The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 04, 1891, Image 3

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    J food Iivcr Glacier
)IOOI, Oli,, .11 I, V, , M,,
!.( 'A I. tlt!.
N'i. V,
v l- T
4N. 7,
S.i. I.
Itlll'Ml I llll ll'lllll
I l"l ' 'It h'l. n III
liill V ll I III.', IMiuli
ltl I. II
n il , M.
lllil'. M.
I Mi.
I. il l il
II ;
n.i: UUl.s."
't'lie mull Mills. in. in MrnH .1,iti hi II ii'
'Iiirli . M. i'.I.i, iiih iiml ,ilni. tin . ; ,,..
io U 1 '.' miiu. .he ,l ,
I'm I 'lii'in.v I I Ii, r,r .' . ,i! .( V. M, ii 1 1 1 v nt
II I'. M :-nliinl,ii ,,
I'm U'hli, H,.lni..i, l.m.i 11:11 1 v nl 1 A. M.
iiitim ul .in. h'i'Iim I, '. M .
I'lUltl hill' Mull, . II Irnv.'K fur ' III. Ill, till
tni'l , Ttnill I ii In- ii il. I 1 .1. ml I M. 1 1 Li , ii 1 1, 1
i'l l.lii v x.
i:iMi:r i.oca m itji:i:s.
Oil clnili ut (lie fiiriiiliiiv i-liiie,
I In il. II i ij' hi H r nt linn II nie More.
All Ian. I iiih r- in i!ni i nl 1 1 1 i - . til , , .
Why roll;li, w lu ll S. It. W ill mi.i It.
lee I'm-nali ; iilwi m line liie-i'v lnnvc,
I II i a i: V. i.vws.
I'll'lllli x IV. Hill
I Ik ol ili r ul ( he fur-
iillllle ptoii ,
'i.tll hi an. I ilii.lrilal
ill MI'llilK lit
tlie fiirnil lire tl i .I
I loll. 1'. I' M;i i v.'.'n m
visitor during the .nl Initio
T. ('. Oiillim Went to
ti l'ilny to yjii inl t lie llh,
Mr, t 'linn
i. 111. ' liiiililin
irn m haying
i liaiulcil.
the pint
l'"lll'lill nn
I'.. Martini h
at I'lil'llaild price
' llll'lllt llll' ht'.IV.
( .'col ce ( 'nil 'ina II i I Idle Salmon
III 1'nt I i lli'l to ill Mill, the llh.
J. .1. l
Vihit til the .-
y r. I ' d Iroiu a brief
mlid Wi'.lia lav.
1 Vial i" It (lie i."i till
1 iiiiii'
maple bed room m
Mr. .1. V. NV.dlai i
ntoiiiid l. . T. I,.
o II.
al the fill liitllle
' i btiildinir a fi'iicc
lilh'il'.- place near
lll'V. I'. M. All'll,-, V.".-l It pal ;-i f
nn the I'inu' ll'aill Vi'cdin -d.iv, fof
Mr. o-i.tvc llnlli'ti and W. t.
tin, of (trefoil Ci!,, are hciv
luoiitlii vacation,
Mr. Harry Schahaekcr, Ii
for n
to his
in I lai.nia, Hint w ill mi, u U-turn
lionic in M in in -oia.
Mix. Spencer, of W i-ei ilisi II allived
hcle last Mii'k and is i-illli ; Mr. and
M ri. A lilo lie 'ii',
Mr. An til I.'ahm will Imve t.itil;-il
for C( nix I'.aV, where he i pret-i to Ic-
inain during (lie Miiuuii'i'.
The land Inliiix of And lie Vic
I him v S. ( I; i j i r, iiiul Harvey I,.
Tapper ale III l!ni i-tie.
Mr. I'. I.. An'iijiioii of St. I.oiiw,
tijnci the lli'.id Itiver climate and
wi nery a lew ilav Mum week
I. K. mill V, tilt lo ilI li il lef:i I , Ui'M.
day to look after hi'iu I here. Hi'
vi III be uw ay al out a week.
Lieutenant W'iuanx and Siru'eai't
McLeaii w ele home during tlie week,
lepor'ihg fur duty Thiiixdny afternoon.
Mr. II. A. Meed, city editor of the
l'ni'tland '', .' trmn ticconipaiiied by
liihwile visited I hiM place last Sunday.
Hev. W, S. Holcoiiib went to The
II.iIIim Wednesday In take hii exaiui
nai inn, pivviuiiM to Ills ilepai luri! for
Ohio. ,
Mr. iHenber'jr I tan gone to Portland
to calcium to the nl vle of the wuoly
went on tlrt- iiccasioii of I iitlc pcndcncc
Mteler lyroi, (h,,n,,,hn went to
I he I alien Ihiiivday, to ivmain over
the lib, and to visit his old irieiidrt m ,
icomian. j
Mi-s, H. HarriMon of Arlington, is
vlsilinn Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Harrison
here, ami will to the Willamette
valley Monday. j
For anv one
, i
piirchasinjr ten dollars ,
worin oi mrnitiiru ol nie, I vi
I IH in 11 V I I :
the at laiidiiti' free of charm'.
S. 1'.. lt.ttt.Mi'Xs
When the hoys of the Third get
home, they can boast ol being veterans
from the fact that they took part in !
....... .,,,.. .,.s,
Mr. M. F. Hall of Dayton I Iall
Iiamberson, of Portland, lias his fain -
ilv hev tor il. Htiini, Tl.ev ...
t ..... n K.,i.,.,' ... ...I. ..1. 11 1.1.1 '
,.. ., ...sun ,.,,,,. in,, c,g,
Hay, out come aim see 101 yourseii.
for if-.'!, (Ml, at: the furniture store.
............. ........... ........ ... nii,incinir Uiscoverei tin Ul next morninir
Jtevs. C. W. Wells, and W. 1 Iarter, '"uiui 11. ,mis. uiinen was a most es
w ho have been attending the t'nited ' I'mable lady a pioneer, and the acci
lircthivn conference nt. Walla Wnlhi. I 'lent was indeed a sad one. The
111 rived home Thursday morning
. . .... . ' I
Itev. J. I), llowells, who has been
looking after his home in the valley
has returned to his held of labor, at
Condon. His family will return home
in August.
Mr. Antone Wise presented as a line
box of strawberries Thursday morning,
andtnoiigh they are apparently late he
informs us that he will have berries
for at least two weeks yet.
District Attorney Wilson, and fam
ily arrived here during t he week, and
Mrs. Wilson and daughter will remain
for some time. Mi" Wilson went
home to The Dalles Wednesday night.
The Dalles papers say that .lames
Langille wants the chaplaincy of .1)
Company. We think this must, been
mistake,' for the only tiualilication he
ever exhibited here for the position
was the chickens roosted high when he
showed up 1'hey knew him.
Mr. Cove the Tort land jeweler was a
passenger on the tioat Horn lite
... ' .1... 1...: 1.: 1
, : n, z;; i r . e
interested in the newly discovered 01ml
mines. He showed lissome very hand
some specimens, full of light and lire.
The Moscow opals are pronounced of
llrst quality, being extraordinarily
hard, and capable of high polish.
tin- L'liloti I'lirllli'i
'"' WNtj'
f..r ii .lny IWilnir. I
i'iiiii'IiI win iiliniit
llin i' Inchon l lie , mii'I williotit ft 1 1-f
iINiIIxhIhII III' mill III' III' tlcilii IiIh
llH't. lo iil'd ('Mini' In (own III llllll! to
w nil Irn Iiuiiih for I In I l ain.
'Ill' ii n 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 h linv.i hliiinil wvciiil
pi rwiiiH li.'in rullliiK liiiilu r In tlin l-
clliily I' I lie Ol'oyon l.lllliliol' CoV,
Illlllrl, llllll III Clllll'l lll IT l' I'llllll'l-
II.V llllll In hIhiI il'iun, 'I hi' lower mill
I k I III i mi niii).' 1. Ml ulll jiriiliiilily liiivc
In llllll -non, fill' llli'li I'l lot'. Itolil'I'l
Mi l.iaii Iihh lulil 1 1 14 leniim
.11', iiml
IIiIh N III hi.,11 li t tlie ynnl lie elelileil.,
hlowi'l'M A; 'lowi'll Iimm J I v t, leeched
dlli i t I'l'olii (lie Ililitllll'iK'lUlcrK ill J'.om
loll llllll Moilli of l,no!n mid tiltoeH,
lilililiy eiilllnu; nil' the eoiiiiiilfloiix
1 iiild ir lildlinieli, lileh Mill lie H.ivi'd
lo Iln ir ciihIoiiii ih. 'I'liife 'ood-i will
Ih' lilailed nl I 'i it I l.l 1 1 I lloliKiile
iiiiu".i or Ii".-!, mihI iim tliey me now
opelicd, "e iuvile (lie . ill, lir to call mid
I'Milnine t'irlil, ii tnl lie con v ilieed
sr iiii iiii i xiielly what we liny.
'I lie Mi-ainer Iti't'iilntor mih launched
nt The llall. 'i l.i-l M, I(, and I1:" cahltH
nie l iiijr I'Ul on her. The holler and
Inn. lilm is' are on liaml urn! will lie
nlaci 'l in lu r hhsihhi hh the rillroud Ih
nu'a'iu'ln running oiiler, At jirenciil
the Incline ut The llallcx U hrili;; iihi
j Mr, 7,t-f Snow
III I II lll'V WMH lll'll'
mil lii ,rii i n i I
' 'I ' 1 1 II 1 In. ill In
ior iraiiricr iiiiriiON'M, nut nn mhui iih,., , .
II.U Is ,l,,i'. I Itieiilnliir Mill he' wl"
luovcltothe foot of tlie incline mid
lir ii i ai l i i i ii ry ilacci in io'-ilou. It
i-. I ,i etc I he In,;, I l he ready fill';
hu-inii inside uf xixty dnyx.
When I ) coniiany lionrdcil t he t rain :
lanl Sunday, It ri lniiidi d one luicihlv
o i al ly wir tiincn u In n (he Iiovm witii :
li'hl Ihmi'Im iiml merry liiii;'hler hade!
thin- IVIi'IiiIn L'ood by. 'lhalik iod
llio;-i. davw me over, and the hcIc, the
I'l liruillg liolne o the pale wreck"
thill t-lmrtlv bcl'i. I
went away full of!
health; or tlie tell tale ho that con
tained ulie liu-e l.iiihlir and whohc
-in':!." had aui lied, cannot oceur.
'I In' di pot wim ci'iu'ded with the targ
et IH--I lolila;"' it lia 1 ver known,
... . . I .... . i : I II......) ... I
t a. , j" i ii -ii i 1 1 nn ii ii t i iai n-oii paici :
1 1 1 1 1 ii i l: i i
1 1 will I'Miieled that Hood Itiver
would m ml a la.rc .l. l.ra.i'.u to The !
Halle, the till, tlie n.em by Waldcmail !
.i loll III the ii in :i-Mt hi nli i i in i r ot J line ,
'J'Uli Iiiim mail.' all who have read it tie-'
hic mi eel mil on tlie babbling trout:
M le'tliis far from the
u hi re liiipi'lH hill'inl i
haunts ,,f men, i
hot , and w here ;
tin y call lie in the hhade and catch
1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 . i I :i 1 1 . trout, or al ' nM lie,
w lift Ik r in tlie shade or hot. Iliother
Micln II is derelict ill his duty to the
fraternity, in that he has not ' polished
up his , 1 1 1 1
and " clewed " tlie tleaillv
coiitt ilnilor.
C. L. OilU'il and J. II. Ciadlchaugh
have I"! nn it a partiieihii for the pur
pose of conducting a leal cslale busi
ness, nn. f,,r the iiicselit Will have
their olliee in the I.Atl'.l( btlildillj:.
They will look after property (or
al"-':,;cc, uml coUeet lelit.s, besides
IraiiMietiii a (.'eueial real estate btisi-ue-s.
IYiwoiih having property t sell
w ;!l do well to leave it iu their hands
and Jean depend on pelting fair atld
hiiiie-l treatment. They have already
a food list of properly and the larger it
Is the inole easy lo tlnd something to
.suit every purchaser. Call and get
ti rui-', before placing your property on
the market.
The burned oriih'e near Ittiweiia
! Wednesday was of ereatcr Inconvcii-
leliee than was at llrst timuuht possi
ble. The timber lor repairing it was
sent ilo-.Mi limn I'emlleton, audinthej
mean while i,ll tliiille Was carried un
by boat, the trains transferring pass-!
enters and cxiircs at Hood Liver, j
Tlie Jay tioiild management never j
appreciate the value of the Columbia;
river and their sleniu bout system until!
a w reck occurs, and they forget it as
soon as the wreck is out of the way.;
If this wire not so, they would have!
kept the Harvest ljuccn on the middle j
river, so that the route to the Cascades i
would not have to be abandoned every I
lime n bridge burns. '
Mr. 1'raiik Seely, the trenial jmssen-!
Ier conductor, met witli an accident I
,.l 'II,,. I I., 1!.. 'I',,. .. .. I.I..I. ...Ill I.....
him , ,,. ,lt ,, Ah ,,. tm,;i.
W1IS ni,,ruachin; tlie deiiot from tl,0
In.aillhi house at 1 o'do.k iu the
uioi'uiii) he stct'd oil' the front plat- i
I'orm of the rear ear. The lower step !
"I" be pint form was broken, and not I
notieiiiK it lie K"t a severe fall, knock-
intone tooth out and three loose, he-
sun's Ki'Uin some imui cum annul uio .
.. , ,, , .,.uiH,,(i ..,., V(. I
ni'l sol'I'V to enl'li nl tlwi neeti 1. lit I. lit
heariily glad It was not more serious,
for Mr. Seely is one of the iileasantest
conductors that ever punched a ticket.
m,. p,,i, r,,,,,,,,,,,, ; ii .,... .;.... 1
0lur accompanied by his wife passed I
i.lown hu.Klay eveiiing, and being de-
i Jned bv u lauueil bridge, made us a
1 '"'el visit, Mrs. I'almer was on her
way to Salem, ht imr stim.uoned bv
l11' Z, TuL
i of her mother, Mrs. (iilbert, at that i
: ,v ......
,,.,. ,vho Wilsk ,,, i,v r., ni!. 1 own I
being discovered until next morning 1
when lier ii-I'ii III l-siill Mru I tiin.e'a h,i'
r 1 . 1. ..1 rn.. i ... . ,v
iiiiiciai uioK iiaee 1 ucstiay aiieritoou,
and was one of tlie largest ever occurr
ing iu Salem.
The Dalles boys are energetic, and
when they go on 11 serenade make a
night of it. Tuesday evening the
Mandolin Club, came here for a little
jaunt, intending to return on the
steamer which,' fortunately did
not leave until o o'clock Wednesday
morning. The boys put in the night
serenading everybody that would stand
it. The music was excellent, and
thoroughly appreciated, but it is sad to
relate the hoys like the famous Tommy
Tucker, sang for their supper, without
getting it. Jt was not because Hood
Kiverites tire inhospitable, but the
militia, was away, and people were just
a 111 lie suspicious, ihat so much free
talent had some sinister designs on
the town.
4t!i of July Kates.
As usual, the Union l'at'iflc will sell
tickets from all stations to neighboring
eiues iu one tare ior uie round inn.
William Ellison.
Afrent Union l'acilio System, Hood
Itiver, Or.
Carpet at the furniture store 10 cents
below l'ortland prices.
, , , .
Nilmdiy three horn- Icum Im-Ioiir-
i. i, llr. I'lli il. inn iiwiiv w ith llilrt v
liun-lreil i.ouihI (if flour. The Ih.iw'm
:..rki i.i.i-MNt, iiiiii hmi juMtiv-.:' r,' ' ' 1 , : V:'...
,,,i,..,rv.l till., j uniy
hull led
their load to flu; top of the
lIcriM r hill. Attack droptilni' oil' .Mr,
I'dcll went, hack twenty or thirty yardx
al'iC It, mid hefore he eo, KcVlmek
, II.,'. .... I l.l ... , I-.. I.
llieteitin were under full head way.'
Alter I ii it ii 1 1, it Hholt distance, (hey i
tiii iied up a Hl.ld, o).r road, and then
Hour hiynii to yralc in a manner that ,
would have done credit to the 'hleao ;
hloek hoard. About twenty hackn !
,, . . ' , , ,
were thrown oil and torn, hut tl'; -
actual liwi will not he more than three 1
or four HackH. One hoixe broke ihim- ;
from the wi-'nn. which Moimed inoMt
of tin! fun for thcolhci'M. The daiuaK'
" . ,
u not (.'real.
iiiirlirlj Meeting.
The llh ijiiiiilcrly meeting f Hood
Ulver Circuit, M. II. church will In.'
In Id nt lielnioiit ( 'Impel July II and I.'.
The rrenidin J'Jder It. Kpauldiiijr,
will eoliduct, the her'ii'en. ThM will
he the la-t time that Itcy
, I""11 "Mh
till community a llU
Ih going cast (IiIh fall. Hi many
1'i'iendn will he .dad to meet hlni and
hear him, for thin w ill lie hi;i la-l tli
to Hood Klvi r,
Tlie writer alno e.H'ctfi to leave for
liii old home in Ohio, tin- J.',lh innt.
We u ill he glml to xee Vol! all at the
'. nllarlellv niectiiiL'.
I ,' W. S. IIoi.roMli, 1'antor.
(iiiiijiaiiy II Willi.
Just U -fo iv eolng to jnihH we reiched
a dipatiTi from C'a itain I'dowcrt to
the elici t that 1 ( 'oinpany had taken
the challenge plate iu the competitive
,jj j
J) company in the baby of the
li L'inielit . h.iviliL' been ortralii.ed but a
r ,i if i 1 . . r i
fi"W ,n,":,hH' "W ri,'t. l" f'
l"'","l," I'" Kllceei-H, IIM JlOOIl JilVcr IliM
to feel jiiotld of It.
Hill ef Honor. 1
In Hchnol district No. 1. 1'upiln that '
did not miss a day for the term ending I'lth:
Lee Wilson,
Flora ilsoii,
Max Hiurichs,
I'jnest Smith,
.Maud Oilhcrt,
Hoy Slioeiu.iker,
C. L.
(race Wilson,
Finest Hiurichs,
( luia Hinrichs,
lames Smith,
Fred I iinlli,
Jessie McKay.
Oii.iikkt, Teacher.
June l.'ftli I Mil, to
Puimt, u daughter.
Mr. ami Mr
l'nr Sale.
A line fruit ranch of MO acres, four
' four miles and a half west of the town
of Hood Liver, on the Columbia. It
has4iH) fruit lives, most of w hich are
; iu hearing, ixiKrape vines in bearing,
, half acre of blackberries in full bearing
j (Will yield I, HDD pounds of berries this
; yean, Hi.iHH) strawberry vines,.') acres
of corn, ' of clover ; U-tween Kami U
i acres in cultivation, balance timber;
I tine Irrigating facilities; ,1'IH) feet of
: light-covered llume ; two reservoirs:
land over 4 on feet of water pipe, carry
! imr water Into house. Price fi'.titl.
Call on F. K. Absten at theruiieuor
address ut Hood Kivcr, Or.
Fourth of July Contests.
II ASK iiaix. '
A purse of $liri for the winning club.;
ri.t'd id i.iks. j
A pri.e of $10 for the best sustained I
character. !
Race Xo.
race for hili
and safety wheels, tnve-eiyhts of n mile
dash, for a silver medal valued at $'.
Kaee No. ".-I'.icvele race for safety's
only, half-mile dusli, for silver medal
valued ut $0.
ii,KV () 3 Ilievcle race for hi"h
, , ' ' " ,,.,.,'. fu
wl,wls onl i-'-mU dash, for u
mivcr meinu viuuumii
Vll. 1 c.iitl..iii..n'H romlstor
trot, half-mile heats, best two in three,
to carts, owners to drive, $2.50 entrance
$15 milled; money divided 70 -0 unci 10
Per cent.
Kaee Xo. 5,-ISaddle horse race, half-1
mile dash from a standing start, catch
, -() L.ntraile0 Jl". added;
e . " ,, ,, ,, '
money divided, ,0 3) ami 10 per cent.
T .avo ,lt W f e" ;
i.niniiioiw.iiiif uroiot-itlv nt n. in.!
coiiiiiietieiou luoiopiiy 111 i.oi 11. 111.; .
.,, .... ...... ,... ,,
with the secretary of the luiurth of.nule.
I nil' ( '.illilllitf iwv
H. J. Maiicu, Secretary.
The llnnri's heliivv Rlvethc result of the ex
amination of the pupils In the (iranimiir
Hniini lliiuil Klver pulilie school, fur the term
ondlni! June Wtli MU.
3 w c
a ESlggg.gaS XT. S. History
"ii?t$ oll2ZsVB cieoriiphy
- l'hysioliury
a$S' speiitim
V.SZ.f.&S'.S iiriiiuiuar
iS Liinuunifi'
SSS2asS Arlthinctlc
tiTdt.$U.Z'S?.2?, Average
t HX).
Pupils who did not enter the examinations
nt the close of t he term, will be reintlred to
pass them nt the hejrinnlns of the next term
tieloru entering their classes.
P. A. isnYnER, Teacher.
Does K B. get there?
smile. .S. D.
Well I should
1 WV tire veiling (,'liiwarf iiml crK'k-
TV clii'Ml.i" tlnili It. wum ever M'l III
,)iH ,,),,,.,.. Y have ii lull lino of fruit
i inix. iiiiiI wo me w'lllmr 12 (mint Miihoii
1 iii' f nt , r do,., I ((Hurt
! I tin ...... r ... t 1 1 . . ci in .....
o. I'crlecr
j ,
nil olhcr irood-i
nil iiini'imiy
'all arid lct oiiolaliotiM on Hiik'ar.
j 'J he
fact h we will not U- iinderMold hy
I "'iy"i'" wdm doen hu
'loi M hlllilll'HM (III hlllillCHM
r. .... I.l.r, Jl,' Mt,.l.n H . I""
tu .t. i ' IH k II' l.'f f
'I'he nndcihijMieil heiu located near
Hood Kiver, wifluM to inforni particH
who may he dcclroiN of haying mir
vcvlnir il'itie. Hint he In ii lil'nctii'iil
Mui veyor of many year cj('ricnec,
and that work entrusted to him will m
''if"iiii( (l with dinpatcli and eoncc.t-
iii'MK. He takes pleannri! In referring to
Mr. A. H. Jowe'.x, (who for yea.x wa(
county eommMoiicr in .MnmcHota,)
and for whom he did county work an
' ,,,UII,.V Hurvcyor, nn i in uniiny.
II,, r ,. ... 1 ,
J'tirlien writiiiL' me at
Jlfxl will re-
eelve prompt attention.
C. J IUvkk.
J)aled HoikI Itlver April Uth, lultl.
ITImiIh.T t.lili.l, A' t .lUie 'I, fH7H.
t'lllteil Mtiili'H hiltut (tirilC.
i 'i n,' iiiiii , iiii'xoii. May, II,
I Notice In ItrrrliV kIvcii tliul III (oiiiilinii',i i
i with tlin .r.,vihl.iii of tin- le t ot C,ii'.;r.'ii o'
' .Inii'" 'iitiH''.l "An le t fur !l" hI
.,,,. ,i-i ml. ,.r i '..tic.t'fiu ii.
in, Nevmlu, an. I wiiKhlia'toit 'I'-Trllory,'
.jiiiiiii r,. minim ot iiihmi iiivit, I'oiiritv ,n
'iim'o, Ktnti' ol ( in ina, Iiiik HiIk ilny rtli'.il In
t Ii Ik i.IIIi'i' IiIh Hworii Hliiti'iiiilit tin. 1t Iln- i
Miriiiav ol tin' wdit liw;nl '-, of wfllon nn. d.
Ill tow unIiIji an, 1 nnrtti, rinii' no. H ciit. unit
M ill nll'. r prmif lo hIkiw Hint Hie limit mhikIiI
Ih inure valtnililc 111 IiiiiIht or Mtoiie tiiiin
fur ii'-.'i'l.'ulliinil ,iir,,,, , hh.i t,, ,.k:il,iui, i1m
i liilin to wil.l Iniel li. l.ii'' Hi,' l!i 'alnt'r mi l
,'. iM r of t Ills i. Miri' ul I ln' Imll, iir.-oti, on
Til.'wl.iy, flic lltli ilny of Ailnust, K'll.
lf' iniiin" iih n itin s'.,': (' I,. Moi'w, I.. K.
Mor.e. I-. II. Kl'-I'l, I '. 1 1. M.nlilinlii, nil nl
1 Iihi'I Ulver, I tr Koii.
Any mi't nil mtiii ' Inltiilni! telviTsi'ly tlif
iili.ive i.'i rilH'.l Inii. In nn- r.'.ii,'t, il to llli)
llii'li'ilniiiiH in till" oil ire mi or U ..n' mjil mil
ilny of .Aiii'iM, liill.
nii i-Jyli Joivn w, I.i !h, MkM'T.
I.aiul I illicr nl Tin-Imll'-y, dr. .hmi', IX, MM.
Not .i' W liiTel.y I'iwn that (he followltit'.
nnini'il hi It l.-r Iiilh ti i,"l notti'i of tils inti'i.ttiin
lo iniik.- : j , ml ero. i Ii, Hiiiieort of Iih i'IiiIiii.
iohI Hint Mil. I priK,r ulll l. imel,' l,.'for,' the
' V"".V --.l-.-rt; I. . t The lh,l.i
V. . ,
Averr.T Kredeiihnrg.
It. It. No. XV. Ir tho M. i'., H S
S. K. S'-i-. I, Kiel N. K. I-l N. i:.
vv. '..s.':
J-l hr, 5
I.. 1 ,.N. L l K. V. M, I
ilr iinir.t' if,,' tiilliiivliur wltii,"H's to prove i
Ills i'oih ttiuoiih ri .i'iK i' n I hiii uml riiltlvntion
" "i'i IhihI. .: .inim I . IliMrom, .linnis I
.iii.iini,,, .iiiiii, i i'iMiioi,iii,iir.iinminiiiiiK i
Oii-irtiti, (iiiiiae 1 leu tier, of Ml. II noil ireunii. !
j'-iiKl John V. I.Ktt'ix, ld'aisler.
I litiil I liner nt Vancouver, Wash. June 2!, MM.
Nnl'ee Ik heretiy clvi n Hint the followlni:-1
! tunnel set Her has llle.l tint Ire of his intention
' to iniik.' linnl pr.sif In Miixirt '
i of tils i ln ini, ami ll.nt sniil proof will ! tiiaile i
j iM'foi,-die ( lei k of tin- Superior Court of skit- i
, nuiiihi. ('utility Washington, at lower Can-
, i-u'le, nsli., on August sth, t'l. vl.:
i David K. (I nl way.
II. II. 77111. for tin- K.'j S. w. ijntiit N. w. 1-1
I S. w. I-l uml S. K. 1-4 N, w. 1-1 Si, ,-. 1:1, Tn. 8, N.
K. I'K. V. M.
lb' untiles tin ftiJlowini; vilni'ss,s tn pruvi
! It Im I'oiitliiuoiis reslili iK i' upon nail I'tiltlvatlim
nl. s.iiil Iiml. vi: Aiiii.s I Wlllium
I iriimi, riini ii's M vers, Joliti Joliuson, all of I
Chitiowltli Wiisli.
JLT-llllzl ' JollN ll. liKlllillMi AS. Iti'ilstlT.
rrnrtices in nil the courti of Orison nnil
Washington, sjiecitil otti atloti given to con
veynnrltiir. (H A'TLK OFFICE,
A fine pony suitable for a lady to
ride, toget her with side-saddle, bridle
and complete uutlif I mjulre of James
In the Prather Building, Corner
of Second and Oak Streets.
nr.a r-i,A it m ka i .s 25 ckxts.
Meals cooked to order nt all hours of the day.
Miss. Ji'i.i.v Hakx Proprietress.
Civil Engineers
and Surveyors.
All kinds of snrvej iiiir promptly at
tended to. Special attention fftvea to
11 attiinrnereiironertv. Fr ees reason
Addrrm Itnom 4, S. E. Corner Second A
and Wuxhintton, SV.
roruana ur.
IV ilk Shake.
Hot Coffee and Cold Lunches.
MA It VIM It.NI Pkocuiktoh.
Foi'Coiijthsand Colds wo beat them tillS.B.CC.
WHMH M, AND ;. NKW V(iHT litM'K,
TIIK, i.f,f,K4, IIIll-XMlN.
Dy.tMii WfKlMW A Mk.ikkkk,
Vofirt' now buildlrig', Socond St.
TIIK JAhlI-W iflUviiuN.
A l.'W )to:k (if IUiHcm' uml Oeiitii'
Sl'VA'tXt, nttcntioti vcn to ck-ait
iiiK and repairing watchcM.
Hood River, -
- Oregon.
Land Locator.
Krerr liody wuntu land id )ltn
Itiver Valley. I have some try le-l
sirable tractn of ginid land on my lint j
for preemption, hoineMeadi ami tiiii-!
lred iTainiH, with running water on i
' them. I can locate wverai ctm.-kmen
a'lvanfiiL'eotiKly. lH not fail to w
me at HoikI Itivtnr J-'alln or address nie
ut Hixxl Jlivtr, VN'iuw'o County, (Oregon
, . . J'iss is ASH,
Has been thoroughly j
renovated, and a large j
ell added doubling its!
Kvi rythliiif will lie found neat ami clean
,xn tiif.
Tables w lil lw sitpplieil with the best the
iKOH(iH HICUnKKT Proprietor. !
Optical Goods, j
Fine Watch Repairing- a Specf-,!
Second St.
The Dalles. Or.
j. i. wmm, &,co
Have the only abstract of land
titles in the County, and
are the only persons who
can furnish reliable in
formation concerning
land titles on
We are also prepared to mafee 01t
all necessary papers for filing oa the
1AT CI T m.
Choice bargains
in city and
t.jr 1 1 n. .ri -i z.i rz
Country Property.
Ojtcra Jloufie JSfork The Dalles Or.
The Eastern Oregon
:IX mKE:
Max Vogt Block,
E N Chandler, Mgr.
The Dalles.
Sirifi: the tlixtof June wo huvc whlvil
to our
Furniture te Carpet
Himhies a complete I'ntlfrtakliijr V
! talillMlimciit, and iih we Hticceedetl In
I getting olirxtiM'k- from the Kant with
lout Ix'ing compelli'il to join the I'liflcr
j taker's TriHt, we aHHtirc the public tliut
i In conwijueiice thereof our
j Prices Are Very Low
) Jlerneiuber Mir Iare of bmitiem on
rRoTRfr.TOM or tH
1 1
? ' Hood Hirer Market.
Keep nietm Vy i hand loO
mi.l ot
Choice Meats of all kinds.
Sausages a Specialty.
Kpclii attention pkid 14
Fumii-Iiing Millinen
and Sup)'ving Meat
in Large Quantifi.
Don't Fiiryt thr Plaet
Oak strwt nest dotir to GlacikK
Removal Noticcl
Wm. Fvlichell,
WUhet to inform his many friendi nd Ih. puMW
general)., that lie hu removed hi
undertaking room to
Corner Third amU Wakhingtoo,
WJre he carries ta'A toolc ot everything bmiM
in that busineat.
OttJers by dipatcli, eiprou, mad or la pew
fromptl . utteiidud to and natistaotion giiaranUiod
Can be seen an r hour of the day or ntyht at turn r
irnre, cormr fourth Kid WanhiOKtos; r pise m
cers have moved to tho
cor. of Third and Union.
St. where they carry a
complete line of staple
and fancy
And also do a general commission
business. Thankful for pnst favors, wir
solicit a continuance of the same i.t
our new store in the old I'ost Oflk
Building Cor. 3rd,, and Union St.
The Dalies, Oregon
10! Elf Ei MILLS.