The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 27, 1891, Image 1

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Hiver Glacier.
NO. 4.
v V
3Cood Iivcr lacier.
ri'iu.miKii iviht satchi'at MonNixa it
The Glacier Publishing Company.
Out mr
8 iii.mtht
1hii' titiHitlit- ....
, m w
io rM. i r.ik u. s Un.i
IMiul :: Law :: Spormlint.
R.xun No. a, (.ml Offli HiilMing,
Tim pai.i.ks, on.
Real Instate Broker,
Fire, Life and AooldeM Iniurtnci.
Money Loaned on Real Estate Security
0(Tlc. Krunoh 4 Co.'i Ittuk Hiiildtnf ,
Barber Shop
Grant Evans, Propr.
Second St., near Oak. . . Hood KWer, Or.
Shaving ami lluir cutting ftly don.
StiLirtloll (oiantiiteril.
A Portion or Fresno City,
Cal., Inundated.
. Jhe Legality of the San Diego Charter
--n. Practically Confirmed Other
Interesting News.
Regular trips to Gitalin:! Island will
Ix'k'iu the hitler part n( thin month.
Eureka, Oil., promises li) lutve ill) (
era limine that will scat 1,51111 people.
The Interstate Commerce Comini-'sion-ers
have just completed their bcHHion lit
It is reported that an oil well tit the
Went Kiul, Los Angeles, in (lowing forty
barrels u titty.
The birds received from Germany tit
Portland have Hreii(I ull over the Will
uiuette Valley.
A huw mill, with a capacity of (l.",(X)0
feet of lumber per day, w ill he erected
at Coos Bay thin Hiuimier.
The truth of the confession of Zwald
at Sacramento that he murdered two
wives in the Kant has U;en confirmed.
During the current gale at lel Norte
the waves dashed spray over the tower
of the Seal ltock lighthouse, 100 feet
above the rock
True hills have been found by the
AValla Walla grand jury against seven
soldiers who were engaged in the Hunt
lynching all'air.
The bark Column has just reached
Portland from Honukong with a large
number of Chinese birds, which are to
be turned loose.
The school census of Im Angeles city,
just completed, shows an increase of 203
children between 5 and 17 years of age
over last year's report.
Three Superior Judges, sitting in bank,
have practically continued the legality
of the San Diego (barter, which has been
in dispute for some time.
The putting of the Mensdorfer free
bridge bill into ell'ect in Oregon has been
inaugurated, and I'ortland people have
now free bridges in sight.
Millions of dead carp line the shores
of Owens Lake. The Imle.r says they go
down from the river and the chemicals
of the lake soon kill them.
The Kavveith Colony Trustees, with one
exception, have been lined $.'101, so that
they might appeal their case to the Cir
cuit Court. They all averred they had
no property, and will go to jail for thirty
The extra vagance and corruption of
municipal affairs at Los Angeles have
prompted the taxpayers to appoint com
mittees to investigate the county and
city offices and to look into the cost of
managing cities of the same class in the
A large number of Indians at the dif
ferent Indian agencies in Arizona have
applied to the Commissioners of the Co
lumbian Exposition at Chicago for space
in which to exhibit their curios and ar
ticles of tiitir own manufacture.
The large pumps of the Yuma (A. T,)
irrigating works were started the other
day, running successfully and supplying
an immense amount of water from the
Colorado river. The Yuma pumping
plant for irrigating is the first ever used
in Arizona.
Mrs. Augusta Schramm of Los An
geles, who asked $50,000 from the South
ern Pacific Company for the loss of her
husband in October, 1887, has been
awarded $4,000 by the jury. This is the
second trial of the case, the first trial
being for the defendant.
I t ( I'limr I'li iii' Will I'l'iilniM) li.
Our MhiUler In 4 IiIihi.
The contract fur crectiMg the public
building at Sacramento, Cal., has been
a hi iled to kreu.ehergcr ,v, llarvie at
$1 hi.OOO.
The President Iiiin gianlcd a pardon
in the case of Charles I,. Terry of Wash
ington, convicted of facilitating the
triiiiHHiitiition of opium into the I'uited
The Navy Department is ixit informed
of any il it 1 1 1 i I y of dutiable gonds smug
gled into this country bv olllcers of the
I'mted Stales steamer Omaha and
Swarlu, as reported from San I riinciseo.
It is understood (but Secretary Tracy
has decided to sustain the action of An
sislant Secretary Neltletoii in the mut
ter of the controversy between the Su
perintendent of the Bureau of Engraving
it il 1 1 Printing mid the Knights o( Lalur,
growing out of the recent dissatisfaction
w ith the State printers on (be ground of
insulxiidinutioii. It is stated sisit ivcly
that the men will not be restored, but
w ill U given an npKittunity to reenter
the service in the usual way.
Assistant Secretary Spauldiug decided
that (Ueen lieeH tue entitled to fill t
free of duly under the lurid providing
loriinimals especially imported for breed
ing purposes, not withstanding the re
iuiremciit that the provision for a cei
(ilicate of pedigree show ing a pure breed
cannot possibly lie complied with in llieir
case. This is in hurmonv w ith the prac
tice under the old lurid, but is in con
Hid with the practice under the present
tarill' of assessing duty on niieeu been at
il rate of 20 per cent, ad valorem, under
the provision foi animals not otherwise
provided for. The present ruling is bused
on represcnlal ions that these ieen are
never imported for other than breeding
purKises, ami that they are aiw ays oi a
Blipcrior breed.
It is is reported that President llarri
son has decided to send ex Governor and
ex-Senator Gilbert A. Pierce of North
1 lakotil as our representative toChimi.
.Minister Pierce is now an editorial
writer on the Miiuieiisilis Tiilmuf. lie
is a native of Indianapolis, mid his per
somil relations with President Harrison
were of so intimate a nature that during
his Senatorship his utterances were iimi- ,
ally accepted as authoritative, I he send
ing of (iovernor Pierce to China will, it
is thought, Is- followed by the upiint
ment of ex-Senator Blair (o Japan. The
salarv is $12,000 a year, the same us that
attaclied to the Chinese mission, w hile
the court to which he w ill Is' accredited
is a far more desirable one from an
American standpoint. ,
The Interior Department, acting upon :
the recoimiieinlatloii of the Indian ollicc,
has adopted a new departure in the man
ngeiiient of grazing matters upon the
Crow Indian reset vation in Montana.
The total unoccupied portion of the res
ervation has been divided into five graz
ing districts, and proMisals for grazing
the same lire invited by advertisement.
The proMisa's received were opened at
the Crow agencv. A permit agreement,
covering each ot said districts, was exe
cuted by Agent WymiiH, with the high
est bidder for each, said permits to be in
force for U period of three years from
July I proximo. It is believed the new
arrangement will relieve the department
of much annoyance and trouble ami he
decidedly better for the Indians and I let
ter for cattlemen.
The Czar Soiiinleil on mi Invitation In
Visit triii
The French Senate has passed the bill
reducing the corn duties.
It is said Salvador and iuatemala have
warned foreigners to secure their pass
ports. It is announced that the British Par
liament will Is.! prorogued the first week
of August.
Lieutenant Killer's expedition to ex
plore East Greenland has started from
Sir Charles Dilkc has agreed to con
test the Forest of Dean at the lie xt gen
eral election.
It is reported that ex-President Pierola
of Peru, who escaped from prison in that
country, is in New York.
Veuve, Dufetel, Grimuus it Co., bank
ers of Alliums, France, have suspended
operations. Liabilities, $1,000,000.
Bahwicedii has released from prison
many prominent-citizens, they giving
heavy bonds for their future conduct.
The epidemic of outrages ir China on
the foreign population is increasing, and
the Mandarins appear to encourage the
The French squadron threatens to
bombard Nankin unless the sullerers of
the recent riots are promptly indeninilied
by China.
Empress Frederick has caused an old
ruin near her new castle to be turned
into a hospital, and she personally at
tends patients there.
The appointment by the French gov
ernment of Antonin Proust as art com
missioner of the Chicago Fair is warmly
approved in Parisian artistic circles.
Queen Victoria has bestowed the dec
oration of the Ked Cjoss upon Mrs.
Grirnwood, wife of Commissioner Grim
wood, who was killed in the recent re
hellion in Manipur.
Archbishop Croke declares that many
of the Irish members of the Commons
are desirous of settling the trouble exist
ing in the Nationalist party by forming
a union of the factions and selecting
John Dillon as their leader.
And now Germany is threatened with
an invasion of cheap Italian lalior, a
large gang of laborers from Italy having
been engaged by iron misters at Frank
fort at wages much smaller than are paid
to skilled German workijien.
Dr. Brooks' Appointment
as Bishop Con fl rmod.
The (inveniiutuit Will Co-op.irate With
the British Authorities in the
Hehriii(r Sea Mutter.
The World's l air will have an electric
Fill v Telines-ee farmers w ill settle in
SI. Paul women have begun an iinti
Suuduy theuler crusade,
A new tunnel between Detroit ami
Canada will Is' K,l;i:!feet long.
The ( 'oiiimeiciiil Cable Cuinpanv has
deelsred a dividend of I', per cent.
The Councils id Kansas ('itysavtlie
col 1 1 pa l lies must reduce t lie price of fight.
The election of Senator Call is consid
ered a defeat of the Alliance men in
A NeA Yolk .Indite has decided ill an
interesting suit ut I' lieu that "truth is
not lib. I.
The peiiiiy-in-tbe slot weighing ma
chines have Is'en removed from Central
-Park, New Yoi k.
Woiil I ls settlers ate picking out
choice spots in the Sac and I'm lands
Soot) to be opened.
The students of Harvard and Yale
were rei enllv relieved of $10,(KNI by a
pair of card sharks.
The New York Cimliniiil is to become
the .I.i.-ji i ! .'Iitrtosr, and will he is
sued as a oue-celit paper.
The Massuchusells House has rejected
the bill making eight lioui s a day 's wm k
for State and city emploves.
The Illinois Senate has voted L'7 to l!l
to lav on the table the bill to extendi
milliielpal SUlllllk'e to women.
A granite sarcophagus for the remains
of the lute P. T. I'.ariium is approaching
completion at West Concord, N. II.
A corps of wheelmen is to be organ
ized ut Brooklyn, N. Y., as a part of the
Thirteenth Ibviinent of State (roups.
The s'rikf on the Midland I lud.) tail
way is at an end, and tin' company has
paid all its bai'K debts to the strikers.
The elVort to make toba -co a staple
crop in Florida is Is nig continued on a
large acreage and "with apparent sue
ces," The late John T. Parish of New York
city left the liberal sum of I'sO.iliHI to
various religious and charitable organi
z.a! ions.
Acting Secretary of the Interior Chan
dler says, if the Kaweah colonists ar to
be reimbursed, il must be by a special
act of Congress.
Mad dogs are so numerous in ( leorgiil
that the Legislature will U' urgently
pressed to legislate oonccrning dogs at
the next session.
The American Nurserymen's Associa
tion at Minneapolis has sinnigly pro
tested against Maxwell's continuation
as chief of the horticultural exhibits at
the World's Fair.
The Directors of the I'liioli Theolog
ical Seminary have declined to accede to
the veto of the Presbyterian General
Assembly, and Dr. Briggs w ill continue
his work at the seminary.
A trade organization has been effected
among the Southern plaid millstoobtain
a uniform standard of production and a
belli r represcnlal ion of the Southern
plaids in (he markets of the world.
Governor Piittison of Pennsylvania has
to consider L'lhi bills passed by the re
cently adjourned legislature, which he
must approve, veto or allow to become
laws by failure either to approve or veto.
Augustus St. Gaudcus of New York,
Henry Mitchell of Boston and Charles
V,. Barber of Philadelphia have been ap
pointed by the Secretary of the Treas
u ry to select the designs for the new sil
ver coins.
The whisky trust has at last acquired
outright the only remaining important
anti-trust establishment in ihe West
the great Chicago distilleries owned by
Shufeldt &. Co. and the Calumet Distill
ing Company.
The new postal cards will be along
soon. There will be a si.e for ladies'
use and one for business men, the former
smaller and the latter larger than the
card now in vogue. Grant's portrait
constitutes the stamp.
The Treasury Department has under a
recent decision of the Attorney-General
converted the seignorage accruing from
the coinage of silver dollars into stand
ard dollars, and is now issuing silver
certificates against them.
The President has appointed Edward
P. Thompson postmaster at Indianapolis,
Intl., vice Wallace deceased, and ex-Congressman
Owen of Indiana Superintend
ent of Emigration, an ollice created at
the last session of Congress.
Major-General John M. Hchofield, sen
ior ollicer of the United States army, it
is stated, is soon to be married to Miss
Georgia N. Kilbournc of Keokuk, la.
The young lady was a schoolmate of
General Schofiefd's daughter.
Dr. Phillips Brooks has had his ap
pointment as P.ishop of Massachusetts
confirmed by a majority of the dioceses.
All that now remains to be done is for
the Bishops, sixty-seven in number, to
vote on Dr. Brooks' acceptance within
their ranks. The voting is dom- by mail.
Each Bishop is allowed one vote.
Ill" H ni per ii r nf lirniHlir NhIiI Not in lin
a I lullil Hinki'r,
Governor Hill Is trying the virtue of a
new hair restorer.
No Shirt has been elected chief of the
I'matiHa Indians, No Shirt, il is proper
to remark, is no stripling.
Colonel John Hay, the author, hits
Is'cu siill'eiliig in London from a sharp
attack of the prevalent influeiiii.
Secretary Husk works more hours tit
his desk than iinv of Ids clerks, but this
is true perhaps of all I he Cabinet othecrs.
Dr. A. A. Miner's church In Boston
will not accept his resignation, and oilers
him mi assistant if he will withdraw it.
V.K President I laves declares there is
no truth whatever in the statement that
be is growing feeble in luiud and Issly.
Of till the great men of England Salis
bury is quoted its the most consequential
iiinl iititiM'ratic mid the one most ditliciilt
to approach.
Leo Mil. will grant no more private
audiences. Press comment upon the re
ports of the interviews rather than Ina
bility to hold them is (hit cause.
Mr. Balfour, Chief Secretary for Ire
land, has sold his Scotch I lighland estate
to Mr. (ssimlie, the brewer, The price
paid by Mr. Osiinbc is 100,000.
The Duke of Kutlitnd is credited with
exercising mote influence over IJuecn
Victoria than any individual since the
death of the Earl of Beucoiislleld.
The Mnypr of Chicago is alluded to by
one paper of that cily as "Hemp
Washhiiriie. Hempstead is tisi long u
mime for a hustling placti like Chicago,
President Harrison with a party of
friends will go to Motin McGregor dur
ing the summer (or the purpose of visit
ing the col Inge in w hich General Grant
Thomas Beaver, the coal mid Iron
magnate who died at Dunvill", I'll., re
cently, leaves tin estate of $1,000,1X10,
and was noted for his philanthropy. Ex
Governor Beaver of Pennsylvania is his
Seinq vVntoitio Butres, the new Minis
ter to Washington from Guatemala, bus
lilliV tViis ollice once before, and still
longer ig was secretary of the legation.
I.'e has an income of f 10,000 from his
.'ocoti paiiiations.
The 'Voung Chinese Emperor hits cele
brated the com pint ion of his twentieth
er icr' picking out a new w ife. Prece
it lit allows ti man of his rank seven of
these companions, and this acquisition
is o"ly the (-eeond.
Mrs. I .eland Stanford has decided to
turn the I .at limp memorial in Albany
over to thii trustees of the local orphan
asylum and endow it w ith $5,000 a year,
so us to secure relief from personal at
tention to this charity, w hich she found
ed in memory of her parents several
years ago.
The venerable portrait painter, G. P.
A. Mealy, now HII vears of age, still plies
the brush w ith skill and enthusiasm in
Chicago. I le bus recently completed a
portrait of the Duke d'Aiimitle, third son
of Louis Phillipe, for the ('rear library,
for which the artist made a studv at
Kev. T. E. Downing, assistant to the
Episcopal Bishop of Jerusalem, is upon
u visit to America, from which he has
been absent since January, lH'.H). His
purpose is to spread the knowledge of
what the church is doing in the Holy
Lund and to ask aid for its support and
the extension of its lalsirs.
The Emperor of Germany is not a
florid speaker, but is a plain, straightfor
ward talker, and the reporters find it
easy (o get his meaning. It didn't re
quire even a short-hand man to take
these sentences from his Dusseldorf
sim'ccIi : " There is onlv one master in
tfiis country, and I am lie. I shall suf
fer no ether beside me, In this spirit 1
drink to the welfare of the province."
Mrs. Alice Freeman Palmer has spoken
out for the manual training sclusds:
" We stand to-day with reverence lsdore
the Isiy or girl w ho can do any one thing
perfectly who can draw a perfectly
straight line or hit the nail exact on the
head. Wn who are older and missed
this teaching will go down to our graves
po-irer Isvause we missed being taught
to hit straight, to see straight, which
makes us think straight and speak
A Man Kills Another for Seiiilliiir 1IU
Willi an Insulting Letter.
Dr. Garrison, a proniinent citizen of
Wheeling, W. Va., who killed Dr. Baird
last March, bus been convicted of mur
der in the second degree.
Three men cruelly tortured a China
man at Squirrel Creek, near Grass Val
ley, Cal., to make him give up his gold,
lie may die from his injuries.
Jackson Khodes, who murdered D. E.
Shull, the school teacher, near Green
wood, Mendocino countyj Cal., has sur
rendered, and is now in jail at Ukiab.
Ilerr Stapefeldt, Treasurer of the Katz
burg (Prussia) Savings Bank, has ab
sconded, and a defalcation to the extent
of 100,000 marks has been discovered in
his accounts.
William M. Knight has been brought
in to San Diego from Bear Valley,
charged by Justice of the Peace Dinwid
die with shooting the legal gentleman's
two boys with intent to murder them.
Ex-Mayor J. P. Johnson, J. T. Faulk
ner and Ed Waller, prominent citizens
of Waldo, Ark., have been arrested by a
United States mail inspector and charged
with robbing mails at McNeil Marcn 10,
The establishment of Hilton, Hughes
& Denning, New York, was robbed the
other night. Upwards of $10,000 worth
of diamonds were taken. The fact was
kept secret in the hope of catching the
Catholicsand Greeks Riot
at Jorusalom.
The Portuguese Cortes Committeo
Approves of a Convention
With England.
Brazil wants Russian immigrants,
Ireland will exhibit at the World's
Scotland farmers complain of it mice
Brazil's expor(s for IS'H are estimated
ut f'.',
Jit pan will have a $500,000 exhibit at
(he World's Fair.
It is reported tb Rothschild recently
lost $IO,lhK),OuO in speculation.
A pair of Zulu chiefs are said Ut be the
present social lions in London.
Ex-King Milan's latest gambling liout
renin A',d in a loss of $30,000 Ut him.
The British Parliament promises to
puss a bill to exclude destitute imini
Kninls. f ifty thousand Jews have been thus
far expelled from St. Petersburg and
Eight thousand tailors are now idle in
Ijomloit, and their numU-r is constantly
Thirsty throats in the Congo country
swallow slsiut $1,000,00(1 worth of lire
water a week.
The population now is about 4,MXI,
in Portugal, 1H,000,000 in Saiu ami
ill, 000,000 in Italy.
The Sw iss people are preparing to eel-
cbrutc the 1100th anniversary of (hat
hardy little Republic.
The Portuguese Cortes Committee has
approved ol a convention with Great
i.riiuin in reunion to ,-siuin .irica.
The Turkish brigands have released
the prisoners they captured recently by
Icrailing a train. 1 he ransom was pnnl.
Cutholics and Greeks at Jerusalem
have Is'en rioting. Turkish troops in
tervened, and several persons were
The infant daughter of the Duchess of
Fife is ( Is' christened A xatidre in
honor of its grandmother, the Princess
of Wales.
Famine prices are said to be prevailing
at Iquique, meat selling at 70 rents a
(ion ud, potatoes at r'0 a bag and Hour at
:I0 a bag.
The inventor of the Sims-Edison tor
pedo siivs its exhibition has created great
excitement in Eunqs', w here it has just
tH-en exhtlmed.
Sir William Gordon dimming denies
that there is anv (ruth in the storv that
he is to ls married shortly to Miss Flor
ence Gardner of New York.
Great building operations in Koine
and other Italian cities, begun on the
expanding trade of the past, have been
brought to Ignominious collapse.
In eonseuiieneeof Bolivia's recognition
of the Chilian Congressional party as
Is'lligc rents ttie Chilian Minister at La
Pais lias demanded his passports.
The rumored su:qM'iision of Kussell A:
Co. of China has been confirmed, in
consequence of which the New York,
liomlon and Boston branches have sus
pended. The expense of governing Italy has
increased from $245,000,000 in JH8I to
$;t50,OtK),000 in 18H1I. The debt has ad
vanced from $2,014,257,:W in 1880 to
$2,:i24,825,:i21t in 1880.
The Duko of Argyll is a witness in a
trial in Dumbarton concerning a certain
cure for rheumatism in consequence of
having given a testimonial of its value
in return for free treatment.
The Japanese Cabinet haB been recon
structed, with Itoas President of Coun
cil, Takato as Minister of Public Instruc
tion, Tanaka as Minister of Justice and
Shingala as Minister of the Interior.
The King of Belgium will booh visit
England, and Indore he leaves for home
Stanley will probably have told him def
initely whether he will go back to Africa
as Governor of the Congo Free State.
A quarter of million Hebrews are to
ho driven out of Russia forthwith. War
saw alone has given 30,000 of them no
tice to depart. There are supposed to
lie about 7,000,000 Hebrews in Russia.
The peasant inhabitants of the Tersk
district in Russia blew up with powder
a schoolhouse while it was filled with
children, ten of whom were killed and
twelve seriously wounded.
There is to be presented to the Portu
guese Chamber a project to sell all the
Portuguese colonies, except Angolia, St.
Thomas, Principe and Capo Verde, with
a view of redeeming the national debt.
French Anarchists attempted to place
wreaths on the spot where the Varlin
Communists were shot in 1871 and near
the Montmartre Basilica, but the police
prevented them and arrested six of the
At a Socialistic meeting in Paris one of
the citizens present moved that the
death of the Minister of the Interior, M.
Constans, should be voted by the As
sembly. The President refused to put
the motion to a vote.
Marie Wilt, the.famous retired prima
donna, has been dismissed ascompletely
cured from the private asylum at Fel
doff. near Prague, and the free disposi
tion over her fortune of 500,000 lioriiiB
has been restored to her.
II Is Well Ntoe eil Willi iij.IiiI.Iiii
Hliiile . i in l leu .tie Aillm.
Stiawhi-rrics arc plentiful. All fruits
are in good supply and fairdc maud. The
market is well slockeil with vegetables
of till kinds, but the demand is only fair.
Potatoes are weak. Eggs are mure plen
tiful, Ouolaiious on butler are strong.
Good quality is selling readily at good
prices. Chirk) ns, bit hold and young,
are in good demand ; also young geese,
but there is lit lie call for turkeys. Them
is practically nothing doing in the wool
market. Trade in staple groceries is
act ive, and a decline in sugar is daily
looked for. Thi! collie market is weak.
I'liiiliii-e, fruit, r li'.
Win ir- Walla Walla, $1.50; Valley,
$1 .00 per bushel.
Fi.oru tjuote : Standard, $5.25; Wulla
Walla, per barrel.
Oath (Junto: ii0nM,2'.,.c per bushel.
II w (iuoto: $lii'ii 17 per ton.
Mn.i.sit -kks IJuote: Bran, $21.00;
Shorts, $2.i.oo ; Ground Barley, $:W.0OM
111. 00; Chop I'ccd, $u5in2ii per (on; Bar
ley, $l.2.Vii Mil) percelilal,
Bi iTKit tuote; Oregon fancy cream
ery, 2f'; laiicy dairy, 22'ac; fair tor
g'sid, I ," 1 .j in 20c ; common, l ie; Cali
fornia, 22V" 21c per poind.
Ciikkhk IJuoie: Oregon, i;i-((15c; Cal
ifornia, 12c per pound.
Loos -OuoM: Oregon, 22'ilt25c per
dozen ; Eastern, 22 'vc.
Poi i.thv ijuoie : Old Chickens, $5.50
MO; young chickens, $.'!.50'5.(K; Ducks,
7.50iii8.ini; Oeese, isiliiinal, $10 per
dozen; i'lirkeys, 15c per pound,
KdKl'Alil.KS tjuole : Cabbage, $1.50
per cental; Caulitlow er, $125 per
dozen; Onions, I '...m I '.,c per (stund;
Beets, $1.50 per sack; Turnips,
$1.75 per sack; Potatoes, Ii0ii70c
per cental; New Potatoes, v per
pound; loluatoes, $2.50 per lsix ;
Asparagus, 4m 5c per pound; Oregon,
I0"i 15c per pound; Lettuce, 12'vC per
doz.i ii ; Green Peas, .ic per pound ; String
Beans, He per pound; Rhubarb, 4c per
siund ; Artichokes, -0c per dozen ; Rad
ishes, luc per dozen hunches; young
Onions, 10c per dozen hunches; Cticuni- ,'
hers, 75c per dozen; Carrots, $1.25 per'
sack .
Fm its ljuote: Iis Angeles Oranges,
$2.2.ii'f2.50; Riverside, $:t.(MK.i .'1.25 ; Na
vels, .5ii(ii 5.50 per box; Sicily lemons,
7i'i 7.5 I ; California, $l.50ii5 per Imx ;
Apples, f 1.00iu2..i0 per lsix ; Bananas,
f.'.OOiii 2..i0 per bunch; Pineapples, $5.00
niH.iHI per dozen; Strawberries, 4's
m.V e per isiund ; Cherries, $1.25 per
lsix ; GooseU'iries, 5eiic per pound;
Currants', 5c per pmind; Apricots, 20c
pel pound; Raspberries, Pe per pound.
.Ni rs Ouiue : Calilnrn'ui Walnuts, 11 '2
iriL"...c; Hickory, 8'j.c; Brazils, lOiallc;
Almonds, Biiitisc; Filberts, L'lwHc;
Pine Nuts, I7'"l8c; Pecans, 17 ISc;
Oocoaiiuts, 8c; Hazel, He; Peanuts, 8c
per pound.
NIhi tirnrerlen.
Cocfkk Ouote : Costa Rica, 22c;
Rio, ;V; Mocha, !50c; Java, 25';!c; Ar
hucklo's, 100-pound cases, 2(,.le per
Sen a us IJuote : Golden C, 4e ; extra
C, iV"; dry granulated, 5'Bc; culx
riiHiicI and piwilered, li'.c per pound;
confectioners' A, 5:i.,c per pound.
Svm i's Eastern. 111 barrels, 4 id'.ioc;
half barrels, 50ii'5Sc; in cases, 55t80c
per gallon; $2.'J5n 2.50 per keg; Califor
nia, in barrels, 40c per gallon ; $2.25 per
BiiANS Quote: Small Whites, 3'4c;
Pi 11k,
1 ('.'
Buvos, 4,4' Butter,
4loC; Limits, -1 : , 5 per pound.
Duiki) Fiu'its Quote: Italian Prunes,
10'ttiit 12c; Petite and German Prunes,
10c per pound; Raisins, $1.75cf2.25 per
I xix ; Pluininer-dried Pears, 10(4 lie;
sun-dried and factory Plums, lliil2c:
evaporated Peaches, lH(ii20c; Smyrna
Fiits, 20e; California Figs, !c per pound.
Kick Quote: $5.5i)!it.75 per cental.
Honkv Quote: 18(.f20c per pound.
Salt Quote: Liverpool, H, ltf.50,
fl7; stork, $ll per ton in carload lots.
CANNki Goods Quote: Table
fruits. $2.00. 2'es; Peaches, $2.50;
Bartlett Pears, $2.25; Plums. $1.05;
Strawberries, $2.50; Cherries, $202.50;
Blackberries, $2.25; KanplMTries, 2.75;
Pineapples, $2.75; Apricots, $2.40. Pie
fruit : Assorted, $1.50 per dozen ; Peaches,
$1.05: Plums, $1.25; Blackberries, $1.05
per dozen. Vegetables: Corn, $1.35
tl .05, according to quality; Tomatoes,
$1.15(103.50; Sugar Peas, $1.25(41.60;
String Beans, $1.10perdozen. Fish : Sal
mon, ; sardines, 85c (f$ 1.(55;
lobsters, $2 25(43.25: oysters, $1.50(4
3.25 per dozen Condensed milk : Eagle
brand, $8.10; Crown, $7; Highland.
Wi.75; Champion, $l.00; Monroe, $li.75
per case.
The Meat Market.
Beef Live, 3'..(44c; dressed, 7c
Mutton Live, sheared, 3l..c; dressed,
Hogs Live, Be; dressed, 8c.
Veal 5(47e per pound.
Quote: Eastern Hams, 123413c;
Oregon, lO.'irf'lSc; Breakfast Bscon,
12(4 13c; other varieties, 8(41 lc; Lard,
9?4(11?4C per pound.
IM Iseellunenus.
Hidks Quote : Dry Hides, selected
prime, 8l8'(i0e, H'c leas for culls; green,
selected, over 55 pounds. 4c ; under 55
pounds, oc; Sheep Pelts, short wool. 30
50c; medium,(i080c ; long, 00cC4$ 1.25;
shearlings, 10(420e; Tallow, gocjl to
choice, 3(43,4e per pound.
Wool Quote: Willamette Valley, 18
(420c: Eastern Oregon, l3i4Htc per
pound, according to conditions and
lloi-s Nominal. Quote: 20c per
Nails Base quotations: Iron, 2 85;
Steel, $2 85; Wire, $3.40 per keg.
Shot Quote: $1.75 per sack.
Coal Oil Quote i $1.95 per case.
Several members of the Manhattan
Athletic Club will leave New York on
the 27th to compete in international
games in European cities.