N' 9fo (glacier-. ( RIVER, OR., JUNE 15, 1889. ; . TIMETABLE. . I EA8TBOUND. 'o. 2, loaves i , ..10.40 A.M. ... i'o. 4, leaves , 12:35 A. M. ' ' WK8TBOI.XD. I No. 1, leaves .'-.:..' 2:05 A. M. I No. 3, leaves 8:45 A.M. THE MARLS. mail arrives frera Straitsburg at 11 i'fclbcfc A. iordays; departs the same (lay at noon; . eno'cth, leaves at 8 A. M. urilves at 6 P. turda.vs. i i White Salmon loaves dallv at 8 A. M., arrives P.M.- . Urn- White Salmon leaves for Pulda, Gilmer, )t Lake and Glenwood Mondays, Wednesdays Fridays. Arrives on alternate days. SOCIETY NOTES jUvoTBtde Lodffe, No. (13, A. O, U. V., meets 1st 8 3d Saturdays of each month at 8 P. in. Lyman ilth, Master Workman;' H. L. Howe, Recorder; fcl. Middleton, Financier. Canby Post, No. , G. A. R., firth Saturdays of each month, meoto second and BRIEF LOCAL MATTERS. (The losed. strawberry season , is about iMrs. Stump of Camas Prairie, W. T. i quite sick. , Raspberries aud cherries are coming a numerously. i Mr. John Sweeney, went up to The- Dallos Wednesday. ( Mrs. C. P. Hunt of The Dalles visited Wrs. Prather here Monday. ? Mrs. L E.- Crow, was visiting , ,in Portland Sunday and Monday iThe ferry boat is launched and will be farted as 60on as the sails arrive. ;Mrs. William Booreman, is quite sick, tying a severe attack of erysipelas. , Berdes & Jackson have a neat butcher (op and keep the very1 best quality .of fiats. peach crop in this vicinity will be largest and best we have had for fhei llarj Irs. lr. J. Demick of the Baldwin neigh rhood visited The Dalles Friday of t week. - h the Camas Prairie section across V river everybody is busy haying. crop will be an average one. ans Lape,, has nnrchased an Oshorne ; self rakin .harvester; Jf Dyer, a coi fa reaoer aiK Mr. Ne J ciMke, Gra Recorder of the A. U W., was u! pm Port land duririUeek to set 9 family. Uinta - Weid.M. Passed Mrs. .lam jwer. through JLr WRy to Tbi les Tues day, she stay. J. 1I.J dence s room f them. 211-;) soon move V Mland to Mll'ot.nH. U about perf fimprovementali' althfy his resi- StiU nnds d makes Jaiweison,' o6i' d'Alene ger Mon day 7isit his eistersid returned next il Ining at 12o. j T1M irawberry and itfain festival t W ft E. camp grouft .a!urdai; even wa o very pie "r anii his nes- addtf tin to the treasu AVhe last election tiundred and twoVote8 were rolled s precinct. To(lv by actual count are consid eral v over three hvin! .r t xr TTnmiltorerintendent Wdv up from w , " r" and took them wf SrintSnt Cof expected to be present. ! ,V 6 tfroundi tomorrow af Ulub on the grounui ternoon at 1 V tho deDOt on .-will-meet ino ( ,. ' . .their arrival., 1 The woods .emountains are ine wouu strawberries. She s o tttuPe picked and ijjusnem " , a as the old thev are almof af . fashioned tann o -i-l A'ho has been ho ham fori". ; " 1 :n u will also take a trip over to the lake, and the famous ice caves. The ferry boat will soon bo rigged and will prove of great benelit to all. The stock breeders in this section are highly pleased with the treatment they have received from the firm of Closter Ward & Kerns of The Dalles. Messrs. Ladd & Wood will celebrate the Fourth of July and the opening of the hew hotel at the glaciers, bringing their families and a few chosen friends up about the 1st of the month. Everybody is talking fruit,- and there is 110 doubt ' the , -acreage next year, in the valley will be donble ' that of this year, and the - time is not far distant when our fruit will be shipped in car load lots. ' 1 . ' - Last Saturday' a 'gentleman from Seattle purchasad two "yoke of Sne work oxen from S: N.' Baldwin, paying $125 per yoke for them. . He will be here again soon and parties having good work cattle lor" sale can find a cash buyer.: Here is another item that' shows- how rapidly we are growing.' : When the bridge was built two years' ago - there was not a settler above the forks of the river .'' Mr. Neff, who lives in that neighborhood, the other day named over forty settlers, cabins : above that point, and no doubt skipped several.- Messrs. Hendricks, Pealer . and the Harbison Bros.' here purchased a fine new thresher, the only one ever in the valley except a little affair whicU was taken away six - years ago. For the past six years the grain of this section has been threshed by primitive methods, being tramped out by horses, or thresh ed with flails. ,-.,,, , , r ,j Rev. A. J. Barrett, and wife left Tuesday night fof Salt Lake Cify, where they will stop" lor a week,- from therii the Will- go" to; Colorado,: and -after. 'a weeks visit there will 'go on, to tiieir hoidelif Rochester, Nv Y., - They were delighted ' with ! Hood' River,' and: will no doubt cause some of 'their tourist friends to come this wayi: 1 ; '. ' Messrs. Meniman, Loy," Morris' and Neluh, are running 1 sixty th'ousaud cedar posts down the riyer; - The rear of the drive is near the forks of the river and the drive moves slowly on account of the- low stage of water. The poms are to he delivered at the track for 4) cents a piece, and it does not look as if there-was much-money in -it at the price. Mr. M. W. Pealer took a load of sup plies up to the glacier last iFridav. On Mareiii!cnhe put a chunk ofglacier ice weighina about KIU pounds m Ins wagon and brought it as far as the -itiil.ls, seven miles from town, with nothing to protect it.. There he covered it with sawdust and it arrived with but little loss oy melting. The ice is very clear and firm, free from air bubbles and about as good as can be got anywhere. Mr. E. A. Littlefield, who1 has beun foreman of this section for the O. R. & N. for about three years, was -discharge i on the 5th.- What the reason was we do not know, but we do know that when hd took charge of this section it- was in a very bad condition and to-day it is in better shape than any section between The Dalles and Portland. He under stands his business thoroughly and the company has lost one of its most effi cient foremeni , , . . nt Rev. Trojoi- - H;EinT every Sunday 8 0 C,S r fi tie bour instead thereafter i . ot 11 o-clocV t.--. . - .i..i'wiil be quite a vve u ;. erg on n 4th 1CU" "x.jjrottiat iar.it is at some ' ur.li'8 are m order, near nere.i ive proper no. nd the i-Jem611ta are com. tice as sooy . p'.eted. ' ' !- . .y.1 The Dalles wants A genty ; hoat wi be ,.un. to kiov -imt ert, wjll be Ding " seonle from there lake country bv the (). R. quite a who wi' 8om. & N. Balm trav com dou rout irged iam to the White j that ' it prohibits be White Salmon (tractions, and no Siting the glaciers, The bridge near the ice house caught fire last Sunday evening about 8 o'clock and part of one bent was burned before it was gotten under control. Wednes day another bridge near it cauuht fire from the engine, and burned enough to detain the -east bound passenger for two hours. The passengers walked here and took dinner at the Hood River hotel, after which they walked through the town and many were the express ions of delight, the big oaks coming in for a good share of admiration. From Billings, Montana, a fruit-grow-tr writes to Mr. Prather, inquiring con cerning, the variety of strawberries raised here, how we plant and cultivate, and other matters concerning them. He intends to buy plants here being in duced thereto, he says, by tne splefidid condition in which the Hood River her ries arrive in tnat market. - We can say for his benefit that the Clarke's Seed ling is the favorite here hoth as a pro ducer and shipper, with the Sharpless a good second., ine latter is a hne flav ored berry, very early, hut not nearly eo good a shipper as tire Clarke. A correspondent says: . Clias. A. Smith, residing on what was formerly known as the "Lubin" place, purchased by him last fall, has just completed a fine irrigating ditch one and a half miles in length with - a grade of one inch to the rod, conducting the .vater from Ditch creek to the highest tillable point on his farm. This will give him a never failing supply of fifty miners inches of water, and greatly enhance the value of his property. Whilst working alone a-day or. two ago he hearo a slight disturbance in the brush above the ditch, and glancing upward, discovered a good B'ased cinnamon bear coiii:ng down the hill in Ins direction. Having a small. 32 caliber revo.ver for squirrel killing purposes, he p-oceeded to take a shot at bruin who "stood still at a distance of about thirty' yardx, investigating Cliarlev in the most, un concerned manner. 'Fortunately for the bear (or for Smith) the pistol re fused to revolve anil whilst, the latter was protipw.ting around for a suitable -ap!ing to eiimb, the intruder started Aiirieisui'e.lv in the direction of Parker's mill, and Charley let him go. 1 Lost Lake. Lost Lake is rapidly becoming a favor ite resort of the angler, as it will soon be of the sight-seer. It is situated about six miles from the glaciers, but at present the route between them is a hard one. The lake is situated about twenty-eight miles from here In a direc tion west of south. A good wagon road is constructed to within about nine miles of the lake and the trail the balance of the way is very good. The lake fork of Hood River has .its source in this lake the land around the outlet haying been located by A. J. Rand, its present own er. ; From' bis, place a magnificent re flection of Mt. Hood is seen when the lake is; culm, the image feaid to be as perfect as that of Mirror lake in the Yosemite.-; Mr..' Rand informs us -that he will in a short time have boats on the lake and as soon as stage lines begin to run, wilt put on a saddle train to con nect With it, or to carry out any parties coming by private conveyance. When a trail is made from the Glacier -'hotel Lost lake will prove a great attraction. A Visitor's Opinion. . ' ' Hoon River, June 10, 1889. Editdt Glacier: Though only a visitor in Hood River, allow" me to congratulate you oh the very creditable appearance of the first ..number of the Glacier. It compares favorably with the best .'of our country newspapers, and deserves at the hands of this community a prompt aiid liberal patronage.,' , I bave .no 'doubt this ' Will be cheerfully ; given as' it is ' art' oppor tunity that no intelligent" citizen Will al low ,to pass by ,. unimproved. : I believe the right kihd of a newspaper" in Hood River, one that panders hot to the baser instincts of human 'nature but aims to inspire men with -a desire to impfove their 0W9 conditions and -that' of their neighbors' will have a greater influence in f securing the , development , and progress of the town than any other sin gle agehcy;j -through it the business than is brought, into- regular' communication with" : the-'. people; , through it ' the churches, the schools, the various; civic societies and social organizations, farm ers and mechanics, buyers and sellers cari make known their wants and wishes. It is the public rostrum on ; which any-, one who bas' anything to say,, that is worth saying, may stand aud catch the ear of all the people.'. By means of it the sentiment of the community may be moulded and unified ; errors of 'plan or procedure may be pointed out and dis cussed; scamps, tramps and swindlers denounced; higher ideas of living and thinking may be held up; As editor I von have it in your nqwer to leave a lasting impression on the lives ' and characters of the young men and women that will in a few years constitute the frameworK of ' Hood River society ; if you remain true to your opportunity the farmers will feel the generous impulse of your thought and purpose; all ClasRes will be incited to n'bler aims; they will strive for better facilities, better methods, better results and they, will gradually acquire more comprehensive views of all social, political, religious and eco nomic questions. I bespeak for you tho largest success and I urge all good citizens to rally to vour support. . . s . Very truly; ,. . , A. J. Barrett. , E-eal Estate Dealer And Conveyancer, HOOD RIVER, OREGON, Has for sale Improved and Unimproved Farme. .n . 1 f. .- ' Freah Milk Cows with Calves.' . Young Stosk. . Horses, broke and unbroke. TOWN LOTS FOR SALE. PRETTIEST TOWN SITE IN THE STATE. The Hood River Hotel, R. Ir . A-ITD, Proprietor. - Hood River, Oregon. ' Close to the R. R Depot. Neat, Clean and Cool! Special Rates by the Week or Month. UITY ITEMS. Jive glasses at Prather's. Best fresh candies at G. T. Prather's. For perfection fruit jars call on J. II. Middleton. ; Best liue of stationary in town at .'the postodice. (, . Machine oils, boiled oil and paints at G. T. Prather's. , - ; 7 .. . ; The place to get your school books at G. T, Prather at postoffice; , We are not here ' to cut prices, but allow no one to undersell us. ., Blowers & Son. Go to Geo. T.- Prather for cigars and tobacco. Best stock in town. ' .-, Fine line of wall ' paper being closed out at cost at G. T. Prather's. . Call and see. , ,. .' "'. ' '.- ' G. T. Prather agent for D. M. Osborn & Co.'s binders, mowers and sulkey rake. ' , -. Middleton got in a fresh lot of berry crates Thursday evening. Call and get some. '. ' . '..".' When yon j want a sewing rriaehine buy the White, for sale by ' Geo. T. Prather. , j..'" ' - A lot of Peoria earthenware at Mid dleton's. Splendid butter jars, 1,2,3, or 4 gallons. Get your house insured in the Pacific Insurauce Co. of Portland. , G. T. Prather,' agent. ; Coon' says he will "paint the town red" with tomatoes, about the 20th of July. Look out. . - We can y a full lino of General Mer chandise to which we will soon add a larre stock bought in New York and Chicago. Bi.oveu & Son. Go to Blowers & Son for 1 first class wagnnri, buggies, road carts, Aiay rakes, motters or anytmng : in ine rami machinery line. ; 1 ' in , the mercantile years, we claim to l-,5reby enabling us slue receiVxi for GEO. T. PRATHER, DEA LER IN : General .:. Merchandise, J 4 . '.''.. GROCERIES, Book's and -Notions. Cigars and Tobacco. Confectionery and Fruit. Orders for fruit filled promptly. HOOD RIVER, OREGON, m es, Having been business sixteen know how to buv to give custotr their - money misrepresent' and see us. never make any sell goods; come 4 Son., : plinger & Bone, jivcry am Oak Street, near Postoffice, HOOD EIVE11, - - OREGON We have First -Class Stock and Outfits, Double Buggies, Hacks, and Saddle Horses. - A Fine Foilr-Ilorse Coach, suitable for fishing or excursion parties, carries nine passengers. Parties taken to any accessi ble point. Keliable drivers. Our Dray delivers bagfrage or freight anywhere in the Valley iteasonable. Charges