3food Itiver Glacier hood itivi:u, ok., i -i, ink i. I'.mon I'.uiric iiaii.wav i.oc.u, r. K A NT IIDl'Mi 1 I ( M IMiul) I'.IVI It Nil, H, w lrni i ill 0I.,- A. M. Nil, t, Mull - .';i.i A. M, Vil.hr liuiNI) I' l:cn iiuiiit iiivi II. No. 7, l"iri"in Ii'hvim hi ;.r,7 l M, No. I, Mull " u( A. Main Mm', Niih. I iiinl V, "Tin' Ovi'iliiinl Htii"' iviiti llnniHili I i 1 1 n i it ti Wi'i'iH r, t'ul iull HlwiH-ri, !" I'lmlr i 'iim mul i'imrln', tinlwix'ii I'm IIiiimI mi. I Iii iim r, mimliii, K .in . 1 I'll)',!!, IiIHIIn, hi, I'nill III' I III' 'IIJ'II. Main t,ln. MiiiiiH,"rii"t,linll.Ml Mull," "wrty Cullman lMiiliiM ni.l hIi-i'iiik Cur.. l- t'Mi " It I . 1 1 I llll. I I 111. II. I, Imilv 1 l,n';il Mmnliiv. Till; MAILS. Tli mull rilin from MiiiH'lmy nl II 'llM'l A. ,M, V.'imIiii .lllK ,11;, Mlllimluj ,),, m la I'll- .nine .lit-. ,ii iniMii, I'nr I 'hriimvi't li, let . ! M A. M. urrlvrsiit 4 I', M. Hut until v n. I'nr WIiIik Suliiiiit, l. ii . ilnlh nl S ,. M rt Ivi-i si mil" h i InrU P, M Kfiiin U'lilli' Mu lin.iii Ii.iim , (nr KiiMii, llll jinir, 'I'iiiiii i n In' ami ;Ii.iimi,i, . I . .i..lu und KrlU). TIhi mhI mil, i. it. i.i tnr ci ni rij ili llvi rv from 1 A. M, i mil h- ji I'. . i x.'. ni Mm I n, when II Mill lii'iij.i n n mi imiiiIII II A. ' liiMi i' i.im i. umrns. Oil I'lotli al Ilic furniture More. Ittilldltitf jmjH-r nl I'liinitiiiv Kiiuc. John T. thick w.ii in 'Jin- nl!cM Turwliiy. I'lctuiv fc-nu il iii onli-r n(. tin' ftir li 1 1 ll it- store. Tin' IuiiIm-ix nf I'nrt latnl have organ ized ii tiiilnii. Lev, It. . II nu ll Is ul jiii m ut in 'nliil.ill ( In pin. I'liilii'flliix niul belies foi-ieunern nt Jlmiim A .level's. 1 HI till' fill llitlll-l' XbliVltlld Hit' tlll''l niul '.'-' ii t ni:ii i In,:. Ciiiliilti A. S. Mower w as ul The I IiiIIi h W'i'iliii'Hilay. Mr. niul Mr. Sliwait left fur Ol.l lupin Tlunwl.ix . It lciected (lint Holm' nf our iiiIIIh w III Mult iii iiliniil Maii li 1h(. Senator.!, II. 1 liin -ai l;i r wan hcie Monday ruroii'i' ) llvniiiin. V Iiiivi billed liny fur mli' at JT 1'HI, llll'MI M A 'll . W 4 11. MU I. Illy KirliiiriNn'i made this ofthv i plem.itit rail Mninlay. Mr. M. I'. Lux- Imhi'.'IiI lot I i.riil.M'k ; 'J I of lli' Town..!:.' Co , Tlunvlay. ! .1. U M.itti'i iiik-f.ir iiu r nli'lit n-fi'iii lii'n-w iih up fri'in I'm ll.'unl Sninlay, Mr. ('. A. lu ll v''ti'. us vi"4'i I'lav mill tin- tii.Ai ll ll w ill return hii visile ' vivkly. ' A WW I'lVili'" if i'IiIh' fiiriil-'liiuir fiiniU ivi'i IVi'il till Wi't k at ll.lllllfl iV; 7li';ti'l'M. Illllll'll''. '"il "ir" llMM' jllst ll'i'i'lvi'll ; II I'll'W IllV.'lei' (if Icllllll ', liI'llllp'S Mi ciillfcrlii'lli'iy. A. .1. H"vt nf I'airv lew u;m u-ii Mmi'luy I'ni'.-lii" iii'ti-r Ills lnlcri'sN In Hiilllr lllllll'iT i'ii.li,is, rt. ( iinnt I'.t imM ii'tnrni'il fimn l'nrMa'ul Tiusi'ay wlicic m 1 1 us I mi fur !( juint two or tlnVi' iimnilis. If ymi want to piiri'luisi' wiiiii' line plrlllli'S or cli'Talll ruct; i u;; rliairs, m';i tlii'lii lit S. I'., liartliiiss' fiii'iiituit' sloii', .1. I.. I.iii'i.'iKc M as i'ni.'!i).'i'i Tiii-wilay in 1'inniiti" it u i'ri' iu'i'iwm i no hiiH'K in which Itliiwci'M .V Crow ill's Mori' Htatiils. Mniiil.'iv w;is nat- ilav al Mr. .lulm S'imIiLmi'iI's mills whVli leaves ncvcral thoiiKiiiiil (lollars In circulation in the1 valley. There wiM lie a ilmiee nl Mr. ('In-, rimiiiller Mom lav uii.'lit the '.'"nl it's). ! All ari-Invileil and a ;ioo'l kocIhI time Is ant icii:i'ei. Ih'tma iV Zieir'er have mlileil hhy' n'heol niul ilrcss suits mul extra i"ints, to their stuck. Call ami pnii Im'Toiv ; jiIU'cIimhIhk eltiewherc. j Mr. .Iml Keri'iison has retiirneil to; Ktay. mul is jirci'areil to do all kimls of 1-cjniiiinir in the jewelry line. Clocks' ami watehi s a specialty. A nice lot of fresh huttcr just re-' celvcil nt Jtlowevs Crowell's. Try H roil ami he eonvineeil tlmt they j make i;mm1 luitlcr nt Latirtinilc. j Charley llallit of The Dalles has had a hcnutiful rohe iiiaile of IE' hear. nkins caiitmed hy Win. Stewart mjil liiuiself last fall at Mr. Stump's jilace. Hohert, McLean inirchased of Mr. Watson of The Dalles a line Inrjw span ,f horses for loiiiu; purpose which were hroiiuht down overland hy Mr. Watson Monday. Mrs. Allen Lloyd of Kent, Washing ton arrived here Monday to see her timt her Mrs. Snow, who has heen very nick, hut wo arc glad to Htato is gett ln'j well njjain. The latest novelty out Is the "Mnteh Ii'bs lU'peiitinjr Air('iun." Shoots 15. Jk shot of anv kind. Once loading jire- i Hires you for (ili shots. For'a'.e at Lho ''urniture stoii'. Joseph A. Wilson took the nlats of the hlocks In l'urkhurst, laid nil' in town lots hy Messrs. MaclCaoheni it MacLeod anil (!. (J. Koberts, to The .Dalles Friday morning. Eastern mails have heen delayed for the past two weeks from one to ten hours every day on account of the sliow on the l'ocalello division. There Is an Immense amount of snow in the 1'iluu mountains. Found. A (J. A. II. watch charm or locket near the residence of J. F. Kichardson who is living on the Weldner place, The ow ner can have the same hy culling at this oil lee and paying for this notice. Lost, in Colunihia hall or between there and Mix. Fsther llaekiis' place a while and old gold silk handkerchief. The Under will" oblige, by leaving the Hitine at the nostolllce or at the resi dence of Esther DaekUH. Tlie hull Hint mi Oik street to b ni. pled by H. I'). IlillllUCMS as ll fliriii- c Hue slorc will be lliilnlied hy the of the Month. If will nreseiif it Ill's I, Vei v i I t ion I iili'ii'i.ilii',' vi lie.l IIiiIhiiI'iI mill mill tn I lie looks of t In1 nl reel, great ly. Mr. W. .1. Smith and family caine up fi'oin Astoria Friday of last week on a visit and nliiriied lioinn 'I'huisday, Mr. Siullli paid this olllco a ieiimn'it call and Iwn big dollars while hire, Dnl iillee Slllll ll Is lit pI'CM'iit, III Aslorln, l(. ,1. Dills lout lil'leen laying liens this week by their fill ing hliol ls which lV some inealis enlilailieil ' l. "I I . The hfini Is bail In i ll In Hie boltnin of the j lii'd box for n long time but. he eiiii't I lien, mil for the poison (.'ell Inc. lulu It. I Mis. llayni'M Was In town Tuesday ! looking nl'ii r her building, She whs ! hot ,il l-lleil with the heii'htli nf the 1 foiindal Ion mid had It. lowered two jl'eel. The fi'iuiie woi Ii Is nearly nil up and the huilling will be completed as lapiilly as Hie Weather will pen. lit. The pio'ily owners on 1,'lver ulreel, luriied out Tuesday and Wednesday mill trimmed the trees along the street, and commenced ell iiriiig and grading j (he sniiie. They propose pulting lho street hi Mrwl -class coiidll mil, from Second to the Waiieoiiia line, or In Mr. I'crry's house. i iiiigrrgHiiniiiii servicis mr reii, l. IVM. .S'lvlees In Ilic valley Ci)luri cut loiial ehiiieh at 11 a. m. In Cok mnliiii ball by Hlversldc Coiigregat lon nl chiireh at p. in. Siibjeet oui' way of success ill life. Text : John, 'J: W hati ver 1 le t'liyelh unto you do It. I'-. M. Aiinks, pastor. TI ard party Inst Saturday nicht at K. nf I. ball was txf very pleasant alliilr; those pre-ent were; Mr, and Mr. Junes, Mr. and Mi". Iterdan, Mrs. Klein, Mrs. A mi'-1 roil'; Misses I'erry, Oeiiigiii Smith, Cowperlhwalf, and Miksin, L, Hunt, line Lean. Nell', ( Hi-ran, Walling, Hone ITather ami Me- An eirh hops' leant hauling the bel'.er for the !ili and door f.ietury arrived in Thurl.iy niorniiur from l'ailier's mill. The Townsite com-! pan v have given the lraliahali liros. a lea-e of the lots where the fin lory ! stands, for two yours, whh the prlvi-j lei'e of buylnir them at the cm! of that I time at a staled sum. j One day this week some dos eha"'! ; three door into lho Columbia on (lie. White Sahnnii Hide, which were seen ( by an Indian and having his boat and uu.'i iiearsl'trli'il In inirsuit. Jle red' several shots nt tin in missing t hem. I m'ul 01 11,0 Kri"u' ol,"'r lo world liau-a h woman with a grit-T- mid in the iiieati time liail paddled up Hide of the Deschutes free bridge is a ance. It jmy.i to be honest'y happy, so near to Ihe last one that he could j well. It has Isi-n noticed for some There is absolutely no profit In being bav,.e,ju.'hl It by the ears and cut il" 1 1. that when the water got low ill hlm und VI,''J' l'ttlo sympathy attend lb rout lull did hot seem to think of'... ,1,1 , . . . . , .. iuir it. Ibis, but kept Irving to reload the gun. j"'" ''11 hl"vk i-1"k . When this wa aeii.mpli! bed (lie deer ! 'I'l' Adams boys concluded to exam- Olives by common consent are taken in bad made good their 1 seats, going up: iue Into it and cutting through a ledge tho lingers, aiid it is also twrmissible to the bank and disappearing near the j )lf ,,,, ,,H.U) ,ijw.vm.d an excellent help one's self to cut sngar with the dig 1""'1'' ; quality of coal. It is impossible to ita, although tho esc of tlm sugar tongs A pleasant par! v at Mr. A. S. I Slow-' sav vet how valuable th.tir find Is us 13 referable. ers' ivsideiie,' Wednesday evening W as ; )IVU 1t (.u, U)rol rl tht! vd ntleiideil bv the following friends: Mrs: j . , , , . . , I'errv, .loni s, I lai n, Klein, Armstrong ; l,,lt ,1,t' nil i8 ",MV. " U'Mt! . NOTICK FOR I'l'LLICATIOX and Yates. 'Ihe Misuses ICendiieks that it buriiH freely. This is the most: and (iroshoiig, Misses Middleton, I iiiiporlant discovery ever made in this' ''"" '"''t The lall.-, Or. Jan. I'erry, I'.ush and Feiiley; and Messrs. 1 M.,,.,ioI1 ir tilt, ...M.niitv is there and : . N,,ti(-t' H hereby given that the fol .1. Ik ll.i.it. As. Lal.n.; I'aul Wiillln,.' f 1 - n. lllJ , lwing-named settler has filed notice of A. Ik and Frank .buies. ( has. i.;u,.v. i t'"'1"1' w1'"'" lj-' no ooubt of it. his Intention to make final proof in Frank York, Will llaukiii, C. It. ! I ii'ia', 1 1. r,. I,ai.i,l,. iieiungioil. U. ' D. Kmi.l, L. Il.ilhigton. D. 1 A. Jones, and Wid Yates. The cvcij niii.iwasf.pe.it in daiicmr, gann-i etc, i and a nios eNcelleiit lunch was served. ' The farewells were iml said until ll o'clock 'I huvsday iimi niiig. 1 Captain A. S. r.lowers appointed the! c:li;;p!;;v'L:vN. 'is. ' eeaiit, S'im'iinis James I!. Ilunt't 'has. 1 I'.irlev. T. L. Donoho. Win: Yates. Ktih. main. ( orporals Kokt. ; McLean. Iv Oliii"er. L. '.. Morse. ! Frank Nell'. Treasurer Ivl Miller, I Itecriiitlng Committee Lieutenant A. , Winn us, A. Oiler C. L. Morse. The boys are turning their wliole attention ! to'drilling. using at lnvsent the hall I over Blow ers A; Crowclls' store for that : iiuri.i inse. but exi.eet to drill there tor ' I!ie last inn.' loingiu, having rented t!ie building now occupied by S. llailniess as a fiirniiure store, This building they will use until they are able to build mi Armory which we hope will be in the near 'future. Col. Houghton was here front The Dalles Saturday and says the equipments will arrive i: a dav ni- two. Tho Company '. '. .... a , .I.',. I I . I .. ... 1 I will give a Military ball in the I'm ure. Sfil unlay night has been for regular drill. near fixed Conv.w.us, Or,, Feb. 10, 1)1. ElUTOlt (il.ACIKK: The ii,A( !i:n reaches this place every week, and vou may be sure it is always welcome, and road with eager- nes. The editorial in the Issue of 1 Mine. Caron i.nd M. ergnet. lion January .".1st, seemed only a ropoti- "mlicnca cspocted tho two singers tionofour own thoughts, and wns ; to coino on in orthnary draii tlio con , , ,, , ., ! ductov gave tho signal for tho orchestra appreciated by us, only as those can 1 tittncit tlio iirst chord of the prelude appreciate who have drank in the pure 1 10 tn(J ti,u.j llct, refreshing mountain air, and joined In I The curtain then roso oa tho bridal the sports of hunting and fishing, allbrdod by the wooded hills and the pure clear streams Uowiug from hoary Hood. Thinking over the past good times we have spent in tho valley, we re joice to know that in four short months we will again shoulder our gun and rod and spend a delightful week or so in the heart of tho Cascades. Too much credit can not be given to Hood River as a summer resort, and it is evi dent that it is fast becoming tho popu lar resort and everywhere one can hoar inquiries in regard to its climate, and the productiveness of its soil. In re gard to the winters they will compare very favorably with the winters of the Willamette valley. But for mud Hood Itiver is far behind. The mud here is of an adhesive quality, so much so that it has been said, "A thief trying to make his escape," in some time past, "could not be tracked tho mud being so sticky that the tracks all stuck to his feet." In this part of the Willamette valley a brisk thriving business seems to be it thing of the past, and only old remnants remain as mementoes of the days of Mi). Tlio Oregon Agricultural College is the main feature of this place. I There a re id jt'vunit about W nebular I lied. II. Is under PKci'llelit, limit- ngeineiit, nnd bids fair In beeoini! the i leading school of the stale In tin; near future, It hnijust r. iM'lved an u PI"" - print Ion of Jrii",(K)n which wim much needed to Improve the buildings, mul IgroiiudM. Speaking of a college brings. 1, , i.i it i . ii I to lullld the excellent ml vuntages Hood j I I liver him lor an Institution of that1 I kind, and aluo the fact (hat the slate Is . !lii need of another college, mid very much so Indeed, im all the Male v l - lei's are now crowded, This place w ill tin dolibt be much duller the coming week as the cm-plnyi-s of the Oregon I'ncilh' railroad strurk J'eb., l:;ih. The eoinjiauy are four uiontliM iK'hind with their pay hence (he Mllkc. Well Mr. Editor II. Ih rather hard on our couslilutl'iiis tn stay in ' llila pla"e after having lived In Jlood Itlver so long, but lioie to return In June. Yours Truly, Alpha amiOmmia. di ::d. At Victoria II. C. Thursday Fob. 19, ; ,. .,,,. uf Marian, wife of Dr. C. F. Newcomb, i flold bcatew, by hanmiering, can ro uged about HO years. ducn gold leaves to such minutu thinness Dr. and Mrs. Newcoinb resided heiv Uwt 22,0)0 must be laid upon eiu:h a iiuinU rof yearn and the eiitho cum- 'Other to prodne tlm-thickncH.i of an miiiiitv Is Ibelr friend. The bereaved j husband and motherless lil tie ones ' ,,,,v,! ,Im' ''"'''"-t Hympalhies of this neighborhood ill their Mid umiction. Mrs. NcwcoiiiIm! was a cousin of Mr. ii'orge Mat bias of this place, who left Friday to ul tend the funeral. ' I'-roia ihe lmiim chronli-le. License to wed was Issued to H. I'rathcr and Mrs, M.J. Huskcy, Isith of Hood Liver. A few days ago Mrs. Iluskey's son was married to Mr. Feather's daughter. This is entirely a family affair, mid by a happy stroke of policy prevents a multiplicity of iiiother-lndaw. Although it has been kept si cret and Is Kill trying to be, we have known for . scfcral days that coal of good ipialily had Ufii ilisi'overed near the i,esebuti's. On M. I). Ad-m.V nlmn .. ..... . .. '". It Is probable now that Judge Webs- ...,...,, u ,u,rwii.lo,l ,.. ,.ii. l,.m. u. ,u,,,.. ... i...'wl11 ! ale U'f.w the Register and ,, ' ' . , , V, ... i ""tl1 the docket is cleaied. A bill . pawed recently gives his district an j extra judge and tltis will make it pos- . hhl , RllI1,liu hmi The following railroad cases were ; M, in rt F,i,l,, uih 1 1'onipany paying tfi'OOO eachand costs: John .1. Flaherty. Inireborir Fiurt. Thomas Covle and Henrv lestorll'. (ieorge 1'. Morgan and K. W. Ncvius : havi' opened an ortice in the store for-: incrly occupied by Mr. ( ianvtsou us a j jewelry store, on Second street, next' door to (ieorge Ituch's grocery store, 1 mid are prepared to make all papers for , tilings or euiries eillter upon the lor- ; j icnen iiimis or government minis 01 any sort. They will act as attorneys tin contests, hearing-i and land kiw j cases of every description. J Sot h these , gentlemen are ex-clerks of the U. S. i laud olllce at The Dalles, and certainly possess the requisite knowledge and i experience. Call and fee them when: ! you go to The Dalles on land business. 1 "Lohfiisrln" la I'arls. Nearly tho wholjof r.n act of "Lohen grin" hua at lat been performed at tha Grand Opofa. but tlio trick was man- aged 1:1 sucn a way mat 110 (Juauvunsuc ; prejudice co'.ild lio hurt. It was an-! uounced that at tho pcrfonnanct) given j for tho benefit of II. Dumainio a duet j from Wagner s opera voul J bo sung by ! i-'iiini.a !mi. Iliki finished. Klsa. 11ml Lohcngriu wero loft on tho stago to sing tho moi;t interesting and tho most im passioned lovo duet that has ever been written. Kow that an attempt has been I Tlie Townsite Co. will give the fol mado to reverse tho sentence passed lowing terms to purchasers: One upon Tannhauscr five and twenty years ! fourth cash, balance in three equal ago at tho Opera, and to make amends 1 payments, in three, six and nine for tho brutal treatment of "Lohengrin at tho Eden theatre, it is to bo hoped that tho hundreds who applaud Wagner at tho 'Sunday concerts week after week and year after year may at leugth have a chanco of hearing his masterpieces at tho French Academy of Music. Paris Cor. London Telagraph. Grew Ovor 100 Feet ta N iue teen Veura. Monday morning tho tall hluegutn tree standing at the northeast corner of German Senter's houso was cut down. A careful measurement of tho tree 6kowed it to bo about 115 feet high from the ground to tho topmost branch. It was 4 feet in diameter and about 13 feet in circumference at tho ground. Wo are informed by a Portuguese that he set the tree out nineteen years ago. Think of it! A tree ouly nineteen years old. 115 feet high and showing a diam eter in proportion. The residents of that quarter watched tlie fall of the monarch with genuine regret, hut its great height made the cutting of it dowu a necessity, as it was liable to break and fall on some of the residences around. Sauta Clara (Cal.) Journal. A fiiilolnjr wild it fminlry ll.irtnr. f'.iuiilny Iii ii biiny day for tint doctor. A gou l ninny piopli) put (,,T being Hi'-lc till iiUliilae. i-MfM.rti'.ttt' In l.ti !.. j,,,,!,..,, ,.,,, i,,,.,,... , ..,';,,, 1 tlio narrow buggy went down tho roml I and did not return till Into. Ktinday ( w.hnol xvm in wwion and tlm children Hang. I'nynf fcll tlm ws'k llni ln-iL I mlilnn i,f i icnml n nt, A group of young women In white rnnm rmt into tluj littlo burying ground, tliroi.gh my rpen wiidw I could . , " ' 'l' langiiw.T , lis they jiickcd j their v.uy among tlm gleaming white ljeiiInb(.'ii'ii. Tlien a party (,f ladien dreshed In deep mourning appeared. Standing l:pnrt was a young couplo chatting in a (.liecpii-h way. A Minill girl, with cnrior;ity abnor mally developed, pretended to rwid tlifj liiHcription on a tonibstono near by, v.lnlo Mi' absorbed tlm convocation. Tim cabinet organ wiui jilayed aain, and tin) children with the older people in the church, mng "JIo will carry you through." Tlio voice f,f good Dominie TlioinpHon rolled out in t tiiring tones an he nought divino guidance and Mowing for the beloved children of hid llock. Frank French in Scribncr'.'i. m'"- ''t ,;M''1 so perfect arid fns from hok that ono of them laid on any nurfaee, as in gilding, gives tlm a pearan( of soliil guld, 'J'hey ere r,r thin that if formed into a lmo!; 1 ,.i()t) would only occupy the i,nac of a nimrk: leaf of Imok paji"r. A wngk' vohime of a gold '"''f book one inch in tliiektcss waild have an many puge.i ai r.n entire library f i(.-,o() volumes of common boo::', even though the volumes avera ""l '!D0 pa"-s ea'h. St. Louis Republic, A physician has Kuc-cved"'! in grafting thu bkiu of a frog to that of a torloi'je, and tho tikin of a to-ioii;;' to that of a frog, and also in securing the growth of a frog's Hkiu ujion thu skin of a man 54 years old. Done grafting in not n far advanced, hnt has met with tho same buwess as yKin parting. II.ivo lottof fun, laugh all you can and keep thj finnniiiuo in your heart if ...., .,... ln.,,ui.u. "llMrt ' 'laim, and that said proof Hw-clver at J he Dalles, Oregon, on March 7, lUd, viz: , Michael IVlz. ) s 71il for the S Jl S F X W 1 R u s w. V;.",' '! f N'' 1' 1U E' ''"""'tte Mu- ' witness w prove bis continuous residence upon '"'" Vm""tM atmi, v l'eter Mohr, John Lenz, John Kroe ger, John A. Mohr, all of Hood Itiver, Oregon. JOHN W. LEWIS. LegLster. NOTICE FOU rUIil.ICATrON. Lam OiTicr. at Tun Dalles, Ott.,1 February G, ls:)l. 1' Notice is hereby given ttiat the following-named settler has tiled notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Kecciver at The Dalles on March Al, 1S.M, vi.: (ieonro E. Lojy D. S. fi.094, for the X. E. , Soe. 30, ti. i) E., W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: 0. L. Morris, J. C. Marklev, C. 1'. Dush and j . y. ealcigli, all ot flood Jtiver. JOHN W. LEWIS, Register. FOR SALE. I Several milch cows. Apply to A. R. ' liyrkett,. White Salmon, Washington. STOCK NOTICE. Anyone knowing the whereabouts of one red sided bald faced line back heifer, also one pale red half Jersey heifer coming two years old in the spring- You will confer a favor by leaving word at the Glacikh office. H. C. Cok. months. B. R. TUCKER, PPJirRlETOP OF BM mis. LUMBER OF ALL KINDS. MANUFACTURER OF FRUIT BOXES. HOOD RIVER, OR, W. II. ATTOIIS'HY-AT-LA W. i(()MH W, AM) .V,, MAV Vo'iT I'.I.OCK, TltK DAU.Ivs, OHKfJO.V. Oi,KL-a Watkikh A MK.iKrcie, Attornoya-at-Law, Volt's now building, Soconcl St 'iirio it.u.i.ix ok;;(;on. J O H N H .CR A D LE B AU G TfT AlTOItXKY AT LAW. I'ruollei't In nil the rourln nf Ori-ifon nntt WuKlilnKton. Kieeliil ntlelitlon jjlvea to con Veyiilii'liiK. 01 A'TElt OFFICE, HOOD JtlVER OltEOOX. Land Locator. . Every body wants land In Hood Itiver Valley. I have Monie very dt sirabl! tracts of good land on my list for preemptions, homesteuds and tim Is n d claims, witli running water on them. I can locate several stockmen advantageously. Do not fail to nee me at Hood Itiver Falls or address me at Hood Jtiver, Wasco County, Oregon. W. JIosh Wi.vaxh, Locator. FOR SAI.K. Lots .", (land 7. block 7, Winan' ud- i union to Hood JCiver, w ill lie aold at I Zcigler's store, at '1 o'clock Wednesday, thelth inst., to the highest bidder. , I.V . ..I 1 I ror pai ucuiars, aunresH AltTllt'K DlPJSJtOW. Olinger anil Oak Street, near PostoJJice, HOOD IlIVEE, - OREGON. Wc have Tirst-Cliiss Stock and Outfits, Double Buggies, Hack, and Saddle Horses. A Fine Four-Horse Coach, suitable for fishing or excurtioE p.Ttieis carries nine passengers'. Parties taken to any aoceesi ble point. Keliubta drivers. Uur Dray delivers bagsrage or freight anywhere in the VaUy Charges Reasonable. Crandall & Burget, DEALERS IN ALSO CARRY Furniture, tarpets, WindowShades.Etc. A Full Line of OfluOrMiHg Goods. 9 Mail Orders Pronptly Attended to 166 Second St. The Dalles. Or. J. I, HUNTINGTON, & Co., Abstracters and Conveyancers. IIAVK JUST COX PLCTKB AS ABSTRACT OF ALL Histoid. Titles In "Wasco County, and are prepared to furnish all desired infonna ' tion about titles to any land in the county on 1TOTICI. We also do a general Ileal Estate and insurance business. Persons having property to sell, or money to loan on approved security will do well to con sult us. TERMS EASY CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. ADDRESS, J.M. Huntington &Co. Opera House Block - - The Dulles Or. I'liKRY & JONES, rnocfiiKTOiui or ia lp w .t.nttr ti hud taj ujily el Cnoice Meats of all kinds. 1 Sausages a Specialty, ftp"ti! ttttnUon pJl to Furnlfliing Miilmen und Suppling Meat in Large Quantity, Don't Funjel the P'uut, HOOD RIVER MARKET. Oak street ofllce. next door to Of.iCltrt & Bone, mi ICS Removal Noticel '.'Jt UNDERTAKER,-' Wishes to Inform liis many friends and th publW generally that ho has rjnioved bit niKlcrtakintr r.'mns to MCKK1.SI!N'S NEW BfJLDINS Cornur Third and VVashinifton, Where he carries a full rtork of Terythlnj Med4 in that Imsintm. Orders by dispntcli, exjiress, mail 01 In person roinptlj attended to and satislnotioo guarantaed. Can ho seen an v hour of the dor or night at his rttfc lenoe, corner Fourth and Waihinstoa, ot plaos lusineki Hood River Market Still I REMOVAL NOTICE. M AIER & BENTON , The EBD FRONT Gro cers have moved to the cor. of Third and Union St. where they carry a complete line of staple and fancy Groceries. And also do a freneral commission business. Thankful for past favors, we solicit a continuance of the same af our new store in the old Post Office Building Cor. 3rd, and Union Sts. The Dalles, Oregon-