The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 18, 1891, Image 4

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    Qs ,,,,,,,,,
In tli hulf nli Trait in Sun Krii-
A new hardware concern him Just been
started under tbe nnuio of Miller, Sloss &
rVott, in fan l'raneieo, to do a jobbhijt
business onlv.
They liave'fecurcd tin1 four-story buiKl
inp, Nos. 1, 1 1 itiul lii l'ine street, formerly
occupied hv Messrs. J. Johnson K t'o.
The lmil1mt has ln-en completely lilted
up for thoir business, having three hydraulic
elevators to lacilitu'c t he handliiiir of goods,
two of which have been just constructed.
The linn was incoi poiated May l!', and
iscoinposeil ot Charles Yl. Miller. President :
A. Y. Mil!i:an, First Vice -President ; John
A. Scott, Second Vice I'residetit : Joseph
Moss, Secretary and l rcasurer. These of
lieers, with '. .. Scott and I.eon Sloss,
constitute the Hoard of IMrectors.
Charles K. Miller, the President, is a na
tive Calil'ornian and well known anions
hardware dealers on the Paeilie Coast
Startiii as an oiliee Ivy with Hooker. V;
Co.. he served them seven years, ami in
lUTti entered the servieo of lhiiiliam. Carri
can A; Co., in whose employ he continued
for a teYin of lifteen years, leaving there
last month to eiikiagc in the new enterprise
headed with his name.
A. V. Milliiran, the First Yiee-Presideut,
lias, until the corporation of Miller, Sloss
c Scott. leen connected with the Ihmhain,
Carniran .V Hayden Co."s New York branch,
in charge of their iron, steel ami pipe de
partment, lie represents the new concern
at 14. Broadway, New York, and nttends
to all its purchases and placing of orders
in the Kastern States.
John A. Scott and A. Lowndes Scott have
also been identified with the IHinham, Car
ripan A Hayden Co., and w ith their oppor
tunities have acquired a large acquaintance
unions the trade, both in the city and
throughout the Coast.
Joseph Sloss, the Secretary and Treasurer,
will have control of the oiliee and financial
department, bcini: specially tit ted for this
work through his experience of several
years in the Anglo-t'ahfoniian lank, L'd.
Messrs. Joseph and l.eon Sloss are sons
of Mr. Louis Sloss, whose name is know n
in all business circles in the West, as prom
inent in many of the leading industries and
the progress of that section' of the country.
X hey liave also secured the services of '.
A. Ki'ce. Y, A. Leonard and Carlton F.
Moulthrop, men thoroughly posted in the
business, having occupied responsible ami
leading positions w ith the Dunham, Carri
gan A lfayden Co.
It is proposed to carry a complete line of
shelf and heavy hardware, tools, mill and
mining supplies, engineers' and railroad
pnpplies, iron, steel, pipe, sheet iron, tit
tings, giobe and steam fittings; in fact,
everything that goes to make up a tirst
class assortment and stock in their line.
All the members of the linn are young,
enterprising and energetic, and will try for
a fair proportion of the hardware trade.
With their stock of new goods in. aided by
all the improvements in conducting the
business that their experience has suggested
to them, they are fully prepared to meet all
the requirements of intending purchasers
wuo would do well to give them a call.
Riches have ttinirs. What they need, accord'
lug to the average man's Men. is it tail that will
steer them tils way.
Kill mnre people than is generally known. Par
ticularly is tins the ease in iuataiiees where the
eimsiiiuiiim is aeneaie, mm aiming our immi
grant populatlmi s-oekiiig new homes in those
portions oi the W est, and where malarial and
typhoid fevers prevail Ml certain seasons of the
year, lne best pnarative lor a nange ot cli
mate, or of diet and water w hieh that change ne
cessitates, is Hoste'.ter's Momarli Hitters, hieh
not only fortifies the f. stem against miliaria, a
vanahle teiiiieratiire,danii,and the dehllitatinu
ettVcUs of tropical heat, but is also the leading
rvuiedy foi constipation, dysispsia, liver com
plaint, DiHliiy iriitiiiie sK.-iialiy apt to ultacK
emigrants and visitors to regions near the equa
tor, mariners and tourists. Whether used as a
safeguard by sea voyagers, travelers by land,
miners, or of agriculturists in newly pipulated
districts, this tine sjiecilic has elicited the most
favorable testimony.
"Mules are contrary things," said the driver.
"Very true," said W'agg. "For instance, they
are always putting their best feel backward.
James Robinson, the athletic trainer at
Princeton College, Princeton, X. J., says:
" I have found it imperative to have sure
and simple remedies on hand in case of
cuts, bruises, strains, sprains, colds, rheu
matism, etc. Shortly after entering upon
liiy-profession I discovered such a remedy
in Allcock's Pokous Plasters. I tried
other plasters, but found them too harsh
and irritating. Allcock's Pokous Plas
ters give almost instantaneous relief, and
their strengthening power is remarkable.
In cases of weak buck put two plasters on
the small of the back and in a short time
you will be capable of quite severe exer
cise. In ' sprint,' and ' distance ' races and
jumping, the muscles or tendons in the legs
and feet sometimes weaken. This can in
Tariably he relieved by cutting the plaster
in narrow strips, so as to give free motion,
and applying on muscles affected."
A man's idea of being good to a woman Is to
(five her opportunities to he good to him.
We are not afraid you would not pay, but some
body would certainly neglect or refuse, and we
would lose dollars aud dollars; and then yoiiand
others w ho d,id pay would have to make it up, or
we vould be driven out of business. We. prefer
to Bell for cash at even 2 or 3 per cent, net jirotit.
We have one line of Shirting and Apron Ging
hams, good widt i and fair quality, at t;W cent
iieryard; on this you nave about one-half. We
lave the best line of Domestic Dry Goods in town
for family use, and all rrry, Indeed.
Send for our July list, how ready. It will be
sent free to all inquirers. Hhoes, Dry Goods, No
tions, Wearing Apparel, Canned Goods, Dried
.Fruit, Tinware, Hardware, Crockery, Glassware,
Provisions, Groceries everything you want,
quoted at lowest cash prices.
Consignments received. Address
410 a 418 Front St, San Franclifo. Cal.
We want the name and ad
Hressof everv sufferer in the
&AOTUHIA U.S. and Canada. Address,
MO I nilin P. H-rold HajM, M.D., Buff-lo, H.T.
STEINWAY, Gabltr ind Peisi Hanoi
Meaning the Best Piano Madk, and the favorite
cneaper rianos; ail Mimical lustrum en w; nanas sup
plied; lar(?e stock of Sheet Music. Btkjnway Hall
3(4 and 208 Poet Street; Maituiab Gray Oo. Cal
and see our new rooms and new stock.
Old Gold and Silver Bought; send your old Gold
and Silver by mail tc the old and reliable houae of A
Coleman, 41 Third street, Sau Francisco; I will Bend by
return mail the cash, accreting to assay; if the amount
is not satisfactory, will return gold.
jCu res al 1 u n nat u ral d i sen argos of men ,
no mailer ur now lung siaimirifr. rre
vnt stricture, it bwug an interna!
re rued v. I'ure.s when everything else
hafaild. Price. 3.00. Circularon
application. Hold by Druggists or Dent
on receipt of price by The A. Schoeu-
neii MKnmie uo , an johp, i;ai.
J. McCRAtlEN & CO.,
Roche Harbor Lime, Portland Cement, Gol
den Gate and Utah Plaster, Hair, Fire Brick
nd Fire Clay. LAND PLASTER.
60 North Front Street, Cor. D,
General and KEK-vOUS DBILIXY
JWeaEaeasoi Body and Mind, taeotl
of ErrorsorEicesaMinOldorTounir.
Itubuil, tiulle JUSHOOD fnllj Wli-ri l. II.,. 0 tnlirt. mmi
ibwlul.lT D.ifl!!ng HOB TBKTnEM-lnau I. itf
He. unify from lu 8mn f"lir iMulrlrt. Writ. tbtm.
BMrlDtle Book, fiT.l.mlkn and. proof, m.lld (lfsll) tr
Port wm mm
l'Mt la Inilla. '
A HiiuliM will make ensto an excuse
for anything, niul Anlo-liulian law w ill
luck liim ti in hi villainy If in pass
in; ihrousli it crowJcil Utsir your cloth
iii kIuhiKI hnish against tt heap of Kr:uu
cxpsoJ on the grounil. as o cry tiling is
here, niul il this grain nuwhunl shotil.l
claim that this urain was wt npatl for
native IvhI. if this honest native chooses
to make you (my thai heap of grain at
his own belling price, he ha the law on
his side, nml the juilgo also, if, ns is so
often the ease, the Ihi a IlimliH)
You may wish to keep house in a tinni
est sort of a way, aiul you may w ish to
have as few servants nhout the house as
possible. In America one servant, or
two at most, would U ample, hut here
on the same scale of living ou mii!l
beep a dozen at least. Your hhistle will
carry water and nothing else, such is
(lie rule of his caste. Your khansanu
will cook your fiHnl that K the small
pitrtion of it that he does not steal, hut
will not wail on table; for this you must
have your khidinuggar Your syce vill
drive, but will not clean or harness, your
horse, for this you must py aiu'ther
man You must have the big dvKirs all
around the house wide open these hot
ni;;hts or you cannot breathe, nnd so you
must have a chokidar (watchman), w ho
is generally a litijerati, a well known
caste of acknowledged thieves.
The native police, as you would ex
poet, are the worst thieves in the coun
try Not one of your baker's doen of
servants has one gixnl, honest half hour's
work in the whole twenty-four hours
but not one of them will lift a linger to
do anything which he dxs not consider
his work, and, as you will see, this is a
matter w hich he has entirely in his own
hands For all of which the excuse is
that caste rules will not allow iliem to
do any other kind of work; and although
you may know very well that this is an
absurd lie, invented only for your annoy
ance and robbery, jet, what are you go
ing to do ubout it? N
Every man of them steals like a pick
pocket, and every man of thtpi will lie
in a way which no white man, no flut
ter how talented he may be, oan ever
hope to imitate. You may be annoyed
beyond all endurance; the inconvenience
and loss of time and money may be most
serious; but yet, if you let vour angrv
passions rise and get the better of your
judgment, and proceed to kick one of
these fellows off the premises, you will
probably pay a fine of 100 rupees, and
then they will boycott you in a way
which no trades union ever dared to do
ypt Again, Anglo-Indian law is on the
side of the native. Cor. Minneapolis
Kconomy In Swell I'lrrlrs.
"Scrimping" is the art of being economical
without looking the picture of poverty,
Ever since ex-Judge John Fitch, in an ex
tended interview, gave his pessimistic views
in regard to the scrimping tendency of the
times the word has become very common
among the politicians and young uristocratie
swells who frequently haven't thj money to
swell it on the scale they desire. They sim
ply say they are 'scrimping," and that
means hard pan economy, last season's
Clothes saved over, cheap cigars in fct,
cheap everything. Judge Fitch, in his pol
ished and elegant style, stated that scrimp
ing was invading many of the most aristo
cratic mansions of the city. Some years ago,
he asserted, a reception meant a sumptuous
spread and plenty of champagne. Now a
phantom lunch was offered consisting of a
thimble cup of bouillon too hot to drink, and
a diaphanous slice of baker's bread. The
judge is one of the best informed scholars
about town, and always meets with a hearty
welcome from his hosts of friends. N'ew
York Fress "Every Day Talk."
Kelic of M.iry Stuart.
Julian Hawthorne has a valuable collec
tion of relics, many of which have descended
to him from his father. Among them is the
little old oak table upon which Mary Stuart
wrote her last letter, on the morning of her
execution. "ew York Evening World.
For catarrhal and throat disorders
"Brotvn'i Bronchial Troches" are renowned
and marvelously effective, giving imme
diate relief.
It is peculiar that the faster a mini is the
sooner age will overtake him.
Use Ensmeliue Stove Polish ; no dust, no smell.
Tey Gesmea for breakfast.
Copyright, 1890.
Fashion's favorite
fad, centers in that famous, fascina
ting game lawn tennis.
But there are women who cannot
engage in any pastime. They are
delicate, feeble and easily exhausted.
They are sufferers from weaknesses
and disorders peculiar to females,
which are accompanied by sallow
complexions, expressionless eyes and
haggard looks.
For overworked, " worn - out,"
" run - down," debilitated teachers,
milliners, dressmakers, seamstresses,
" shop-girls, housekeepers, nursing
mothers, and feeble women gen
erally, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription is the greatest earthly
boon, being unequaled as an appe
tizing cordial and restorative tonic.
It's the only medicine for women,
sold by druggists, under a positive
guarantee trom the makers, ot sat
isfaction in every case, or money re
funded. This guarantee has been
faithfully carried out for years.
N. P. N. U. No. 396-S. F. N. U. No. 473 J
A I'ikIiIi'Iii of Viiot Import urn- - How
Mull il,n nil Wlhl Initio I'rt'uvrvvil
tlin I'lulio, nml lluw uplilllT I oiti'i
thi'lr !! nit Urn An r'mmple.
"I have sivn several statements in the
newspaivrx, and hue hoard it mentioned
ith nival apprehension by many pivplo in
the east, that, owing to the overstocking of
the cattle ranges in the mM, the pasturage
has Ikvii dcstiovod to such an extent that it
is only a ipiosiiou of a short tune when stock
raising inu-t lc really eui lailisl and a incut
famine ensue," said John 11. Sullivan, a gen
uine ranchman, mid a man of groat intelli
gence and kiH-n obsorwilioii. As Hioium
John, his inline on the plains, he Is well know n
throughout the country its tt lecturer and
writer on matters nirvtiug the interests of
stock raisers and their employe.
"That the natural pasmrago of the great
cattle ranges has U-on greatly injured and
reduced iu aiva there can In' no doubt," con
tinued Mr. Sullivan, "but it is not due to
overstocking, but to tin injudicious and
ignorant steni of feeding Why, I can re
nieiulHT lien the plains east of tlie lovky
mountains, extending north through Now
Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming ami Montana,
swarmed with bulTalo, elk, divr and ante
lope, and enormous droves of wild horses and
herds oi wild cattle covered the great coun
try south of the Kopulilieau river. They
have all Uvu driven away, and their fulling
plsii-s given to the ranchman and his Mock,
but the latter do not approach in iuiiiiUts
the original occupants of this country, who
found fiHki supply in great abundance for all
tlioir tremendous insils. More than that,
one bullalo would eat, and required, more
than tw ice as much grass for its supHrl as
docs a common sttvr or cow. A buiralo's
daily ration is on the average ImO pounds of
grass; a stivr's or cow's, list pounds. The
elk anil the antelope were also lnr;;e eon
sinners of grass, but the deer was a more
delicate fivder. When these liunitierlcsa
bulfaliies, elk, initclot, deer, wild horses
and cattle roamed over the Mull's mid plains
thole was not only always ti surplus of the
choicest wild grass for their sustenance, but
it grew in MKviilctil luxuriamv, reaching n
height of from three to six feet. This won
derfttl buffalo grass covered immense areas,
tin I its nutri.ive bunches -which give it the
other name of bunch gross reached a height
of wgt inches.
"What was the cause of tins marvelous
prevalence of luxuriant pasturage, although
there were thousands upon thousands more
mom lis, and much more ravenous ones, to
feed thau there nr now, whilo the same
ranges now show scant, scattered and stunted
growths of grass The cause was nature.
Nature's laws nihil and w ere obeyed through
the wonderful instinct, reason or whatever it
might have tioen of the w lid i --atures that
depended on nature's Uuiety for tlioir suste
nance. Buffalo grass and wild prairie grass
are like wheat and corn. They will not
grow from their roots like cultivated grosses,
but must rise from the seed. Nature planted
a knowledge of this fact somew here within
the wild animals that once fed on the ranges,
and, if feeding on biiir.ilo grass, which grows
in bunches like onion tops, they a to only
every other bunch as they grazed, and left
ample patches of the prairie grass standing'
as they ale their way along over the plains.
This was for tiie smling- of the ranges for the
succeeding crop, ami nature never failed to
reward this blind oU'dienoe to her laws.
"The successors to these aboriginal grazers
would, if left to themselves, render the sumo
olieiiienee, but the ignorance or short sight
ednossof the cattle raisers has put their owu
behest nlxrve the law of natural selection,
and the cattle are forced to feed on a range
until every bunch ail spear of grass are
gone. There is no sed left to replenish the
w listed un a, and the herds are moved on to
despoil other ten iiory. Then the cry goes
out trom the ranges that the rush to raise
cattle is overstotking the country and de
stroying the pasturage! The fact is there
are not half as many cattle on the ranges as
the capacity of the grazing country can sus
tain. There Is territory enough und area
for grass enough to sustain millions more
cattle than are being raised today. This cry
of overstocking comes from the syndicate of
great cattle kings. The policy of these mill
ionaire stock raisers and grabliers of untold
thousands of acres of the country's area is
to discourage the small growers and keep
them out of the region, or acquire possession
of their ranches.
"If homesteaders and Biuall, independent
ranchmen are wise they will not be discour
aged by the monopoly cry of overstocking.
They can easily keep their ranges seeded and
always ample in pasturage by simple means,
prompted by good judgment. Buffalo Bill
has a range south of the North Platte river,
and a large portion of it along the river is
always in unusually line grass, although it is
pastured as much as the rest of the range.
The reason of this is that opposite that pint
of the range there is a a island in the river on
which wild grass grows and i3 never dis
turbed, more because of its isolation, how
ever, than of a desire to foster it, or the ben
efit derived from it. This grass goes to seed,
and the wind carries the seed to the pasture
along the river, and keeps it constantly
seeded down ami always in good crop. Now
if Mr. Cody would simply set off a small
strip, say not more than forty feet wide, of
his range along the river by fencing it away
from his cattle, the winter winds and snows
would carry the seeds from it all over his
range and keep it always in good crop. The
same can be done w ith ease and little exense
by every homesteader and ranchman. A
very small portion of each range reserved in
that way will seed effectually all the rest of
the past ure.
"What is true in these cases is also true of
the great cattle king ranges. It is a well
known fact that cattle and horses, w hen they
can feed on bunch grass, survive the assaults
of the severest winters to a remarkable per
centage beyond stock fed on corn and 'tame'
hay, no matter how pleuty the fuod may be,
and it would seem that not only considera
tions of economy, but of mercy, would
prompt the preservation of this incomparable
"By all of this I mean that pasturage is re
duced, beyond doubt, on the cattlo ranges,
but thut it is riot due to over stocking, lor
the same ranges have fed ten times as many
animals, year iu and year out, for nobody
knows how many centuries. Greedy monopo
lists in the cattlo business and their inju
dicious pasturing are IhecauHcs of the spread
ing grass failure. A little good judgment on
the part of stock raisers, and the marking off
of an insignificant portion of their ranges
from pasturage, will soon replenish the bar
reu acres and keep them in full and nutritious
grass. They have only to reinstate nature
in her domain and obey her laws, aud all will
be well." New ov: iiuu.
llrs. Kouthworth has had all the gold pent
with which sha vrrota her stories made iuto
two rings, one for her sou and one for her
I1K MIKI-: YOl' t'ONSl'l.T . I'll V HI I I A M
Consult common sense, and If you nuiku
an attempt to think oliee, I hi) process will
be less paitil'ul the next time you try. It
will lead you to the Irresistible conclusion
that lhiiiis aud institutions und professions
are not necessarily good because established
in Ihe remote pas). They did not know
everything in I hose dnvs. 'They are monu
ments of ignorance with their laces turned
to the pasl and their bucks to the lilt tiro.
You cannot stay the bauds of time, lie
w ho hesitates o' advance w ilh the world's
I hoc. less in thouiiht and action is hopeless
ly h it behind. loctois lonu no exception
to the rule; the old schools of medicine
hcloin; to tin- dead, buried past ; all hope is
centered in the new llistogenolic System of
SrvTri.K. .tunc 'J7, isnl.
My ami her was taken with In grippe last
spring in its most violent form, winch rap
idly developed into coiisiiiiiiilion. ,sm had
a most lernble cough, raised pus constant
ly, and we despaired of her recovery. Wo
sent for in v brother in I'aliloi iiia, as'we did
not know how long she might live. When
we roiiliod her condition we soul tor I'r.
.lordan, and at once began giving her his
prescription. In two weeks she was out of
nod, greatly to the surprise of every one
w ho was aeiiiainleil w ith the case, In two
months she is belter than she has boon in
two years. This and other experiences
with the llislogcuctic Medicine convinces
us that it is the only medicine to use. Any
one w istiing to know more ol this ease may
impiirc of M lis. I.. Ti ck,
Tl;l Sillier Street.
Noiiiii Hksii, WaMi., Juno 1.', Is'.U.
i.,. Kitfiri,,- .iinoii.ViiMV, HiuA. IKVM
Snt; I am happy to say that I wo
weeks' use of your medicines has done me
so much good that I am going to start out
prospecting to-morrow. The nam in my
eyes has almost entirely vanished. Yours
truly, IlKitioair (i, I'ow khs.
lr. Jo'dan's oiliee is at the residence of
ex- Mayor Yeslor, Third and .lames,
Consultations and presci iptionsahsoluto
ly.rr. Send for free book explaining the llisto
genclic system.
'action, The llistogenetic Medicines
are sold in but one ai:ency in each town.
I he label around the bottle bears the fnl
lowim; inscription : " ir. .1. Kiigeuu Jor
dan. Uistogeiietic Medicine," Kvery other
device is a fraud.
bid S"t l ose, she So you loved and lost, did
)iiau lie o; idle relumed nil my preseuli.
Pobbins' Klectric Soap has been made for
'.'I years, l-iach year's sales have increased.
I u I sal. s were 'J,O17,iiJ0 four. Superior
uiialil v. and absolute uniformity and pu
ritv, made this possible. lo yon use it?
Try it. '
Kveiy mini thinks licwoiild ho proH'rly tipi'ro
oiiitod il Ids wlic knew some other men lie
knows of.
Itl'l'Tl ltK AMI IMI.KS CI It K I).
We jHwItlvely cure rupture m1 11 rectal 4U
uuhm without pnln or ileteut loa from tiiialues".
So cure, no psv; suit no pay tint i 1 cured. Ail
Inws for pamphlet l)r. Portorflclil A honey, lUs
Market atrcot. San Kranrlsoo.
A Ture Cream of Tartar Powder.
Superior to every other known.
Used iu Millions, of Homes
40 Years the Standard.
Delicious Cake and 1'a.stry, Light I'laky
Biscuit, Griddle Cakes, Palatable
and Wholesome.
No other baking powder does such work
Perhaps you do not believe these
statements concerning Green's Au
gust Flower. Well, we can't make
you. We can't force conviction in
to your head or med
Doubting icine into your
throat. We don't
Thomas. want to. The money
is yours, and the
misery is yours; and until you are
willing to believe, and spend the one
for the relief of the other, they will
stay so. John H. Foster, 11 22
Brown Street, Philadelphia, says:
" My wife is a little Scotch woman,
thirty years of age and of a naturally
delicate disposition. For five or six
years past she has been suffering
from Dyspepsia. She
Vomit became so bad at last
that she could not sit
Every Meal, down to a meal but
she had to vomit it
as soon as she had eaten it. Two
bottles of your August Flower have
cured her, after many doctors failed.
She can now eat anything, and enjoy
it; and as for Dyspepsia, she does not
know that she ever had it."
This Trad
Mark Is cn
The Best
Send for ll!Mtrat-il ffrwlogiie, Prr; A.J'fnvtT, Boiton.
00 for $20.
Eqt.'Ai. to ANV 11(H) Machink for spopd, clean
Impression, sTfeet iillitninent mid manifolding,
liinihle wise (ei. pi tul und small letters), 7
dill'ereut ehnriiclcrs fJO 00
hiiifrle ease , 15 00
Send for cutiilogue.
Bole Aiient Pacific Coast, 421 Montgomery strcot
Kim Kraueikco.
HO W Til IK?
MtfollhrOuv Iliiiuhnt bnlliun' rovwinl for miy
oiiseof cMliiirh Hint eiilinot ho eiiivd hv tiiMiiK
Hull' t 11 1 iit ill t'uru.
V. J. t'lllsNKY is CO., I'nim., Toledo, I).
VVo, the iitidcrKluiiod, Inivo known f. ,1 Cheney
for the hiNl l.i Venn, mid believe lit 111 porioi tly
lionoriiMv III nil IhkIiiihk IiiiiiniioiIoiiii nml lllmli
eliillv utile to eiirrv out iiiiv nlilii'iiiloim inulo liv
llieir Itiui. Ur ,V l ltl'AX, '
holomilo IMiikuIsIi., lolodo. il,
WIloll'Klllo lHll)tllMt, lolodo, II.
lliiH i Ciiliiiih Cure Ik liikoil tiitoiiuilly, iiollim
dlroolly iimii Ihe Mood nml iiiiuiiiih kiii lmv oi
Ihe Hymoin, ToMlinnnliiW M'lil Iioo. I'i tee, V ie
k t holllo, Ndd hy nil l'iui;ll
Sninolliiioa u lieu H iiiiiii li) pill oil II 1m inolllo
the liiiilorlnl Ik Ihii,h
I'oHri.AMit Now H am a Hotki.. - Acting on
the utiKentloii of the Diriniii'int of the
prONMlun need of a linl rliiii, liioiloialo
jirieed liolel, Mohhin. I'line A' Uail.lhu en
jirtMHK proprietor of the new INnioiid
llotel, have triiiihloi'iiied their really ele
Kinit bonne into 11 hotel eoiidiieted oil the
Amerieiin plan ill Hie rule of mid JJ. iO
ier day or Ihiropeaii plan at M rents to
I. oil, Special lllteulioil will be 1111I1I to
tit 111 i I it'M. The new I'.Hinoud In not
behind any utriotly llmt-rhiNU hotel 011 the
- ,
ho yoll Unlit o mill your lillnllli-iiH, or do loll
rt nut 11 pin luer w Ilh money, or do you moil 11
I'lerk '.' Utile W fcnlMlN llt'MNK.- AilKMl, Mill
Iiiomi1Is. .Minn.
Mnti'llvNr HolKI., Third and I) nlroelM,
I'ortlaml, Or. Cimt-rliixi iieeoiiituodiitioiiK.
Kiilex, $1 to$l.,'iOpordiiy. Jiieob IIiikk, prop.
Both tha method nnd rosnlta wlicn
Syrup of Figs jg taken; it is jnVnuant
nnd refrcwhing to tlio tiuito, and icU
gently yet promptly on thrt Kidney,
Liver a'ld Uowels, cleanses tlio uys
loin cficctualiy, (1'ihjm'U colds, head
idles and lovers and cure lialiitu.l
eonstipation pernuttiently. For wilo
in 60c and bottles by all tlrujgwU
louisvilu. nr. hew roHK. H.r.
Don't cheat yourself!
out of a soorl Hmokfi bv !
0 J ;
1. i - M 4 1 . . i j
tarn Jig a puui' xiui kauuii
for the genuine Seal of
North Carolina Plug
Cut Tobacco. IIO I I I,. Iliwh Nt , tmt. Mont
Kuinvrjr Humoiue, H K ; ciniiliict.l i,u both tin
KurniwKii .ml Auinrlrwi pi... 'I his In umli-r
Die uiaii.'iiitmt ( l'lirlin MmitKi'Hivnr ml In th
b-at F.itiii; mid IIiihIiumh Miiii'i llutol In Hun Knia
olnoii. ll'iniM oiiiifurU, cutiiiiKt inioinlll, tlintolaw
wirTlcv, tilulii-Nt itikuilaril uf n-HiiM-tithlllty niurttiiUM-il
llioril .ml rnuiii ir il.y, $l.2fi to H'J UU; uliiiflu riKiin, III
o-ntH to 1.00 Lwr ulylit. Pro. ixmch to wid from tlir
Mf Kill
This Picture, Panel slzj, mallod for 4 cents.
J. F. SMITH & CO.,
Makers of " Bile Beans,"
i '.S 257 fire,inwlch St.. N. Y. City.
Premier Bicsrcles.
Fire Arms and Sporting Goods, .
pLSO'.S REMEDY FOR CATARlill.-licst. KaaU
x est to uhc Cheapest. Relief is immediate. A
cure is certain. For Colli in tlio 1 lend it linn no ennnl.
It is an Ointment, of which a small particle in applied
to the nostrils. Price fiOe. Hold by druRgiHts or sent by
mail. Address: E. T. IIazki.tink, Warren, I'a.
Buy Your Own Goods if Your
- -' "inif lalKjn-C-i '
of Caru. in PortUnd. DeJS, VriK tor , pri Txl SWSr0'
I T. WRIGHT, Foot of Morrison Street, PORTLAND, OR.
Curoa Aloorf
All Aches.
Clus. A. Ve rier Co.,
llullliuiiro, Mil,
'1 1 'i
; ;ii;ii '"wiiiiii!
;! uumm!tnmni j! r
,!':Huni miliiU
KIiiIiIiih Tm-klo. Kl -. Iln-nl Vmlrtv, Low ITI. . n
111,1 1 1 1 nk i'ii In 1 rnt. H.-iiil tor Ciiinl.ik-iiii. lil-.a.
U , HllIlM K, a'jjt Hmriiv i I- mini u
ttir tllltl UMMlf V til I "t t'lttlliUMl llHMIM'M
1 lil A.l.ilih.u. Into, 'iyini I'H'i i J,-,iM.i rii'li
I'llltll" W lot iltftill' (l fllli.llll tllin HliM Itt Hilt
ttiil miii iM'-m ini'l Uiim ii u'li iui Unit' h tlu r
III fin' nl ri-li.f U f nlli T l' It'll (I'M' ltH'1 Itf
IIh' II ttw I Ihm in fulfill' nl Kill -tttiiru 'ihnii:liti
run nf , II Millr wi'l I'm! la 1 nl. i'i in Iimiii 1 lit' liy
mil, Uih-i- tlJiit u ittillx ; flii In "MJ.i m 1 m it, tt
uw v ,'lo it ' ! ti' I'll iu in iti I'm 1 Aiiiii lrn, Wtuh.;
f At mi tii'it Ht-iitt fm iur Ihiili'titi Nit. I.
'iiiiMlt- IH'.O.
Arum . rMitnitm v mih! I'i I Hint y
'i'tiuitni-i!i Hie it-Mular ruiiiwii, In.
rlinliiik! U11 rmmm u lttl tit I ho iritiin li
I tt Ul I Itll'Ht , 1 Ui 1 1 ill lit- hot tun it, tint,
hi I h I .Nit ('Mil Ihi t (itlitiHIi il lloloi W ilh
i-milliloiti ' ; piilMiiis himI (tupiU Mtrmiiili
nut lln Nnrlhttt'M -iir.1 ;i it .ii In r, '.'H
t-mlitit, I? i ittliuiit 1 lit -it i'ir. h mil ii-i'tit li
iiti n 1 ptfiihi mitiiurfi'iiM'iil Mill !,'
tfln)iil. I i.ltil- I'nt i'iiIuIoim himI ntlif
Iiifm innlimi U Ithri J W. tl I I I.. M. 1 4.
rn l'.il. V. (I. lU.tvt. t IT, I'DrtlitiMl, Or.
v 1 1 1:
F.Trt Jt Vhirkrn Iff IHIIrr.
Ak Jrmir ilili-r fur It, nr nil I r l'i I'ln-ular t-
l'etaluma Innil'atnr Co., lt talum.i. CL
Best in the World!
Get the Genuine!
Sold Everywhere!
I WANTED Tin-.Hn-i.M-,.llmiMliT. who
' Rri niroc tdrt n Ii-k iiiiniu r of
I OULUILK3 ..rim limn I At tml lln.l
1 unmroTrino i'r,,"i niin)ii' 'iwuntjuuo
I nUmtoltflUOX', 1174. W. K. MilMKH. I'. U.
Mix Vii.1. Ii.-nv.-r. Coin. Mi'lillnii tlila imiwr.
; , 1 , , v.
1 Tt!ff(31ntharknnwl'1fl
li-it.ling rfiiiirily lor nil Ilia
lnuilnrl iliw-liiiriii aoj
)rlvntitiiirNfiiif men. A
rriain c-ur lur Hit ili-hlll-Ulln(
kunM iacullr
In Hnini-n,
I itn-M-rilialtand fMl mite
I TMlbiHlCximi'iirn In rt-f-iimtiiniiillug 11 M
rvi . Biuni n, w u
rld IiuM ! lruitUI,
rtl 1-ltlCK ei.oo.
COR ONK DOI.I.A K wilt im t.y nml), w will do
1 IIvit, fri'O of nil rliri?c, to nv M-riii In the
llnltiid MHto, nil Ihe oltowlUK urtlrli-n rumfully
imcki-d 111 iwl Imh;:
iiiiii twiioiiin ii iHitilo of 1'iiro Vmiliiio...lfl rtn.
1)110 tHII-OlllH'O llOltlll Vlll-!ll l'OlllHilll..,lft "
)iii) Jiirof VBi'lln OKI ( ri-iim... Vi "
luucMlicof Vnh.-11ih I'Hriipliiir lri 10 "
One culm of VhukIIiic Amp, iiimrvnlvil. ...10 "
Dim 'Hk of VnwlliiurioHp, M-nutml IS "
One two-ouiico bottle of Whlto Vnwlluo.tfi "
nr fur Uiin uiy uluulu .rtluln .t the nrlm nuiml
If jrnii hum imiu-imi tn iim Vui-lina In .y frin Im
o.ri-fiil Ui .cx-jit niily Kimiilnti iihmU put up liy in In
iillirlnnl iukKi, A liri ttt iMilliy ilrtiKuUtil urn tryliiK to
iHilnilwlu liuyuni U tuk.i VAHIif.INK put up liy tin-in.
KuviT yli'M tu mrli purflli.Mliiu, ui li.o .rtlrlr U 411 linl
tutliin wlili, ml mlu,- .ml will u,,t jtli- y,,u the niilt y,m
impi-ct A luittlii of lllue Htutl V iwu lino 11 iod liy 1
dniKKliUi ftt 10 ewlil.
Chesebrouiih MTg Co.,2 State St.,Hev York.
CURE Biliousness.
Dealer Does Not Garry Them.
Best and Cheapest in the World.
Carts, $15 Up. Wagons, $53 Up.
iWffllfil It
in in
M- M ii.ut.iM4 ai M U