y On WHAT RK AN DKKTH'ft 111.1. M HO. In DR.vNDHKrH'g Kills the true life medi cine has Lwn found, comr0!Hl u they uu of numerous vrgetuMea so cotnbitu'il that each multiplies the virtues of the rest. Tiny never can Jo any harm. Their notion is always the fame, no matter how lotiK or in what ikws they are taken. They purge away the waste paiiieles of the system. They recruit the animal vitror, uiul arrest tlie vnMgrvs of decay. They purify the blood. They stimulate the liver. They inviitorate diesiiou. They ojhmi alio pores. They make the bowels do the work of the kidneys, thus giving those organs an ofttimes ueeUoti rest. One or two at night for week will demonstrate their power, and i generally sufficient to cure ordinary diseases. A hvjr pane la an exeelleul eounter-wetght to a light heart PROMPTLY CURED BY Cures Also i Neuralgia. Lumbago, Sciatica, Sprains, Bruises, Burns, Wounds, Swellings, Soreness, Frost-bites, Stiffness, All Aches. THE Chsii. YogelertX Baltimore, HO. TO THE SPORTSMAN. Camo lite has a pecuuar charm ; but. to luuv en- lor it. too matt be prepared for all kind oi weather. Did you erer catch four rubber coat on S eharp twij or rougn root, and pou it tne oral day ? Ask asy hunter or ipertsman who use s Fish Brand Slicker," how he likes them. H will tell too it is tent, blrnket. and coat, all in one. Light, dry, and warm, and will stand any amount of hard uut. No need of being concerned about tn weather. Why do you wait ti l it rains, when von can be prorided for all weather u you buy a Fi.h RniuT Slu-kr" now? Dnn'i nit A Hav'l oelay may be the cause of a month s sickness : can yon afford to take the risk ? Beware of worthless imitations, every garment stamped with the Fish Brand " Trade Mark. Don't accept any inferior coat when yon can hare the " Fish Brand Slicker 4 delivered without extra coat. Particulars and illus trated catalogue free. A. J. TOWER, - Boston, Mass .1LSI0N Of Pure Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphites Of Lime and Soda. There are emulsions and emulsion, and there is still much skimmed milk which masquerades as cream. Try as they avfJI many manufacturers cannot so disguise their cod liver oil as to make it palatable to sensitive stomach. Scott's Emulsion of PURE NORWEGIAN COD LIVER OIL. combined with Himnnhnm- I phites is almost as palatable as milk. ' "or this reason as well as for the fact of the stimulating qualities of the Hypo phosphites, Physicians frequently pre scribe it in cases of 9 CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA, BRONCHITIS and CHRONIC COUGH or SEVERE COLO, AH Druggists sell it, but be sure you get the genuine, as there are poor imitations. VASELINE. COB ONE DOLLAR sent us by mail, we will do 1 liver, free of all charges, to any person In the united Mates, an tne following articles carefully packed In a neat boh : )ne two-ounce bottle of Pure Vaseline. ..10 eta. One two-ounce bottle vaseline Pomaae...l5 " Obo jar of Vaseline Cold Cream lft " One eake of Vaseline Camphor Ice 10 " One cake of Vaseline Soap, unseen ted.. ..10 " One cake of Vaseline Soap, scented 25 " One two-ounce bottle of White Vasellne.25 " ... 41 Or for stamp any alagle article at the price named. If you h&Teocoaeiun to use Vaseline in any form bt sarertu to accept only original package. A i genuine goods pat up by as Id great many aniggtata are trying tc ke VASELINE out uu bi them trayen to Never yld to auch persuasion, as the article is an iini I . tatitin without ralne and will not give you the result yo expect. A bottle of Blue Seal Vaseline ia sold byaT I i aruggisie at lu cents. Cbesebrough MTg Co.,24 State St.,Rew York iu 11 nnmnnu ' The Oldest Country Land IT. 111. DflflnUUn, Dealer in the State, 420 Montgomery street, ban Francisco, Cal. HAS FIFTY-THREE ACRES FINEST LAND IN THE STATE. 40 fn choice fruits, full bearing; cherries, aprf cots and Bartlett pears; sell in 6-acre lots; on the Kan Leandro road, near Hay wards, adjoining the beautiful property of Otis Webh, E. M. WALTER A. WOOD Uowers, Binders & Rakes. ( jfJiiiiiiiiiiin1",J r I STT'S BEST IN THE WORLD. Handsome catalogue and prices Waited free. Address WALTER A. WOOD, President, 70 Front Street, Portland, Or. for UEi mm iFor LOBIoryArtJNG KASHOODl Oeneral and NE&VOTJS DEBILITY) Waakneaa of Body and Kind, Eifeota of Errora or Ezoesaes in Old or Touse, a ii a. I. kohl MANHOOD ne'ir KMlnnd. nowioBiirt IkMlaitlr uraillaa HOVH ikkitwj'ii-bmmii, ,n 0.7. TlMiifr (Hua 0 Vila ! t?"irl,. Wri ibtrn. rgYiFfViftfcA A Itmirti kalita I r In Imlianav. II. II. Sturm, of IndinnaiMilia, nrnl Kiohard IVnckert, of Spt'itrcr. have di covered a eave near .sin-nivr. Itst niht they oxplored it. The entrains is ft hole 20 feet deep and aUul 3 feet in diameter. At the Imitoni U'gin a nar row nnd sttvp ttass,-io, running northeast bout tt'i feet. At the end of this mi.s.tue yas a stop olT of nUiiit 5 feet, and Inmie iliatelv to the left wan t chamber aUmt 8 foot in diameter, the walls rising gtad uallv in the form of a cone, meeting at point overhead SO foot from the floor. Tho wall woiu hung with numerous. tono iH'ndants, water at the time drip ping down. A passugewnr, Is inch wido nnd 10 feet long, hnl from this open ing toward tho northwest to another chamber similar to the first, but about 00 feet hijjli. A passageway then brought tho wty into (still another room, it being a little smaller than the first. From this a nar row isle, 60 feet long and 7 feet high, let! rionnwesi 10 a very small opening or manhole, through which tho reporter craw led with a lamp, and found that the passage was blocked bv a largo quantity of Mud and debris brought by the raiiu that pour at times down tho whole cave. At the end of this last passage there led off two openings, about as large as a stovepipe. Stamping on tho ground brought out tho fact that a chamber w as at some place uudor this hist pa-sage. This week a hole will bo drilled to tind if such a cavity exists, and alsojljo en trance w ill be enlarged, making it easier of access. The fact that the w ater di appears downward, tho upper curredtt of air, and the hollow sound above men tioned, go to prove that there is another cavity, probably larger than any of tho rest. The estimated depth of tho cave from tho general surface is 130 feet. The party t-pont an hour and fifteen minutes under ground. Martinsville (Ind.) Cor St, Louis Globe-Democrat. f.loped on a LovoiuoiIto. Alpheus did not have more trouble in reaching Arethuso than Conductor Bell, of tho Louisville and Wadley road, had m getting to his bride. The groom hud long loved a young lady of Louisville Her pareuts objected very strenuously to their marriage, nd used all tho means possible to thwart their desires. Like lovers tho world over, opposition but strengthened their affection and deter uimation to marry any way. Tuesday night was set as the time for an elope ment In some way the old folks got an inkling of what was contemplated. hen the expectant groom arrived he found the house well guarded. The parents had the trump card for the time being. Wednesday came, nnd the turn of the w heel threw good fortune into the lap of the young folks. Disappointment sharp ened their wits. A new plan was con ceived. I hat afternoon, as his train passed her home, the conductor caught a glimpse of lus atliunced. That was sufficient. Running the train to a sid ing, a mile or so awav, the coaches were dropped, and while the few passengers wondered what was delaying them, tho engine, with the exultant lover, sped down the track to the spot where she w as waiting, heart in mouth, and, as the old expression goes, "twixt love and duty swayed." Love was victorious. When the engine reached the train again, alter a very few minutes delay, it had a new and fair passenger to place aboard, teaching Wadley, a ministei was summoned, the ceremony performed and the trip then continued to Savan nah. Savannah Cor. Atlanta Constitu tion. A man'ia'freauently known by the company he keeps out of. Five cents saved on soap : five dollars lost on rotted clothes. In tlmt eeonom y t There is not 5 cents' difference between' the cost of a bar of the poorest soap made und the bext, which is, as all know, Dobbins' Klec- tnc. Home is next to the last place a mail ran go. If he can't go home, he goes to the dogs. PILES! PILES! PILES! Dr. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment will enre Blind, Bleeding and Itching Files when all other ointments have failed. It absorbs the tumor. auays ine irening hi once, acts as a poultice. elves instant reliel. Ir. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment is prepared oaly for Piles and Itching oi tne private parts, ana nothing else. Every box is warranted. Sold by druggists, or sent by mail on receipt or price, ouc aua i per dox. ylL.L,lAJIS JIAM rAl.l UK1MJ W., Proprietors, Cleveland, 0. Let's reason together. Here's a firm, one of the largest the country over, the world over ; it has grown, step by step, through the years to o-rMrnpss and ir sells mrpnf & -" . i medicines ! ugh ! " That's enough ! " Wait a little This firm pays the news- papers good money (expen sive work, this advertising ! ) to tell the people that they have faith in what they sell, .1 V -v 7 xl. x. 'P ai u SO mUCfl TCLlltl lllcll II llieV Can L benefit or cure they don't want r, j , , your money. Their guarantee is not indefinite and relative, but definite and absolute if the medicine doesn't help, your money is "on call. Suppose every sick man and every feeble woman tried these medicines and found them worthless, who would be the loser, you or they ? The medicines are Doctor Pierce's "Golden Medical Dis covery," for blood diseases, and his " Favorite Prescrip tion," for woman's peculiar ills. If they help toward health, they cost $1.00 a bottle each ! If they don't, they cost nothing FACTS ABOUT PITA RAISING. foil ii lira Malil to A null lti 1rvelniiiiiiit of a Ni-tt Ulier t'Unl. Fifty thousand rupees Is said to lu tho prize carried off hy tin machino lately constructed hy a lVioeMor t,F.nj;land) manufacturing houic for tho nucccsnful treating of tho pita liUr. This pri.o was offered hy tho government of India in (lit hope of OTciconiinj; tho ohMaelo of tho lack of a machine that would turn out tho lihor in a tit stato for market. The machine, while simple in construc tion, is certainly a aucccss. One ia now working on a largo Nicaragua, estate, and tho representative of the F.nglish inanufactutiTs has recently arrived in that rcpuhlic, withn view to introducing others. Now that tho hitherto liiMtrinountahle difficulty has been ovcrcoine, it will Ik! surprising, indiHd, if the exploitation of this vast natural resource of Central America ho not logun ami carried on with r.eal nnd energy, Tho immense for tunes that have been mado during the past three or four years in Yucatan from tho hennequon, a near relative of the pita, would indicate tho certain results. Tho hennoquen, or Sisal hemp, is n much lower priced article, (selling at from seven to nine cents jht pound, whilo tho pita, proorly prepared, sliould bring three times as much. The vast area of tho north coast land of Hon duras afford it hpletidid region for the cultivation of this plant. The observant traveler cannot fad to remark ' the immense quantities of if springing up wikl on every hand, and tho practical mind deplores tho wasting of such wealth. In one section in par ticular, tho vast country stretching from Yoro toTruxillo, tho pita tho liromalu Silvestris, to givo it its botanical name abounds in marvelous luxuriance. Further inland, in the mountainous districts, it flourishes e jually well, as in the valleys along tho route of tho pro posed Int 'rocoiuiie railwav. It is a most accommodating growth with respect to locality. Splendid specimens may l Boon m rocky, unheard of corners or springing from tho brinks of dizzying precipices. From tho stony soil, where other vegetation were doubtful, it towers up in astonishing strength and beauty. Its cultivation is easy. Within eighteen months of the planting it has attained its full growth. Its leaves nro then from j six to nine feet in length and four to sis j incites wuie. -n aero of land will pro duce from 1,000 to 1,500 plants, yielding on an average thirty leaves, hach leaf will weigh probably six ounces in the green state. This would give per acre something between 11,000 and 10,000 pounds. The proportion of preimred fiber to the leaf is estimated at -'0 iht cent. The approximate yield per acre in marketable product would lie from 2.200 to 3,200 pounds, worth in New York, at 28 cents per pound. $010 to $89G. This, in view of tho little care necessary, is a result worth considering. After tho first three or four months the only lalior required is that of gathering tho crop and pre paring it. By this time the plant has become so dense and powerful that weeds find little chance. This for country like Honduras, where Jabor is scarce, is a fortunatecircumstan'ce. And in this regard tho industry would have the advantage over that of tho banana, the coffee, or even the cocoanut culture. Hitherto the prevailing interest of American capitalists in Honduras has been in the mining industry. No other natural resource has thus far been given any thought, to speak of. iet it is tin doubtedly true that immense fortunes await such enterprising men as will take to Central America, with their other capital, the requisites of energy and per severance. The pita culture might well be com bined with other enterprise. With a view to easier transportation of the pro duct, tt would be advisable to select in Honduras a locality convenient to the road to either Puerto Cortez, Truxillo, on the gulf side, or Atuapalu, on the Pa cific coast. In Yoro, Olancho, Santa Barbara and other scarcely peopled departments is a country of magnificent possibilities. Ex aggerated stories of it that from time to time have been related in the press of the north have doubtless contributed to retard its progress. Lnuue stress has boon hud unnn ira dangerous climate, which in reality is a perfectly healthy one. If the lowlands of the coasts be hot, there is nevertheless a constant and delicious sea breeze blow ing inland, and the nights are always cool. The interior is very mountain ous, with valleys Jong and wide, at various elevations of from 1,000 to 5,000 feet above sea level. Here, although tho vertical sun's rays strike hotly upon the earth throughout the day, the tempera ture in the shade ranges seldom above 76 degs. Fahrenheit. There is thus no oppressiveness. Given these conditions, I cannot imagine any reason why an enormous success should not he made of the pita industry. To obtain a plantation of pita would be comparatively easv. Suitable land could be obtained from the government or oth erwise at a low figure. The young plants would cost hardly anything. In case of a larSe enterprise well backed and likely to prove beneficial to the country it in quite probable that a large tract of land would be conceded by tho government of Honduras. Belize (Honduras) Letter. Where Fife and Kride Are. Duff house, where the duke and duch ess or rite are now staying, has been closed for many years, except during ita owner's annual autumn visit, which never exceeded a month. The house is an immense quadrangular edifice, which was built about a century ago. The style is Roman Corinthian, the principal rooms are very large, and there is a fine collec tion of pictures. The grounds, which are very extensive, are undulating and well wooded, and are bordered by the Dev eron, on the banks of which, one mile farther up the river, is Slountcoffer, the dower house of the Fife family. Dufl house stands on the outskirts of the towns of Banff and Macduff, which are separated by the Deveron estuary. London Truth. IH ST A HI. I Silt: II t t'.Hi'Hivrinv l V IN .ViiHiiroN. I'Utie Co., Wash., May isul. Ih . .'unfiiii, Nriiff'f, HikA. 1'mn .Sue I should have I ilteu to you lielnie, hut have iietilei ted tviilo sn. t win very thankful P say, however, that your tuedieiues helped mo very much, I feel like a dilteretd per sou, I rvinnvctl tin' supporter the lu v t week after I was to see ynii, and have tell very little pain since. I iiiniil siv pounds while I was taking the incilicine. U ill you please send ine one of vour books, and oblige, Mks. ,V. I'noiiMoN, KsrSot mi, Wash., M:iy I, l!l. Iv. .1. rViiiiruf .coiiii, VuffiV, llfi.i, I 'tut Sin: Please tind inclosed f", for which send uie medicines required. The medicine is iloiiiK its work line. I he third day alter taking it in v ife got up and went to the table, ullor Win routined to her bed lor lour weeks, Kespecllullv, I'll Mil ks F. tsKtn, Hi ck l KV, Wash., April 2 lH. V. .unfurl Ikh Sm: I received your medicine, and have taken it ever since. I am feeling ever so much belter. The pain through my kidneys has all letl, and the dizziness lias noarl v all none. I lca-c send ine what medicine 1 need mid obline. J. V. 1AVH. F. MT Soi nii, Wash.. April 10, lsl . Ih. .Anii,i PkkhSik: I have been tak ing vour medicine two week la-t S.ituiil.iv, and there is a grand improvement in me in everv wa . M v stomach Is so much beticr, and I Have a lieltcr appetite lli.iu I haie hail before for three mouths. The la grippe cough is almost entirely gone ; bowcK in in h more regular than they were, and I am gaining strength faster every day than I thought it possible for me lo, 'Ucpeet fllllj', t'. AltMMIt"M.. hr. Jordan's oltice is at the residence of j cx-Mayor Ycslor, t hird and James. j Consultations and pivscnptioiisabsoluto-1 lyrrv. I Send for free book explaining the IliMo- I genetic system. Cm iios, -The Histogeiielio Medicines j are sold in but one agency in each town. The label around the buttle bears the lol-j lowing inscription: " lr. J. Ilugeiie .lor-; dan, llistogenetic Medicine," Fvory other j device is a fraud. j Nevtr let a woman know lu In not pretty. i TIIICOl'UII TIIK WKAUV HOIKS Of many a night, made doubly long by ita pro trai'ted agony, the rhnimatle milIer.T tosM-a to and fro ou hla ule- pli'M coin-Ii, vainly pra.lng for that rest which only coinen liy tltn ami slarla. il U malady is one which ordinary nir,!clni' mo often fall lo relieve, but there in ample et ldeni r lo jimve that the t'lliclent hlmsl depnteiit, lion totler'a Stomach Hlltem, altiirda tlu rlieliniatle a reliable meatu ol relief. Check the malady 'n Ita Incipient Mage, w hen the ttrst premonitory twinge com oil, with thin agreeable in, "Urine, ami avoid year of torture n hatever lie the ia Uouale of the active Intf leuee of the Hitters upon this malady, certain it la that im evbleuce relating to its crtect ia more direct and Mmltive than that which relalea to lla action In cases of rhetimatbm. I.lka all aterllug reined irs, how ever, it deservea a protracted, nyntemat to trial, and ahould not tie abandoutd iHs ause not at onee remedial.- It ia eipiallv etlii acloua in dye pt pala, ludUeatlou and kindred ,lirar. However great mine meu'a abillliei llabllltleaare greater. are, their BVPTCKK AND ril.KS CCKKU. We roalttvelr cure rupture and all rectal ipttire and alt rectal dia detention from biniineiui e without paiu or i paiu ty; ai No cm ) cure, no pay and im pay inilll cured. A,l lreaa for pamphlet lira. PurterDeld di i.oaey ttai Market street, rtau Kranelwo. Light a cigarette ami see theuiiilertiikeramlle. Tut Oibmii (or breakfaaC A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. Superior to every other known. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. Delicious Cake and IVtry, I.iirht Flaky biscuit, (I riddle Cakes, Palatable and Wholesome. No (.t',T baU'i.' piefiler d ies such work. "German Syrup" The majority of well-read phys cians now believe that Consump tion is a germ disease. In other words, instead of being in the con stitution itself it is caused by innu merable small'creatures living in the lungs having no business there and eating them away as caterpillars do the leaves of trees. A Germ The phlegm that is couehed ud is those Disease. parts of the lungs which have been gnawed off and destroyed. These little bacilli, as the germs are called, are too small to be seen with the naked eye, but they are very much alive just the same, and enter the body in our food, in the air we breathe, and through the pores of the skin. Thence they get into the blood and finally arrive at the lungs where they fasten and increase with frightful rapidity. Then German Syrup comes in, loosens them, kills them, expells them, heals the places they leave, and so nourish and soothe that, in a short time consump tives become germ-proof and well. & Nebraska Farm Lands to Exchange. Fine farm lands fn NebraNka to exchange for Oregon or Washington real estate. If. K. NoULK, C'onconf building, 2d and Hfark Kts., Portland. STEIN WAY, Gabler and Pease Pianos Bfeaolnff the Best Piano Made, and tha f&Tnrlte oheajKjr Pianos; all Miuioal Inatrumenta; Hands Bup- ilea; urge etoot oi oneet ainuo. hteinway Ual ALL, OaD W and SfiUo Post Htreet: Matthias a sat Ua and aee nur new roonm an4 new nkonk. Nf. Ft N. U. No. 389-8. 1. N. U. No. 466 TltlTII Willi! lif W llll, IOO. The n ailers of ln iiitiiII be 0rn-il l.i Icmu Hint tlo le U l , rea eiic itn rnli'il J "im-e thai m il in i lux l i en nhle lo coin In nil lt Mane ainl Ilia U i Ntsnli. II ill'- I Hlililli l ure l lii no I v tiiiKillve i mi' unit kiiini n In lln' Hint h at lialeriilli . liiisrin.t ik mcil luliniiiil iIImSC, tcjint'cn a 1 1 1 1 ll! I . ' 1 1 H I ll'lllllli'l I HkII ( aim i li i ine Ik i ii v . 1 1 Inieiiiiillv, hi linn Jiieel l it . mi lie blninl mnl miii oiin mm litreii ol the n Inn, I lien by del in) I in; I he IiiiiiiiIiiiium n llie .IIthm. mid ul In Hi,. (iHllelil nliellKlli bv Inul'llliH lii Hie i iiii-lllirlnii Mini B-illni im t llle III ilolilK Us in k I lie inii i tin Inn e ko much IhIiIi lu 1 1 - i ll i h 1 1 v i ' iiiiiM in Unit lliev otter one Hun, In ,1 liiillum lor any in-,' tlmi it lalla in I'lne. Seinl (or lll of I I i m, n 1 1 n 1 A i I.I i I' .1 I III Nl A i u., Toledo, O. ImT" Nibl by ti iikkUIh, ' tie. tt l a poor mule Hint Hnii'l wmk Imth wnyn. to sroitTHVii N. When yon in-ed v s-i-oi Uiif lloiulu of anv ilenerlitloii, wille In II T IIchhon, I'iuiIhiiiI Or , Im (iilci'H ainl flee ealalnnue, anil yoll will si in, nicy The Ocolihintnl lliilel, Sun I inn, Im-h, l mil yetsally iroiiniiiiiei by Hie pul,le llm linb l lintel of the 1'aelflc I'oiot Kiel) Oiling l 1'i'i lec lion to Hie mlHUlcM d "tall, and kui'M ate inmle to lis'l I'titlH'h at liiiimi. J. ,. II 1 1 r , Minnii:rr I'f under' Oreit oil II nod I'nrlfler - tliu l't nnnedy lor liiat iln nil iLmane. ih hu p la, for It reKUlalea the .lyiiijiliallc ayKtem ami bad secretion'. tMi Kiikiiii'Hiii' Stove I'olluli; iin.lunl, nonini ll i-tr rj v 'x V-', t-. i tA IJ1VJOV54 lioth tlio tnetlio'l ami resulta when , yriip. of FigH is taken; it is pleasant ami rcfrculnii to tho taste, nnd itchi u'cntly yd promptly mi flic Kidneys, Ijivcr ninl 1uwcIh, ('Icansis flic sy tent vH'ccttinlly. dispels cohjs, hcml tclieti iiml lever nnd cures lmliitn. constiputioii pcriiianciitly. r in rt)oatiil ?1 littles liy ull flniggisU CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO S V fitAKCISCO. CU. louismu. nr. f re?. r. Mm in .! POKING TO BAP HA6JUMPED TDTH lr PRONT IN A NOVEL'3 AND WEHItNT PACKAGE WANTED Tho wM n-rn nf all milillrmwho cm niroc '""'i''"'''"''"' n Ii-hm mimiirr nf aULUItKa m ri'ii tliKii IM ami innilc IIiirI UflMrOTTInO I'rniil on the HHiiio ''(nrt' June nUlllLOlLfllJo. is7i. w k. mdsm, r. o Uox 7ii, liciiviT, Cold. MiMitluii tliln mjiiT, ( a.V i. This I'lctnro, l'ani'l bL. muilod fi .' 4 cents. J. F. SMITH & CO., Maker of " Win Iliraiw," 255 & 257 Greenwich St., N. Y. City. Ifi'HtCViiiL'li Mi'ilii'iriii. Cures wlmro all vim fails. r - m t f ' ..- r n: - j taste, lfiildrcti take U without ( fiieetion. J!v ilruL'p mta ri.SmaSai 1 THE PRACTICAL FEATURES OF OUR MAIL DEPARTMENT A'ill comnnml tliiMnmilvoH it nitre to out-of-town conaiimcrH, who have not tho fni'llltlua nf vlalt ing our CHlahlinhimmt and makliiK a personal selertion of aiiythlnif wanted. SPRING GOODS IA7 Samples, with ruins of aelf-nieaNiiromeut, A. B. STEIKBACH i CO., POPULAR ONE T Chichestcr'S Enqush, Red UIU n, , HHO 10, I.OIMITUmool!,. JV,.m ',,. Hold by all Laval Ilrutfaslata. IHhe old oAPOLIO BfimtlSnTf All ..III. I parteboanl l ,k .;M"a,KSS TnK, JL , '.in fltamriai fill imrt Inn lr. nm man ala s,..A I..f i. rL' '.r9. ni TU((HIU, or iPnfl 1 iff defies' royal ly ihself: Try it i n yo u r nex h house-cleaning: Grocers keep ik DO YOU LIVE IN GREASE? As a true patriot and citizen you should naturalize yourself by using the best inventions of the day for removing euch a ohar To live iu Grease is utterly unnecessary when 8AF0LI0 la lold ia all the stores, and abolishes grease aid dirt. 14 (yticura 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n ii w I.M I IIV III'MiHt UK I III'' SKIN ASH HI A l.l l i ol lllfilln v Hllil ehllilll I.nlli llier Inlhll liiU, illMlmii I UK, Itching, laillilln.', m lilv.i iuliit, ,llll,lv HI blntclll . W llll InnK nf hall, uu, I ciuiy I 1 1 1 1 1 1 vol Hie blnnil, w liellier lin,l,,, , lulu l,,m i i 1 1 1 1 1 it i . I iei 'illly, ,1 1 1 1 1 h i n-1 1 1 1 y Hint ecoiuiinli ill 1 1 eiin d In the I'i'ili I M lu nmu K, i 'oiislsilna uf l l ll, I li I, llm n nl k.lll l ine, I I1' m i n i sn vi', mi ei( n ilti'h kin uii lllrr ami I run tiller, illl'l I I 1 1, I H li nil IkK I, Hie new liluml uiul kln , ill lib i and (Oi Htel ol huuinl li'ine illi'k, n lien Hie best pliiuli latin and all oilier leiiieilli i. lull. l iuriiiH. mi, tour 1 1, ll, In n yeata ol in, uiul iiii.I ,liiiinl mil, 'Hum Ii. i ui now, I vim" Hie i In 1 1 c l mi n. I inn nmile III cIiIIiIIiihhI aie pel niiiui'iit, sol, I I'li'ii lieie Price, I I in cm, Mli ; Sn.tr, J.h' J KKfiul.IKNr.lt. I'rrpareil bv Poller lung ami chemical I'm curat tnn, lolon. Mn Semi foi " lloiv lo I utti llliHid and i-k III Ida- I'Hiil'i," tHr lliil,i' In Mini m'Mhi inn Hied ami heillllllleil lo I I Mi I'll Mil' "Vi fit Ktilnui iHtiii", hiicltHi In and uinm'iiltir lii nnuitlMii lelleinl mi nin mlnnie by (ha 1 1 -1 1 1 it i -, I i iu cat Ami rus 1'i.tsriB Old liotd ami Si tur Hi until, M int inr etil 1 1,, lit ah ,1 Nil v.-r ly mihiI li Uu, iiltl bimI ivlil,l Ii.iiimi nf A, l '.I, in mi. fl Thllil Irei l, hii Kmni !,, I toll "mil hf rtittnii until lliii ihhIi. ii nllnir i"r, If III rMuituiii m ii, ,1 Uttlinf i-liiiy will 1,'lnrn tfot,t BIG PRIZES.! In iinili'rwiar. Iiittti 0119 lliii- ill kiv mUi'il, 11 irr iiiulliv imii.Ii fur ini'ii 1 1 1111 uhlru nr iltHxi-ri, alin I.' II. In, Ir ", .11 $1 7.1 mi ll unr ii l i nt t"'"t mo urn oltrn mrr ii III ilimir'ii hi II In 1 1 1 1 1 Hrmlri ur lilui' itn-y lUiiiii'l, III I'ttr li' mi4 ijimhti , 1I1 awn. 1 a 1 lu 411. ami lilrta In li, aa i 111 li'i am I.' i"1, ami I Im m 1 1 T.i. 1 : 1 . . 1 . -! oirniii.. Hi. . 11 lim k. i'tia iiiallt)r, at ri'lit.. In i-ln'.t' thr Int tiiiliulit at a aaiTlllrv. N iil-t Ii h -lt In r n'. U, 1. ai .1' liirlir W ni-l H', lr 1 1 tt r ;n, .11, I.', .il nr :'l liu-hra. rtiiUI v lr i-llhrr ;'l, 1 in In lir. nl.l ii, li'K I'll Iht m. ,t.', .; : . :'l, mr t Ini'lii'i. Wtl I lr 1 IiIiit i, .1. .1 nr i.i Iih Ihu. Mr haif tin' Ihiki'.I vailrH nf kimmI iUalllr (ivciai: In rulta ul irn In In' (iiiunl In In 11. If inn m I. in l ul.ir In aim ir will MitmUtmo an-iitln-r iiniro ipthri Un illri'i'li-'l n liav on nidi iln. ii iirantlnil kii-v mini, (Uu at nainr nii r. f.iriui'rly "l'l at it Hi Mrn a l ai-linrri' pnnta. In liriil t) li'a fur 11M or m l.l.ll.- atmil tm ii, in i'tia al.-a, a fiilliiwa; aM I", li-ir il; w II, 1 :; w I '. I. '."J nr ;m; w. II, I II nr w. li,, I :lt. ;u...i. w. 47, I. M. I ln' ar tun' t,i ini aniii' I'rln' I .! -ii In il il. Smith's Cash Store. 416 4 418 Front St., S. F. -- BUY THE Regan VaporEngino Knr I'liiniiliii! WatiT or Willi', Hi.raUnir Krnlt I !, hawinn Wninl, Kimnliii! I allic hlivtrli'- Unlit I'laiiti, i'lr. REGAN VAPOR ENGINE CO., '."JI-'Mil Unl hlrri-t, Sun Kranrlarn. r.llff; lthirknnli-.1iM IrHiitntf riimr.tr lur all tiif unnaiiiral ilia.-hara" anil irivi.li'iM men. A mriftini iiri fur llif ilntilll. talliif Huaknraa 'n'VUllar I 'frtTilialt and faal aaf ll rn In r-xrnninicutllug KM all autTiifani. A ) HinNIR,HO.OmTii,llU HM i,T lriiKKiai. i-navB. ii.vv. TAKE IT W.Pr UNDER' Mm Blood PuairiEir lKIDNFY 4 LIVER OiSI A'iCS. DVSiPaiA. ' i i:i.jivf PiMI'l I S BI0TCKS AND:iKiN fll'f ASfS 'E ACACilf.'v C0"TlVCNrss CURE FITS! wnrn i aay cum I Ho imt mnan tniimlj' l at"p lliam riiraliiunamltlmii liana lliom rutum aln. I ninan a ri'liral cum. I liavnitiail'itlmitiwiamiiil I ITH, Kl'll I. 1'kV or KA1.I.IMI hlKNIi.H.'ialifo-l.iii'jaliiily. I Trrnnt mjr rt'itinljr In ciirn llm mural can.. Ilmiauaa (it aum liai-n fttilwl n niaann fur nut nuw rrivtna a cur", ri.'iul at imiia fur a Inial i ami a Kr HutlM of mr liiiillilili rt'iTnl. liivn Kiimiaaaiiil I'iniI UMiria II. UUUT, ,lt, C.. 1 1'i-nrt at. hew ott CURE Biliousness, Sick Headache, Malaria. 1 1 1 Q I i I 1 1 1 pm:i: urate liM AhlrVPtlMvUKil 0'Hl!'lJ,iY4, JT jr rn raa 111 I f Tua Ina VM.Aj f f U aaiaawwl at M HM lUHtMO. Ia1 Mrl-ntr lif 1"1 TmfCHiii Y I -si Wsstm-1 ir i hi i BILE BEAMS, n aWire'g Kcciininionilcd bv I'll vfticiuria. I'li'iisant anil agreeable to the NOW READY. will lie Kent on annlleatloii. - PRICE CLOTHIERS AND HATTERS, PORTLAND, OREGON. Cross W Diamond Brand nuus oiner kind. Htfu,, 8ultua,m, arf inUtttUmt. CMIChVTIR AVaVai' "AST 'JJVS Mm,L I'll 1 1. A lll;l.l'UlA. i SI proverb behrue, is Aretter thkn