The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 11, 1891, Image 3

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3Cood liver Slacicr
inion runic imnv.w
I.OCAI. ( Alil.
No, , h:xi..'N tn ' nt I !-" A. M.
Nit. 'J, Mull " 11:14 V. M.
No, 7, Kximi'hd Inivre til
Nil, I, Mull ' I'. M,
f.:.'il A, M.
mi: mails.
'I'll mull nirlvia Hum Htriilllmrv nl II "'
rlurk A. M, Vilui mlnv mill Mill ill iIiivk; ili.
I'lli Ik in hiiiiii' ilu', n ,i i 1 1 1 .
Vnr riii-imaiMli, Ii-iim'v nl H A. M. iinlviunt
I'. M. HiiliinliivN.
I'ur Whlln Hiiliimi. Iruvin dully nl M A. M.
Hrilvm nl imii' ii Vim k I', M,
Kriim V 1 1 1 1 MiiIiiioii Iimhi'h fur KiiIiIii, (ill
Iner, I mill i.iiUi- it it I I JIiiumiimI M.hi.Im , iiihI
Oil clt it li ill tin' furniture Mure.
I In 1 It 1 1 1 ipr l':iHf ill In r 1 1 1 1 u More.
( 'mIiIhixd iiiuI onion nl llauiiiiA'
ZleKl. i 'h:
I'li'l nri-H fr.iiui'il l unli r at Ilu- fiu
lillllie Mime.
Mr. Ilcnrv'M Ikhim" I rapidly near
i I IK 'oi 1 1 p l -1 i I I .
Mr. ('. II. liny in m miih nt The
Iiallr Mtiinluy,
l! rt LiiiiiUc enine iii fim 1 1 Port
land Hit'uriliiy 1 1 1 f. ; J 1 1 .
( Jo the fiirnituii1 Mure ami Hit lliclTi
iiihI rt ni hialtiiii;.
Mihh I.iiln I in i i t ili t li Ih ulllee a
ili'iiKiii:t Kit 'I'liiitfiliiy.
S, .1. J ,i4 Fruiiiv arrived 1 i i from
J'i mill ion 'I'ucHiliiy morning.
Iti-v. A. Il"in ( 'I'll'- lnll held
H'l vlctN In Hit' valley liixl Sunday.
Tin- IiiiiiImt fur tin- I,iinill lnillilliiK
Im in ri t il uinl Hie liuuiiiitf I U-hij:
lii'iii'i' liu-li iiimI Mr. Hiliii r of
liulliiiiu ai' ntniilnK with Mr. K ('.
'I In- I'. IS. clniri'li 1m nicely n 1 n f -
mid Ih nl fiiiir-M' iiiiicli inme ti ii i n I - t i n
I hun before.
Mr. mi.l Mrs. A. 11. Jew it went t.
Ailmlu Mmiitay to attend the Maud
I inlilriiilalv will now liiac a Kilooii,
t hi IIiviim' party MllilllliK nl tl.e
flection M'Hiiliiy .
The Poitl;uid Natural lee Company
fdliliped Ml, INK) .uIIIiih lit ill' t'l Tilt'
iulle 'I'liiii'xtlay.
J. I., liml Will I.atinille linvr feneed
their lot in Wiiiiriuiia, uinl will plant
llll'lll M till I'l l! 1 1 live.
I". II. Stuliltili went In Portland la-l
Saturday mill will probably remain
( licet' m-wrul month.
Rev. T. I,. Eliot visited thiM iii'IkIi
borliood recently returning to III litnin'
111 l'nl'tlaliil Tucmlay.
A new invoice of thread just received
nt Jlalina iV it'Kl' l'M. Six Hpool for
I'.'ictH, in- i pool i'ur 5 1 .
Hamuli Zlcnlcl1' Modi ir thread is
complete a to iiiality, iihMirliut'iit ami
price. Tent it ami In; convinced.
llaiiiiii A. Zitnlrr iilwuyn kii'p tin1
Jh'mI tolilH'i'oM, 'i;al's, iiijii'M, I'iiiirltis,
I'igal'i'tte iinjH'l's fU1. Invt'Mllnute.
If you want to' imri'liaHi1 foiiu lint'
jilelll'ii'M or I'lrjraiit I'tiekiliu! fliatix, mc('
llii'in at S. 1). liai tiiirHH' I'liriiltuiVMloiv.
Mrs. Armor was ralli'il lo l'ortlainl
Mtiiulay on aci'ount of tin1 tleatli of lu-r
liinilii'i", Ivcv. I!. J. I.uulilin, at that
We uiiilt'islainl (Irani Evans will
move his liarlii r chop into (lie Terry A
Jones Imiiiliii"; as wioii as it is com
llete.l. The nillitlii lioys Hiilile when Ihey
nee the lialnliee of us felloWH at work
on the roails, hut our turn will come
iu time.
If you neeil anvthiiiK in the lim of
ttihs" wnsli hoanfs, jhiiIm, elothi'H linis
'lollie pins or wringers call on llanua
Zii gler.
.1. li. Lnngllle has his liouso well
innler way, and like the scns'ilile niti,ii
lie Is, lie put it oil ll good solid stolle
Mr. ZUgler has Hold his Interest In
(he linn of Ilauna & Ziegler to Mr.
llanua, and we understand will go U
)oh buy.
Mr. John Moore nnd wife ami Mian
.Minnie .Smith are visiting Mr. and
jlrs. S. V. Smith. The ladies are Mr.
.Smith's sisters.
Tlie Hood Itiver Townsite Company
ilireetors held their regubir monthly
meeliiigTuesday, and deelared a divi
leiid ol ten jht cent.
Peter Mohr's oldest daughter, aged
About five years is Hiillering from what
is supposetl to he an attack of inflam
matory rheumatism.
The picket fence on Hie Liv France
iiroperty is the prettiest tiling of the
kiml in town, except IJerdau's fence
which is just like it.
Yesterday afternoon the school eh il
ilren ci'lehr'ateil Arbor day by planting
i t ree in the school grounds wltb npjiro
'printe exereisi, and u hjuuIc.
Wo call attention to the ad of the
Eastern Oregon (Jo-operative store, of
Tlie Dalles, as being of particular in
terest io some of our farmer friends.
Mr1 Lytic our station agent moved
bis family to The Dalles Wedesday
baviug lieen appointed Hgent at
that point to succeed Mr, Alio way.
Miss Cooper of The Dalles, opened
school in the Pine Grove school house
Mityduy, Hiitl seems already to have
won the ali'eetion of all of her pupils.
Anoi her reduction in carpets. I am
now selling nt 80. 4" and 65 cents per
yard, to ( lose them out. Send ordeia
to The Dulles, to J. CBaliiwin.
Mathiim & Hunt with their artistic
brushes have succeeded in making La-
tiKraiioe's tenee more handsome than
rpentera left It, and thin acemed
The IiiIcmI tioveltvloiit Im tl.i1 "Mat.'b
li hi lti'icalilUJ A if 4 j ll it'. 1 HI if it hi Jill.
mIidI of any kind. Illiiv loudlug pie
pares you for O'l mIioIm. I'or mile at the
Furniture More,
(Iri'iil KvaiiN bus inoeil 1 1 Im bm'er
filmp lo Hie building back of I Un ison'
Htoit'OiiOak Ml reel, where lie call bo
found until the completion of perry &
Jones building.
Mrs, I layncM reei'lveil u line lot of
combination fence from The Dalles
Thursday, which will be uid on her
place In town, it Im neat, durable, ami
ipilckly put up.
What Is the mailer wllb linxlug
sewer down Oak nl reel. We Maud
leaily to heal' our plll'l of the expense
whenever I he other property own
ers will Miami In.
Wliueoma Lodge K, ol P. of this
place has ne.alii chaiii'cd lis meet lnys
to Hatiirddy night. The change will
be appreciated by the members resid
ing III the country.
" D" ( 'ompllliy lias I'ecelveil Ihebal
aiiceof lis uuilMi'iiiK, and it stri!:i s lis
It Is time for the bus to have u gland
military bull, the proceeds lo go into
the company fund.
PepreHiMtatives from quite a num
ber old. A. It. Posts were on the west
bound pnwciiecr train Tuesday morn
lug hound for Astoria to at lend the
gininl I'liciiliipniclit.
The mail will arrive from Port laud
at ll;l"i, a. pi., mid from I be cast at
":Y1, a. in. Mall climes at h o'clock p.
III., theeoiupaliy reluming to receive it
after that time.
I'. I!, services at Plotter's hall Sab
bath morning and evening. Mr. Haul
will preach In tlie morning. Theme
for evening, "Walks About the City,"
by PeV. I. i. K liotls.
The coy peach trees have Iw gun to
blu-li beautifully, and the indication"
lire Hint we will have the hc-t crop of
HiIh ratlur tiiifcrlain fruit, that we
w ill have had for years.
lieu you call at ll.uimi t ZieLder'
to ICKUlllie Volir Wlitell, buy 11 bottle of
'. uinl W. Saiaparilla to regulate your
lilood, or u lioltle of Syrup of l!gs
to renovate your cyMem.
Mi si Pearl OroMiong was called
home to W hite Salmon Monday on
account of the felines Illness of her
mother, ami Mrs. A. It. Jones, her
sister, followed her Tuesday.
Mr. t '. J. Hayes gives notice else
where iii our columns that he is pre
paid! to tin survey ing, and having bail
years of experience in the business in
the cast, guarantees satisfaction.
Mil P.O. Evans will return from
Sun t ralieico in a week or two, she
basing scit the winter there with
her daughter Eunice, who w ill remain
fol' t lie pill pose of at It tiding school.
The ( 'onuregatioiial church building
has been ilelased by the slow ncss w ith
which the lumher is being furnished.
Tills ihfllciilt v is thought to to I
and it will be finished as soon as pos
sible. Monday the wind look possession of
I lie river, uinl lor several hours n win j
Impossible to get across. The air was;
tilled with sand mid yet here less than !
half a mile aw ay, the biec.e was not!
too strong for comfort. j
The I'nioit Paeille has made a gen-i
cral change in the olllee here. M r.
I.vtle is now agent at The Dalles, ami
Parriott, oieraior there. Mr. Ellison
formerly ot Mosier, Is now agent here,
ami Mr. (iish idght oH'iator,
A "poverty social" w ill be held at
the residence of .Mrs. S. (.'.Smith next
Thursday evening. It will probably
bell decided success as the manage
ment re so poverty stricken for time
that the notice could not be brought to
this olllee.
The carpenters commenced work on
Perry iv. Jones building Thursday ami
it will be pushed to completion. It
would have been well under way now
but some mistake was made in the
sills and a new lot. had tu be ordered
and sawed.
Mr. George T. Pralher hits been ap
pointed agent for the sale of that most
interesting work of Henry M. Stanley,
"In Darkest Africa " It is a book that
will be read by all who take an inter
est in solid liierature. An ml appears
iu this issue.
The train time card at the head of
our local columns is corrected today to
suit the new time card which goes into
c Meet tomorrow. The westbound pass
engers arrive here at (:; p. m. and
ri:."4 a. m. ami the eastbound at 11:1") a.
m. and 11:1 i p. m. ",j
The new time card on the Union
Pacilic it is said will go into ell'ect to
morrow. We have already made two
erroneous MatcmeiilH concerning the
proposed change, owing to the com
pany's changing its orders, and give
this for simply what it is, a statement
by a company Hint has already chang
ed its orders twice in two weeks.
Mr. Gibson who recently went to
Viento, and who has been walking
track, at night, was caught on along
trestle Sunday, by a freight. He un
dertook to mil to' the end of it, but
stubbed his toe on a spike and fell
hurting himself badly. He then did
what he should have done at first,
crawled out on a bent ami waited for
the train to pass.
The Dalles is losing many of its in
habitants, who are seeking "new Melds,
having become tired of the continual
bickering and lighting amongst her
lending citizens. It is to be hoped
that the Fossil coal Ileitis will give
her a new lease of life, for if some
thing of this kind docs not happen,
her future is decidedly oil color.
Mr. George Herbert formerly sheriff
of this county has leased the Mt. Hood
hotel from Air. Holier b Hand and we
understand will take possession May
1st. We are pleased indeed to wel
come Mr. ami Mrs. Herbert to Hood
Hiver, and both having had experi
ence in the hotel business it is safe to
say that the hotel wili be run in a
miinner satisfactory to the public.
Mr. Harris and M. Ciiristenson of
Nevada, of whom we made mention
last week, have gone home, the latter
Wednesday nml Mr. Harris Thursday.
Each bought a place here. Harris 120
acres on the east side and Christeneon
the Van Assail, place. We are glad
to know that they will return to make
their home hero, und that several
others from that section will probably
loiiow ineiu.
WIIIIi.iii Mollis, a negro convict in j
Hie penitentiary from The Dall. M Im j
mid to have Hie leprosy. His Mesh is
lotting mid be lias been removed to j
Hie hospital. Ills ileal h will occur
before long, lis he Is now nearly de
cayed. i II, ('. Patlerson wim nrrcMted at The
DallcM Monday niylil by the city inar
sl,rl, supposed to he drunk. Next
morning he was found deml in his ceil,
and It was discovered that he had died
from all overdose of liioi olillie supposed
10 have lccn tuken to neuralgic
George P. Morgan mid E. W. Nevlus
have opened mi oMiee in he store for
merly occupied by Mr. (iarrebtoll lis 11
Jewelry store, on Second Mlieet, next
door to Geon. Itueh'M grocery store,
mid lire prepared to make all paMTi for
11 I lugs or en t lien cither upon the for
li i l t il lauds or government lands of
any sort. They will net as uttorneys
in contests, hearing ami land law
cased of every description. Colli these
gentlemen lire ex -clerks of the IJ, S.
land olllee at Tlie Dalles, and certainly
posses the I'couisile knowledge uinl
experienc. Call and see them when
you goto The Dalles on land business.
(io to P.lowi v.; A ('rowcll's for any
thing you w ant. Their stock Im com
plete Ml nil lines just received. The
most complete lino ol hats ever opened
up ill this place, nil pi ices ami ipiali
In s, from a ten cent chip but to n ? I.
Derby, lio its mid shoes of every style
ami 'description. Ladies shoes from
H.'Vi stogas up to iil o" f'r genuine
French kid. All ol her goods fust class
and at prices that defy compel itioh,
Talk' Is cheap, mid so are newspaper
mis., hut the above iiauied firm stand
ready to substantiate statements w it li
good's inn' figures, and cllow customers
to be thejudges. ( all ami see. ..
The undersigned U'iiig located near
I lood Kivcr, wishes to inform parties
who may be desirous of having sur
veying dviie, that h is a practical
surveyor of many .veins experience,
ami that work entrusted to him w ill be
performed w it li dispatch und col red
ness. He takes pleasure in referring to
Mr. A. S. Plow ers, ( ho for years was
county commissioner iu Minnesota,)
and lor w bom lie did county work as
county surveyor, as to his ability.
Pintles writing me at Hood will IV
ceive prompt attention.
('. J. IlAVKS.
Dated Hood Hiver April nth,
'. A. K. Aiiaiu'isarj.
The l'itii, aiiiiiversaiy of tin; Grand
Army of the P.cpublic, was celebrated
iu an appropriate manner here, Mon
day evening, at "D" Company's arm
ory. The ceremonies were brief but in
teresting, and the singing excellent.
Ciicuiiistances over which we had no
control prevented us from attending,
hence we are 'unable to give it the ex
tended notice which it deserves.
.MAump. j
At the home of M. J. Ward, on Mon-
day evening, March li, W'1, by j
Elder Fleming, Mr. P.. F. Ward, of;
Marble Hock, to Miss Isadora Feak, of j
Hood liivcr Oregon. j
The weekly w ith a host of friends j
wishes the young couple success ami j
happiness through their matrimonial
life. -Marlilr '': loirx 'n :'.
The bride resided here for several
years and lias a host of friends here '
whose best wishes will follow thenii
through life. Mr. Ward was here only ;
a short time but won the respect of all
with whom he cunie iu contact, it is!
a long trip from Iowa here, for a bride, 1
but when one knows the Hood Hiver,
girls, he knows they are worth a i
Ihousaml su'!i journeys. j
Church Sol ice. j
"Take ye away the stone." St. John !
11, 1!'.); is the text for the discourse at
tlie valley Congregational church Sab
bath morning at 11 o'alock, also at!
Columbia ball Sabbath evening at 7:;0,
All are cordially invited to attend.
F.M. Avxks, Pa-tor.
A II:;pj" Illustration.
W often hear the stereotyped com.
plaint that: "Proiii'iition don't pro-j
liibit." Some fellow- lias been down!
in a prohibition state and "knows" j
that they sell the stutt there. Now j
w hen a prohibitory law is broken, there i
must be two parties lo the breaking,
to-wit, the vender and the vendee. If
a man has "personal" knowledge in
regard to illicit sales of liquor, it looks
as though he must bejone of these two
parties, that is, lie must have been
helping to break tlie law. Self-convicted
law breaker is not a witness
entitled to much credit. Hosewater
says that lie has been over in Iowa
and says that they sell Hquoi- there.
This reminds me of a story. A weary
foot -traveler arrived at a village hotel.
It was night. He asked for entertain
ment, but was told that the house was
full. He told the landlord that he
would sink on the door-stone, "for,"
said he, "I absolutely can go no far
ther." Tlie kind hearted inn-keeper,
consulted bis wife; and, returning to
the pedestrian, said: "Wo have a room
up stairs with two beds, one of them
occupied bvjLbidr. You can have tlie
ether, if yoiCnil enter the room after
dark and cijne out before light to pre
vent scampi." The offer was made
no sooner dlum accepted. Hut about
two o'e,lok next morning an un
enrt lily yell came from the room." The
landlord rushed to the foot of the
stnlrcAse when "the traveler appeared
nt the head, and without stopping to
walk, literally tumbled down the
flight, bead foremost, his eyes stand
ing out with horror, while he yelled:
'That woman up there is dead." "I
know i(," (Molly rejoined the host,
"but bow in the devil did you find it
out.'' Lim-oln Call. I
I have appointed J. T. Delk, my
Agent to w il my beer nt Hood Hiver,
at wholesale, Anil'HT P.l'CllMJl,
The Dulles, Mureh 1, 1881
I.ioi'l tiirice nt Tin' I Mil l-. Or. Miir. HI, lHKt,
Notice is hereby given Unit Hie fol-lowltig-nnmed
settler bus filed notice of
bis intention to tnuke ft mil prool In
Kiipiioi t of his claim, mid that said proof
will be made licforc the Register and
Receiver U. K. Hand Olllee at The
Dalles, On gon, May PS, 181)1, viz:
John N. PcyaahN
M.I). IW, for
i ml H V 1
rthe . W.l.N. W. 1
1, N.V .,'.1 See. HI,
Tp. :i N., H-11 K, Willamette Mer
He mimes the following wltnesscH to
prove his continuous residence ujkiii
und cultivation of said land, vl:
Maui Page, E. S.,Olingcr, John Gcr
des; Wm. l'oss, nil of Mood Hiver Or.
iiiI JOHN W. LEWIS. Register.
March Pi, 18!)1.
Notice is hereby given that the fol-lowiiig-nmiied
settler has tiled notice of
Ills intention to make final proof in
support of bis claim, ami that said
proof will be made before the Register
ii i nl Uccciver P. S. Land Otliee at
'flic Dalles Oregon on May Pi, 18S1,
Jaiiici IS. Kind.
II. D.r.iM.Tor the S. K , N. W. J See.
il, Tp. .'J N.of H. 11 E..W.M.
lie names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous resilience iiKii
and cultivation of said land, viz: linns
Luge, S. Olingcr, John Gerdes,
Win. l'oss all of Hood itiver Oregon,
nil JOHN W. LEWIS, Hcgister.
Iii Hie Circuit Court of the Slatf of frrejron
fur Wii-.rn I'o'iiily. I . It. Taylor, il:iinti!l vs.
TIiiiiiiiih .1 . I-1 . li I' -i j Imii'k. t- 1.. iSuntli uinl L.
l-'t aie'iMci,, .lcicuiliinH.
liv virtue ol mi i .M i'iill'in ituly l.Hiit'il fwt
nl tin' iiliovei ntiue'l court in tli uhovu I'uii;,
nil tin '.'Mil tiny ol Miirrli, lsj'1. iin a ilciTi-
ri iiilcn I in siiiil i'iiiim' on he 11th day of Keb
riinry, KH, ill luvorof Uii Vliovi'-aaiiK 'l pluin
lill inil HuMliiit the ilili'iKlniil, 'IIi'iiiiiihJ.
Kri'J Ii nlmri,', lor the biiiii hcrfliiiillcr incn
lioiic l, u lui'ii il. 'Ti '-, iiiiiiiim other thiniri, or
ilciril the Mile of the IiiihIh hiTcinafler
tic srrih-'il to satiKty huitl n ins, I iliil levy
iil'iin uinl will M il on
Thursihli), Mill 14tlt, 1SU1,
.VI lliei 'iurt hoiiie d'Kir III Dalles City, Wrwo
coiiniy, i iret'oii, nt tlie hour of 2 o'clock I. M.
ol said (lay, a! nilitic auction lo the liilieHt
lil l li r ii-h III hanil.ali the following cle
hi rilicl iiiorlv;a'.'cil laiiil, to wit:
'I'lir Moiun hail of lli iiurlhciixt flinrtT, the
mil t nucNt ijiiartcr of tin; northeast quarter
aii'l tlie iiortln'iiKt i Hurler of the of I lie north
west ijiiaiicrol Sec. 2, Tnwns!ili 1 north of
Uane M cast. Willamette mcri.liaii, til Wasco
cninty, I Ireu'iin, lo wilisly the Hums of SHI7 !UV
I'lii, w it !i inlciesi liiereoii from the wil'l 11th
day of r'clintary, H1!, at tlie rule of 10 per
c ut. Ju l-annum, anil f."i0 atlorncy's W', ami
he lurtlier sum of ilii.12, costs ol suit anil ne
cniiun costs herein. 1). 1.. CATKs,
shcrlil of Wasco County, iiegon.
late;l the Jlth day of I'ebruary,
In the .Tustice'K Court for TIooil Hiver Pre
cinct, m iWnsco, county (ireiiii.
, M. Y. llurriwm, I'iatntirr.)
i vs y
Cluirli" Raker, Ilefi nilant. J
To Cliarli's linker, the aliove namcil (lufcii
ilant. In the name of k lie State of (ireiron.
Von are lierehy cominainled to appear and
answer the complaint llleil n;;aiiiH you la the
iilmve entitled cause on or U-luri Motiilay the
Mill, day of April, MM, at tlie hour of 1 o'clock
p. m. Hull b- iiiii the first day of court follow
im; six wet'lis puhliciitlon of this summons,
mid If you fail to a.ipcur and answer the com
plaint' the plaiutiir will take Judgement
atraiust you for the sum ol anil interest
I Hereon nt tlie rate of eij;lit M'r cent per
annum from the 1st, dav of September, M90.
and for his costs and (lishtirscments herein.
Yoiinri furl her not itted that this summons
ts served upon vim by publication by order of
C. Welds, justice of I ho pence for Hood Hiver
precinct In said county and state made on the
inth, dav of February, M:il. C. Wki.iis,
Justice of the I'eaoe for Hood Kiver Precinct.
Civil Engineers
and Surveyors.
All Kinds of surveying promptly at
tended to. Sjteciai attention given to
platting acre property. Prices reason
able. Address lioom 4, S. E. Corner Second
and Washington, Sts. Portland Or.
Optical Goods.
Fine Watch Repairing a Speci
alty. Second St. The Dalles. Or.
PPi 'l'RIlCl'OC OF
JIOOMU M, AND .m.'nkW VOOT lilK'K,
i)t;ri n W'atkih A .Mknicikk,
Vogt's now building, Second SL
Pr'tlr'ii In all tlift murtw of Owkod ant
W'uxhliiKtoii. H(S"lul uttt.'fiUon Klvrn t coii
Land Locator.
Every lxdy wants land in Hood
Hiver Valley. I have some very de
sirable tracts of g'Mid land on my list
for preemptions, homesteads and tim
Is'red claims, with running water on
them. I can locate severul Htockmen
advantageously. Do not fail to see
ni! t Hood Hiver Falls or address me
at Hood Hiver, Wasco County, Oregon.
W. Ross Wl.VANS,
Lund lilini.
On and ufter the 10th, of this month
I will Im; prepared to make all papers
for Ming on government lands.
Oak Street,
Wc have First-Class Stock and
and Saddle Horses.
A Fine Four-Horse Coach,
pprtien, carries nine passengers.
ble point. Kehablfj drivers.
Our Dray delivers baggage or
Crandall & Burget,
Furniture, Carpets,
A Full Line of
UniBriating Goods.
Mail Orders Pronptly Attend
166 Second St.
Have the only abstract of land
titles in tlie County, and
are the only persons who
can furnish reliable in
form at ion eoiicerning
land titles on
We are also prepared to make out
all necessary papers for filing on the
Railroad -
"CT CAT TC. Choice barsuins
JtJ: iSiA-JLiAi! ill city and
Country Property.
J Bfl Ll x.' J. a
. Ell li U 1 1 II gtC ll & LO.
Ojpera ILnm Block J.'.i Dalles Or.
i&GB! Removal
raorniETOM or rni
Hood liivcr Market.
Kerp om.tuUr hud taO
Gfioice Heats of all kinds.
Sausages aSpccialty.
Furnishing Miilmen
and iSuppiing Meat '
Don't Forget tht Plate,
Onlr sfref-1 nft ftrifr fo fi
& Bone
near Postoffue,
Outfits, Doublj
suitable for fi.-i
Parties taki
freight nnywh
W.she to inform h! man.r friends und th publ:
geneiall.r tht he has removed bit
miuertukinf rooma lo
Corner Third and Wakhinrvon,
Where be carries a full stock Of awit
In that hualnen.
Ordon by dinpntch, eipreea. maO n hi mi
troinptl.r attended to and aatisfaotioo (uarantwMl
Can be aecn an r hour of the day or night at bit
i mice, corner rourui ana wawuuytoa.
cers have moved to the
cor. of Third and Union
St. where they carry a
complete line of staple
and fancy
And also do a general commiwtfon
business. Thankful for past favore, w
solicit a continuance of the same t
ournewstore in the old Post Office
Building Cor. 3rd, and Union Sta.
( Tlx BlillcS, OrCgGH
The Ta