J t 5Coob 3?tuc- Jf octets HOOD RIVER, OR., JUNE 8, 18S9. equaled in the northwest, and in acces sibility the Hood river glaciers discount all others. Three hours ride by rail freni Portland to Hood River, and from four to five hours staging over a mag nificent mountain road bring the traveler GOOD MORX1NG. from the heat of the city to the region of I nornotiml fsnou- Th trin is a delieht- Inissuing the 0, vc.EK the publishers are n9t urged thereto by the deajre to SC- J v- l .J w IJI UUg" IVO UJHgumvv cumulate great wealth, ft6r Are th6y in stilled with a hankering after glory. If the little Glacier will elide along slowly and grind out its own expenses we shall be satisfied. There is no long felt want to be filled, and we hope no early grave for the newspaper bantam. The Gla cigu will be independent in politics and it will be its earnest endeavor to furnish all the local news, as much general news as its space will permit, and such in formation on fruit culture and matters of interest to the neighborhood as cir cumstances may suggest. Hood River is at the. beginning of an era of progress and prosperity, and it shall be our pleas ure to grow with her growth, and to re Lord from time to time her increasing stature. Asking our citizens for a gen , erous support, and (hat they criticise not too harshly our modest efforts, we present the first number for vour perusal, SKA1TLE DESTROYED. basaltic cliffs tower thousands of feet above the river, with beetling crag, and terraced bluffs ; with gloomy gorge and laughing water fall ; with the graceful spire of Rooster rock and the magnifi cent dome of Castle rock, the tinv drip pings of thread like streams down the dizzy heights, and the magnificent rush of the grand Columbia at the Cascades with these and hundreds of other of the master pieces of . nature's handiwork swiftly gliding by the car windows a liv ing panorama, the trip is one never to be forgotten. The time occupied 19 less than it takes to get to the seaside, and surely the mountains are incomparably preferable lo the monotonous beach. Messrs. Ladd & Wood are performing a labor of love in making known the beau ties of Mt. Hood, and will receive the gratitude of those who come, and see, and realize the lavish magnificence of nature in this favored region. The Orcgonian this morning contains a full page of n atter descriptive of the destruction of Seattle by fire Thurs xlay. The fii;e started at 2:30 o'clock Thursday afternoon at the coiner of Madison and Front streets, being caused by the accidental upsetting of a can of turpentine in a shoe shop. The flames spread rapidly and soon got beyond the control of the fire depart ment. Portland Astoria Tacoma and I'ort ITownsend were telegraphed for aid all but Astoria responding by sending engines and hose. Before help arrived however flames had broken out in hundreds of places caused by flying cinders. Sixty-four acres have been burned over, thirty two business blocks be'.ng entirely consumed. During the fire two men were caught stealing and . ropes were thrown around their necks and they were promptly hanged. The loss of property is immense being esti mated at from $35,000,000 to $43,000,000. Outside of those lynched whom latest reports say were five in number, it is not known whether any lives were lost. Tacoma bakeries run all night preparing bread for the homeless, and Allen Mason, had a hundred beeves slaugh tered Thursday night and sent forward yesterday morning. Coast cities are taking up subscriptions for thu relief of those left destitute, and it is probable that the call for relief at Seattle will prevent further aid being sent to Johns town. The eastern cities can easily take care of all the penniless by the floods, and the money of the charitable in this country should go to the Seattle sufferers. It is only a question of time, and a short time at that, until the waters of Hood river are brought in a ditch down through the valley for irrigating pur poses, While most fruit docs well enough, there is no doubt that irrigating would add largely ' to the yields. It would be of immense benefit in bringing the whole valley into cultivation, as with plenty of water big crops of alfalfa could be grown, the soil being particu larly adapted for its growth. Three crops would be grown, and the yearly y:eld per acre would be from six to ten tons. When the valley is all under cul tivation, which it will he in a few years it will be one of the most beautiful places in the world. The fruit farms wiil be of from ten to 100 acres in extent and with alfalfa growing whwe now the pines and oaks have possession, it will be the finest dairy country on the coast. There is no reason why the Hood river valley should not produce, besides vast quantities of fruit, enough butter to sup ply the state, or at least to stop the im portation of the article from Iowa and California. YESTERDAY'S DISPATCHES. HOOD ItlVEIt. The first settlement at this place was made by McLaughlin in 1S52. i uu Hmowmg winter Deing u very se vere one and Mr. McLaughlin losing all bis cattle, he moved to The Dalles. The next settler was Nathaniel Coe and wife Mary W. and four children, all boys of whom the eldest L. W. was one of the founders of the O. S. N. Co., hav ing built with Mr. Thompson the "Uma tilla winch went over the Cascade rapids by accident; Charles who died in 1S72; E, F. who is at present living here with his brother the youngest of the family, Captain II. C. Coe. With the Coo family came William Jenkin . ,1 1 .. nnu o uiuwneu in me l olumbia at the mouth of Hood river, together with bis son mid James Laughlin iu ISGo, and James Renson (now of The Dalles) and wife, and A. C. "Phelps also of TI13 Dalles settled here. During early days wnen uie trail along the river was about he only route from- Portland to Walla Walla, it was a welcome stopping place. The Coe donation land claim on which the town is built is one of the oldest this side of the mountains. Just now the town is becoming justlv famous as a summer resort. The heat is pleasantly moderated by the cool breezes which sweep up the Columbia from the ocean, and the surrounding mountains with the big peaks of Hood and Adams crowned with everlasting snows. Th building of a commodious hotel near the Mt. Hood glaciers wiiich is now progressing rapid ly will furnish the only thing needed to make the Hood river country a paradise for tourists and sportsmen good accom modations. The scenery cannot be See IIoo shot Ah Kow at Walla Walla Monday killing him instantly. Die Salmon pack is 25,000 cases short of the pack at this time last year. The aggregate amount of money sent to the Pennsylvania flood sufferers Mon day was $1505,000. The latest church fad in London is to put telephones in the churches and take the sermons at home. The Connecticut legislature has ap propriated $25,000 for the flood suflerers and Massachusetts, $110,000. The estimates of the number of lives lost at the Johnstown flood are now placed at between 12,000 and 15,000. Five railroad officials wore indicted at Chicago last Saturday, the offense charged being illegal discrimination in freight rates. Two hundred million feet of logs and foity millions of feet of sawed lumber were carried away from Williamsport, Pa,, by the recent floods. m . nt . 1 m i me Lmesapeaae anu unio canal is re ported so badly wrecked as to be bevond the possibility of repair. It cost $11, 000,000 and has had more than forty millions expended on it. Thirteen persons were drowned at Corning, New York, six at Williams port, Pa., twelve at Nippenose, six at Baker's camn, and many other places report losses of from one to six lives. Locki'okt, N. ., May 20 Great damage was done by last night's frost in this vicinity. Nearly all the young plants in the gardens are wilted to the around. Grape vines are badly fosted as high as six inches above the roots A distinguished lawyer of Brooklyn said: 'Not long ago I was talking with -hi. .limine auuui ijiiiuiici ivooeri U. Ingersoll, whom we both very g-ieatlv aum ire for his wonderful talents. I made the remark that it was my belief that Colonel Ingersoll would ultimately renounce his agnosticism. Mr. Blaine said: 'I think so, too, and I shouldn't be surprised to see him some dav in the pulpit.' " Tiscoi.A, 111., May 29. A party of male and female Mormon missionaries is creating great excitement in this vicinity. They have broken up families, separated husbands and wives, and in duced several young ladies to travel with them. Last night one of the preachers was knocked down with a stone by Samuel Davis for having his two danghters lockedjup in church late 1 night, and this morning Davis sound ly thrashed another preacher on the street. INCIDENTS OP THE DISASTER. By an Associated Press Ksporter. These are some little odds apJ ends of the happenings that they told me of: , A beautiful girl came down on the roof of a buildiug, which swung in near the tower. She screamed to the operators to nave her, and one brave fellow walkel as far out into tlu river as he could, and shouted to her to guide herself in to the Bhore with the butt of a plank. She was a plucky girl, and stood upon her frail support in evident obedience to the com mand of the operator. She made two or three bold strokes, and actually stopped the course of the raft for an instant, and then it swerved and went out from undei hr. She tried to swim ashore, but in a lew seconds she was lost in the swirling water. Something must an ner, iur buo lay quietly on her back w ith her face nallid and expressionless. Men and women in dozens, in pairs, and sindv. children, bovs big and little, and wee babies were there in the awful current, gasping, struggling and lighting desperately for lite. . , Two men on a tiny raft shot into the swiftest i.art of the current. They were crouched stolidly, looking at the snores, while between them, dressed in wr.ite and kneeling with her face heavenward, was a girl (i or 7 years old. When she came opposite the tower, she turned her face to the operators. She was so close that they could see the big tears on her cheeks and her death-like pallor. The helpless men on shore shouted to her to keep up her courage, and she resumed her devout attitude, and disappeared under the trees of a projecting point a short distance below. ' We could not see her again," said the operator, "and that was all of it." "Do vou see that fringe of trees?" said the operator, pointing to the place where the little girl had gone out of sight. "We saw scores of children swept in there. I believe that when the time comes they will find a hundred bodies of children in there among those bushes." James M. Walters, an attorney, spent the night iu Alma hall, and relates a thrilling story. One of the most curious occurrences of the whole disaster was how Walters got to the hall. He has bis office on. the second floor. His home is at 135 Walnut street. He says he was in the house with his family when the waters struck it. All was carried away. Walters' family drifted on the roof in another direction. He drifted down several streets and alleys until he came to the hall. His raft struck that build in!! and he was thrown into his own oflice. About 200 persons had taken refuge in the hall, and were in the second, third and fourth stories. The men held a meeting and decided upon some rules which all were bound to respect. Wal ters was chosen president and Rev. Mr. Beale put in charge of the first floor, A. M. Hart of the secmd floor, and Dr. Matthews of the t..d floor. No lights were allowed and the whole night was spent in darkness. The scenes were most agonizing. Heartrending shrieks, sobs and , moans pierced the gloomy darkness. The cries of children were mingled with the half-suppressed sobs of women- No one slept during all of the dark night. Many knelt for hours. in prayer. Their supplications were mingled with the roar of waters and the shrieks of the dying. In all this misery two women gave premature birth to children. An utterly wretched woman named Mrs. Fenn, stood by a muddy pool of water trying to find some trace of a once happy home. Mie was hall-crazeu with grief and her eyes were red and swollen. As the writer stepped to her side she raised her pale and haggard face and remarked, "They are all gone. Oh God be merciful to them. My husband an ! my seven dear little children have been swept down with the flood, and I am leit alone. We were driven by the rag ing flood into the garret, but the water followed us there. Inch by inch it kept rising until our heads were crushed against the roof. It was death to re main, so I raised the window and placed my darlings on some driftwood, trusting to the great Creator. As I liberated my last one, my sweet little boy, he looked at me and said: "Mamma, you always told me that the Lord would care for me ; will he look after mo now ?" I saw him ilritt away, with his loving face turned toward me, and with a prayer on my lips for his deliverance, he passed from my sight foreyer. The next mo ment the roof crashed in and 1 floated outside, to be rescued fifteen hours later near the roof ot a house 111 Momville If I could only find one of my darlings I could bow to the will of God, but they are all gone. I have lost everything 011 earth now but ny life." A handsome woman walked through the depot where a dozen or more bodies were awaiting burial. Passing from one to another, she finally lifted a paper covering irom tne lace of a woman young and with traces of beauty show ing through the stains of muddy water. With a cry of anguish she reeled back ward, to be caught by a man who hap pened to le passing. In a moment or so she had calmed herself sufficiently to take one more look at the features ot her (load. She stood gazing at the unforta nate as if struck dumb. The dead wo man was a sister of the mourner. The body was placed in a coffin a few min utes later and sent away to its narrow nouse. Nkw York, May 30. The J ft-mid'. Montreal dispatch says: A well-autheri ucaieu report, conies nere that tlie steamship Lake Ontario foundered iu th gulf and sank with all hands. She sailed on Wednespay for Liverpool, witn a inn list 01 cabin passengers.