-: -;.-.!-'-r-yT. ' iV". 3food.iycr Slaci er. nOOD-KIVErV-OR, Her Rival s - Valentine ; Without any desigivlhe'y left' Vida to her ,elfi but in it she saw a systematic avoid ance of her. . , Conscious guilt prompted the thought, and ; In her heart she hated and despised them all. ,'. v.. -" V r! ; ., . V',..' . Shortly after ten o'clock she stole away to . Juer room ana shut herself in. Then she took a retrospective vlotf of her past, and it wasnot at a)l satisfactory; iihe saw the mad folly she had toon guilty of, and repented so far as regards herself. She was sorry she had woven siich a ter rible net about herself, but did not regret the misery and pain slfe had jtfven to others. - "I would do It all over again': she said .fiercely, "only J would do it hotter. I am not a Moore there la nothing soft, or gentle, or forgiving in me.'Jt is riiy mother's blood . the blood of the ora.CastUlans. that burns in my veins. - .,';.; .''-, : "We love tip well for oursolves, and hate' too thoroughly for thfi'fe who thwiirt us." By-and-by Kulh came and knoqfctd gently : -at her door. Y ' .: Y' . : - 'Vida dear, are you asleep?" ' - Vida iyould not answer, but stood quite still, with a scornful smile upon her face, suitU Ruth went away. ' .;'": ' , ' f !'I cannot play the loving cousin to-night," 'she muttered. "If she' had come hi, the temptation to stab her might have been too great." -Y, - - Y From the folds of her dress she took cut the "small, highly-tempered dagger with , -which she had taken Bardolpii Dimsey's life, The keen 'blade was in a leathern sheath, and removing it, she held the glit tering dangerous toy at arm's-length, and looked at it with a fierce light burning In the depths of her dark eyes. ' ', x. "You were a' friend to '.me," she. said. "You saved me from a fate more bitter than . death. By-and-by, whAi panned Into a cor ner by my enemies, you shall save me -again' , )' . " ; Y", ' .' ','; re she slept she had recourse to one of 'the bottles on her toilet-table containing an " essence that has been the bane of many wo- men. The- dangerous indulgence had be come the habit of her life. . ' i Unconsciousness of things around her she obtained,, but it was not blessed sleep that , came to her aid. . :-. ,' .... ' '. . It was another tageof consciousness, vivid and horrible. Y ! The dreams of the opium-eater , were .not more terrible. -YJ ..-'' "' ' " Like him she felt an unnatural lightness, , and yet had the weight of the . Atlantic in her heart A bright light surrounded her, and yet it seemed akin to unfathomable '-darkness. ; ' ' - " .'' Y - - Y. '"- No one was visible but she could hear the tramp of men as If an army were passing by, and the shriek of women in peril 0 shame and death. , v She was not here or -there lu any particu lar place, but In many f .imiliar scenes at once, and . it seemed to her as if he spirit had swollen to infinite size and was surging to and fro like the restless sea. , . What words can depict the horror of Such -anight? And it is no wonder, then, when she awoke and found daylight had come . that she hailed It as a friend. ... t "If that is sleep; which I have endured," she said as she looked forth from the case ' ment, "I wish to sleep no more. Let me be wakeful and watchful to the end." 1 ;', A bird on a tree close by began to chirrup a morning-song to its mate, stimulated by the early sunshine. , ., ," '.,' 1 She listened, but its sweetness of sound found no "echo in her heart. . , . - - "The .little feathered fool," she said, "be lieves in love. But' at the best it Is but a' fleeting tiling. ' ; . "Summer will soon pass, and when the ' cold of winter comes, your mate will leave you.. But it is, perhaps, something to be loved a while. Even one brief hour of love has been denied me." .'. ' i ' , ' CHAPTER XV. i Y , THK DAWH BREAKING. ,Y'" ' The secret of Basil's expected re turn leap . ed out, and all the country was ablaze with It"., , .' ' ' ' ; '- - '. . The news reached the ears, of the inspec tor, and he smilodRS he thought of his words coming true. Y' : r . . "But what could have taken him away?" he thought; "had he anything to do with the death of that gipsy fellow?" - ' - It was possioie, oi course, anu me lues was as good as any other -that had present ed Itself. " .,, v .- The murder of Bardolph had remained a complete mystery up to that time, and the police had absolutely no clue. . . Now the inspector thoughtthatsometliing might leak out ' w , , -. "I'll ride ove nd tee how the land lies,',', he -thought, and in the afternoon of the twelfth he appeared at Briarwood, and en quired for Mr; Brandreth. ,' "Gone to'fiordonfells," he was told, and to Gordonfells he rode without delay. ; There he asked for , Mr. Moore, and as he was being shown into the library, Vida pass ed by. :'' ' ': ' ' . :'.. '."' ,'. - ! She knew the man, and a hot flush.passed over her face.as he bowed and said: ... . : , i "Good-day, miss.'' , - . . It seemed to her that his eyes Had a por tentous meaning in their depths, but it was a false alarm. . . . He had no suspicion of the prohd hand some woman who glided by, and was busy 'comparing her with rather a plain wife he had at honie as lie entered the library. . - Mr. Moore gave him good-morning, and bade him be seated, t - .;. t "I've come to you, Mr. Moore," he said, "to take the liberty to 'ask you for a bit of advice." . - , - V . , . : . . . "A strange thing for the doctor to Come 3to the patient," replied Mr. Moore, smiling. "Well, so it is, and it's about Mr. Basil Brandreth, Mr. Moore. ' I hear he Is coming back." - . '-.. A',. : "Such, indeed, is the case." V . . "May I ask when he is expected?" n "To-morrow." v, ; . - . ..u, , . . .;"Well, .Mr.' Moore, duty , is duty,- as' you kriow." ;"' , ; "Assuredly it is." ,, .'':"('',' "And I must do mine. . If you will ex cuse me, I should like to'be here to-morrow to ask Mr. Basil Brandreth . a few nuos-' tions." . - ' , I "I don't know that there is any partieular objection to your doing so.i'fyut it would be better if you waited until the next day.". i "Mr. Moore, duty is duty: I must know why Mr. Basil Brandreth went so suddenly awav." -. - - - "And suppose he does not choose ' to tell you." ' r . ' ','- "I shall arrest'him for the murder of Bar dolph Dimsey.'the gipsy, Mr..Moore." Mr. Moore stared at the unmo'ved inspec tor, who went on in his business-like tone: "I've ascertained that the gipsies left here about the time of young Mr. Brandreth's dlsannearance. unrl that Rardolnh Dimsev did notgo with them, nor was he seen abuuC here after that tune. Mr. Basil comes back alive, and as a matter of duty I must kno.w where he has been, and what he has been doinsr." ' - : ' '; - ' "But'lie has given his word not to 'say anything about it, said Mr. Moore. -"Sorry for that, Mr. Moore," said the in spector; "but I can't allow that to interfere with the course of duty." . ; - Mr. Moore was nonplussed. He could see that the situation was likely to be rather complicated. : V . He had do fear of Basil having to suffer for a crime of which ho was undoubtedly innocent, but he could not dear himself without breaking his word, and with a lot of publicity that would be eminently disagree able. ; ' t ;',-.- "' ' ' 4" '!' " '-. "Would you like to see Mr. Brandreth,, Dennis?" he asked. . " : - '.'No, unless'ho is prepared to give me the explanation I crave, Mr. Moore." .' ' "T am afraid he is not. at liberty to do that.'1, . .'Am ;V . ..1 . . "Then I miist wait until to-morrow.'.' i f ' "And not until tjie next day?" "No, Mr. Mogr.', I dare not" . ,: -He. rose up, and bowing, asked If Mr. Moore had anything to ask him more. On receiving an answer in the negative he took "As he was walkiirs: through thejiall on his way out he m t fhoabe, and being sus ceptible to feiualu beauty in a rustic as well as a refined form, he stopped to exchange a few words with her. , , ' "Fine day, miss," he said.' r ' . ; "Very line, Fir," replied Phoebe. V "Good news tlilV about Mr. 'Basil Bran dreth." . ... V y i " T'" : "' a Phosbe smiled, '. "Very good news," she said. v . "And rather unexpected 'too. Curious thing his going away, anyhow." v "He didn't go," said Phosbe, "he was taken away.'.'. sc?'s&!fi"'-' 'Oh, indeed," returned the Inspector. "J should like to know wh took hijn." i "No doubt you wonuv" said Phcooe pertly; "but you won't at least, not from me."' "Oome now." said the insnector. "let us. be friends, and have a littie cnai togemer. I've got a wife at home, but she's ailing, and can't be long for this Vorld. 1 shall want a number two one day." 'And If you do. what- then?" asked- Phoebe. .- ' - . ' ' '. "Why, I should come to Gordontells for her," he answered. , .- " 'Would you, indeed."' said Phone, with a mocking, curtsy; "but wouldn't that be a waste of time. ' Nobody here would allow you to throw yourself away." - ( "We will see when the time comes. 'Now just tell me if you know anything of Mr. Brandreth." v - ". . - r. '.,'. "Of course I do I" v ' ' "He was fond Of gipsy company, .wasn't he?" .a'-: i '".':': '..! - i " f'Goodness gracious, no I" exclaimed Phoe be. "What nonsense you are'talking I" . ... "But'you have seen hiui talking to a gipsy girl; come now, haven'j; you:"' , " "No," said Phosbe; "and Fm afraid that Mr. Moore has been giving you wine. or you would not talk such rubbish. So 1 will bid Vou good day.'V ,. . " n i i . .. . k r j i , , , n, .. ..J lie UlfSpt'UlUl WUllli Ult illiiU ever. io was groping aoout in tne aarK, and had no idea which way to face so as to get out of the mystery. But as Jie said, duty was duty, and with regard to iJasu his course was clear.'' - -Y'-v - - ' - - As the whole country had rung wltn tne . storr of the mvstoiioUs- murder iii the bel-' fry, an elucidation of the affair would be of j material proiessionai service lomiu. Apaiw therefore, from tlie sense of duty, he had his own interest at his back to urge him on. Of course Mr. Moore did not keep the In; terview a secret He saw no reason for do ing so, and Mr. Brail Ireth- was soon after made acquainted with .what had passed. He laughed at the idea of Basil' being guilty of the gipsy's' death, and Mrs. Moore smiled at'it;but they were one and all: uneasy. There was still so much of the mysterious attached to Basil's story. -. ' ' . Vida was admitted by Mr. Moore to tne discussion which followed, and only Euth kept in ignorance of whqt had passed. 'She has suffered too much already," saia Mrs. Moore, "and it would be cruel to antici pate further evil." -- ' - '.' -'. Vida earnestly advocated Basil's inno cence, and succeeded In allaying Mr. Bran dreth's suspicion of herself, If indeed he en tertained any. She also suggested some-, thing that was at least very reasonable. - . "I think," she said, "that the fellow must have been making love to some girl, and, having betrayed- her, paid the penalty or his falsehood with his life." , , "I never thought of that," said Mr. Moore. "Nor I." said Mr. Brandreth, "and it does not appear to have suggested itself to our friend the inspector." - ; ; : " '' Mrs. Moore quietly said a i "Our rustic maidens are not given to as sassinate their false lovers. They may weep, and go to the extent of taking their own lives in the nearest pool, but they have neither the- brains no; fhe resolution to avenge themselves In tt manner suggested byVida."!-''1'.;- ! --;.; . , 'Tt may not have beea rustic maiden," said Mr. Branfreth. j - i . ' , Who else &'ould lien to that, class of vagabond?" said Vida kntemptuously, but sheiwas whiter with - slden fear, and her Troice had losi half the nsic- df its tone. . -'Mr. Brandreth--agajilooked at her with curious earnestness, an with a puzzled air. He was like a man wif a problem- before him, of which he kneWot even the direc tion o' the answer. ;: j1: ;':'; -'':.' . -'-, . The changelir Vidaras--noticed also by Mrs. Moore, and Wherihe had' withdjawn from the little circle tl retired,' she said ; "Vida has not beerwell for some time past; I wonder what her?'.' . - "I have noticed, ijalso,'! replied Mr.1 Moore, "but women oiier age are change able. It is the unsettl era of their exist ence." , ': . - - ; ... And so the subject is dismissed. ,; The morning of tlieirteenth of February broke unpropitiousIyThere was a heavy murky sky above, ana mist below upon ' the earth. The little ind that rustled the buddings trees was ra and chill. ', r ' Among the fust to Imoving was Phoebe; and it was evident blier heavy eyes and feverish air that she ad passed a restless night . The corridorVas still wrapped in gloom when she erepp Bath's door. - Listening intently fc could just hear the soft breathing of tliSleeper, and clasped her hands ink thankfiess. For days she had been haunted withe belief that Vida would in some way $mpt to take the life of her younz mistrea .. . , ,! ,'-. , , ; Long Delore tne ' ual nour sne qmetiy entered Kuth's roomnd without disturb ing her proceeded tojst and arrange it " Euth awoke earli thari usual, and for the first time duringier long trial, showed nervousness. J. : j.. ' . ",";''.- "' ' She had borne up Ively through suffer ing, but nowHhat joyas. near at hand she was in danger of breing down. : "Won't you come f a walk, miss?" said Phoebe; "it's foot so le as it might be. but 'the air will d you gd." : , "iNot until Alter Diktast, .replied Kuth.- "And when iyou i miss, may I attend 'upon you?". : .) . '' , "I do not think It 1 shall need yon, Phoebe." ,'i? .'!;-'.. j v's'. : "It is a fan" of 'ne,. missj' urged' the girl. "Now tfcat MjJasil is coming back I feel as if I jwas gig to part , from, you, and you have . -een kind to me." ' ' r t ""Nonsense, Phoet" said Euth, smillngj "1 am hot going to ft with youf and If 1 have been a good itress you have fully deserved all you hareceived from me and more."' . '. j : : ' i "It's kind of youisay so, miss, and" I'll ask it as a,favor jt) you will keep me by you if you go, out toy.'' - " ."Very well, Phaj" said Buth. Vida appeared s'tly after, and seemed to be In the rhuJt spirits. Sho rallied Kuth on her pIef4ks. "Fiohwu yea &ep "and so rob yoJclieeks ot their, rosegl Basil will scarcesnow you." ' : "I shall be bet soon," replied Ruth. V The feeling ofjitatiuii was - not confined to her; it pervdl the whole household, from Mr. Moorathe servants. 1 ' ' - ; Only Vida w;film and self-possessed. She was reyoa in the course she had decided upon ; he needed was the oppor tunity. Promjjby her embittered feel ings she was rifed to turn the joy of that house into moifng. ; ; ., ' ' "He shall coi there, .with a heart full of lover's yean she said, "and find her dead." . .. She had the. ll phial filled with poison In her dress-p t ready for use, but sought In vain for an (y opportunity for using it - At the breaLMable they sat apart, and afterwards Eipressed for a walk. "l win go wyou, saiu v iaa. . . , "Do, dear,"ii Euth. , .. . ' i -Vida went stairs, dressed, 'and came down again tfd not only Euth ready, but Phoebe also. ! .. . ' - - ' "Do you wjthe girl?" she added, i . "It Is Phoe) farncy, '.' was Euth's reply. Vida turncihreatenihs flash upon Phoe- bei but the gid hot quail. 1 In what she had sot hei sP do she was as resolute as Vida herself" :. .':':. ' ' , There is (ity'of time yet," thought Vida; "I ha) whole day before me." i s f ! . , ...'. , - ;. SAPTEB XVI. . . ' ; - daylight. ' -' - They wal'to the" village, visited some of the old ife, -and alter discussing all the prevailjulments returned to Gordon- fells.. , .'..- ' ,. - LuncheoM ready, afid they simply loft their hats inantles in the hall, and went in. . I,.. . : i Euth drpnly water, and Vida rallied her uj)on i - ' . - - "You wpea a little stimulant before Basil eomjshe said ' "It will never do to meet hrith the face ot a ghost" . -. - Tt is BWh,o will bring back the roses," said Mr. Je. - , .. , It was, the whole, a dull party. All were strUP to a pitch of excitement that kept tlipbm talking much, and, occu pied witlfir own thoughts and specula tions, tWt for the most part sik;nt. Just af meal was concluded, Barker came in(i his face a picture of joyous vivacityBgling'with solemnity, aild laid an envelcontaining a telegram by Euth's side. ..-"::' ' '' :'-.'.' v -'- 'Mesfr waiting to hear if there is any answer said. . Y Euthied the envelope, glanced at its contenld passed it to her mother in si lence, fds f. tiled her at the moment Itwsfckly handed .round, as a look sufficebsorb. the contents. ..- -' . "Win at four o'clock.", Thajall, buthow pregnantwlth glori ous tid And it was then two o'clock. Only-yours, and he would be there. Aftpw moments their tongues broke looseue news of Basil's coming was protnlonveyed to the domestics by the feverP' ker, who, while lingering about outsiccidBntally" heard the contents ;of tlie telegram! Y , .,,; -i Euth was the first to- leave the 'dining room, and Vida followed. . "Where are you going, Birdie?'' she asked. 'i "I feel that I must be alone," answered Euth. "I am going to shut myself In my room." - : "May t not come, with you' . "Not now, dear.", ,: "But by-andrby before he conufe?" -.-' "Yes, a little before. I, feel that I shall want you by my side," - ... . , . : With an evil light in her eyes, Vidagllded away.;--, y : .. . .;" ; - - ..i.- -. . . She thought she had all safe now. ' " : It was at twenty minutes to four that Vids sought Barker, and bade him bring some wine to her room. :, r Y m , VPort will be the best, I think," she said, and in five minutes Barker, guessing for whom It was needed, brought It to her with two glasses.' , ' ' ." J ! "Thank you, Barker ; that will do." ' , v .' He left the room, and in the left-hand glass Vida poured half the contents of the phial. '. w" : .-. ,-j-' ' " v- ' . .'' i It was colorless, and without any percep tible odor. . ; ' " ',.-- 5 ; . -. lv "Now for the last scene of this eventful story,? she said, and went to Euth's room. The door was unfastened and she enter ed, Euth was walking to and frcy pale and trembling. .--.'., '.-; ' , "Come to my room," said Vida. T have some wine.' A little you must have,.or you will break down." . . ' ,- , , , She did not see Phoebe standing hi the shadow of the cm-tain, and, Euth passively obeying they went out, Phoebe following. ' They entered Vida's room, aad still she saw nothing of Pheebe. The door was left open, and Vida poured out some wine. "Here, Birdie,?' she said, pushing forward the fatal glass, "drink." ; y . ; - "Hark!" cried Euth: "I heard the sound of wheels." .', ;; '::,:;';-'-' -..-'. She rushed to the window, and Vida tol lowed. - r .. :: -A carriage was coming up the drive. ' "It is Easil, my love." ! "Come here and have some wine," said Vida hurriedly, "you-will' faint if you do not. Here, drink." t ; - ,' - ! ' She took up the gtass,' and Euth hastily drank the wine, Vida at the same moment emptying hers. ' . : "Now," she said, "go and meet him." . Euth lost no time. Warmed and stimulated by the wine,. she walked quickly from the roomj. Then, Vida for th first time saw Phoebe.;-' , , . . . ,.-' ; .--: -' , ' "What are you doing' hpre?!?' she cried hastily.. . , . " "I came in with Miss Euth," replied Phoe be. "I have been here all the time." ' ,; A sudden spasm caused Vida to start; there was a look in the girl's face that ap palledlier. , ) - - ,. ' "Girl,' she shrieked, "what have you done?" " , . " - "I don't know,"': replied Phoebe, trem- bling, "but I was afraid that you meant to ! do harm to Miss Euth, and while you were ,t tne window I rhana&lAc glasses J'Z. . Theawful. tiuth .burst upon Vida with lightning' force, and she staggered back. The girl had not lied, for already the poi sonous fires were leaping and darting with in her. In a' few ! moments she - would be dead. -, - . .. m; .;- .. : .: . . : She heard' a vehicle stop at the door.aglad eryfrom Euth; , and the cheery tones of Basil's voice mingling with the-welcome of father and friends; then all the fury of a disappointed woman took possession of her, and she rushed on Phosbe. . - . . - The girl was taken by surprise; and .fell back. The next moment she felt the small hand of. Vida up'on her throat , A "Your life for mine," was hissed lu her ears, and Phtbo crave hcrself un forlost. ( Continued -next week.) '.'. - s.-H. Contractor, Estimates ' ' Satisfaction HOOD RIVER, RAND & HAMILTON'S NEW LIVERY FEED AND SALE STABLE r : , iSGood iTiirnouts and Saddle Horses . -' ' ;. . ' '-. ''. " '"' . -y . -''.-Yr.Y Always in Readiness on the arrival of trains, for the Accommodation of Pleasure Seeke: Y . '..', :Y '. '' Pishing Parties, Tourists, Etc. f .; .' s:. , ( " ' v HORSES BOUGHT AND ISOLD; o feed and Stabling at the Lowest Possible - Rates' by the Da. ' Week, or Month. .'.. f . . ' ,' ; t-F Orders left athe Mt. llood hotel will, be attended to with liromptness and dispatt Trucking :nVl 40-Acre Farms; 5 and 10-Acre -.Tracts -ONK MILE FEOM TOWN. -CHOICii- FOR SAfrT BY HJ. R: BONE, Col pak and Second Sts. HOOD RIVER, OREGON: THE GLACIER - Grant Evans, Propr, Second St. , near Oak. Hood River, Kk Is Shading and Hatr-cuvting neatly dbi i 'Satisfaction Guflranteed., APURnniTIWC"or m J-tl IMIUUI I 111 l . ref, Is Sold on a POSITIVE ;' GUAPANTEE to S iro auy. lonrt Y.- BEFORE ' Cw. fcxeessive use fta or through ylseref" eucc, &e., suqBraii: ncss, Hearing in? v Weakness, Hfrfieb) al Einissious.up tn Qry,Ixssof P.i: ftlected often Vn'ng ity. Price l.tY mail on receipt r A WKITTEinC order, to reftiufc cure is not efTeo.t from old and yoimgv o cured by Aphroditinr. THE APHRC BOX 27 For sale by BLAKELEY & jylOmi gox; .ffi and Builaeil Tl e t Furnished. Guaranteed OREGON. Bus km Rosidftncft ''-.''. '.'""' ' 1 ' '.','.' X - '.-' AY''-:-LOTS-.Y;-1;:- V Y'.' . "':"' ' AY. , y, ' r-;-.-- .V Y ,Y Barber Shop Put . to ciirB: ', . Y Draying also Done to Order.' ; RAND & HAMILTON' ' HOOD KIVKR, OR r.v 4 . .-.-Wrt.. J