The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 27, 1889, Image 1

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NO. 8.
.3(epd Iiver Slacier.
The Glacier Publishing Company.
One year.... .
Six months. . , ,
Three months.
Stifle copy
...$2 00
. .. 1 00
... fiO
.5 Cents
Mr; George T. Prather is authorized to reeoive and
roceipt for all subscriptions and to transact any
business for the Glacier.
List ornate ana comity Officials.
'(ioremor....' S. Pennover,
. Kncretjirv of Statu O. W. M.ltrl.le
, Treasurer. . .'. ; - Geo. W. Webb
' Superintendent of Public Instruction. . E. I McKlrny
Conirressman B. Hermann
State Printer. 'FrauK baker
Sheriff ....Goo, Herbert
- Olork G. H. Thompson
- Treasurer ." , Goo. Ruch
r.' it f Geo. A. Young
j H. A. Leavens
Assessor. . . . t H, Gourlay
Surveyor K. F. Sharp
Superintendent of -Public Schools ... .A. C. Connelly
p Coroner...... : wm. Micnell
Geo. T. Prather
..Henry Howe
... ..... a..E. S. Olinifor
vn..;. pki; ' j J. H. Middleton
' , , . v ... )
, (Graduate of Jefferson Medical
College, Phila., 1878.) v ,.
.Pliysiciaii Siirgeoiw
Postmaster, .v ..... .
Justice of the Peaoe
E. L. Srfiith
The Usual timber of Accidents Hapfien
During the Week.
Laige Opium Seizure-Indlan Schools
Severe Storms in the East A P
y Paper In Trouble In- ,
cendiarlsm. -
Los Angeles, July 21. Ex-Attorney
General W. II. II. Hart, who has been
iu this city 'for .the past five days looking
up evidence in the famous Blythe contest,-left
for Sun Francisco today. He
was very reticent as to the .discoveries
in this city of the alleged will of Blythe,
merely intimating that he had seen . a
copy of such document, y .
Aside from the will question, it is
stated, that the lawyer's Visit to Los
Angeles lias resulted in the discovery of
two important witnesses in the person
of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cherry.
It is stated that their testimony, if al
lowed to be given, will be to the effect
that Blythe told them of his connection
with Mrs. Ashcroft, and acknowledged
Florence to be his daughter. 1 -
-Hart positively declined to state
whether or not h& had found the sup
posed long-lost Ulythe win. There
4sr outsiders, however, who declared
most positively that the original will' in
Blythe's handwriting 1 has been found,
and that almost the entire property is
willed to Florence Blythe. ' '
The Churrys ,clainh"ey;were in San
Esanwsco during the lest vears of
Thomas Blythe's lifetflufc. iVirs. Cherry
of opium were J found. . The' plat that
was bo securely bolted entainedjt about
twenty sham bolt heaas and four legiti
mate screws. , T . ,. ; ' ';. , ,,
The first- find, was encouragement to
search, arid.a second bedplate, over an
inch thick, was taken ol"nd forty-four
boxes were brought to lijf'it. Tbe third
bed-plate contained abiut fifty more
boxes, 'all of which wasj found in this
morning's search. ' In the neighborhood
of $3000 worth of opium twill be seized
by the customs'ofii'cers. jl'he smugglers
have not been captured.
a'nothee beoken dam.
- The Indian MUools. ' i
. ' -'''.
' Washixototj, July '.Indian Com
missioner Morgan said today thff in the
management of. the Indian schpols lie
proposed to be governed .-by th princi
ples laid down by tie fyohonk confer
ence, so lur as thev can bt put into
practice. ' '
He is in favor of a sypt 'n of non-par
tisan public schools,' Jsiyely under
government control, t H, Vill as oppor?
tunities present themsf 'es, substitute
a system' of governine' schools con
trolled by the Indian' v weau for the
contract school system He has re
newed for the coming y- r most of the
contracts' with religiori Organizations,
already existing. He T is obliged to do
this, because he has i, it at once the
means to substitute gorrnmfint schools
for the existing ones, but he has refused
to extend the contract system 'to the
new schools. ; . .
There are now about fifty boarding
schools conducted under contract, and
about 150 anderj the exclusive care of
government teachers. y
G.enpraji 3Iorgan sayp that he does not
anticipate any dimA!,:: over the princi-
Toilet Articles,
CK. ? '
. ' .i nrfnoinnl Vc!
Jnitod States. Canada anpurope.
.urtt,t Pullman Palace (rs.
Dxrai aeepiBS can a THroas t M fralns
are situated. -vVhile JN'ing preference
to residents of the st'ute, .he will not
appoint incompetent teachers because
he or she is a resident of the state, nor
refuse' to . appoint a, competent one
because ho or she is not a resident?.
and a
Tree of Charge audWithonUange.
. not Portland for San pel sco and
38oeonneet1onsatPo(.nt8 .
'. .' vn.KnlSCO. '
I . ...' Wharf, 'Portland,. Midnight,
r fallows -.
.caving i
State s
as folows :
Tuesday i
" ". Saturday
..Sunday - - -'"..Thursday..
" Monday . .
. Friday . .
. i aiSfc. durlnsr
..vrmrrn must be checKea i w-'
IgS omXnrst and treets;
..',., fin,.ar St. Wharf, San Fra.i 10 A. M.
L,e - M follows.
' . . Friday . .
'. . . Saturday .
... .Sunday ..
. . .. Thursday (
. Momiay
Columbia. . . .
nolumbia . .
Oregon. ; -ot miKngi
Ko fre Rht v.' 1 be receu o
token after 9 A. M.
' . at,o..o rincluteals and
Kates 01 u.. - - . ;
berths), cabin,
round trip, unlimited. d -
the rihl P Steamers
w Pftimftnv- reaei'"" ---- ; '
, $8.00 ;
otSailhw 1S
lien i , L
Storms In the East
was wellflfcqaainted with him frtr..,some pie thet tLe teatltersr-J be appointed
.... Mlurs ins iAu. a. .iv l V.. i'' rZ "t -X. . .Cr.fJj
was engaged in some special mediial in
vesrigtitions, and treated , Blythe for
heart trouble ; that in the oourse of their
acquaintance Blythe gtew, quite friendly
with'Mrs. Cherry and talked freely of
his life and affairs. He frequently men
tioned Florence Blythe, as a 'child,
and her mother, also known as
Mrs. 'Ashcroft. He told Mrs. Cherry
that while ' he ,was in Europe, he
lived very Highly ; that he had elegant
rooms where Mrs. Ashcroft occasionally
visited him J that the result, of this un
ion is the child that how appears as the
claimant of the estate, '
The conversations he had with Mrs.
Cherry continued until a short time
previous to Mr. Blythe's death. He
showed her a picture of the girl, and
said be had had a picture taken of her
every- year since she was born He
never, denied that Florence was his
child, and showed letters in which the
little girl was mentioned as "Flo.",
A Large Opinm Seizure,
San Francisco, July 9 The steamer
Empire, five and one-half days from
Nanaimo, B, C, arrived in this port
yesterday, loaded with coal consigned to
R.'D. Chandler, and was hauled into
the Pacific street dock.' Owing to her
late arrival, search. by the custom house
officers was not -commenced until this
morning, when they were set to work.
The examination has been so far con
fined to the engineers department of the
vessel, in which place the bed plates pf
the engines had been most advantage
ously used, and the compartments com-
pletely p'acked with ppium. To an ob
seryer the bed plates are the most se
curely1 fastened piece of iron on the ship,
bolts not more than a quarter of an inch
apart running around the entire plates
, The idea flashed into the minds of the
searchers that there were' too many
bolts for practical use, and an examina
tion could result in no loss. Into the
dirty, greasy apartment the necessary
tools were carried, and tne work was
commenced. Tho plates looked solid
but their true use was soon made known
when it was found impossible to turn
one of the bolts, and tneir . seemed no
way of getting it off, A cold chisel was
brought into Use, ' and the plato; was
soon in the hands of the searchers, and
in tho receptaal .ftfiy-two five-tael boxes
A Mighty Wave Sweeps Down an .Ohio
.Valley. ;. .' ;
Although the Property Loss Wag Very
Heavy, the People Escaped The
Recent Flood in West
' . . . Virginia.
St. Paul, July 19. Advices from
many and widely separated points in
Montana and Dakota i report severe
storms of hail and rain yesterday. The
weather has been excessively hot in
places, and crops are burned up by the
heat. In other places -much damage
has been done by water! The streams
are rising and serious I overflows are
feared. . !
Chicago, July 19.4-The -
thunder storm in many years
here last night. An inca of rain fell in
twenty minutes, and cijlars and base
ments were fooded. Cfiinese laundry
men spent tte night peifhed on tables,
basement loc'gers. were Idriven into the
street, and nuch propety was damaged.
Cincinnati, July 19i A heavy thun
der storin at 3 o'clock L M. flooded a
portion of he town. (The Ohio oanal
broke at YJr street, Ind a number of
person's wire . rescuet . with difficulty,
the storm ii general in ;he state. Light
ning set fe to the little village of
Georgevillc in Frankin county.. Half
the town ws burned.
' Intndiarlsm ift Tc ma.
. I .
TacomaW. T., July 22. Fire started
at 1 :45 thl morning in Dougan & Brig
ham's catenter shop, on the west side
of Eailros street, between Ninth and
Eleventhtreets, and was undoubtedly
of incendry origin.. Four buildings,
extendinfrom Railroad to C streets,
were toty destroyed, ,but fortunately
no wind as blowing, and the fire was
confined? the four buildings. One of
these is boarding house, and the oth-.
ers werfitores and carpenter shops, It
is iniposble to learn the loss and insur
ance at'resent, but probably . $10,000
will cor it.' Had there been any
breeze S best business blocks iA the
city, aithe court-house would proba
bave g- Great excitement prevailed
until t' flames were got under control.
Lancaster, O., July 20. One of the
most disastrous storms ever known in
the Hocking vallev culminated' yester
day in the breaking of Sharp's dam at
Sugar Grove, on the Hocking canal.
The dam held in store a large body of
water that supplied the lower levels of
the canal. Heavy rains had filled the
reservoir to its banks, when suddenly
the dam gave away, and the wa,ter went
out through the valley, taking' with it
every movable object. For twenty
miles -the soil is plowed up. Trees,
fences, crops and hundreds of head of
live stock were swept away. Ko lives'
were lost, because the houses are
rsituated on a bluff that overlooks the
valley: But the ' canal for miles is a
wreck, and thousands of feet of railroad
track are washed away. '
Wheeling, W. Va., July 21, An In-
tflligencer special from the flooded dis
trict tonight says : It is feared that the
death list will be much increased when
points cut off from the outside world are
heard from. , ' '
A later dispatch says that the village
of 'Morristown, in Wirt county, , was
swept entirely away. Great aufferinj
ex'ats among, those who lost all they
will issue an appeal tor aidl Tbeclouil-
burst occurred on Limestone mountain,
where the five creeks have a common
source. V. , ' ' ' .
The damage to crops .was enormous,
and the farmers will be dependent upon
charity until the next season. '
Parkersbirg, W. Va., July 20. An
estimate can hardly yet be formed of
the great calamity that swept over' the
kittle JVanawtia valley, but enough is
known to mark it as the most destructive
in life and 'property ever occurring in
West Virginia.
The scene of the great disaster was on
Pond creek, in Jackson, county and
Tucker creek; in Wirt county. Pond
creek rose twenty-five feet in an hour
from the time of the cloudburst, and the
water spread from hill to hill, and car
ried all before it. '
Four men took refuge in the Thomas
mil!. - The mill was Washed away and
Edward Boss- was drowned. '
. Thomas Black and his newly wedded
wife were washed from their home and
perished. , . ,
Thomas Hughes, his wife and four
children", fled from their home, but the
water overtook them and none escaped
but Hughes. , . '!
On Tucker creek seven lives are re
ported to have been lost, but no definite
information can be got. The loss 'to
property is immense,' and will run up
into the millions. .
no appointment of a president or of
professors bad yet been made, although
a number of applications had been re
ceived for professorships. The main
building is now ready to be partitioned
into, class rooms, the engineer is now
East studying the interior arrangements
of the leading institutions there, and the
work will go on when his plans are
adopted., i . .
The Senator said that it was his mten
tion to commence scholastic Work by
the nekt school year.
Dormitories are being built to accom
modate 260 boys and suitable accom
modations -Will be provided for girls,
vfho will be admitted to the university
on equal terms with boys.
All Odd win.
Nashville, Tenn., July 22. An odd
will has been filed for' probate here.
Mrs. Mary Ann Schaub 'died without
relatives. She had surrounded herself
by a number of dogs and cats, and had
accumulated property yalued at about
$6000, and this she leaves in trust for
two of her 'favorite dogs. She proyides ,
that a sufficient sum shall be reserved
frnm IiAr nrnnArtv fn mfli'nfuln trips.
dogs as long as they live, and especially
orders one bed and clothing for their oc
cupancy. A young lady whom she.
adopted some years ago, is -made the
eecond beneficiary, upon condition that
Bhe will live in the house and care for
4 .
mese. aogs ror a periou oi eigui, years.
If, at the end of this term, her task has
Vippn rlntifnll ripffirmpfl bVip flViall nnmft
- - - . . . ..... , .. -
into possession of the entire property;
: ' ' ' .; lrv. '
A Newspaper In TrouDleV
uhicago, July zz The uomirjerciai
Nationals bank, through 'its attorney, .
Vent before Judge Grinnell this morn
ing and secured a confession of judg- .
- Til I MLTM I IIM . .1 HM ll'Hl .1 . V 4HI. .
editor of the C&$rTimei : and Jamei
West & Co., which firm includes Clinton
& Snowden, formerly managing editor of
the Chicago Times. ' '
' A deputy sheriff went to the Times
building and made a demand for the
money. The? editor reolied that he had
no property w'hich lie could turn over in
satisfaction of the debt. Officers then
started for the West residence with the
expressed intention of levying on his
personal effects.
Wheat, Hops and Salmon.
The Governor Objects.
Salem, July 22. Governor Pennoyer
today took Secretary of Stata McBride
to task for issuing warrants for the pay
of the railroad commissioners last week.
The Governor didn't know it until his
arrival here today. He told McBride
that these would be the last ho would
issue until the case was decided ; that
he (the governor) would obtain an in
junction; McBride replied that he
would issue them until restrained by a
court of competent jurisdiction ; that he
considered thet case settled by the recent
decision of the supreme court.
The Stanford University.
San Francisco, July 22. In an in
terview concerning Leland Stanford, jr.
University, Senator Stanford said that
San Francisco, July 22. Wheat
cables from Europe have grown stronger
during the week.' The Russian erop
outlook is now said not to be so bad as
at first reported. ' Exporters are buying
but little. Trading generally is.not very
brisk. Options had fair attention in a
speculative way, and were dullish.
Flour in general is vjary strong because -of
wheat reports. Little is sold how
ever. .
Hop reports fi'om Nevy York state ap
pear rather favorable for a good crop-.
There, is nothing remarkable in the
market. - , . . v .'
Columbia river salmon, one pound
four-dozen case, $1.801.95. .
Without Food or Shelter-
Seattle, July 22. Today a man was
found lying in the brush on Denny hill
suffering from typhoid fever. His
tongue was swollen and he was hardly
able to peak." He gave the name of
Peter Olsen and said he had lain out of
doors eight days and nights without food
and water, being delirious a part of the
time. Feeling unwell, he had spread
his blankets in the thicket to lie down
and rest, and then was unable'to rise or
summon help. Olseu was taken, to the
hospital. '".'.'-. ' .
The General Land Office.
Washington, July 22. It was rumored
here today that Ex-Congressman
Thomas, of Illinois, had been appointed ;
commissioner of the general land office,
but on investigation the rumor could not
be confirmed. It is believed that this
place will be filled short'y, and the two
'prominent candidates are Thomas and
the present assistant commissioner, Ex
Governor Stone, of Iowa. :
1 E. CKOWU, AC.l'.Nl. M