The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 14, 1891, Image 1

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,. J
vol,. 2.
NO. 41.
3food Iiver Slacicr.
The Glacier Publishing Company.
Ml IIM It 1 1' I ION I'llltr-
On. jrMr ..ft 00
Kin immtlia I (IT
Thi. til'. i.U.l, ,,, ,
iilaiHiy.,,, ,
UU Clil.f I'ltilt II, 8. UnJ mr.
Lniil :: Iuv :: HpocialiHt.
Hi. m Nil. B, Und Om.'. lliiil.lli.(,
Real Hstatc Broker,
Fire, Lire and Accident Insurance.
Money Load on Real Estate Sccnrity
Ollli., r'rfiioh Cn.'i Rank lnllillii,
Liveri, Feed and j&Ie
Second Street, Tim Dalles, Or.
I 4 .ptvLlty of hiring hint uit twrrttfM
4nd h.r kiiii. ul Ih. beat tthlclet til drltlnf
hreM in Ih. r ly. isnll. n.l nli.kl., iuiUIiI. gr tuMU IL B. UOOO
Barber Shop
Grant Evans, Propr.
.tticmiil Sl. , mar tl.ik. lined River, Or.
Shaving ami Hair cutting neatly done.
Nilinfiu t ) i 1 1 4 li ui a ii 1 1 imI.
Hal or Interior Points
I'll K
LIIIUl till
It Ik tin. lUNINd ('AH KOHTK. If iiiim
tlirinnOi Vkhtihti.kii Thainn ICvkuv Day in nut
Ykah Id
(km i nifva: or vahm),
C(llllHIM'll III llllllllK Cam IIIIMlrlH!.ri1,
1)111 iliHtvliii; room slecpi'mof liiti'striiilinii'iit,
tourist sleeping cam bent I Inil can he cntt
Nlrurlril mill in w li It'll iici'iiiiiiiinilittliiiisHiv I". til
ill' HIM lllllMll'll (ul lllllill'IK l I'll Sl H IK I Hl'C-
imil cliiss ticket. Mini I'ltfiinl ilay cimi'lii'i.
A I'liiiihiniiiiN line i iiiiiii'i'lliii; Willi all linen,
BlInr'Hiin direct ami Icitiii(i'iI service.
I'iiIIiiimii kIi'i'Ii t ri'H.r at Inns i nn In- securest
In ailviini'i' 1 1 1 1 u u I any mienl nl tin1 mail.
Tlimnuli tickets l anil f nun all points 'n
America, KiikIhiiiI n ml Knron' rati lie purchasci
at anv llcki'i nllli'O nf lids company.
H'nll lidoriiiatlim ciiiicciiiIiik lutes, time of
Iralint, ionics ami iillirr del nil furnished on ap
plication In any Hent, or
A. I). CltAKl.TOV.
Assistant lieiiernl Passi'imcr Audit, No. 121
KliKt street, corner of Wnxlilniiton, I'orllaml
1 Told Von So.
Browu Vou dou't look very bappy, Rob
Inxntt. KwMnunn Nc. I left off my Cannula litis
moruuiK m1 i-anal'l fold.
Kit wit 1 1. hi nail
Rufiintifin - Oh. I don't core anything ahoyt
tb out mr it ujIJ mt 1 wo leuvwj
fokhicn news.
(leriiiun Government Reduces the
Tariff for Inland Telegrams.
Fxpcriments Made at Lake Ouno With
Submarine Cannon King Otto
Approaching licath.
Tl( tithe bill lift" pllNSKtl to itH second
I rending in tli! British House o( lmlx.
Vicniiii Ih to luivo n lMl-iniln idrctric
mud Unit will iniikc eighty liiilfH till hour.
TIM1 MCWI'l'HH HVHtflll in IlltriU'tilUfCOIl-
niiliTtilili) Httcntitiii ill biinluii ami I'.it li n.
Tin' plot to inil (Vliiuiii in )wcr in
tin-Art'iitinu him been iii'ed in the
Tbo I'arirt jMilic bavii removed tbe
Hlaliic of Mil rat (rum the jiiirk in which
it Htood.
An outbrciik of nmlitfiiiint fever bun
ciuiK'il a teirililo mortiility iiinoiix the
l'.liriill'illl KIllllltioll (HI t Fit WI'Ht COHHt
of A fr ii ii.
The Frenrb tiicticiim, ti'iieriil 15niH
ib'll'rce, hiivk KuiH'rur William avowed to
him t tint tin- I'rt'iM'h luul the linfht unity
in I'jir(iic.
The niioHctl vinil of the younx Kinii
AIcxiiimIit of Si-rvia to tbi! C'iS'ir will
priibulily tukf .lm-t in (ho roiiru of the
pri'M-lit yeur.
Mrn. JiinicHiin cluiniH to bine found
cv idi'iii'i- in Xtoi.ihi.r, thniwiinj ciitiri-ly
new li'htoii ' he iiuarrt'l lwtwt-fii JaiiiK
foil mid Sliuili y.
bird Uiinilolili Cluirel ill Ih point; on
h nine iiiohIIih' nhoitiinf und Tohi) -ct in
lour of MMiih Afr'u'H. Thin in 'nkrn to
Hhii.t that il p'tivml election iJ Hot immi
nent. The (icriimn covrrnini'lil bun reduced
the tiiiill'liir 1 1 1 lit 1 1 1 tilcnimH from 1
cent nod -t it i I Ih per word In I eel t it lid
lid. If, ith a miitimum charge of Hi
(Icncral Pa l'oiiHccn, who n rlmfcn
I'rovi-ioiinl I'ri f'itli nt of ! nt the
time of tlic ovcrlbiow of the empire, Iiiih
In-cii formally elected 1'icHidcnt of the
.liiiiH M ril.-.laineH Steiiben, t' e K njr-
lii-h Jii'lj-'c before whom MrH. Muvbrick j
hhk tiieo, haf hro'-en down. It himWeen
evident for mme time ibat hi mind was (
ivino away.
I'.mperor Williiun it ureatlv dinpleafed ,
with the recent hpeech made by the Sec
retary of the (.'ommitlee on Naval Kli
iiiitliH. It h hti'ui bin resignation bun
U'cn linked for.
The CoiiMervativeK und National Lile
cinls of liresdtn lire nrinn llerr llul
i.cli to recin bis wat in the Keichhtatf
ho iih to pel init of Prince. UiHiiiarck beinj?
elected to him place.
The inniiicipiil nutboriticH of Berlin
have decitlt'il that no more com cs'Hions
hIiuII be grunted for elevated electric
Hlrcet milwavH or for electric, railways
reiiiiriiiK overhead cnnthictorH.
Thel'ope contemiiliitcH making n lnrj;e
ucci'HHion to the ('nrdinulate early in the
coiniinr mimmer. The death of t'ardinal
Crictofori leaveB thirty-two Italian Cur
dinulH and twenty-eiy;bt foreign Car
dinalH. The tbreateiiint.' state of aluiim in the
Clmrlcroi tliHtricl, Ueltiium. caused by
the workmen'H demand for the passage
of a universal HuHriuio law, has neceHsi
tated the holding of troopH in readinesa
by the government.
M. do Freycinet. French Minister of
War, in conteiuplatiiifz a scliemo for the
most exteiiMve army maneuverH ever
untlertaken in time of peace, lie will
mass four army corps in the Popartment
of Haute Murne.
If I'arnell decides to send delegates to
America, they will represent his personal
policy, and the funds they collect will lie
subject to bis control in furtherance
thereof. He is being strongly urged by
friends to send tuch delegations.
A dispatch from Massowah says a body
of Italian friendlies under Captain l'i
nelli in revenge for a raid on the Italian
frontier surprised and attacked tiOU Sou
danese near l'.uri, and routed them in
two battles, killing 200, including the
leading chiefs.
There is reason to believe that, with
the completion of the railroad line from
J a (la to Jerusalem, and with the con
tiuetiin of other new lines, Palestine
will atir et far irreater niullitude f pil
grims than have been seen there since
the time of the Crusades.
An official dispatch to the Chilian le
gntiun at London states that the revolu
tion in Chili is confined to the ret el
unnntlmn mid the troops at Tarapaea.
The greater purt of the country i" quiet,
nnd the rcL'iilar troops ami the national
guard are supporting the government,
Kxperimen s were made two weeks
ago in Lake Como with a submarine
cannon. The gun can be lowered to any
depth desired and remain quite invisible
when in he water. Its projectiles may
lie discharged at will w ith most destiuct
ive results without the use of electricity.
The gun is destined for the defense of
ports, bays and gulfs.
Liebreieh's new method of treating
tuberculosis was descnlied by the diS'
coverer the other day. The substance
used is eantbaridate of potaslt, which is
administered in solution by systematic
inje tions under the skin. Clinical ex -
periments seem to prove it is remedial
fn tn herculosis and other diseases. Lie-
breich says he is still carrying on inves -
tijiations,' and the ftn npunceinent is made
I prematurely,
Sureties of Aikansas' Treasurer
Make Good Mis Shortage.
Wanes (if the Illinois Steel Company's
Woikmen to be Governed by
Price of Steel Halls.
Alitbnmu is building 500 miles of new
!oHtoii unioiiH opioHO biennial State
The population of St. Ijuis is officially
place at 451 ,770.
A Fourth Judicial district for Utah is
prop .seil in 'ongress.
Illinois (iropoHes to compel (ire insur
ance pi. lirlen to be paid ill full.
Crund Master Workman Powderly de
nied tin; rumor that he bus lesigned.
In the lndiaii:i Senate the World's
Fair bill passed with the appropriation
cut down to JL'.KI.OoO.
The revised ollicial count of the census
returns from Kentucky in. ikes the popu
lation of the State l,MW,(i:M.
New York will elect a (inventor this
year; so will Iowa, Ohio, New Jer.-cy,
Slai-sachiisettH and a few other States.
Kearney and the adjoining counties of
Nebraska'iire now abU to care for their
destitute residents without outside as
sistance. Secretary Mulder of the Kansns Hoard
of Ari.'iilt'ure, reports tkut win'er wheat
looks much U tter now than it bus at
any season for several years.
The PoMoH'iee Pcpart ment is anxious
for bids from responsible parlies for
traiiHs.rting mails from San Fran in'o
to Sitka, Alaska, and way ports.
Koch's Iviu h did not kill .1 1'.. Kllis,
'a Kansas Ciiy coiisuinplive, who bail
Ih'cii ill'ielllitteil An autopsy show tl no
bad rcsolts from the use of lymph.
Sir John Macdonald thinks be has un
covered a conspiracy to force Canada
into niinexutioii ith the United Slates.
He is making a strong litjlit in this cam
paign. The irkunsas State Treasurer has re-
ported to the legislature that ex-l'rea-I
surer WoiHlrull 's sure ies have paid Iimu
I Ifiiit.TIO, the full amount of WooilruH 's
. shortage.
I James Pougbertv, the insiine lover of
Mary Anderson, who shot and killed )r.
Lloyd of the Flatbush Insane Asylum,
has' been seiiteneed to Sing Sing Slate
l'l isoit for life.
Agents have already been sent to Jap
an, China, Algiers, Smith America, Mex
ico, and to iliU'eient countries in the
Orient to arrangu for exhibits at the
Wor d's Fair.
The Northern Pacific Directors have
declared a regular quarterly dividend of
1 per cent, and have decided to resume
wink on all projected extensions and
push them to completion.
The statement issued by the Census
Department for Alabama's population
gives the total as l,(iK!,017; of this nuin
berf:ii,"!)i)ai'e white, (iSI,-121 are colored,
750 are Indians and 4( are Chinese.
The following confimations have been
made: Lieutenant-Colonel A. K. Arnold
to be Colonel of cavalry ; George Stone
man, Lieutenant-Colonel (retired), to be
Colonel of infantry; Kdmund Wells,
Associate Justice of'the Supreme Court
of Arizona.
The wages of the workmen of the Illi
nois Steel Company at Chicago will le
governed by the "price of steel rails.
When the price goes up the wages of the
men will be increased, and when the
price goes down the wages will be de
creased correspondingly.
The census bureau has announced that
there are 1057 irrigated farms in Arizona,
having a total area of (,: 21 acres. The
average eot of the land, including pur
chase price, fencing, plowing and water
right, is $10 12 an acre, of which if 7. 05
represents the cost of water right, and
the average valuation placed upon the
land bv owners is $48.irt per acre. Tins
includes the buildings. The average an
nual cost of water is $1.55 per acre, and
ihe average annual value of the products
is $13 02 per acre, ranging front $it.L6 in
Maricopa to $;H in Yavapd county;
The acreage now under irrigation ap
proaches the maximum possible with
the present water supply, ami the meth
ods of utilization, but conversion of flood
waters that now annually run to waste
would largely increase the area suscept
ible of successful cultivation.
The opponents of the Pacific cable sub
sidy scheme have a new weapon to use
in their light against the subsidy act.
Another eomi'iinv has appeared which
proposes to build a longer cable without
a subsidy. The IVcitic Caole Company
asks tlie'governiiieiit to give them $:s,.
otiO.OO loaid in laving the cable to ilnno
j jU) a distance of i'.imh) mile ; the other
company proposes to build tit Sh nghai,
ti.5 it) miles, ami asks for nothing hut a
revival of the charter granted to it bv
Congress, Aneust 15,- I87K, and which
expired in 1H70, no cable having been
laid. This old company was formed by
Celso Casar Marino, and in it were Sen
ator Leland Stanford, J. C. Flood and
several other California millionaires
They were promised a subsidy of $1,000,
0d0 'bv the Hawaiian government as
soon as the cable was laid. Ihe capital
j8t8 did not see a sufficient and speedy
j return for their money, the scheme fell
j through and the charter I ipsed. Marino
now represents to Congress that, ihe
i company is ready to go ahead without
a. subsidy if the charter is revived.
, Opposition to the subsidy idea is very
strong, and to defe;rt it ah extension of
'the old company's charter will be urged,
... r fr It'll f i 1 1 '
Human .uiirae mil iiiiiomiieu in
the Nevada Ixislature.
A Pot l'ourrI of Occidental Happenings,
Reachim? l'rom Alaska to the
Mexican Frontier.
A bill id to be introduced in Nevada's
Legislature licensing bare-knucke lights
l.i thaCVtate. "
The Montana Senate has passed the
House hill repealing the conspiracy law
against organized labor.
Assemblyman Groves has introduced
a measure' in the Nevada L"gisature
providing for woman suffrage in that
It is said that the Oregon Pacific Com
pany is asking for bids for a contract to
furnish 50,00 t more ties, to le used on
the roae this summer.
Works for the refining of cru'e js'tro
leiiut are altoii' to be constr icted at Ven-
jtura, Cul. They have a capacity of
I front thirty to forty tons a day.
I The first of the long-threatened rail
road condemnation suits against olslu
rate land owners in San Luis Obispo
c nutty, Cal., was filed one day last week,
and other suits will immediately follow.
The I) ki- of Westminster, the wealth
iest of the F.nglish noblemen, is engaged
lit a squabble in the courts with a sur
geon named Sureli over the cost of em
: lialniing the Duke's son. LoM Robert
' Grosveiior, who died at Constant nople.
I In the suit of Mrs. Jane Clark against
the Southern Pacific Company for $2),
. (Hi. i damages for injuries ailcged to have
; been received in the railroad accident at
Laki-Labi-It last November a Salem jury
awarded the plaintiff $2,ooo.
Tlte commission of fifteen members
'ceatetl by the act of the late Oregon
I Legislature to make and maintain a per
j iiianent channel of twenty-five feet depth
i front Portland to the sea held its lirst
meeting in Portland one day last week.
i Plans are being drawn for seminary to
; be erected by the fM-ters of the Gisxl
Shepherd alP.allard, Wa-di. The build
ing will cost ulxiut $100,000 and will ae
! couiod .te .ill.) imiiils besides onarters for
the Sisters. Work will be commenced
early in the spring.
The police of Port Townsend are look
ing for a man who sold Max Naihanson
a check for $100. He signed his name
'' K. A. Johnson," and the check, which
was drawn on theGriilith banking house
of Seattle, proves to be a fraudulent one.
Johnson has no funds there.
The erection of an olive mill at Pa
lermo, Cul., in the near future is an as
sured fact. There will be enough trees
in that vicinity come into bearing next
season to keep'a factory at work during
the season, and in a few years the olive
industry will be one of the greatest of
ttte place.
A regular exodus of Mormons from
Utah to Mexico is taking place. The
Mormons have a tract of land in Chi
huahua, which they are settling up. All
over the territory they are preparing to
go south to " live their religion." The
head of the church is said to be encour
aging emigration and putting up funds.
It is estimated that at least 2,000 will
leave this summer.
The palace being constructed on the
Island of Corfu for Empress Elizabeth of
Austria will contain 128 rooms, and there
will be a sepanre building for the serv
ants. There will be a park laid out in
Viennese fashion. The palace and the
park will be lighted by electricity, and a
lighthouse with electric lamps will fling
its light over the sea. The establish
ment will cost $1,000,000.
The contents of the stomach of Mrs.
Greenwood, the lady who was drugged
and shot by robbers near Napa, Cal.,
have been analyzed ami prove to contain
both chloroform awl arsenic. The quan
tity found was sufficient to have killed
her. It was noticed when she was dis
covered that no blood came from the
bullet-hole in her head, and it is now
evident that she was dead at the time
the men shot her.
Senator Polph of Oregon has intro
duced a resolution calling upon the Sec
retary of War to give all the information
now in his possession relative to the
work at the Cascades, and whether there
is any information to the effect that the
work will cost more than the former es
timates. The resolution -as introduced
on account of the reported statement by
Major llanbury that the estimates would
have to be increased for this purpose.
At Taeoma Indian Agent Eels has
swore oul a warrant for the arrest of
Klnrt Alland, proprieter of a rail
roadfjModging house, charged with
s 'Uing liquor to Indians. This is a test
case. Since Judge tlanford's decision in
the United States Court, that Indian"
might drink in their own houses, similar
cases have been dismissed. Agent Eels
will -endeavor to prosecute under the
State law and will carry the case to the
Washington Supreme Court if necessary.
Tacoma lumber men are again devis
ing measures to maintain uniform rates
and prevent the disastrous cutting in
pr ces which has been going on for some
j time past. At a meeting held at the Ta
, coma Hotel most of the mills in the city
I vcerp rpnresptited. A olan which seemed
to find favor was to pool the output and
engage a manager to make a fair distri
bution of orders and sales on the basis
of production. This question, however,
stood in the wav of immediate action.
and it was referred to a ejtecial eomthU'
' toe to prepare a plan and report.
Wiikat Firm, with good demand.
rut'..: i - ...,. V..H...,
"i" rniKi inooi-intv vuoic; .uiittj.,
?i.:ij waiia waiia. n.2iKtL2.
Floi r Oimte: Standard. $4.00; Walla
Walla, $3.85 per barrel.
Oats (note: ,8 "00c per bushel.
Mn.MirurKS Quote : P.ran. $1 V 19 ;
Shorts. lil(20; Ground Parley. $2!
.'10; Chop Feed, $25 per ton ;" Parley,
tl.25rtl.:M percental.
HAYtJuote: $100? 17 per ton.
VOKTABi,BH Quote: Cabbage, $1.5)
ffitl.75 per cental; Cauliflower, $U"1 25
per; Celery, idle per dozen; On-
lorid. fiiV-ie per pound; Carrots, $1.00 (
per sack ; Meets, $1.50 per sack ; 1 urmps,
$1 per sack ; Potatoes, 70fi"6e per cental ;
Tomatoes, $2.25 per lox.
,- lr nuns. Quote: 1jh Angelen Oranges,
$202.25; Riverside, $2.50f 2.75 ; Navels,
$-1.50 per ltox; Sicily lemons, $.".50f(U!.XJ ;
f ... t : t . ! & . j-. r - . I . . . .1
Viuiioriini, ijioi .) jer isix ; 1 ears, i;fcC
per pound; Apples, f Itf 1.50; per lox ;
r.ananas, $.rri4 jier bunch; Pineapples,
$50' 8 per dozen.
Ncis (note: California Walnuts,
1 1 1 a c ; Hickory, 8'.j; brazils, 22c ; !
Almonds, low 1 7c; Vtils-its, ;.Ccl4c;'
Pine Nuts, 17ft 18c; Pecans, 17ftl8c;
I'oconnuts, 8c per pound.
I'cttkk Quote : Oregon fancy cream
ery, 40wJ2!gc; tancy dairy, !7jjc; fair
to good. 27!.if.'l ic; common, 20ia25c;
California, '.Ma?,c per pound.
Ciikksk Quote: Oregon, 14'il5c; Cal
ifornia, 10(18c per pound.
F.'.os Quote: Oregon, 'J(a224e per
Pon.HY Quote : Chickens. $5.00(3
6.00; Ducks, 8 .1 10: Geese, 9(11 per
dozen; Turkevs, 14T(15c iter round.
llors Quote: Nominally, 28c per
Wool, Quote: Willamette Valley. 16
(a20c; Walla Walla. 4 10 7c per poun.l.
HlliKH Qnote: Dry Hides, select.'
prime. i "6ln; t-ijc less for culls; green,
peleeted. over 55 pounds. 4c; under 55
pounds, Sheep" Pelts, short woo .
ft5Hr; medium.OOftSOc; .nng,lHieta$1.25;
'bearlitigs, 10((i20': Tuliow, ooi t
choice, 3?3.'gc per pound.
Ihe Merchanillix Market.
Coal Oil. Quote : 2 20 ner cas.
Kick Quote: 5.75ft0.03 per cental.
Pickles Quote: 1.5U; f 1.3 f 3-.
Ckanhekrikb Quote: Cape Cod, $11
lK-r barrel.
Salt Quote : Li verpool, $17. $18. 19 .
st x k, $11 ft 12 per ion n carload lot 8
Cokskk liuote : Costa Rica. :2Jc,
Rio, 25'c; Arbuckle's, masted, 'M
per rsiunil.
Eeans The market is tirm. Quote:
Small Whites, 3'4c; Pink, 3c; Bayos,
4'c; Butter, 4'ic; Li mas, 5'se iar
pou ml.
Si'oars Quote : Golden C, 4?4'c ; extra
C, 5i-; drv granulated, O'gc; cuIk
crnshed and powdered, 0?gC per pound.
Dkied Fkitts The marKei is nrm.
Quote: Italian Prunes. 12''ac; Pe
tit and (ierman Prunes, 10c per pound;
Raisins, $2.25 per box: Piumnier-dried
Pears, JOaille; sun-dried and factory
Plums, II a 12c: evaporateti Peaches. 18(3
20c; Smyrna Fi.'S, 20c: California Figs,
9c per pound.
Canned Goons Marketsteady. Quote :
fable fruits. $2.00, 2'2S; Peaches, $2.50.
Bartlett Pears, $2.25; Plums. $1.05
Strawberries, $2.50; Cherries, 2ft2.50;
blackberries, $2; Rappterries, i2.55,
Pineapples, $2.75; Apricots, $2 00. Pie
'ruit: Assorted, $1.50 per dozen; Peaches,
$1.50; Plums, $1.25; Blackberries, $1.05
per dozen. Vegetables: Corn, $1.25
ft 1.50. according to quality; Tomatoes,
$1.15(93.50; Sugar Peas, $1.401.0;
String Beans, fl.iOperdozen. Fish: Sal
mon. $1.25ftl.50; sardinps, 80car$l.00;
lobsters, $2c3; oysters, $1.50ft3.25 per
dozen. Condensed milk : Eagle brand,
$8.25; Crown, $7; Highland, $6.75;
Champion, $0 per case.
Honey Quote: One-pound frames,
Natls Base quotations: Iron, fM.00;
Steel, $3.10; Wire, $3.90 per keg.
Shot Quote: $1.75 per sack.
Tbe Meat Market.
The market is steady.
Beef Live, 3t4e; dressed, 7c.
Mutton Li ve,"414'ft)41.2o; dressed, 8c
Hogs Live, 41a(a4?4C; dressed, Ua
Veal 5ft8e per pound.
Quote: Hams, 10c; Breakiast Hacon,
9llc; Sides, U(jtl0c; Lard, 9?iC per
Itlpo for a Diploma.
That there may be no doubt as to tbe truth
miiiess of loin Priiuievi lie's stories it Is well
to siat tlitit ms brother, the justice, pastes
theiu. as tliev appear tu print, in a scrap
bixiu whicn lie uses to swear witnesses. At
least, so lout says Here is tbe latest posey
iu tlie garlaiul of truth
"I waxdnwt nt Freedom ville last week,"
aitl the veracious etaiuselor. "visiting 'Squire
ISqiiatlg, tUe mayor of the burg. His son,
James Alexander Stjuagg. bad just returned
from Chicago, where be bad spent two years
in -itudyuiK medicine. One evening while 1
at then the squire wanted, to show off
bis son s medical learning, and. calling him
U his side the old gentleman asked: 'Now,
Jamt Alexander " but would you do in case
you wen 111 the room witb a niau and tbe
man should suddenly take a great dose of
strychnine, cut his throat with a razor and
then shoot himself through tbe headf 'What
should I do' Why. go through bis pockets,
ot course.'" Chicago Herald.
Propel Regard for Appearances.
Omaha Child .out yesterday for a walk)
Oh mamma there's tbe suu, it hasn't shone
for mos' a week.
Dtgnitletl'Mamma Stop looking up at the
mm tins instant You act as if you'd never
seen it before-- people will think you're from
Chicago. Omaha World.
SicknAn In Europe.
Old Mr Betttly (reading tbe paper) I see
thai the king of Spain is sick.
Old Mr Bently Goodness. Joshua, I hope
be basnt got a cancer, toot
Old Mr Beutiy-Noi tie's (eoUiias.JTf
Sort Buu ... .....
The ftemarknhla Talent nf flalf TFltted
Nrgro Countryman. Field, the mathematical pro
digy ot Lexington, who has attracted so
much attention, was born ot Warrens
burtj, John'on county, aliout thirty years
ogo. and ioshcbscs only slightly better
intellectual faculties than "Blind Tom."
"RuebV gift is made tho more proml
ner.t by the barrenness of his mind in
otl i r features. He has no intelligence
asi !o from his remarkable manipulation
of figures. (7ivc lU-uU'ii Field a problem,
no matter w hether it be In decimal, com
pound or vulvar fraction, it makes no
difference whether it w Letter suited to
the rules of short than long division; it
is immaterial whether there are ten fig
ures or 700 in it; whether multiplication
or subtraction; and be will, without the
aid of paper or pencil, give you the
answer Wore the echo of your voice
in propounding the question have fully
died away. He cannot read; he cannot
write. lie does not know one ligure
from another, and yet mentally, by the
gift which he possesses, he can solve any
problem submitted to him. As "Blind
Tom's" talent of repeating pieces of music
played in his presence for the lirst time by
many of the most brilliant lierforniers in
the country has been tested, and always
with the result of making more wonder
ful his great gift, so have learned math
ematicians tried to trap Field, but with
out success. To give him it problem
which one himself could not solve
would not determine whether he was
right or wrong, and lest errors might be
made the most difficult "examples" in
the higher arithmetics, as well as others,
originating witb their questioner and
simple enough except for their long
array of figures, have been hurled at
him. and quick as a Hash would come
his answer, always correct.
Give him the diameter of the wheel of
a locomotive, and the distance between
any two points it makes no dhTerence
how great the time spent in traversing
this distance, and you have hardly
ceased ejicuking before he gives you the
number of revolutions the wheel makes
in covering the distance. Give hira the
distance and the time and he will tell
you the diameter of the wheeL Tell him
the dimensions of a brick, and say to him
a wall is so many feet long, so many
high and so many thick, and he promptly
tells you how many bricks are in the
wall. Not in a reasonable length of
time, as though calculating it, but in
stantly, and while skilled accountants
who liave witnessed his feats have ques
tioned the correctness of his answers,
they have found they were in error and
Reub was right whenever they did 60.
Tell him to multiply 9.898.74(5,322.150 by
13, add 89,572 and divide by 60, and in
less time than the reader can calculate it
Reub will have the answer ready. These
ligures are only used as an illustration,
but they are simplicity in its purest
form compared to some submitted to
him. He has gray eyes, and, when not
engaged in exhibiting his strange gift,
they are entirely tree of expression, as
though they were of dead glass; but have in the excitement of figures and a
strange glitter something little short of
an expression of madness lights them
up. The strangest of this half witted
fellow's accomplishments is that, awak
ened at any hour, he will tell you the
time to a second. He does not make a
business of exhibiting his power, and it
is not always that those who are most
kind to him, and whom he knows best,
can persuade him to "show oil." Lie
6ays his power came from God, and, if
he accepted otfers which had been made
to him to travel with showmen, or to
take employment in large business
houses. God would take his gift away.
Lexington (Mo.) Cor. Globe-Democrat.
"A Hero of Antietam."
At the terribly hard-fought battle of
Sharpsburg (Antietam) Paul Conrad was
desperately wounded, receiving a canis
ter shot in the left shoulder, which
scraped every rib in his body. The ball
entered just above the point of the
shoulder blade, and passed perpendicu
larly down the back to the waist, woere
it was found and cutout by the surgeons,
but not until uahteen hours had passed
after th wound was received. Though
the ball weighed not more than ten
ounces, Mr. Conrad said that after sev
eral hours had passed he felt as if he had
a ten-pound ball, a cannon and carriage
in his back, so geat was the shock to his
eystein. Upon his recovery from his
wound he rejoined his hattalion, and
served gallantly to the end of the war,
participating in all the great battles with
the Army of Northern Virginia.
Born in New Orleans in the year 1840,
he entered the Confederate army soon
after attaining to manhood, and his rec
ord as a soldier was as enviable and gal
lant as that of any of Louisiana's Bons
who wore the gray. He served with dis
tinction to the end of the war. He was a
member of Captain Henry St. Paul
Chasseurs a Pied, a part of the Army of
Northern Virginia, and is one of but a
few of the survivors of that famous com
mand. The company left New Orleans
April 22, 1801, for fensac- hi. Thence
they went to Virginia, and other com
panies being attached, St. Paul's Ba tal
l. n was formed. Their first big t ght
waa t Seven Pines, where more than
half the command were killed or wound
ed among the former being young
Bourges, Conrad's first cou-in.
He is, and always has been, strictly
speaking, a man of the people. Of a
genial and pleasant disposition and pos
sessing rare business qualifications, he
is eminently fitted to fill the responsible
position to which be has been elected
He is an honest, upright and faithful
business man, whose word is as good as
his bond. 1 .
The Board of Directors of the Louisi
ana State Lottery Company have elected
Mr. Paul Conrad President, vice Dr. M.
A. Dauphin, deceased.
Mr. Conrad has practically managed
the affairs of this great corporation for
the past five or six years. He has been
an attache of the company in various
capacities since 1870, and has earned the
good will, confidence and respect of all
with whom he has come in contact..-
JfcWfc JtegUfor, '.
1 :