t (fynirU of PrtrUt CKiplm Jam Atom. i'vinf Otviiml. 94 f ropri nprmtmm t AmrritttH mnnu foriurrrt. U M frlM ef Ih binikinf owl f Ih trial amir rlttrm friima and Jenruiaa-. II onar1akri for th frmrk mr tafiuo r-roaahriaaiiac hirrttlnt, Tkt fcilbm U difvnrrd ey thl (Irrtmin lrvni, who pi-vr fe tn& tn trilk a trl( 'ii,at a lrJ I to tir (j ! awuy -ul (lim' - -ximIuim full: nl A 'lKnt rllmlti Into the rigr)! i'm4 U Wa Mtruy e fe trlnd Info north rnitm trow. Ik httlatm rewi dutcn I M ir-e of f C'fcl'mN .atraaiy. .tinma U rrtrttni, n4 it er4 fr .limn, tt'tvyhtrr of ( om L4yiir, Htl A uUa it lore. Ik Vrrmun Kftii-w anil ( A pu'-ra-fii of ( Ckulran fur s m)i(HlT. A ulnar I of ce-wlry 4ti(l 4(mi-; ,lim run AIM isnnie vilk awr-l, unit 4 ImmtdMlrly riant from tfhmd ty l A aim-, o 1WH li MiMoflivrf, and lArwa lo IV floor. A4m$ it v mrgunmM vuk th Kuixr. fvoi"' i mumO, Ik AoUcr rail for fpiunaltvM. x Chapter III. (('uH'lMUfd from (iinl vk. IMM NOTTS XM) OSSDffKW ". " I Ok . . ullli wr Dred OTr th Mnmtl Init fiirollur rmlnra us draws to on " "I ror.. fiuill rn wrro broOjht In, Willi lalili-a, man raw a. anil olbor nf.. Mr liiitilliiiiati. b1 tlirungb tbo Dl.'bt ruuni ll if war at bold, pluna boiog lalil tr tlio iliaKMi!uo of iba troia. Tbr r.-io u'MDiti ior mo to an tiu-ro, I mw lliat Alliiro taa well rarrd fur. ami annt 'Vfiiinu wlib LnwrnlT anil jronp ruling tli iiillliarr altuallun bI Ulullim In Iha oul 'lfll .if Ih ttr f raaimllr In Ui Irlp from imlrtia and wit wr k In ilio irw., wLUb aul.Jitt prtxluceii IiiiuipUIoIo Inlrrrat. n.oikjr for yoo that ivd.Bt.M aalJ Mnu-biwr, i'aptalu of Uorrri, wbo foil a fi'Wl Oara Inter In thn Arontina n.r 'Tbtro wrro two olhira Id ao alr-ahlp wbo lwnilH.r himIim. uiualiia' ovit hla rtno Mr brart li-nHl. Waa It m.kIM ibat lh7 luitl awn mo rllnjrln to la Juuno a alio iHiiinimi, iiko an affriffbtml ar, front the- iii-miaa iruna iu lrralnT With ln It waa rW.l..,,l Ib.t 1 UA rbm.l, ! ,rV"abV.n. ipn'Vf ocora wiMiiiili'il tir I'lilom-I. fur In- ( I n Iviilloa without illlTli'Ulty, uiixrtl by bit alli wbo riilalnr4 brlrllx tUiil lln-y lio'l oiitrrnl llio I'linipan to ili'iiuiml n diitlim fr tli" Kitiiwrnr ami hla alnlT: Hint I had M"M'tl rntraiir: aud that without tirovoratlou had vlrloiialy aiinilird tin t'olourl, 'In tliUToratoo th Colour I wrakljr Bifrcrd. 1 h Kalwr lurin-d to m. "Von y mr t olotn-1 Iii-iiIipJ iho MyY' IIK'lllilllltf 10 hi Blatirr Allium, who bIimm) on iho atalrwnjr, oiri'itn wlib tho ouihar. ravaiuclit of bur IMNiltluif Ud th JifrarUC uf iho (lorman ruler. llf inl hi arm alxtut hrr." I rillM, hijr augi-r rlaltig afRln'and rndravoivU lo biM br. Ak th Imlr hrrwif." "la It Irii. Mndiiiiolin'llf" Almro ImiwpiI to-r bind In aaarnt, tbi tailor aworpliig OTt-r luT iM-AUtlful faro aud twt. Tho Kalacr'a fi-attirm tMi-amo ot lo ron Iriiipt. " loiiit not tour itiiiUliiiiPtit U Inat," h Mid !-nily, 'llr'niaT Itiv t'ol'iiirl, who rrliiiii'd bi-foro llila r'iiiilt. "I bitvo laaiiml at.iiluc onli-ra to avoid tit nh iiiiroirU-tli'. You ari niidi-r irrrt lr. Vuu will rrtiro to ur itnrii-r and awnlt f urtlitT ordtra." lieu In th" aldo "Hh that bo la alti'luti'd I7 the tirron. Vou may an." Aa thsjr rvaa.-d thrniiEh Iho (rrat il"r way the KnlnT dilrei'i Alim-, b" ! iraccfullx. "I ioloi;Uo Jo you, Mmlo innlaclle., fur tho aftVotit uf in)' tiltticr. I 1U0 aitud tho fnlUutrr of tir your li-faniier, Mr Aitnma, wboni 1 bnvo titet under larloua rlrciimtaurr. It will bo nrii'paaarjr fur 1110 and uijr atnlf to oivtipjr 1 portion of your Chateau dmlnii Ho' m il few dura. Yon mar rent naotiri'd, l.owrever. Ibnt tho liiM-r DiMtm . hui bo reril mlrely fur your owa uu. nud thnt thero will b no imwinly or iiiuh-i eaaHrjr Inter 'errnre wltb your teriiml lomfort. I hull oeo that yon aro iiroierled day and lltfht. lint while you will not tx re a a r do d u under reatralnt, I k that you mnlto no itteinpt to leave without ieruilaloii. lie mwU aanlti lo Atnieu and atrtxlo out Into he imibibi, followed lr lila orderly, wbo nart'bren atnnilinf ai 1110 uoor. I ran t Almec ami took her In niy arm, uiufortlii her la Iho war of a lover. it ut alio aeemed not to lo afraid. On the ontrary alio wa quite orrene, riirealng ter confldeneo In the Kalaer'a uraui-ei "la ho not a arrnud mnnl" aho aikeil, "Kueh dlunlty; auib tuauulrtceni beariug; what flro ahono In hla eyea! And oh.tuy rar awerthenrt," imttlnn my check lor iiiel. "bnw like a Uon yon were. I aim II H'pr bo afraid with yu near mo." Ho wre wont on for a aeiioiou hnir nour. wnrn a letaebuiont of tho lUuprmr'a bodygunrd, miller romnmnd of a neruentit of mutt nlllient iiroiiortlona. putereil tho OiMirynrd nd took up their tuiaitlima amund the liiiuar, Then Aliue retired to her room 011 the aefoml floor, and 1 anllliil forth to lenrn aoinntliluit of tho inllllnry altuntlmi 1 have aalil Hint I wit well ftcaiinlnted III Iterlln, n It wn not mirprUlnif. Hint I klioiild run aoroaa friend. Iliinlly bad I left Hie Chilean wheu I Paine fnoe to fiu-e with a portly, red henrded ollher, lean liiK aunlimt a tree and rontentedly amokliiK lottK-atemuiiHl pipe. I beld out tuy baud, mnilluir my rofOKuUloii. "l-owcnbersl" I ptelnlitipi In (lillsht. "It la really jrmi." lie wna Colonel of lluaaara. and I hnd lieateu bliu at chc Rinny and innnr a time. lor full a minute ho atnred mo In the fnee. (irniluallr hit fe,tnrea relaxed. Then a ronr of InuKhtor ahook bl pauui'b. Ilo aiiMtehed m outatrelched bnnd and fluKped It hi, both bl own. Tear ran down bl cheek. "Uh, mr dear Adnma, my tlenr Aoitma," bo rrliil between peula if IniiKhter. "What manner of fanry doll la thin? I aeo you In Iterlln. attired fw riamr, rravvly din- PUKaliiir tnrlffa and vnliiea. I hurry in the front to fiL'ht. and dud you atriittlns about the Krotinila of a KremU Clinlenii, rind In relvet and Ineo, Ilko a medieval farhlon pinto. Oh, you eluintrenlik" Ainerlrunn. What noxt. what neH" Ah, my lirnp Iiwiiiborir! ha waa over a fine friend. How my taenrt nrbed when a few week Inter, I anw hliu nlretrliei upon a henp of atrnw, Ixith Ii-jin aliot awny In thnt deneent Into the bell of Montepeller, and dvln aa a (li riniin wnrrlor onu die, wltb a prayer for til cotiutry pud a anillu for bla frlemU. In a few mlniitea I told !iweuherjr of the event a of the Mi at few dura, hlulliik' hiiwerer, thnt I bad atnrted front Aiuleua in an alr-ahlp, tient on a pienauro trip. I learned thnt the Herman foree were foruilug to tho west of uh, and that a col wnited for th next remark 'lly tlod," broke out henry volee, "that waa a terrible end for tbo French neneral." It wa HeUhinano otieaklng, tlie tiitnntlc nriwnt of the Km;ror'( "ijiuirn, wuoae airenffin ana coarsrr inter an von mo at Montepeller. II rone auddeiily t bl foot and polutod upward lal . ( l..a I I "I anw him fallln for tulle." b aald At Brat a tiny aiMN-k, then romlni nearer. arma and leg bonllu the air. Ah, heaven! t nat. amnaa II waa. He fell upon atari Of rule, you remember." turning to the other, wbo aat open-mouthed, for 1 lelv-hmann wa a born an or, and lu bl geaiuree ami racial ofpreaaloli brought out rieariy mo norror or Martini flvacent lu 10 the uildat 'of tbo encamped troooa. -lie wa torn apart; b w split luto h tht Ctnr.aa Ucuat ct ITu . V. Amerteaa friend. AiUuia. A tin uuiitaai- ItuM Bliollt the foorlb liny of bl ieen'.-, however, that llloairaied lo a airlklu oiu lier blv kp-U retiielii hern lire, bin atlruUou to detulla, and b' twuef In diaellii. ItelHirta bud eouie lu Of th lireaenro of a Kreu b ornutlnf party at a aumll vli:a; eni dlatauce to the Bouih. A com pa ay ui cavalry waa aeut out. aud Loweniierg wai orilprrd to ohaerve and report We arrived ml in lime lo e me trenca put to rout. tiioucu tli aetlna wa Briars and lirueu. t waa th Brat real flllitlu. aud the ex clleineot net our orve to tin film. On tli return a Biau w eeeo BkUlklLg In tbo rig of Ih woo.l frlD-lni the road. Our trooper captured blia od brourbt biro aloLf. When w reached headquarter b waa mmmooea ior eiaminatioo. I fiaoced at blia ratoally a Lowen terf put Ih banal quewtlooa. The 1 ro to Dir feet wltb a caao. I could aot be ml- Inkeo. The large, clear-cut feature, the beatry beard, th speaking ere; there wa 00 oouoi or ai lupoiity, it wa uiour, th correanondeiit of "La Vie," from whom 1 bid received report of tha de.-lratlofl of war at th Club la Parle. Rwnrnltioa wa mutual, but neither of u betrayed IL ltour deriared In DrovlueUI Krenrb Ibat be caiue from a rural dl rict sear by, that b wa on bl way lo the vllm wdcd a aeard tua auota. ana rearing i I'irr left tha road. Ill atorr. coupl'd wlib bl penaaut dreaa, aulirht bavo auUk-ed to cier him, out Wtieu mey came to-o'nrco blm 1 knew tuat he wa dooiueil. A iwoi of note la shorthand wbhh none of t could retd ti roved that be was Bot a peasant ; a wsll'-t eontalalnff a consider able sura In gold further complicated tbe situation; and a carefully drawa map of the ,ermao toiltlona. found In th band nf hi drawers, proclaimed bla mlssloa. U waa a anv. "Wbat la tb next atepT I aked of Loweuberg, a tb two corporal ia utour wy. "ltenort to tb Emperor: execution." IT poke without feeling, aa wa natural. Itnt m lienrl arna henvr "It Is too bad." 1 said. "II look Ilk a On man." "On th contrary," be replied sharply. "It I good. They shot two of our bcouls restarts. Whv not retnllatet A On tuan Ye, per La pa, but It la tb fortoo of war It has made lb mistake of being cap tured." it chanced that a I entered the Chateau 1st that nlpht I rret th Ktlser. llf stood at tb door, looking gravely out Into tb glorious mooniik'LO. ui wa biojo, and I tboueht bl expression nobler thna I had ever befora aeen on tb fnc of tuns. U asked after Almee. I replied that b ws well, but that I thought It best to send ber north to ber cousins. 1 bad mado arrangement for carriage for herself and servauts. He said tbst be would give me sn order of af coonuct, ana cauiug secretary bad on written, out. WO MAS VU'lOiJ AT IX JAP AX. Wife of rirat Ruaalan Ambaaaador to alapan ia Daughter of Ameri can General. Tin nnla haai reanciej diplomatic re lntiou w itli Japan tod tbe flrnt woman uipiuuiat toe from the court or tue Cur, la tba daush'cr of a prominent .. 1, ' 1 ' 'A : . 1 1 V-'. - V4 fT- iO HHtN THEY CAME TO SEABCH UTOUR I KNEW HC WAS DOOMED. fragment; bl brain splattered twenty feet awny." Then, wllh a French ahru or lit erent ahouldera, "Halt, wnl la death, come a It may." of hi ltealh "Tuero wa another, ' otuwrveii lytwen berg. ixaklng delllieratly be refilled bis pipe. "He felt In th midst of Wanner mnn b kitchen." He shook wltb latiRbtor a the picturo came back to blin. and throw lug back bin hiad blew the smoke front bl mouth In grent ring.. "I aim II remember It alwaya. The man wa already dend, shot through the bend; but down tie came like a cartload of frv.h beef, rtgbt Into the lingo cauldron of aoup thnt was cook ing for Wnnsermna'a Inn riled ilnrlliiR. lis, lin. ha. They fed on bread and clieene that nluht. There wan soup spreid over au acr or ground. I dared not break tho period of lietie that followed. tboiiL-b my anxiety wa be- uumiilng. Then r leiaciiiunun apoke. an awcrlng tbe question that waa uppermost 111 my mina. "Flno shooting." hp bnk out auddenly. "It waa tieratner'a bnttery that brought them down bo alghtod the gun himself. I In lelln me oh. tho llnr that he aimed for the cable supimrtlng the banket, and cut them, by God. tt wna an unlucky trip ror id two rreuctimcn. TI10 TWO Frenchmen I Then they did not auspect a tuird iiiciuikt or the party. 1 ventured aa lutiulry. 'And whnt tu-eanin of the bneV "Oh, It blew away to tho northennt I nurmone It fell In some I'runalan field. ' God be thanked! Then they did not know. I'or bad these excitable Rermnun Kuesaod that I waa wltb Martini and I .... Vi m KAnAnnnllA.lna I ). A I2ni-iiian ail. tv.t III. 17. iwviiiiiiiiiiik mw - 1 hjm ranee, they would bnve branded me for a spy ami my tuo wouia not nave oeen worm a iiipiuk. I waa heartily gtad when the conversa tlon changed and tbe Incident of the bal loon waa forgotten. Moreover I wa eager to learn aomuth ln of th military altnatlon. The French wero known to be far to tbo outhwoat forty miles or more away I V? I t. r mum- mmimmmmm' pi pi i.,w MMC. BAKHMETEf P. American General. She Is Mme. Bakb DiPteff, wife of tbe first Iluiislan am aannaorto Japan.andLna accompanied Ler bust.and to bla distant post. She la a dau"bter or tue late General Eealo, with a wide acquaintance la Washington, both In tbe resident andj diplomuilc circles. During ber stay In sereral of tbe canltals of Europe sbe baa done much for charity In what ever way it was presented. Her man ner Ih bright and animated, ana sue Is thoroughly representative of ber na tive America wherever she happens to be. K3W TO GET THESE PREMIUMG-FREE to rrtitwi-p-'a r."rr crt t i'i wn o.u.iiiu unit uwm.uiiH.1...-..., p..-, r m" " IA3TICUS AT 13 CZIiTS EACH. r.-i-wA 1 Uj h.ru. ! lawW"alWlraa lrr ''w.'J m.i.. a. a fa.raacy .laws 1 4"v- I if. SirttA OVv,anira-it. . Iin rex . sruetas st k eanls aarh. BASK BALL OUTFIT. r.aHi OnHH ""Mains U P'a: ISaaUCaae 11 I lt 1 ataU iris taurw ICafaa Hitt ICatcaKar I fta!a eotn-tieteoof-a reMIf a-ilinif anirire ai lo rvnaa. Enrv trama hi etu In aitiform. M IS Ua etaaivw. Iroud Yoa can eara tlwia la one (Jut So money required ; Iraat tea Send your ktune sod n-.il.e, ' will seiul von tueartiiles lv tu.it I vi U litem at Inc. sihI rot urn u thr inmiey. Then v will rol vou tin frrmlum yoa rbwiae. s take ilnark avla alL Aenl Vnur Viruer so, a puatnl cwrd will do. jmi BlUt Cl. Ceet 14. Boston. Km Complete Base Ball Suit. Thlatanx S'Wp, V K k inulealKmiila, but I a airuuitw I Til SNAPSHOT CAMERA wtth com. puts i. v-loitn frintins mint U both In. time rtpu-nn". Muroeo tl Caaa. Yoa cm I M UrmiAf lawlarane. KnlWiriira, fir Iraiiaof tai t-r awl inHIrr timioa, wftet hwrta an4 lovara. In raH any. thlnffriaererantee. Llmrm fu tclhng X5 aiuc-M at WelS. aacli. THIS $6 LAWN SWING I anoke of the blrtert)ea of wr. of tbe ... . n ih. I il AV If nl ion 01 llicu mil ii't;i i.t, vt mw ' i-v severance or personal aud commercial tie t aeem to me to be so rut.ie a war," aid. "What la to be rained? why resort to Tloience and bloodshed? think or tue enormous e incuse and the resultlus lu ereaa of taxes. Wby not arbitrate, your ii.in.i, " Tho Kaiser exnrcssion uardenea. "it is aomp times recesaarr In life to assert 0)C dignity by force, ue aia, ncr a penoa or silence. - t reprewni a art-Hi uunuu. Ve have been mex'ked, trampled, spit npoa. We have borne Insult to tbe point of mad nes. It In time to atrlUe bnck. Thl rery dar mennugen came to me from your great rr'oshlcnt Itoowvclt, whose InGuence In the aonlr or the word Is unueuiauie. ana from the King of iCnglnud, my Lncle. They auBScstcd arbitration. I replied that 1 proponed urn- to administer puuisuuu-ui, UHitig what, lu your country, you are plcarcd to term 'the big stick', the club, the hnnd of cnstlentlon. Is this not their own policy In the Inst etage of disagree UicnisJ itememuvr v. uon. auu me xia.m rital. No. It Is too early for arbltrat.ou. There will be two great battle. One, oa land, la before ua; tbe other on tbe aen. will occur within a fortnight Then, and not until then, will tbe Emperor of Germany listen to Intervention." I could make no reply. Tbe argument wn conclusive. Then Lstoiir, tbe spy, came Into my mind. Yonr Malestr." I BO'd. "a Frcn-h en- waa captured today after the skirmish at MuniKoy. lie waved n Mrs. Senator Knox Hakes Batter. Far out of tbe common run of pres ents Is the kind of gilt Mrs. P. C. Knox makes now and then to certain of ber closest friends. Books? No. Pictures? Pshaw. Jewels? Never? Just dainty lit tle cases, holding each five pounds of butter. No grocery stuff this, but from the Knox dairy, and Immensely proud of it Is the wife of the Senator from Pes nsrlvanla. About three years aco her eldest son. Reed Knox, elected to be a farmer, and bis parents esb- Usbed blm on a rich stretcn or. iana near the famous Valley Forge, The Senator and Mrs. Knox are delighted with rustic life and spend much, time on the farm. Last winter Mrs. Knox suffered from nervous trouble, so she canceled her so cial engagements and retired to Val ley Force. She spent the summer ana autumn In the dairy, superintending the milking and churning, and at odd times she read advanced worn on we sul-Joct. Sbe Is as proud of her butter as any model farmers wives in old-fashioned English, novels, and during the fall and winter she has been distributing the proofs of her proficiency ia the butter making line. " -? i s i-"r IT vr -.aaaiiar . lar faaUy. it. Ditn, ft. wide. a-lprrail W K ll-- Hailaot bard "ood, v.itW bra-wi, arm aner tn-y arc mar. -uwing Is eoallnord by prrMin tlw fw on th foot boar rl. irl fun It the chlldrni, and adults wiU And liH-m quo comfottstile ami ornamental, t.lv-n r-M foe oiling toarttcle si K eents 4wh. era ihrlf 17 . 'avJL V-M Bo'!t.ll aMir-vtoof it ajiitaom flarm-l,lxurw P. Uarn. yok tack. A s'-ev few rt-4: 1 inru bntUi-i-d en ft, f-unfori-e'. er-U lar.Oo MenerU band ami six. U oVra fljjrly Bn-lali-4, and all mix d OB bl utebed. rants SSL. WcU rial, Di.ulo In stronseal mr.nn-T.bai fur ycr.ra; lirwy belt slrses. larr a po-LaU l ct.Ktlr aartfTSt Incj, ay uont. Cas to matrh nut: Pituimrr Katlrmal tkt vkc. fin-ly Btada, with t (or. luUy lined. im oouua wwitn sun visot. I rlt made of very atrong web bing, patented buckle and adjust able slide. ---' Ease EaS SoleN Th'ieomplt .alt Free for (ell log 3 article at 10 cents. SO Limn mm tTn-e ullbmsl .rlna.-l:n-. )l.ull of t ata,. poluaiei w a I a t ativk. Mro, Brrn m and !. W a ' ym Freethia ! ne Duminanne lor rilina a articles ID etnu aaflh hla ! I. r I Cold Watch A Chain. f i -1 i A f-rfe-v C b-amT-.i4 lAuVsiVJ fi Caa.aaM-V fe- Uim; f)na rn i anccairaikr in til San ftot Watt a. 4,naram-d at tit. Given al-otni-ij f ree lo T or ai'l v aiiyoM scltum at irucin a w vmiB. hoy P ahncilit A have r-n Y A' 1 CCROIIE IROIAI WlSf AM. Tow will bsve amr fun wlib tt than voa have any kto. I'sa K on your lawn sad enjoy the cut Shot Btr.anina-auia. .ln. cm nun or . Innii-tTia. )!' h turn Um iblne. V It fli Into u tn Barrvs ar-1 vora il r T ao war it niv.. Harlra Indiaii and Hont-T a. w mi , n-ar tn S boT-s itntrf. and ibe sdduional fan a- .Ivrd from IbepoM-taionof a r-l Wltfwain ran rianlly be cal-mlat-d. la 4 f-l hiiih, I ft. 01 - i -... . 1 . ... . ... . Colored l ap and lair. f"ul IVro-mt-d Oimine 1 rn : :an IiNfm. finppgrt-d byTnp.-l. Vo L'entr fol. ilCI-ar f i. !nile. HERE IS A BARGAINS HKit r-markst'ta ev-r oit-r-4 tn t-nl. lo-ae Vi Ifrwarn an tlit lAt-at iHTvciilra. 1M ik enmriat tltn wllh OT'iirmrv t-nia told fi and $.'". l.Wm Free for a. nine -oaniri-ai mr-tit-n. UNEXCELLED HAMMOCK. ; LaJir aim, vtt haado-n. KfT -a, uuii wMicuimgn. rarn nam gUVr.mifi j jniy, t,T-H frf v kiiiii. wui-. aa aua. ins ureiateas KIae ever r1T ny a a.,, name Bim. Large. PowcnruL Achromatic Tclxscopc c is Msd try one of the bu-ma marmts-trrr-rs ef Kirm-ie, ineaaura cloaM 11 In-n-a, and i In, a . ha m c.a et-wttb rrrf.l .mil, uun.Mt ayiaaaaa r. r.v-rr ott 1- In-h-a, and opn otct H trrt tn S a-rt mn. on -rv-n ctrft to --rrintta qiibi sntoanwrtn the ronniryorst srnid-r-aorUahonUJrTtalrlT srmra one of th-an lnrnmn. a, Obirrts mllrt awav ar brnartit to vtrw with tonililnr clcsmcsB. Given Fnm for sellinc JS articW st 10 cent cmch. Vaa-aa have mnr m lh- ahATt a-eaalaif-ta ilMtHlrl frw. Iteaan-e a.4 irrll. at . It hfaiv tnaell wr ajalrkelllaa tutlclra. Kw, alear rrailer, art l-ww aa writ aa ia B-aatal, AUW, a we will ar-m rmm in anirir aati-paM -. r.. Address all orders TRUE BLUE CO., Dept. 834, BOSTON, MASS. FREE Oh, Boys ! Oh, Boys ! Km thh nevrrv Invented BRKECH I.OAIUSO CI N or BASE BAM, OUTFIT. rnn-Wtlnir of jtrgo Witt Cap. and fine H-.nr BIL by sellin 14 splendid lead pmcihiatSc-arh It's dead easy: boys w trout yon. Write for Pencils and cl-cnlnr showlnrOrm. 1ml lan Suits, Target anil nthrr nrrmJnma. Tklrtrratb m-r-t l.ra IV-II t,, UO W. 13Lh Street, New York rjTO Pr-TBan-ntly Cnr-d. 5" flta or c-ttopmh i aftrr I 1 1 O fl-HiU-'anwof lr. Klim'a Great Nrrv K ator-r. Brnd for F KFK. . uial boulaand trtaUt lis. H.H. kusa. Ltd, Sit Aret Bt, fhilxtoHihw, fa. .-hk f" " ''"v, vi ' : v 'L'', .... -y ''"''' 4i v ALL THAT DAY THE GERMANS CONTINUED TO CROSS THE MEUSE. Union wns certain to take plaett within a week. He limlntcd thnt 1 rctnnlu with them. "It will be a (treat flht," he snld, hi blue eye spnrkllin. with enthunlnin. I protested thnt 1 hnd no clothes. "Tut. What of that? You shall have a uniform. Vou abnll rlilo with me. Hot Orossmnn." He cnlleii to a aiilinrdlnnte offlcpr, mivo liltn lirlnf Inntrnctlon, and aunt him awuy. An hour Inter, at the Cbntcnu, nfii.r n aennco with Dm rCRlmentnl till lor, 1 wns , rcmitdo, converted at onco Into a Oermnn Lloutonnnt of lltiHsars; but to Almnu'u ft-r-nilt (lluifllflf. "Oh. Khnme, hIihiiio," nho crlotl, mnklnff a wry fuco. You nro now my enemy. I do not kuow you at nil." And so 1 liiul to liccln nil over nunln with my lovo mnklnif, In which del lih t fill proceeding I wan nnilnanllv aiuwliHHrill. IllOllull It tOOK 010 fl full hour, and reuulrcil. In BiiiUtlon to menv, ninny itliwo, a solomn protulso thnt I would dlHpeniM with tho odloua uniform tt the enrllest possible moment. -Party tn the "Tenlna; the Kmperor nnd VI. ..'.a ..na n Iha Plinteml " ' Via vinift vnuin w v.i- ....... arrnniremont for their acoommoOn.Bol, Bery precaution wns tnkeu to uvol . u- Jury to th building: ami i "5'l-n; I w deeply impressed with his Majesty a thele rleht reitlna on Bnr-le-l5tie. their left at tbe enmp at Chalons. This gave them the support of an extensive area of wooded bill to tho left, nnd rlsht, and the Miirne river, with It high bnuks. at the renr. In front extended tne great win Ionian nlnln. It wnn nn ndmlrtlblo nosltlon, nnd one of irrent natural atreneth. There fore they nuowea no ttiHpoinou to nu. vnnco. preferriBir, aranrently, to await at tnek ny their opponent, though nil north ern France lay open to the Invaders, All thnt Ony and the next the Germans continued to arrive, crossing tho Mouse, ascending the heights, nnd moving west wnrd. Homo two hundred thousand Of tho flower of the army were there, netnnlly trendlug French noil, rendy for whatever ..ilt.tit ome. tnfnntrv. artillery, cnvnlry. all splpudlilly entilppc'd and aecotitcred. It SMiniud to me tnai iuey uiuat. ijiuiu uu-noM,.-.i,in' thnt thev would ndvnnce wtth IrreslBtlhle determination; thnt France would inevitably be compelled to aue for pence. . . t Vha ffmiwrnr nnldom. He WHS en .-ml mnnh nt tha time In council, and my ncqunlntance with htm was not of such a nature aa to permit .nierrupuwu. -mcu I met him he merely acknowledced my hla hand Imnatlentlv. "I know. He was caught red-handed. He had note ninna. lie dies at sun rife. "He la my friend." I snld slmplv. "I have known him for year a splendid mnn." "Is be any less a spy?" The words enme suddenly, like bullets from a gun. "Yet you would have me act aside the rules of war because he Is your friend. Uuderstnnd, young mnn, that your own position 1 note too secure." He leaned toward me wltb uplifted, warning Anger. "There 1 room for explanation, for lu stance, as to how It happens that you start from Amiens on a SI ca sure trip. In a French war-balloon. Is auua bv desicnntlon. and coming from the west are wrecked In yonder tree;" he fiolnted to tbe white rnse of the balloon, bat fluttered In the night wlud high In the great oak behind tho Chateau, "when the hnskct of thnt same hnlloon. containing a French General of Staff and a wireless telegraph, drops within the German lines far to the east. In Lorrnlue. Were It not for your nationality, tomorrow'a sun might looa down upon your own ooay as weu as that of La tour's lylug dead before a aquad of Infnntrv." "Then iJitour must aier- i asgea. i wn pleading without hope. For myself I feared not. "Latour must die. It Is tha rule of war a rule not to be broken." He turned away to sneak to an approach ing officer, and I climbed tbe steps to my room. My denr friend my' poor Latour. In the night I wns awakened by my valet. Refore I could arise Lowenherg burst into tho room. "Wo are to ndvance Immedi ately," he snld. "A surprise party, with probable sharp fighting. I want you with me. Come at once." I dressed with all hnste. Almee wns asleep nnd I would not wnken her. 1 wrote her a linsty note, exnlnlulnir the arrange ments for her dennrture, giving It to her mnld. Hurrying down to the courtyard I found my horse stumping with Impatience to bo off. Five minutes Inter Lowenberg nnd I were galloping along the main rond to the we-t. In the moonlight we could see the glitter of helmets nnd snores. The eirth trpmhled with the trnmp of men nnd norse. i no very air quivered wirn unpens Ing violence. We were In the mlrist of war. (70 o continued A nee.) Vnlqtte Masle Box. The charming- daughter of Mr. rnfrtcic xiuihoolT was within a few weeks of ber twenty-first birthday, and her rroud father decided that ne wonld buy ber a music stool, one of those that can be lowered or raised by twisting the seat around. A few hours after he had brought bis pur chase home bis wife discovered mm with bis coat oft and preat arops or nprsnlratlon Dourlnjr from his face, diligently screwing the seat up and down. "Arrah, Tat," said she, "what have ye got there?" --"Its a little present ror ivauiieen. he explained betwecQ his gasps. "Ye know she has a lining for music. Sorra a bit of pood this will be to har at all, at all. Shure I've been winding the bllssld machine up for the la two hours and niver a tune has it played yet The thing won't eTen squake. "Mori-Til Furnace Heating" tens bow to select ano run a wi luruat-Tm-w v -o it up yourseU and bow you can buy THE LEADER No. a Steel Furnace for S49. It heate -- 8 rooms, a store, scnooi or stnaii church nnrns sny fuel; haaahrlok Are box and is airong mhouj. (Other aUee for other work i. V-rite to-da v for our book-It will pay you. Bass Warmtnt k Vmlati-xCipay, .... tniUmr. r.hieara E2-iiiiSiiiaa---Ma-. ; from the Phrflippuie 4 HlandSv, (Teen or Jwhita mounting mnd heart bancla Free fnr irUinr . ! I'lrtV- liipsia Sa.ll Hat flmal atl ilc each, rn-Taxlj kaa Mwa-yoilr aajaa and aadiw Inat T'i a4 a-Ba(intsaaB-. ityaaseaaaasl BOvriuiia lOdayiwavriu teool Tool la addition to th ferae' - a b-auUful B-cklac alrL. U.CsncaitkCo.i)ei 4aS9iUv'rai,(Uua(a D EACH ESS CURED l'"'fjl I 64 PACE BOOK -which Ar Elil t . explains bow to cure deafness 0R.W.O. COFFEE. MM Century Bldq De Moines, la. HERCHAim USIHG TR ADIHG STAMPS can save the cost of them by our plan. It increases business lister. ana costs yon notning. ,nicagocopy Co., Dept. F. Milwaukee Ave., Cicago. Fnee ASicsrr ni nc To evrrr one who sends os Uic rumes and addresses of three persona, m le or female, who are or went ag-ents or canvassers, with-ocents furpoOKe and package, ona ot these beaut- I Goldhlsael Klaaa. elenntly chaaed and engraved wi'h sny initial without extra chara-e. Send ? of paper uie oi ncger. thuu the areatest vakts Slno ever off -red for the money, erne nan tne rmr s beauty , The picture does not show tnv a beaurv. It raiu-i lor a Stc nrnr. These Hiraet Klatra are all the n in New York ini are consid-red fust the rin-r for either lady ot gentleman. Do aot rciss tlus rare diance but send so cents st once ssonanrlaSef Alayitib the piice of ilii rii will be ft jaa. Scnost-aice or anytime befons May 3Hh snd receive (his taautifu' 3lawe Riaar for only ctnta. Aodms las c. itiijuiroava ca,ia luu aw, a. i. xr ,TnMUl.W 'mtterrv..' Salute: l"dobt tbst at flrat he recognised Slaecrs Wbo Diet. Nearly all singers have some curi ous fads about their Toices and whav aids or injures them. Melba alone being free. She eats whatever she pleases, talks the day of the evening she Is to sing, and says her voice fc not aff-pti-rL But she has an uncom monly strong physique. Mme. Albanl never touches tea, wmcn is supposeu to harden the vocal cords, and avoids nuts aud rich foods. Between the acts she sips a glass of claret Tattl eats only the simplest things and little of them. The day before she elngs she dines at 3:30 on roast beef with potatoes and baked apple. She eats nothing more, and between the acts takes tinv doses of phosphorus and capsicum. If she is much fa- timied she sins a cun of bouillon. Jean de Keszke cycles a great deat and diets sedulously. Sims Reeves aucka a lorena of home-made mnnU' facture before elncinp. It contains lemon Juice, gum arable, and glycerine. Bank Stocks Valuable. A recent list of New Tork City 8 eighty-one commercial banks, with the latest prices bid for tne iw snares of each, shows that only one stock is offered nt riar. All the other eight stocks are bid ror at a premium, uio prices ofTered ran"ln?r from $lio roi three or four, to $4,200 for one stock. Other very high prices are $3,600, Jl.GGO, $1,000 and $1,0W, one or eacn. Only twentv-one of the eighty-one stocks are bid for at prices below $200. Forty-one range from $200 to $500 and twelve from $500 to $1,000. This is striking testimony to Ameri can banking success and also to the rapidly growing importance of New York as a world money-center. The Tie Belt Broadeolag. New England is losing her lead In one of her most time honored indus tries. ' A fiber factory down in Malue shipped 4.000,000 pie plates last week. fJcirriA men rina tvnriortfle.rm vf Two million of these went to Provl- rir,tn mlrht-r omnVt Ion 'cneo ilew mn I rlonCO. IL I.. Which is Within the Old wrap de plaines fao's In sech hlghfalu- time pie belt, but of the rest, 1000,000 tin landgwidre rat ' nobody Wa tell i went to Baltimore and tho fourth miw what dey're drlhia' at I Hon to Seattle. The Smoking Habit. Granger "How did he make all his money?" Klmmins -"Smoking; he was the greatest smoker In America," Granger -"Prv ur, Kimmlns, you can't make moiey by emoklng." Kimmins "He did. He smoked hams." 4S6 F P. hiliiajjorl; Made of superior quality of Batiste, medium high bust, long on hips, full bias gore ; hose supporters attached, price, 1.00 per pair. If not for sale at your dealers, sent upon receipt of price by BIRDSEY SOIiIERS CO., 3 W. 1 9th St., New Vork, IS. Y. DEPT. 25. PALISADE PATTERNS. llll 4 : ONE OF THE MOST POPULAR SHIRT WAIST MODELS. There are always a certain few designs which vein for themselves widespread favor because of tbelr practical attractive noss. Here Is sketched one of tbe most popular models and one universally liked by those who have nsed It. The narrow tiickn on tbe shoulders urgathera If preferred are Just rltfht for a modiHh fullness and excel lent -set while the yoke which points down a bit In the centre of tbe bnck extends over the shoulders fnr enough to surest shoulder straps aud bene,, lirendth of line, the sleeve Is the rent shirt sleeve with the narrow cuff fastened with links. This is the sleeve par excellence among the new shirt blouse models. Any seasonable ma terial may serve for the waist which Is well adapted to tuliliitif. In the medium slitc 3 yards of 3tt-lnch material are needed. C482 sizes, 32 to 42 Inches bust measure. PALISADE PATTERN CO., 17 Battery Place, New York City. For 10 cents euclosed please send pattern No. (H82 to the following address. SIZE (Bust) Number 61S& PRICE 10 CENTS. NAME ADDIiESS CITY aud STATE. i