The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 11, 1891, Image 4

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    In reading over the literary Items of
the week, 1 found not much to interest
me, until my eye cnught sight of an
nrtiele lieadod iJtnks Drtam." Imag
ine my surprise to lind it ended up with
a recommendation to use Dr. Pierce"
Pleasant Pellets. Nevertheless, being
a great sufferer from siok headache, I
determined to try them, and, to mv great
joy, I found prompt relief, and by their
protracted use, a complete Immunity
om such attacks. Pierce's Pellets
,'en cure sick headache iu ait hour.
Lev are gently laxative or actively
hartic, accordiug to size of do.e.
pleasant laxative, take one each
on retiring. or adults, lour act
active, yet painless, cathartic
no griping or sickness, west
.ill ever made. Smallest, Cheap-
st to take. For Constipation,
and Bilious Attacks, they
.ured at the Chemical Labo-
.SOCIATIOX, aNO. 603 ilain
X. X.
;ist, Watertown,
pinion of a man
store, sells all
'i direct contact
'II their families,
lian anyone else
and what true
le hears of all
esses. and can
" I know of nc
'3, Sore Throat,
1 id done such ef
' e w ork in my
iv as Rosehee's
an Syrup. Last
i;;r a lady called
, store, who was
ring from a very
I lid hardly talk,
i-, German Syrup
u would give re-
fi confidence in
,told her to take
Results were not
nake no charge
jifter she called
t-inrr rriar criA
I ut it in future as
L her relief."
a mv test.
ure Cod Liver Oil
phitesof Limeand
' motion, but litiir
''NOW PL'JfriNG '
a1 1 III UVI1b7
n. iu, sr e? ucc v
Golden Female Pills.
For Female Irregular
1 ties: uothiuelikethem
n the market. Never
fail Successfully used
by prominent la'Hes
monthly. Guaranteed
to relieve nupprcssed
Don't be humbwreeil
Bave Time, Health,
and money ;take uo oth
er. Sent to any address,
secure by mall on re
ceipt of (.rice, 42.00.
Western Branch, S02 27, VOliTL AND, OR
Sold hy Wisdom DBrre Oo Portland Or.
,1'IiOPLE writ for fret Illustrated
Fanitiy paj,riii surgical oiw rat ions
tumors, fistula. pUtrs. varicocele.
hydrocele; braces, appliances (or
, deformities, female ouuiulsiiits ;
alio, confidential book lor nieo.
(explaining why thousands cannot set cured of sjiecial, private,
clironic diseases, eyes, ears, Jungs, seminal weakness, loss of
uianh'Mid, gleet, syjihilis, unnatural losses, results of aliuse or
excesses, wuirii unlit all for man-lane, hrti'iiiiitaa, or life's du
tl:e greatest remedy for above complaints. To prove Its merits,
1 trial bottle sent free. Address, DR. UEBIO & CO. 4UI Geary
St., ban Francisco, Ci. or Ml W. Dtb bk, Kansas City, Ma.
Bis O is the ack-nowIede!
leading remedy for all the
'riirpe In A. 4 unnatural aiscnargei ana
'1to5DAVS.i Privatedweaaesof men. A
I Uoaranteed "t u U certain cure lor tne deDin
cause Sirieuirt. laung weaaneea peculiar
so women,
utrt onis ir TrtrM'rihAlta.nrl testl unfa
The EvN8 CwEMiWU flo. in recommending It 10
CWCmNl,0.Kirpa " auuerers.
U.S.A. f.,i U.,nECTim,IH.
bolX by DroKftlaU.
Trade vUiiLiIUA1l fUlliS pl.OU.
ipe i
t: i
"V litis 1
i w
rrvlly ni Tama A ho a I OlffMtl
Moulin That Onro r.i laird,
Tli simoon b friHiuently mentioned
by ancient imturalists M troll us ly
RTiptural writora ami tlrtnnior. Aris
totle tolls us that ilnipuis TOoubits in
loiijtfli voro ofton mot with in tho vicin
ity of tho Gang's. Uoduoinj; Uio cubit
to foot, uocorvlinijr to our tmnlo of rook
oninijf longth. wo fliul that those liu
uionso norponts worw 35 yanls in length.
Alexander the Groat and his army en
countered one in a cave that measured
105 foot iu length. An ancient work on
evrpent says :
Three kinds of dragons were former
ly recognized iu India. Tirst, those of
the hills and mountains; second, those
of the valleys and oaves; third, those
of the marshes and fens. The first b
the largest and is covered w ith scales
as resplendent as burnished gold. They
have a kind of Ivard hanging from
their lower jaw, their aspeot b fright
ful and their ory terrible, being a loud,
hissing wail. They have crests of
bright yellow, and protuberances on
their heads which are the color of a
burning ctvil. Those of the flat coun
try are of the color of silver; they fre
quent the rivers, to which the former
never come. Those of themarshes are
black, slow of motion and have no
crests, Str.ibo says tho painting of ser
pents with wings is contrary to truth,
but other naturalists and travelers
atr.nn that some species are winged.
Then1 is much confusion on this
point. Some have mistaken the hood
of the naja for wings; others havo con
founded the innocent dragon lizard
with flying serpents and report, as IMiny
does, that their bite b venomous, which
.b not true.
At Data via, Java, a serpent was once
killed and the whole body of a negro
woman and the carcass of a large stag
found in its stomacli. Leguat says:
"There are many serpents on the island
of Java that measure more than fifty
feet in length. At I3ativia they still
keep the skin of one which, though but
twenty feet in length, bssaid to have
swallowed a young woman whole."
St. Jerome says that all immense ser
pents art called boiiAjJeeause they can
swallow whole bove (beeves), and lay
utter wjiste to whole provinces. Bos
nian says that three entire negroes were
found in the gullet of an immense ser
pent killed on the gold coast of Africa.
But Pliny caps tho climax when he tells
of the serpent which opposed the Ro
man army, under Regulus, at the river
of Bagrada, Africa. It devoured sev
eral of the soldiers; its scales were so
hard that they iurned spears and darts.
At length it was besieged by all the
military engines that would be employ
ed in attacking a fortified city. When
killed the skin of the monster was sent
to Rome as a trophy to be preserved in
one of the temples. After drying sev
eral days in the hot climate of Africa
it was sent to the Imperial City and
was even then found to be over 120 feet
in length. St. Louis Republic.
Your Own Prii-e on the Clgara.
i ranger (ro a liowery vender oi cig
arettes, tobacco and cigars, whose
whole stock in trade of cigars consisted
of two partially tilled boxes) Have you
any ten cent cigars?
Vender reaches toward box number
"Er, have you any five centers?"
Vender re;iches toward box number
"Oh, I say, have you any two for
Vender reaches toward box number
"Never mind; I guess I will go down
nere to a inena or mine ana get some
three for fives."
Vender detains him with one hand
reaches toward box number two with
the other, and exclaims, "Here
some." New York Tribune.
A New Cue for Tripe.
That most succulent and refreshing
viand, tripe, so little known on the
table of the upper tan thousand that
more than ono young lady of fashion
as been known to confess that she
always supposed it to be a variety of
fish eaten chiefly by the poor, has been
put to a new use. Some ingenious per
son, ounng the period when it was pro
posed to put a duty on hides, experi
mented with tripe sis raw material, and
succeeded in iroducing a very unique
article of leather, in which the honey
comb effect is admirably though unob
trusively preserved. Tripe thus tanned
is soft and yielding, yet strong and
durable, and especially fitted for the
manufacture of slippers and other
light footwear. Boston Post.
Carious Effect" of Poinona.
The animal body can be played upon
as if it were a machine. The strokes
of the central pump, the heart, can be
slowed or quickened; the vital heat
lowered or increased ; the pupil of the
eye expam 1 or contracted ; the limbs
paralyzed or convulsed ; the blood sent
to the surface or withdrawn to the in
terior; even the natural hue and color
of the body can be changed by the
subtle action of various poisons taken
into the system. Hall's Journal.
Profit iu High Priced Dinner. v
The Hoffman house chef in a moment
of professional inadvertance admitted
to an acquaintance that jt is well nigh
impossible to expend more than $t a
plate upon the food of a public dinner;
so that the usual ill served $10 dinner,
with wine, mu.t b highly profitable to
the caterer, while- .Delmonico's $5 din
ner, without wine, undoubtedly yields
a high percentage d( profit. New York
San. ' ".: '
No, St Uetarloy Sqiim-a.
The house is not without traditional
Interest, for it was In tho last century
the scone of a romantic, elopement. It
was then the residence of Mr. Child, the
opulent hanker of Temple Itar, who had
an only daughter, the hcircN of his
enormous wealth. The Karl of West
moreland paid attentions to tho young
lady, hut his suit was not encouraged by
her father, w ho wished his daughter to
marry a younger son, and form a new
family, which should HTH'tunto the
name of Child. Nothing il. united, IOid
Westmoreland dclennin-Hl to make a
clandestine marriage ut Gretna Green.
In order to make good the heroine's s
capo il was necessary to evade tho vigil
ance of her duenna, nho slept in the
room through which that of tho heiress
was approached. So the old lady's posset
was drugged, ami she slept the sleep of
the just while her young charge slipHd
out into Berkeley square, where Lord
Westmoreland was waiting with lib
traveling carriage. But, unluckily, in
their eagerness to Im off, the fugitives
left the front dtwr ajar, and the watch
man coming round soon afterward
alarmed the house.
The flight was discovered, and Mr.
Child, ordering out his carriage, set forth
in pursuit. All night long and all next
dav the angry father raced his errant
daughter, and, as they neared the Urdor,
j ho began to gain on the fugitives. Then
i Lord Westmoreland drew- his pistol and
shot Sir. Child s leader dead. The victory
was won, the chase was over, and tho
young couple were duly married hy the
blacksmith. Meanwhile Mr. Child re
turned in high dudgeon to Ixiudon. and
made a will leaving all his wealth, over
his daughter's head not to her sons, for
so he would have enriched the earldom
of Westmoreland hut to her eldest
daughter. Thus the principal interest
in the great hanking house passed to
Lady Sarah Sophia Child Fane, who
married the Earl of Jersey ami was the
grandmother of the present oer. She
was for fifty years one of tho liest known
figures In the society of London, and is
graphically described hy Ixrd Beacons
tield in "Kiidyuiion," under tho name of
Zonobia. Lord Jersey sold the house to
Lord Rosobcry. Murray's Magazine.
A Cntrli or 310 Trout in a Day.
A. W. Cooke, of Cayuga, N'. V., and
R. B. Downs, of Rochester, fished in the
Little Kettle creek, in the southern juirt
of this county, ono day last week. They
canght 8 ID trout, and were obliged to
leave the brook on account of a lire iu
the woods that endangered their safety.
The fish tilled two fifteen pound creels
and all the .(octets of the two anglers'
fishing coats. The biggest trout was a
foot long, an 1 the most of them were of
fair size. Lilt a good many of them
miht iM'tter have been left iu the brook.
Cor. New York Sun.
A large sewer in Portland, Ore., be
coming choked, workmen dug it open,
and to their great sm prise found the
roots of a shade tree had forced a pass
age through the walls and formed a
solid mass for fifty foot. The top of the
sewer is ten feet below the surface.
The Flrt taw of Jiontlp Mm. A I heard
wmiettaiun alxmt jou the othrr day. Mrs, 11 Is
it bad euouRh to rept-Bt?
Cold and molfcture rnmbined have a tornriK
lK effect upon the bodily oruKiin, and tno Ji
irestive a ml accretive prricefae arn apt to be
more tardily performed in winter than in the
fall. The same ia true al,o of the excretory
functions. The boweln are often hliiKili, ami
the porcn of the skin throw off but little Haste
mutter at this season. The system, theref. re,
requires 0ciiliig up a little, and alno purif ., im?
and rcKulatlnit, and the saftst surest ami most
thorough tonic an1 alterative that can be used
for these purposes is liotcttcr's Stomach Bitters.
Persons who wish to escape the rheumatic
twinges, the dyspeptic ixonles, the painful ills
turbances of tre bowels, the bilious attacks, and
the uervoiis visitations, so common ut this time
of the year, will do well to reiuforee their sys
tems with this renowned vegetable stomachic
and tnvigorant It improve the appetite,
strengthens the stomach, cne rs the spirits, and
renovates the whole physiuiie.
The plumber, with tears In his eyes, lifted up
his voice aud tried: "lie (iiimned me for the
sewage aud sued me for the damage."
The celebrated authoress, so highly es
teemed by the women of America, says on
pages 10 J and 415 of her popular work,
" Eve's Daughters; or, Common Sense for
Maid, Wife and Siother:"
"For the achinur back should It be slow
in recovering its normal strength an All-
cock's I'okoi'8 Pi.AsTKR Is an excelitnt
comforter, combiiiiiig the sensation of (he
sustained pressure of a strong warm hnnd
with certain tonic qualities developed in
the wearing. It should be kept over the
seat of uneasiness for several days in ob
stinate cases, for perhap a fortnight."
"For pain in the bach weir an All
cock's Porous Plaster constantly, re
newing as it wears off Tins is an invalu
able support when the weight en the small
of the back becomes heavy and the aching
Gallic Wit He-What is the style of those
vases? She Louis Quinze. He (uot up on
French) Ihey look more like tomato cang.
Do you wish to I now how to have no
steam, and not half the usual tiwi on
was day f Ask your grocer lor a bar ot
Dobbins' Electric onp, and t'e directioi s
will tell you how. li.; sure to get no imi
tation. There are lots of them.
Hitter. Dr. lirush Would you advise me to
have my picture hung? hasei No, solitary con
finement ought to be suflicieut.
"Broirn's Bronchial Troches" are an
effective cough remedy. Sold only in
boxes. Price, 25 cents.
The spitz dog has a bushy tail,
And the coach dog's runs to spots;
The puic dog's looks like a pretzel
But the wwmen love him kits.
By local application, as they cannot reach the
diseased portion of tba.ear. There is only one
way to cure Deafness, una that Is by constitu
tlonal remedies. Deafness is caused by an in
flamed condition of the mucous lining of the
hustacblau Tube, n hen this tube guts mutinied
rou have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear
nir. and when it is entirely closed Deafm ss is
the result, and unless the inllainmaiiou can lie
taeu out aud this tube restored to Ut normal
condition, hearing will be destroyed fortver:
nine cases out of ten are caused by ca'arrh,
which is nothing but aa inflamed condition ol
the mucous surfaces.
Ave will trlveOue Hundred Dollars for anv case
of Deafness (Caused by Catarrh) thst we. cannot
core by talcing Hall's Catarrh Cure, bend for
circular!, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO.,
1 (lie (Jrnmlrat 1'iodiiet of tho Mux
teellth t enllll') I lie Ueaulla I loin
1lo ,(,., i.f Trent incut Arti A menu
the Marvel ol tlm Age,
Whatcom Wash., March 1t. StM.
J. iViijfdr' Jonlnn, S'tittle, H'osi. r
lr.AK IHm'iou : I li.'ive. I ami hope 1
will tie tin' iMonua of convincing many prh
plo of the superiority of your wotidorliil
aistem, ami through my Inlhieiico they
havo been persnaili il tiu'oine to )om ami
make u-o of your meiiiclni a the lllency
of wh eh I Iimvo tcaililcil to In tho inM,
suit I think it would bo well to publlnh my
testimony ngilu f. r thoro are no mnnv
nopU coni'lij; lu-ro who are ilNoa od, mid
your mt'dicliicN aro no much neciied, ilmt
1 feci It my duty to do nil 1 can in the way
of adveriisliig It.
If you remember my cane, I M trouh od
for yoara w lih neuralgia In Its se
verest form, Hiitl'eriug untold agony. I
tried doctor of every sort, nil to no pur
pose, until I comuicnt'cit tho nxo of your
uiediVincn, nml after continuing thorn for
a time was entirely cured.
1 sin so glad tint tho people hero arc
awaki liiu;.' to the fact that this now scl
once In the way lo health and that these
old drugs whh h kill more limn I hoy euro
will Ih put under the ground or hurled In
oblivion. Yours very Intly,
Mas. Mitv Parish.
Formerly Mrs. Mary llimtiiinn,
liKs roN, Wash , Nov. :, 1SIKI.
; J. .'if-ir .iik.iii, .viiftV, H'ci.vA -
Dkak Fhikmi: I should have written
you ladore regarding our little girl. Her
recovery w as ho very alow I could not havo
written lefore and nid she wna well, but
I feel 1 ran safely Nay flirt la well now, nod
I think h'ld il not been for your in di luea
ahe would not la with us now, .Mvhns
band, Yates Monnta u, Join me In thank
ing ymi or Hog oat fitvwr you have von
feriod us, Wiihlng you greater proNpi-rity
in your womh-iful work. I icuialti "In
ctroly, Mrs. Y. Moi'ntain.
Dr. Jordan's olhYe Is at tln residence
of p-Mayor " eater. Third and James,
Consultation and prescriptions rlmolute
ly ntKK.
.Send for free Wook explaining tho Wato
genetic system.
t'At'TIoN. i he IlistiHienotlc Medicines
atONold iu mlone.igi ncy ineach town. The
lalvcl aronr.d tho bottle la'iirs the following
lu-criptliui: "lr. J. Fu roue Jordan's His.
tog 'Hello Medicine." Kvery other device
la a fraud.
"Talk Isn't no cheap after all." remarke t tho
orator, lieu he came toseMli the ti'iinii'lu r
turn uk ami i iiks ciiikd.
We Kwlthely cure riiottire and all r tal ills
eases without patu or deteutlou from tiusluess.
No cun', no pav; ami no pav nil' II cured. Ad
(trcs for psmplilet lira. I'orlerlieUI A -lwcy, S.1S
Market stnvt, San Kraneiocn,
"There's one thlnit I like atoit a trim, petite
fluure." "Wtuit' that?" 'So hole ki to
Dr. Wallace Kly hn removiil hlsoAlcoa to '2lf
Powell reel. San Kianeiscu, I'iiI., w here he con
tinues to give i,ii lal ntteut.oii Iu Kidneys, blad
der, I'rostate lilan l Hinl alt iiN, ae anaing tlierc
from. liialK'tis and llik-lil's liisease tieateil
according to Hie latest approved inethiHl Mot
cases can be tn ate 1 sin-' es.-fiilly by correspond
ence. t'ousultatloiiH dally trom IUa. W. to4r.
M. Wai.laok K.i.v, M. I.. Powell street, four
doors from tiearv stre. t.SHii Francisco. rl
A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.
Superior to every other known.
Used in Millions of Homes---
40 Years the Standard.
Delicious Cake and Tary, I.iht Flaky
Iliscuit, (oidillc Cakes, Palatable
and Vi liolcsoinc.
No other bilking jxiwdcr does such work, "
y-i EsbwvOf y?; We itrq
Storms, snows, drenching rains, and furious wind
arc a pirt of the regular routine oi lite. Two-tliircffl
of the sickness through life is earned Ly colds ; you
cannot be loo well protected in ftorniy weather to
avoid them, A man having a " Fiflh brand Slick.
er''may be expowd lo a etnrm for Iwenty-fottf
hours at a stretch, and mill b-- protected from every
drop of rain, besides being Hhirlded from (tho
bmng winds. No matter what your occupation,
if you are liable to be cauidit in a rain or snow
storm, you sliou'd have on hand a " Kish brand
Slicker." It will surely save your health, an4
perhaps your life, beware of wonhlrts imitations,
every garment stamped with the " Kish brand
Trade Mark. Iou'l acrct any inferior coat when
you can have the " r'ish llr.ind Slicker" delivered
without extra cost, t'articulais and illustrated
Catalogue free.
A. J. TOWER, - Boston, Mass.
tic i, making a complete expose of all the seen, ts
of hpiritualisni. 1 he science iff Ilypnotiiin ex
plains it all. Vou can both sec, bear and talk
with unseen Intelligent force', 'ihey tell you
how to locate mines, recover stolen goods, cure
the liquor and morphine hah'l la Send 2T cts.
or as much as you mm anoru n; .,ir C. Newell,
Box 6HS. Portland, r., who wilt . ft! you com
plete instructions by return rniiiU Questions
pertaining to the above sulilect aiiKeS-rcu.
Oregon Blood Purifier"
TIiOOKI.Y! 1IOTKI.. Kmh St., bet. MontA
l) gornr & Pausonie, 8. F,; cjn'lueted i n twtb the
r'.iiropt'itn and Anif ricvn plan. I his Hotel la und-r
the wanag'-iuent of Charles MonfK"iiiery end Is the
best Family and Bu-inesa Men's H itel In 8an Frun
ciso. Home oomforts, cnirinn iiii-xi-Heii. first-cUss
survlfe, bichest stanoaid of respectability guaranU,yd.
toard m-i room ir uy, vi s to ?;.'; srng'e room, uu
ecntji t 1. CO p night. Vrf roacb. to anq from ib
5rjiy ion.!
4, n
V A I t A II I K
Dr. t a (iTaugo wishes to unikn known bis rm
TrriifiM. n( fur I lie euro of all diseases of tint Kyo
Oi'iiiiii'f, vfi'(iie I'lHinii, (iirtoiiimofi.oi. eie.,
without operation or 1'iiln. The can Ihi
at'plleil hv the pallent, and is simple, sulo and
sutv III lis etleels, slreiiKtlietilUK the luiiseles
and nerves of tlieeM', reinnvlag puin almost In
stniilaneousiy. tt l a marvelous discovery and
a blessing lo the suHiner.
for limber partleulnis addles, with stsmped
envelope It. J. I., lilltMiK, M. l.,'.'l,'i I'mvell HI.,
fourth door from licary.han Haneisi ti, Cal,
I Mine limns II (III 1
To tug Kniroii: I'leiis.i inform your readers
that 1 have a p"lili' remedy for the aimve
linuied illseasd. Hv lis timely nan thousand of
hope rss eases ban' been pe'iiiiinently enied. I
shall be glad In send to biittles ol 111 V reim dy
free In anv of vour renders who have cinisiimp
lion If ihey 111 send me their expn as and post
nlhei' adilirsa. liespeelfully.
T. A. HI. I It's' M, M. V.,
S 1'iarl street, New Vnik.
riiKHi fii. im Mi. Km
Dr. Williams' fu.ltan I'lle Ointment Mill cure
lllltid, Illicit Ins- and Itching I'llea lieu all other
iniitmeuls bae lalled. II absorbs llin tumors,
slims the Itching at once, nets sis a nuiiltli'ii,
gives IiisIiiui relief. I'r . V llllanis' Indian I'lle
ulntiiieiil is prepiired only lor I'lh-a and llehliig
of the private parls and nothing else. Kerv
tsix is nsrranted. Sold by ilnu irlsls, or unit ly
mull on rvei lpi o( price, ,'sic ami II per box.
W ll.l.lAMS M N( K M I l lllStl CO.,
I'ri'prle'ots, Cleieland, O.
Thv Okiimka for hivkfnt.
t'so Kiiiuuellne Stove Polish : no dust, no smell,
I'f iintlcr'sj On gon II ooil I'lirlflrr la
the Pol leiueilv lor t bat diesd d.seas , ih spep
sla, fur II regulates (lie lymphatic system and
bail secret Wilis.
Both tho huhIumI nml n'stilta when
.Syrup of l'iji-j ia takt-u; it is luYiLsunt
mid refrcfliiiio; to the XaMo, and acta
gently jit jiromjUy on tlio Kiilnojn,
Liver a'il UhwiIh, clcnii'S tho fvs
tfin cfrirttially, diMH'U coMm, lu-nd-i.ehi'8
find Icvitij ninl cures Imliitti.
conrtipati'iti pfniuuiciitly. iVr wtlu
in COoatid $1 bottlca ly all drugwU
si fHi.Nciico, eti,
iouisviue, Kr. fiv roar, m.r.
iiiiiiIIoii .tier i lilt ill
Wool.Grain and General Produce,
N AMI 10 ll t IS S I II I I; T,
San Francisco, Cal.
Liberal Advances Made on Consignments.
Personal Attention Given to All b.ilel.
V w .at
This Ticturo, ratn l nz mallod for 4 cents.
J. F. SMITH & CO.,
Maker of " Ilile Beaiia,"
25S & 257 Greenwich St., N. Y. City.
V"' "'V
rvTM r flVISTtlS
A MI coimnend themselves at onee to oul of-tow n i oiisiuners, who have not tho facilities of vlslt
ii.lC our cslabllshineut aud mnkliiK a n r-nnl selei tnni of auvthliii uantvd'.
ST Miinmles, with rules of selt ineasureBieiil, will 1 sent on Bpplfi a'lon.
x cHttonsc, ChcniMst. Relief in immediate. A
euro !h certain. For Cold in tho II end itlitia noetiual.
J- It ;u n:,.i,.,.,i ,.r .i,:..i,
s. mo mi oiu iii, ii v, 1,1 I, li li.
to tlie noatrila. Price h()c.
man. AuiircuHT p,. I .
P Chichester's Enqvsh, Red Cross P. Diamond Brand A
THC ORIGINAL AND QCNUINI. The only aafn, Mure, anit ri-oM PHI tor .si.. Vr
I.Hillea, n,k llom.'Ul lur r.'(cA,-,(rr. h'tt'ltlnh M'tmnnif Jiranti !m (ril anil ,,M mi'lslllo V
bus,-, -e.l.-.l wlih I, hi,- rlMmn, Tilke nil oilier sliol. Htftut loc,ri,m. end mll.illont. V ,
All illl. In niii-t,iircl l.i,sii, ii,ik rs,,i,r.
4a. In Niiimi,, fur tmrlliMil.-i
10,00(1 TiistliiinnlsU. ,V,im hlnrr.
HuXii by ull Lueal Oruaatats.
ff. - 1
rmoyDe rrue wncxrbonie men soy.
lrmasUn dc rruewhaara men scy"
a ... . - .
r is solid c&Ke ofBcourin soep-
For many years SAPOLIO has stood as the finest and
best article of this kind in the "world. It knows no equal,
and, although it costs a trifle more its durability makes it
outlast two cakes of cheap makes. It is therefore the
cheapest in the end. Any grocer will supply it at a
reasonable price.
I & ft 1 - i. 1 BAltLEV A bo.. COI.N ii bu'. POTAifoE tut ba. rr a! ) 'i V"",,. , vy Si
III hV- 'Sl 'A tr-Sra,l Scents fur aiuiiplo firm seeds and catalog-iic S,u' , , - )
ObT.IiI tiV-irs. KarHptit VoflTt'table
15 nfc;.T;i(-tfr.M HairttrH
UTL-jw might to Pacific Coafct blatu.f
wm -Saiug
ra.fe Will t HisilJaJ
WcUnds.cUts. Swellings
Without Losa of Blood.
Ilundreda of I's.o r and Tumors success fill I jr
retnnt ed bv litui i-au Ih' a en st bis nthee. 70'
Wa-liln.Mi.n atr,-.t. I'lUt 11. AMI, UK I'll. Turf,
lis. siielted l"iir yeara In tiertnauy, Harltieriaiii!
nod l ufland. and la the only stUKeiiti III tlm
Northwest nhotiiH rufes without lossol blond bf
elm tilt Its.
STEIN WAY, Gabler and Feast Plmoi
M.aoloa tin, llrnT I'iinii Mo, and bs fafotila
Ot'catM-r I'lsteia; all Mii.ieal liistnilnriita; lialnls Hill
i lid; larKr St, i, ot hllirt M Il0 HIKIHWAV llll.t.
.Iflalol 'J Post Hti.vl; MsvllllAS IlKll CO. OtVU
and nan our ni-sf riHim. and iirw at,is
tn send you
their ctlaloKUa
of ra h prlcea
to consumers
Ailcltess as nbovt.
Mention this oiper.
" Biliousness,
Sick Headache,
bile mm,
n . ..,n ,.,.,:..i. :.. ....i:.,.i
il I'.niiitiii nillll IV in UJ'f '11, u
Sold by driijruiHtu or sent by
n a.i- i.-i ink. Wnrrcn. I'a.
art ilMvi'ruua rninili-rli lla. At asnfl of
an.l "iwiler lr I.a-lli s," In IKsr, hr return Mall.
CHICHISTla CMtMICL CO., Mnillsnn Square,
a iui,Ar.i,i iiia, j a.
A .a
.:. .
l-vedit.tost nti.!.
AtiJiii-' inonew 17 day RaduU
, ioieo.0, u,
Sold by Dnigjrlsti, 75c,
its tt)
N. P. N. U. No. 882-S. F. N. V. No. 459
l.T(,.v aw ww - -m - " - v f t w iit ,mw