The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 21, 1891, Image 2

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;iEli. Oil., IT.1 ..I, le'el.
k.xocm:i () '.
Aa wcwiwi'jo wttns to tho n.;i -
I nation ol Uiel r.-emio comity inn we
jUviii it i-iHr to piv-vitl miih' of the
flU't hi t.U t'HM, tll:lt lV-ident. of
utlier portion of the county as well a
of this hoc! ion may have a fair under-;
, . ..
tun.Unofit. U wan mwiA tmu
the tlit, that every iiiciuIkt of the
Wasco acu-satton was inimical n
tlh Mm of tlio county, even E. O. .Mc-
Cuv ho wiw endeavoring to have a
p irtion of nddod to Sherman 1
Muntvso tliat Moixmhich ow.uvl i
princilxillv by him n.h;lU lv the
1 , , , , hy tac ne.v vol.-,
f.inl ohjtH'tioii to the M'givation of
th county iovn tliis vay. Mr. 1
Johnston the ivrx-sentativc of the!
Ikilanit' of tlio comity w lien approach
ed uUnit tliis Ul lvfiiM-il to iiiisilcr
tills portion of the comity at nil, hut
li'.imily obeyed llic ilictatcsof his mas
ter. He was requested, even though
lie sliould vote asrainst t lie bill, t slate
tnr position fairly which lie promised '
to ilo, but when the bill came up for
its thir.l ix'udmii he rose up in his seat,
nd lied more than Ananias. MclVv '
wis a passive uiveory to the net,
, , . ... .t. . -ll.. !.:.. i
the net 1
jomisu.ii uieet..o, i.uv, ,
In the senate Wat Wins -refused to listen
louny reasen, and iiui.-ted that he i
;ould and would kill the bill if he
-.iild, which by the way he tvuld not !
i. ..v.. ...:... Hi!;. hi tliut lie w.mld ,
j.-vt the bill a clianc', and would see
inallt w as not indefinitely postponed,
lie. fortunately Perhaps was not put
to the test. The delegation from The
U.ilies wo U'liovo did not make any
l.uiil uiruinst division, thoimh they no ;
(ivtibt cxpres'd their opinuius, with ;
tiics k- exet ptiou of I'.. 15. Mel'arkind,
to whom is due the fact that the bill
.,, ... ... ... . ,., :
was killed by lin'ellnitc pit w:".:;:cr,t.
J . , .
au!il!sou promised to let the lull o to
h vote, and we five 411111 erulit tor
keeping his word in tiiis respect. As
the roll was about to be called Welch,
of Clatsop left his t-cat mid Koinpr to
ilcKurland said: "You do not want
th:Ull d you".'" to which Mcl ar
aud promptly replied, "no, kill it."
Welch then made the motion to in
tietinitely postpone, which was car
ried. We believe the bill had u fair
uhow i;f pussinj; the house had it gone
to a vote, and we do i:ot believe it
touhl have been indefinitely post-
poiied had it et.1110 up at any other ;
1 J
time. The senate had just sent the
l'ortland eonsuleiation but to the !
house with .-siiue very ohjecllotiuble 1
uiiiendiueiits and the house: e- lH-ciallv I
the SI ultuoiiiah delegation were savage. '.
SIcFarland wi:s present in the interest!
of The Dalles water commission bill,
and hud been then, is yet, condemning i .y ollt lo ilMjk at it."
Johnston for trying to dictate to'lhei couldn't Jiud any one who gave the
Dalles what was best for it. lie was I signal, and tfnr we'd lia;'';i-il b.i. '.; to
asserting all the time that Tlie Dulles j the station 1 :;et to' more ai.-l
with its square mile of territory hud a : more, and I came to t'u-opmi'.u that the
right ;to say what it wanted, ami I bell was nmg l y rivvid-.-nct . T'.i. .a
that it was not the busine-s of any one i w V'U'::1'!'. ua lf, Uut
... - T. ,, , .... ; bellhaan t rung I d a tools tujni ad over
outside of Iho Dai'.es to inter ere. 1 . , tl ; . 1 ,1. , ,1 . ,,
... . r . iiuto the ilueat, and chopped tuna
W bile claiming this for 1 he Dalles uejaljrjtl, ,n hundred iect i::to the water.
dictated to the people of the 4'iO trpuare
miles of the proposed county of Cas
cade what they should do, and what
was best for them. We always knew
that MeFarland was only removed by
an almost imiereeptible partition from
the realms of driveling idiocy, but had
eupposc-d that the glimmerings of in-1
telligenee that occasionally gave proof;
that his intellect was really in work-1
ing order, were generally of a respecta
ble tendency inclining towards the
decencies. We were mistaken. The
balance of the county and The Dalles
have deckled that they had no use for
lis after the election, it shall be our
pleasure and pride to make it interest
ing enough in the future, that we will
be remembered. Our present deleira-
turn in the legislature will hear from
..... . .,, ,
this section and so will any one up for
ofhee who is suspected of being friendly
to any one of them. They have
diated us as their constituents, and
Uith the dirty scrub Johnston, and his
aiders and abettors are repudiated for
ikil tini. liv tbo iifoiilo r.f ti.iu u.r.tion i
General Sherman uinl Admiral Por
ter, two of the central figures of the
' late war passed away during the ast
week, the latter dying last Friday, and
the former Saturday. General Sher
man's body was buried as he desired at t
St. Louis. The lives of both are a
part of the history of the nation and as
-sued familiar to all.
We respectfully suggest that repre-
mutative Johi'.ston return to the j The invention is likely to prove of value
classic precincts ofDufur by the cele-1 not only to tho lecturers who use a lan
brated Uarlow pass, ruminating as lie i tern, but also (in another form) to those
plods along on the vanity of earthly ! students who wish to take notes.-Ex-
illTMir (.cniifM'l flu j-iTii' in ir
4i. lj fj WIIMUVIV.U Jll iuv
Oregon legislature.'
W'hm AVelch of Clatsop took the
ath of office as a member of the Ore
iXon legislature he evidently did so
with some mental reservations; one of
which was E. Jl. MeFarland at The
Dalles. '
A man not far from here sold his
f )h-in-law one-half of a cow and then
refused to divide the milk, maintain
ing that he sold onlj the front half
The son-in-law was also required to i
provide all tho feed the cow consumed j
nd compelled to carry water to her
lhree times u day. 7'iitirx-Moinfm'n
CAVr. TtlC .C.N'AL.
: iC IV M Tli;il !
'..iitrv.t.1 Arel.Vitt.
:..! vi.i.ln.vr.i und vn
chunee ihe i-itier day
M)ln low I. ! i ,'
i Tinted r.
i " A do;'., n r;i'i.
' ilueti rs r.i.'t 1 v
' ill ::.!
hamd U'tev.'.it T tli
1 u !i s.l lce:i 1.1 i ll: i-
(!: t 'hi a
,n(vrwi. - , tl lv, Un;i; "tin
n 1 1
day,-, ;;i:o hy, hut i ;i i'.i'.v
of fiunn v; t u m .
enjoy i:r.; ,::
d cyc-.i';h. v.'.; n..v
Ivrtli nvuiul I ho
Ts- lu'.atl.
. )-f-
was i in-ikd r.i.. ho li it'in. "I
,;m. , JM n,vr, U1 Ho,:; t'.uM r.! , ,a 1
)iV(,r ,,K, ,.vMil; , ..v1;tVU:, ....iday
W(.i.,,hj v,-.,s Uollui
Hk1 thin;,'
to doin' a
"l. ut i ycr.r .hut we'd ;;ot
oo.l I u.i.n i !.;'! i "'
tra ri-.num' r.n.l l.-f r.iy un a f. r a w'.:!,'.
"" iH.rhtfaU t-f tin. tunc. f It v.-as
V ,;,ft P '." , 1 . J'
own run, and I w:: t-'il'ii l.iu l" ;.i I
m u, Vm cv iuV uhu
.. oM li.xl some i i; :'.::y i .'al wcjalicr
ani iots ,,f w.-.tev f. !!. br.r tvacic w.i.i
hi pretty i:o,vl hapo, th u: a:ul we
dMu't nuu li tear v;.;1h'u!i. fro v.c Lcpi
r.p with the 'car.!' pretty well. On ihe
uitrht 1 i-poiie alout I was on No. ', V'e
had : heavy train. Ut the machine 1
had w;;s nile to ":Tot liierc' an i I wa I
n t'.me till we strv.c'.; a freight t'n:-.t
eonliln't take ih; ii:s. T'aey svn.;
HS Jown.' ami we ::c tr::c!;cl mini the
t'reaJit :iet away. I was pretty warn
over leii;-: t!.e time, and when wo lit
cut cf th, re I pull , I her ri.;lt vp to the
. i .1 ....... .... . ...
nou" un" " ' ' ' '
, wort u.
t,i;,,... f . (., f,,,.;v.V(.
,;. an lM.r au,i v.-he.i we n ached the
up,.ast of Wildcat t v..r1i'! te:rm a'.l
the way il.-wn. We were 'I '-iu !iah'
way to the creek vh n the 1 . '.1 ra:-.r. I
wi'rke.1 mi -ii'.y n-.ick. 1 it w:..i .'.own
hill and t'ne rail- veiv -e: ad I t.i.ln t
get Mi-ppe.l until t:i- !:!''. was almost
over the l-rhh'o -t r w !;eve tiie l'.i;:,:e
wurh.t t-i Vo Vmi-o v.-'.:iS 1 rtepp.-d the
lu-a:ii,;;.t was hhinin-r t-v. r a cbe.-t:i.
T'.ie Iriih'e was washed away. Uau!
Veil can tell 'boc.t 1
iivit. :iv
lireinan m arly !a:::te,l
;.ihi i .:-:t't tar
r we : .ipped I he
l'und '-'- " e
conductor, a f::srt ch;.;. wu.i n laney
lami) an I a rnhi-i r coiiar. cam" arnuMii
.. , .. ,. i., ... i
upwaci'.n to know win Ivt'.-v-l. tiu' l-.!i i i:i-,'. What .'.i.i
Voii Mill tin' rope lor .'" 1 says,
" -1 didn't,' say. L,-.
' 'Weil, who t'.i ':.''
" 'Mo cue,' tayj I.e. lu t. l:':o.
" 'Wtll. si'me 1 no p'l'k-.l it or I
wouldn't a, i s I.
"T'ne 'c fi k.o!:ed lit 1.10 ; minute, and
just then the Vral:-;ii;'.u taiiier.p.
" 'Did you pull the ii.;k'. Joe.'" raid the
" says Joe.
"Just tf a hu.lden a thought utruck
me, and I 1-jL.I the rakty' to ask the
porter. The Veen' liaan"t puih-d the
1 '1 .1.. . .r. v.: ; -l 1'-'. i-.-i V V:. ..
; . - -: " ;,',,...,. .
nu m1....t iiTit.I I lt-r-d'tl'm t-iiilv.a'.s
, with the -air.' 1 t.
the conductor
lroun.l to ttw frosit end au.l showed hiiu
the bridjee. ile v.y.s seared to il.-at'.i. and
we wei.t back toiether threia;,'!! ll.u
tiaiu to see who pi .lie 1 the Kh r: ;, but
'every mothers a ct i.jcin .swore 11
j wa.-n't touched. I bepm to get soured
i .,..,1 t. .1 1 ,,:,iO ti I.H.I '.
There wouldn't be anybody left to letl
about it. either.
"The superintendent looked into tlio
thing after 1 reported, and had me and
Joe up 'on the carpet' twice, but we
both heard the hell, and swore to it.
! CA.Tin .linr. tr.t- (i.f ! 1 ill'. I - V.l:m:l f 1 lit)
flmt'tho rcp;was tight .stretched,
and v,-e struck a low joiiit coming down
the hill, when one end of the coach
sagged, and the rope being ti;;ht it rang
the bell, but I don't believe it. It was
Providence th-.t did it, and I know it,
and I've neve, swore an oath since, and
never will." Kansas City Star.
They Turted to Zlent No More.
A clergyman called on a man who had
just lost his wife to of.'er hha eonbola
tion. "Don't fret, my friend," the clcr;ry
man said; "the time will r.oon come when
j you vm meet her never to part again."
-But parson,' said the man, "lve been
j t.; illld v,h;lt I want to know
j is which wifu nm j to moet -ncvur to part
repu-iagainV' Oram I to met both of thcin
j 'never to part again?' It strikes me that,
! if so, it will be a bit awkward. Besides,
I hated my first wife, for she was a reg-
mar vi.ieii
The cl-rr-man was puzzled what lo
gay, when man Buduenly brightened
up and exclr.imcd, almost cheerfully:
"I think it will bo all ri;,'ht, parson.
My first wife war, sach a downright bad
'un that I don't think there's much fear
of my meetrng her in heaven." London
A Liiniiiious Crtijoii.
A lnminoiif! crayon has been invented
for the pnrposo of enabling lecturer to
draw on tho blackboard whcri i.iio room
is darkened for the nr;o of tho lantern.
Schiaparelli, tho eaglo eyed astrono
mer of Milan, after satisfying himself
that Mercury revolves once on its asis
during ita revolution of eighty-eight
days around the eun, has turned bis at
tention to Venus. lie discovers, as he
believes, that she follows the tame law,
turning once on her axis while she makes
her revolution of 225 days around tho
sun. '
The slag of furnaces for many years
was dumped into ravinei and piled upon
vacant neius untu u mui accummareci m
va:st quantities, but nov it is being
mined again, i-e&melted in sorao in
stances, made into asbestos or used io
ballasting ioal;.
W..11M llrvn I'teJ.-vu-.l ivl'.IH.l.-.
I'l I i!v. Wei.'.i o l'oo t '.!'!'
it poor oil von.:n wl'cie M.."; 'i
lii'M;' i
The r.i..hio.iaV.y ihv ..e oin.i: w ooi r.i
thi; . h!" " e'd i-top;.'vi rt s'' w.i i v.'a'.';
in.: in r.iii;..iwa.y ii:i-l I"!.o I d.nv.i on a
r.e: tv-1 el I crone, the piclmo i f t'la.iler
iic.i id health, lb r i'.r. i i icliiiatieii v ;
lo ."i'l Mwiiv .'.! ein.,'.iv ! 1 1' '-i''' I'.OIU
t!'.,' micairij object, but pi.V J l'iAH.'.ed
an I sh. ;-::. i.
'I'm K'-i.':t 1"'-' ' ''' ?aim. i.iy...'lf.
IV.low m.i cud I'd point it out to jeu
W hen I re:'.ell i;."
Then r.'.io started t: n.caln. 1 t'.u oh',
woman 1 a-1 t n!y I ceil coutetit lo fellow
(;v.i.-lly the ot.n.: i :u v.e;;!d l a( lei,'
n'.,',h i;!y ii;n'.cd ft r I'.t f loudnn i
l y lh' o::vit-l,srer'. ef a IT-1' il I'.ei i!
done: but iho i '. I eno i":; ; i in a loud
siug-soiv; to 1 r.'iv." l'.i. Lord tor s"C.'!iu';
per i i l.uid r.ud be.ratifnl a lady to h ad
her to the home. ;
'tl'ory be lovlo l!" s'leahne.;; shouted.
"The Lord levt the onl i el' nil the ilead
behui.'in' to ye! May t!i.' luv.v. as bo
yer be.l, and every tier ii er heal a
cain'de'r i.m-l yer colii.i l h.;ht veto
clory! Holy mother sen I ye a lie'i hns
l aud and a lim b';: family ! " mid i en,
ll ihri:i:;"i crowded lVurev.uh ttivet. '
to the V;t am eemei.t of Tie ) op!., aad
l!i. ovevwUelmi'i.: coiifii .loiiof th. bash
ful ben-faeter, .'!lo colli 1 luudh' ie
Kt'aiii be'.s If froai rsumin : away. Now
I'.i'itlln; IMit tt.'.n-M.
There i a lirm i:i town that hive.t o'lt
Fihhv. To ,' i.-. a p -pn'.ir iinpr.' .-.i.m
that every f 'niily p..-e-- eia Ui'olo. a
l'iei ion-iry and a opy of :'.ia'a-;eaiv
This imprcii.--: "i, lik. iaaay pi.pular iiu
pre -si. v,i -.v.'m.i to bo an erro-i 'out iie.
The lub;. s thus hired o-.t a.'.' . :.;v;;siv
oil- s ei.h.lole t i !i in 1 oVi-r to u
f.isiiio'i.-i'o! el ;' :y;;i.i:i or a b. Ii-.oi, if a
church dignitary k.i I i. ; 1 1 a .t b.-hi'p ii
l ive', i.:.; the f.i'u-ly i i ; -eio:i with a
cad el i if. .'ao'l aa i: ! re .'m : f-
ligion.- op; in t!i; l.t'o of a f.i .-n.-ti-ni.le
f.r.miy a-- tV app -:r: ::.. .'of a t-i-hon
i- fs-.m'dy m n Ivruv. a:;d t'.i-'
l.'.ibl.- i v.-n re I :u p: ; -r ti ue. .
Th l n..'e-. l.. ! ..'-'e:i t'i. ei 1 an 1 n.-.f
te-t.-tnioiil iire.i.f cmrse. p.-rf.s-t!t blank.
r.!i.i if a iv;i:vvnMi'.v f th chare'.i
sh -a! 1 t :ia!i'. e to turn t them h would
Ii : 1 tia.t hi; l.i.vii. i.-'LL- fnead i w. re
a'.ar ,!y i!e.-.,,tue of ,;"l.eai- 'ical ree
tir.'..-. S l-.'Ii a hi -eov.-ry weal i -tri!:"
the l ia-.iiy to-. .von ! w i:h more h-.iTor
than il Vol:' 1 :.".; one i ho. TiioyM--.;!
w illhiif, ho.vev.T, t i !:t';o the ehaae-i.
Men who bir- oiit t's-' ih!'! tienie.iid a i
d".o.Mt -it I'V-'i v c -i ' '. i:::d,'- i a
ir.oht. lU- Y-rk World.
IJnl'.'il.i ll.-r.U u llnir ( Viitnrv Airn.
I thi.ik 1 can ,t."alv :iy that I f.iw in
that re'.i ei in one hiy moiv bii'Taloes
Lliau 1 have seen ef cattle i:i all my lif".
I have ? - :i t'.i.- plain black wiili them
for several r.e.y.i' j .ur.iey in f u a.t the
eyo cofil-T r '.'.oh. Til ey s-' aiel ! i be
coming i:o:".hw..r I con: inn illy from the
tlUar.t plains to the i'i '.f. b; -t water,
mid would pl'iiigi1 iii aa l swim a.ero.v-i
by ..o n-i:n r i'.: . weie they
that s'.iev t h.oi;-'e-i ii-.t only i'.r.' color of
the war. r, 'out it t ta.-;--. until it w.i:i n.'i
(it lo ('.l ink: but we h i ! to i.e it. Due
m':;ht when vo we'.v.- :;c.:::ip.'d on the
wiutli for!: of th- Flclte ta--;.- caino in
s".eh .Irove.i tliat wo l:a 1 t ) :at up i;.::!
fire gun.i an 1 make what fires we could
to keep t'i"!:i fro':i rimaiag over u-i and
tramplin..: us int.) ti ? i'.n :. We could
Jiear them t'm:: derin-; all ri ;ht long:
the ,;! r.:n 1 fairly tre:i.:i!o 1'i vast r.p
preaohiag b.:u;l;.. and if ti.i y ha i Mot
1 1 en diver'..-1 v.;; i i.ima.s and
t-mi;:ra':ii '. 1 have l."ea trodden
r.ttd-r.!i.'ir.fc -t. C. a. Jeh.i Khlwell in
i Co tit cry.
V. hut v i:n;;!:;:ii! 'lemlt.
It U i:itere:-fi:i::t.!;::o.r whut the
reading t r teiof sue'a a typical New
; Eiml.'.nd town Cpir.ig.'iel 1. Mas .. The
I civy report f iii public library i-hows,
of course, that work. i i f fiction are most
in demand, v. i t'.i E'm i Lyall, Walter
: F.e:-:a:it, I'.. T.v; Amelia D. Edwards,
W. D. Lov.'tlh".. An: ten. Amelia
Darr and f.'cotr. Dickon -i and Thackeray
;a.t.11n; mc-1 ;;(-ucri;lly l'-ad authors.
Ncrt to vork:j cf f.ction come biogra-
phy, travel.-'-, rciericc', education, history
j and thcohery, in the order named.
! Among historical work.t every thing re-
latin;: to ii:'; civil, war is greedily read
! by all cla.s-.e3, hr.t ( sp- ei.-.ily by (Irand
i Army men. In fact, it i s diliicult to
i Hupply tl'.e ih-mr.nd for snmr; of the.a'
j book:-'. Of rvfucli l;ooka, the one most
i read is Victor Ilugo'a "Lea Miserable:-;."
' The demand for (Herman books is light.
: !jhak"r-ic::r.; is read- riiieipally by the
pupilii of the public schools. Exchange.
j A rtl.'iciiil uii.l Niititral C,:n.
i Profr;;.i-:r ehaler i.i of the opinion that
j v.-liut i.i popularly t( r;:r.:d nataral j?:is is
1 destined to upeedy exhaustion, but he
i-thinks it,; eileets on the economic liieth-
t'dn of our rlvlliziit'iu are certain to bo
enduring, and that il:'; superior cleanli
nes3 and couvenienci'H.f ganaj a fuel will
' bring the wo? Id to the V;;;e of jnanufact-
iired gas f )r IV.el pr.rposei when the su
i ply of natural gas has given out, and in
: thoi-j'j hj-ali'iie:', when t'..'.o ffeolojrictJ
i formation if. such that tlio iiiscovery of
! nattirvl g'tii oannot bo hop:.'d for. New
: York' Telegraia.
j I.uiiliiii:.; Ior,v;ii'.l.
j Tommy i:i very hard on snoea and
trousc-r'i. Iliri mother im-'T.;t.'inJn this
! and governs herualf accordingly when
j she goes shopping.
' One day, while ont with another lady.
sho v.-as buying cloth for a pair of panta-
loonf; for Tommy, and ordered a good
deal more than tieemed necessary.
".Why do yoa get so much." asked her
"Oh," was th'i reply, "this is for re
served seatj." Youlh'iJ Companion.
X'tlllzilt'S Vt'iislc.
Blood b manufactured into door knolrs:
chuttcrs s'.nd dooi's aro r.iudu from wood
pulp; hawdiifiC is a mo:t useful article:
dust and dirt are transformed into multi
tudinous buildiug materials, while the
waste products of Hie gas house are more
valuable, if possible, than the origin."d
t.ub:t:.iHv.--Baltimore Herald,
iP.H't'.T 1,'lll't, -t .lull. 'II, hrt.
Norici-, res; priii.K'ATioN.
I', S. I. HOI 'II r:i K,
'll: l tl l.l.-i, 'l'., II, l.iliel' i, I' in.
N.'ll.-.'i-i h.-o'ln -,0m ii H ill I'l . .'iii'Hiin. e
Mini l oe . ... I ..en. o I li .1. I "i i '.'litre. ol
.1 Hie' .', Iv .'"I H le I "iiiu. I'l' i In' Mile ol
liml'.-i l.iiiu- in ln. ol t ulh"i nei. I He-
I hi, i!t-ll i.ll.l Mill "t"M I .-i I iloi
I '.lull I". Il'lvti, ol' I I'M. I lo.'i', ...nun .'I
M.i..'". viiiie ol Ho .-."ii, l.a I 'n .1 i.v II le.l III
I lll .'i'l' c lie " oi u M.I I "ii I lit no. Ii' I, lev I'l.'
iniivlm ' ol the n. i' lae.'i .1 I I .', ...'. ii"ii Iii, In
low a. Iili so, iiu i Hi, I'.nu-.e vo, ! en. i, mi I
will ell. i' ('I....I 1. 1 .i..m- llim Hie Iii ml von I I Iv
iiiete'ti' loi' llv lutilit r ,.t viimi' tliuii l.ii-
II. 'll. Olllllll -IH' , mil lo oiimli Ii lilv
. I'll I'l In v O'l In m I I 'el- -i e I lie 1. 1- ' ;vi , i it I i'l I,,'-
eiive.'.'l llll 1,. ! ill I he On 'Ii , I ll i 'mm, on
I Inn v.l'iv , Hi.. I :ili il:i oi I'. Iii iiiu'v , I sul.
It - ii.i.ii. -v ii i Minn ..-.: A. I,. riiel., 1'. I .
.1 ', I .' . I e ll. i kill li m I .1 . I', Mm m. l , nil m
10. "I lliu'i, no son.
'iv iiii. I nil I'.' n-e!.iliiil;i.: si'i.iivrlv t li
ill. n e 'lee e.l I lll.l III.' I . '. 1 1 le I ." I t.l 111.'
t in' l- i'l, lllll III I !n - i'l!ii ' oil er li.'.ol.'
I. ill ol I i In il'O l , I l.
.i 1 1 : . n w . i s.wis. ue.'.t .i.'i-,
i'l'-mii r I m;i. I, . I Jem' l, I c. ..
NO t H i: l-'Oi; IT llldl'A 1 ION".
I'lill.-il SI. in v I m l I'l.t:. .'.
"ie lllliev, .'..ii. I I. lelcr IV, vl,
..ll.e l-lli-ul'l ;-'.ll llliil III iiMliei'lOler
M II ll III.' I'l-'O v I, ill. .'I I lie il.'l ... I ' 1 1 . ..
lime 1. Is.S, i iinn.' l " n in I let- Hi.' vine ..I
t.'ilH.I loi Iv 1,1 I ll-' (lull-. .( I '.llllu I 111 I, I lie
t.ill, Ne:l.lil, illl.l iv'l.n 0'in lei I'liiTi ,"
s- .1. l'lieli, ..I ll'.n.l liiM-i', eui'lill of
iv o, vl.ile i'l I l ..-.ill, l.e II. il.l III. -I III
I ' liv mi lee ln v. urn vijtl im ie ti ". hU, l-i'- I lie
n'i. ll l ..' ol Hie vmidevi .1 1 . hi fc.'i-llini lie. i,
"oi I m 'i -toe no. I ni r'n, i-.O'..;'1 iiu I' .'it . I. int. I
IV ill .'Kef H'.t"l lo vllil.l III.! .in' l.illil vni'.illl
i l. I'll' .'.'-1 I I'le ,"i- It v I til ill r i'V -I i iltf 1 1 1 .1 11
:er ii'Ol- nit noil ;n.-.ev, i,u in.viiiliii-!i hiv
i limn I" -e.ut Inn I I- i 'l. Hie i;,--,i.'i mi l Ke.
ii'IM- ul t'll nil, ii' ill I'll.' I M' i. I iV.;"ll, on
i .' : liev.ln - , I lie .'t ll .t.i.v ill l-'i'l'l 11,1 i'l , I VI,
lie Until. v uv llilllev,..: I'. I', tlil-li, I'. I..
i"-, I.. . iO.-l:.'li iiu.l M. I '. I jo , all ul' Itom!
Iliv.-r, v'li. ,
l-i mi I m'I I'ev.miv e liimii :iilv erveli the
li' ili-veilh' I I'l'., , ,u, I-, .il. -I -il In llll
III. 'II . l ioiiv in ll,Ui'l!i,'.il ill' lii'..r.. -i-lil Ulil
till V III I 1 III Hill 1 , IM'I.
.I 'MII W. I I ., It.Vl- t T.
i I'ltnU-r I ji.i l. Ai l .lime I, v, v.
Noiifi: loi; iTiu.H Ai ion.
I'lllti' I .V...I1.-V I ;lil'l I elliv',
'l'h ' I i.i lie-, 1 1 eve hi, ' i. -In! i !, '.v'M
S'n'li-i' I-. Ii i i:i' ii llml In .'"i'i" em
H llll I lie I'l ul iv.. inv i,l I lie net i. II ii, I-',
.1,111-'.. li.'v, leolllel "In in t t,n 111 .l
tl.'ltt.r I'Oii. :lt tin v:;ile .il I' ie.f.,i l.l t. i Me. !
nil, Nel.ili. illl I 'I .-. -'ill: !"ll I'.'l t il'H I , '
Vil-I'll I . I'll. ''v, ol' li.iM.I lll'er, e-.H't'l t.t J
'.'.-. .. .1, 1 1 ' -'I 1 ' C'H. Il'l t'liv lllll III'-1 Ol j
t 'tis , illlre I''. i it n, I ui ul ,sn !,)', 1 'I- t In", i
I 'I I ' e 1 1 .1 ' ul t lie It'U! lo. '-t 1-1 ol .'-.'tl-ill S'l I I, I
!il I .1. '1 vine N-. 1 It .1 ' 1 1, 1.1 ll ;e n.i. II .- l, illl.l I
w ,,i . , 1 1 , -1 r.. i t. -:.,i. ii.ti tiie hunt v iti-oit iv j
m iiiu Oii im- iiv tine,, t-1, r .linn- tit.ttt ii.t
e '-le'iitiH'.'il cm e.-, 'oil In . vluiill-li hu I
i-i. .mi lo .--cl Inn I lii' i'ie til" K'-riio-r lonl Iii-- I
,-, 11,1' ol lilt. hIIIi e ill 'I he I i.l I lev. I n .' ul, oil
Villi' -liitl , t In- I il ll il l! ul I 'e'ii lllll',. , KM.
Ue ihi'ii-i iiv i, 'it.. ... : r. IV I'.-iv'i, ('. I
.ir .-, .1 ilei M.i: i.l' i mil .11. !'. lev, i,;l..l
II.-.-1 K'vi- . i "-I.
An. iii I -i 1 1 ; ' i -'in i'li ! nr. ; ,i. .llli. i I III. I. itre re. , -. e . . .-1 In 'Il.'l
the I- ei ii -uv iii (lit. mil. i. li in-1. ...ii'Mi I I ll'l ;
.1,1. ol h i 1.1-.:. H i , v.
I'llot V, I . .v i i:..-:.... r
; Yiml.i r 1 iiii'l. Ael .lion- I, l:t !
NOl'K'i: l-'oi: ITJ'.l.M'ATIoX. j
I 'lilt' 'I M:
Till' I'' . '
I ill I ( HM. e,
ul. I H t tli.'r IS, I '
N " 1 1 1 ; 1 1 - :!:'ii 1') il II t .1 !. 1 1 - ;
1 1 'i I 'i' I'i " ii' ei -l l .1 .i.-l ul .'iiii.rr.i in i
.1 11 It." '.. NT ., I ;.,;,. I - H It. . ll I' til.' Vltl- Mf )
li;i,li.T l.-ilel. il lie- nt v ' l :il',!i. liii.i, l It'.-
-mi, sVi it I i im I W.lvii. 'I'.'l- , ' ,;. .1.111,1 He
ii'l -ll, HT I I'.H'I It 0 ''I .'.I II-II ' y I if .'.IV. V.. t,l4- i.
I i'i .-ui. h. lli'v il.n tile I in lhiviirti' 9 hi
v'.v.iitt vi.tii tin'iit v,i, ;l,, .i' t'le IHIIillJ I ,
III.' vnjll ii.- (! I I ..I v.-.-ti.ill N.I. Ill, Ol t'HV II II j. i
Nm. I tl'.t tll, 1,111;'.- Nil. 1 . nvl. .Ul I II il- M.h '
. I to il"in ill tin- i'.oi I;ll Iv ..,v
.il , ki I 'ie inr 1 1 1 1 mil- i ,,r so nie f an n f tr iu i
i llhlll i'l l.-.l: ii'i-i mi l t.. t-..tllivlt h.v el. illl! 1
I I .eii i'l I 'i,-.iiv til,' I,-. ! I- lll .l lie elvei
ni lie-i '.,.- ii l I'll- I '.ille -. i ire ' el, on i';e.l v
,l n, lie lllll ijv ul l i lir mi-., v.i. j
11 ii nm - :i-. m l ii'-.e: 1. I.. I , i. -1 ' '-. I. I..
M .! v... f , N-;il -1-;',, :ul 1 I l '. Miir,.le.. , .ill nl
ll'i.i I It i it, I e i " HI.
Am io.i'l inl "i v .uv el.-.;:. il'i-.' iitvrv.'lv the
lllvivi liven!i-l In lull i'le r. I'li'vli-'l t" h in f
tl.eil l I.i I III V l!l 1 It!- I'M .el nil Ol' Intnl.- Villi I I .tit i
ll.IV Ml !- , il Ui4l' . I 'I,
hi.' IN V. I.KWIS, !'..-;-,rr
I ' I i 1 1 1 1 m r l.iiii'l, A' t .f line , i-TX.j
NOTH'K Toll I'i l'.i.U'ATION.
t'. S. I.IMI ( l : o r, l
TltK I". I. t.l V. O'-., I lh'l.- H, ISiNl. ,
nM--e I. li. I'elo' ti .','11 tilill Hi i'Hliiliiinert
M nil tit OV'M Iv'l'IIV '. tin- :ti I of t'liii-t-i-v.
.1 -1, I Tv, eiii i' ! I "u ml tor I hi' vile of
v": ! I'l'iiif';: nh,', r,,t
iliik'ton TvrritMry,"
l ei, it!'!' liill'Iv in ! ie-
L'Mll. Neie'l Mill Witvl
I ii.ii lev I .. M n-. ol' Hum ! Kio-r, eieinty ..f
Wiiveii. .-liite ul i lr- -i'i hi , litis 1 1 1 m ihiv ll'e.l In'
! Hi V iiiliee hi . SM'i 1111 vl-ilelilelll, Sil. I'O, Inr I lie
'i l re ! li i -' i.l the I '. ! N. W. ' i Mi'l "v. V. t of !
ti.,. . W i ,. mill S'.'W. '. i.f S. v. '. of '
t inn Nn. ei 'i'Munviiii Sm. i, . r.iticH '.' I:., j
inul M ill oiler piiil hi vlio'i- linn trie liiml
v. hi '.'hi iv iiini-1- v ill un I. It- for It . I im her or 'ion
thilll for UL-I I'-llll .41111 I'll 'Imvi-v, liil'l In 1-vitilll-
I:- ii hiv eliiini li. vi, t 1 l.iii.l U-r-.r-.- Ine Ih'-lvler
1'lnl II i it ;t I Hi i mllei lit Tli" ! litllev, I ire-
i"ui, oti Wi-ilii' .'liiv, ill' !'-'lh ilny of l''hnuoy,
He iiioik h tri n-lin-v-e: A. ,. I'lieliii, nf
I Ii hi I I', i IT. I ll'.: ('. I'. IS'l.vh, of Hood IllMil,
I it-.: .1. (.' Murk ley, nf lino F I over, ( n.; I.uvy
.i-il:-i'.li, of Ihuiil In vi. I ii.
Anyi:;'i nil jiitviiis eliiiti l i,.; tulvervly llm
llhiivi.' It-sor J 1 1 -i1 liill-'Sv !i;-i r''ltev!cil Im lilt
their eliilins hi I hl Mtlii-eini in lii..n Mihl I'.'l li
the.' of l"Vl.i't;:ir.,', HHI.
JuilN V. I.KWIH, iteelstiM-.
I TiniU r IjmhI, A.-t .liiiie."., IHT'i.
NOTicn i'on ri m.K'ATiox.
I'uito'i stui's ljitui oaii
The Lilies, i i, i-,;on, H hiher H, 1SH0.
v'Hitc I.v heri-Jiy Kivrn tliul 111 iiiiiilliitne
w ill Ihi' hrovi.vioiiv of Hid net of 'iiiinnui of
.Inn, .'I, lv"S. i-iitltl.-il "All net fur the Main of
1 oiiher liiiiil.v In III'.' Stales of Ciillfoi-iilii, Oro
I'on. M'Viiihi mi'l W.!.-hii.'ihiii Territory,"
M iry Miirliley of Hool I'.ivcr, eoiinly of
W'n.v'eM, ta!(' of Ore; Iiiih this ilny l!led In
thivolliee hi:i fiivoni Miili-nietit, ."vo. Wi. lor the
)iiiri-liu:.'t of the N. I '., l-l of H'eliim No. :!'J, in
toii tehiji So. 1, iiorlli run;;" No. (I K.,uii'l will
oil'-r pioof to vie e.l- thiil the hold Nought Im
inure vjihnihlc lor lU t itnh'T or Klotii' than for
ie.:reiil!ural piii'iiosev, and to slahlisli liln
eliiim id vnhl lllllil hel'ori! till) He-tivler illl.l Re
ceiver nl Ihl.v ollice ul Tin iliallev, dr., on
W'e'lnewlav, Hie I Jl i i day ol l-'chriiary, lsih.
llelllOUCS ll.v wit lic:ive;: A'. I,. I 'lit I j is, (,'. J
Ihish, ('. 1.. and Levi NchIcIkIi, all of
Iloiid Kiver, Ore-j-in.
Any and all ieioii:i cl.ilmliia adversely tlin
i 1 1 1 ' i v ileverihed IiiihIh urn reiiMiHted hi llh)
their ela iin:i in lliisoiheeon or hffoi'o Nil Id I'-Mh
day of l''(;f)i'.:ary, s:n.
fill IN V. I.f: WIS, 10'Klstor.
I'inihivr I .iiu.l, Art. .Iimo 3, IH7S.
Tin:, dr., OeloIxT .''), 1V.I0.
NoOec in lierchy H'lveii Ihiil in eoinnlliiiiet.
with the irovivlotiH of the act of I'oiiKi'evK ol
liiiie i'eHTS, iriil itled "An not fur tlif. Kale n
tiinher l: mis In the .-litei of 'alifornin
drci;oii, Nevada, ifnd Waf'.ilii'.'ton Terrltoi-y,''
I.cwiii I-). .Morse, of Hood ltlver, ctninly of
Wasco, slate of di-i;on, lias Hum day
Hied in tills otli.-e his sivoi'ii stalonicn! No. s,
for the imrehiin" of lhenoth ,, sonlheii.vl. l-i,
Hout liwest, 1-1 sunt iieiist. 1-1 and soul he.isl l-l
soiilhwesl !-l of seel inn No. ;y, in tou nshi)
No. I north, ramie No. !) cast, anil will oiler
jirnul' lo show llml the land Nought is more
vnlnahle for its tiinher und stone tliuii "ior iik
l ieiilliiral pni'iioses, and lo e-ilnlillsli lilseliiiin
lo said land hi"or the Keelster and Keeeiver
of I Ills ollice at The li.-t lies. Oregon, t,n we.Inus
da v. the day of l-'cl.niary, l -llll
lie. niones in vvilnevsos: CI'. Ihisli, M. 1".
I.o.v, I;vl Ncalcl-.'li (Old Austin 1.. Pltclpx, all
of ilood Hiver, dre;;on.
Any and all persons claiming udvcrseiy (he
nhnve ilesei iheil lands are re'iuosled to llle
Iheir i-lalins In Ihls oil'icc on or heforo suid
l-'th day of l'ehrtiary. IS'.il.
.IOIIN W. I.KWIS, Register.
A lancewood fishing
wood case. Return lo
receive liberal reward.
in square
of lice and
urairf TTrr.
n wiJ mi i
,- lio Mil' I'OiKiil'J' THAT
Aro Soiling Out Thoir Entiro Stock of
X - A
Men's Furnjshing
cgrcircllccc ox Goaty
ISTo-w Ic; 3ro-sa.r tlrrxc to "b"U.3r
A Complete Line or
Flcur end Fc:d,
i Largest Clothing: and XSorchant Tailoring Houso
j o - "-'
GCO T PrSlllSr) slin Ami-hi r Il.t-l l;tv.-r nnl Vli-luuy.
COM K and Fee Snuples nt ( 'olnnibla liall; U Is no Trouble to Kliow Tlitm
2To S1d.ccLcL3T G-codc.
Opposite the Stock Yards Near City Ilrewery, Till'. DALLlvS OU.,
Civil Engineers
All kinds of surveying" promptly at
tended to. Special attonli.m (,'iven to
jilnl finr acre projierty. rriecs i-satim-aide.
Adilrrns I'oam 4, v. Corner Scrotal
mill Witsfn'riJff.nn, Mx. 'orlmid Or.
Goods etc., etc.
- .OREGOii
J. I.. ZICflUH.
PP3 EF3 (f
NOTION'S etc., otcM
$L 'Builders, .
b. L
succi;as(ii to k. isi;eic.
Optical Goods.
Fino Watch Repairing a Spec!-
Second St.
The Dalles. Or.