The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 18, 1891, Image 2

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    '5ood livcr (Slacier.
Jiooniuvr.n, on., jtly, is, ism.
77fc 'A . A MA A A A M VI A7M
Every utlinlnlstrntion has ItsKoninlal,
for bail moil m ill sometimes get prom
inent olllee. It is nelilom however
that a JeahiiK't ofllcvr, no uiietiously
pious Hi John Wauuaniakcr, is the
nubjwt. On the St h of June Wanna
maker npiH-ared Kfoiv the committee
that is investijiutinp: the ntlaira of the
i-ollap-HtHl Keystone bank of Philadel
phia, und ivad a loiijr ftatemant of
which the following Is a part:
" As to my relation with the Key
ftone bank 1 have been a depositor
only; never was an incorporator, oUlccr
or director. I never owned a share of
thesto". I held until lvecntly
hiiuivs a collateral. "
As t lie ivsult of a careful examina
tion of the iHHiks since Mr. Wanna
makcr declared his relations with the
bank those of a depositor onlv, it has
- t,-
"'' ,
l his
Urn discovered that besides the
nv liit-li ho Hdinits liuviiij; held as
Literal, L'.lii") shares were issued iu his
naiue. Despite his sworn statement
l Hat he was not a stockholder, the
IxKiks show that he was. The stubs of
Ha sicks contain his signature, and
lut ct'iiunitteo lias proof that he dejHw
iieU nearly all the stock with brokers,
j. win & lXiuuld, for the purpose of
i .iMiig money on it. The develop-
i. ieiiisare anything but coniplimcnt
..y i the xstniaster general. They
ii. Hieaeh his veracity, and otherwise
j .vscni him in a very unfavorable
l.kilu. It is impossible to reconcile his
noru statement to the committer
wit n what the committee has since
learned; and it seems probable that to!
fcvuiu i scandal President Harrison
vili he compelled to let his Philadel
,uiu cabinet minister go.
Cuptain I-evi Chrisinan of C Co., 3rd
Kegt. O. N. J. over His own ofticial
Bigtiature in the Cirouivc says that
the members of his company ure indig- at what they consider a slander of!
their good name, the slander being the
staUiueiit in tihs paper that a majority
of C Company got drunk; and adda
that, " they object to the ssatemcnt
that they were drunk on the encamp
nieat grounds, or any where else. "
Naturuily lieing clever young gentle
men they wouid object to this state
ment but it is nevertheless true. We
do oot mean to say that the members
of C Company, or any of them are
drunkards, but the majority of C Com
pany got too much champagne at the
encampment just the same. The re
port is that the captain himself was
miniated and was inclined to color
everything of a deep incarnadine hue,
until prodded iu his intellect with a
bayonet, and that then and only then
his voice was Mill for war. We have
the greatest respect for the individual
members of C Company, but collect
ively the boys were yes they were.
White Salmon.
Mr R, D. Cameron of White Salmon
wus here Wednesday for the first time
in months. He is making extensive
improvements in the shape of irriga
ting ditches and dams, on his upper
place twenty miles back from the Col
umbia, and will sow a large area with
alfalfa. White Salmon is coming to
the front rapidly, and will lie greatly
benefitted by th advent of the new op
position steamer. The Union Pacific
management left that entire region
without means of communication for
nearly six months. The Regulator
v. ill render good service, and will make
the Company's boat less timid about
the ice. With a railroad down the
north bank,' or even with a good boat
line, that can be depended on, White
Salmon will settle up rapidiy. It is a
splendid fruit country, has unlimited
quantities of timber, magnificent wa
ter power, and already boasts some of
the rinest dairies in the state. Mr.
Cameron tells us his mill is not run
ning this spring, but with a railroad it,
and many other mills would find em
ployment. This is only a matter of
time, and we believe, of a very short
l l-olnl
" I
lhere was a ouarrel over in Gammas !
Prail ie one day last week that Will j
probably result in the death of one of I
the participants.
w. j !,.,,,, ), i
uiumiwiT nic
particulars, but it seems that Ladicus.
and Wellinghrook, two citizens of that
neighborhood, had been having some
trouble with a neighbor named Trough.
They went togi-ther to the latters house
on account of some trouble between
their children, and Trough ordered
Ihem offhis place. Ladigus attacked
Trough when the latter struck him and
he ran away. Wellingbrook and
Trough then got in a row when the
former caught up an ax and struck
Wellingbrook a blow on the head,
breaking his skull. Wellingbrook was
unconscious two days after the affair
ami it is probable that he is dead before
The agents of the Union Pacific sys
tem are provided with railroad and
steamship tickets to all points east, as
well us to and from foreign ports.
The Coming Line.
The Chicago, Union Pacific & North
Western Line oilers the best accomm
dntions to the traveling public enroute
to Chicago. Through trains, fast time,
magnificent sleeping cam, elegant
fhni ig care, colonist sleepers, reclining
chair cars and handsome day coaches.
A span of work horses, one four
yenrs old, the other nine years. Will
wfitrh 2W0 pounds, and are true and
sound. Call at this office.
Installation of OWeofs.
Last Satimlay evening. Deputy
lininil Chnnivtlo', K. J. Thomas, In
stalled the oftleers of YVaucoma Lmlnv
i K. of 1. at their hall here as follows:
il L. (illbert, C. ('.; J. II. rrndleUiugh
V. C; II. I.. Cumin, M. of A.; John
Mekelsen, t). u.; ami was htmseir m
stalltHl as M. of F The Prelate ami
I. W. failed to present themselves. The
following inemlx'M of Friendship
of The Dalles, were present: W. H.
Wilson, D. L. Cates, . lUrgfeldt, 1
Uordan, U, Whyer, M. lllasen, C. 1..
Phillip!, and J. H. Larson. A very
pleasant evening followed until near 11
o'clock, when alt adjourned to Mrs.
Ham's restaurant, where a nice lunch
was served. Most of the visitors left
bv the midnight train for home, trit
Me. Cates, Wilson, and . Phillips.
.-.I. -. I. . - - ...I. 1. A 1
Will make the season at Hood Kiverat
Parker's stable, Hi is three years old
i . ,
I Weiffhs lolH) pounds; is a verv dark bav,
j half Civile, and half Frencli Canadian.
Terms sinirle leap. 7.o, season 10
to insure. ill U here until fa I.
Will lie here until fall.
Umd OltUvnt The lnllo Or. July til, ll.
v..ll.u. 1 I...H .1... ..t...... !... tl... A.II.....1....
li- 11,1 . , 111 I III,, 1 II.' I.MIl.l, MIK
mimed settlor h is tiled m-tiro of her Intention
to mnke tlmil pnsil'in iipnirt of her claim, !
nnd t hut snld uriMtf will .m- nmde h,-ftin- the:
Minister and lie .-elver I'. X. LO.iit Tin- Dnlh-s
nr. on Moptomtv.-r li, isi'l, vt:
Mrs. Miittle A. Oiler.
K. 1. no. .".'it for l lie Uts no. S and w.
Tp .1 a r IU e w in.
.-he nuuii-M tho follou liiK nitm-sM-K to pmvo
her continuous reslilemt nim mid ciiltlvii
ttonof. said hind, vix: W in. Husklrk. M. o.
Wheeler, J. I". Husklrk, V. Welds, all of Hood
River Ort-KOii.
iiii;; John W. Iji-wu, HcKister. :
notice fou iu;:wTipN.
Land Office at Vancouver. wImi. July 2, Mil.
X...l.. 1 I ..1...... !.... .1... A.II.....I ....
naim-d settler has filed notice of his Intention
to make final proof In supHirt of his claim,
and that wild prnof will be made before the
KoKlstor and Kix-elver I'. S. land omoe at
Vancouver on Auirust inh ISWl, vl
i. W...1.1
n 11 V V.IIWtLnl'l.'Hu.41Tn'lnDM
!."" " r "
I c w a.
He niirneM the following wltnessttt to prove
lili. tiiiiiiiiii'iin ii.,if Iin Ii-'i, Iiiiii-uiiiiiiiiiiii
oi, sain innti, vix: jonnnie nioniie, uiu-mpw
llmil .luiih Ifnnl I'nvii Julin nil nf wliltM
! Salmon wash. '
ijyllauiflj Jons D. (lEtxiiiEOAN, llt-Klster.
Uini om nt Vancouver Wash. July, 2, H i
i ,rw.. ni..l I ! 1 T..I. IT j I ...I
(To Richard Harrison. John H. ticrdes, und
all whom it niuy concern.)
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his Intention
and that said pmof will be made before the
in iimifp nnm nriMir in snnisiri oi nis cuiini.
Keglster ami Keeelver I . s. l-antl omoe at
uneouver Wash, on August 24th, MM, viz:
Charles nnachpa.
H. P. No. 5510 for the n e K section IS Tp. 4 n
R 11 K w M.
He names the following witnesses Ui prove
his continuous residence upon und cultivation
of, said land, viz: Joe Williams, Joseph Stub 1,
Cayuse John, Johnny QuaeiupU, all of Lyle,
Klickitat County wastilngUm.
Jyll-Augl5 John D. Ukouiikuan. Itcglster.
Land office at Vancouver' wash. July 2, ISHI.
Notice In hert-by given that the following
named settler has filed notice nf his intention
to make final proof In support of Ills cam,
nnd that said pnxif will bo made heroin the
Clerk of the Superior Court of Klickitat Co.
ut Goldendale wash, on August Hist, 1M, viz:
James Pachulawit.
It. D. No. 5521 for the wk n w l-l and w :
w 1-4 sec 21 Tp. 3 n R 12 K w. M.
He nam the following Witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and ultlva-
lion of, said land, viz: Hum Kuppco. Mary
Ann Wathiio.sit, Ju Htahl, Jos. Hilvu, ull of
r via f,t,n,v U'.iuhlnulAl,
I vUVlll,if..iiv.,,.,. u-,,.hli..n
Jvll-uugl5 John I. (iEixiREOAX, Keglster. j
! :
Land Office ot Vancouver wash. July 2, MM.
Notice Is hereby given thut the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim.
and that Huidjroof will be inude before the I
I-gistcr anu Keeelver L . s. lund otnee ut v an
couver, wash, on August 24th 1SS1, viz:
Quaempts Hunt.
H. D. No. 822H, for the h w., i Sec. 2j,
Tp. 4 N. K. 10 E. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence npon andeultlvatlon
of, said land, viz: Joseph stahi, Jacob Hunt,
Joe Williams. Charley Peters, all of white
salmon wuh.
jyll-auglo Jonn D. fiEOGHBOAn, Register.
Land Office at Vancouver, wash, July 2, 1S01.
To Fredrick H. lialch, and all whom It
may concern.)
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
to make final proof In support of his claim,
and that said proof will be made before the
Clerk of the Superior Court of Klickitat Co.
at Goldendale wash, on August iilst M'1, viz:
Hum Suppee'
H. D. No. 5521, for the E. y. N. W. V and E.
Yi S. V. Sec. 211, Tp. 8 N. K. 12 E. w. SI.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz: James Pachalwlt, Mary
B"VU' B"
Lyle Klickitat County wash.
jyll-uugla JoHn D. OKOGHKOAn, Register.
r.Hnii runee , Vancouver wash .iniv i ini
Notice Ih hercbr given that the following.
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
to make nnai prooi in support of nis clulm,
.,,, ,h, ,,,, v.,w.r .m l. ..,.,H l.r. i;
Register and Keeelver at Vancouver wash, on
August 25th 1891, viz:
Johnnie Skmtie.
H. D. No. 805 for the K',nK Hcc 13 Tp 3
n K 10 E und lots 2 and 3 sec 18 Tp 3
n K ii js
w, M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz: Joe Stuhl , Joe Thomas,
Charley Queamts, Jacob Hunt, all of white
salmon, wash-
Jy H-augl5 John D. Gkooheoan, Register.
Land Office at Vancouver wash, .fuly 2, 1801.
(To Robert Brown, and all whom it may
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his Intention
Unmake final proof In support of his clulm,
andthatsaid proof will be made before the
Register and Receiver U. H. land office at
Vuncouver wash, on August 25th 1891, viz
Joe Thomas.
H. D. No. 8054 for the lots 2 and 3 and s e
n w nnd s w 4 n e sec 21 Tp 3 n n 9 e w m.
He names the following -witnesses to prove
hlseontlnuoiis residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz: Joe Htahl, John Hlontle,
Timothy George, John Slibender, all of white
salmon Klickitat county, wash.
Jyll-auglo Jotm I). GKooflKOAn, Register.
Two lots with good house, barn and hennery,
plenty of fruit. Price 15fl0. Also six lots
with good house and out houses, fine lawn all
kinds of fruit, garden etc. Price i25O0. Im
provement alohe cost price asked. This Is a
good investment for speculation. Owner
wunts money and must sell. Time will be
given on a portion If desired.
Addrer.-., A. H. Bloweb,",
Hood River, Oregon.
wuoso ocuer-naivcs mcw m iui uieiii, li,-l. J lVleixon
remained until Sund iy. Captain A. I n 1 ' . ' , v- ,
.. .... .,t, ..r,i,.. It. 0. Kn ry No. TiM. for the N. K. ' Sts--
Keller, w as also of the party. ,, 21i T1- ; N. ,(-10 K. w. t
," , I lit-mnuiw tin-followlmt witnt-sm-it lo prove
The I'nion Pacltle system have on ' hiKinntinuous i,ideiuo inmn mid eiiitivn
sale excursion and sinirle trip tickets of JJ;n "f . wid land, m?: Jom-i-u Aernl. ivt.-r
.ii .1.. . ...i.,, ...v,i..i. .. .1 i Stollor, Non I l-.tter, nil oflroul I.nkt wash.,
all classes, to nil points, hich nre sold j.; Jm1Htmi r ,. xMmon wash,
at reiliKVil rates daily for regular trains. ; myM JonN tiK(KJ11Kl)AN, itlvUt,.r.
I l,nml Oilli-u ul Vancouver, Wash JtinviV INt't.'f
I Notice I lieri'hy kIvcii thill Hit- tillitwIiiK-,
nmucil tidilcr has flli'd nuiliv nf his Inti'ittlnti !
In tiinko tliml proof In mimiH hi his chilin,
unit lliiil smM ei-oix' will ho nimlc Iwfiitv lln
lioitUlor mill Hot-elver f, M, l.nml nrtlc ill
! Vmu-tiuvei- Wimh, mi July i, vl:
I lVter Stoller.
! It. I. Kiitry Nil. TH, ftr Hit- W. , H. K. ,'
anil K. W. w. ' , Stv. I,., T, , N. II. 10 K, w.M.
Hi-nionos tno in owiiH w liic.vii'i tn iniivp ...... ..... i .... i ,i, . . i . t ...... .. i .
hiH.-miinii.iu rei,ieiire upon and on itiv'.ti.m I t rve.voil anil t he plat of survey Will U
of, mild land, vl: .lust-iih Aernl, rhitrli-H .l.illU'd III this otlhv Oil Diurmliiy Allirimt
lYtoranu, Nitatl b'tti-r, IVukUimI
llulstlo, nil
l I rout unto n-n.
Jl.ujylS John 1. Ukoohkiian, Ui-nliinr.
NOT I C K Ft ) U P i ' 1 U 1 1 CAT ION.
1,10x1 Oftlor at Vuncouvt r Wash. Juno 4, tsii.
Not lit- N hereby hIvou that the folltiwlnii
mimed settlor hits tiled notice of hU Intention
In iimkt-llmil proof In Mii'l-'i t of his olnlm,
'' ""'i V" J
m iniitio ih lore nit-
I. and Ottlcc at
" -
IjuhI Ottloe at Viineouver wash. Juno I, ISi'l.
Nutlet-In hereby irlven that the folloivliii!.
1 minion m'iiiit nils iin'ii noiioe
, to muke flunl iihH In sumiori
' -'i;ip""' win Ve t.
. ::w!:m!,Ji ,
' .
mnnoil wttler Ims tiled notice til his Intention
Hllt of his cliilui.
Ilium- ticloie the
I unit unlet lit
i, ISHI, vlK
Hr 1- Kntrv No.TTUI, for the
Tp. a. N. It. hi K. w. M.
N. K. 21.
lie mimes the following wltnoKses to Prove
hlseontlnuoiis resilience iikiii nnd cult h ut Ion
of, said hind, vl: lN-lor Stoller, I'lmrli's J.
! , , I' ..""I. H.l Ill IT1I
of Tmut Uike Wnslilimton
Peterson, Ntmh Ktter, 1oiu;Iiis r. rlirlsiio, all
Ji:S-Jyls John IK liKonu auan. Ueislsti-r.
I jind Ottloe at Viineouver, wash. Juno t, l-u'l.
Notice Is hereby clvi-n tlmt the followlnc-
mimed set tier have II list notiit- ot their liiteu -
ttou to luiike tlmil proof In mipport of their ; J
t-hilinsand Unit said pnsifs will In innile ,
before W . It. lHinlnir Commissioner I nlted
Mtates-l'lreuit I'ourt for lUstrict of u'lishltiKlon
at lioldeiidale, Washington tin July lsvl,
Homestead Kntrv No, 7741 for the N. K.
Stv. 7, Tp. fl, N. U. i-.' Kast will. Mer.
He iinmoK the tollowlutc witnesses to prove
his continuous reitdentv upon, and eultlviitlon
of, snld land. vl: l'nvld Klouier, lanlel
'""lll, J,,1 mnu, nil of
! .V."1'"' 1 w.'Viv- vii o u-iii. ij
, '"j". J; I' 1 t-1. i... v i v
' "'"'TP' L i n i o 1L' t w vK- i?
i ' ul. .V,,K 1 "nJ 2 s,v- T'- N- l-
: r-ast w. M.
Wll'l llllllf-N the follllWlllR WlttlOSMH
1 pmvo his ttihtlnuous reslileiuv uisin, nnd i
i 1 1.',, it. it, ,,r 2u.t.i i.,.i ..i. i,. -i.i vi..-.
! Daniel nine. I'lTOllv Cl'tne, John H. Detliinnn!
lllltll r llllltt 1 . tt Wit
1 .
i "istl
Homestead Kotry No. TJ.'i for the N. K of N. I
K- 'nnil . K. 'tof N. K. atml N. K- '4Yof s. j
IK.1, Ncc. 11 Tp..i, N. 11. 11 Via.-) will.. Mer. I
Wlio mimes the followlii" witnesses to prove ;
his continuons-nitideiiei- iiihui, und ciiltiva-
Hon of, snld land, viz: lavc K lustier. Daniel
( line. Phillip Cllne, John II. U-thman ull f
Kuldu P. O. wush. tA.
also F.MCYF. UwKI.I
Homestead Kntrv No. WH for the w. .. of S.
1 hi 1 .,. 1 1 u . 1 ..u
I Hco,4ii, f p.' "o,S". It." li Kitsi will.", Mer. 4 I
.. n. r.. oi w. -. iinu n. v. . 111 n. ...
she names the following witnesses to prove
I her contini:otis residence uism, and eultlva-
tion of, said lund, viz: Hubert Cllne, Stephen
S. Whlteoinb, Oliver P. Kivps, Ueorge Krcps,
all of Kuldu P. O. wush.
also KltANK KKKI
Homestead Entry No. 7W;0 for the 1-
of S.
w. und Iots : and 4 Sec. 111. Tp. .1 N. Ii. 11
East will., Mer. ,
Who namcM the following witnesses to prove 1
run continuous residence usm, ami cultiva
tion of, said land, viz: Ollvci P. Kreis,
Its rgc K reps, Simon P. Kn-ps, Chester Dy
mond. ull of Kuldu, P. O. wasli.
Jl.'l-Jyls Joii.t 1). CiKiKlHKiiAn, Keglster.
Ijii. . .Bee at Vancouver wash., June 9 MU.
(T enry E. Whltet.iub, Krancls M. Klch
ard...n,and ole (iersnons, and nil whom it
ma. oncern:i
Noi. e's hereby given that the following
named settlers have tiled notice of their Inten-1
tlontotnake tlmil pnx.f In support of their
claims and that salt proof will lie made before.
v, . K I inn oar. 1 ommissiouer l tilteil states
District of Washington, at !
(iohlcndulc wush.. on .Ii
July a.
j..,., , .,,u ,,
IZ. 1.A1U-.I
'-. t rji-'"''.
Homestead Entry No. .V."l Tor the E, i ofS. !
E. !i S. w. of s. E. 4 unl S. K ! of s. w. : ,
I nee. n i p. .i, n. i- rjisi win., mvi
lie names tnu following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence iiMin, and cultiva
tion of, snld hind, viz: Joseph Sllva, John
Olsen. Krank Keynolds, of Lyle P.O. wash und
David King, of Kulila, P. O. wash.
Homestead Entry No. ; 5 for the N: E. i
Sec. ! Tp. 5, N. K. 12 East will., Mer.
Who mimes the following witnesses to
prove his eontlnuouJresldenoe upon, and eul- j
tivation of, said land, viz: Joseph Sllva, Ijiib
Pumi.ii i.r i-ln P i .-., ul.. I 1I....I 1I..I..I.I
iii.-i 1111111 xjt-i 11 -111, in rtiiuHi . i. wiuiu.
Application No. 45 under Set;. R Forfeiture ,
rtiu r-epicmoer ti, irov. ror ine ry oi ;i
and S. E. V. ofS. w. . See, : Tp. 4"North and
Lot 4 Sec. .1 Tp. 3 North, both of Kungc 12
East will., Mer.
Who names the following witnesses to prove
hlseontlnuoiis claim to, and cultivation of,
suid land, viz: David King, of Flilda P.O.
wash. Lars Person, John Olsen, Frank Keyn
olds all of Lyle P. I . wash.
JVrJylH Joiin D. (iKooHEOAn, Keglster.
Timber Ijind, Act June 3, 1S78.
T. H. I.ano Okkice. 1
The Dai.i.ks, Or., May, 22, Will. )
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the n-t of Congress of
June 3, 1K7S, entitled "An act for the sale of
limner lanus in ine mines or i niiiorniii, ore-'
x- i.. ..-.,1 xtr i.i......... ,t...uii
llieA. Capps,
Klickitat Stateof Wash., has this day filed III
tins omi nis sworn statement, Mi,
orn statement, No. 10", for the I Stewart, Isith of Ftilila P. O. Washington,
C I-H.W. Wand W.S.E.USeo- Kudolph Ileytlng, Frank Keel, IkHIi of Oil
iiwnship No.2, N. Range 11 K.. . mor P. O. Washington.
purchase of the h
l.n V.. OI I.. T...t.ul,Ir,
and will otl'er proof to show that the land
sought Is more valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish his claim to said land before the Register
and Receiver n 'his oftw- nt Tb Dulles, ore-
I gon. on wedm dny, the 5th day of August, 1801.
He names as witnesses: L. F A orse, of
Hood River. Or.; Wm. Kand.of Hood River,
Or.; J. ( Hayes, of Hood River, Or., F. W.
While, of White Salmon, Washington.
Any und all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to tile
their claims In thlsofllceon or before said otli
day of August, WW1.
mSO-uugo JOHN W. LEWIS, Register.
Ijmd office at The Dalles, Or. July 10 1801.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his Intention
to'make final proof in supixirt of his claim,
und thut said proof will be made before the
Register and Ki-eelvor IT. K. L. O. at The
Dalles Oregon on September 21d 1S0I, viz:
Frank C. Sherrleb.
H. T). no. 0000 for the n e i sec 9 Tp 2 n r 10
c w in.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence uism and cultivation
of, said land, viz: E. N. Chandler, Leslie
Duller, of The Dalles fir. M. R. Potter, II. L.
Crupper of Hood River Oregon.
aug22 John W. Lewis, Register.
Lund Office at The Dalles Or., July 11 m.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his Intention
to make final proof In support of his claim,
nnd that said proof will be made before the
Register und Receiver IT, S. L. O. at The Dalle
Or. on September 10th 18!U, viz:
John P. IIilstrom.
H. I), no. W84 for the n 1-1 n w 1-4 and n
1-4 n e 1-4 sec 11 Tp 1 n r 10 e w m.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
Of. salll bind. vW.' J. W. Hlnrlchs. William
Joss, of Stniithtshtirg Or. Avery Frcdcnburg,
j.inicM ttraiiiiiu, oi .mi. mooo. or.
nug"2. John w. Lewis, TiojMrr.
' I'nituh Static I.anm Okkuk,
VaMIUVKII, WanII JUNKi.1l, lNil. J
In compliance wllh lUHlruelloim
Issued by the Hon, Commissioner of
thcUcncral Land OMcc, October 21,
ISS.). Not im- Is herebv irlvon Hint
township six ) north of ningi eleven
llUeast ofthe Will., Mer., has been
S), 1SIU. On and after that dav. nimll-
cat Ions will U reivlved for entry of
lands In said township,
John D. Okouhkuan,
Imm Ortloeut Tim liillosOr., June '2 1, m.
Nolloi-I bt-ivby Klven Hint the fnlloulni;
tiiilneil netller bus tiled notice of his Intention
III UIHkO tlllltl lof II) SUplMII't of bis l-lllllll,
hiiiI Hint mild proof will bo made heft-tv the
lii-Klstt-r mid Ki-oelvor t'. M. t 1 1, ul The lulleit
tl., AiiKiist IS, isit, vl:
flimey I,, Criitier,
No. RMT. for the ik. i,N. k.
nnd N. ,
17, I p. i N. li: III
i K, W M.
Ho uiimos the followlmt wilnesM-M to prove
his ooiitliiuous roslttoneti usn und eulllviillon
of, wilil hind, vln: K. I'. Kliorrlih, Antouo
Wlsi-. f. M. wolfmd, M. II. l'oltor, all of Hood
I mvei im-Kim.
J.v4.iikK John W. I.kwis, Itoslslor.
l and Otlloe at The I'nllos Or. June,
j Nntloe Is hereby irlven tlmt the follow Inn
I nmuod seltlor has tiled notice of his liitenlliui
i lo in nit t f 1 1 1 ii I proof In mipiHirt of his eliilni,
HndtmitNtld iitHif will Ih- iiiiiiU lcfor the
l Kevlstor anil Kis-eivor S. I.. O, mi The liulles
Or. on Aiiitusi is, Wd, vl:
An tone Wise,
II. !. No. !M, Tor the N. w. M of See. IT Tp.
! i, N.ofll. 10 K. w. M.
He mimes the follow Iiik wltiicxse to pmvi
l his eonilnuous r.isldonoe ti)sm mid eultlviitlon
of. snld hind. vl: 11. I.. I'liiptH-r, I". M. Criiiv-
per. w. I,. I'mm-cr. I'liiirlen llnvner. ull of
. llisid I tlx or or.
JotlN W. I.kwis, ItoKlster.
IjiikI i mice at The liallesOr. Juiie 'i'l, l.-eil.
Notice Is hereby ulven that the followliiK
named settler has tiled uotl.H- of his Intention
to make tlmil piisif In support t.f his elahn.
and that said prtsif will he iade iH-fom tin-
Koulstor and liooolver f. K. ll. at The Dullo
or, on August is. Mil, vl:
lorsey M. ( rapper.
II. 1. No. for the N. K. I t Stv. 17 Tl). 2,
N. 11. UK. w. M.
He liami-H the followInK w ltnesseK to pnive
his tsmtln nous resilience iimiuhiiiI cultlvnlloii
of. said land, viz: K. I'. Shcrrleh, Aulolic
wise, r. M. woirm-tl, M. It. Potter, all of Hood
i J'-l
JollN v . I.KWIS, HiKisler.
Mind Ollli-e at The Dalles Or. June, ft, m.
Nutlet I hereby given that the follow I ng
liiiinid settler has tiled nollceof his Intentloii
1 " inako tlna prtsir In sui.port of his claim,
I nnd tliul said prtsif w II be made bclore the
' itcgtsier ami utst-iver i . r. u. at l lie I mile
: lrcKon, on Sept. IU MU, vli:
!.,.. ,
James l.niUUItl.
11. 11. .-n. a wi lor inw i jiim :t j a nnn h nai
S7 1 p. I .. II. IU I-.. W. M.
He names the following witnessed to prove
his continuous residence iiihui nail riiltlvtlon
j of, said laud, viz: Janu s UtiiKllle, William
! Umnlllc, J. P. HlUtrom, Kretlenburg, all of
! Hood Klver Or.
J i;i-jy in Jon n w. Lkw is, RiUier.
I -it ml Otllet- at The Dalle Or. June, 4, 1HBI.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named sett lor has II led not hie of their Intent lou
to make final proof Insupisirt of their clulm.
und that said proof will bo made before Kegls
ter und Keeelvur t.'. S. L. O. at The Dalles Or.,
oil August 6, Mil, vli:
I.lzie Bachelor,, (widow),
(and one of the heirs
of wllllam II. Iluchiilor
II. D. No. 2JN, for the S. 1
' . E. :
II E. W. ll
and H.i,
S. W. Sec. 1U. To. i N. It
She names the following witnesses lo prom
her continuous residence upon andeultlvatlon
of, suld land, viz: S. D. Fisher, Daniel Kd
wuiils. Win. Hmlson.of The Dal lot, Or., linn-
lei sturgis, oi .Mo I or, i ir,
J Hi-fylH
Jons W, I.kwis, Uegluter.
Landotrlcc at Vancouver wash. July R, 1HH.
(To limrlcs W. Ijilmer, nnd all may
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settlers have tiled notice of their In
tention to muke tliml proof In supisirt of their
respectiveclaliiis and that said pniof will be
made before W. It. Dunbar. Commissioner
t'nlted States Circuit Court for District of
Washington, nt (lolilenilalt Washington, on
August Uli, 1MII, viz:
Kobert Htewnrt.
Homestead Entry No. 5-OI for the n of n
w li' w 1 1 "f " w 1 " w w 1-4 tsi-etlon
21 Township 5 north of range ulcvcn east will,
He names the following witnesses to prove
bis continuous resilience iiihui anil eiilllviiiloii
or, sain iiinu, viz: t m-Mlcr nymonil, will
lam wrlght, both of r uida P. O. wnslilngton
Kudolph llcyting, Frank Keel, Isitli of till
meri'. o. Masinngion.
Chester Ilyrnond.
Homestead Entry No.T..'HI fir the south east
quarter section 7 Township 5 north of runge
twelve east will. mer.
He mimes the following witnesMcs to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
nif, said land, viz: Kudolph Ileytlng, Frank
Keel, both of (lllnicr P. O. Washington. Kobert
Stewart, Williams Wright, Isitli of Fulda P.
0. Washington.
Williams Wright.
Homestead entry No. TIKI) for the lot one,
wet Ion 4, the tots .'land 4 section ') both of To.
5 north raiiL'C 12 east will mer. anil se 1-4 ofs
e 1-4 section 33 Township u north of range
twelve east w
He mimes thu following witnesses to nrovu
hlseontlnuoiis residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz: Chester Dymond. Robert
Rudolph Ileytlng.
Homestead entry No. H05S for the w of n
w 1-4, n e 1-4 of n w 1-4 and n w 1-4 of n 1-4
section HitTownshlp 6 north of range eleven
east will mer.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz: Robert Stewart, Chester
Dymond, wlllliims wrlght, all of Fulda P. O.
wasliing'on, Peter Ortslg, of Ullincr 1". ).
Jyllaugl5 JohN I), GKoohKOAn, Register
Ijind Office at Vancouver wash. July 2, 18DP
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named srttler has filed notice of her Intention
to make llnal proof In support of her claim,
and that said proof will lie made la-fore the
Clerk ot the Superior Court of Klickitat Co, ut
Goldendale wash, on August 31st 18H1, viz:
JMary Ann Wathposlt,
(mother of George Wonwiitch, deceased.)
II. I). No. 5510 for 8 w 1-4 Hoc. 14 Tp. 3 n li 12 B
w in.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon und cultivation
of, said land, viz: James Pachaluwlt, Hum
Huppeo, Jo Stuhl, Jos. Hilvu, all or Lyle Kllck
ItatCounty Washington.
Jyll-un)tl5 John 1). Geooiiroan, Register.
Land office at The Dalles, Or. July. 8, 1801.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler hus filed notice of his intention
Unmake final proof In support of his claim,
end that said proof will be made before the
Keglster and Receiver U. H. Ijind Office ut The
Dalles Or. on August 19, 181)1, viz:
Charles F. V. Berger,
it. P. No. 375.1, for tho H. w. Hoc 13, Tp. 2
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon nnd cultivation
of Hiihl lunil. viz- ( Shanes I). Tfnvner. Antiinn
Wise. Charles A. Hell, John .1. Gibbons, all of
i Jioon lover Oregon,
jaugli JuHN'Vf. LEWIS, Register
Pacific IFcxxco "Worlic.
Corner of Second and Laughlln Stroota Tho Dallon, Or.
iwUm of Goinliinatioil Fences,
The Best Stock, Chicken and Rabbit Fence
Strong and Durablo Wire Mattrossos.
CLOUGH & LARSEN, Proprietors.
"Srccrxsou to-
A Complete Line of
Flour and Feed,
OpixmlU the Stock Yardu Ntr City Jlrvwcry, THK IULLKS OH.,
Carpenters 6c Builders,
Crandall & Burnet,
A Full Line of
Furniture, Carpets,
Merlalaiii Goods.
Mail Orders Pionplly Attended to
166 Second St. Tho Dalles. Or.
Olinger & Bone,
IT and Feci
Oak Street, near Posloffice,
Wc have FirskClass Stock and Outfits, Double Buggies, Hacks
and Saddle Horses.
A Fine Four-Horse Coach, suitable for fishing or excursion
p.?rtie, carries nine paspengers. Parties taken to any access
ble point, fteliabh drivers.
Our Dray delivers bagjrage or freight anywhere it the Valley
Charges Reasonable.
. Hanna
i ii 1 i'r "mi
l tA