The Columbia register. (Houlton, Columbia County, Or.) 1904-1906, June 01, 1906, Image 1

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0. it
' iThc sentiment in (avor of a
! 'iquarc deal" for women lias in-
creased ao largely In our state, and
I the desire to do justice to the noble
pioneer mothers and patriotic sisters
w$0 lit and jiide by side with fathers
j and brothers n the development of
OrVcon. lias aroused such a herwc
c( honor in the justice-loving voters
) mil me revelation oi me comoiuc
forces antagonistic to equality of
: the people will give an overwhelm
iut vote for equal rights for all.,.,.
jsecrct circular : judiciously
mailed to liquor dealers of the slate
' rcatls as follows: ."'V
J Portland, May 21,' WOO Dear
Rif : Two lawr. arc to be voted on
! at jibe tlection Juue 4 which are of
v!al ' importance to every liquor
merchant lu Ortoti,' Without ex
ception. The first is woman suffrage.
Thc second is the amendmeut to
' the local option law.
' !The members, of this association
hayc worked hard for a long time
Wvlh,thcJc aters, Jta far s
harpcpdmcoUQth looal option
is. WWCrned. they have pre
pMf4 the amendment, defended Us
itfe successfully in thi supreme
i court, and placed It on the .."ballot:
& ut, King few in number, they
cajmat by themselves pawrtho local
flhat part of the work U up to
thontaitcr. We write this letter
o inTWttOy k yovi to help.
I It will take aO,000 votes feat
woman WffttV. "' ! n 50-
000 votes to pass the amendment to
' the localptiollUw. There are
. 1200 retailers in, Oregon,
"Tliat'mcans not' every retailer
trmst hlnwlf bring Jn.. 25, votes
. Section: day. . . . ... .
EverV reUulcr ean gejt ' 25 votes.
' Besides hi emyloycs, he has bis
grocef, his butchet his ' landlord,
jloes business w. ,?(ev.crj man
tilltete' d. this we will
'e enclose 2 ballot tickets show
ing how the$c two laws wttl appear
niratiMftt w tow .rote-, . ,
Yf flag eflcJo Vplal card
ddrrwi.t iffo HWDciation. If
you wlll: personly. take 21 f rlciidly
votes to the polls ou ejection 4 day
and givcj tach oe a ticket thawing
how to vote, please mail the postal
card'' back Xo us at v once, 'Vou
need not' sign the card. Every
card has a number and r.we know
C.O.I ., ' " .
who sent t in.
, 113 all fogeTher. an let
, The names appearing on the
letterhead are significant, and are
no doubt those 'toO. nnnierous to
pubiLsh" referred to in the protest
of the antis. which, apperared some
1 .jjtyi Ocular, s apanied by
mb$W$$P' WW addressed
. Pwlern'. Aaj'H, ,
,l . a. 418-414 -McKay Building
. , . - . Portland, Oregon.
. ,The reverse side of the card con
': talnes this, reptv.message; ;.
.-Dear Sirs;.,
' t rwill attend to it.
.j- ,JI i '25 times.' ' '
V'jJ; : -Ut t vYouw truly
instead' of a signature, a number
follow',- inv strict emulatibn,of penl-
abeline.i .'v ,
4' ;w.a;Scsday
: QrW'Mewrve'RHhat place,' The
oh took ten days." J ' ' : "
The son of; R. Williams who
broke hid aru at play last week is
'rsjidly recovering,
FflW men are ' flattered by the
pure 'unaddlteiited' truth about
themselves and especial! when it
appears in print and it circulated
among their frienJs, Natarally
they wish men to think well of
them and are willing to encourage
their friends and the public gen '
erallj br covering up their own
weak and erring point with ample
charity and self acclamation.
When however, anyone - raiser a
doubt and publishes the short
comings of such an one. it is very
hard for him to pat himself In the
pi ice of his traduces and see him
self as others see him.
8elf esteem is often a deceiver,
bu. io this age of surprises men are
apt to take a few grains of salt be
fore swallowing whole, all that a
man may aver concerning his own
deeds ar.d accomplishments. Yet
be is not to be blamed for sounding
his own praisfls unless ha can
keep pretty mum about himself.
Sometimes a man may so con
ceutrate his efforts of thought upon
bis own importance and worth in a
community that ' his sphere of
Usefullness becomes purely irnagi-'
nary an be - himself wholly ' de
eel fed untfr ome' "unkind person
happens to butt into bim and waken
him sufficiently to sit up and take
notice, and even then h does not
part with his self-delusions so long
as he oau And anyor. to impress
them upoahim and pat him on the
back no matter if it is only his wife
or some other woman uiually a
wife is first undeceived.'
Sometimes several men enter
into a. self-delusion, similar to the
individual experience and from
circle wherein 'they lose account of
tiny and progiessand the demands
or their envtormeati to sncU an
exteat that the resent very eil.rt
to break the "spell", or. trance, qr
whateyer t may f ftt4 U the
most ludicouj tannej- place them-
telvea in oppositigm o friends,
and even law, s and their representa
tives and all who are dpose to
undeceive h$aft.
Often su,ch meft are the ones who
could profit largest hy th awaken
ing nd who ar cwded to till
responelUlti positions in the com
munity and State, but who through
their unfortunate predicament of
mind are rendered useless for such
service, and are made tools for
everv sort ot unscrupulous and
harmfdl end never for kkJ.
It behooves the feiyles, o,f the
Regsj to, be, ti Cjha.rtle w
poBsiln whout ericcmrdin to)
ncmch qy such 6$ea s my bo in
ou.r midst, and to try and devise
some effective and harmless mean
for breaking such spells. And
above all be honest, without being
puffed up or self-deceived.
Sometimes even men who have
accepted the proprVv.tubTte oon-
Hqercfl ana ueoiareu allegiance io
needed .reforms and laws enacted
by men whoso places they aspire
to; sometimes ft,l; ' 8,re mstnuried
into, taking an a,tt le of- Qbiua
cy aga,lnftt'th,eine.vrta.hle,.
ym wfha aie looked
upon as pillars of good judgment
are suddenly found in their dotage,
without any place in human aff iirn,
at the beck and call of 1 the veriest
femanine instincts, rather than
taking the maniy courte, such as
proclaims, men fit for places of
larger trust. ' ;
Again there are those vt.ho befool
themselves. ,hv ine" delusion of
cunning evasion, for the" preser
vation of business' integrity, and
cling to vicious ftiBues because they
have no ' ambitions beyond o
satisfy. " '
And la,s bflt rot lea,at thre art
unfortunate, ones.. VfhOj 'although
bound hftfld and Joqt . within . the
circlei and pQwerleaa to cope with
its delusions, would do credit to
JLegiBlature.' 8uoh men are proof
against the ocult ofeyiland inspire
anew pur faith in the future of our
country and cf P.aia'.5?.
Born, to the wife of Chat, E. j
Thompson, a nine and a half
pound boy, Monday, Mav 21st,
iooi. '
The steam schooner "Aurelia"
finished loading a cargo of over a
half million feet of lumber last
Thursday at the Rainier Mill and
Lumber Company. Only thije
days were taken in loading the
cargo, which is pretty quick
The new photogrsph gallery will
be ready for business in a very
short time. Terwillinger, the
photographer, has prepared ' for
himself very comfortable quarters,
and should receive a liberal pat
ronage. JueJ as good picture cin
be made here as in Portland.
A. A. Sickau, the harness maker
hs removed his old stand toClats
kinie. We are sorry to lose him
here, as he underntood his trade
thoroughly. Hut as all the stores
carry some leather goods in his line
the business was. too much divided
to be as profitable as it should to
one who makes it his srmcial
The Hatiuer public school had
its commencement exercises laet
Friday night in the K. of P. hall.
The houe was packed to overflow
ing, and a number could not get
admission. The program was well
carried out, and all who participat
ed did themselves credit. The
eighth grade graduating class r$
fleets credit on the pch o! as it is
one of the be".t that bar ever gradu
ated in thee unty. Prof. Wiiker
son, who has been instrumental
in raising our school to such a
high standard, of excellent
been elected principal of the Forest
Gmve school, and will n..t teach
here again. . -
The Socialists here held a meet
ing last Saturday, and were . ad
dressed by one of their speaker?, a
Mr. Wan how, on the doctrines
and principles of aicialism. An
attentive audience listened to t the
Mr. Frank Hankin, a brother of
W. II. Hankins, died suddenly
May 30, at Portland, where he has
resided for many years. He was
45 years old and leaves two sons,
his wife having died several years
j Mrs. J. F. Timony is visiting
her daughter Mrs. Guy Thayer, at
Seattle this week.
; A Mr. Keith, an eastern man U
planning to build a saw mill at
I '
! The Campbell Brothers have
quite a cluster ofc.rand house?
on tke. X0ttoy plce where thty
are preparing to build their' mill
and run theij lodging camp.
S Miss Kva Burn? and her brolher
Dan m,ade a visit to Seaside Inst
Sunday to visit their sister who is
teach' ng in the public school at
that pluoo.
j Frank Stehman is erecting a 16x
20 addition to the house he recently
bought in Moecks Add.
, A special coach aud locomotive
brought several officials of the A.
&C. R. R. toahiiw where they
srkn,t Wednesday afternoon. Mr,
McGinn ana j. v.. Mayo were
arjiong the party.
!,On Wednesday aftern.o.w of May
30 0,00(5, at wside'nce of the
V.yASiftreats Miss -Myrtle Deitz
waA united in marriage to D. L.
tirt?xeu ot cattle, i fte marriage
cciremo,riy was performed by Rev!
Nt Carmichael." A banquet 1 was
served in the Odd ' Fellows hall,
abpnt 25 , friends, relatives and
invited guests participated. The
young people will make their home
,. We have t last konii-thing definite to
repJit in rfgnrJ to rai!roal matter?.
14"t Wtdnesday afternoon Mr. C. E.
Lj'Uf, of t!e Pacific RaiircxiJ and !avi-
gatlott Co., acconipanle.l by the cbief
engineer, G. L. iMvto, came into our
city ami at onca let themaelves be
known. They have been hra anouiber
of tbies during tbe at aix njootba lot
al6ji incognito, thia time they had
bii8inca with our peopW. A maaa meet
inji as" called that nfght.and for tle
almri notice a gocJIy namber of oof cit
izein -er oot, Mayor Beaeeroan took
th chair and introdnced thegentletnen,
Mr. Lytl aaid the reaoo hy ttiey, had
never Iut themst:lves known wai be
cauHi! they had not heretofore had any
thing to propose to ourcitizt'na.and now
thej had. He easd the comnnur had
ln?e(! ukinj preliminary aorveys along
vari- rcmtfi, among them the one
doii 1'iaver crtk and the Nehatem to
Veri jiiia, that they had the r-jd com
phu i to n.ASiki, with the engine push
ing i as into that station; that tro
thin - at the grading was done to Btu
' .t t!ie road was located in tUe
of r.
if t!
it CO!
mile Btatiim, four ih'ihn ttiis side
m.mij that inside of 30 daya, ii
t get t!io nseu ' r.nd teams tbey
tothia nation, that wlile
:--t pfj;,iue derlnialy that
" i fut.ti', tir thry are try-
practical route to
! a prcpo ition to
! oot! people will
j 'ut-of-Hiy dejKit eite, etc.,
mid linalfy decide upon this
.y wi!5 b'lihl ttie ro'd a4 have
!ii Jd i y J.uinary tgt,a903. Chief
Eiiijtoeer Davis aleo Oiade a talk,' ex
plainii f ct rtaiii matters aboat the rout.
B"th grr.deuien we,re eminently fir and
frank i.t ail tiiy paid. Mayor Fesse'inan,
Dr. C. JL Hatiii ld. C, V. Mellingor, G.
A. G'.mahsan, K. K. Throop.and others
pok nnd ntfliiy qwt ilons were aeked
and 8 iavered. tuid on motion of Dr.
fratt'i !., seconded hy D. W. Ken?ey, A.
M. I' u kei and others, and by a unani
mous v p the following committee was
Hppi ii;'. -! to have full iiawer to act, to
Call '-':
t:.t rt'jfMj.t and to dieensis
;Uonr citins, and ta look
mi t us
general, via; Judson Weed, chainnan,
G. Uaatafaon, C. V. Mellinger, E. R.
Throop, R. Seeeenmn, L. r-eijrtrt. This
was in accordance with the wishes of
the railroad people. The coiinnittee had
its first meeting Thursday night and
mapped out its work, but can not get it
in earnest until the locatiug engineers
get the line definitely located io Ver-
uonia. Mr. Lytle and engineer Davis
said that while the railroad company did
not want a site for a mill, since thpy ex
pected to do only a transportation busi
ness, yet there are men whom they know
who have money ready to come here and
put in a big mill just as soon as the rond
is completed to this point. So if our cit
izens really want a railroad the- prospect
seems flattering and it in np to them to
do poetiug to get It. Ina private con
versation with your correspondent Mr.
Lytle said: "If we can get the righi of
ay free of nil cost to us Vemonia will
get the road."
,. tm$m '
::r------ tty M l4
, 2iite a nsmt-er cf cc pi. a of tU nia' "fUia. AnJ, 6,;;f of
ler Review were meived lit re last week. Nickern, baa lo.ight tba Kench r.
We wondere.1 at f.mtwhat wan np, but : n 1 Ler eon, a Mr. I ra:ik F. '.Ij tf K.-.-a
glance over ita !.owed tl, ear ' a, ill -in oot s-.m. tin; t'U U
of the animal ttkkhz out in ttvrm ran Hand make 1 ;s home I ere.
place, and ite outi,- nJ "whif-y1 ,,. , , ,
tick." aer. Wry,srire,,t. F,rst V W r Uu?' " W 5 " "r
cities of Rain,. ,'ake a defend t i3y, L, tn, a wUn8 w an la
r .
do. i.t in . ., ..r;:,rr rr:?.,w
.-lid-.-u way tiiau
simply "resolving.1
wanted to get befoi
of the Portland lawyer in U-ha!! of ih
atooD keepers aiiieiiduu-iit tothe prea-
ent local option law. which he thh.kj
la each a verr nice thin''. 'So Iff. ia
... r.nrt 1 1 . b. .... 1 . f . . .
arm u-Wi.iK to . I. .... 1 t
wo, ii. ii ju ni'i wry Dril tjl ri"4.otl9
why oneghonld vote "No" on it.' Third
the editor of the Review anted t- to i 'll'iTlS - Ir- td Mrs. Jacob Milier, who are
tell us fellows over here in Auburn j re-' "j''f'i'"a on the Rencb ranch. Tbe-te
cinct, bow the poor, dear innocent ! l 'a"e l'1-'" . H' celebrated Mi
women don't war.i to vuti", and buw a ' a'"' valley, which is faul to be the gar
lot of scalawag's are going t try an 1 1 sPot ' the world. Mr. Myers and
make them vote. In't the two thing., , (-unity go to Yfllow?tone Park next. ,
opposition to the pre- 'nt J..d ci.ri.nii Mrs. Clark's school will give an enter
law and to woman sutfV.igo tJ?' ' i tainment and baVet aociable at Muckle's
hand 5u band? Itiatha i;ru.,r hiien.-u hall Saturday night. All the ladies are
that are circulating l.Ma!ur. fr both invited to bring baskets and tha'penCe
the' ameodmetit and vgaint woman ; men well died pocket bo ks. ltd jro
suffrage. It u too Vi 1 tf-.' ;r i-rercnt 1 cetds will be for the nurcbaceof en orrria
hral option law is
(,n!y a prohibition
to be.
How feared tU-ga.ti.o.n (i,
l)01i t 1...-V know that V y
opium ti every state isa prolibitionj
aw neuever t:.e voters ot any i.artica-
lar territory v-: tahnv out the saloons.
Certainly, Hut th, eJiforof the Review
and the saloon ites of Icoiaitsr. rs well &
other places, will prubably
realiau it on lu ?.",;v iit
mwe fully
when tht-t
fr., .1 . t .1 -
hear from the vo!-ti from the rr.ra
Ar,;..,. r . i.. ..I...,:...,. . . . ,
having tre cities alu:,- llm river pocket
the fees for saloon' luv:-;ei for thir on
benefit, and the a abn thd 'county to
pay the costs in tariviis m'itA in the cir
cuit court, jrowiny; out (,I their tali d
getnlrnnk-quick whi-k"y. . Thcw rursl
voters will etiU give the woman sntFraje
amendtiient a pretty Mmr lift,-and the
saloon keejiers r.n'H'ivhiiei.t a
'ard kick; D'ye hear?
Uncle Joe Yanblarico:n In b
111 'lit V I
.'en qiiitj
sick thir week but i svi
? Wter ut ids
, : t f ..:.. . I - . l
k. Niern wB. v.
out to the hoypiul Fridoy last, retari
I W,I C'i4 cf I'-'-hur-r, who was sa-
rwUB,y ,,art ''y fi,:i n bail(iir Rt
" 00 lUtdl 21 last, is tow at
","e' aulB 10 m P aroana; cot
well vei, bat srJjJiiy iraprovin.
J. (j. Myert, wife and daugMer, of
; Ohio, who are touring the 'e?t, are via-
for tbe Wilkinson district.
j Rev." A. K. Jlyers preached lh first
: wrra,ffl Snda mnrniw Tt a t?
sermon l.(Iav morn jo
meD!0riaJ but
was a; r
j br the large audience prsent.
Those who have joined the cream la
tluslry since our last report are Lo .'s
Khrt. Alex Suwd V .Trthn B .,.:,
arill 1L p. Vanblaricom. The first two
1 1 T- . ......
iiiae x.cunoniy epparaiors, me liara ft
, ,
l'. S., and the tact a Dairy. Ell have-
the "best going."
Carl R. Mills went out to Forest Grove
Monday with a load of wool, made np
of the shearing of several of our tilk '.a'a
shf-ep. He al-io look oat two gentlemen,
i (the names we could not cf t) vl.oba?9
I been la-re looking op-a Rail As
i said a week or. so" ao, "tl.9 wo-.hli f.ra
j llierailv full of men" thf-;
I about for various thin'.:,
are nil on the "still bun;'
! to get tlwir names or ti ;
it'.'-'v come from or v,'. it
1 t