The Columbia register. (Houlton, Columbia County, Or.) 1904-1906, May 04, 1906, Image 4

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    I'oMa Register.
. i . a armil-olu matter April !, 1H,
i ) offic at Houllxn, Onf jvH,UBdf th
vi i ongrcM 01 Marra i if ..
B. II. XtTCUKLL. Ktllt.r.
ubacriptioa price tl 00 pr year In advance
Advertising ratce rruocable.
The crntral part of Columbia County
liould be r?prvtiitel on Hie boam l
County Oomrulaaioneit. In the liule
penuVnt candidacy of li. 1. Burns
of Rainier we And a man who in evert
way U well qualified to (111 the position
ai'difeWieit would do justice to alt
part of the county.
The brt Way to r afrui abuses U to
elect only good men to office. Thin p
llit esjwlally to govtrnors, JiuIkv
and prosecutor. See what Ilauly and
Flk have done for Indiana and Mia
fouri;pee what Jerome has done foi
Vv York and Its county pnvecu'toi
to Millwaiikw; look at the fraud
u n art I iel (luring Chaiiibri Iain's tern,
in Orvpon. Farmers are the main tv
liancfs hi this n alter, and they shonlil
we Miat only tood men are nominated
and eloetnl.
W. J. KllilltTtO.I Hit- nulej inlii l'r r'pre,iit:itive is -i!
known nil mer CoKnnbia uniy 11.
i :i nun of nbilitv. the -trirtest Integ
rity, nl ne who if rK-d-il to rpr
nt the propleof ilie County in 1 1
state legislature will do k with credit
to the ole mid honor to liinwil.
A vou for W. J Fiilh i t. n f r riv
'iitati ve is a vtf tor tttii oiiiv in do
C"iidii-t of -oii!ity lia rs, a lie wil
not favor the ailvamr in tlie nalaiie- of
any if the county fitivrs.
The Register commends to i.s reader
thevandidacy of Geo. E. Chamberlain
for (iovernor of (hi common wealth
and II. Hem I ram for county clerk ol
Columbia County. They are dro.
crab to be m re, but both have Itrn
elected by Rt-puhlicutm, and may be .o
again reflected with honor to all con
cerned. Chamberlain and Henderson
have each served sufficient time iu
their respective offices to demonstrate
their efficiency. Tney have acquitted
themselves with distinction and honor.
Tbey are real officers not figureheads
Let us show our appreciation fur this
sort of service.
Political Earthquake.
Two even's near the close of last
week jarred the even tenor of Oregon
politics, following the stem retdiiies of
the primaries. One is still a wonder
and a sonrce of soreness, while the
other has Its humorous side, apart
from the political tragedies, that go to
make up the story.
First in the order of its happening
whs the turningof the tide in the count
of the vote for the republican candidate
for United Slates Senator. For three
days H. X. Cake was looked upon n
man wilh the big plum, when tb veer
ing breeze wafted tidings from the
counties kfar and wilh the rising on
the political niaiket of Jonathan
Bourn's stock, Cake saw his hard
sought chance "the applaus of listening
senates to pMunianri," fade at.d g
glimmering into thedream of unborn
Jonathan Ruorne, Jr. is the republican
choice for United .States Senator by a
slim plurality. Jonathan Bourne!
Thin cognomen awakens riotus mem-
Tie and some of them will ert him
V'.i'H. Tlieslmdis -f the legislature ot
1895 iii d ti e !n;ifc1iture that Wim't in
I897 a d. hai l i gain along with Ihem
! the s.cer of the celebrated
E:r;lge Hi. ck, where Jonathan Bourn
and wine and Kong held forth for 4n
deys and niuhtu and the legislature
'li.ln'l organize. For why? 'I hey May
J'l'iiithiin w:in'el i-i be sjieaker am!
Mi'chell wouldn't let liiui, and tiecause
.Mitchell wouldn't let Jonathan be, J tt.;Hh:iti Mi'cliell
.ii'ili.'- .. ri,H ,.gj. ,,,f(.
'Mil' ' 'i' ii
I I . l ; J'..a ,!)., flI,d jl ,, ,r,,
i''Ii'i il iiiiel I j i 1 1 u CkelnaiiV llnutgal d 6il up the tiiii.clal M.iUih
in the stale exi-hcquer.
Second in its hapiiening wa tlie
eleeiionof C. A W'esig.te, or Alhiny
I airman of the BvptihlicHii Hiate On-
r- l C ninit!ee It took two day t
to the job
Mr. Wextgute U a good is a
candidate fir Collector of Customs t)
succeed Ike Patterson, but he never
managed a state campaign under diffi
culties like those of the head of the
organization is going up against be
twixt now and the 4ih of next June.
' The shades of Mitchell and riimon
were there and they cast a shadow over
the troubled scene. Candidates were
like the sands of the sea, but Westgate
won on a Compromise.
Tbe election came off riaturday. The
evetiii g before the candidates for Klate
office, turning them Jonathan Bourne,
)r lihycnjlie, the (luhernatorial
cm did ie ind o.'hers, cauciiBi d.
B on e Ion iled out ihe name of John
B. David, h political unheard of as a
feeler, Withyconibe didn't want him.
He was altlght, but.
Then the wily Jonathan suggested
Geo. A Steel, an old campaigner him
self a candidate and interested. Withy-
It the (rrtaiost th!eto havedyt '
nd hi mn'loj would ikxu (all. I u
cal strength l donvl from hxvl. It a
mn h uiufticiMii (otM h lo- stn'iiKth.
It ho hu no IkhKl he dic. tsnt l.i ;
veruxt Into niitriiion through Uie stom
ach amt bowels. Il Ur nU on tin'
Strength ot th stomach to what extent
food eU'i is digtstid and tssimilatiM.
lSxpl can die of starvation who have
abundant food to rat, when the stomach
and Its associate organs o( digestion and
nutrition do not ur(orm their dutr.
Thus the stomach l rtally the vital or
gan of the If the stomach is "weak
the boly will lo weak also. Ivaus it Is
upoi. the stomach the lvly nlies for its
Stnngth. Ami as the NhIv', cousioVrcd as
a whole, is made up of lis several mem
bers and organs, so the weakness of the
body as a vonstHpieiuv of "weak stom
ach will he distributed among the or
gan which compose the Nnly. It the
body is weak because it is Ill-nourished
that physical weakness will lx found in
all the organ heart, liver, kidney, etc.
The liver will he torpid and inactive,
giving ri.e to biliousness, loss of appetite,
weak nerves, feeble or irregular action of
heart, palpitation. ilinititss. headache,
backache and kindred disturbances and
Mr. Iiimis Pr of 4uelnv. wrtiM: For
X'r after my health Ix-t'tn to fail, my lu-v
grew diuLf, ej paiutsj n tntl my -t.'tinrh
was -re all Hie tlimv while v rj ilmiit I
wouM rat wouM se'in to lie heavy like li d
on my siouiach. The tlociorn claliutt lint
It wa ynpathetlc ttulle tlae to dyspepsia,
ant) presi-riliisj for im ami altliomrh I i.s k
Ihelr powtlers nvuiarly yet I fell no better.
My wife aitvisel me to try Ir. PuT'tttioltien
UtsJu-al ltvTery and sup taktn- Idedis
tor'a metllcliie, Slio Umclu me a t.'ttlo and
we soon found that 1 tefan to Improve. I
kept ud the treatment. 1 ti'k ihi ilesh. my
stomacn lecame normal, thednn'siiveonrans
worked perfectly and 1 soon Uvan to look
like a different person. 1 can ni''r eea-' to
te grateful for what your medicine has don
tor me and I certainly give It lii:lie-t -raiM.
llon't be w hellei by a iMMiuy-grubbin
dealer Into taking Inferior substitute for
Dr. Tierce's nnMlciues, ntmmended to
be "just as good."
To gain knowledge of your own body
in sickness and health send for the Peo
ple's Common Snse Mtlical Adviser. A
book of 10IW pases, Snd 21 otw-cen
stamps for paper-eovennl. or 3t st:inijis
for cloth-Uund copy. Addnss Pr. K. V.
PieR-e, 0a Main Street, Huffalo. N. Y.
sinle hesilated. then caulated. I
k all agreed and then they slept over
i'. but with (becoming of the iiioi
"inc Joiitttban's weather iock t"k
uiother tuiu. He balked at Steel, tio-
Ixxly knows w hy. But he did.
Then there was a wrangle and the
organization was held up. Things are
generally held up where Jonothan is
ind Jonothan U aad Jonathan was
there. Finally, and It was getting to
ward sun down, Wiihvcombe proposed
Westgate. Bourne baulked, but the
v?teranarian stood his ground aud the
senatorial cjtndid.te yielded. His
name was then propped to the Com
uimittce which adopted it, us a mutter
of course, for it was waiting for Jot a-
than to give the word.
The hand of Jack Matthews, ousted
United States Marshal and deposed
Republican boss, was seen in thegaine
Early iu the morning of the second
day the hu g and well-fed fotm of Ike
Patterson hove on the scene. He
came from the direction of Matthews'
office. He went and came again and
then again. He looked disinterested,
but he talked in the ears of the
troubled breatheru and ihcy heard
him. Steel is an old Himon mnn and
the Mitchell contingency didn't want
him ; so he was shelved.
Patterson I.s Collector of Customs and
Westgate wants the job. Pai'tr-on
didn't want to see Wes'g.ite made
chairman, but Withyconibe insisted
aud the boys thought that he ought
to Lava something to say ''because you
know" said they, "he's got a fiht uu
his hands." And sure enough he has.
Thus ends the first chapter in the
organization of the Bepuhlican party
along new and harmonious Hues. The
fiteel men are just a little sore, al
though they smile. That's the game.
The old Matthews' crowd isnt al
together jubulent, for they didn't gel
w hat they wanted. Simon was turned
down. Bourne wasn't the happiest
man in the world, hut he didn't try.
for he will have his hand iu the game,
big, because has a sack and money
I he Deinoriiats are aitive. (iovernor
Chamberlain, standard bearer of his
party in Oregon, has opened bis cam
paign alnady. His liisi npM-arance
wasatMt. Angel, where he exke to
an immense audiance.
His next address was at Staylon,
where another large audiance
greyed him und accoided him an en
thijsi i-tse hearing. Governor Chain
iH-ridii is making his campaign on bis
record an chief exet'il'IVe of (Jrigoii fol
four yearn and it is a good record lo run
:. Reduced taxes, cleaner adminis
1 1 at ion a general straightening out
i he tangled aflairs of the .Slate land de
partment; and a large saving to the
stale in ihe way of interest earnings on
tin state school fund, are some of the
items of interest in his administration,
which please the people, and which
will claim their votes.
General Wood's Around the World
Mileage bill has been exphined uUmt
as well as the killing of the Moro
women and children.
Cuba seems to be selling us most of
her proouctB, and buying mosc tf her
goods iu Europe. Thus, does reci
procity get twisted.
191 h
A RvMnrkakl ttrtda.
Am.U) ihe r.,.:tti,v wld nook ai d cot
Cera aud of the nuld E ucraU
lslo Is Carried ;t ivdo, ou the Civit
Northeru ruili..d of Irv land. It Is au
Isol.itl rH-k, scpaiatiM fivm the main
land by a vhasui sixty feet wide oud
more than eighty fot deep, aud It U
at this place hat the salmou are' tutor
copted lu their rvtivat to the rivers, A
rudo bridge of ropes Is throwu across,
which remains during the flshlng ca
.uu and this biilgx which U pisttctil
by a single rvi tail, awlngi aliout iu
the most uucnifoi table tuuuner, often
rendering It a dangerous feat lu stormy
wtstthor aave ta the natives, who cros
it with the utmost ludirTerence. The
luune is derivtsl frvmi "Currlg a-ram-hadh"
(the rwk In the road) ou account
of the Interwpting of the salmou. Neat
by on the west side of tho Island is a
cavrrn iu which have boeu found the
bones of haro, ox, doer, shisp, gojtt.
Utdger. otter, witter rat aud of several
kinds of bird.
Tn OU4 lolamea.
"he lsk done by a FreueU utvuk
who lusteud of writing the words cut
the letters from tho vellum page aud
formed a sort of stencil has its opposite
lu it Swedl.-u trausluilou of the fout
gospi'l, which was done lu gold nud
silver leaf. Tho Initial lctton are cut
front thin sheets of teatcu gold done Iu
delicate tracery, while tho body of th
tost Is of heavy silver. The foil Is ce
mented to the parchuieut pane with an
adhesive which lu spite of the tmdoubt
cd nutitmity of the book has not lost
Its powers. Most freak looks were
evidently done b perpetuate the name
of the Ingenious owner, but this carries
absolutely na Information as to Its
A more modern freak Is the output of
a Lyons silk weaving firm and Is a
prayer look In which the letters arc
woven into the silk. But one ropy wai
made of flic book, find this Is In the
government library at Pari.
I'hyklml I altar.
A rational system of physical cnl
ture should Insure to every man and
woman who adopts It a Hrfectly erect
poistsl figure, n straight spine, a hrond,
deep and capacious chest, uplifted and
flexible, and harmonious development
of nil the muscles. He or she should
be easy and graceful In every tuove
uietit. iosessed of marked muscular
lower and endurance, splendid health
and n voice of notable equality and
So much would the rational Rfstetc!
of physical development do for those
who followed it. and any method which,
w ill not accomplish nil of these things,
even for Its least promising students,
Is iu so much incomplete and false. The
object of physical culture methods I
to render the Issly a more perfect In
strument, more strong, more enduring,
more olel! the .command of tht
will. Outing Magazine.
La ash and Live Iam.
It has becu nptly aald that there U
not the remotest corner of the Inlet of
the minute blood vessel of the huinan
body that docs not feel koiuo wuwlet
from tin' cuivulsioiis ori'iiHlnni'd by
good hearty IanshbT. The life rin'i
I!e of the central man l-i shaken to In
Innermost depths, Beiidlnt; new tides of
life and strength to the Mirfaec, thu
materially tending to Insure
health to the O'-rsons who linluljje
tin rein. The bhxxl moves more r;ijiil!y
aud eonveys a tlifTyrtut Impression tc
nil the orpins of the body uh It visits
them on that particular mystic Journey
when the man Is lauhln from that
conveyed nt other times. For this rea
son every food, hearty launh iu which
a irson Indulges tends to lengthen his
life, convoying ns It does new and dis
tinct Ktiinulus to the vital forces.
Starboard and I'orl.
Why do the Hailors call the right
hand Hide of the ship "starboard" and
the left hand "portr For the answer
it Is necessary to go back to the days
of the Norsemen and Saxons. In the
viking ships the warriors hung the
"hords," or tdiields, on the wide of the
hhlj) nlxivc the places for their oars.
The viking himself held the Hteer oar,
which was fastened to the right hand
Hide of the Ktem. Thus the right hand
side of the ship became known ns the
Hteer Bide, it ml us the bonis of the war
riors were hung there it was called the
"steerbord," or starboard side, while
the lower, or lurking side, beearue the
larboard. Bord eventually became cor
rupted into jwrt.
Tbe Ciolden C'rratrd Wrrn,
The golden crested wren Is the small
est not only of British but of all Ku.
ropean birds. Its average weight is
only about eight grains troy. The
leugth of the feathers Is about three
and a half Inches aud the stretch of
the wings about five inches, but when
the feathers are taken off the length of
the body uoes not exceed one inch.
A Poor Trade.
'Tes," said the African chieftain
pleasantly, "I gave eight mules for my
wife, and I must say that I got badly
"That's what. It was found a case
of swapping eight for one." Louisville
Courier Journal.
Nemesis Is lame, but she Is of colos
sal stature, and sometimes, while her
word Is not yet unsheathed, she
stretches out her huge left aim aud
grasps her victim, Tho mighty hand Is
Invisible, but the victim totters under
the dire clutch. George Eliot.
Throat Ipon Him.
"How did stupid old Itoresome ever
get a reputation for wit?"
"He was once Interviewed by a bril
liant younjr reporter," Mlnneapolla
Jackets, Suits, Silk Petticoats
and Silk Waists
lnlu'8' Illt?h -Class Suite nm Coats, tho entire balance of a prominent manufao
turer, bought at a i.riw compatiblft with our -carta burtneiw, ami now offered to our
patrons and frionilM at prices that will Nxm close them out. New, up-tadato Kton
Jackets, handsome! taffeta lined; every unit a perfect Kern. Wo will put tnem on
sale tomorow and Wednesday at rediculourty low prices. Tho pick is yours while
they last. Remember, Tuesday's aud Wednesday's great offering. Tne early shop
pers Ket tho lirst choice.
Ladiet' and Gents New Ladies' Silk Waists
Suit Cases, Hand Satchels ;lai,i.ef wh ? ?tSf!fli
Silk Waists, elalKiratoly trimmed, fit and
ehave a beautiful collection of rcii- finish to date, $j.5(), $!.75 and f.1.00
nine Leather Miit Cases, inl'O, 22, 21 and values-Tuesday and Wednesday your
2-inch, elegantly made and strongly choice for $2.15.
bound and mounted. Hettr qualities Heat this for value If you can.
and lower prices than ever offered in tho 147 um pUro white India Linen Waists,
city. Tues-lay mid Wednesday at Hilort doves, high and low cut, handsome-
tl.2.r, t,.fO,$t.7:,$2.2.r.$2.50, K. iaa, trimmed. Standanl valuo for
$2 7.r),mo,$, l.(K) $l.SO-wilo price Tuesday and Wednes-
And upwanls. Strongly recommended iay, nt tho Waist counter, choice for D80.
for wear and durability. (Jreatest Waist bargrin on eaath.
Mt. Hood Shirts Dress Goods Department
7 doen of tue celebrated Wount Hood Wo jiaV(, anything and evcrjlhlng you
Shirts; soft bosom, all sizes, in checks and want ju m)W 8printf Dress (Jtxxls, from Standard value foa 75 and 85r fl0w to yard. Seo our new grays,
your choice while tho last for 50c. blues anb gaanet.
The Store Noted for Best
Lowest Prices.
eoi'NTY okhckkk:
It S. It ATT, JikIko
II HciMRiiov, t'lerk .
MT1M Wunr, Hlierlir
I ap; Libel, CoiinuiMlolicr.
It. I.. OiLViv. Conimliuiiiiiit'r. .
Kiii !!, Trvnarrr
i T. Law. kuor
II Corm.ASli, nchiM.I Hui'l.
W. T. Whttw, Hun t-ror ..
It. It. t'l.trr, Coroner
.HI. Il.-U ns
HI. Ilflrin
HI. llrlrli.
. HI II.1.MH
. .. lllMllloll
si. Ilxk-na
Itnlnlcr IfHlfc-e No. 'Jl A. K. mid A. M. hut I.
flnt Huttirday on or IM-Iorv Full Mmm of
taeli month. VIMtnr in kx" utamlliig
rorJInllv Invlteil. J. II. I'olwartli, V . M.
D-n lllaiictinrJ, H-
1 lUilnler IhIko No- KiiIkIiIh or I'rtliia'),
I mit'tn every Haturlay nliclil. Vlnltopi Inrlt
j el J. M. K. Iioiinie, i'.. C.
' roluinli'u Tcnilile, No, II, Itullilxnie MnO'in
! inreln hwoihJ ami four Hi Ttiurulay of i-nrh
mouth nt K. of 1'. Hall Mrs. ( atlierliie
hllva, M. Y. V. Mr. M. K. Hli. i lrn, M. of U.
mt H,
I.!nl r IviMlne Xo. I't I. O. O. K. inert every
Hatunlitr ul Odd Pellowa halt. John Zot
it, N. ti. J. It. Iioan Hi-erelary.
Kern Ixltfe. No IXI lt:liekahK mei'ls the
rei-mid ami fourth Friday ol oaeh inonlli at
tho Odd Fvllowa Hail. Florence Zwi-ctiiit,
H. i. M. Oraee Dlelx, Rec.
IvyCliip No. 373 WcKsIinn of thu World
meet nrst und third Friday of e.ii h month
nt the K. of P. Hall. W. W. Hhawr f, (;, A.
KchnbeM-n, I'lerk.
Columbia IMntrlct ronton, menu 'hits
kanl,Haturdny. May 5 9oS. Mimier, V. A.
Youiik, Clatakanlc; Iz-cturer, I, II. Cofs-land,
HouHonjHt-erctary, U.' II. Mitchell, Houlton.
Tall, No 29l ineeta 3rd Thhrx. Master Albert
Freeman. I-c Tcli-r bund; Heo. M. F. Ilaxeii,
Warren, Or.
Yank tun.- So. 3)1, inri U 1st Hut. eveiilii
and Ud Friday at 10. W a. in. MhhUt, i. I. Tar
IhI;U'C K, Kupplnr: Hi-c.'Mrt. KmiiiHTarbell
Yankton, Or.
'atal, No. U tneata 3d Hut. Mimier, N. I).
Peterson ; Icc. I'cter Rmldlinanj U-c. Mm.
Nettie iVU-mon, Mint.
Ncaioe, No :i03, meeU 2d and till Wed.
evening. Mauler, J. O. Wotls; M-c, Mr. W.
T. Watt; Bee. Fred Ktedcrstrom, Hfppooo
Vernoiila, No. au5, meets 2d and 4th Huts.
Mter, J. O. )'rlliK'e; Uc. J. 'Jheldelln; Hec
. Hieitart, Vernonltt.
Ileuvrr Valley, No. W, meet 1st and 3d
Huts. Master. Mm. Junnlr Ixivcdacc; Uu. Mis
Eva Humes, Hec. Jra I'nrchcr, Hudson.
OUar tirove, No. H20 meets 2nd aid Ird!
HaUi. Master, W. A. Youiik; I,efi. W. 11, Ky
D'-r;Bec.M. P. Young, Clutakanle.
ClutskaulH No.aI, niceU M FrJ, H o. m.
and Uh Bat. 10 a, in. Master, Jamm ) ar
Ia:c. Helen Jtorrlson; Hcc, Mrs. Nettle HoUv ert
Hilton, No, 322 meets 1st and ltd Wed eve
nliigs. Master, it. II. Mitchell, Leo. I. II
CoiHjinnil; Hec. Barah J. Kuanter, Houlton.
(Jalne? , No. 327 meets every 2d Bnt Master
I'red liewUton; liCO. W. A, Arnold: Hec, Lydio
1'ayne, Qulneey,
Oohle, No. K9 meets 2nd and 4th evenings
Master, O. W. Mnklnstor; Lcc. Mr. Jano Me
firerfOtjHec, T.C.Watto, Reuben,
Utor Island, No- St4 mecUlst Hum, It a.
in. Master, Kdniond 01ce.u;Leo. M. M. En
gllsb; Hec. Nelson Finckncy, Carlco
W.' Early Cliscro
Tho famous UUlo plHt.
Buy on CrcdHF
this $60 Machine for $25
mien fifiiio. ,"b;;r- iiH
tilci. doubla tnid, wl.
thradln hullla: bat
automatio bobbin ladr
and olbar lalaal Imrova
gifiili. Thll lath ANTI
lb aamt maeblna ania
ar walniyouMfor. All
llarhmrDUollh arh
marblna. Bold for ouly
ts rah and U monlblr.
Writ TOOtT foflrM rXIITUIt UUIOCUI howlnc
flrgant hoiiMhnld gowli wa will MPlfrtliM
frtpaltion latf fatmtalt-our nw UtOlt flau.
Oovurtx Furntturo Company
171. ITS riral St.. PORTI.A?ll.OH. '
The Imported Percheroii Stallion
ALCAZAR No. 52,644
Will make the peason IrginnhR aliout April 10th, From
Tk New Yorl Store.
Oottlui, Dry Goods, Groceries, Pmlsions, Ma, Fonlim, Sloiu, Eo
H. MORGUS, St. Helens, Ore.
- -
Houlton -:- Meat -:- Market
L. D. WEEKS, Prop.
Dry and Salt Pork.
Shop at Robinson's Old Stand.
uqolh h ii
jColumbia Lumber Company
ManufactureiH of
X Special Attention Given to
can on or address, Columbia Lu mber Co., Sccppooso, Or
Goods at
If you want to rent
If you wnt to nell
If you want to bur
If you want to trado
If you want anything
AdvertUo the fact In the
If )ou want to loan money
If you want to borrow money
tiodol Dyspepsia Cizro
14 Clawr tlwuw aa B y U, aa gytrr Urty
khh mr vnrtrtnrtrvt taji