ACROSS TUK lKKI WKST, TO THK KAK On stosmboats, rars mid sirup roaches. Hostot t.-r'sStmnai u UUler Isiairkd as liie mni Im portant Iconi in the mateiia niedua of tlie vinv eiln wiWiv. It deprives vitiated. tr.-lt;si mlrr of its hvirtfiil properties raid exo.Tsile fld.i.r, oounteraots tin? pernicious ciLvls upon thestoiiiatho! 11 or ImUm'stlMi. tood. romo dies rntnil. h nrtlmni and wind upon " stomach. II In lln do'.'tie bs-kIu-I malarial disorders. milHtt.-s the efforts ol excessive h.-.t. cold and tHiii, relieves sick headache, ami i mi iiicoinparai le -im for nwnwn and Ml iolisuss. iWtf fil.lslK.' f travel t'll.'ii toll, most dlsaal-OllslV mtlll iuVHltl'K Ulld OOllVlllcsO, 1.1s. owaslonaUv to such sn extent to jooimmu. life. Persons til loonlo health. Hpprolionste of bad effect from travel, will, if provid. d wl.h the Hitters, be far lout likely t hvo their learf rvaltivd. The world ".nil. I N much Is-tter limn il is If men would lixo l their obituaries.,.' . Can the snle of sin inferior article i-.mi-atantlv increase- for '.' years? lKiM.iin.' Electric Soup has been on tlio market ever since ltfiir. ami is lo-ilay as ever, fir l'-M"'l ;.rr.f family soap niu.le. Try it. our grocer will pet it. Kootprorltv.-" Your buck tin ir is eonilns: ; down "l'lmnks; your from tooth lire drop jilnS out." Fur eouirhs. asthnia ami throat Jisoniers Use ''nni ii linmchinl Trofhtf a box. .Vi cents BCPTtKK ASU ril.ES tVKEI). We poslrlvelv cure rupture mid nil rectal di mwm without rin or detention from business So care, nopv; mid no pay until cured. Ad drees for rmpilot Dr, IVrtorueld k l.eJ tw Muritet street, isaii Francisco. Wli.-n mi iiss kteks lit von he does so Ih-ciium' tic Tveoi;uuos that you lire uiilikt him. Try Germka for breakfast. Ve Knamcltne Stove Polisb: uodiiit: iirmeU. DON'T. Don't cheat yourself out of a good smoke by taking a poor imi tat ion for the genuine Seal of North Carolina Plug Cut Tobacco. FRAZER Best in the World! Get the Genuine! Sold Everywhere! HUNTER S EOUIPMENTS Mi am yisMngTarfele. F.t". ureal V an-iy. low ith hi Old G"ns taMi in irBile. Hend for Ctttulm,ne. (JKO. W. 6HREVE, S25 Hcarny St., Su'i I rancisco. take: it W.PrUNlDER'S. Obeqqn Blood Purifier. kKIDNEY OLIVER DISEASES. DYSPEPSIA. I XPIMPLES.BLOTCHES AND SKIN DIStAbLb I NfcHEAOACHF.' CQSTIVENESS S5to S25 PER DAY EASILY MADK JiV I earnest workers huu'll .neour new book; entirely new subject, j-.very bodv wilts it; you want it; why? Because it will positively make you more money than any other business No experience or cuiiitul nees sary. Full particulars and illustrated circulars free. It will pay von to investigate. Uo no' miss this chance. This advertisement will no' aopear in this paper again. Exclusive territory (riven. Mention this paper. Addr Pacific Pub lishing Co., Third and Oak streets Portland, Or. J. McCRAKEN & CO., -DEALERS IN Roche harbor Lime, Portland Cement, Gol den Gate and Utah Plaster, Hair. Fire Brick md Fire Clay. LAND PLASTER. 60 N'erth Front Street, Cor. D, PORTLAND, OK. "THE SPECIFIC A NO. I." lOures all unnatural rtlseharKPSof tn"n I vnilllrVno matUTO! now mug siaimn. j-h-II III Mil vents stricture, It heiii!,' ai internal I IUWI1U rttf nres when everythinir else ibas failed. Irlce,3.0O. Circularon application. Isold hy Druggists oraent on rec'lptoi prim; uy i uc a. rai-uwu heit Mwlioine Co , San Josp, ChI. OREGON HOMESTEAD CO., KSI'nTOifi the finest property In East J'ortlaiid-lliiwthonie's First Addition: lots, 50x100. Prices, ?fHOtoseacl!. Parties who desire to examine this property will Hnd our ai?ent and team ready any time at the of fice, free of expense. We oiler lm) ten-acre tracts ot the Hawthorne estate at Hillshoro. Washington countv, 14 miles west of Portland, one hour's ride hy rail, three times daily; tllW to ?1M per acre. We have 2-10 five-acre farms near Port A uncles, Wash. ; t-50 per acre. Hend for our Hnlletin Xo. a. FOURl FITS i When I say care I do not mean merely to stop th?n lor stime snd then have them return SKain. I mM';i t radical cure. I have made the disesae of J; ITS, fcPIL EPSY or FALL1NU BICKNKSSahfe-lougBtiidy. ) iwrrsnt my remedy to onre the worst cases. Because ' othere have failed is no reason for not now receiving enre. Send'at once for s treatise and ft Free BmtU of my infallible remedy. Give iiipress and Poet Offi IFor LOSTorFAH-INf ItASHOOD; General snd NERVOUS DEBILITY; Weakness of Body and Kind, Effeoti of Errors or Exoenes in Old or Younr, SoliDaf. no lle aiAailoue luny moru. hu lurm.r,. su. ?t?.,::.r. .r.llin Mllllit TRBTBhNT Beotfltt In a dir. Mm ttitlfy rrom 6U SUtes and i orelitD CooDtriM. Writ Ibem. DmcrlDtla Book, nplusUss aid prodtt millid (wilfdj tf. SsdwM ERIE MEDiCAL CO., BUFFALO, N. V. BISHOP SCOTT ACADEMY. Founded 1870. Academic, Preparatory and Primary Departments. Five regular courses, in cluding the commercial in the Academic Department. Discipline not harsh, hut strict No had boys admitted. Kefcr with confidence to patrons and pupils through out the Northwest Coast. 1 leat hers. ZH cadets 17 graduates last year. Fourteenth vear under present management w ill he tin SeDt lo, lal. For catalogue and other fnforma ion nldress J. W. II1M M. D., Prmcipal, P. drawer 17, Portland, Or. AXLE r y JK Itciin for a Itlvorr. The Prases Nomrtimes divorce their wivis (t apparently the most trivial causes. Tims man luinied Suleiman AttaU had wife, Ishakyeh. Tlu woman fiv.ivteiitly worked for us, aiul oil several .kyjisious 1 hail to complain that she talked too inuoli ami worked too little. At length I was obliged to tell Soleimau that, owing to Iris wife's lai'.iness, 1 could employ her no longer. Shortly afterward I went to England. Oil my return after a couple of months' absence I was surprised to find that Soleimau had divorced Isoakyeh, and had already married another woman. On inquiring from him tlu cause of this ho replied, "Your honor told me Uiat you would not employ, my wife wain, so I thought 1 would get rid of her and marry another woman whom you would employ." Black wood's Magazine. Sir ll.ivlr'a "nulla." Perj;t. Aral'in had a facility of mak ing bulls" which would have doth credit to Sir Itoylo Kocho. llen is one of theiu: "IVisoncr at the bar, if ever there was a clearer case than this of a man robbing his master, this case is that case." "It is in my power," he said to another delimiueut. "to subject you to transportation for a imtuxI very consid orably beyond the term of your natural life, but the court, in its mercy, will not go so far as it lawfully might go." His happiest ctTort was perhaps the offer to give another prisoner "a chance of re deeming a character which he had irre trievably lost." San Francisco Argo naut Keening It toing. The attention of the passengers m a southern smoking car was riveted on a straiurelv behaved negro. Ho rocked himself from side to side without ceas ing. "What's the matter with vou?" asked a traveler who was in the car. "Does you know Dan MeGary?" in quired the negro. " l es. "Well. sah. he sold me a silver watch for $00," added the negro, still swaying from side to side, "an' of I stops inovin' dis here wav de watch don't fto no uioah." New Orleans Picayune. Another Mlraleultliin. Principal to'iKikkeei)er During the last few weeks you have made so many miscalculations that I must &ik you to be more careful in the future. Bookkeeper 1 hope you will try and overlook my miscalculations, as I am so deeplv in love with your daughter that half the time I don't know what I'm doing. Mav I hope?" "There, vou see, vou make another miscalculation while I'm talking to you. German Fun. An Immpniw (.lobe. The immense irlolie for the Paris exhi bition represents the earth on the scale of one millionth, and is nearly one hun dred feet in diameter. Details are given true pioixiitioiis, Paris occupying about a third of an inch. All the great lines if communication bv land aud sea ar shown in detail. The earth's daily rota tion may be precisely imitated by clock work, a point on the globes equator niovinsj an eightieth of an inch per sec ond. New York Home Journal. He (sentimentally) How shall I ever leave thee, love? She (practically) Well, if you go now you may get out of the door. But I hear father coming and if you don't go now you may go out at th window. Lawrence American. Grapes were first cultivated about 1276, and previously to the reign of Edward VI were brought in large quantities from Flanders to England. The vine was in troduced into England in 1552. ' itlo Too large the old-fashioned pill. I oo reckless in its way of doing business, too. It cleans you out, but it uses you ' up, and your outraged system rises up against it. Dr. Pierce's Pleas ant Pellets have a better way. They do just what is needed no more. Nothing can be more thorough nothing is as mild and gentle. They're the smallest, cheapest, the easiest to take. One tiny, sugar- coated granule's a gentle lax ative three to tour are ca thartic. Sick Headache, Constipation, Indigestion, Bil ious Attacks, and all derange ments of the Liver, Stomach and Bowels are promptly re lieved and permanently cured. This Trad Mark Is on The Best Waterproof Coat' In the world. Send for lll'nirated Cinlnrue, Wr'- iJtToTerBofton. WANTED The addresses of all soldiers who oai nir-oei hometteaded a less number of SOLUIEKs acres than 160 and made final UnurPTTinO proof on the same before June nU i LOILUU-J 22, 1874. W. E. MOSEB. r. O, Box 7S6, Denver, Colo. Mention this paper. CAPITAL PUNISHMENT. VARIOUS METHODS OF EXECUTION WORLD. PRACTICED IN THE A Kvrlom MIUr f t'niialtlmnMiin Ml ldISlvr Tim iiilllot lnt, I ho roll', IIik tiutlima mul 1 in slli-ul Hnilli by i:l-i'lrlrlt). Tlio oxivution of nmWtu'torK lia Iwu lerioun nmltor of iviwiilci'i.tioii for Inwglu'in in all nation" nud in all time. Tbo mom linrlwous tln nvu tl inoii lxu lmnmi the liU'tliinl. Torturw vs iMiisidi-ivd a ie ad Junet to capital punilmu'iit for wntariin. Tim riii-k. tlio eauhlion. the Kli.liiMii. the fiivensiM-'s daughter, tlio pimvrs, iron musk and Knuri;o wciv employed, breaking oim on the wlioel was tmpiilai- for a long time th felon lKiug fastemsl, with his anus and legs aimrt, to a luige wluvl, Ilia Ikiiii's were broken by Mown from an iron Iwr. Male factors we, o torn asunder by livuiw of horse; thev were Imrneil nt the stake, ImuKcd, drawn and uiiartenxl. Waved alive, boiled, hroueil and roasted, nerved up todeiith in a thousand w.i vs. each as revolting and ternelo as kilUsI iiiirenuity could devise. Torture is no longer employiHl, nut a menus hicli shall lie swift, and us nearly as hviIiIu ivunless, is employed. In Franco the guillo tine, in Spam the garrote, in r.nginini ami the United States the gallows tlirtwallitera tious menace the malefactor. A touilh, the gun, is usixl in military exivutions. The guillotine was iIcsiitiuhI us a lalior Jiving uiacliine during the lieign of Terror by Dr. Guillotine, who was a memlier or tin) Constituent assembly in KS'.. There were too many lieaU to U iviiiovihI by the over worked public executioner, and this devk-o resulteiL The apiviratus is very simple. Between two nprighu slide a triangular knife, weighted at the upiier edgv. It is held in position by a catch. The victim is laid uion a sliding or tiltiiig Ismrd, mvun-ly strapped and pltuisl face downward, with liis nwk in line w ith the groove. A narrow board, with - ..: i.. i. n i... i i SeiUI-t'ircumi auii'iiinuiiiiniiniHI wtui.b him. then the trltger is sprung and the descwulintf knifo il es tlio work. IX-ntu is necessarily iiistiintiuu'ous. I siiw mi execution by tlio giiillotino lit Marseilles some yoai-s aj;o. The victim was young Ituliim, a wife inunlerer. I was sum iuoiuhI to bo at the jail At daybreak, lu France the eomleiutietl felon Jih not kuow the day nor tbo hour iiiHiiyteil, This man was aroused from sltei, pinioned, bulf dragged, half jmsliwl, shrieking and moan ing, into the yard, bound to tbo tilting plank thrust forward and killed all in four min utes. There was a great deal of blood, a little tremor of the limbs, ono convulsive movement of the eyelids. In Um uiiiiut-s from the time the man had bcou aroused from his sleep the executioner was taking the apparatus of death airt. Beheading by the sword bos been a favorite method in almost all countries. I saw a bead struck off by tlio two handed sword iua village near Nagasaki, Janii. Both the exe cutioner and his victim were deliberate and cool. The latter knelt and Unved his bead The former drew his long ami glittering weapon, keen as a razor, wisd it with a bit of gaudy silk, took bis stand, raised the word, and with a quick drawing stroke severed the bead, giving vent to a loud, hissing aspirate as lie ilid so. The point of the weapon did ::i't reach the ground. The executioner then removed the stains with some pieces of tissue par, wieil the blado again with the silk, slieutbed it and strodo proudly away, followed byt'tiviotis eyes. The offender bad, I lielieve, testified falsely in an examination by the tax collector. The garrote is worse to my notion thnu the guillotine, though but little blood is shed. The felon sits in a chair. To a. stout post be hind him are affixed two clasps of. iron, which when joined em irele his neck. Through the xt and the buck of the collur passes a screw. When this is turned by the executioner the collar is tightened, and nn iron wedge enters the neck at the base of the brain, dislocating the axis, piercing the spi nul cord and producing instant death. I saw a brigand thus killed at Valcenia. There was no cap over the face. When the futul mo ment came I heard, or fancied I heard, the snap of the bono, and the contortion of tlio face was ghastly. The head fell forward and the criminal was dead, but the grisly horror of the manner of his taking off buuuted me for years. Electricity is the swiftest and most cortain of all possible means by which death may bo inflicted. Ninety-five feet a second is the es timated speed of nerve sensibility. Electric ity travels lSO,0i0 miles in u like space of time. The brain is paralyzed before it can feel the shock, the victim of the current passes from life to death without knowing the blow. Obviously, there is a twofold gain in this method. First, it entirely prevents a mishap. The current pusses when the fatal joining of the wires occurrs, und death is given. The distant dynamo gives no sound the condemned man may hear. Ho is led to a chair and seated. One metallic conductor is placed against the nupe of the neck, salt water being applied to the hair to enable it to transmit the cuiTeut. The other conduc tor is placed on top of the head, the hair being wet, or on either temple or both. The connection is then made, and the man is dead on the instant. To solid the current from head to foot, as proposed, is obviously a bad method. A pow erful convulsion would inevitably result; the muscles would still be in action after death. 1'assed through tho brain, the full effect on the life centers would be felt and no convul sion would follow. To have this occur at the state prison is an eminently good feature. There it fitly belongs, and the rigid discipline of such institutions would prevent the influx Of visitors common to city prisons. Besides, the moral effect upou the other convicts would be good. To have tbo day and the hour concealed frcm the dead man would rob his last days ol tho melodramatic interest they possess for his fellows in crime and make the fate more terrible. There would be no halo about the head of a felon who journeys to etate prison merely to bo hurled on some unspecified day and unknof)!i hour by a swift and silent agent out from tho world be lias offended. No boasts of "dying gamo,"uo incidents of his last day und last hours nothing but his being swallowed up living by the grim walls of the penitentiary and cast forth again, some day duod. Sew York World. Gotham's Hebrew Clubmen. The Hebrew clubmen of Now York city are as distinct In their club life from Ameri can or English clubmen as New England Yankees from rambling Sioux. The mem bers of tho Uarmonie, the Progress and the Metropolitan, the three great Hebrew clubs, seldom dine at the club house, never sleep there, and do not have their mail addressed to the club. They are home bodies until 9 o'clock, when they stroll around to the club, take a hand at poker, pinochle or euchre, and are back home again somewhere near mid night. In some of the other big clubs at that hour many of the members are planning how to spend the evening. riow York bun. .UliliioThioerot the t'tilttM Smlel'lieult Court at St. Lulls litis reeeiill Imiulisl iIoh n su oplnleii hii.I (irniiioil s pei'iH'imil liiunu tioii minimi ihe ile(emliint In Ihe wine of the Homelier foiupiiiy siiiiliikl Ihe Hruiiiieiiiiiii Uelueil PUIIlHiitl Al.its liol.l Kprlns PHlllltiiit Co., prehlhlliini Ihe ii.lveitUlllii, liiiuiiiliK'lillliin ornelllnu ol liny iirllele ol' loinu h hllleu, either In hulk, by Ihe tiiiUou or otherwise, or In liny n iimUlnu ueol I lie inline " HoHleltev" eeepl liieomieellon till Ihesnle of the genuine hilleis, h hh'h lire iiUmo u sohl ill hollies seeun-lv senleil. mi.l also Mohl'i Itliin Ihe sale ot tin v hllteis In hulk, Ihouuli Ihe liiiuie" Hosteller" U' nol useil, but the nn'W' lien linele to the nin 'Inner I lint he emi I'M I Ihein In the euiiy Ibwtetter hollies, mul innehiiseis Hoiihl nol .liM ioei Ihe .Uileivnce Ills ileelsloti siipsirts Ihe IliletterCoiiipiinj In Ihe eelusle use of the mime " Hosteller ' In connection vi tth either the iiiiiniilHctinc or snle ol sloiuueh hllteis in iniv milliner or form luitsoever, mul llnnlv establishes us o m rshlp In Ihe mono "Ibwlet tlT " HS 11 " l it VI'K S A M K." Hew ho lives up lo his oprliinllle Is usiiiilly lii luisy to live up lo Ills Income, MAN KSI Mill KS 11 IM 4'Olt III NuthliiK No Much HS til lining tlooil lo Ills Kcllow Mnu. Tacom v. Wash., June t, ISSI. Ih. .. i:..limln,Sr,tttlc. IIVinA. PkakMim: 1 liuve been lukiior sou i' medicine seven weeks, and it gives me the grealest pleasure to tell you ami every one else who win ns t.oi bow moe h irnnil tbev have done tne When I think ol what I have sullcied and how many doctors have tried Itieir skill on me to no eartblv irood. how thev have tilled niewitli morphine, chloral and other poi miw until I wn neai'lv crav. and how nmnv b u ndivds of dollars mv lioor liitsbaud bus i:iid out in the last three years before we hciii'il of voe.r woiidcrl'ul cures, I am us toiii.shed to see myself to day able to go all over the cilv, able to do my housework and utter ii liiisv dav to be t ow ii anil have a w hole nikrlit's wood sleep. Pear loctor, my husband and I are very thankful to you for what vour medicines have done lor me. Mas. Jri.u I.onskai.k, 1M0I I'acjlie avenue, Kootu '.'I Kit iTTi.r.. Wash.. June ?. IS'.H. Our bsby wss very sick. iul we trhsl seversl physlclsus lu town. None of Ihein sooiuiwl to know what the lustier w hs. She cotthltl t stHiul eoiihlu't plsv; U wst illlllcult tor her to net her hresth; sue hsit etioklnn spells from the tlnis she wss 4 mouths old; would choke every live mluiucs ililrhm the iilnlit, sml wss (inject in raiiviilslona snd nnisculsreoutrsctlon. tind :"",': utflmf w alsint Riven up hon of her netting well, when we too her to Hr. Jordan, and In verv aliort time ahe commenced to Improve until all thi'M! avmptonm have dliapHareil entirely, aud he haa not had a nlgn ol thmn lor aome wine. It rives me ureal tdcure to malio this state ment, so that others who have chll Iron that aie 111 may know where to take them tor treiimeui MUfi. n. unir. Third utroet, between Hell and li:anclinl Ir. Jordan's olllce is at the residence of ai.Mnrnr Yesler. Third and James. Consultations and prescriptions absoluto Xyfr": . , . .. ................. ..... .r:..... pcnil lor iree hook rxpiuiuuiK inn genetic svstein. Cactios. The HistoKonetio Medicines are sold in but one mreticy in each town. The laliel around the bottle bears the fol lowing inscription: "lr. J. F.itgt'tie Jor dan, llistogenetit: Medicine." Kvery other device is a fraud. mm, A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. Superior to every other known. Used in Millions of I Ionics 40 Years the Standard. Delicious Cake and Pastry, Light Flaky Biscuit, Griddle Cakes, Palatable and Wholesome. No other baking powder does such work. VASELINE. COR ONE DOLLAR sent us hy mall, we will di I liver, free of all charges, to any person In tb United Htates, all the following artkluBcarofull packed in a neat hoi; One two-ounce bottle of Pure VaHel!ne...lO Ct. One two-ounce bottle Vaseline Pomade...l6 " One Jar of Vaseline Cold Cream 16 " One cake of Vaseline Camphor lee 10 " One cake of Vaseline Hoap, uuscentd....l0 " One cane of Vaseline Boan, scented '28 " One two-ounce fcottle of White Vasoliiie.lifi " tt li Or for stamps any single artlolo at Ike prloa named. If you hare occasioD to use Vasvllne in any form b rturfil ti, uvrnifc nnlv iri-nulne goods DUt UB hy US I) original pacSaictn. A (ureal many amggisu. are trying persaade tmyrs to take VAHKLIJNK put up uy uein bwr vk-IiI ti, mich tmnmunlon. as the article Is an unit tlon without ralue aud will aot irire you the result yo eipeet. A bottle of Blue Heal Vaseline 11 sola Dy al lrua,'iU at 10 c.-ntn. Cbesebrough HTg Co., 24 State St.,Rew York 44 'August Flower" There is a gentle Dyspepsia, man at Malden-on-the-Hudson, N. Y., named Captain A. G. Pareis, who has written us a letter in which it is evident that he has made up his mind concerning some things, and this is what he says: " I have used your preparation called August Flower in my family for seven or eight years. It is con stantly in my house, and we consider it the best remedy for Indigestion, and Constipation.we Indigestion, have ever used or known. My wife is troubled with Dyspepsia, and at times suffers very much after eating. The August Flower, however, re lieves the difficulty. My wife fre quently says to me when I am going to town, 'We are out Constipation of August Flower, and I think you had better get another bottle. ' I am also troubled with Indigestion, and when ever I am, I take one or two tea spoonfuls before eating, for a day or two, and all trouble is removed." 0 N. I N. U. No. 394 S. F. N. U. No. 471 V v. MOWN 'I'll IH.' Wo orter I Hm llillltlied I'olhils' rettiird lor un onseof eiiliirrh thill eiiunol he eiih"l hy IiiKIIik Hull s I'liliiirh Cine t''. J, I'lll'NbY v I'll., 1'iops., loieo.i. ( We, the umli isliiinsl, Inoe know u I''. .1 t 'honey (or Ihe lust hi eios. Mini Is'lleve him ierleetli liouotiihle III nil hiisliiess tmnsiielloiis slid llimu hilh sble loeuri'v out Kin olillmill ininie n their tlrin. Wis I ,v Hi , Wholcsnle liruiiulsls, loieilo, . W VI IHSi., KINS VN .V M V liV IN, M holcsiile lirils'iilsls, loieilo, 11 HiiII h Ciitinrh l ine Is Inteiniilh , nellnu lltvctlv upon Ihe hloml ini'l mucous siirliiees ol Ihe sslem I'estliiiolilHls seul liee. I lice, s per hollle. SM h nil IM uuiilsls. iiichI men lire only milium incii llh their hull- eoiuhcd. Pollll.AMl Now II H A Hol KI.. Al'lillK Oil the sllKK'slioll of the Ciiihmiiiii nl the pressing need of u if Wn.n, limdciule. priced bold, Messrs. t 'line A Uail.llie en- uisliiH proprietors in me new i.sohmii. Hold, liuve IrniiM.iiiiie.l their really do Hunt liuiise into a linlel conducted on Ihe iVliiet'iciui plan ut the nite oi ami ier day or lOurnpi uu plan ul ieiil- to 'Special iiltenlioii will be paid to liiiiiilies. The new r.siuoiul is md behind any strictly llrsl class hotel mi Hie t 'oust. I lei ou Willi! to hell Volll hllidliewl, or do Vol! mint n lun lui r w Ith iin.nev , r no noiihiiiii clerk'' WrllettKMKRM III MMirW AoKNl V. Mill lienHiln, M hill. I'f under' Orettou II noil I'm r I lie r In tho henl remedy for that dread disease, dyapep- la. for It regulauw the lymphatic ayslem bad secretions. suit OX 15 KXJOVM Both tlio nictlioil ami rcsulfa wTipii Syrup of Figs ia taken; it in iiWuuil mil refrooirnig to tlio tnnte, ami act gently yet iromjtl on tlio Kiilnoyn, Liver and Ilowew, cli-aimcH tne bj torn cli'octually, iliniwU t'dliln, licail tclu'S ami fovor nml cure haminv oiiilimti()ii lu rnmiicntly. l'nr Rain ia SOoaml 81 Iwttli-s ly all druggiHta. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO SAH FRAHCISC0. C4. 10UISVIUC. K1. Ifllf 1QRK. t lll.l Until ami Hllvrv ll.-lulll: srlt.t nir old (lull! and Hllvrr l.j n.sll to Uis nlil and r. dlaldr li"iiw l A Uuloiuau, II Third str.fl, Han Krauols.-..; I ill sand ! rrturn n.sll ll.s oa.h. anc rdiiis U asssy; If tin auiuuul Is out sailafManry. will irturi. GOOD TIMES For Farmers! For Everybody 1 Table Peaches, vary fine, per dot .. 12.10 Tabls Plums, " " ... J -JO Table Orunet, " " .... '-35 Tsble Barllell Pearl, 210 Table Fruit, aMorted. all kind! 1.75 Pla Fruit, itiorted. per doi 100 Order hy tho ran, dosen, case or carlnad. SMITHS GASH STORE. 4IA-4IH Front Ntret.t, Sail fran. Isno This ricturo, Tanel ak mailed fc 4 cent. J. F. SMITH & CO., Maker of "Bile lieana," 255 L 257 Greenwich St., N. Y. City. TUSO'S REMEDY FOR I'St tO UHC. (;ll('llK euro ih certain. For ('nlil It in an Ointment, of to the nostrils. Trice fiOc. mail. Address: K. r I I L I asa 0 sv 12 25 I fevKa, 1 ' 11 111 Xuur Ari luube- cleaning d,na sec. A STRUGGLE WITH DIRT GoeB on in civilized ttoeifity from the cratllo to the prave. Dirt in dflfra datioD and degradation io des;truction. Women, esjieoially, nre judged bv then habits of liouaeliold ricuTiliiicsB, and no Htronper comlrrnniiiion can be expresHcd than "she keejis a dirf.v lionse and a filthy litdieii." Hut tie strupi'le with dirt id often unequal, Hio woinim's wealiness or tlio worthiCBanesH Die ho;itp nfie uneH iii.iki- it itniiom-iljle to overconu; tit demor. of l; use of H MHlI Buy four Own Goods if Your ADVANCE THRESHERS, ' THE BEST IN AMERICA. i "i Chemiriil Flrif EiikIiior and ExtiiiKiiIshors, Kirn Hiihu und lii'pnrtiiimit Hiipplifs, Stomii T-imnilry Miioliincrv, I'll in k of all kinds, Hihhs OoimIh, i'Iik mid KUllnifK, lliini-ork IiiHplnitnrs, Miirimt Work ll.-ltiiiK and Hose, Wn-nclies, Lubilciitiiiir Oils, Church, HcIkidI iiii.U-'nrm Dolls. Kuitiiiesuiid llniliTH, IlliickHiiilth Drills and Fumes, llinit-'ii'H, HiiriU'B, SiirliiL' mid Kxpriws Wilsons, tlio lui'K'i'st iiKsortniunti of Carta In Portland. Dealers, write for prices. For further Information cull on or address Z. T. WRIGHT, Foot of Morrison Strest, PORTLAND, OR. THIS and THAT. XXow It XAroala.". CURES LUMDACO. Ill'lUirleniis HI, llu'.l.i , M.I ,1 eh.'.'", -W, wiisionlhod to tho Imiii-m Iwu weeks Willi IiiIiiImil-o. I'Ht SI. JnrobS Oil cm i d Ilie i no ro tmii. M. A. lioi.ltlU IAIN, JoV. cunts onuises. Keller Vlile. Mo., I'el.. 7. IHIW. "st. Jiicohi nil In wiihotil a pc rforpiilus, bruises, .'lies,.Ve," Ihv.T.H. llvWKINi, I'll I .r ll iautfhilich. CURES SPRAINS. I'm. Iiiiiiill.ulilw, A It a. IHWft. I sullen . I Willi it pi...!.' .1 ankl.i whh h welled cry i.ui. h, I'miiicI v' "l relief In of Ht. Jiu'.'hi mi. I swill. i. i dlMipi'i'ireil, M .I.I.IK lln kS. ST. JACOBS OIL The Great Remedy For Pain, RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, STCINWAY, GaMer and Tease Plmoi u .... iivmt I'iihi. Mai.s. and lh farorlla ; o:.i"r I'; all M.isiiml i.u; l)ua iillnl; Is. no .(.' 4 Muvt M.i.lo HT.ISWS llsl.l. i liuilanil l'.l Hire.; Mrtiiis (Ins llo. IWI Mil iimw ..,,,. nrt w HAY FEVER CUHE0 TO ITr CURED. Wr want ihe ad- ilrrv.ul cvrtv slllli rrr llllh ft nXIIP.IR I'.S iiii.K ans.U. A.ldrrss, S HO I nillH Mlsr.lslljss..P.Biiils,H. iToOHriTlniin., H'l-li Ml, 11 k Hanson..., M K ; niidiwUl on aud A...-.I.-... idan Is und tu,. I...I...S...I..-1.1 ot I'os.l. M.inU )'. snd Is Ilia Ik. I ruiullysud llii.ln.-as M.'i.s ll,.l.. In Man ro. ilsnii II. .nn- O..U.I...H. c.ll.ll". lll.. li lll. llrsl elaaa s..ri.-. I.MI..-SI standard ..I r...-."..l"llr s.ia.anUw.r Hoard and i.nn day 1 to t-'11; siimle M ,h.iiU u. 41 uu iwr nl.lil rr.Hi .a. li i ami Imai ma LEARN TELEGRAPHY. IZ uaut yoiiiiK iiu-n l..r rallmad i.rlii-i'S. It srasiiy li-am.-d l ays w.dl. h;::-v.-s and van.-.-inont aur... Addross J. V. hKYMlll lt, ltU' Washing ton sttwt, rorlland, Or. $100 for S20. ODELL TYPEWRITER. KufAI. TU INY IIKI Ml. IIINK h.r S.-. , rl.-lt II liiii.r.'1-.l..n. r(. i t .illoni.i.-iit nnd inniillnldliig. Iiuiil.lo .'ii m1 (on d I ii I und siniill l.-ll-t), V dllt.-ri'iil i-hiiiiu-l.-n. sli.ult- -.i.- 1 ' '"' N-n.l h.r i iiiiiloKUi'. .,,. S. DAVIS, S.i!e Au'nl I'm UU- l'..u-l, I'-'l .MotilKniiu-f) sln-ot. Hun Kr.ini'l.i'.'. Hutu. II Afl ( U lln lisL.I MMM 'l UU I t' lC t illt-.til (t IHtn ht II il M l Ki a ("II-"' l, if ftiH Wi-H (hi .Ir.iK. a 'it t t i t-r t uitaj tt 1. 1 i j. i i'rn Iti mi f,.t. riu..k u A-.t ! u. : yrt !...., uf S Uttil.-r i linltTl.iiml ltrtiivcul I. r tiff Hi-" " m A'l n'M(ii.iiiiU t't'iifltfotii 'IcuMU Urtolu I . ir i' iPi (,,. , rt Kiiu m'u, svjU mffiiU Mill avUln-. ( ii It- k t'A THK - rut MAT r. H T a ' crn v a nirarn - ...... Ak your il.l..r for It, or .-ml l.-r Kr.o Cln ulor t lVtiiluma lnnilmtor Co., .'daliim;), fa!. TUu U Is tho ark nowlw1r" li'a.lsi.K rrinnly lor all Ilia initial. .ml (t!arharKa and .rlvalo.lia,asHartf nisn. A rrllnrure for tin .iPblll tatlnn weakut-as pei-ullar lo women. Ml J suit J i.rea.-r , Ih It and reel aare) lsCMIsi.ri I 0 In r.-rninnieuuiug it tw CiSlissUi.OtPTsl ' J'""-. ' I i. a lonr n, w u.,ui' inmi in. Koll lT liroli. ItICK 81.00. CURE Biliousness, Sick Headache, Malaria. BE A IS. CATARRH. . IU st. Etifli- ri iiiiiui'iliutu. A I 1 it Iiuh no iMiual. 13 Nt. RrlleflH in the II.-iul which asmtill iiiirticle iH lll!lliCll I ' Hi-tit liy l i en, l'a. 4 Holi' hy ilniL'iriHls or s T. H,.r;iriNE, Warren Ml lb ham, BM A ttat -. , Ji hi wiiiH .i.-isily. Dealer Does Not Carry Them. PARRY CARTS AND ROAD WAGONS, Best and Cheapt In the World.. Carts, $15 Up. Wagons, $50 Up. mm "rVrTHPl AS" st..i'.riiNK II" All ti Kill II ft 11 ..'."' i- !' 1 H Plllll W u.-'i-ti-i- .n 74 B i 111 i -ljB"IMjy w-'"" tt. 4S1IIHUK 1.50 ; Zar' m I It 1 luU.a'S. TO TraaaaaZSaM'M .rS 1 BILE