The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 14, 1891, Image 4

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Copyright, LW
Jfdp yoursdf
if you'ro a mlTorin woman, with
tho nuHlicino that's boon prepared
especially to help vou Dr. Pioroo's
Favorite Prescription. It will do it
whore others fail For all the dis
eases peculiar to the sex dragging
down pains, displacements, and other
weaknesses, it's a posit id remedy.
It moans a new lite, and a longer
one, for every delicate woman. In
every ease for which it's recom
mended, it gives satisfaction. It's
guaranteed to do so, or the money
is refunded.
It improves digestion, invigorates
the system, enriches the blood, dis
pels aches and pains, produces re
freshing sleep, dispels melancholy
and nervousness, and builds up both
flesh and strength. It is a legiti
mate medicine not a beverage.
Contains no alcohol to inebriate;
no syrup or sugar to sour or
ferment in the stomach and cause
distress. As peculiar in its mar
velous, remedial results as in its
composition. Therefore, don't be
put off with some worthless com
pound easily, but dishonestly, rec
ommended to be "just as good."
Cured In Twenty Minut.
Last month Mr. Isaac Livesay of Min
ier came to Peoria to have Dr. Tool
remove a cancer from his breast, which
had been prowinjt for three years rijjrht
over the breast bone and measured 21 j
by 4 inches. Mr. Livesay, who is 75
years oKl. was very much prostrated by
the pain the cancer caused him, but as
soon as the operation was over ne ue
clared that all pain had left him. The
operation was performed without the
loss of a single drop of blood by means ot
electricity and lasted alwut twenty min
utes. Mr. Livesav returned home on
the dav he was operated upon. Cnll.
Dr. i'oel is now located in Portland.
The cancer, with hundreds of other can
cers and tumors successfully removed bv
him, can be seen in his otiiee. Dr. Toel
studied in Europe, and is the only sur
geon in the Northwest who operau- by
electricity without loss of blood.
Makes a specialty of Diseases of the
Nose, Throat and' Neck, 8kin, Urinary
Organs, Female Diseases and all Surgical
uperauons, &s ior rimua, rues, oinci
nva f'nnAar PV. 1 nil a O T . i . all f,t liar TSl -
mors and Ulcere. Operations performed
by means of electricity without loss, of
blood. Omee No. .u.kj Washington
street, corner Fourth, rooms 3, 4 and S
Washington building, Portland, Or.
Guns, Ammunition,
93 First Street, Portland, Oregon.
Get one of the celebrated F. A. Loomls' Double
Barrrel, Breech-loading Shotguns, Top Snap
Bar Locks, Damascus Barrels, Kancy Stocks, Pis
tol Grip and Greener Treble Wedge Fast, 12 Gauge
for 25.
Sent bv express with 25 Brass Shells and Re
loading Tools upon receipt of price.
Few smokers fully realize the
danger of smoking new or improp
erly cured Tobacco. The medical
staff of the German army discov
ered this was a fruitful source of
throat disease.
The subsistence department of
the U. S. Army have adopted Seal
of North Carolina Plug Cut as the
Standard Smoking Tobacco for the
Beware of Imitations. The gen
uine "Seal of North Carolina"
costs you no more than poisonous
Can nowcuie himself of the deplorable results of
early abue,aud perfectly restore his vljfor
and vitality ov tee Great Australian Remedy.
The remarkable cures of hopeless cases of
Nervous Debility and Private Complaints
are very where stamping out quackery, the
Medicine, a physician's gift to suffering human
ity, will be sent free to tho(,e afflicted. Ad
dres 1B. H. A. MOW IS,
405 Kearny St., Room 2, tSan Francisco, Cal.
I) HOOK I, Y IV IIOTK1.. Bush Bt., bet. Mont
) gomeryfc Sansome, 8. F.; conducted on both the
Kuropoan anil American plan. I his Hotel is uudi-r
the management of Charles MontKomery and is the
best Family an Bu-iness Men's H itel in San Fran
cisoi. Home comforts, cuisine unexcelled, first-elaw
service, highest standard of respectability guarinteed.
Board and mom per day, S1.25 to S'2.00; sing e room, 60
cents to il.UO per night. Free coach to and from the
Hotel. '
iCures all unnatural discharges of men
unillinno matter of bow long standing. I're
YlIilNh'vents stricture, it being an interna
I w wllMmg,i ( tires when everything els'
hasfailed. Price, 3.0.;
applicatloB. Hold by Druggists oraen
on rec iot of price by The A. rjehoen
liett Medicine Uo., Han .Iosm, Cul
$5.00 PER DAY
easily made bv addressing
J. P. Parker, S10 California
street. Ban Francisco, Cab
P. B. U, No. 37S-S. F. N. U. No. 455
Tr for Sunday,
"Po you so!! hand vintvl plcturm htrtt
asked a lank woman, tit an avemm plctura
"Yea, ma'am, w do," aM th obliging
plctur dealer, rolling hi hand a la l-ady
Mrt U(li. "any iiartioulnr stylpp
"Youlvtl Particular stylo i Just what
Tin after Soma folk out our way Inntght a
pii'tiir her thai buns two way for fun
day. That's tho kind I want."
"Two ways fir (Sunday. I don't think I
amlorttii)i you, ma'am."
-You don't lnok a if you did. Wall, whon
they fust got It thoy huntf it up and It woa
the iiteest pioturw of all out door. You ver
oe a rvtil hand paititl land eaoapaP
"On Sunday they turned It up aid down,
and it wtu on of them foreign cat helra
Mhim.h,M M-ith f. ............ m .A....1.,.. ..1.
AiTtoua atmosphere Now, 1 want one Ju'n'"? '"'
like It, for tf them tuek up Poppert can nation to r-
ono, I can. Trot It out' ltt
TV- .l.l... - u -
ono that reprosallVvrUnr aoona In winvro
-si.ciwwu. for hor u
It flim
tier are two if v .. Mam
sheriff Tta
nrsi wna a iittia ari
he went with a warm
"if r,C. wrtain
i" In tbo I1 J nd mmlo
farmer Ho found b
known hit errand. "All
Vnuan tho
farmer, a big burly follow, "I'm
wub that ho lav down at full le
(J. r," and
lud. "But you uWt exo't &Pt carry
, do your asked the sherilt. "tC uii'j
must take my Ixxly, you know.1" ,
you tint!
W. AA. . I
you wait till I cot a teamT
and the utuot was that tho sheriff wen"
baok without Lis prisoner Tho other sheriff
waa Franklin county man, likewise small,
but plucky He was aeut to arrest a notori
otH otTcndcr. a '.to pounder, andTound bim
on tbo hillside. (Jrinnin); at the otlloer, he
lay back on the grass, saying, "If you pet
me you'll have to take me." Quick aa a
wink the sheriff grabbed tho fellow by hit
feet and started down hill witb him as fast
as be could go. aud tbe bumping tbe big man
got aoon shook all tbe fun out of bim and be
begged to be allowed to walk quietly by tbe
aide of the sbentl. New York Sun.
Worthy a Monument,
"Say. undertaker, I want to buy the finest
coffin you have."
"Who's deailT
"Old Aunt Eliza, the colored woman who
lived south of town. She was over 115 years
of age."
"How did she come to die!"
"Sickness and poverty "
"How is it that so tine a coffin if wanted T
"Ob. the grateful neihlrs contributed to
it You see she nevei claimed to have been
a servaut to George Washington." Nebraska
Statu Journal
Punishing a Roj.
"Bobby." suid his mother sternly, "you go
Into tbe bark van I and stay there 111 teaob
yna to open tbe front gate without permis
sion." Bobby went into the hack yard, and was so
quiet and good that at the end of an hour his
mother relented and told him that be could
play on tbe sidewalk a little while if be
wouldn't go info the street
"Ma," he said, "can't I play In the back
yard a little while longer?" New York Sun.
In Great I nek.
Friend -Was your uncle's will satisfactory
to you. Brown I
Brown -Perfectly so I'm a lucky dog! He
left his entire fortune to au insane asylum.
Friend You mean that yoo are an un
lucky dag.
BrowTj No. I don't, the other relations are
going to contest the will, and I'm to be the
attorney. Lifa
Tbe marshy overflowed lands, mm ken lots and
balf-submerged river baukii, which give them
lirth, the seeds of malaria impregnate the air,
and ara inhaled t every breath by thousand
unprovided with any adequate ftafeguard again',
rbe baneful influence. Vet such exist poient
tlike t" remedy or to prevent, pure in lt eon--tiiuents,
and the profturtoually recognized sub
stitute for the hateful drug, quinine. Its name
U Hostetter's Stoinaeh Bitters, a family specific
and safeguard, foremost not only as an antidote
to malaria, bat also as a menu of pennauently
-moving dyspepsia and relieving constipation,
liver eomp'aint. rheumatism, kidney au blad
i r ailments and nervousatss. Among iuvigor
antg it takes the first place, and is also a superb
appetizer. Use it systematically.
Life drives us till we're out of breath
With striving, begging, giving:
We have to work ourselves to death
That we may get a living.
A medicine that has been a household
remedy for over fifty years and used in
hat lime by more than 150,000,000 persons
nuHt have great merit. Such a medicine
is found in Bkandreth's Pills. This fact
illustrates the value of these pills better
han any statement of the proprietors. It
will he observed that the dose.required to
cure is small. One or two pills taken every
light for ten or twenty days will cure dys
pepsia, coitiveness, rheumatism, liver
co nplidni, all female complaints and
Brandreth'b Pills are purely vege
table, absolutely harmless, and safe to
tike at any time.
Sold in every drug and medicine store,
either plain or sugar coated.
Kingley Why, old man, what makes you look
so gloomy? You haven't had a falling out with
your wife, have you? Bingo Worse than that.
With our servant girl.
All that we can say as to the merits of
Dobbins' Electric Soap pales into nothing
new before the story It will tell you itself.
)t its own perfect quality, if you will give
it one trial. Don't take imitation. There
ire lots of them.
Hojaek (to his wife) If you're waking, call
me early. Mrs. Hojack -If I'm not waking, I
suppose I can call you Tom, as usual.
As a cure for sore throat and coughs
"Brown's Bronchial Troches" have been
thoroughly tested, and maintain a good
It is estimated that a man walks half a
iu putting on a stiff collar.
We offer One Hundred Dollars' Reward for any
case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by taking
Hall's Caiarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO.,
Props , Toledo, O.
We, the undeisigned.have known K. J. Cheney
for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly
honorable in ail business transactions and finan
cially able to carry out auv obligation made by
'.heir firm. WEST & TRUAX,
Wholesale Drueglsts, Toledo, O.
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall'B Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting
lirectly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system. Price, 75 cents per bo tie. fciold by
all druggists.
The Chlcagoans are complaining of cold street
cars. They ought to insure hot passengers.
Dr. Wallace Ely has removed his offices to 215
Powell street, Kan Francisco, Cal., where he con
tinues to give special attention to Kidneys, Blad
der, ProstateGlana andalidlNeasesansingthere
from. Diabetes and Brigbt's Disease treated
according to tbe latest approved method Most
eases can be treated successfully by corresjiond-
ence. consultations datly from iua. M. to 4 p.
m. Waixacb Ely. M. D., 215 Powell street, four
doors from street, t yi Francisco, Cal
IMst tho wit nn,l hNr awayl
Of an Islund 1 hare hejvd.
Anchored In I ho star now n ilvn
Whit her !.ot lun k.mio utiray.
In t (v li Iwaixl Iho roar
Of breaker fnihiu on the Mini
Of some iinknon n fttmaivmuk
And ith no ri'luoliint word
rMii'ed away
la now meadow , by new i"n,
Wo must sock bim w th tho biveaa
Iilowliii; fivm tho K (ton of sleep.
1.1. ten' wo may luvir hint call
Whero KoKlonrod o Vrtop tho wall,
Or w hen lio iium aoris tho n'.ghl
P,-nd. mi.topa
hind in tho sea
K,Vl'!.f droamlly
All llio Orient
npon VtC,
Monday in'9 Wa
1 f . TT"
lloth her
werv i x-
I Air, ivui'j.
I 1 ' t
i i . . t'..,....
n1u ttvk il, i"J
I Ulltl II iC
luitela fotndoftho
cent a meal. Tho
ftniluita in the lit ri,,, hail
tv I
uupper rent to tu'!i t-f ll"
the club tut doniro tn live ui
roof, mnl a majority of tin
l there. "
Capt i A sow. na a vaemiey t?'
said: 'f name ia votej umu. bivost"
ern ciT :' months that the rhib has owu
must ' enee not a dav h.u n:iu.,lrily
f1' I I'lieatiotis hnve not Ki
' iiiiii-iirt.Aa i......,.:..... i to on
m v. ill . l-ciil '.411 'l '
VlJK iyv-rtti;.i'l; Vr wa
victim of its collapse, lie just wants to
have it said that ho built tho ten story
affair and he is ready to quit. 1 know a
ton story nfTair that was built on tho fol
lowing pattern:
The mau had f,000 cash. He leased
a corner in a blot k utul put iu his foun
dation. Then he mortiraed it for f.'.l,
000. That was to cover the foundation
and three stories. Then ho put on a sec
ond mortgage of $05,000. ntul with that
the structure was run up three stories
higher. Then he placed a third mort
gage on the building, which put it un
der roof, lie finished it off and rented
every office, and every tenant found
himself cotif routed with a garnishee by
the mechanics who had liens.
These mechanics collected tho rents of
that building until a rich woman came
along and bought the whole edifice, in
cluding the lease. But the ambitious
follow who had run up the sky fserapcr
had his name on a stone over the en
trance, and he seemed to be happy
There is a good ileal of that sort of thing
going ou in the country. Chicago Trib
une. Electric l.ljlit on Street Cars.
Some interesting experimenta were
made recently in Uradfurd, l.ngland, on
the lighting of street care by electricity
A car was illuminated by three incan-
! descent lamps of five candle power each
They were fed from three storage bat
teries placed beneath the seats, capable
of supplying current continuously fur
six hours The light obtained is de
scribed as being about equivalent to that
given under the best conditions by the
oil lamps at present in use, with, of
course, the additional advantages of ab
sence of smell and necessity for trim
tiring. New York Telegram.
Foreigners Who ..reive Tension.
Ireland has 2-10 pensioners on the rolls
who draw an average of f 13 a month,
and a single county in England Lancas
ter has fifty pensioners. Thousands of
miles away in .ustralia are enough icn
sioners to draw nearly $2,000 a year
The Dark Continent has a round dozen
pensioners, living principally in Cape
Town, South Africa, while Liberia is
represented by one lone widow whose
husband was freed by the emancipation
proclamation, and who died of the inju
ries he received in fighting the battles of
"Massa Linkuin." Youth's Companion
la Stork.
Stranger (at great music box and or
chestrion emporium) I am a dentist,
and it has occurred to me that a music
box or orchestriou would be a pleasant
addition to my parlors, to amuse my pa
tients, do you know, and
Dealer 1 see. You want something
to keep the waiting patients interested
and sort o' help er drown any noises
in the operating room.
Ctranger That's tho idea.
Dealer Step right this way, sir, to
the steam calliope department! Good
Proud of Ilia Work.
There is a story told of a French poet
who inquired of a friend and flatterer
what he thought of his last work. "1
have arrived at the fifteenth canto," he
replied with enthusiasm, "and think
there is nothing more beautiful and har
monious in tho language." "Pardon
me, there is one thing," Bait! the poet.
"Ah, perhaps you mean Chateaubriand's
Atala?" " "Certainly not. 1 mean my
sixteenth canto." San Francisco Argo
naut Chinese Plays.
No manuscript is written of the plays
produced at the Chinese theatre. A
synopsis of incident is prepared, and the
stage manager stands at the entrance
and instructs the autors as they go upon
the stage in regard to what they are to
do, but leaves the entire dialogue for
them to extemporize. Boston Tran
script. An Absolute Necessity.
Mrs. Motherleigh Dora, my love, was
it necessary to spend fifteen rninutEa in
bidding Harry good-night?
Dora (furtively rearranging a rumpled
collar) Yes, mother, it was a clear cass
of mussed. Pittsburg Bulletin.
In the year 1200 chimneys were scarce
ly known in England. Only one was
allowed in a religious house, one in a
manor house and one in the great hall
of a castle or lord's house, but in other
houses the smoke found its way out as
it could.
Fleet street journalism has increased
by leaps and bounds in recent years. In
1840 there were thirty-five newspapers
and periodicals published in Fleet street,
three of them dailies; in 1890 there were
more thai) 300, and eleven of tbera dailies.
Hue Your t'omliiet Mn It 1 -Why ( linn
With llllnd r'ntth tu the 1'ottiu Ina Old
NehooU of Meillt'lne .lust Hveaiiao
They Are !! ,
The ox toiiiii Im older (ban the railroad;
the pony expieia U older than the tele.
Ktaph; the invoked Mick la older than the
meol plow, leople who reverence the
tit ;kil past do not IioIdMaC to thin pronro-Mvo
HIa'o. 1 'or I honl Im lilood li ll 111) iuhI loecheM,
i'imIoii oil and Sp'inlsli 11 y.
The IlialoKont'lli' svhii'Iii li Htipersedhm
the old ehools ai tloen the Htiiitiie lb
datkneaa. Would It not he well to luveNll
Kate it f
t'FNTKAI.IA. Waah , Fell 10 I.Ml.
, ., Huuiu' .iiriiiii, .vnfv, h'ii.-a.-
Sli : llaviiu uhi iI your llllo(.onolli' Med
ioiui a for M'intii' rlieunrilUni ami f nut I
liuiiiediale and perfrt-t ivl ef after llfloiti
yearn of iltK'torliiK, i have ureal eoiitlilence
lit It, and llnd Ni'eral here who won d ltie
rtjou-e II; therefore, write to knew II vou
i0ould like au aveiioy here, what leniiH
I m 'ou allow Ok'eniM, etc. S mild il e to ban
T die it if tnls(aelory arriiiiKeiut uta Coll d
Mirnxi made, llespoeifullv,
Mkh. V. W. Waitkii.
Ska ihh'k. Wah , Miy ID, KH).
I was laid up m It li rliiMiuiatiaiu, and
in a ba t a lit appaiently aa poHNllile. My
leg swelled up .'llortllouxly ulld liltrali'if,
I lie axony wax Juxt alioul unemluialile.
When thing loused darken! I Bent to 1'r
.1. MiiKcne .lurdan for Iua I Mitogenetic
Meilii iiie, and after taking It ilx days re
covered completely, and am now peif ctly
well and have had no recurrence of b foi
year. Tiioma I'ikhik.
Pk. Jokdan's oltlce U at the renldence
of ex-Mayor Yesler, Third and James.
Consultation and prescriptions alwolute
ly ritKK.
Send for free book explaining the llla
togene tic system.
Caption. The HlHtogentlc Medicine
are mild in hut oiip agency in each town,
the label around the little bears the fob
towing liiHiTiptlou; " lr. J. Kugene Jor
dun's mitogenetic Medicine." livery
other device la a fraud.
Kinum - I rude In a home car balf an hour In
day U'fore I sot a teat. Ami that's tun bud
It such a lumforliiiie not to be good looking.
To thc Kditok: Please Inform your reader
that 1 have a potlllvv remedy fur tbe aove
named dl tease, by lis timely lite thousands of
hopeless rases bav been permanently cured. 1
ball )' glad to tend two bottlca ol my remedy
frit' to any ol tour readers who have euntiiinp
tlon if they wlllteiul their express and pott
ofllce address. Respectfully,
T A. dtOCt'M, M. ('..
1st pcai'l street. New York.
XIow it Worltsi.
1G'J6 Orleans Ft,
I u asronfiniil to tho
house two weeks with
lumbago, but St. JaroU
Oil cured too ; no t
turn. Wm. A.tiottiK.
K. iicr-vHle, Mo., Feb. 7, 1KO.
"St. Jacobs Oil is without a peer for pains,
bruisus, atlas, Ac." Iiev. T. 0. Hawkins
Taitor Baptist Church.
Cincinnati, Ohio, April 2, IfWO.
I tufTvrvd with a sprained anlilo which
swelled very much. Found great relief 111 UM
cf tt. Jucobs Oil uinl swelling dlsapiioarcd.
Mo-UK Hicks.
The Great Remedy For Pain,
TI.8noiii8.8r below Freezing
and a tierce siurm ut cuiung ticet which ttoKcs tlio
face like a thousand needles. Wind forty miles an
hour. You say a man couldn't stand such ex
posure ? No, he couldn't, without just the proper
clothing. And there's only one outfit that can
keep a man both warm and dry at such a time, and
that is the " Fish lirand Slicker." They ara
guaranteed storm-proof, waterproof, and wind
proof. Inside one of them, ynu are as much out of
the weather as if indoors. They are light, but
warm, iieing re-enforced throughout, they never
rip; and the buttons are wire-fastened. No rail
road man who has once tried one would be without
it for ten times its cost, lieware of worthless im
itations, every garment stamped with " Fish Brand"
Trade Mark. Don't accept any inferior coat when
you can have the " Fish lirand Slicker " delivered
without extra cost. Particulars and illustrated cat
alogue free.
A. J. TOWER, Boston, Mann.
In its First Stages.
lie Bure you get the yi nulue.
tiuii claims. Hpi-ciitl utt'-minii iflveti
tu tlieatHive. Nal linn I'.lekf ird,
8 illoitor of claims, WiisiiiiiKton, J).
U Kefeienees furuisaed la tuiv
I State,
Plonks nd InforwattaB fit,
) wswwsiw !
j ai..iiiill-i.ii)wiiii' j
I Oil I'll K
lr. l a tlranite wishes In innke known his AVir
JVnifiiu ill (or I he 'Mtie id all iIUcmhcs ot Hie Fve
- tW.iiu,., .ifu'ii'f riin, iirl.nii.iiiifi.iit, ele,
Mllhnill iiieiHtlim or I'ulii, The remedy i all be
applied bv Hie patient, and li simple, safe and
sine in Its i nvi is, stroeuiiieiinilt me muscic.
and net ii ol the e ", remoi 'nit pnln hIiiiuxI In
Aliintitiii I'luiy li I. a i iiineloiiH ills, inert and
a lle"-.ltm lo the snlH'ier.
For Iniiher imilli ti!in ad lies. Willi (dumped
enielnpe li. J l.i 1 1 it iNule, M II , '.'l,'i I'uHell fl ,
iouri n I . r limn i hi v, miii i nun i, i hi,
nillie bonis II Mill. '
No wotii'in Iml hU oivnnlle ever II ii it m mil
hm. dl'Siirei nblr a limn can be
i;i in in: ami I'll.: triii ii.
We pi'slttvclv cure rupture nod all rectal dl
eae ttlinut iialn or deienlloii Ir.-m hiiklne-
Nni wu : and m em iiti'll i nrnl.
dress fur pamplilet hr, I'm terMeld A I umv, M-
Maikel slieet.Miii Iishi'Imii.
A . - v.
Fib lid I low lb i ou kiinii t elr In 'he;, inoon Is
ove r I' x Met Mull Mie i nu.'lil til i ileieil
dill ber Htiiuit seine Hill" m ilt i or other.
Hewaro of Imitation ot the eeielnaled Hea' ol
Ninth farollna I Ins l tit lobaieo
ThV OritMK for In. akfa-ii.
A Ture Cream of T.irt;ir I'osvilcr.
Superior to every other known
Used in Millions of Homes
40 Years tin; t- tamlar'!
iH'liii'itii Cake itiul I'.i try, I i.'l.t I Vy
loMtiit, t'iti.bI!o C'u'..i -,, I'.iL.i.i'. M
,Tld Wlmlrs, '!,, .
Ko other luUtie; pnwiler ! "1 h i1.
-I'l': vi kkh is -
Roche Harbor Lbns PorllAnd Cement, liol
drn bate anil Utah Plaster. H.ilr. lire tlrlik
and firs Clay. LAND PLASILH
(III .Nmib I- Millt Mll'l'l, ( or. I,
1111:11. ) II, OU.
K r ." i n
Ml? mw
Ji' w v H R
ho en,
5U.:(l'Mfi'e?iaUtid J,U:Vii0.I t'J.SlMti',
"J.Jjl,JiJ',leal!nffsot I ii ami, I tiretj
liilMil ,( rrnrter F.ieMain OU.'.r Y i-jiit,
Altwlutrff nxi'sliiar mitifc J t'fei 31 .. 1 t'usftiu In a tin,
Hn lM(Mr fin-! tVt ! itr B1 fur !(? I .mBirlrsj, .Triti- tFU
ajdr... ENlt (otDiCiL CO., ilUr r'Al O, N. V.
I'rMl.'t'l Y.Mir 'I'l
1 1 . lit lili Idi I II , I'm '!',
THE Pu r U liiLL rniilLU
( I'nie'il Ht'iMii-il In' 1 A ' h ei ,s' ot frnin I to a rts.
per tree, it Is the null per let t I r " I'.oteetnr and
is li' lnn used bv iiinny of the lhrue ,t vrowers III
the 1'. r. V aterpMof. iiljil.-tlile m il emiv, nd tit;
aves t itne. trmib'e ion! en i me ri I. b r sa-n-plea.
V kill IS' HOI I l l'i:i: 1 .,!' 1 Ille
roait Amnts .10 and 32 first Strati, . , t at.
valuable liiforiiiatlon toall siitlertui,-fron
llsesse, Ilnnie Irellttlletlt. I'ortlllll'l I'll
IHUisnry, tor. .iuhihi Aider, rnriiHtin, o
tSir air ti'af
I ' i y 'Is
ifH V fl'-.. JiX -'
This ricttiro, I'anol si: .-, mailed fi .' 4 ceula,
J. F. S.MITH & CO.,
Sliilfi rs of " Dlto Ileans,"
255 &. 257 Greenwich St., N. Y. City.
dsn ft Qwiy
A'lll eoniiiii'tid themselves at oie e to otit-ol-tnwn eoiiniiners, bo have not Hid fa, lllties of visit
It,!, our estali l.Aliini nt mid lnnkinx a per-otial selei tion of Htivihlii't MMtited.
fCf Samples, tt Ml riile of sell-men Klireuieill, will be seal 011 iiei'MrH Inn.
w vy ,
Chichfstcr's English, Red Cross
v.. iiii.nuiKU
THt ORIGINAL ND GtNUINt. The unljr HafV, Mure, SIM rrllahtt pill lor ti.
.n.llrs. ii.ll Oniffl.l tnr (7,lcA.-r AWt.S y,l,fm,ij ifr,,,, in ir.l ,i ,.'..r.l n,A,.iiiA
.-Al.,1 vim Wu.. rliilmn. Tiike nu
AM MI. In im.uibfsnt Imuc., ,n,k -rs,,.T. sr.- luiiKi'iuus nuinlerrellM. At llrussl.t., sr si-iid ns
4e. In lnini psrlloulsrs, I. llluuulsll, sii'l "Itellef fur l lnlle," l.i Mlrr, Ut I I I urn Mull.
111,11(1(1 , T,..(ii,,. Anl ;'.l.r. CHICHtitTIH CHEMICAL CO., tl .illl.-n Ha liur.
Nob! tir all l.urul llruaalsU. rilll.AIII.I.I'lllA. IA.
'1 ;i -j FOR ALL SOILS
S ' f'-'c'i 1 AND CLIMES.
Z,L"V I f JThcvwIH field for yon, OATS 1S liw.,
JK H.Mtl.K V fa 1,11., Willi a Ira. I'oTATi
hfc'V'A A ' 17 h'',H1 M eenis ror sanip;(i riirni
r'-.''' '"a I TKcnrt fie. fr p. "Aeme HiuliHlf
ri V W 1 B )iir(,'atnln Ik tho flnit eviir piiMlslie
I "Ml iV'TEi 0n'rrlj(;-:Oil;ri(. Ilarllest Vi'trcttllile Hei
I' lBii Eti. m is i.kir. l.rf ifiitit Kl.iwerHiteils.iinst
A ' tn 'A Jl ITI.OW l'TulKht to l'lU'llle Cnlist
cot to tiHC (lieapfHt. Relief in immcdiiito. A
cure m ctrrtain. For ('old
iu tin Ointment, of wliieh n omit 1 1 Tmriit'le in iiiiiilittl
the noatrilg. Price fate.
mail. Address: E.
"I wepwhen 1 wa,s
l JA to
jC snows Tf.
ofscouringsoo.pused for5.II
13 cleaning purposes
"Ml Ah!" Cried the housQ
wife, "Tho Secret I know, do
DIHT can resist
Ml' Ml llt-i IU' l"tl I-' III (Mill, h, IN A Ml HI A I.I',
heilier HiMih', Ixir ii I iit . bleeillnii, sriily,
eru-led, pi m ph , i'li it i hs ol eo pel endued, ltd
loss of bull, ellher niipli. seiolnloiis, lieieillluty
of eilil'ii?nu Hie eei'ilih, peniiiilietilh , eeo
iniinli nllv and Intnllll h enreil t'V tliel' in I H4
li i M M'l i , 1,'ii.l-MiH- ill i Mnl Die ii'i'iil
k In euie, ri i ii en s Ni i e, an eiiillle skin pil
i Hi, i mnl lii'iiiiiliiei, mnl n mi in lu -i'i,i int.
Iliell.'U lihiii'l llll'l skill put lllel and Mlenlest I'l
humor telitetlle-, n Inn the be'l pill ti lulls Still
all other teme.lle bill. r. llei in Hi Ml toi.i'
llie.illl lilfilllllle lihiiel mnl "kill pin Hie is, and
ilillh elli'i I llliue H'l lll rules i.f blnnl lllld skill
ill. i il-e Idilll nil I'lliel lelin ille- ei'lill Ilii'd
Huh I eirn here, iide, I i I n t H I , .'r; Mn f,
',' e; li.'si.heiil, Jl 1'iepiired In 1'nlti r Imiiii ami
I Iii iiui ill I nipuinlliiil, I n-liill, Mm,..
f-i'imI tnr " llmt In l ute lin"il nml Hklli IHs
eases." t a rlim.l. s, blin k Im-ii, l, eliappi d a id oily '!
i skin preveiiii d In i I to t n 4 Tr,
CU li te1 hi lie, k 1 1 1 u i i n, ik, tteakiii'.s slid
J' rlieiiiniillHii teld'M d In one mlniile In die
Ji elelimleilt't Hi I 114 AMI l'llf I'MSIKH '.'W
mm mm
In Mild l on
their riilali'KUo
ol essli prli'.s
In eoti-iiineiM
Aidlress as above.
Mi'lltlnll tills I' ll er
vvd.ii-f.;. w.
V7 .VYS'MitY
---Tr, , .v
will pnsitiiei) etire Nrr.oii a loss ol Man
IhusI, Imp itetiev. lame lis. k, Kbeninallata,
Iijspeiis a id inr il Dei l Itv. l ie
ri-lee. ajri. sl(i ml aiv
ln Drugs, trusses. Crutches, llsslle Stoeklnjl,
Ihoulrlsr Braces, tlerlrlc Insdsl. kle.
mate Aip'Ot lor lUlsei iOs.' liolileopaUlla
iteiitedles. Hnil in our outers.
I m t(ttiln linri.
Third himI lirl.r, 1'tnltwnU, Or.
IMrutloit thin r
f i- i.,,;ir f..ii.-iv (.fr nil ion
r Mfi ,ai 'it 1 I ilin t rt (tint
1 ''1.'l'il,1'ieBN'Hi!ll,ll, A
J 1 print u i'u-f for Hi.' tlfMli'
" l.itius fikkri.i (n'rulluf
I-, w 'mil n,
I ; ri--"' I'ttm1 fwlfi
P1 1 t 11 .t-uii.ii i")tiiii it la
n.As rs j frnjrn.MO.Prnt.liL
, Iki J I 'Ain't (1
ii I ,.4 If I' l it U"!,
if.jl fi f,
(, i,, )'. int, 'f ivrtl,
u i Hit ill S1
i'Im'v. s, '.l,i It itn i:i i" fl"' I" -.,... . tit- li.- ttf
IIh Mr.i. -t r. I r a. vr 'i.t l t"" ""
fti l.i.l I..IIU ... fti. Ut Hlit H CO. MiksM
i tl a! i. fti" flit h
t-, Ktll Kirt,
i, "t Jtl H W.i hi-. hli'-M t .ly,
CURE Biliousness.
Sick Headache,
sin I
Diamond Bhand
other tliul. (.ri..- ttulMituilmu ami Imltntttmi.
WHI-MT 0 till.,
il Mi ha. k v iu
s.-eiiM huh ruunuKiiu.
h"and olt-Knnt ml 1.
hMwAl in Aim'rlrti. . A
i.ileHi'('fln,iHt,j I l, s ft
h, jmut paid, U) t.vnUi, t V -
Hlutes. "ACMl.''
tho new 17miy ltadlfli
in tlio Head it mm no fiiuiii.
ill iy tlrtiinriHla or !-nt liy liv
T. Ha.hi.tink, Wurreti, l'u.
born.o.nd everyday
who diaht" use
is a.solid ca.Ke
"0h! 0h! Cried the DIRT,
" At length I must go, I cannot
Te rr lUli
f- IIT.... I'A VK.
r'i (ii'.i'itl'1 ' 'i l1
61, U m.m huei.n'-
I fc'J lt i.'.li t
''.I T.,, l.,.-.l'i..u";
Trivia -W.
f'i ""VI 1 . 1 1 . . . .... .. ....
t! Uuiirli I'll) Uii.'IrU.U f ""it. t
.'iK.mln. II- 'k"S '"''t- . -