The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 04, 1891, Image 2

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    HvXtDlUVKi:. OK., JII.Y, 4, is;i.
.i.v oi'i'oirnwn v.
With an uuliitiitivl water power livw
it in luit natural that visitors shouM
.k why we have no faetories.
rexsoii is plain, ami is that until recent
ly Hiioil Kiver wsw a comparatively
tinknown region. Thou .who lived
heiv hail neither the knowledge nor
Hie means to ctijjagi' in nianufaeturiii):,
ami the w urlit knew nothing of our re
sources, or tiossibilities. The time has
arrived font change in this respect, and I making was with regard to the water,
it is probable our w ater-pow er will soon j w hich r.t the same time was praised ly
heputto work. In innversotion w ith ; the company from Paker I iiy, show
Mr. Hall, w he came to the coast front ! injj that our hoys are used to p""'
Massitchusi'tts to take charge of The ' w ater and that the other fellows are
ISoi'tU Dalles shoe factory, wo learned j not. There are nine tympanies in
that a "line" of machinery for nianii-; camp, one from Wallowa, U'lng three
l.ieturiug shoes can Ik? laid down heiv I days making the trip, and the itm about j;iiHKi. A "line'' w ill turn tiut j panics from Fossil and t'otulon were
4itM paii-s of shoes per day, and tvi-iurcs nearly as long. Adjutant Uenoral
jiUiut iMioisc power to run it. We be-! Slioefner, visited the camp Monday,
lieve this is an opportunity that Jliuxl ami was highly pleased w ith the np
Kivershould seize, and that the cstab-! jK'nrance of the regiment. The follow1
hsiiiug ot th'm factory hero would be I ing outline of duty shows that the boj s
Hie very best thing possible, A tan- are not having time hang heavy on
lurry would necessarily follow, and cm-1 their hands:
liloyinetit for a large number would In1 j First call assembly of trum-
lut nished. Wo U'lieve a stock com- j peters. 4:4") n. m.
puny could bo formed here, and that I Kcvcillc o:no "
the stock would be all taken on short j Assembly (roll call and sit
notiee. In talking to one of our citi-! ting ap drill o -it "
zens Thursday, he ollcred to take J jilO
in the enterprise, and he is not a rich
man either. If others would do as well
Uie sueeess of the enterprise wouid be
It is stated that the Olmcrixr, now
published at Wasco, Sherman county,
is to Le moved to Moro, several miles
outh of that place. The county seat
lUestion lies now between W aseo and
-Mom, and until the last meeting of the
legislature Wasco had the best of the
light, and sneered at her rival. Affairs
have changed since the Hon. E. O. Me
toy who is an owner in the Moro town
site and also a member of tlie Oregon
legislature, put a spoke in Wasco's
wheel, by adding a considerable slice
taken front Wasco county, to the south -
eru boundary of Sherman, thus giving
it a majority of the votes. The moving
of the county paper from the county
seat to Moro, indicates what the result
of the next election ii expected to be.
Wasco will g"t left.
For Our .Militia Bojs.
HoimI Kiver does not know whether
her militia company has taken any of
the prizes at the encampment or not,
she does not care; for she realizes that
the boys have performed their duty,!, lge his skin or not ,theb,.vs of the
ii.t i it ' rn. .1 c '
and she is proud of them. To show
her appreciation arrangements have
been completed forgiving D company
a ball and supper Monday night. Mr.
A. K. Jones literally started the ball
rolling and voluntary contributions i
passed in so fast that the money was J
raiseu in a lew iiiuiuies 10 jiiukc uie i
att'air a success. The hall lighted lias
leeu offered free of charge by Messrs.
I'erry & Jones, and several of the mu
sicians offer their services on the same
Messrs. A. 1$. Jones, M. V. Harrison,
Joseph A. Wilson, J. II. Middletou;
J. H. Cradlebaugh, ate the committee
of arrangement; W. B. Perry, J. J.
Luckey, L. Neff, and C Hayner, floor
committee. Mrs. A. S. Blowers,
Mrs. L. R. Thomas, Mrs. George
Herbert, and Mrs. A. B. Jones, have
been appointed a committee to decor
ate the hall and tables; and Mr. T. C.
Dallas, treasurer. Everything will be
furnished the memoers of D company
free of clwrge, but others participating
will be charged lifty cents for the dance.
The supper will be furnished by Mr.
.and Mrs. Herbert at the Mt. Hood
hotel, and the tables will be arranged
for seating all the members of I) com
pany and their ladies, at once. Supper
will be furnished others at SI per
couple, either at the hotel, or at Mrs.
Harn's restaurant.
It is expected that all who have cut
flowers to spare will contribute them
for the occasion, as they will be needed
to decorate the tables, and to furnish
if possible a button hole boucpuet for
each member of 1) company. Flowers
can be left at Dr. Thomas' drug store,
and should be left by 3 o'clock Monday
afternoon. It is a rare occasion, and
should be made the atfair qf the year.
Oram! march at 8X0.
Those Hydrants.
The matter of putting in bydrants
and getting hose and a cart is of the
utmost importance, and of the greatest
uig ncy. Whatever we decide to do,
should be settled upon at once, so that
if the work is done it can be done as
the pipes are laid. The hydrants will
cost in place about thirty dollars, or
lor four $120. The hose will cost, ac
cording to quality, from 40 cents per
foot for a good quality of three-ply
Kidgewood, to 01 cents for a four-ply
' Maltese cross, the best made. Three
ply of the latter, can be bought for 50
cents a foot. Three hundred feet would
cost say $150 a d a cart, say 50, so
that with an outlay of WoO. allowing
for incidentals, we can have lirstclass
fire protection. This should reduce
insurance rates enough, to in a short cover the entire cost of the ma
terial. The pipes will be laid within
the next two weeks, consequently it is
time for us to get a move on.
TlioTMnl 1! plmt'iit in Ciiiun.
The Thinl l!vu;iiin'iit O. N. !., went
iitlo enni;i two miles west of The
Pa lies Smulay al'let'iioon. Theni'oiinoN
ail' not the best in theworltla ro of
wheat hay hav'uur just Wvn eut oil'
them and the ivsult is plenty of tltis-t.
I'liere is noVhaile exeept a small j;nve
. of oak s iplhuri, at the extreme south-
ern iiinit (f the uroumls, ami w ith the
thermometer in the nineties ihe tents
hut give foiw to the heat. Peompany
went from here Sumly nurnins' ahoiu
llfty stins,a:Hl Is the haiiuer company
at least as far as mianhcr aiv concern
oil. Wc saw sonic of the hoys Monday,
and the onlv complaint they were
I Keeall
i Mess call
fck call
I Fatigue (i-olioing (jnartci-s)
j First call for drill
j Prill call
; iocall
! yii call assetnblv tuard
! detail
! Adjutant's call (guard int.)
Assembly of truinpetci-s ...
Assembly (company drill)
Keeall ..
Fir.-t sergeant's call
Mess call
First call assembly
Adjutant's call battalion
j Kot'till
! Mess call
Klitigue (polieingeainpi ...
. Fi,.st Cllll nmbly dress
Adjutant's call
call assembly of
trumpeters K.oo "
Tattoo 8:30 "
Assembly roll call S:4-'i "
Taps 'J:;0 "
The encampment has ill monstratcd
Unit whether tne J-.tlin tuaii can
Third can do so easily. The change
J fronr the customary civilians hat, to
j the briefly visored cap has given the
I sun a chance and necks and inses are
I sun burned to the jieciii'g stage. The
I mall with 1 he lH'orest. luise anil the
1(jngfcjt is (k.eidediy,m,t of luck,
and every man in the regiment im
agines he is the fellow that has it.
D Company sizes up well with the
balance of the regiment and we would
not be surprised to see it bring home
the challenge plate.
The competetive drill probably takes
place this (Friday) afternoon, and the
sham battle at the fair grounds Satur
day afternoon.
The boys of D company will be home
tonight or Sunday morning, more
likely the latter, and they will, we feel
aasured have enough of military life to
last them until snow Hies.
A span of work horses, one four
years old, the other nine years. Will
weigh 2ti(i0 pounds, and are true and
sound. Call at this office.
TTcmsg Lopsman i
Will make the season in Hood Kiver
Valley. For the present will be at Joe
Purser's from Tuesday evening until
Thursday morning. During July he
will be here during the entire month.
YOUNO LOPSMAX is , registered as
a Dominion horse, bred in Canada;
Clydesdale and Canadian ; will weigh
l,(il); is a dark chestnut, with blaze
face. Terms : 'i single leap; season 11).
O. S. Morgan,
The CiinliiT Line.
The Chicago, Union l'ucific & North
Western Line oilers the best acconmi
ddtions to the traveling publie enroiite
to Chicago. Through trains, fast time,
magnificent sleeping cars, elegant
dining cars, colonist sleepers, reclining
chuir cars and handsome duy coaches.
Fourth of July Kutei.
For the Fourth of July tickets, will
he sold to any fail station within SIM)
miles on the I'. 1. lines at the rate of
one fare fur the round trip. Tickets
will lie sold on July -ml, 3rd, and 4th,
i u'o.xi to retui n up to and including the
('nine to my place about the middle
of Noveuiber'lHUO, a two year old red
heifer, has a little white on sides, and
tail half white, and two small holes in
left ear. Owner will pay charges and
take her or she will be disposed of ac
cording to law. F. C. Shkhhikh.
( Mu six orntlveil i'euil of lors(,8) from
: one to eight years old. Sale commen-
ccs at 10 o'clock a. m. Terms one year
with approved security.
ii. I!. Pottkh.
Also at M. Ii. Parsonage on siune
day as .above, 1 will sell my entire
stock of household goods.
V. S.
noijci: i ok itpucatiox.
I .mill I'llic n! Yiiiii'huut, Wur-li June H'l,
Nnltce Is In o-liy r.hcil thai llin lnlloMlnii
n.unr.i M'llti i !.a llled iiiilii't' i 'I lilx tiilctillon
in iuii'o' lunil ilium In Mii""i "I III" i'IiiIui,
iiml lliiil siiiil ihiiiiI Mill ho uiiiitii hclme tlm
Ui'uKii'i iiiiiI KivriiiT t'. S, 1 .11 tul Olllee ill
V iiticnuvcr Wii.nIi. mi July ii, Is.1!, U:
Peter Sluller.
II. IV I'nlrv No. Tiai'. I'm- tlm w. H. K. '
iiml I'.. 1 . s. . i , sv. I.i, Ti. ii. N. II. 10 1'., w.M.
Ill' IIMl'lli s llli' lnlli'W III',' Witnesses III I1IM
IiI.m i mi 1 1 ii iii Hi" i. -lie in i' ii I '"ii unit I'lilllviillnii
in', -.;ill Inn. I, .ln.rili AiTttl, lliiii'lcs .1.
l'i l.'r'Hi, Ni'iili r'llcr, DoiikIiis I'. I'hilMle, nil
Hi limit l.iike Wnh.
1 1 j - .Ion x I', til nuimiAN, Ili'Klxter.
l.iind nilU'i' "I VmiiMUver Wiisli. June 4, Wl.
I Notice l licivliv ulvi'll Unit till folloMllltf-
iiiiiiii''l vlllcr Iuih Med notice of Ills Intention
to ihmI.i1 limil proof In ii'tiii of hi elulni,
'mill Hint MiUI proof III In' miiilii Inline tin"
j Itiv.Mcr ninl lovclvcr V. x. I mill ttlllee lit
Vancouver vii-!i. on July i lud. vl:
i Charles J. Peterson.
1 II. I. I'.nlrv ,i. Vi'M. for tin' N. K. Sev
tinn '.'t, Tp. I1, N. II. Ill I:, '. M.
II.' lllll'li'S t tlf lillloW I UK MilllCS.K'S til IHMVO
.discontinuous residence llum ninl I'lllllvu
'Honor, -Mill liiinl. f. Ji'm'I'Ii Acini, IVIer
Mold t, N.'iili I'.ili r, :t!l ol Trout,e Wii.sli,,
.hii'oli I'.. Jiu'oliMiii, ol white Siilmoti wiish.
Jl l.lyis Jons li. (iMHiiiKii vn, l!c!Mcr.
I.imd oillce lit VmiiiHiMT wash. Juno t, Wl.
Nollee N hen -dv Riven tlnil the following
iihiiii'iI m tl lei' Im-i I' li'il nollee of his In tr-nllon
o ninl.e lliml prool in Miioi l of his elnlui,
slid t'.nil said proof Mill lie nund" ln'l"iv tin1
lleuMi r ninl Keeelver I', s. l.miil Ollleo lit
Vancouver wash, on July :' N'l, vl.:
lox lih Aerul.
II- ! Tnti'v No. "HI, loi- the X. K. Nov. "Jl,
i'.. .I. x. k. in:. . m.
He iiami - the follow inn winn ers to Prove
i liin f i moils iv.Kumhv nmn mul etiltlvntlon
in', saiil land. Mt 1'el.T Slollef, t'lllllleM J.
IVtrr-iOii. Noah Kller. I on-lns i '. fli list ti-, all
of Trout t.uke W a-lilti'Mmi.
: il l-lvls John Ii. Okooii aiia.v. Keglsler.
I I.anil Ol'.lee at aneotiver. wash. June ll. NU.
Nntiee l en Iiy irlven Unit the following.
" name,! M'Jtleri have llled Imliee of their Inleu
, to make llnal irnof in Miint of their
. ' i aim nail Ihal said I'limH villi tic lnaile
i ' Ii I ire W. K. I'llltl'.ir I 'out m IssloiuT t'nlled
. S' ii -- ' 'in-iiil Ci'iirl lor Ulsiitet ol Washlncloii
" 1 at liolili'iiilali', wii-hhmton on July , IM'l,
) vi.: tilMUUi: ki;
llimii'sleatl liioiV No. 77 1 : (r the N. K. 4
See. 7. Ti. .V N. It. I: l ust ill. Mer.
it e mi iin-s tin' I'iIIi.w inx U'IIIii'sm'S to prove
h N ei.ntluiioiK reihli m-e upon, and elilliviilloli
" ,ni. said land, vlx: lmld Klosiier, liililel
( rii'ii , I'hlllip t line, John II. lvtiiinmi, all t
i Knlda 1. li. wiiili.
aU'i: ul.IVi:tt V. KKKPS.
! H"iil''sead Knirv No. 7TV for the K. ', N.
" . ', mid Lots I and S Shv. 7, T. i. X. If. 12
I Kat M-. M.
Who names the follow Inx witmM'S to
... , prove liU continuous reslilemv iiin. Hint eitl
' livatloii ol. said land, vl: liuvjil Khwner,
p. 111. Liaiilel I'll ie'. I'iiilllp Uine, John 11. H lliuiun,
1 all of Kuldii 1'. ii. wash.
" lloiiieitead Knlrv No. 771a tor the N. of N.
ii 1 .and S. K. !. of N. i'.. j and N. K' of H.
: K 1 , s. e. II Tp. a. N. It. II I jit m III.. Mer.
' W ho nanies the fullowiin; ItnesMK U) lnivi"
hi-emit :niionsti'i'iilenee iiiin, and culllvn
' tinn of. said land, vl.: Ilavld Kloner, lhmlel
i ('line, riilllip ('line, John 11. 1 K llilinili all of
Fuiilal'. (I. wash.
" 'also Kt.ICY K. I.()vt:t.U
" ( Homestead Kntrv No. ;M for the w. 'a of M.
M-. ' i, S. K. 1 . of S. v. 1 , and s. w. '4 of s. K, '4
" Sit. '., Ti. .". N. It. 12 Kat will., Mer.
i she names the followinu w ilnessen to prove
! her iimtinuoin residence iimn, mul rulllvii.
" i Hon of, said land, vi.: Kohcrt ( line, Stephen
i S. W'iiileoinh. Oliver I'. Ivleps, Ikiil'ili' Kri'w,
: all id Fuldn V. ( ). wash.
also I IIANK KI'.KI..
I Homestead I'ntrvNo. 7IIT0 for the K. ofH.
v. and I.ols :i and t See. ill, Tp. .1, X. It. II
j I-'.nsl w ill., Mer.
Who tuition tlie folloM'Inu witnesses to prove
j his coiitiiiiuius lesidenee uxin, iiml eultlvu
' Hon of, said land, viz: Ollviu 1". KrepB,
; (iinive Kreps, Simon 1'. Kreps, fhesu-r ly-
litoud. nil of h'ulila. I'. '. wash.
jltjNl.S John 1). ii-:iatiiKij.n, Ki-jjlster.
r.and I Hllcc at Vancouver wash., June II ISM.
iTo Henry K. Whltcomti, KraneU M. ltleh
unison, and die (icrssous, and all whom It
mav concc'tn:)
Notice Is hereby L'iven that the folloM'Injj
named settlers have tiled notice of their Inten
tion lo make hind proof in Htimiort of their
claims and Unit said proof w ill fie made before
W. It' Imiihar. I'ominlssioner t'nited Stales
Circuit Court liistrict of Washington, at
(iolilendale wash., on July i-t, ImiI.
viz: I. A I'M TKUSON.
Homestead Entry No. .1751 for the R, lintH.
K. ' . S. w. i , ot s. I'). i . and 8. 1
, of s. w. i;
See. li 1 p. a, ,. ii. vi w in., .tier.
lie mimes the follow ln witnesses to prove
his continuous residence Uin, anil cultiva
tion of, said land, viz: Joseph Sllvu, John
Olseii, Frank Ucvnolds of I.yle P.O. wash und
David Kln, of I' lilda, 1 (). wash.
lfi,,,invt.iiil ViOt'V Vi, -Til".:", fur (tie V? V.
Sec. 21 Tp. 5, N'. U. 12 Kast w ill., Mer.
I Who names the followlns wilneswH to
; prove his coiiliniiousjri'sldenci! upon, nnd eul-
tivalion of, said land, viz: Joseph Sllva, Ijirs
j Person, ol'I.yleP. O. wash- Albert licrtchl,
Herman Hertchl, or Miuia r. u. wnsn.
Annlieatlon No. la under Hi'. 3 Forfeiture
Act Sept her at, 1S!0. For the H ot H. K. yt j
and s. ' , oi s. w see, .tt i p. i .Minn aim
hot 1 Sk:. :! Tp. :t North, both of Kuti?e. U
Kast will., Mer.
Who names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous claim to, and cultivation of,
said land, viz: David Klinr, of Ftildu P.O.
wash, l.ars rerson, Jonn oixrn, r runic iieyn-
olds all of I.yle P. O. wash.
liylS Jollll D. UKiHilfKOAn, Itejjlster.
Timber 1iind, Act JunnS, 1H7S.
1 V. s. I.axi) Office, 1
i Tiik, Or., Muy, '1, ls!H. )
Notice is lii'i'cliy irivt'ii tluit In rompliimcn
I with t!i provisioiiK of the net of ('onifrefi'i of
! Jiim.' ;l, IsTS, entitled "An iK't for the nule of
tiinlier lnndH in tlieStnles of f :iillfoiniu, Ore
j iron. Xevndii and Wnshintcton Territory,"
ISiiIIIpA. CnpiiH, of White Siiilmon eount.vof
Kliekilat Slnteol v nsti.. hum tins any nieu in
this otliee his mvorn Ktnteinent, No. 1(17, for the
l.urehiiwof the KfAV, Unnd V. Y, H. K. Hee-
.o. 1, 111 liiwunill)! ao. , ikiiiiKU f r...
will otliT proof to kIiow that the liinil
Koujrnt. is more vunniineior n iiiuoer or mono
than for ni;i ietiltiirul purposes, und to eKtab
lish his claim to said land liei'nre the lteiter
and Keeelver at this olllee at The Dalles, Ore
gon, on Saturday, the'ith day of August, Will,
j Tie names as witnesses r E Morce, of
I Ilddd IllveT, Or.; Win. Hand,of Hood Kiver,
I Oi'.j. J. C- IlaviM, ot'THood lllver, Or., b W.
I White, of White Salmon. Waslilnston.
Anvand all jiersons elnimlnj? adversely the
nliovi; descrlheil lands are reiiiesled to tile
their claims In thlsoilleeon or hefore said fill!
I dav of August, Will.
! in:i0-auf?.i JOHN W. LEWIS, KeRlster.
Land office al The Dalles, Or. May. 21, 1891.
Notice is hen by Kiven that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his Intention
toJmaUe llnal proof in support of his claim,
and that said proof will he made before the
ltegister and lieceiver I'.S. Land Olllee at The
Dalles Or. on July , 1)1, viz:
William Elink.
H. D. No. :i',:n, for the s. y. s. w. '. and w. y.
S. V.. See as, Tp. 2, N. It. 10 E. W. Al.
He names tlie following wilnesses to prove
his continuous r.isidchcc upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz: John O. Divers, Chris.
Dethinan, John Leutz, Hans. Lugo, all of Hood
lllver Oregon.
my:i!l-Jyl JOHN W. LEWIS, llcgistor
Two lot with good house, hnrn nnd hennery,
plenty of fruit. ' I'fiee ilStlll. Also six lots
with pMd house anil out. houses, line lawn nil
kimls of fruit, garden etc. I'riee RiVli). Im
provements alone cost price asked. This Is a
good investment, for speculation. Owner
wants money and must. sen. nine win lie
given on a port ion if dedrcd.
1 Address, A.M. Mf,
i it. ....I I.'!,-..,, shv-i,..
Uxitfd Studs Laxh Oiuck,
V.Nfot vi:it, Wash Jpsi: 'JO, isul. i
In couipllaiieo with IiinIhicIIous
Issued by the Hon. Coinnilsl"iior of
the tieneral Land Olllee, (elober -I,
ISS.'. Notle Is hereby given that
tow tishlp six (ttt north of range eleven
01) cast of he Will., Mer., him Iwcii
surveyed and the plat of survey w ill b
llled In tills otlliv on Thursday Augunt
1!0, sii. On and after that day, appli
cations will lie received for entry of
hinds in said township.
John 1). (iKiniiiKoAx,
Only $'.0.00 To I'lii bln mul Ketiirn.
To those desiring to attend the ojien
ing of the Colorado Mineral Palace at
Pueblo July 4, the Fnlon Pacific will
sell tickets at one fare for the round
trip on July 1st and 2d. Tickets good
to return until and Including July i!Uth.
Und OnViMil Tlm Dalles Dr., June 91, Wl.
Nothv Ih hereby given that tbe followltm
iiiitned eltler litis llled nollee of hi Intention
lo iimkr tlnal proof In su.snl of hi elalin,
mid IhHt Mild ptlHif will lie Ilinile tiidorn III
lii'Klsler and Itis'elvrr I'. H, I.. O, Hi Tlm Dulles
Or., August IS, IWi. vl.:
Ilanrjr I.. I'rapjMT.
H.D. No. init. (r tlie n. 1 K unit N.
s. w. v. 17, Tp. '.' N. : ill K, w M.
He names the follow Inn witnessed to prov
his continuous residence upon and cultlvaUoti
of, said land, vl: F. I1, hherileb, Anlonii
W s', C. M. wolfald, M. II. Poller, nil of Mood
Itlvrr Oregon.
Jyt.auH Jons W. I.kwis, lteller.
Land Ollleo al The Dulles Or. June,
Nollee Is herebv given thai the following,
named settler has llled nothv of his Intention
to make Muni piool In siipNirt of his claim,
andliuil said iroof will Im inade U'fore the
' iteglsii-r nnd ll.i'elver I'. H. I,, ii. ulTlie Dalles
' or. on August is, Isid, vl:
Antoitp WUc.
I It. 1. No. m for )w N. w. l-4of See. 17 Tp.
: 2, N.of It. 10 K. w. M.
! lie iiiiuii-s Ihe lolli'wlng wllm-sscs to provi
hli eoKiinuoiis r.islileneo iHm nnd ruillvallon
, of, 111111 hind. vU: It. 1 1. CiHpiH'r, D. H. ( ni
, 1st, w. I.. t'nipKT, t'luirlei. llayner, all of
1 Il'Miil Kiver Or.
Jyt-ugH John W. is, HegUtrr.
i Umd Olthv at The Dulles Or. June i'., 11.
I Nollee Is hereby given Hint the following
! named selller litis llled iioII.m' of his luteiitloii
j to iiuikp tliuil proof In mipport of Ids claim,
and that said proof will be made In fure the
i Keslsler nnd Iteiflvcr F. H. I,. O. lit The Dalleii
or, on August ih, imii, vi:
Isirscv M. t'nips'r.
H. D. No. :mii, for the N. F., 1-1 S.v. 17 Tp. 2,
N. It. K. w . M.
lie mimes the following witnesses to prove
hU continuous residence iihhi and enltlVHtlon
of, said land, vlx: F. t'. Sheirleb, An lone
w Ue, C. M. wolfald, M. II. Potter, all of Hood
Jyt-ugH John V. I.kwis, lti-glster.
Ijind oiliec at ThctDitlliK, or. May. ,l Ml.
Notice Is hereby given Hint Ihe following
named settler lam' fllisl notice of his Intention
to make Miial prisif In supimrl of his elulni,
und Hint mild proof will Is- inade bef,in Iti-gls-ter
und Ui'i-clver I'. S. Land Olllia: at The
Dalles, Oii-K-m, on July, . Isul, vl
Joliii (I. Diver.
H.D. .'in. X(l, for the H. N. W, Rinl K.
i S. W'4 Sec. ai, Tp. 2 N. It. 10 K. w. M.
! He immi'H the following wItneswK to provt'
his continuous residence lllsin nnd cultivation
of, said land, vl.: Chris. Isiliman, William
Fhn k, t'hailcM II. stianaliaii, K. I., smllli,
nil of Hood It I ver Oregon.
my-;ijyl John W. I.Vwis, Heglster.
IjhkI olllee al The Dulles Or. May, 21, 1H.
Nollee Is hereby given Hint the following
named settler hits' llled nolle of bis Intention
to make Itniil proof In supHrt or his claim,
ami that said oris, f will be innde beforu tlm
Register and Itecclver t1. S. land olllee at The
Pa lien Oregon, " July, I'"', viz:
Christian Delliinaii.
11. D. No. .sot, for the K. K X. F-, Heo. 21,
Tp. 2 X. It. lu K. W. M.
lie names Ihe following wltnesse to prove
his coutliiuouH residence ukjii and I'lilth utlon
of, said land, viz: John O. I'lvers, W'llllain
Khrek, Charles Ii. Slriinaliaii, V USmllli,
nil of II'ioU Kiver Oregon,
inyiio-jyl JoHX W. I.KWIS, lUlHter.
I jim! oltV-e at Tlm Dulles Or. May 20 1WI,
Xotlcp Is hereby given that tin following,
named settler has tiled notice oliln Intention
to iiuike final proof In mipsirt of hi" claim,
iiml that said proof will be made beforu tlm
Register unit lbs-elver V. H. I Mini Ollleo Bt The
liallen Or. on July 22, Ml, vl.:
Charles II. Straimlinn.
H. D. 3H0I, for the w. 'K, K. )'.. nnd K. Jj H.
'.i Hec. U,Tn. 2 X. 11.10 K. W. M. 1
He names tlm follow ing witnesses to prove
hiNCoutitiuoiis resilience upon nnu eiiiiivation
of, said land, vl.: .John (). Divers, Chris.
Iii'thmaii. W illiam Khrck, Joseph purser, all
of Hood lllver Orifion.
iny;t0-Jyl John W. Uww, lteglMtor.
Timber Lund, Ant Juno 8, 17.
V.. H. Laud OrKtCK.
Vancouvkr Wahhimmtom, April, aoth, IHW.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the net of Coiigrem of
Juncll, 1S7S, entitled "An net for the sale of
timber lunds In the slutes of J'ullfornlu, fire
gon, NevHda nnd Wiishlnglon Territory,"
Jamen H. l'nge. of Portland, inuntyof Multno
mah, state of Oregon, has this day filed In thin
olllee his sworn statement No. liXt, for tho
purchase of the Southeast .'of sect Ion No. II, In
township no. 6 north, range so. locust, w. in.
and will oiler proof to showt hut the hind sought
more valuable for Its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, und to establish 111.
claim to said land before the Heglster and llo
eeiverof this otl'ie nt Vunwiivcr Wash, on
Wednesday, the 22, (lay of July 1SHI.
He mimes us wilnesses: It. 1). CHineron, of
White Hulmon, Washington, K. H. I'uge, of
Portland, Or., A. L. llurber, of Portland, Or,,
W. L. Whiting, of Portland, Or.
Any and all persons claiming adversely tho
iibove-ilecsrlbed lands are requested to tile
their claims In this ollleo on or before mid
ifit, day of July, 1KUI.
m 2-Jy4 John 1). Okooiieoan, Heglster.
Land Office nt The Dulles Or. June, 5, 1801.
.Not Iii Is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
to make tlnal proof In supisirt of Ills claim,
and thut said proof will be made hefore the
Register and Keeelver I. H. L. U. at Tho Dalle.
Oregon, on Sept. 10 Mil, viz:
James Graham.
11. 1). No. SiWI for the IiOU3,4, 6, und 6, Hoc.
27 Tp. 1 N. 11. 10 E. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence ujKn und cultlvtlon
.r ut,i, Innd. viz; James I.aiiL'llle. William
Langllle, J. I'. IIIlstrom, A Kredeuhurg, all of
jlooo ltiveror.
JlJyl8 John W. Lewis, Heglster.
Land Ofllce ut The Dulles Or. Jonc, 4, ISM.
Notice Is herebv given that the following
named settler has (lied notleeof their Intention
to make final proof In supMit of their claim,
and thatsuld proof will be made before Regis
ter nnd Receiver V. s. L. O. at The Dalle Or.,
on August , 1HU1, viz:
Lizzie Bachelor,, (widow)
(andoncofthcbclr of William H. Baohelor
deceased.) . . ,
H.D. No.22W, fortheH. H.F..H andB.
S. W. U Kei:. 10, Tl). 2, N. II. 11 K. W. M.
She names the following witnesses to prov
her continuous residence tirnin and cultivation
of, said land, viz: H. D. Klshcr, Daniel bd
wards, Wm. Hudson, of The Dalles, Or., Dun
iel Hlurgls. of Mosler, Or.
J l) IS John W. Lkw is, RejKtcr.
llAHKV CMU'tlll.
Pacific crxco "W'orlc.
Cornor of Second nnd Launhlln Strowta Thw Dallos, Or.
liifeters of Goiiiiilii Fences,
The BcstStock.Ch'ickenand Rabbit Fence'
Strong and Durable Wiro Mattrcssos.
CLOUGH &; LARSEN, Proprietors.
stct lssolt TO
A Complete Line of
Flour and Feed,
Oppimlte tlit Stock Yard Near City llrcwciy, TMK D I.I.KS OK.,
Carpenters & Builders,
KTAIU PC 11.1)1 Mi AND
Crandall & Burget,
Furniiure, Carpets,
A Full Line of
Unflerlakiiig BqoIs.
Mail Orders Pronptly Attended to
1 60 Second St.
ivory anil
Oak Street, near Posloffiee,
Wc have First-Class Stock and Outfits, Double Buggies, Hacks
and Saddle Horses.
A Fine Four-Iloree Conch, suitable for fi.shing or excursiof
pprtieH, carries nine passengers. Parties taken to any aocesfi
ble point. Keliablo drivers.
Our Dray delivers barcrage or freight anywhere in the Valley
Charges Reasonable. '
,Niiiii;w I,ahsi:n.
Tiio "Dalles. Or.
& Bone,