i, om. Hullilihf,
tii n tiAi.i.M. on.
, Real Instate Broker,
Firs, Lift nd Aoolditil iMirtsci.
Mode? Loaned od Real Estate Secarity
Offli.; fr.iu h ft Co ' n.k RiiIIJiii,
Barber Shop
Grant Evans, Propr.
B.Cdiici M , nr.r Ouk. Hixxl lUt.r, Or. !
Shaving tml Hair flitting BMttty ilon.
.S.U.fn tiuii (inaiaiitcil.
Tho Charleston Ordered
to Go to Honolulu.
Another Broak in the Colorado River
Sends an Immense Body of
' Water Into the Desert.
Tacnma will soon have its cable ears
Tin' ls A iirItH city directory has 23,
7t0 names.
Spokane in to have a brewery, with
$10,000 capital.
The Charleston him received orders to
Kit to Honolulu.
A Spokane ordi nance forbids cigarette
smoking ly m i in t h.
A disease creating blindness is among
the cattle along the lluiulioldt river in
The Southern California I.awn TcnniH
AMHocialion nieetH at. Santa Monica, Urn
Angeles county, AiijeiiMl ;tl.
The contract for the coiiHtnietion of
the Chamber of Commerce building at
Portland has U-en awarded.
The Itatu has paid the $500 tine. It is
said lionds will Ik given ami the vessel
go to San Francisco for repairs.
Tht! Bradstreet mercantile agency re
ports sixteen failures in the Pacific Count
HtateH and Territories for the past week.
The work of improving the entrance
of Humboldt Bay by extending a pro
tecting wall along the north Hpit hat
The Ine Vine group of milieu in the
ViMnd district, Beaverhead county,
Mont., has lieon Hold to an English syn
dicate for $725,000.
There in trouble between white settlers
and Indiana along the Kootenai river in
British Columbia. The Indians are driv
ing the Healers oil'.
The trouble with the miners at New-entitle-,
Wash., b; ill wears a threntening
look. Both Hides keep armed, and eager
ly watch each other.
All but one of the six Superior Judges
in Los Angeles are on a vacation. This
involves an unwelcome delay in some
important litigation.
The verdict of the jury at San Diego
which investigated the killing of the
Bailor Brown is that Brown died from the
effects of a blow on the head from a po
liceman's billy, causinsr a fracture of the
skull, at the hands of C. W. Breedlove;
that Charles II. Wilson. A. M. Coates,
W. VV. Webb and Voter Gurrie were
present and aided and abetted the kill
ing. The jury also finds that the same
parties clubbed other Charleston sailors
and caused, the false imprisonment of
several of them.
There is a scheme on foot at San Fran
cisco to match Choynski once more
against Jim Corliett on his return from
Australia f,or a side bet of $2,500 a side
and a purHO. MoBt of the money for
ChoynBki has been subscribed, and Cor
bett has signified his willingness to meet
Ilia old opponent again, if the financial
inducement is large enough. As far as
cleverness went, Chovnski was eoiu
n'etely outclassed by Corbett when they
fought with hard gloves, but with big
glomes it, is thought that Choynski could
do much better, as he has grown bigger
and cleverer in Australia. The contest,
if it takes place, will attract much atten
tion, and Corbett will be a hot favorite,
though Choynski will give him a bard
battle, as hit favorite game is a rushing
Hlutf lH'ttiJin'iit Hum) I.i'mi'IiIhic IIcIjiII
ufltll I'mi.1IMIIIImIiI lilljr Aflllll'.
Commissioner ( inter of the general
laud oflice bus d reeled the Registci mid
Receiver of public lands ill Lcwislon,
Mulit., to receive mineral applications In
allow mineral entries in the iiiuunloiicd
Fort McGinuis military rchcrvutioii in
Molilalia under the Name conditions 11,4
w hen made foi other public lands. The
same rule will applv to the abandoned
I'oit McDcrmitt military reservation in
Advices received by the Bureau of
Ameiicau Itrpillilics e 1 : 1 1 that it specific
duly of II cents a kiloiu iiuie ij.2
pounds) has been imposed on all lard
imported in tlie Id-public of i'eru. It
has been decided that all packages
shippeil, discharged 11 1 1 1 re-eiubai k-d at
ports of the Republic shall bit marked
witli the gross weight. Cases, bin re!s
and crates mind also lie marked with the
uieiiHiiremeiit of their dimeiisioiiM ac
cording to I he metric Hydcm, and lines
are iuiHHct for iiou-compliaiicc wilb
this law.
The State I icinirt incut is ilite busy
leitiliiug the details of the sei.lire of the
l'!astMii t lixheruieu, so as to n nble to
at t intelligentlv when the time (or ac
tion arrives. The t'nited States Consul
at the Canadian town next to Kaslport
is ilivcHtigatiiig things, and when he
makes his reMirt it w ill Ts- piite compe
tent tor the departuient to take some
very iliteresliug steps towards obtaining
uu explanation of the cane from ( ircat
Britain. There is no danger of a recti
tion of the "outrage' as it is hein
called ill lieu of a more deliuite term,
and the department feels .that haute in
such an event would Is- unwise.
Several letters have been received by
I'ostmastcM ieueral Wanamaker from
Messrs. Brooks and 1'orter, ileli'gntes
from the t'nited States to the i'oiiith
International CoiigresM at Vicuna, I hat
bodv completed its lalHirs 011 June Kt,
I'erfuips tin1 most important of its re
sults is the admission of the Australian
colonics to the union, to take elh-ct July
1, The only civilized countries
now remaining outside the union are
CaiK-Colony and the South African l.'e
puiilic, which will proliiihly come in at
the next congress, making the postal
union "universal" in fact as well as in
name. The other interesting changes
noted are the proposed is"tie of postal
cards with a paid reply for international
service, in the reduction of the registry
1 centimes (o cents), in an increase in
the maximum-size package of a sample
from Kx-U'.' inches to Il'x4xN. an indem
nity for lost registered articles ami inter
national co-operation in the prosecution
of counterfeiters of mstage stamps.
tirrniHil Mlllliti ) Iri l.'n I n I i cl J In
(In' New I , I'll 1 1 imI It 1 it.ll.
I'rof. Kossander of Stockholm thinks
he has found a remedy for cancer.
A new feature in ticrinauv this year
will Ik the trotting meeting at Baden.
The I'l ince and I'rincess of Wales are
to visit tleiinaiiy in state in tlie autumn.
Count. Minister has again asked to be
relieved as (iermaii Ambassador to
I 'tire chloroform, something hitherto
unattainable, will now be made by M.
I'ictet,a chemist of (ieneva.
The Chi'ian cruiser F.rra.uri, which
recently left llavie, is lying at lVn.ance.
She is unable to procure tirenien.
The Koine Tiilmuf announces that
Cardinal Cainutelli is to replace Cardinal
Hampolui as I'apal Secretary of State.
A Lucerne (Switzerland) cablegram
savs : Stanley and his wife have sep
arated. Their natures are too positive.
The failure of the Fnglish Bank of the
Uiver Plato will cause w idespread loss to
small and comparatively poor investors.
Kuerge'ic measures are devised by the
government for the development of cot
ton culture and industries in Central
Director Canet of the artillery nt Varis
is believed to have been selling the
smokeless-powder secret of the govern
ment. The Vrince of Wales will go to Carls
bad instead of llonilmrg this season.
His health is said to be somewhat im
paired. K.nglish Hebrew authorities in London
have taken steps to rwlieve t he great dis
tress among the Russian refugees in
The Medical Board of the Vrovince of
Hanover has prohibited the use of the
Koch in hospitals under their ju
risdiction. Domestic service and servi -e in agri
cultural fields in Brazil are much demor
alized. The former slaves will work for
neither love nor money.
Kdwartl Decobain, member of Varlia
ment for Belfast, accused of gross im
morality, will face his accusers as soon
as his health will permit.
r.ismarck has aged much lately, ami
his form lias lient. Physicians do not
think he will live much longer, as he is
alllicted with heart disease.
Mr. Flammeron lielieves that certain
lights which have been seen on Mars
may have been signals to us, and that
we may ultimately discover a means of
answering them.
Miss Gladys Evelyn is to tell the Brit
ish public from the rostrum how she was
wronged by William Henry llnrlhert.
The evidence the Court would not per
mit her to give will be produced. ,
Sir John Vender stated in Ijondon that
there was a decline in cable correspond
ence, and be attributed it to the. McKin
ley bill, though he admitted depression
in trade had something to do with it.
The Emperor of Germany has sent a
number of costly presents to the officials
of Queen Victoria's household, foreign
oflice and the Guild Hall and also to the
chief officers of the police department.
McGlynn Will Probably
Bo Reinstated.
Gorman Capital Socking Investment
in the United Slates Monu
ment to Hamlin.
The Empire City Electric Company at
New York has gone into liquidation.
A piece of No-Man's-Land has become
part of the Territory of New Mexico.
The National E liii'inioual Association
wid meet ut Helena, Mont., next year.
The new City Hall of Philadelphia
will have a f Mi.OiHI eiiicstriau statue of
lieneral George B. Met 'lellan.
Tension-Commissioner lUum promises
to hurry the work in his ollice, when be
can cut dow n his force of clerks.
A movement is 011 foot at Bangor, Me.,
to erect a monument by spulur sul
scriptiou to the late llnnnibal Hamlin.
It is Is-lieved that Kcv. Dr. McGlynn
ill return to the church, and that the
'Xcoiiimimication hull will soon ls re
V.ikeil. Six thousand saloon licenses have Is-en
issued in Chicago for the present quar
ter. That means a revenue of $:i,()iM,000
a year.
The White Earth Indians ar? declared
to lie perfectly peaceable. Rumors that
they weiv turbulent art; without foun
dation. Judge l. M. Key, Post muster-General
in President Hayes' Cabinet, hits Is-en
made Dean of Grant I'niversity, Nash
ville, Tenn.
A dispatch from Atlanta says Key. Sam
Small bus accepted the managing editor
ship of a new evening paper to Ik estalv
lishcd there.
Wealthy corporations in Illinois are to
contest the law which makes incorpor
ated bodies pay their employes at least
once a week.
After attending the Grand Army en
campment in Vermont in August the
President will probably visit Mr. Blaine
at Bar llarlxtr.
The Dominion Secretary of the Inte
rior, I'iei ra, has Isvn suspended a a re
sult of the disclosures before the Public
Accounts Committee.
German capit:il in seeking investments
in America, and a large amount of Ger
man money is likely to come to the
Cnited States this year.
It is proposed to utilize thesteel masts
Is'ing removal from the Philadelphia as
masts for the new armored cruiser Maine,
they being about the si.e required.
The lunid-eiiilott inent schemes which
promised $:i for $1 are collapsing right
and left in Ohio. Four with a large
membership have just gone to the wall.
A resolution in favor of unrestricted
reciprocity between the United States
:u,'t Cnua la has been adopted by the
Provincial Legislature of Vrince Edward
Revenue ollieers at Washington, D. C,
are on a still hunt for violators of the
liquor revenue laws, and expect to cause
11 sensation when they have ended their
Most of the Alliance lecturers in Kan
sas have dropped the sulHreasury
scheme, am! the sub-alliances are voting
on the proposition to take it out of the
Alliance platform.
A girl has been born to the Chinese
Minister and his wife at Washington,
ami rejoicings have been kept up at the
legation for ten days in accordance with
the Chinese custom.
The Indian authorities are landing iu
Texas hundreds of destitute intruders
who were refused admittance into Okla
homa. These parties are being driven
off the Cherokee Strip.
Collector Phelps bus been sustained
in requiring a duty on the wreckage of
the Trenton and Vandalia, which was
presented to Samoa and was sent to a
San Francisco firm to dispose of on
Correspondent Crounse of the New
York World has been indicted for crim
inal libel on Dr. Hammond in stating
that the doctor charged an extortionate
fee for removing a wen from the head of
Mrs, Stanford.
Considerable excitement exists at
Kastport, Me., over the seizure in Vaa
sumaquoddy waters of seven American
fishing vessels by the Doininian cruiser
Dream. The boats were taken to St.
Andrews, N. 15.
The number of gold and silver mining
claims or " locations," commonly called
" mines," in the United States is practi
cally beyond computation. Those mines
making production returns number 0,004
according to the census bulletin.
District Attorney De Laneey Nicoll of
New York has made knowtf his intention
of selecting one paper which published
an account of the Sing Sing electric exe
cution in violation of the State law and
lay the case before the grand jury.
The total internal-revenue collections
in Chicago for the fiscal year ending
June i!0 were Ifl3,ttli4,833.21, an increase
of over $3,500,000 over the collections of
the previous fiscal year. Most of the
taxes collected were from spirits.
Minister Fred Douglass has a hand
some home in Anacosta, a pretty suburb
of Washington, ami he says he would
much rather live there than in Hayti.
There is every probability that ho has
come home to resign his mission.
Nt. I. mil. IIm. I Im Only Kf-iiiHl- I iiIIimI
Slut,.. .Mitr.liMl.
The set Whittier will spend a l or
tion of the summer in New Hampshire
at Wukelield.
The oiihy woman who is a United States
Marshal is Miss Olive Ruehamin of St.
Imis. All the men like to n- arrested
by her.
Mrs. General Custer, who is spending
a short time in Imdon, is meeting with
a very cordial reception iu English liter
ary society.
Professor R. L. Perkins of Boston has
a copy tif Horace that is more than :!'K)
years old. It was printed in 157ii, and
nas an index to every word.
James liaird, for many years Consular
ugent of the United States ut Manaos,
State of Amazonas, P.razil, has arrived
in New York on sick leave.
Vresident Diaz of Mexico, though liO
years of age, is said not Ut look over 40.
He shows great tact in receiving visitors,
and is a gentleman of much refinement.
George Smith, king of the English
gypsies, is to edit a paer in the Romany
tongue, to le the organ of the wander
ing race. He expects to get 20,0iHJ sub
scribers for it.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Chamberlain will
visit the United States in the autumn.
I.ater they will go to the Bahamas, where
Mr. Chamlierlain intends to make ex
tensive purchases.
Queen Victoria now rules a population
of 307 000,00!) a greater nuuiis-r of peo
ple than ever acknowledged the sover
eignty of any other person in-either an
cient or modern times.
Alexander Rankin, the Scotchman who
succeeded John Brown as Highland ser
vant to the, has obtained almo-t
as marked influence in the royal house
hold as Brown H)ssessed.
The Queen of Portugal, who is a splen
did horsewoman, nuiy often be met
whilst riding in the open country aliout
LishoH ut an hour when most' of her
subjects are still asleep.
Sir Edward Arnold is coming to the
United States next Octoler with his son
and daughter. He has leen engaged to
deliver a series of lectureB on Japan in
the various cities of America.
Queen Victoria's daughter, I'rincess
Christian, employs a woman as her phy
sician when her nerves trouble her. Her
attendant at such times is a well-known
ss-cialist, Dr. Julia Maitland.
Henry Irving epigrammatieally char
acterizes an English scheme for the re
generation 01 the theater as missions
which proose to save the player's sul
by )Hjinting the w..y to the work hours.
Mrs. V. T. Barniim ls'fore she sailed
for Europe sent the comfortable rolling
chair used by Mr. Varnuni dining the
last few months of his life to the Bridge
port Hospital for use in that institution.
Bessie Bell wood, who lived a long time
with Viscount Mandeville, w ho married
Miss Yznao of New York, is about to sue
him. now that he has become Duke of
Manchester, claiming that he owes her
General Anson G.Cook, Secretary of
the United States Senate, is a strongly
built man, about fa) years of age, and
has dark hair, mustache and eves. He
is one of the most agreeable and popular
men in Washington.
Mrs. Logan baa left the General's li
brary just as it was when he last occu
pied it, untouched, except by the dust
brush, and unchanged. His arm chair
still retains its customary position, and
hardly a paper has been moved from his
Oliver Wendell Holmes' library in his
Boston home looks over the Charles
river, and furnishes a superb view of the
distant spires and towers of Charleston
and Somerville. Just at sundown the
prospect is ideal.
Karon de Gondoritz, the Brazilian In
dia rubber merchant who is trying to
corner the entire rubber output of the
Amazon region, is an energetic man of
Vortuguese birth, 41 years old. He is of
short and very portly figure, with light
complexion and red hair.
The great statue W Vope Leo XIII.,
which Count Joseph Loubat is to pre
sent to the Catholic University at Wash
ington, will be shipped to this country
in a few weeks. It is reported to be a
fine piece of work, and represents the
pope seated upon his throne and wear
ing the triple crown.
An Eriltome of the Hebdomadal DoIdks
of the Wicked.
Robert Howe has been arrested at New
York and charged with a $10,000 dia
mond robbery committed last February.
Lord Beresford's alleged nephew, Wal
ter S. Beresford, has been arrested in
New York, charged with swindling citi
zens near Rome, Ga.
George Anderson, a saloonkeeper of
East St. Louis, shot and killed Dennis
Ryan, another saloonkeeper, and then
blew out his own brains.
Dennis Johnson, the keeper of a noto
rious saloon near Middleborough, Ky.,
while resisting arrest shot two police
men. A crowd of 100 men soon gathered
and destroyed the saloon.
Judge Sherman in the Superior Court
at Greenfield, Mass., sentenced C. Mason
Moody, the defaulting County Treasurer,
to five years in the State prison at hard
Rev. Henry F. Sutherland of the Ha
zleton M. E. Church of Erie, Va., was
convicted in the United States Court
upon a charge of sending obscene matter
through the mails.
The jury in the case of Mason Brad
field for killing Joa Dye at Los Angeles,
Cal., gave a verdict of not guilty. The
ground of the defense was Dye's mur
derous record and continuous threats
caused the partial insanity of Bradfield.
The Educational Bill in
the House of Lords.
Gabrielle Bompard, the Accomplice of
Eyraud the Strangler, Dying
of Fever in Prison.
France has l,()i)0,000 Socialists.
Young King Alexander of Servia will
visit the Czar.
The deaths from cholera in Mecca av
erage fifty daily.
Russia will be a large importer of grain
this season, owing to short crops.
Berlin is delighted over recent evi
dence of closer friendship with England.
The educational bill has passed a sec
ond reatling in the British House of
Ird Denman has been suspended in
the British House ol Iords for the re
mainder of the session.
It is said that " shares of paradise"
are sold by the Salvation Army through
out France at a large profit.
Baron Hirseh now owns the bouse
which Lord Revelstoke was building
previous to the Baring failure.
Gabrielle Bompard, the accomplice of
Eyraud the strangler, is dying of fever
in the Clermont prison, France.
A dispatch from Rome says the Pope
Is apt to fall into a profound' sleep even
when taking an airing in the Vatican
The women in several provinces of
Italy are sorrowful because so many of
the men iiorn in those provinces are
rushing to America.
Mrs. Varnell claims to have compro
mising political correspondence with
Gladstone, obtained while Varnell was
in Kilmainham jail.
Tlie Russian navy is leing increased
by twenty-two ships in process of con
struction" on Iwth the Baltic and Black
Seas, besides others ordered.
The women in Prussia according to
statistical reports far outnumber the
men. The latest estimates show a dif
ference of about (kk),iJ0O in favor of the
A scheme has lieen successfully inaug
urated bv the Royal Institute "of Deaf
and DunA) i i Great Britain to train up
the inmates as barbers. Comment is
In consequence of prevalence of chol
era at Mecca pilgrims from that place
have to undergo a quarantine of twenty
days at Eltor before proceeding through
the Saez canal.
The Central Statistical Society of St.
Vetersburg has published data estimat
ing the population of Russia in Decem
ber last at 110,000,000, the annual in
crease being 1,500,000.
The Irish peasantry have begun to
boycott and stone the houses of those
who refused to join the plan of cam
paign in Ireland. The outrages are com
mitted during the night.
Fifteen thousand marks have been ap
propriated to induce 500 German chil
dren of the weaving persuasion to quit
the trade and become farmers or ser
vants to the feudal barons.
The Royal Commission appointed to
investigate Westminster Abbey with a
view of considering the enlargement now
needed recommends two plans, which
will have to be determined.
The Manchester canal has had the wa
ter of the Mersey admitted to the finished
eastern sections. The work between
Ellesmere port and the river Weaver is
well advanced, and water w ilj le admit
ted soon.
The city of Santiago, Chili, has just
been visited with the severest fire ever
known in South America, the loss being
estimated at more than $2,000,000. The
British legation building was entirely
In conversation with Dr. Arendt, a
member of the Prussian Landtag, a few
days ago Vrince Bismarck declared that
be intended to take his seat in the fall
in order to oppose the commercial treaty
with Austria.
During June there was launched from
Scotch ship-building yards forty-three
vessels, aggregating (50,317 tons. Of that
total the Clyde contributed twenty-eight
steamers and ten sailing ships, measur
ing 87,290 tons.
The Kaiser has on foot a scheme to in
troduce into Alsace-Lorraine a strong
German element by inducing wealthy
Germans to buy large estates ofl'ered for
sale in those provinces and settle them
with German tenants.
Rev. Takusa Harada of Japan Btated
in the International Congregational
Council at London that Congregational
ism in Japan, although the youngest
child of the church, had seventy-one
churches and 10;000 members.
Venezuela refuses to negotiate a treaty
of reciprocity with the United States,
claiming that there would be no com
pensating advantages under the terms
proposed by the United States.
The police of Berlin have demanded
the opinions of physicians on the sub
ject of prohibiting the wearing of long,
trailing dresses by ladies as outdoor cos
tumes on account of the dust thus caused
to rise, imperiling the health of the people.
A Krmiiiii. of the Condition of It. Hif
ftirriit Jlifi4rtitint4.
The wholesule trade inactive. A steady
demand from interior points for groceries
keeps the grocery trade in good condi
tion, and the fruit dealers are kept busy
by a strong local demand. There is a
good demand for peaches. The market
is well supplied with tropical fruit.
Blackberries are arriving more freely,
and remain stifl" at present figures. The
market is fairly well supplied with other
varieties of fruit ami with vegetables.
Country produce still arrives in small
lots, though receipts of eggs are some
what better. The wool market remains
about the same. No new features are
apparent in the wheat market, which
continues very inactive. Cables report
cargoes again rather easier and quiet.
Liverpool spot market closetl tinner and
futures higher.
I'rodure, Fruit, Ktr.
Wiikat Nominal; Walla Walla.fl.SO;
Valley, 1.40.
Fi.oi k Standard, t4.a"; Walla Walla,
$4.00 per barrel.
Oats Old, 50c; new, 43(944 per
Hay $15 't 10 er ton. kks Bran, $22(223; shorts,
nominal, $25i 20; ground barley, t 0"
32; chon feed, $25'2(i per ton; barley,
$1.20f 1 25 per cental.
dittkk Oregon fancy creamery.
30c ; fancy dairy, 27Hc ; fair to good, 20'4
(325c; common, 15(?20c; California, 221
(a 24c per pound.
Chkksk Oregon, 1212'c; Califor
nia, li'c per pound.
hoos Oregon, L0c per dozen.
Vol I.TKV old chickens, $0.00(5 6.50:
young chickens, $2.50(44.00; ducks, $4n$
0 ; geese, nominal, $8 per dozen ; turkeys,
l ie per pound.
Vkoktahi.ks Cabbage, $1.50 per
cental ; eaulifiower, $1 25 per dozen ;
Onions, l'c per pound; beets, $1.50 pr
sacK ; turnips, fl per sack; potatoes, 70
M80c per cental; new potatoes, 00c per
cental; tomatoes, $l(al.25 per box; as
paragus, Oregon, 10(I 15c per pound ; let
tuce, 12l..c jer dozen; green peas, 3w4c
per pound; string leans. 7.f 7 'oC per
pound ; rhubarb, 4c per pound ; arti
chokes, 40c per dozen; radishes, 10c per
dozen bunches; young onions, 10c per
dozen bunches; "cucumbers, $1.50 per
box; carrots, $1 per sack; corn, 15c per
Fki'itk River9ideoranges,$2.50(''"t3.50 ;
Sicily lemons, $ti.."0; California, $4.50(
5 per box; apples, $1.25 per box; ba
nana, $3.50(4 a bunch; pineapples, $5
( 0 per dozen ; cherries, 65 (ii 85c ier box ;
currants, SiuOc per pound; apri
cots, $1 per box; raspberries, $7(i9c per
pound ; peaches, 50c per box ; California
Crawford?, $1 ; blackberries, 8c per
pound; plums, $1 per box; watermel
ons, $4 per dozen; cantaloupes, $2m3
per dozen; grapes, $1.50 per crate;
pears, $2 per 1kx.
Ni ts California walnuts. ll'.' (2 12V2c;
hickory, 8'.-.c; Brazils, lOitillc; al
monds, lGrtlSc; filberts, 1314c; pine
nuts, 17(18c; pecans, 17(VU8e; cocoa
nuts, 8c; hazel, 8c; peanuts, 8c per
Staple (iroeerlen.
Coffee Costa Rica, 21.12c ; Rio, 23c;
Mocha, 30c; Java, 25l2c ;" Arbuckle's,
100-pound cases, 2(14C per pound.
Si'oar Golden C,45gc; extra C, 478c;
granulated, 578c ; cube crushed and pow
dered, 6J-4C; confectioners' A, 534c per
Beaxs Small white, 334'c ; pink, Zxi
(ii;ilec; bayos, 43ic; butter, 4VBc; limas,
434 (it 5c per pound.
Hoxky 18(5 20c per pound.
Salt Liverpool, $lti,$16.50(i 17 ; stock,
$11 per ton in carload lots.
Canned Goods Table fruits, $1.65,
2lss; peaches, $2.00; Bartlett pears,
$1.85 ; pluni8,$1.37 ; straw berries,$2.25 ;
cherries, $2.50(2.iJ0j blackberries, $1.90;
raspberries, $2.40; pineapples. $2.50(' 3;
apricots, 75c. Vegetables: Corn, $1.35(u'
1.05, according to quality; tomatoes,
$1.:0(?3.25; sugar peas, $1.25; string
beans, $1.10 per dozen. Vie fruit: As
sorted, $1.50; peaches, $1.65; plums,
$1.25; blackberries, $1 65 per dozen.
Fish : Sardines, 85ci?i 1.65 ; lobsters, $2.30
(23.50; oysters, $1.50(i?3.25 per dozen.
Salmon, standard No. 1, $1.25(al.50 per
case; No. 2, $2.55. Condensed milk:
Eagle brand, $8.10; Crown, $7; High
land, $6.75; Champion, $0; Monroe,
$6.75 per case.
Syki-I' Eastern, in barrels, 47 (355c;
half-barrels, 50(9 58c; in cases, 55(80t;
per gallon; $2.25(S2.50 per keg. Cali
fornia, in barrels, 40c per gallon ; $2.25
per keg.
Dkied Fkiits Italian prunes, lOVo
12c; Vetite and German, 10c per pound ;
raisins, $1.75(2.25 per box; plummer
dried pears, 10yt 11c; sun-dried and fac-.
tory plums, 11 (a 12c ; evaporated peaches,
18ei2Jc; Smyrna figs, 20c; California,
figs, 9c per pound.
Rice $5.25 per cental.
The Meat Market.
Beef Live, 3c; dressed, 5Gc.
Mutton Live, sheared,. 8(33l4C;
dressed, 7c. f'.
Hogs Live, 6c; dressed, 8(?9c.
Smoked Meats EaVterri 'ham, 23Z
13c; Oregon, 10fs12?c; breakfast ba
con, 1213c; other varieties, 8(3 11c per
Lard 91134C per pound.
Hides, Wool and, Hops.
Hides Dry hides, selecUd prime, 8'a
9c; J3' less for culls; green, selected,
over 55 pounds, 4c ; under 55 pounds, 3c ;
sheoti nelts. short, uvml StWRflo. me
dium, 6080c; long, 90c'$1.25; shear
lings, iu(iii-uc; tanow, gooa to choice, 3
(3ke per pound.
Wool Willamette Valley, 1719c;
Fliistern Oregon, 1016ic per pound,
according to conditions and shrinkage.
Hops Nominal; 20c per pound.
I'rof. John Stuart Blackie of Scotland
and I'rof. W. S. Tyler of Amherst Col
lege have been teaching Greek for more
than fifty years. And, what is more,
they are still pretty lively, though close
on 80. .