The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 27, 1889, Image 3

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HOOD BIVER, OR, JULY 27, 1889.
' , . , v . 1 , '
Express No. 2, leave. . . .10.40 A. M.
Express No. 4, leavef..... ....... v.... ...12:36 A. M.
Express No. 1, leaves. 2:05 A. M.
Express No. 8, leaves.. 8:45 A. M
llThe mail arrives fromStraltsbnrgat 11 o'clock A.M.
Wednesdays and Saturdays; departs the same days
at noon. , i . . .. , "
For Chenovreth, Ipavos at 8 A. M. arrives at 6 P.
U.Saturdays. ',.':
For White Salmon leaves dallv at 8 A. M., arrives
at 1 P. M. . -
" From White Salmon leaves for Fulda, Gilmer,
Trout Lake and Glenwood Mondays, Wednesdays
and Fridays. . Arrives on alternate days. 1
1 Rivorsldo Lodge, No. 68, A. 0 U. W., meets 1st
and 3d Saturdays of each month at 8 P. Lyman
Smith, Master Workman; H. L. Howe, Recorder;
J, H. Middleton, Financier. . ..
Canby Post, No. G. .A. R., meets second and
fourth Saturdays of each month "
Considerable travel to Trout lake. '
What's the matter with the ferryboat?
A. J. Rand walked in. from Lost Lake
ie otber day, arriving here in time for.
nner. ' x ' . , ... ..' .
! Mrs. Phoebe Jone, mother of Louie
fmes the engineer, is visiting MrB. New
n Clark. .-, 1 . . '
Arthur Disbrow will make final proof
on his homestead at The Dalles land of
. ifice August 20th. . .
Mrs. W. W. Whitcomb will come up
from Portland in a day or so to visit her
.mother Mrs 8. Hutton . . ..
,: V Rev. T. L.' Elliott came up Wednes
day from Portland and will remain with
us during the summer. - ; : 1
" Mr., W. J. Baker has opened his house
for boarders,'' and can accommodate a
, limited number of lodgers.' v ; -
A contract will be let shortly for clear
ing twenty or thirty acres around the
hotel, by removing brush, logs, etc.
If it is possible to do it, a road will be
built from the hotel to Lost lake. If
not a good trail will be made,- probably
this fall. , , ; ' j :
Joe Wilson did a goodkjob of leveling
for t ,e hotel water w s.
tne water
AT rs. Will ("ir-aham. of The. Dalles, a
.V coinpanied by her.daughter,5 Lulu, caraf
, 0H down Thursday, 'and will remain two 01
, three weeks. ;i :. ;( ('
'.'.' Sunday Col. C. K. S. Wood, Henry
; '. T Failing,- Captain T.Zebree and Col.
'. .Wood's brother went up to the .glaciers
' "'' -returning Tuesday morning. . -
; Dr. Newco'mb. who has been . visitine
. here for somp time, returned to Victoria
' ' Monday. He tells us, that Hood Riyer
;- grows more attractive each year and he
,'' . finds it difficult to leave. . ,
' , -The sheriff's sale of property to satisfy
delinquent; taxes took place at The
', ' t ' Dalles Thursdays Several pieces of
' property were poid and the sale was
then postponed until today. -
V ' '. Quite a number qf "Portland people are
. at tne glaciers ana more are coins; tuere
" ., " nearly every day. If the hotel was open
,.' all the vehicles in town would not' be
; sufficient to carry the crowds.
The county read out to Tiema'h's place
, -' is ' developing some, fair sized chuck
' holes, a thing to be expected at this'
' time of the year, but the application of
a little bark would act as a good tQnic
:'. and put it in good shape.
That left handed serenade, for Mr.
Li-inEulls and wife-did not "can out'1
, worth a cent simply because, Mr. Ingalls
invited the boys in, thus abstracting all
the' dulcet" TrHjsiufoin tintinabultvting
; ' ' bells and the tin tin pans??-'" -S,.
. Mr. A. A. Stevens, who resides near
Farmington, W. T., arrived here with
.'. i his family Wednesday. He is a brother
; i of Conductor Stevens and we understand
; ' has a place in the valley.. He will leave
, for home in a few days but will leave his
' family heret - " , -. . v
4 Mr. JTj. Howe resigned the oflWof
, justicejjhe peace at the lat session of
the attfhty court, and Mr. C Wells has
beftri appointed, to fill the vacancy; , The
aparntnient is a good oneas to master
tie. inticacies of the average law busi-
jgustice wants to C. .Well.
n August otD tor tne iiaroison -broth-
efs. The machine is' a first nclasS one
and will no .doubt do excellent work.
though if it does not' give the bovs a lit-
tie trouble for the'urst day or so it will
. -not be as cantankerous as the average
- machine. .. , ,
Mr. Adams, superintendent of the Mt:
Hood Stage Co., took one of the conches
out over a part of the road Weilneday,-
-y, returning xnursaay morning. -Tlie trip
'. : was made to see how the coachea would
handle, 'and he is more than satified.
. The coaches are perfect beauties, and
the Way the big grays brought one in this'
morning reminds us of earlv days -in
.v the mining camps of California; The
rtde .out to the hotel promises to be, in
stead of a tiresome affair, one of the
most delightful pqrtions of the trip.
H. S. Lewis and family returned to
Portland, Thursday;5,-; . : ,'
Robert Rand's hardware store was
Opened for business Friday. -
G. . T. Prather received Wednesday
2700 pounds of blackberries. s
Liyery stable business is booming, no
teams to be had, so the boys buggy ride
their girls on a wheel barrow.
Clark & Mathi'as' ' paint shop is in
position on the corner of Fifth and Oak
and thev will soon open out with a full
line of goods. . , .
J. B. Rand has finished putting down
1000 feet three-fourth inch pipe, thus in
suring a plentiful -supply of pure water
at his home. . ' . ,'
Joe Wilson has- been doing consider
able road surveying for the county re
cently. Thursday he surveyed the road
from Tuppers mill to Mr. Divers place.
Mrs. Nellie Pruyn, of Ellensburgh,
W. T., who has been visiting her daugh
ter, Mrs. II. C. Coe, for the past- two
weeks returned to her home on Tuesday
last.;. .- ' v . -v
Mr.' Habersham, engineer of the
Goldendale & Pasco .railroad passed
through on the east bound train yester
day. He goes up to look after the road's'
interests. , , 4 .
Mr. D. E. Bed anj has . just fitted up a
house' moving outfat and has plenty of
business on hand. His first job, was
moving Clark & Mathias' paint shop
from Ash to Oak street. .
.' .Tud Ferguson's' saddle horse made
an excursion up Oak street, Thursday
evening in company with a section of
Smith and LarFance'S board fence. The
horse was recovered later on but the
fence is still out. ,
On Monday last, Messrs Ferguson,
Heald and Piatt started for Dead point
creek to make' a preliminary survey for
water ditch, the heavy forest fires, how
ever, drove them back and the survey
will -be postponed until later. .
When Mr. E. Lock .was ' returning
home" Thursday evening, he discovered
a fire between him and his destination.
In attempting to get through, his team
took fright and ran away, doing some
damage to wagon, harness, etc. '
Hon. E. L. Smith, A. B. Jones and
another gentleman whose name we did
not learn, left Thursday morning for the
Little White Salmon, to examine the
country and get an idea of its timber resources.-
They will be gone for several
days arid will no doubt see some' of the
best timber in the territory.
Arthur W. Oiler and Wm. .Buskirk
will make final proof before the register
4"rl-recc4Var"'at Tha Di-lIci land .3ioe
September 7tb ; Margaret A. "Winans
and Wilson R. Winans will make final
proof at the same place on August 12th
and Michael P. Neff on September 6th.
A correspondent is wanted from each
of the posloffices 6f the White Salmon
country.' If some one will jot down all
.the local items of each neighborhood
and forward them to, us, so they will
reach us bv Friday at the latest, we Will
gladly give the space. Let the world
know , something of your section and
thus uid in developing it.
' Frank, the six year old son of Mr."
Oscar Angel! of Eight Mile fell from his
horse' Thursday" anil broke both bcjnes of
his left arm midway between the elbow
and wrist. The' horse . was standing
still but becoming frightened suddenly
moved to one side nnd .Fr&nk fell in a
rut in the road with the above result.
Dr. Logan set the arm, and it will be as ,
good as ever in a short time: ; "
" Mr. W. D. Chandler, of Jefferson,
Iowa, has been-visiting with his. cousin,
Mr. H. Cf Coe. Mr. Chandler was a
resident of Hood River over 22 years
ago, afterwards he removed to" Walla
Wafla where he married a'sisterJofJ Cale
Reinharts of the Goldendale Sentinel.
He afterwards-went -east to "Jefferson
whese, he has been in business ever
since. . He is now on the Sound and will
probably locate on this coast. ;
David E.'Mattin, who killed Charles
C. Grant in a Tacoma lodging house last
Friday morning, was arrested at Kalama
Wednesday. Conductor Granger picked
him up at. Media, a small 'station just
this side of Tacoma, and identified him
at once By - descriptions ; of him. He
telegraphed the sheriff at "Kalama who
made. the arrest upon the arrival of the
train. Fenrs are entertained that . he
will be lynched on his arrival at Tacoma
As the season is growing short the
"hotel : managements, are undecided
whether to open the Glacfer hotel or
to devote the balance of. the season to
building the other wing. We hope they
frill conclude to throw it open as the
guests "will advertise -it thoroughly for
next year. A conclusion will be reached
very shortly, and the hotel will either be
opened, 'or .a force of men will bo put to
work at once to build the other portion.
. Mr. Jewett, tiu .White Salmon nur
seryman, left a nw (to ns at-least)
variety of fruit at Middleton'B store the
other day. ' He calls them Prunis Simoui"
'and we ratlwr think that must he what
they tire. They look like a plum flat
tened on the ends until they are wider
out than they, are long up. They smfdl
mo."e like an apple than a plum, and are
said to taste like a banana.- Thev are a
Chinese frnit, and if any further infor
mation is wanted ou? readers. will have
to apply to Mr. Jewett. . - ( ' ;
Frank. Crameij August . Buchler's
brewer got in a q'J-rel with Ed. Elliott,
who runs the engiVat the brewery, at
The Dalles yestercy, in which" Elliott
knocked Cramer fown. Cramer- evi
dently got mad aihe got his shotgun
and renewed the htle. Elliott ran and
fortunately ell ovja stick i I cordwood
just as Cramer fire1 at him.uthe charge
perforating the airvhere Elliotts head
was an instant bore. He rose and
continued his flight) wards the railroad
when Cramer let p at him with the
second barrel, but the gun was loaded
with bird shot at the distance was
zreat and ri
letting greater, no
damage was done. Jramer was arrested
and had bis examirtion yesterday after
noon. .' i
Eye glasses at Prher's. . ' "
Best fresh candh at G..T. Prather's.
For perfection frl jars call on J. H,
. Green Mountain
live,' the best in the
world, for sale atBthpr's!
, Go to Geo. T. Prner 'for cigars and
tobacco.' Best stocin town. i " .
Try one of those
at Middleton's. .Ti
rclone mouse traps
cents each.
Fine line of wall
laper beine closed
out at cost at G. leather's. Call and
see. . . :
' G. T. Prather agi for D. M. Osborn
& Co.'s binders, bwers and sulkey
raiya. , '- :-, , ,
.When you want) sewing machine
buy the White, , t sale by- Geo. T.
iTather.- -, - ,v . . j
Get your house inred in the Pacific
insurance Co. of Portland. , G
Prather, agent. . -ji, . '
Just received lOCgrain bags which
win De sold at iu ces apieco
,''- d .- Jeo. T. ?bather
A fresh stock oMen,' women and
cnuuren s Bhoes m in at Middleton's.
Trimmed canvas bum shou for misses
and ladies, j - .'
AH that want fiorshoeing done' will
please come Mondajand : Tuesdays as
there is no certaintjf my baing in the
snop except on tnosiays. ,r
' .' x -- WE'..Nbpp.
We have just counted aangements
with a first-class haiss maker to run a I
repair shop up stairser our store and
will carry lull line fiarness,' saddles,
wnips, etc., at oottotonces. -
. ''. lowh6 & Sou.
Our first installmt of . boots and
shoes have just arrid'from Chicago.
Wecarf now offer yondies shoes from
$1.25 to $4.50 per paMnen'sfrom $1.50
to ?o.ou. v;om(3 in anooK at tnem. '
' .: V .VEes & Sox.
V We will soon hnvfl wtUJinfi nf Arv
good's, notions, eteTTboSTdirect frn l
manufacturers in New Vcicitv. ' When
they arrive we will defy ly dealer io
the state to get below- on 1 rjricesJ
money talks, and we prods to make it
an'object for every persdn this part,
C !. ,l f ,.Jl7 1 ' . . I
ui ijjo cuuuujr lu uuy ui ucv ts uave HO
inducements to offer but ltom prices
ana nrsc class gooas. . .. (
'. ' ." Bi.pvs & Son.
.. f .
Hood River Marl
Peaches. .........
Apples.'. .:;'?
Black berries
Peach plums . . . .
Cabbage. . .
per pound
1 per box
8 tier pound
." dozen
ii A
' Spring Chickens. .
er dozen
Ducks. i . . ... . .
Six pleasant rooms suitabbr house-
Keeping lor -sma)!- iamny ater in
kitchen.' liooms up stairs postof-
tice. a or terms inquire at punce.
BARRETT.' At the CascadP Locks, idav Jnlv
11th, Eva L., daughter of Bit, a)?ed 6
years ana d inoiii.ii8. r uuerax ai wiey, u. w.
" cemetery Saturday. . . 4 f. '
House Pa in jig,
Kalsomi.nirig, -
I'aper Hd
."', '
GPHTCTP -MP till? "
. YUifc)C- V-UiIp
...,-..8 I
....20 "
, fo Rent. A
Real Estate Dealer
" And , Conveyancer,
Has for sale Improved and Unimproved Farms. . ' . ' '
, . - Fresh Milk Cows with Calves. - ' .
, ; . ,' .'...."','T ,! i . Young Stoi-k. Horses, broke and unbro ke. .
t: .
The -Hood
nc) tn the J? "!? ' f)4nt
H0Se ? tfle K' J' Veppt.
Neat, Cteih
Special Rates by
! '
eneraS .:. Merchandise,
. '' , ' ... -t ' . '.'.'. V" , " t -
. . ' : groceries.:.;"'.
-' Books and Notions. .. " Cigars and Tobacco. , ; -
Orders for fruit
. Olinger
Livrry uml ItHl Hilih.
-, i Oak Street, near Postoffice,
We have First-Class Stock and Outfits, Double Buggies, Hack's,.
. ' " . ' '.- and Saddle Horses. ' ,
.A Firifi Fonr-Hnrsft snifalilA fnr fisTiincr nr ovfiivsiinn.;
Pal'ties, carries nine passengers.
ble point. Reliable drivers. .
Our Drayjdelivers baggage or lreight anywhere in. the Valley
' ,1 . , , v Charges Eeasonable. . ,
: " s
River Hotel '
Proprietor.' ,
-.-. - Hood River, Oregon
- and Cool!-
the Week or Month.
and Fruit.
tilled promptly.
& Bdne, .
Parties' taken to any 'accessi-';
" -
- -