The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 07, 1891, Image 4

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    HOH'I Till A f
Wa offer 0n Hnn.trrd (tollars' Reward fur unv
ra of Catarrh that cannot U cured lv titWttiii
Hall'tCaiarrU I'nro. F. J.l HKSKY A'ro..
1'rtipa i Toledo, O,
W, the Mndriatfraed.havr known K. J Clienev
for the Mat IA jvara, mul hollm turn ir'f.vllv
honorable In 1 liualiieatr'iittona and ilnan
clally attle to carry out an oMUitllon mi, to bv
their firm. W 1 f . I w I' A .
Wholesale IViwgiata, I'ilinti. O.
Vholele Itrtnntlafa Toledo. i.
Hall'a Catarrh Curi ia taken Internally, acitnr
directly upon th Mood and mucous amfacca of
theayatom. Prlo, TA centa per bo t'.o. mM by
all Jru)!K!.
Trt Gkrmka for r-rva-kfaat.
A Cough
and Croup
i-or cmwrcti a mec.i
cine should be abso
lutely reliable. A
mother must be able to
pin her faith to it as to
her Bible. It must
contain nothing violent, uncertain,
or dangerous. It must be standard
in material and manufacture. It
must be plain and simple to admin
ister; easy and pleasant to take.
The child must like it. It must be
prompt in action, giving immedi
ate relief, as ehildrens' troubles
come quick, grow fast, and end
fatally or otherwise in a very short
time. It must not only relieve quick
but bring them around quick, as
children chafe and fret and spoil
their constitutions under long con
finement. It must do its work in
moderate doses. A large quantity
of medicine in a child is not desira
ble. It must not interfere with the
child's spirits, appetite or general
health. These things suit old as
well as young folks, and make Bo
schee's German Syrup the favorite
xamily medicine. $
A I'lleelHe'a Ulli'llim.
Cornelius rri.-o, ilu T.uvnui dot.vflvo,
arho-v work nciiiii;; tliocpiiim iiitui;cli't'
of I'um't witiul h u !l known, van Maud
on Mui kot Mr.vt in t!u' rain longer, ;tml
toll lo:ii;i -, nioiv Tolulli an, I inoiv in
, t-rvst mi; KtvriiM than unv man in San
"i'i.l yini Mor hear iliat 1 had m-rvod
! my timo in ilu chain pmi;." l,o iuitiiivd
,' of IVtvtio ll.; !,!l,'v one .lay last wvk.
"No'; Well, I'll t.i it to yoii so that you
will H't it stiai :!it. It w as w Inn (lii-so
i nii'it won' i iiiiiun r in m unn-li of tlnir
i opium all itromi.l I Inbound that 1 finally
I livatoil (iim of l!:i woi kii-s lit a little)
' lati.liii.'ilmiit t , nt mil. I nun T.icoiua,
; wliciv tin iv a iv akuu n dn.-cn houses.
; My w he was there at tho timo i-iliiii
fncinU, hut I dill not !iao tunc to :it
pviso her of inv coinin,;. 1 made m m If
' up ns t!u siHtli.-i-t kin.l of a tramp," mul
lvtod it into this lutlo placo nt
dusk, mill ri ariv tho tiot p rson 1 mot
was my who. 1 forgot about my dis
; guiso nn.l tho otl'oot it miht havo'upoti
hor; so I htv.ot , u;, anil, taking or by
tho arm. sai l, 'Hello, my .loar!'
"When hho ao a jump and m-roamovl
I thought I ha.l dimply Murtled tu r bv
Fpoakiii!: sti.hh lily w lu ii fIio wasn't ex
pecting it. m I m art o.l to take In r ana
'ii-rain, mill bl . mo if she UiJn't go tip
tho st root si'ivanim;,' at cverv stop.
AUmt that tinio tho' ooiistai lo rabUnl
uio for iiisiihir,:,- laiiiis on tho stm t, but
when my witV iio lmoi to appt-ar aiul
prosovuto thoy put an mlilitional rli:rgi
of vagranoy against mo ami Im'koil mo
up in a lutlo Valabooso." N'oxt lay I i
was fonml guilty mul sontoiuvil to oi"cht
days in tho i h mi gau,; w it!i no altoriia
tivo, mul I tlMift liaiv l t tho t',ioial.H
know who I was. Kvauso 1 ha, I roa.-on
to Ix'liow thoy woro oonooruol i;t tho
simi -hn;: ojHTatiotiH. 1 swvutod it out
bn-akiiij; rovk on tho road, lint 1 got
even. Tho justioo of tho vaoo an J oon
EtaMo uro jh i::; shot's in tho torritorial
prison now for suiu-liiiij." tkia i'tim
cLsoo Examiner.
"A Man"
Tli rrohl. in of
man" uuriii' tho tlav
After All Other Meant Had Failed.
Lact week Mr. George F. Wiikie of
Wichita, Kan., came to Peoria a dis
tance of 700 miles to have lr. Toel re
move a cancer from his nose. He had
had it removed several times by means
of plasters, but it had returned every
time, so he finally concluded to consult
Dr. Toel. The operation was performed
by means of electricitv in a few minutes
without the loss of a drop of blood, and
the wound is now healed, so that Mr.
Wiikie will return to his home in
Kansas next week. .VafionaZ I tmocrni.
Dr. Toel is now located in Portland.
The cancer, with hundreds of other can
cers and tumors succpFsfullv removed hv
him, can be seen in his office. Ir. Toel
has studied four years at the Universities
and large Hospitals of lieruiany, Switz
erland and England, and is the only sur
geon in the Northwest who operates by
electricitv without loss of blond.
Makes a specialty of Diseases of the
Ji'ose, Throat and Neck, Skin, Urinary
Organs, Female Diseases and all Suigica'l
Operations, as for Fiitula, Piles, Strict
ure, Cancer, Polypus and all other Tu
mors and Ulcers. Operations performed
by means of electricity without loss of
blood. Office No. 70 Washington
street, corner Fourth, rooms 3. 4 and 5
Washington building, Portland, Or.
oomg awe to "soo a
without Lh'iiut
onugeu towau on tno toes of half u
dozen gentlemen, and. perohanco.on tho
dresses of soer;:l ladies, has U-on solved.
Those to whom the drink in tho cntr'aet
is an essential part of their enjoyment of
a perfoimaneo can now, without leaving
their seats, indulge in their hUitions. A
clever I'oston chemist has struck on tho
idea of having w hi.-ky handy and othtr
strong liijuors put up in gi latinocapsules
like those used in administering, nause
ous medicines. i,nly considerably larger.
The capsules are colored so as to resem
ble largo hot house graivs. Thoy ure
easily broken in the mouth and tho con
tents swallowed without attracting at
tention. The capsules are sold in Uixes
containing u dozen each. The box is of
convenient si,-.e for tho pocket, and the
quantity of liquor contained in the cap
sules suiiieient to make theordinarv man
feel comfortably happv Uv the time tho
curtain falls on' tho 1 ist act.
The idea is not altogether an original
one. About two years ago similar cap
sules were sold in all tho loadimr druir
6tores in this city, but instead of U ing
gelatine the capsule was of very thiu
rubber. It was soon found that the rub-
: r :s i!1: (whom
...v i,,j,j, tin- mv.-. i.'i'it.iv
went out of fashion. The new gelatine
capsule impai-t.-. no flavor whatever to
tho liquor, and it promises soon to be
come a loon to tho gentleman seated in
tho middle of a row a' oitIh stra ciiairs,
and tocciri for its inventor the gratitude
of the hulie j, who.-e plaints over their
ruined dresses and crushed hats lately
filled so nunv ! ',;tmns in the tuners.
Cruel A I lark r One Tribe I'pon A
other In (he WltiU f Africa.
I SiHui after Tippo Tib'a iccupation of
Stanley Falls in 1S7H rumora reached
Yabuli and tho neighboring villages of
oppression and juTsocution by the Many
etna. Chiefs mot together toinquiroof
each other tho reason of this invasion.
Less than thrre years after Stanley's
tight with tho Pasoko at tho mouth "of
tho Aruwimi, the Manyotnii inorcomuioti
of the Ar.ilM attacktsl and destroyvl sev
eral villages higher up tho same river,
having traveled overland fnuu thetngo
thrxMigh the dense fvirots below Stanley
Falls; mid dosi-oiiding the Aruwimi river
in canoes they laid wasto all tho vilbigoji
by the way, capturing men and women,
and ituiosing tines of ivory for their re
demption upon those of the natives w ho
wore fortunate enough to oaoape to th
Although every precaution wm taken
hy tho iHvploof Yabuli to guard against
surprise, thoy instinctively felt impend
ing evil and a gloom settled over tho
village affecting young and old alike.
Thoy all npjioarod to realize their iso
lated position, 05cate being impossible!
as their neighlors wore at enmity with
them and with each other, and the poor
wretches lived in a condition of fear
bordering upon janic.
At last tho evil day arrived. Early
one morning, just Wfore daybreak, thoy
wore suddenly startled by tho loud re
ports of the Manyema guns, Tho forest
around tho village appeared alive with
armed men, who ruslit d among their
dwellings from all sides, firing reckless
ly, sometimes in the air, into the doors
of the huts, and at the panic stricken
savages, who rushed toward the woods
for shelter. A few of the braver native
stood their ground and hurled spenrs
and knives at their assailants, but one
by one they dropped, shot by their bru
tal enemy.
After tiring their muzzle loading mus
kets many of tho Manyema rushed upon
the natives and clubbed them with the
butt end of their guns. . The women en
cumbered with their children, whom
they were bravely trying to carry off to
the shelter of tho woods, were soon over
taken by the Manyema, who roughly
threw them to tho ground and bound
their nrms and legs. Nearly two-thirds
of the women and children were capt
ured, including tho favorite wife or
Ioko; but many of the men and a few
women managed to escape to the woods.
Herbert Ward in Scribiier'a.
Of the value of iUmihv and Jvidleloua
adverting of any article of undoubted
merit la found In tho rciiinrkitble mic
ceaaof the i'ai ikohnia I'm Svitt i' l'o
wliloh ha hIiiiiiIv been phenomenal, even
In this ego of ureal -riiterprlsoa,
OigHiiutod a few ytnra ago to manufact
ure a now and more perfect remedy than
had ever been produced, a laxative w ith
original and attractive fontureit. prepared
from delloioti frulta and health Klvlnn
p'anta, one which would bo ploanunt and
refionhlng to the laate, at well as really
bonolh liil to the a) Mom, the iiiannnemen'l
very w IhoI) concluded to select the lead
lug newspaper throughout the Pulled
States to make known to the public the
merit of the new remedy, Syrup of Flua.
A Imiilion with evorv valniilihi r.,iin-,u
cliean substitute are U-lngell'eied to the
mibllc, but with the general dillifdon of
knowledge It la becoming more Ultlloull
each day to Impose on the public. Dealt li
I too lmp rtiint to 1h trilled wit It. and
reputable druvglma will not attempt to
deceive the publ.c, as they all know that
i yruii or 1-lg In manuraeturod by thol'nl
ifonda r'ln Srun I'o. of San FraneUco,
It'sl., UnilHvillo, Ky New York, N. Y.
i IKi uot ad ept any cheap, lion advertlm-d
j imitation If ollered.
i A itilUitnlur la a man utnt i'nii d-nl an ,sy
" " "in un ii irMiiiif h lit (! hut Ilia nolule
i but".
Ther rt no ililliimiitn,r.
now no mi'
Fur the MUeralite failure t inier the
"Old" I'raotlee f Medlelnef - llerailae
11 1 All (ain.uiirli,
FittK.W ItAKiioit, March IS, HHi.
V. J. Aiqinc Jorthut, Sntttlt, H'
I'KAH Sin: 1 w ish to add my testimony
to the many other miraculous cures v, 1: lefi
you have performed with your llistege
nolle Syntem of Medicine. I w as very au k
with piuuiiiioi.'iii -sick unto drnth they
said -w hen your aeut, (.'apt. J. Kdwards
of l.opei Inland, w ho was stopping at mv
hotel, came to hco me and told mo that he
could cure me. I commenced to take your
medidiio. which the auent alway carries
with him, and can truthfully Kay that I
commenced to recover right away. 1 also
nau a very nign lever, lor WHICH lie gave
me medicine, and the fever left methellrat
nlttht. and your aifcnt. who waited en nm
and uave me your ineilli Ineevery half hour
according to your direction, si lted to me
that lloni) took i'.cenl worth of medicine
to break the fever. The third day after
New York Urapiiio.
for the Family, tlie School, or the Library.
Revision has been in progress for over lo Years.
More than 109 editorial latxrers employed.
$300,000 expended before firft copy was printed.
Critical examination invited. Get the ISest.
8oid by all Booksellers. Illustrated pamnhletfree.
G. & C. MERRIAM & CO., Publishers,
Springfield, Mass., U. S. A.
Cantiont There have recently been issued
several cheap reprints of the 1847 edition of
Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, an edition long
since superannuated. These books am glvwi
various names, " Webster's Unabridged," "Tha
Great Webster's Dictionary," " Webster's Big
Dictionary," 14 Webster's Encyclopedic Dictiona
ry," etc., etc.
Many announcements concerning them are
very misleading, as the body of each, from A to
Z, is 44 years old, and printed from cheap plates
made by photographing the old pages.
Novel I)efenfc m VirJfct.
An Alabama man. charged w ith Rtenl-
i-'ig a calf, made the following statement: I
'I was always toadied to be honest, an'
I'icst always have been, but when I seed '
t tat calf 1 caved. 1 never wanted a calf j
st bad in all my life, au' you all know !
that when a man wants a calf he wants i
hiLr." The jury returned the following ;
vereict: "We. this jury, air satisfied I
that Steve stole that calf. but. as the i
teller that owned the animal is consider
able of a slouch, we agree to clear Steve
an' make the owner pay the costs. " fcjan
Francisco Argonaut.
It is estimated that man walks
in puttinp on a stiff collar.
half a mile
Cheaper ths Windmills
Always ready. No Boiler.
ho l ire. Ho Mnoke. No
Kteim. o Ashes ho En
gineer. No Danter.
Vapor Engine Co.
218 CALirCRKA ST.,
San Fraucisco, California
rn r I" valuable Information to all snfferingfroB
I H r r (llBease- Home treatment. Portland Dii
I IILLpensary, cor. 3d and Alder, Portland, Oi
Roche Harbor Lime. Portland Cement, Gol
den Gate and Utah Plaster, Hair, Fire Brick
and Fire Clay. LAND PLASTER.
60 North Front Street, Cor. D,
$5.00 PER DAY
easily made bv addressing
J. P. Parker, 310 California
street, Sau Francisco, Cal.
lOnres all unnatural discharges of men .
no matter of how long standing, pre
vents stricture, it being a i interim:
remedy. Cures when everything eta
hasfailed. Price, 3.00. Circuiaroi:
lapplif-atloa. Bold by Druggists orsent
on rec ipi or price uy i ne a. ncuoer:
hell Memcine io., nan josh, i ai.
STE1KWAY, Gabler and Pease Pianos
Meaning the Best Piako Made, and the favorite
cheaper Piaaoa; all Musical Instruments; Bauds Sup
plied: lanre tfexfc of Sheet M-isic. fcTEiNWAY Hall,
06 aad SUg Post Street; Mattuias Okay Oo. UalJ
and we our new rooms and new stock.
. P. , V, K0. 377-S. J). iN. V. XO. 404 1
The people at the World's
Dispensary of Buffalo, N. Y.,
have a stock-taking time once
a year and what do you think
they do? Count the number
of bottles that've been re
turned by the men and women
who say that Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery or
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip
tion didn't do what they said
it would do.
AJ 1 i
mm nuw many cio you
think they have to count, j
One m ten ? Not one in five
Here are two remedies
one the Golden Medical Dis
covery, for regulating and" in
vigorating the liver and purify
ing the blood; the other, the
hope of weakly womanhood,
and theyve been sold for
years, sold by the million bot
tles ; sold under a positive
guarantee, and not one m five
hundred can say :
It was not the medicine for
And is there any reason
why you should be the one?
And supposing you are what
do you lose? Absolutely
Vi One the Queen's.
Missing a literary treasure attppoaed
to have boon once in the possession of her
majesty the qneen! Tho precious relic
referred to is a copy of the original edi
tion of "A Christmas Curol." presented by
Dickens to the author of "Vunity Fair,"
with the interesting autograph inscrip
tion. 'V. M. Thackeray, from Charles
he made very happy
once a long way from home)."- Tho
story runs that tho queen possessed a
strong desire to own the little volume
in which the names of these two great
contemporary masters of fiction were
thus associated; that an unlimited com
mission was given for its purchase, and
that it eventually Locarno her majesty's
property for tho sum of 25 10s., and
was immediately transferred to her keep
ing. Tho original authority for tho state
ment, appears to have been tho late Mr.
llotten, the publisher; but it is more
important to note that Dickens' biog
rapher, Mr. John Forster, has given it
additional currency. Tho strange part
of the matter, however, is that the royal
librarian knows nothing about it, except
that no such book is included in tho col
lection under hid care. London News.
I filllP BITS ?
Ylien I SAT Dim I I'.n mad.. -
rora tine and tneithai'tt timu ref-iunKatn. lumen a
jMifal cure. I tare raa.ii- iw dianam oi 1- ITS, WIL
LI'S Y or FALLING KICKNISSS a lifejon Mmly. J
0tiU9rsoara fsilfKl!8nonfmmriit now mcemmr
etircj. h.flRton'je for a trwrticoanil a Fn Bolt
Climate of Southern California.
Winter as we understand it east of the
Rockies does not exist. I scarcely know
how to divide the seasons. There are
at most but three. Spring may be said
to begin with December and end in
April; summer, with May (whoso days
however, are often cooler than those of
January) and end with September; while
October and .November are a mild au
tumn, when nature takes a partial rest
and tho leaves of tho deciduous trees
are gone. But how shall we classify a
climate in which the strawberry (none
yet in my experience equal to the east
ern berry) may be eaten in every month
of the year, and ripe figs may bo picked
from July to Minchi
hat shall I say of a frost (an affair
of only an hour just before sunrise)
which is hardly any where severe enough
to disturb the delicate heliotrope, and
even in the deepest valleys where it may
chill the orange will respect tho bloom
of that fruit on contiguous ground fifty
or a hundred feet higher? Charles Dud
ley Warner in Harper's.
taking your medicine I i-ould iii t out of Uei!
and walk ahout the Iioum and have tieeii
ateadily itnproviiiK ever time. The alxth
day I waa nlt!e to iret out of ilixira. and
think another wt-k of your treatment will
make new man of me.
I'lease print thin to let all HiiuVrerw know
that they need not autt'i-r any Iihikit if
thevotllv take venir Ilittoi ilr MhiIu-ium
With afei-linttiif thank fuTiit-KM that ty your
vaiuu'iie uiHcovvry ci tlie hcIi-ik e o medi
cine vou are alile to relieve much aunVrliiH
ami tor tiieunreiiitttliigrareof yourniti'iit
Lapt. hdward. I rt niuin, ulr, verf truly
jam ks itoss.
Proprietor San Juan Hotel, Friday Harbor
nnu juan roiii.vy, an.
rnilwoniied and aworn to tn-fore me thix
lUth day of March, 1M ).
J. L. Faiinswoiith.
Justice if the Peace.
LiR. Jordan sotllce la at the residence
of ex-Mayor Yealer, Third and James.
Consultation and prescriptiona atwolute-
ly KKKK.
Send for free book explaining the Ilia
toKenetlc ttystem.
Caution. The Hlstoirentic Medlcinex
are sold In but one aaenry in each town.
The label around the Ivule bears the fol
lowing iiiHcrlption; " Dr. J. Kugrnr Jor a IIiHtoenetic Medicine." Kvery
oiner oevice is a iraud.
Hujack (to hl wife) If rnu're lilnir. ik11
me eariv. mm. iinjai-k -if I'm not wak.i k. 1
IU,,d i ran rail ymi Inm, an iihiih).
Dr. Wallace Kly him reninvetl hi outre tn 'Jl.'i
rowvit I. net, sail r ranelM'o. t'al., whore lie rem
tin lien to L'ivi- anei-lal atti-nl.iiii In k i,ln.-v I!1h,I
der, I'nihtHto liliimi anil nil illi-ftM,nriliiiclliere-
irorn. niHlH-teH ana HiIkIiI liloeaiie tu-aled
aeconlliiK to tlie lnte-t ap,roveil method. ilot
rawii ciin he treated unci eully t,v eorrenjiond
enee. ('otimiltatioiia diillv from 10 a, m. to I i.
M. Wallace Kl.v, M. II., ,l,r I'owell afreet, four
Uoor from Geary street, San KranelBeo, Cal
Why I a pretty elrl like a hank uot? Beeaune
they both have a fare value.
Overlooked In the Kxcltement.
He (on a raft in mid-ocean) There,
dear, taste this orange marmalade, and
while I scan the horizon wrap my great
coat around you.
She How great! how noble! how self
sacrificing! But, darling, aro you sure
you will not be too cold?
He You forget, Maud, that I have on
my Ascot tie. Clothier and Furnisher.
Parents, in choosing an employment
for their children or giving them advice
upon the subject, should study their
temperaments and inherited tendencies.
Children of consumptive parents should
seldom engage in sedentary occupations.
Those who have inherited weak hearts
should not engage in work involving
much severe strain.
Senator Evarts is sometimes known to
work constantly at his desk for ten or
twelve hours. During the preparation
of tho judiciary bill, at the last session
of congress, he sometimes sat in his chair
writing and dictating from 8 in the
morning till 6 in the evening.
The all linen shirt is one of the luxu
ries of luxuries. Tho man that has
onco experienced the "feel" of a fine all
linen shirt will economizo in every other
direction in order that he mav continue
tjuBjjpecial Jud,
AreamotiK the most formidable known. Dla
beteH, HrlKht's (iiKeane, gravel nnd other com
plaints of the urinary ordain are not ordinarily
eured In severe riM, but thev mnv be averted
by timely medication. A iim-Iui "tlinnlant of
the urinary ictaiid had ever been found in Hom
tetter'a stomach Bittern, a medicine which not
only affnrda the reijuinitu htlmuhu when thev
become Inactive, but lueream-H their vlor and
aerretive power. Uy incrcii inif tho activity of
the kldnevH and bladder tblM medicine Iimh the
additional effect of expelllm; from the blood
lmpurltleH whicli It h the peculiar office nf thow
orKaim to eliminate ami pan off. The Hitter In
also a purifier and Htrenirthe ner of the Imwela.
an invliforant of the ituniaeh and a matchlesB
remedy for bllioiihiichii and fever and io;ue. It
counteraWH a tendency to premature decay, and
BUHtalim and eomfort the aned and In Ilr in.
The (,'hlcaftonns are complaining- of cold afreet
cars. They ouxht to liiBiire hot paHHetiKcm.
Did you ever go within a mile of a soap
lucturjf it so, you Know wliat, inatJ-rlal
i hey make soap of. Dshbiim' Kledric Soap
laeiory is as tree irom odor as a chair fae
tory. Try it once. Ask your grocer for it.
iuKe no liiiiiauon.
if aflllct-d with Sore Kyen, uRe Dr. Isaac Thomp.
m' Eye Water. UruKKUH null it. il cent.
Both the method and results when
fyrup of Figs ia taken; it is pleasant
iuu reiresiiing to tno taste, ami acts
reutly yet promptly on the Kidnevs.
Ijiver and Bowels, cleanses the sy
em ellectually. dispels colds, head-
iches and fevers and cures hahif.ii.V
lonstipation permanently. For sale
r r i a " -
n tiucana t bottles by all druggists.
ininoviiiF uy ucw YORK H t
OU Til K
Jir. I a (Irmiiro w ltdicn to mnko known bU AVie
TVoiomnf (or Hie cure of all illneax-a of tb Kyi
-1 iiMfiii-f, Ikln-dvt I kk.ii, liiH.nmnoliim, ele ,
without Operation or I'aln, The remedy can be
applied by the pallent, and la luile, anln and
iire III It elleetB, MrciiKliimilnu tlIP miielc
ni ne, oi mo eye, reiiiovluu phIii a iiiont In
iMiiinii..niiy U l a iwuineloiu dln oveiy and
a bleinliiK to ihn auir.urr.
Kor tin l her imttlculma addiioa wlih lumped
. .,.. ... n. j. n IHUNUK, M. l,, i,- roellHt
loiirili door from tieary, Shu I ihiii leo, t'al.
lUtlce houm - II till ;i.
riiKHt i iiirst
i, it-mi ., ... .... ....
it. iiiiniim i ii, 1 1 nn rue ointment will eure
nun, i, iiii'ciiinir ami llclilnii l'le when allolluu
iMiiiiiieui laiirn. II ulwornii llii, tuuiorn,
allaathe lu lling ul once, acla in a noultliiv
ulve. Umlaut lellef. Pr NMIIIania' hulmu I'lle
Ointment la prepared ouly tor I'lb a ami In-hlim
n i iu pritain pan, aii'l lielliluir e . Kerv
ii ,'l'l,,,''' l,v driiKKlata, or lent by
ni, vn r., i mi ! iiricc, ,toi' an, i vi pr no,
HTI.I.I.VMS MAM KAt'l't'ltlNll CO.,
I'roprln'ora, ( Utelaiid, O,
KM "No I ra e Heen-la to ke,,i,", m."Vr,,li.
ami I run I ree, -chuck lull ol luat Ibe lufonna
tl'" nla. The title doea not ulve a iiollou
oi n real i hi no - aemi loxata Uma. .Niiraer ca
I oiiMhiir M.i , f,ir lb,. .. y,,rmr
A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder
SujH-riur to every other known
Used in Millions of Homes
.o Years the!
lVliViotn fair nnd l'.idry, I.i'ld l '.;ky
losiuit, liliiMIo
ntlirr bating
( .ikes. Palatal
i -iiiii.
l -. t.
p, ,!cr
t "'.VA fl V . WW.' a)
I 4 wlielber,tortiirlii(,dlllMiiiliiit, IiuiiiIIIiiIIiik
ItcbliiK, biirulliH, bleedlliK, ai nlv, ciualed, pim
ply in -Mulch, u llh luaa wl linlr, Iroiu pimple
to the I.: al dUlionhin eoeinaa, and every Iik
mor of llio blooil, w helber almple, ai nduloiia or
hermlltiirv, la apeeillly, pi'liiniiiriillv and ecu
iiomli nlly eiiti-il by the I in i n Kkh kpikh,
i',miIIIiiU ol I t in I'M, the Kieat kln cure, t il,
TIM in Hotr, an emiuUlle akin Piirlller and
heautlller, an, I ft tutu ltm,oi.vNT, llm new
bl.Miil nnd k In nnrlaer nnd m nti-at ol liiimor
rumedlca, when Ibe biwt ,li!, iui Hitd iillolher
reineillea full. 'I hla la ati'niix Imiihhiih,,, Iml true.
IhoiOHiula of Kiiilclul teatlmnnbilii liom Infancy
to line Hlleat Ibelr wolldei (ill, IIIi(hI1IiI and III
oini.Hrnble c lltracy,
hold eery here, price, t'I'l Irl H , Mte; Hor,
IlKio.-VtiNT, II. I'tepHred by l'otir llnia;
il l ul t 'In-ill Ii-hI l orpoiHllon, lliiatuii, Mima.
S-iid (or " How ,i C ure hkln and lllnod Ma
eaava," I'linplea, I, la, khcaila, i hn, d ami oily
akin preveiiti-d by fern th Sur. '
liruiiiHtlaiii, kidney pallia nnd uiuaeiilHr
n an ri-nuvcii in one uiiiiule by tlm
i Kt Anti Pain Pi aiKii. -.'fa-.
I Bm tneiiki
i-y "5 ' aa-awaarrnV
iHII nltliely euro Ner-oii n -, l"a ol Man
tuaul, Imp iiciiiy. lama Hark, KlmMiualltm,
iiepa'H ilcin ral lieMlltv, ein.
rilee, a.-v. IO nnd SIS.
A!o Druga, truitti. Crutchai, lattlc llocklnjl,
Shouldtr Bracai, tltrlile Inioltl. tie.
Male AkciiI lor llalaoy lima.' lluuiaopaUlla
Iti-miMllea, bond In yuurordan.
I lia ItollaliU urucalal.
Third anil Tarlor.' I'm lland, Or.
lAifUlloii tlila plr I
tltm claluia H,n-il ili nil,, n guru
to ll,a aUi Nal lillll llll'k fnril,
H -11,11,,1 nl rlaliim. VI lillili,n. I
- lti-frirni-i-a furi'l.liiil la aer
HUtika ami liitnriuallnii lit-
f iiv i-a,vvfi n ii h ii i-1 i ."i-i
iu 'if txivsi n n w trb ni
1 yjjpyiMwu
Vour health
is a citaile
The winter's
storms are the
coining enemy. You know that this enemy will sit
down for live lonof months outsiile I his citadel, and do its
hest to hreak in and destroy. Is this citadel jarrisoncil
and )rovisioiied ? The garrison is your constitution. Is
it vigorous or depleted? How )n can it (iht without
help? Have you made provision for the farrison hv fur
nishinpr a supply of SCOTT'S EMULSION of
pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil and Ilypophosphites of
Lime and Soda? It restores the Having energies, in
creases the resisting powers against disease; cures Con
sumption, Scrofula, General Debility, and all Anwmic and
Wasting Diseases (especially in Children), keeps coughs
and colds out, and so enables the constitution to hold the
fort of health. Palatable as Milk.
Kl'HCf AL.-Seott'a Emulsion Is non-fiecrct, nnd in pnncrlliod by the Mcdicn! Pro nil ovc-r th,) world, bi i ausc lis iui;redieiili aru hiic-litlln ally combini-d in mh-Ii ii
muif.u-r u to Kruntly incivuuo their rciiu-diul value.
("ACTION. Scott's KmnlMon is put no in s.ilinon-i-olori d wriippi-rs. Ho anre nnd
I'-t thu Kenuine. Preparudonly by Suoiti: Uovviil-, il.iiiuliu tiirintj I lieiuinta, New Voi k.
mid Uy all Onii.'Kitit.s.
thin ricturo, Panel sis. 5, mailed for 4 centa.
J. F. SMITH & CO.,
Makers of " Bile Beans,"
255 & 257 Greenwich St., N. Y. City.
CURE Biliousness.
Sick Headache,
NewStqro. Cymnasium and Athletic Coods. Now Coods.
Guns, Gils, Revolvers, Sporting Goods and Fishing: Tackle,
- ItemliiKton,
' '' ""w
I'tirkcr Hroa..
17 AV 174 THIKI) ST., 55 YAM If If, I, ST.. rnRTI.AWI), OK.
IHarlln, (Jolt'a
ltcpcatliir Itif lea
A'ill eominend tliemnelvcs at once to out-of-town eoiiHiimerH, who liave not tho facilities of visit
In our ealalilisliinent and mukiiiK a personal selection of anything wanted.
ICT Hamulus, with rtilo.x of sell-measurement, will lie rout on application.
"Vft run I LANU, UKtliUN.
laafaViaiiaWiiTMfll t j
Host Cough Medicine. .Recommended by Physicians.
Cures where all else fails. Pleasant and agreeable to the
taste. Children take it without objection. By druggists.
affluJfc. V f m.M El II 1 V JB Bk
lli i IM